HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490711_REGULAR.' I The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution Was duly seconded by Trustee T!illson, and upon vote being tzken thereon, the follovling voted in favor thereof; Child, Palen, Willson, Hawthorne, and Cooper, and the following voted against the same: No Hay Votes - whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and the President signed the same and it VJaS attested by the Villge Clerk,' Villson's motion for adjournment vas seconded by Pden and carried. .. I r I. Village Clerk MINUGIS OF MEBlfL\TG OF EDINA BOARD 03' ElVIl3\'l, HE$ID MONDAY, -JULY 13, 1949, AI! 6t30 P.M. AT !ED3 EDINp VILLAGE H.&LL Pursuant to duly published and posted I'Assessment MoticeVt1 the Bdina Board of Review met, with Village Assessor Alex Creighton md, Hennepin County Supervisor of Assessors, Roy Haeg, at the Village Hdl OR Monday, J~ly 11, 1949, at 6:30 P.M. Members present were Palen, Billson and Coopeq* t Mr, William Alavado, 5815 Valley Rep? Road, requested adaustment made on 1948 real. estate valuation, meeting is conducted to discuss dy 1949 Personal Property and nevi Real Estate valuations; that he must file application for rebate with the County Auditor for assessments of 1948. Mr. Haeg informed &. Alavado that this Dr, indMrs, Raph Obermeyer requested that special. assessment for grading their road be respxead over a period of ten years, this matter is in.the hands of the Village Attorney, and asked to securq a petition for such respread, l!r. John Person requested sewer assessment refund, He was informed th& this meeting is not conaucted for the purpose of reviewing special assessments; that he should secure legal council 1i-k. Cqoper inquired of Ass&sor Creighton as to the status of the Nike Asplund property on Blake Road, which property has reportedly been chged from-&ricul&ural to Son-Agricultural status , whereas the lorn 'Hoore estate is recipient of Agrfcul.l;ural rating. Mr, Creighton iras uncertain as to the status of the Asplund property, but stated he believed*it should be Agricultural, from the State Tax Commissioner*s Office, after a complaint r to them, Nr. Cooper irm$.red'es $0 the rating to be ginen to the undeveloped lands owned +y the Spring Company+and by Carl M, Hansen, borderline cases , according to Messrs. Creighton and beg. Nr, Coopei recommended revaluation of business properties at the 50th Street and France Avenue corner in the next red estate assessment year, 19.50. They were informed that He eqlained that Mr, lom Noore had received his rating .. These tracts are t Discussion tras had of two lots on tl,5Oth Street near Halifax Avenue, with %r, Creighton reportipg that owners hqe asked for valuations based on residential rates instead. af commercial rates. that-the Council has refused. to rezone these properties commercially, ad ,that they, therefore, should be given $he bepefit of residential ratings, Mr. Creighton's Book of Valuations for the Year 1949 was presented, v&th his information that new Real Estate for the Year 1949 totals. approximately $.500;000. Mr, Creighton tras informed a Motion by TTillson, qproving Vduations for Year 1949, was seconded by Pden and caryied. r I * 7 111 /49 Hembers aswering Rolilcell irere Billson, Palen and Cooper. Village Health Officer, Dr. Lowell Campbell, explzined to the Council %ha% SVJ~~S may be sprayed for mosquitoes providing a petition signed by !