HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490725_REGULAR48 i 7 J26/49 llenbers znswezing -BoZldl were Child, Pden, l'lilisbn, Hawthorne, and Cooper. Eotion by Trillson, approving as submitted the follotring E&m%es, tras seconded by Palen .ad carried: of June 2.7, Boad of Review Heeting of SnZg 11, CounciL Neetipg of Jvly 11, and Aajourrred portion'of July 11 Efeeting he&d July 13, 1949. Pursuant to Qo%ice of Hesing-Curb abd Gu&er'," published ih Suburban Press, June 30 zyld July 6, 19@, &%Xidavit of Publi'cation for vrhich vas read by Clerk, * apyroved as to form and placed on file, the President called public hearing to consider the pe%itTon of 8, 3. del'hter and others for Qnprovement of tmity Avenue betwen I?ind Road znd Southview Lane $3 construction of Gurb and Gutter thereb. Village Engiwer's'Estfmate of Costl, in amount of $2,548.26 or $2,@ per assessable foot, tras redd, construction as soon as possibEe. mitten, Trillson offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: Hinutes of Board of Review Heeting of June 27, c'ouncil l<Ieeting .* I A delegation bed by Nr. dell%ter, rewesteh 'Phere Gere no ob3ections, either oral OP R3SOLU2ION FOR' Il*~OVEi'*~ I CURB AND GUTPER--ITITP AvnJuE BERiEEN TU3lD f ROD m somrrvrm 3;8~~: ?!me, petition in miting requesting iInp?bvement of Unity Avenue between ?rind Road and Southview Lane by construction of Curb and Gutter therein has been duly filed with this CouncriJ. dated June 27, L911.9, signed by ovmers of nore tbzn !&'in frontage of the real property abutting on-the portion of the street named in .said petStion as tfier location for such improvement, 2nd notice. to $3. Broperty ovmers whose property is liable to be assessed for such improvement published in €he Subnrbm Press, Hopkins, lhnesota on June 30 and 3 July 6, ad has heard all persons interested, and determined the necessity'for $he improvement petitioned for, now thbrefore %am of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby deternined to have bees signed by the recutred percentee of ovmers of property affected thereby, ad be improved by construction of Standard Villwe Curb and Gutter therein, in accord- ace vith Stanhard Specifications for said curb and gutter now on file with the Village Clerk, and viiich have heretofore been aBiroved. BE IT FuB'pEiac- lW3XKED that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert in the Subdbe Press, Bopkins, Hfinnesota, and in the Construction Eulletin, Minne- asolis, an advertisement for bids upon such improvement in accordance with agpoved plans and specifications, said bids to be opened August 8, 1949, at 8:OO P.l-5, TmAS the Village Council has met at the tine aad place specified in a BE I!?RESOI;VED BY the Village Council of Edina, as reqyised by Chapter 311, 3E SI! WRTEER RZSOLVEI) that Unity Avenue between #ind Road and Southvierr &ne Iche deposit accoagan@ng each bid shall 'be ten Fercent of the amount bid, .. Motion €or adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcdl there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: HaIrth?rne, aye: and Cooper, aye; and the Resolu-kion vas adopted, Child, aye; Palen, aye; TTillson, STe; f. I Village Cler& hsuant-to Iaesolution SeEting Street rmprovement Eearing-BlacMopping ITina ~oaa between 3Tormandd.e and Uniity Avenues! adopted by the Come51 June 27, 1949, ad $u%lished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ninnesota, June 30 and July 6, Affidavit of Publica%ion for which vas read, agproved as to fop &d place3 on file, the President callea public hezing on this proposed bprovement. this improvement, e,ither ord-.or vnitten. Engineer's Estimtg of Cost, in ainount of $1,069.80, or $1.81 per assessable foot, vas gj.ven,+and f'lillson offered the ftdlorring 2esolution andz moved i,ts adostion: 'Phere were no objections to ~SOL~ION FOR ~EII! I~.