HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490808_REGULAR8/8/49
Meeting co b ened at 7:OO P.I.,,'Mon&y, &&st 8, 1949, at 7:OO P.M., in accordancs
with due c$l. and notice by the President, for the purpose of discussioJz as to
location proposed iew Tire station, ._
Xembers oi
Deputy Clc
Eiessrs. -D,
commis si03
Mr, StracI
Mr. . heft: . . - -._
Mr. Preit;
the new f: I order tha'
_-. ..
Cons iderai
50th and 1
for park 3
station ai
and beczrr:
Nr. Freit;
site _fmn
should be
behind thc
maintain *
weed up
Child's mc
be ut.ilizc
: bvestigx
such site
Palen mom
and camir .-
The meet&
Willson' s
1949, be i
Willson1 s
.. became. 0:
Upon recoi
SUbur%an :
file, Ere
groper tie
East by I
cost for-
front foo
omcil msweringRollcall were Child, Willson, Palen and Cooper,
: Gretchen &den acted as Clerk. - . Ryerse a#d S.S, Thoqe,-Jr., represented the Hlaina Planning
.e5 reprhsented the Board of Park Cornmhsionk -,
Chief -is Mitzel appeared for the ZdAna Fire Department.
represented c - - -". the . Fire . ..-"I.- Ugdevi.t;ers: .I . Iqssection-Btpau, __ . . - _-
re&wea be-Dec&%& 1jiB--19i43, recommendation of the Bureau, that
iresent fire insurance rates be maintained,
station should be located in the vicinity of 50th and Wooddale, in
diseussior4 followed, 'with HI?. Thorpe maintaining that the tract at
ddale had been sold to the Village with restriction that it be used
poses only; ad Mr. Strachauer objecthg to construction of ffre
he jQth and Wooddale locale because of its proximii;g to the school
he alleged, construction OZ such a station wotzld preclude park
r 1..
reiterated his opinion that 50th and wooddale trould be the idea
.e pofntj of view of the Yire Underwrfters, statizlg that the station
cated not more than 3/4,miles from the farthest poht in the business
:e agreed, however, that location of the proposed station directly
'illage Hdl would, together with other recommendations by the Bureau,
by Ryerse, aorpe, StrachaFer, Mitsel and Freitag..
on that Vl&ge-own6d property directly Wesf of the Village Hall
for purpose of location of new fire station, and that Council
possibility of acqpiring adjacent Schooi proper%y as ,gortion of
'as seconded by Palen and unanimously carried,
for attjournment- of the Special Meeting, Motion seconded Willson
present "Class 8" rate, Location at the Village &11 site was
.Village Clerk
COTMGIb, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1949, AT T?33 EDTEas;. ... .~ . SCHOOZ, jO2H AAD. WOODDp3c;El
I" - convened at thii-viliage &ll at 8:OO P&
Ition that Minutes of the' Special &d bgulm Meetingi of Jwly 25,
)roved as sulmitted, was seconded by Child and cmied.