$ of property owners is presented and a favorable referendun taken; after which an assessment of one millnaj bs levied against properties. in connection sith the one case of Polio reported trithin the Village. Trustee Palen inquired as to vrht Dr. GampbeI.1 had done regarding the report that cesspools in the Village vere being pumped out onto open ground, Dr. Canpbell reported tha% he will have fdl particulars fron the State Health Dapartnent rrithin a veek, as to action vhLch can be taken against; this, Bdenfs motioa, that persons pq~g cesspools onto open grouait.be natifieq at once $0 cease, and to have cesspools pwnped into covered tanks, 5y Villson and caxried. t c Report vas made by office to Council and to Dr. CampBell of rat menace in the neigh'borhood 'of 46th and Drexel, with Dr. Campbell being .asked to investigato lphis report vas made v I Hotion seconded t take precautiomry neasures to eliminate spread of rats. Pursuant to "?Jotice of Hearing on Petitlon to Wodernize Digelling, in ITon-Con; fornvrce with Zoning Ordinznce,[I published in Suburban Press, Hopkhs, on 3me 30, PresideEt cdled hearing on the petition of l.Irs, J.E. Lovelett for permit to improve the building situated at 48% Foance Avenue, for dvelling purposes.* Hearing was held because such impovernets vi11 make building: useable for dwelling pqoses *and thus violate zoning ordinance by permitting two dwellings on one lot, lot. h delegation of three neigh3oring property owners asked that the amber of occupants in the small dtselling be limited to two. to the iqyovement of the building, providing occupznt restriction is met, - IiIotion by Ifillson, that permit for improvements be granted providing occupants be limited to two and that, if property is sold, occupacy restriction shdl be vrrTtten .into deed, iras seconded by Palenvnd carried. It vas noted that th3.s is an exceptionally long There were no objections Pursuant, to Wotice of Heaing on Petition to Vycate Blley,4i published in Saburban Press, June 30, and duly posted on three OfTicid Village Bulletin Boards, pu'blic hearing was held on ,the petition of Zdmund E, Diestler and others, €or Vacation of the ITortli-South Alley between 1146th and V.57th Streets ad betveen Abbott and Zenith -Avenues South. Ad@, objected on grounds of driveway traffic hazard, There were no other One property otmer, ?k. - objections, end Mr, Addy stated hone ovmers spoke for vacation. moved its adoption: FGSOLUTION TlEEEG3AS, a majority of the dter described, in the Village he did not intend to live on this lot, Several I'lillson offered the follovring Resolution and VACA!I!ING sI;r;Ey ovmers of the land abutting on the alley herein- of Edina, Hemepin County, l.linnesota, have . petiiioned for the vacation of said alley; and be hd-on said petition on July 11, 1949, at 8:OO P.N., has been givep mil made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: XOI'?, T€BREi?ORE, 333 IT RESOLVED by the Edik Villzge Council, IHennepin Countg, Hinnesota, tha% , lE.lBEAS, one (1) vreelr's published notice and posted notice of a hearing to . That certain alley running in a Northerly and SQutherly direction and lmg between the llesterly line of Lots One to8Six, inclusive, Block Three, Harriet Lmn Addition and Lots One to !l?hree, inclusive, Block Five, Brookline Addition, and the Ezsterlyline of Lots Pour to Seven, Wclusive, Block 5, BrooXLine Addition and Lots Seven to-Brelve inclusive, Harriet Lam addition is hereby vacated; provided that said Village excepts fron this vacation yroceeding and reserves unto itself and its assigns an easement for all public utility zuqoses, including, vithont limiting the general nature of said reservation, an easement for electric, gas, sewer, water, and telephone equipment on, over and under the center ten feet in width of the alley hereby vacated, d i i Notion for adoption vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were three ages and no nays, as follows: I~illson, aye; Palen, aye; Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Village Clerk' Purstlant 'to tfResolution