~~~,~~~~-s~o~~I~~G TmAS, pursuant; to Eesolution. adopted by the Edina VillGe Council June 27, 194.9, ad published in Suinrrban 2ressj Hopkins, Winnesota, on June 30 ad Julr 6, 1949, the Village Couhcil has met at the time and @zce specified 6herein and head all persons interested with reference to, proposed 5aproTernent of Vind Road betvreen ~brn?aaWe 2lna Unity Averiues by Blacktopping, now therefore I 7/25/49 I 49 rovement desdribed n, the eatire eqense thereof to be paid &ent ImTrovement Revolving hd, 'improvement be made by contract to be and the Plerk is directed to prepare ' ereop to be openedIIonday, August 8, P.M., which bids shall be based upon plans and specification& e been heretofore approved. s seconded by Child; and on Rollcdl 7 oas: Child, axe; Paen, aye; Willson, President of the Village Cou@Z Ben Parks inqgired as to the Councills vhich had previously been * assessed b llson eqlained that for some years- been absorbed by the General hd of the all part*'of the actual cost--but that .it has of the Council to make no re-assessment in a where aa been levied for blacktop@& by the Village of Edina. Hearing called tras that on the petition of Richard Havrthorne e 27, 19-49, for improvement 02 IK58th Street betwe& enue by Blacktopping. Copy of Affidavit of'Riblicatibn In Suburban Press, Hopkins, Hhnesota, on , approved as to form arrd placed on file, ost was $4,106.32, OF $.96 per assessa'ole e for the improvement,, asking that the One Froperty owner protested, on the stEeet would m&e a speedmy of it. ion and moved. its sdoj?tion: ' nt of V.58th Stre& been duly filed vith rilore than 529 irr * V.581H SEREEI! BETWEEIT YRAITCE AKD 323RXES AVENUXs g or2 the portion of the street.nmsd in inyrovcmmt , and e% ai; the tine md place specified 5n ropertjr is liable to be assessed' for ress, HopErins, Ninnesota, >me 30 and interested, and detcimined the council, as recgired by chapter 3541% scribed is here'by detemined -to have f-owners of property affected thereb3, accorda;bce wit41 Standard Specifications h the Clerk and which have heretofore been approved. HEE EE3OLVED that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert a, and in the Construction BtiLletb, on such improvement in acco&bnce the hpovement pet ittioned f or, now .therefore RESOLVED, that W.58th Street between France and Xerxes ' s, said bids-to be opened Monday, ccoqxmying each bid shall be ten c econded by Havthorne, and on Rollcall. s: on vas adopted, Child, aye; Pden, aye; I'lillson, e- President of the Village O$u#cil - * ._I_ 7/25/49 *%rsuant to flBotice of H~aring-Blacktopping !7,4gth Street , France Avenue to Htqle Road," pu'blished in Su3t.wbm Press, Hopkins; liinnesota, June 30 and July 6, 1949, Affidavit of Publication for which tras re&, a22roved and placed on file, Eresident called public hearing on the petition of @ear A. Zachler and others, dated by 31, 1949, for this proposed hprovenent. $3,660.23, or $1,66 per assessable foot, vas read, Nessrs. nrick Ejorlzaa, Villiain Xell, and J. Leo ITolm, objected to a blacktopping job this year. becauss of the conaition of $Be road bed and because of the heavy hauling vrhichrrillbe necessary during the'construction of an sqartnent building abutting V.@th Streef;. , IXrs. J.L. Pause spoke 'in. favor of the project in order that theg night o'otain relief from'dust nxisande. Ihey reqybsted that a, dust coat be applied in case the Council does aot Irish to blacktop this ye=, Those present were informed tlwt if; is not the solicy of the Village to qply a dust coat unless a blacktop job is Eonteqlated; and that in all cases the cost of dust coating is added to the cost of blacktopping rrhen the assessment for the latter is made, Zhere vas no objection mong those present,to the application of a dust coat this year, \Fillson noved that a dust coat be E3plied to tl.49th Street betvleen France Avenue and %.