Ition that Meeting adjourn to the Edilla School, 50th and Wooddale,
#he crowd pesent, was. seconded 3y Child and UnanimoZzIlly carried,
Intion at the Edina School, members-answering Rollcall were Child,
.en and Cooper,
"Rotice-of mroiement Bearing-stzuitary Sever ,I! pblished in
jss, Ho@cins, Minnesota,-on JaIy 23 and 28, 1949, Affidavit of
for which was read by Clerk, ap5roved as-to form and placed on
tent called public hearbg on proposed sanitary sewer to serve the
a a disGrfcE South of joint Sewer District 100, 1, and bounded on the
tce Avenue and on the Mestr by Hans- Boad. Engineer*s estimate of
5 proposed t& sewer was read, being $114,383.00, or $2,00 per
i $4.65 peF front foot,
Deputy Clerk Gretchen Uden acted as Clerk. :
'Engineer's estimate for cost of Later$. Sewers along Fooddale and -
8/8/49 s$ Hr, Holloway, 6101 2rance Avewe, presented a petition dated Awst 8, 1949, - 1 carrying signatares-of 170 people, asking a ae-iay
such time as the dAstz5c.5; is more heavily populated !&ere being a delegabion
of approsrimaeely 250 persons present, the meeting vas opened to general
discussion, vith the Council anstrering questtons from the floor, !?he main
objectfon cane Srom those aiming mp&&ted .tracts 0% Land, who maintabed that
they cannot afford to-keep their proper.ties if an assessment of $2;00 per front
foot is levied. Hr, Honer Kinney talked in- favor of the project, because of
the cesspool heath hazard yhicb is now present on tlooddale Avenue, and Nr,
Carl Vester'berg suggested that a citizens committee be appointed to stndg the
project further, with the Council, befare ection is taken, Child moved that
€?nrtber p0ceedtn.g on this proposed Sanitary Sever be pos'cllponed until Monday,
October 24, in order that 5roperty otmers may becoma more fsiliar with thU
po ject, Rotion seconded Nillson ad aaanfi0ud.y carried.
A delegation of two, Sron the &ina Corntry Club, qpeared to discuss with the
Council the problem created by clubnember pmu on Bden Avenue. Because of
+he volume of business ye% to be traiisacted 5t this meeting, discussion was
postpned until ldonby, August 22, .at 7:OO P,lL
p~rsnaat to ''Eotfce of Inprovement-Vatei. ~iah," pabiishea in ~uburixm Press,
Ho-&S.ns, Hinnesota, on Juls 21 and 28, 1949, efidavit of Pnb3ication for which
&s read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, Bresident called pblic hearing
in proposed water main exteasion in the follohg streets:.
Vooaaae Avenue froa Iower Street to I!,both' Stree%
1138th Street from WoodWe ~vern;re to Kellogg Avenue'
tJ.59th Street from Wooddal.e &mn?.e to &3130gg Avenue
XelXogg Avenue frm W, 58th Street to tf, 62na Street,
*e sewer project urd
&k, If: C. Bumell, 5817 Kellogg Avenue, suggested that this project he postponed m%il the matter of the SGitary Sever in tus distrlct has bsen settled, Child
gu5lic hesring 'be held, Hotion seconded by Pden and
Pursuant to 'sotice of Street Iqrovoment Hekring-$ladkt;og>ing," published in
7Subnrbaa Press, Hopkins, Jnly 21 and 28, 1949, Affidavit of Fublication for which
Gas read &y Clerk, apprdved and placed on file, Eresident cdled public hearing
on proposed Bla~kt~mi~~g of the followiilg street: Oxford Avenue between Interlachen
Btvd.. ma l'l.-51st Street. Engineer's estimate 03 cost for blacktop surfacing was
read at $2,064.75, or $1.95 per assessabXe foot,' A"de1egation of proger%y otmers
urged thpt 'the improvepent be begun at once. There vere no objections, either
ora3 or mitten, Willson offered the followhgResoZution and moved its adoption:
. moved that project be tibled until Nonday, October 24, at which time another
OXFQRD AV3lT@ BEnm IEJ'BXLAC~ PYD. . -11.5Isi! s-9
BE 1% RESOLVlD %y the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Pinnesota,
that said Council $as heretofore czused notice of hearing to be pu%lislzed, and
said p&lfcation is hereby ratified; OR the prozosed fnrprOVeXR0nt consisting of
constructih of Blacktop Surfacing, in 0xfordAm.w between Xnterlachen BlvL
ad V. 51st Stred.
At saldhearing the Council has duly consldered the piews of all persons;
interested, anh being STulQ advised of the pertinent facta does here%$ deternine
to proceed with the comistzkction of said inprovement, vhich 3nprorement is here*
designated and shall be referred tb in az1 subsequent proceedings as Street
Iqrovement No, &I and the mea to be speciallg assessed therefor shall include
-lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting the street inwhich said
improvement is. maiie,
Mot.ion for adoption of-the Resolution vas seconded br Child, and on Bo3lcall there
were-four ayes and no nays, as follows: child, aye; Palen, aye: Willson, aye;
and Cooper, aye; ad the %solution ~rm adopted,
r &%
Presrdent of the Village CoFl
fl & - VkLage ?Rl,J&!++?- Clerk r .. f ..