Setting Street Improvement He&ing-LacBtopping of Brookside Avenue betureen Eden Avenue and State Highwq No. 148,tt adopted June 13, 1949* and ptiblished in Suburban,Press,. Hopkins, June 23, Affidavit of Publication for which vas read, approved and place8 on file, President called public hearing on the above named project. Engineer Smith's estimate of cost vas $2,775.17, or $1.50 per assessable foot. Mr. Peder Mickelsen, oumer of foq lots, protested the improvement because of the cost, aad be' cause, he alleged, such improvement does not benefit the resitlents on the block. He suggested that, because the Village uses the street for the travel of its trucks and heavy equipment to and from the Villege Shop, the Village Generd kd assuhe part of the Gost of improvement. offered the folloiling .Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLU'.l?IOE 'FOR IbPRO?E&W!E BLACK!COPP3XG 02 3RObKSZDE AXEWE BEiCfml Ifillson i ZDm AS'IETUE @ID SlCAfpE HI&HWAX I\so,169 TlH3EfJAS, pursuant to.Resolutibn adopted<by the Edina Village Council June 13, 1.94, and published in the Suburban Press, Eopkins, Ninnesota, on June 23, 1949, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified %herein and heard all persons interested vith reference to proposed improve- ment of Brookside Avenue between Bden Avenue and State Highway No,.169 by Blacktopping, now theref ore, said improvement described in said resolution shall be undertaken, -the General. .hd of the Village of Edina to bear one-half the cost of the eqense' thereof,_and the balance to be paid in the first instance out of the Permanen& Improvement Revolving hd8 let to the lotrest responsible bidder, and the Clerkts action in preparing and' publis4ing; advertisement for bids thereon to be opened this date, Nondw, July 11, 1949, vrhLch bids shall be based upon plans and specifications now on file with the Clerk and which are hereby appFoved, is hereby rati8ied and * confirmed, Motion for adoption qf the Res,olution vas seconded by Palen, and on RolEcall there were thee ayes and no nap, as follows: Palen, zye; Villson, aye; BE 12 RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the BE 19 I?URTEW RJ2SOLVZl that said improvement be made by contract to be Cooper, aye; and the Resolution r I?ursuant'to~~Resolution Setting Street Improvement Hearing-Blacktopping of Crescent Drive from Lakeview Drive to Golf Terrace, and of Lexington kvenue %rom S&epiew Drive to Concord Avenue,," adopted June 43, 1949* and published. in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, ~June 23, ,&ffLdavi% of f?ublication for which was read, approved, zuld placed on ,file , President called public hearing on above named improvement project, $723.28, or $1-92 per assessable foot. There isere no objections, either oral gr trritten. , Willson. offered the folloving Resolution and moved, its adoption: 4 Engineer Smith's estimate sf cost \ras I R3SOLU"ION FOR IMPRO~!I?-EL,ACKTOPPING OF CR.ESCE.N'P DRIBE-S?RO$II LRlllVIm? DRIVE TO GO@' TERRACE, AND OF .I;EXI&tGTOW A9ZTCJE FROM, Lm- * 9 ' VIE17 DRIP !CO CONCO~ Am - TmB$, pursViant to Resolution adopted by the Edina Vi;Ll&e Council June 13, 1949, and published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Himesota, June 23, 1949, the Willage Council has met at the time and place specified'therein and heard all persons interested with reference to proposed improrement of Crescent Drive from"Lakevievr Drive to Golf Terrace and of Lexington Avenue from L&evfew Drive to Concord Avenue by Blacktoyping, nov therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of ldina that the said improvement described in said resolution shall be Adertaken, the entire expense thereof to be paid ia the first instance out of the Perment Improvenent