$e Road, ,with the understadins that when this road is blackbo-ppd, in the summer of 195% the cost of the dust coat vi11 be added to the assessment for the blacktopping, Notfon seconded by Hzrrthorne and unanimous1y carried. Hr, Ben Parks requested extension of time on temporary pemtt for naintenmce of a tract office at 5436. T'rooddde, stat- that bsen and Parks have a number of,lots in this &.rea still unsold. I-fotion seconded 3y H avthorne and carried, Ifre John H. Person and Rr. D, 0. Kreckotr requested refund for sever assessments OP Sots 13,14 and 15, Block 4, Clevelad's Subdivision of Blocks 2,3,4,13,1& and 15, Emna Abl~ott Park. Office aha supTly these gentlemen with information as to vhether these lots had, ever teen assessed for kteral Severs. t I Engineer's Estimate of Cost in the mount of Ik. and I - Child moved that pernit be extended to 1.1.fag 1, 1950. Deputy Clerk rras instructed to check with County Auditorts .. r IJr. Ifreckow revested relief from drainage problem on Nton Avenue; and vas+ informed that Snvestigation vould be made, Request vas made by the proprietors of the groposed food establishnent to be Located at 3924 24arket Street, for permit to operate a Drive-In Service. moved that teqorary permit be granted, trith the understanding that closing how would be 12:OO I.Si&Qht, md that there would be no service from the curb at Market Street, Hr. l'lillim Kell protested present method of parking 0x1 I-farkct Street, and considerable discussion vas had by the Council as to meas of remedyins this situation. * l'&llson Notion seconded b3 Palen and carried. C < Ehtr'chorne offered the following Resolution and move4 its adoption: IIESOLECIOX ESY!ABLISEING PBKCIETG ~GlE&L'IOTTS FOR &@€W2I! S!lBEEQ BE IT WOLVED By the Edina Village Council that the folloving &?kIng Regulations be, and hereby axe, established for I.!arket Street: c 1, 2, Parking shall be prohibited-on the Boxth Side of brliet Street, fron France Avenue to a point seventy-five feet'llest thereof. Five-I.Iinute Parking shall be permitted, on the Xorth Side of 1:bket Street, in front of the Edina Post Office, in sgace to acconodate thee cars. Parking shall be p;?rmitted on %he Norkh Side of I.larket Street, 'fros the Tlesterly pobt of the five-ninute parking zone, to Halifax Avenue, between 3rance and 3alifax Avenues. 3. 4, Parking shall be prohibited on the South Side of IIarket Street, ? I.fotio& for adogtion of-the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were five ares ad no nays, as follovrsz Eavthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; Child, aye; .Palen, ;aye; Trillson, aye; Hr, JokiE. Person collrplained that the cesspools at 609 Blake Road are in violation Officer Caqtbell investigate this condition, together with a cesspool. on the old Pautsch-property, and to report on his find%ngs and action, as well zs his action concerniig cesspool pumping on 1looddal.e Avenue. -*of the State Kealth Code. Office vas instructed to request that Villsge Health 7/25/49 ild, apsroving the followhg Payrolls, was seconded by PaZen and carried: IfITHo HOSP. IUXCm. TOT!& m!C CWIJ PJO. 80.00 459 80.00 460 George. A. F 'llson, Trustee '* 60.00 60.00 461 Richard G- den, Trustee ' 60.00 60.00 463 50.00 464 J. J. Dugg , Treasurer 50.00 John PJinndho st, Attorney * 100.00 1oo.00 465 pilillip Nev ' lle , Judge A 75.00 75-00 466 Austin D. B rton, Spec, Juee 10.00 10.00 467 TAX DED. DEDeCT. DEDTJCT. PAY .. $ 80.60 Fred S. Chi d, Trustee - 60.00 60.00 462 - br. I;.ILCam bell, Health O€f. 30.00 ?Q& 468 I 605.00 ' 605.00 , + 254.50 29.80 2.75 8.00 40.55 213,95 469 163.60 15.90 1.25 6.54 23.69 139.91 470 * 127.81 10-50 2.75 2.11 18.36 109.45 471 I 102.25 11.20 1.25 4.09 16.54 85.71 472 Sam Roberts 11.20 4.09 15.29 , 8&96 4i3 - 102.25 :.750.41 78.60 . 