Trillson €hen offered the following Besolution and moved its adoption:
' XOR 9- I~.PBOQZBFp NO. A.1 AND DPCIPTTG . 'AD~ISR~P~FOR BI~S ~ - _- - ..
L* BE: 12 ~OLVED by the village- councg1 of the vi&* .of Edim
-r. -.
57 c d-Specificstiom for Bit-= Surfam hesetofore approved
oaci1 andnow on file in the office of the Village Olerk,
the Su'lrurban 2ress
rovdas the specifications for Street 'Improvement Bo, A-1.
Clerk shall cause to be publishedLtwice
; aid inprovernent:
tion Bullet3n the Tollowing notice for bids for the con-
nday,-August 22, 1949, at 8:OO P.ld. , to ogep and consider
construc%ion of Street Improvenent No. 11-1 in said
acirzg of Oxford Avenue between Inter-
'Phe work on satd improvement must be done as described and
s and specifications for said 5n.rovement on file in
agO Clerk. AX1 bias Wt be subfuftted: on the basis
the.mdersi&ed before the time of said meeting and accon-
it, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village
t for the work. Xo bids d11'be considered unless sealed
ten percent of the amount of the bid,
L. .-I ... Bower Hawthorne - Village Clerk - &izna,' Minnesota
.- ..
8 /8/49
58 <
Ifillson offered the following Besolution anLmoved its adQptiOa:
RT2 19 aEsOLVEDby the Vfllage qouncil of the -Viilage of IWinaG
1; Staad&d S2ecifications for Biturninow Su&..ce heretofore'appoved by the
V51-e Council and now on file in the office of the Villa@ Clerk, are hereby
qgroved as the specifications for Street bpovement No0 A-2.
Construction Bnlletb, !he fo1lorxl.n.g not9ce for' bids for the construction of said
irrrprovsment: *
2. lphe Clerk sMl caTe. to be published tvice in the Suburban Press ana the
The Eaina Villsge ~ounc3.l wLll meet at %@e Village Hall, 4801 W, 50th St. ,
on Honaay, Angust 22, 1949, at 8:00 PJI., 30 open and consider SdLed. bids for the
construction of Street ImproGeIilsnt No. A-2 in saia Village, conslstbg of Blacktop
Surficcing of Choven Avenue between W. 57th and W. 58th Streets,
the plans and spmifications for saEd inprovement on file In the office of the
Village Clerk. All bids must be sulxitted on the basis of cash paymen% for the
work. PTo bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned
before tKe tine of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond or
certified check pqable to the Village Clerk, in the amount of ten percent of the
amount of the bid,
!I?he-trork on said iqropnent must be done as descrzbed and specified in
" -- .- Bower Hawthorne - Village Clerk *
Edina,, Bllnnesota:
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregobg advertisement for bids =e herebs adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for sdd
li.lotios for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on aollcall there
were four ayes and no nags, as foUotrs: Coopsr, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
$TPm t
Village L./Hz?5zle Clerk
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Villson, aye; .-
President 4iL- of" the + Villtge C cll -
Pursuant- to nXotice' of Streek Improvement Hearing-Bladctopping, publishbd ip
Sumbaa Press; Hopkins, Minnesota, July 21 and 28, 194, Affidaviti of Azblil=ation
for which was read by Clerk, approved ai to form aaii placed on fils, President cdlea
pu3lic heking on the progosea blacktopping of the followhg streets: .. *
Oxford Avenue and Vandervork Avenue, from the 11. Boi~nkry
Line of "Beverly Hills" Addition to Interlachen Slvd.