Bevolving Rmd, BE I'PaFUM!HER 'RESOLVED that said improvement be made by contract to be let to the lovest responsible bidder, and the Clerk's action in preparing and publish- ing advertisement for bids thereon to be opened this date, July 11, 1949, vhich bids sM1 be based upon plans and specifications now on file vith the clerk ana which are hereby zipprove&, is hereby ratified md confirmed. Notion for adoption of'the Resolution VJS seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were three ayes'and no nays, as f6llovrs: Palen, aye; trillson, aye: and Cooper, aye; znd the Resolution tras adopted. President of the Village Ai- \ Bresidenlj Coopr'brought-to Council*s attention the matter of the uncompleted contracts for blaclrtoppilig, with J.-V. Gleason, contractor; recommending that -Order for completion of all work not7 started,(said work to be coqleted vrithin 30 ws from date of Order)be mitten, and that Order %or comencenent of balztnce of vrork trithin 30 days, and completion of this vork within thirty Ws after commencement, be mitten. VillsonJs motion, directing Village Engineer to dispatch, such orders, vas seconded by Palen and carried, xlr, Sohn Person requested the estimated cost of blacktopping Cascade Lane, stat4ng he wished to secure it for a property ovner vho did not wish to contact "the parties ii power," &r, Person VJaS asked to not%f;y the interested owner that he can obtain the infomation he wishes at the Village Office. 1.k. Person requestea re3und on Lateral Sever 9Caxes for Sewer District Xo, 8. &fro Cooper asked that Nr, Person bring in his tax statements to substzntiate his claim, b r Mr. VI, B, Nelson requested adtion on petition filed last September, for the blackto-ing of ,Oxford Avenue from Interlachen Boulevard to VI,5lst Street, Hr. Ad.d#~ 14. Nelson, 407 Wonroe Avenue, complained that the Monroe Avenue Grading Project, had left him five feet above road level. this job is not yet completed, and that contractor trill be instructed to complete according to Village ,Engineer's instructions; &so, that Bfr. lTelson* s drivermy vrill be put into useable condition; 14rs Bog Sandon reeuested permit to move and. remodel building, instructed to present pl2n of building to Building Superintendent VIoehler.. Nr. Gnnnar Johnson gresented Final. Plat of IIBeverly Hills! incorporating change of street names as recommended by Council. Plat of I'BeGerly Hillst' rras seconded by Palen and carried. Er. Johnson*s petition for the blacktopping of dl streets in %everly Hills~i wzs presented with ;his put, for August 8, 1949, at 8:OO P.M., and direc,ting Clerk $0 advertise for bids on this project, said bids to be taken .on the above named date. Palen ma carried, I I-Iotiorr by Ifillson, qproving payment of the following Claims, vas seconded by PaGn and carried: I c Mr, Nelson vas infomed tha€ t LIr. Sandon vas I Notion by frillson, approving Final I - T'lillson moved., setting Public Hearing on Petition Notion seconded by .- Arthur K. Petersen - $1,148.13 . Garbage Fund Suburban Henn. Cy, Relief Bd, - . 252.64 Poor hd 0 Notion by Palen, approving papnent of the following Payrolls, vas seconded by TCillson and carried: 6/17/49 43 I I. Helene Freeman Loui,se Westerberg Donald Drew POLICE DEPT Clarence&xuts om Hilding aahz Will%am S, Heydt William 8, Hoffman Henry Wrobleskf . Bert M. Merfeld Lloyd EfcGary -. . STREXI MEX. -REGULAR Philip, Bailey. . + , ,. Pete Dahlsen M. J. .Merfeld John Tracy Harry-Jonas . Wayne Trac Ronald Po Frank Warn Jacob S Sam. David J. S. IG~ R be& Grid ,talPq??oU I f I Palen, authorizing Village Treasurer to secure $25,000 Advance against ettlemeat due from County Auditor, vras seconded by Willson and carried. 