8.00 27.83 114.43 635.98 - 132.93 3.40 2.75 5.32 11.47 121.46 474 40 10 00 6 I 76 80-91 475 > 9.08 25+23 201.77 I 151.84 10.00 2.75 6.07 .18.82 133.02, 476 , 151.84 14.10 2.75 6.07 22.92 128-92 477 , 104.81 3.20 2.75 4.19 10.14 94.67 478 136.50 8.20 2.75 5.46 16.41 120.09 4430 - 11?.50 7.60 2.25 9.85 123.65 482 . 141.62 8.80 2.75 5.66 17.21 124.41 479 136.50 8.20 2.75 5.46 16-41 1zo.og 481 , 956.61 60,lO 18.75 32.91 111.76 844.85 " 150.82 138.04 1 140.59 127.81 Ij 127.81 127.83 127.81 .. 132.93 122.70 122.70 ,&319.02 5.80 12.30 8.80 2.20 6.M 2.20 3.140 65.10 14.10 9.90 6.03 1~83 2-75 5.62 17.17 2.75 5.11 1426 2.75 5.52 20-57 2.75 9.13. 10.06 -2.75 5.11 10.06 2.75 5.11 Z.86 2.75 5.32 11.47 1.25 4.91 20226 2.75 4-91 17.56 23.25 52.75 141.10 138.99 4%3 117.47 484 123.42 485 117.75 486 113.55 4437 117.75 4-88 119.95 M9 - 121.46 490 102.44 491 105,116 492 1177 . 92 . 106.34 7.70 2.75 4-25 14.70 * 91.64 493 . 11.7-59 90 4.70 5.60 111.99 494 . 94.07 1-70 3-76 5-46 88.61 497 . 506.14 22-00 5-50 20.23 47.73 458.41 ,4364-18 239.20 58.25 142.80 440.25 3923.93 94.07 1.70 2.75 3.76 8.21 85-86 495 94.07 10.00 3.76 13.76 80.31 496 .L 191.72 15.90 2.75 7.67 26.32 165.40 498 d 140.59 8.80 2.75 5.62 17.17 123.42 499 * 102-25 13.20 4-09 15.29 86.96 'job - 434.56 35.90 5.50 17.38 54.78 375.78 4798.74 275.10 63.75 160.18 499.03 4299.71 Liauor Stord Pa.vrol1. Sds 16th through 31st 178.94 5.80 7.16 12-96 165.98 L gi 15-44) 4.09 19.49 82.76 L 92 11.25 32.95 2168.74 8.90 4.60 13.50 * 101.53 L93 127.81 14.70 5.11 19.81 108.00 L94 242.84 23-60 9.71 33.31 209.53 . 524.03 44.80 20.96 65~6 458.27 I. 7f 25/49 3914 3915 3916 3911 3918 3938 3941 3942 3943 3949 NorZhern Statas Paver Co Pred Lo Grw Insmanee Co 3939 3943 =. and caricd tht the Pollo~rbg claim -AH0TJIU! $ -450.56 ,b 36.90 * 22.59 - 43.55 * 91.75 * u.84 - 8.95 e 206.20 * 17.85 31.75 ' 51.74 - 16.00 * 24.95 a 10.00 37.80 A 33.95 32-93 - 3.75 - 5.00 60.12 204.00 - 78.00 ' 197.00 a 30.00 83-07 + 54.00 ' 2-37 ' 5.63 * 9.75 * 8,4Q 53.30 c 894.51 4.41 * 98.56 ' 5f3h.00 - 452.23 * 15.00 *. . .. 780.10 . 25.00 9.24 * 187.65 - . 129.60 . =~217.62 7.84 22.35 . 60,OO 11.00 ,.*.'1 L 2LOQ E. R. mTD 39= 3922 - 3923 - 39s + 3925 3926 3927 39% /. -2s Edi Sta 18in Gen Bro nox aor Tov PCB Cit Dis FBEI Gri Iphe NCx Old Ed. Anh CEtZl Cha Cla COC 0. Glu GO1 1&3s 4 &fin fiZ0X Old Pa3 Pur Rex S ev vi1 he Bat Car Bdi Ber Mil BO 7/25/49 Phillips Petroleum 2 Hard-wse Tis Oil Go- sasolis Gas Go ral Tr.ucE & Bquipment rside Service Station nrestern Bell Telephone Co iem States Pocrer Co 8 Country &..rdlrae - T Nickelsen Treasurer , City of IJpls illers Distributing Co zs Brands, Inc ;s, Cooper 8: Go g. ld* Lohmarln Go sson-& Robbins, Inc ?coria- co ?hillips &a Go ser-Busch, Inc la Dry Ginger Ale, inc - ra Beverage Go sen B Sons, Inc *Cola Bottliiig Co , Droner Beverage Co : Brewiiig Go I4edal Beverage Co' ,It Botfliiig Co mpolis Breving Co is P-istributiiilg Go Style Laser Co .. 2 Sale? Co iy Beverage Go 1istri.buting Co L-U~ Bottling Co trds Distrilding Co ican Linen Co - : Electric Go tr-t er Paper -Go z Village E3.1 m Investmeiit Co aMk.vis Co ssota Porn Printing Go Tation@ Cash Register CO iern States' ??over CO'. iwestern Bell Telephone " Co xr B, -Rydeen-' ,. I. * * - 77.10 1.15 * It.9.00 1.25 370.59 15.25 16.80 6,56 ' 7i0.07 1359.63. 10.88 8521.69 31k2U. 13 14322.03 75.58 4205.12 1329.87 361.82 202.20 190 . b6 zI.2.73 57.12 480.51 174.77 ZZ8k 45 48.60 125.18 94. 10 906.14 ~?*2.26 22.50, 9.85 ~6 . 32 31. 