Hollywood Road, from E, Boundary Line of "Beverly Hillsn
Addition to Oxford Avenue
Engineer's Estimate of Cost, in amount of $6,257.11; or $1.77 per a$essable fooC, was
publicly-red, There were no objections, either oral or, mitten, &, Child, owner of
309* of awtting proper€y, reqmsted that the gas mains be in before blackto@ag be
don@. Willson offered the foUoving Resolution moved ita adoption$ I EESOLUYIOE 0-G S!EtFEP II@ROTGHENT EO, b3 .- BI&K!tOPPIIJG OXE'OBS AND VXNDERVOIZ AJZITUES 3RON e
BE IT BFSOLVED the -Village Counc$l of -the Yillaga of 3@lna, Hinnesota, that
said Council. has heretofore caused notice of hearing to %e published; and said publi-
cat'ion is here@ ratified, on the progosed improvement consfsting of the construction
of Bl&cktop szlfr^ac5ng is. the following streets:
Oxford Avenue and Vanaemork Avenne, from Interlachen
Hollprood &-ad, fron E, Boundarg Line of "Beverly Hills'' .
&Idition to O&ra Gpenue, -
I * Blvd. to No, Bo&daxy Line'of ItBeverly Hillsit Addition.
At said
to pr0ceed.w
that said im
said streets
all subeque
specially as
and abutting
Motion for a
were four ay
* Cooper, aye;
Willson €hen
i; 'st$
Village Cow
"- approved aS
2. The
Constmc tion
on Nonday, ,A
Surfacing of
'Th( r*
the plans
Village Cler!
Work. Ho bic
before tfie t:
certified ch4
amount of thc
3. &cl
hereby adopt,c
improvemeilt ,
Motion for a(
were four agc
Coopr, aye;
Rlrsuant to I
between W. 5:
3uly u and ;
3pproved as 1
$0 osed -1
of $2,861.06,
as to wl
delegation w;
no objection!
Willson offei
hearing the- cw-b ~.I&c considerad.
nrthehg-fallgL daisd oE-the.~~rtbenLfac.ts- does-hem* d.-
th-construction of said improuement, $t beine: snecifically understood
rovement shall not 'be constntcted until as ma ins bave been laid in
which improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in
t proceedings as Street fmprovement No. A-3, and the area to be
essed therefor sWl include all lots and tracts of land fronting
the street in which said inprovernent is ahade,
qtdton 6s the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there
s and no nes, as follows:
znd the Besolution was adopted.
ufe~a- of. al~, persons
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, ay9;
President of the VillagdCouncil,
3ffered the following Resolutiop and moved its adoption:
FOR STR3E2 Ip.IpBo~~Ic-BO~ A-3 A;zpD DwC2ING *
BDmTISw?Ic POR BIDS - -. -
SOLVED by the Village CoFcil -- of _the- Village - of -ldina2
h&-Specifica€ions fo5 Bituminous &?face heretofore'aplproved %y the
Ll. and now on file in the Mfice of the Village Clerk, are hereby
18 sp6ciffcations for Street Inprov6ment __ No. A-3.
Jlerk sha13. cause to $6 publiihed in the SuWoaa Press ab the
Bul?dSr~, the following notice for bids for %he construction of said -,
ldina VilIagehC6$$cil-wiil meet _- at €@e ViZlag0 Hdl, 4801 YT. 50th St,,
gust 22, 1949, gi 8:OO*P.&, to opk-and consider sealed bids f9r the
>f Street Improvement Xo. ._ &3 in said Village, consisting of Blacktop
the follaw+ng s%reef;s:
Oxford Avenue and-Vmderoork Avenue, f rorn Int erlalheh
Blvd. to ,No, 'Boundary Line of "Beverly Hills" Addition,
HolLgwpod Road, from 3!& Bound.& Line of "Beverly
Hillsn adition to Oxford Avenue
worE on paid bprovernent mnst-be done as described and specilfied in
specifications for said iq&depnts on file in the office of the
831 bids 'ZSB be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the
I will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned
$6 of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond or .