1 --. . ._ Pursu3nt to llA&ertisenent for Bids-3lackbpping,!' pblLshed in Suburbap Press, Ho$ins, f.5inlzesota, on Jane 22 and 1949, and also in Construction Bulletin on those dates,. Affidavi4 of PubLication for which vas read, approved and placed on file, the fellorring bids were publicly opened ad read: (USIXG CDTBAW AS?E.'f 3AY lT.GR4IG GUS!i!.~ HOLM + ~Y-CAPLSO~T JWXL S~~ * Ikter Oil. Iktex? Oil = Ifater 'Oil Vater Oil -VII? IlRIm ,5 $581.30 623.00 608.82 600.28 675.54 733.92 608.82 -0- LrnVBIT m; m1-1 (Xncoqle te) . IZotion-by %lll{on that Eontract; for the &ove n&ed tvo Grading and Gravelling projects be avrqrded to $erry Excivating ~6mpany, *vas. seconded by Pden ma ~nanirnous~~ carried, z t I Pursuazt 1 Hopkins, 1 30, Affid: the folloi Storm Sew thence Sot 2nd Additf to the No3 thence so7 Subdivisic Street; tl I'looddale J reported. Rasmussm ' IDSZrnT Y . Horn! PEIEXlPS-1 L&4ElrTI . Paients mc P helps-DI Smith, war Pursuant 1 Press, Eoq -June 30, J on fize, i construct: Avenue be: Lot, and : !I, 50th Si Ppalen's motion that application be placed on file, and that Nr, be so notified, was seconded by ITillson and carried. FIT2GER.i Motion by bids to bt OPfice re( price of i b1:Iarchant { of $418 , 0 ( The ' pr opr: service ai temporary midnight , Park Commi of the std Board ;of I tinuing t2. cases in f Mr. Stracl funds. for I funds Kit¶ Petition ( blacktoppi Palen movt perc en tag Billson 7/18/49?.! , IIAdvertisement for Bids-Storm Sever," published in Suburban Press , mesota, and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on June 23 a6d * it of Ptiblication for vrhich Idas read, approved and placed on file; ~g sealed bids were publicly opened and read for construction Of Comnencing at an lxisting Catch Basin in Odr Drive: I dong the Lot Line of Lots 4 and 5, Block 5, Golf Ierrace Rbights 1, to Lexingtoli Avenue; $hence South and Vest in Lexington Avepue 3 Lot Line of Lots 18 and 19, Block 1, Subdivision of Littel Pak; 2 along the 3;0$ Linesof Lots 18 and 19 and Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, of Littel Pvk to I?. 563h Street; thence South across IT.. 56th ice East in tl. 56th Street to Wooddale Avenue; thence South in Due to Tower Street. IJDEIiLGROUND CONSTO l $1L62?*55 m COEPrn, MI~PSOLIS 7,935.95 LBII.TEIT1, INC., S'L PAm 9,286.47 ion, amrding contract for the above described Stonm Sever job to re Company of Minneapolis, subject to check of bids by Engineer' seconded by Tlillson and unanimously carried. as follovs: CO. , SI.. PAUL IXI, STp. PAUL , 8,936*50 I r ' - ttAd.+ertisement for Bids-Curb and Gutter,'[ published in Submbaa ins, Minnesota, and in Construction Bulletin, Ninneapolis, 'on Fidavlt of Publication foq which vas read, &=roved and placdd 3 follovring sealed bids-were publicly opened and read for I of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in North Side of Eden 3en tJ.5Oth'Street and the East Entrace to VillGe Hall Parking the East Bide of Village Rill Parking Lot, fron Eden Avenue to 3et: D BROTHERS, MImEAEOLIS $994050 .e illson*, rejecting bid, and authorizing Clerk to, readvertise, with taken July 25, 1949, was seconded by Palen and unanimously csried. mended purchase of Marchcat Cdculator at their June 23rd bid 18.00. Lculating Machine Go., for On6 Marchant 8SD Calculator at price was seconded by Villson and carried. tress of the Grandvievr Cafe requested permit to establish drive-in bhe cafe, just of€ Interlachen Boulevqd. srmit be granted, vith closing hours t9 be not later than 12:OO \iIot;ion seconded by Palen and carried. I Palen's motion, ' awarding contract for Calculator to lJillsonls motion, that I aioner Strachauer spoke to theicouncil v+th reference to continuance ning program. He stated that he is in daily contact (6th State 31th and Minneqolis Board gf Health officials, who advise con- program until such tine as there should be a number of polio ina. I zer reported that the Committee appointed by the Council to secure &ntaining water level in the Creek expects to have sufficient 3 a very short time to-'pay for operation of the C&scadas Pump. Hr. 92. Floyd Bell's letter of July 8, complaining of sprinlsling restrictions, ms read. Villson moved that Engineer Smith be i31structed to negotiate vith 3@5..zm-!