27 2,oo 366.17 5.80 57.00 ' 2.9& 31*78 X2.4.0 254.56 85.75 234.55 3.14 111.4.!5 I... . . Equipment Rental (cont) .. ". I $37,202.18 $47 9 936.81 I requested permission to'sell beer in the Pine Room, directly 'c2umt at the Bovrling Alley, Child moved for postponement Of 1 next regula meeting, in order thae Council mzy check the State conded by Palen and carried. en pernission to operate a Shuffle'board Game in the Botrling ed €or on construction of Curb and Gutter for the North side of om W.5Oth St, to Village HalL Peking Lot, and for the Past side ad 21. The only bid recei$.ed tras that of Victor %dson c% 27.60, Trillson moved that bid be accepted. .P.lotion seconded I Lot, p~~.u.znt to Botice pcblished in Suburb= Press and Construction to parking at the Edina Country Club. Hz.r.t;horne moved tha% r 'to Board of Directors of the Club, asking tbt a Cornittee eet vith the Council, concerning-parlriu-p~ob~e~s - Idotion seconded Rotification of Nicollet Hotel, Hotion seconded Petition signea 64 bvernorls Pire Prevention Conference, Augusst 25 and 26, at the l.Iinneapolis, vras made, by Palen wd czryied. - by Mr, and Mrs. f7- 9. Imnel and others, &tea July 25, 1949, for Hmthosne move& that letter be filed, sfop signs at all four corners a! 54th and Prance vas read. Eawthorne moved that Council regzest l-I%meapolis to place Stop Sign on S&th Street approaching France from the Pzst, and that the VZllcge instd.3. Slow Signs on Prance Avenue aBro&ching 54th Street from North and from South. lotion seconded 'by Palerr aad carried. Discussion vas hzd as-to the legdity of the 2O-lIile Signs now posted in the Country Club ad in a few othey places in the Village, with the opinion being that drivers cannot be prosecute& for hiving'at a speed less thzn 3O-miles per hour, rega%i.l.ess of tHe posted. signs? +v+horne moved that 20-1tile Signs be replaced with 3O-Mile signs. Iwxotion seconded by Ghild+and ~imously carried, ' Petition signed by 1.1. C. Lkdboe and others, for the Blackhoppiag of Brookview Avenue between V.61st and ~.6~nii St, vas read, with office Gesorting that petition does not carry signatures of Sl$'of properties. Hotion by Paen, that petition be returned for additional signabes, vTas seconded by,%vthorne and carried. I&?. Pden 2nd Xr. Cl'ooxJer recome&ed that the Clo~mcil make a deaision qoon as to the location of a fire station--$&% a addition be built to the-present. Village 2oolhouse pravSdillg a decision is not reached. Eiv&hone move& that the Conncil request a meeting with the l?lam~ Comission, the Park Board, and a represen$- 2tive of Fire Undemmiters Inspection Bureau, Nonday, August X, for discussion, I Hotion seconded by Pden and caryied; - + -- Hr. Gooper reconmeniled the resurfacing of N, 50th Street vith Blacktop. Willson moved, setting a Public &sing Qn proposed resurfacing of 1"1.5Oth Street betvreaa FrmEe 2nd Halifax: Avermes, for EJoaday, Au@s% 22, 1949, at 8:OO P&, and direct%ng Clerk to advertise for bids for this project, to be %alien af the sae time. Hotion seconded by Eavrbhorne and ,u.nanimously carried. E, Cooper called Cowcil*s atteition to location of South &tension of Blake Boad, entirely on Jones propertr, 14r. Fooper mintained that it v~oulii be cheaper to blacktop the side reads from the-south end of Blake Road to Highmy TJa. 165, than to cons3mct ' the southvard extengion; ma tkzt said southvraza extension vould bring trdfic onto Highra~- lio, l@ &st below a hill, thus causing a traffic hazzrd. as to the feasibility of blacktopping these side roads, !ras seconded by Child and carried. Establishment of a County Hezlth:Depxrtrnent in Ewal Hennesia County vas briefly I&. Palen brought before t'rle Cou&Z a recornendation to rezone -bo Commercial Zoning, ths Southemtern portioqof the Village, be referred to Plsming Comissipn, Notion secon&ed by Palen c&rie&. . Xr, Cooper recokended that the &a of tal-? he discontinued for r6ad surfacing, oloved that for the yes 1949 the Village discontS;nue use of road tar in road surfac- ing** I.fotion seconded bj Pden, and. carried, Villson' s motion, that Hennepin County Highway Department be Euestioned - iiiscussed, and laid over to the gex% regula neeting. - b,?thorne noved that recomnendztion *t T'lillson Havthorne noved for adjournment. Seconde Villa- Ole& .*