:k payable to the Village Clerk, in the a*llotu?t of ten percent of the
-- -Bower Hawthorne - Village Clerk
ana all of the terms of the-forego- advertisement for bids are
1 as the terms and conditions of the award of %he contract for sad
Pdina,' Minnesota
ption of the Resolution was seconded by Ghild, a;ad on Rollcall there
I and no nays, as follows:
md the' Resolution was adopted.
lotice of Street Improvement Hearing curb and (XItter-Halifak Avenue
rd and W. 53rd Streets ,It published in Subur'bm Press ,. Hopkins, Minn, ,
it 1949., Affidavit of Xolication for-which was read by Clerk,
1 form and $laced on file, President called pubiic hearbg on the
lvement named in said notice. Engiaeer's Estimate of Go&, in apolznt
or $2.37 per assessable foot, was publicly read.. An inqu3ry was
I woyld pay for the cur3 abutting the Village Pwqp Houge Lots, and
I infomed that Water Works funds would pay this cost. There were
rd the folloyhg Resolution ana moved fts adoption:
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye;
either oral or written: with debgation urging immediate mrovement,
8/8/49 RESOLU2ION ORl@FiIHG S-2 IT*EROm!C NO, 8-1
CZJID_IlrsI) I- GuIc!@EL~.Sgg~~i~ tl.5m -m TI* 53as:sTmm!s . I
J3E I2 BEsOL~by the Vi&ga.Council of the'Vih& of Bdi#a, 'Hinnesota, t
that said Council @as heretofore cawed notice of fiearing to de published, and said
publication is hereby ratified, on €he proposed *rovement consfsting of the con-
struction 6f Standard Vfllage Our3 and Gutter in Halifax Avenue 'between t?. 52aa ~
and If. 53ra Streets.
-At said-hearing the counc3.X has duly considered the views of all persons
fnterested, and be* fully advised of the pertinent facts does herebg determine
to prcceed with constsucltion of said Znproveinent , which ciqtrove~~ent is hereby
designated and SU be referred to in &I subsequent proceedings as Sireet
Iqrovement Bo. B-1, and the area to be spectS3y assessed therefor shall in'cluae
ment is matie.
... ,
lots and trets of land fronting and abutting the street in which said improve-
Hot2on for adoptson of the Resolution was secondea by Palen, and on Rollcall there
weire four ayes;andno nays, as follows:
Cooper, aye; znd the Besolution vas adopted.
Ohild, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye;
.- .I - L./JL e the- - --
Village Clerk
Flillson $hen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: - ~SOLlE!IOX .AF'EBOVIIJG PUNS AND SF"fCAEO8S
BE I2 BESO1;vED by ihe vill&-Council of the Vil&se of Eh&
1, 'Stand& Specifications for cur'b and Gutter heretofore ap5roved by the
Village Council and now on file 3.n the office of the Village Clerk, are here3y
qproved & the specifications for Stseet Ingrovemerit no. 3-1.
Construction3BuUetin, the following noticii for bids for the construction of s&d
improvement: - - .
2. rphe Clerk shau cause to b6 published twfce in the Suburban Press and the
SW!C Il@ROVBI: %*l?O, +3. am3 Am omm-mm OF mmy
l?he BEna Village Council will meet a$- the ViLlge Hall, 4801 W.SOth St,,
onEonw, &gust 22, 1949, at 8:OO P.L, to open and consider sealed bids for the
construction .of Street ImproVement NO. 13-1 in sdd ViUege, consisting of the laying
of Standard Vfllzge curb and GutCer h *ifax Avenue between W, 52nd'a;nd W, 53rd
Streets ,
%?be work on said inprovement .must be done as descriaed and specified Jn
the plms and specifications for said iraprovement on file in the office of the
Village Clerk, B;L1 bids mast be submittea on the basis of czsh payment for the
work. no bids will be considerea anless sealed and filed with the undersignea
Wore the time of said meeting and acconlp&ed by a cash deposit, bid bond or
cerlffied check payable to the Village Clerk, in the amount of ten percent of the
amom% of the bid, -
BY ORDER OF 5 vf- COWGIL ... Bower Hawthorne - Till- hrk
Edina, 2.Tinnesota;
3. Bach and a31 of %he terms of the foragoing-advertisement for bids are
herew adopted 28 the terns ad conditions of the award of the contract for seid . improvement.