~lorningside School Board; vith regaPd to drilling vel1 on school land at 57th ani% Nom*&dde; and that the Villege-advertise for well, according to plas and specifications to'be drafted by 3ngineer Smith, szid bids to be taken Bumst 8, 1949, Motion seconded by $den and unanimously carried, Discussion vas had as to a nev well, The complaint on road condition&: filed by Eoseph A. Hosp, 5008 Brookside Avenue, TTES read. blacktopped, Petition dated July 2, sigaed by A. Sheldon Berg Curb and Gutter ,on Edifaz Avenue 'betveen B., 52qa and. TI. 53rd Streets, vas read, Billsont s motion tzcceptSng petition subject to checking by VilJage Sngineer with reference to reqrrired percentage of signers, and setting qUblic Heaing for ' $ionday, August 8; v2s seconded by fden and carried. Kr-, Villson e-qlained tb& repairs vdl> be-made at the the road is others, for Stazldsd Villa@3 , . Ih, ?[. J. delhterts request; that property okmers in his neighborhood be natified Uor-thwestern Construction C oqany's quotation of July 7, for pdtinz md' decorating, tile floor covering and counters for the l.fiwicipal Liquor Store, ~ras read. the redecorating-of the Village quor Store, rras seconded by I'iTillsou. andrcsried, Vater Sqerintendent Iloeaer reportea that he has secured a cpotsttion of '$250.00 for sodding the pqhouse 3zrd at 53rd and Halifax. Pdenls no$ion, tha%, Woehler %e autliorized to enter into za agrement to have pumphouse sodded for $250.00 wzs seconded by TliZLson ad carriea. f.Tr, Voehler bported an application $or permit to build a garage a% 58th Street and Park Place, on proprty vhich does not have a dvelling. Palen moved for denid off appl.ication. Hotion seconded. by V'lillpon and carried. until lfednesdw, July 13, 1999, at 4:30 P.L ~i~~sonts motion for aiijournmendvas s to cui; their xreeds, vas read, vith office being instructed to SO do, - &dents motion, -authorizijllg Village Clerk t~ zdvertise ,for bids ,for \ .* 1 24T3TU'EES 03' THU KRJ0UR"IJED pOillCIO13 03' COlJSGIL HEZD r;lED€TGSI)fE, 381;Y 13, 19-49,. A!l! RZGW - WY &l, 1949, E*Il3$TIBG OF 9H3 EDIEA VILLAGE ~ I 4-230 p.l.r,py!a -VII+AGZI %w .- I.Iembers present sere Paen, Fl5llson and Cooper. Engiheer Smith reTiewed €0; the Council., -Blacl&opping bids %&en JULY 11. Considerable discussion vas had as to merits of water staailizafiion against Oil stabilization. Villsons s motion atrarding contracts 2or the, f ollouing Glacktopping projects, at; prices listed belov, 1-72s seconded $3 Pden and mznimously carried: C' 'PO JAY' If. CWG CO,.I.PLS. Using Cutback Aspha3.t- Of1 Stabilization * .. 9 1.- c ~ - .<- - ,t. -4 'r . . t. . - :si;i!3.ie :, .' Crescent itrive fron Golf Terracejto- * 'C k', I*. .-- \I * -- '111,. Lakeview Drive io Golf zerrace, ana L&evier.r eive 1 - - . - - ** Lakeview rive , from B.L&eview PrW& t 2 -7 -_ - 1. * 7.: _- .i * . .~ 9- ** from Golf Terrace $0 !rescent ?rive 5 -- A ~ *. P.. 5*&3.10 <' ,I ~ 7 . , ^I. Lam2 Avenue, fron Gascctae Lane to Hoose Ave. yJ.48th Street between Rutledge and 8. ~O~&W - of Limback Addition; and Cllevelmd Ape.; betyeen 11.4.8th St, md U. BoundarJi &&%zdC 1,4Lslc30 -) . 443.20 #*,-- Lakeview Drive 747.00 I' 1 I- - -r 1 I - .* - 9 Lexington Avenue betireen Concord AT?. and iY - L t' Bqokside Ayenue betvreen Highxva No. 169 a& I Eden Avenue 2,330 4Q 1 " "r .- I I. c' a4 ... ..~..