Bbtion for adoption of the Resolution vras seconded by Child, ad on Rollcall there
were fow ayes and no neys, as follows8 Child, aye; Pden, .. age; WilXson, age;
ZJessrs, ajercy &bw& znd Harold Roberts appeared before the Council to request *
pernits to rmove gravel apd dirt; from the foiloving properties--said permits being
requestea in conformsnce with Wrdinance Regulating 1FlXcavatin&-" adopted June 27 *1949.
$.32 $2720000 $.3Z $2720*00
I $6630.00 $634-laO0
ituminous surface- ' $A6 &l.O.Og 8.426 $3621.00
between Franc
-- improvements. Mo%ion, seconded by Child andunanimously carried.
oil paint of first qplality. Toilet room to be finished
Loss enamel. New and old counters in main store to be
7 proposal by Northwestern Construction Coo, in amo3;211E of
by Willson and carried. -
Zncpiry was made as to legal proceaure to pztWb&t the keeping of due& on the ( Fond Vest or" StJohs and between Oak Drive and V.j6th S%reet, to prevent hazard
to children, Attorney Vindhorst e@lZined to gentleman that bodies of \rater are
not considered hazards in Minneeota and that, %herefore, there is little to be
done about having the ponti fenced to b8p %he children out of 5%; but thae it
might %e possible 'to complziin under Village Ordinance restricting the keeping
of animals and ths rid !he pond of duc$s,
Ik. &ndqne &q&rea qs to action taken by Co.pncil w%th re&d
a moving permit, made a month ago, He vas. informed that mlding hspector
ttoehler had deniea request,
.. his request for
I&. Ghaney, represe&ipg J. Q. Gleason, rod contractor, requested pzpent of the bladkcoppbg 303s he reported as finished. He was 'informed tbt he would, receive
_Lpayzt&nt when the sobs had been tested and approved as meetfng Village Specifications,
Pale? moved tW 'pwin City 'Pesting &&oratories- be employed to test the blacktopping
jobs of J, V. Gleason, Motion secoqded by Willson ana unanimously carried., Mr.
Cooper told&, Chmey-th& the 303s would be tested as soon as an Plffidavft of
PeprEomaice According to Specifications had'beea s5gnpd 3y J. V, Gleason and @resented to thi9 office; and that contractar would be paid.if and, irhen speci-;
'fications had been met, -
2.b. fieiris Jones asked for an a-wlication of calcim chloride in front of his hoase,
to g+re
what to do about blacktopping qpoaches to Blake Road.
Petition dated Aest 8, 194, signed b+ br. b, I;bdboe =a others 1 for: the: 6
Blabktopplng of BrbokxrZew Avenue between 11, 61~s and 11, 62pd Streets, was filed,
Oface reported th* petztion wries si&i&res of60$ of abutting properties.
Willson's motioi, settzng public ~earing on Petition qor BIacIctogpins for Monday,
Septeabgr 12, lg@, was seconded py Child artd unanm . ously. careed,
Petition &tea lSlgitst 1, 194, signeit
Gra&ig an& Gravelling of Shemood Avenue *betpen 64th and 65th Strestis, was filea,
Office reported that petltion carries signatures Gf 60s of abrztting properties.
IEIlson's motion seEtbg PiiBlic Hearing on Petition fox Grading &a Gravelling
for T~Io&y, Serptenber 12, lg@,. was seconded Child and unanimousQ carried,
Petition &tea auguSt 8, 1949, simea By Nerlfn ZSe and others, for Contfnuous
Sidevdlr betmeen Edha CLinic BuCiding, 39443 N&r&ec Street and France Avenue, on
%he gorth side of Ihrket Stree?, vas filed, Office reported t%t petition carries
signztares of none of tEe affected property oimers. Village Attorhey's opinion-
Sch& Council may construe€ sidemlk and assess for sam6 vithout a petition, propfd-
fonr-fifths of the Council deems it necessary--wm read, Dis&sion was had, with
llills6n mow for PuBlie Hearing on Petition to be held Nontky, September 12,
19W, at 8t00 P.H: Xotion secdndea by Chila and c~ri~a. Dr, R37hn8 who h$i
$resentea petition,' was &d. to contact lfr, Russell hnd, to fid 06% what
use he Snthnds' to make of US property,-in order thatldrivemy approaches may
be-p3.anned for this property, Villson thb ozferea the following Besolution ad
move& its dostion:
relief fron dwt until SU&.tim8 s3Rtllage snd County could decide
"I ' --. ..
.. -- ._
JO~ IC. ti.lartner ana others, for the c
I I .. 4 -. ._
BE 12 BESOLVED $y 'tfie VT~I,& Gbgii OS. tfie .Villcge of Edinat
1; St&d&d-Ville Specif icakons for ConcrG%e Sidewalk, hekttof ore
approyea by the Pdina Village Council and now 'on file in the office of the Village
Clf~k, are herkby approve& as %he specifications. f6r Street 'Improvement No. JLX.
2, !.he Clerk sM1 cause Eo 'be $zbUshed f$lice izi'the Suhr3an Press;
and the Construction Bulletin the following notfce for bxds for the construction
of said improvemen€:
--.I --,+ .- * L- - --
- ,. - ..
S~ib!S~B6Rk€I~SIDIl OP f-2
s-3 .. &Ern 3ALvq &D*
- Ii%AlTm;Am~m;
The Edba Vil'l'age counc23 ktll me$ at the ?&g8 mol !"I. 50th Street,
on Monda;St, Septenber 12, 1949, at 8:OOP;r.I.; toropen ang consider sealed bids 2or
the constkction of Street Improvement No, D-l i% said Villxe, consisting of the
leg of Standard Till- Side'cmlk'on %& ljorth Side of Market Street betireen
Halifax and France Akme~:, excepting in SUCK Xocatfons'-as sidevalk has alreadg'
peen instdL~d, - -
i as described an& speci-
for sai&~povenen& on file in the omce
'be submitted on the basis of cash payment;
red unless sealed andsffled with the . etig and accoqmiea by a cash deposit,
o the Village Clerk, in the wont of
ORDER m m mIJiAG;E: COrnCIL .t *
i* .- Bower: &.rthorne
+ - VZllage Clerk ~-
lackt and all OCT the terns of the foregoiag advertisement for
cond%tions 0% the award of the contract
seconded by Palen, and on Ilollcall there
Pden, aye; WiTlson., aye;
.President ofthe Vallage Co$cil
.* ..
I -
.4 LI
re sponsiblt
authorize I
Attorney W
from Commii
read and f
applications fiir Food Iifcenses were recebed:
Lofgren, 5008 Beqon Aye, - Grand View kket 0 Meats
ssler & James 9, Smith, 3924 %,rke.1; St: - Sdina Dinette
fffcer, wm seconded by Palen and carrked.
thaE app1icatt;lons %be *approved+subject *to inspecljiola by the
1 h
ard of Hedth recommends 3EBXSQ@
againnt-the Olinger Bamily,5800 -
resent sourc0 of suppIy uriiess-it-
il the status of the Olingers, now
en$ ChSldren! which will not be.
th furnishing %hem with-water sumly. Child moved that Council
pustee Willsiill to proceed with well .f6r OlilEger 3amilg at the most;
Attorney W:
that the nc
&tows reii
advising; oJ
spoke, as :
acqire pa3
Attorney I?:
prohibit si
%e matter
?he Counci:
County - He&
Motion ipp cma,
ethod, Motion seconded by Palen and anan%mouslg carried. -
August 2, 1949, op-hion, that azthorfty must be obtained
Hi&ways for 204tile signs within .the village limits, was
Board, advising them
Commissioners, and
member; also
Mr. Windhosst
* n Edina citizen, advocating a bond issue sufficiently large to
k propepty and plu'chase sufficient equ%pmen-@ to develop if,
ndhorst% August 2,-1949, o&inion, that Stah Stktute does not
le of b$er below Street level, was read and filed,
of a Codnty Health' Departmeht in rw%l Hehepin County came before
th De&rtment. Motion ._. seconded by Willson and uknimously carriedr
4 * +. -3 7
* I .* *
and WE& reviewed; -Palen doved for "rejectiofi of the proposed
oving the foXloi&ng Payrolls and C&&ms was made by Palen, seconded
nd unanimously carriedt .. -
Payroll for period Auggtlthrough15, 1949 and Overtime for JuJx, 1M
Gazoss . .vm* . I RETIRE, . TOZ'AL.. . . . : .m 9 . * . .Gum$ ITA..- ............
Phil .Smith., . ,
Gretchen Alden
Bernice gowon
Helene Freeman
Louise Weaterberg
Fred. Jonas,
QonaM Drem
lJill$~ Vo HoZ-
Henry Ttli.obleski
Bert& Lierfeld
Lloyd &Gary
Charles Ploog
s- Prn-rnQ
Ph53.2 .Bailey. .-. . .
Pete Dahlgren
11. 5. Nerfeld
John eacy
Harry Jonas
Ar$hur . Jensen
Ronald Port
G. I?. Cardarelle
Wape Tracy
'Joseph. Natole '
Charles, Johnson,,
Jacob Shmak
En. Kell
PaulW. Books
Frank Warno
Sam Roberts
David S. Roberts
-- -. .-
L&elO .20.50
I4010 3 20
I 8.80 8.20
he& 18.94 102.18 . . .U003.. . 31.53.. . .Z$+.4O
Liquor Store Payroll. for period Aw 1 through'15, and Wra Men *or JUT. 1949
Frank. Kippley .
Laura I&igh%
Chas. Bates *
Paul Flesher
John Dahlen
8 f 22/49
:~uG~s2"22; ig~9;--~$7:oO'P,r.1. AT ~m*
. '-~INA-VILLAGE BIII;~, .- -- .. -
amwering Rollcall-were ChSd, -Palen, Willson, Havthorne , and Cooper;
was had -with two reprkentatxves of"the Edina Country Club,-trith '
POOR FUND Wburban Hennepin Go+ Relief Baed 8 109.07 ,k
3957 3958
r* 3954
- 3960 3961 3962 .# 3963 * 396.4 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 ' 3970
35.00 Howard W, Merrimm
Howard W, Merriman Robert Reid ' 200.00
L. J, Cohen 15.00 '
Lloyd Boyce 300*00 Eatherbe V. Johnson 120.00
DoroiAy Halorson 120*00
E. T. Hardy * * loo,oo
James B. Peterson U6.00
Bob J. Leeman 96.00
Phyllis-S, Beson 76dO
Elsie D. Petersoa 53455
Robert .Kunzelok 24.00
Ray Connor LWEL
&t K. Peterseh
, , e.. , * ,
-1,. * ..*
I I r..rrr, ,
4k 3954 I- Jorgen H. Anderson
E. C. Pfeiffer
Westerp Underground
George Madsen
George F?I&dsen
E. C, Pfeiffer
E; Ch Pfeiffer
E, C. Pfeiffer
E. C, Pfeiffer
3955 3971 3972 3913- 3974 - 3975 3976 3977
L615 L616
ad journmenl was seconded by Pden and
+ village Clerk
Willson's hotion for adjournment vas secon9a I
i I- ..