HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490822_ADJOURNEDI I 'Phe followi report that J. McClur 3. so Lam &nolil- Bi &@id Plu 2. Do Gus Klingelhu Motion by P unanimously Palen's mot : pS hip of t Willson moe Bridge, sai %e drafted Office rep0 set hearing r be in %he o for adjourn I 7t30 P.I., r Nembers pi The Villq Council ai highway ec receipts-- action tab $15,000 fc Village Ma garage is in the ana this work Council re Minutes of date. $ Next matte for cost- o of St.John Heights 2n WillSon of - wllEml contract h and the IT0 the Clerk to be spec parcel of assessment therefore, BE II work of i: that the c Hopkins, 14 September that the t %22f49 ; qplications for P1 bing Licenses were presented, with the :6quired performance bonds @e in order: Kelly & 'Go, , .2601 Stevens Ave. So,, Ninneapolia in Go. , Inc., 1013 +&@qnette Av6, 5 plumb in^ 80 Heating Go., 4945 SO. Upton., Pkimeqolis lie Po Heating Go, , 3806 Grand Ave. , Minneapolis; Skon Cornmy, 3206 Bfoomingtoa- Aveke , Minneapolis z C onpany, 5320 Lya@.le Ave, So., Mheapolis Len, &anting licenses to April I 1, 5950, was seconded by Ifillson and m; that/license be granted to Rresidene Gene Cooper, upon su'bmission 3 required a>plication and bond, was seconded by - Hafihorne and carried. I that Council advertise for bids for the widenink of the 9th Street bids to be taken September 12, 1949, according to specifications to r the Village IngLnder, Mation seconded by Hawthorne and carried. red that Special Assessments must be reviewed by Council in time to for sane on September 26, I949-=in order that said assessments mag 'ice of the Hennepin County Auditor by October 1,- Motion by Hawthorne, mt of the Meeting of August 22, to Euesday, September 6, 1949, at ts seconded Palen &nd c&&ed. Minneapolis :aEried. .. plumber' s I I sent and svering Rollcall were Palen, TkiLlson, Hawthorne and Cooper. Budget for the year 1950 was discussed at some length, with the iving at a gross of $&2,308.75 in estimated expenditures (including addition to Village, ell, $~~,ooo for new Fire Station, $5,000 for ipment , and $1,500 for two automobile re;pla,cemepts) $4&,5,00 estimated r het Budget, Lev of $197,808.75, which vonld be 36 mills. a to adopt budget at $his time, No 3,ger Smith reported that the roof of the Liquor Store marquee and 2dl.y in need of Fepair, and submitted the bid of Jacobsen ad Quist it of $235.00, for repair, )mplet& at above bid price. rested that Idina Liquor Control Commission be asked to submit deetings for all meetings held between April15, 1949 apd the present Council authorized Er. Smith to have % of hsiness was the reviewing of proposed Special, Assessmen; Rolls construction work. Avenue between Woodhill Road ad the North Lot Line of Golf !Perrace Addition, fn the amount of $389.08, or $1.54 per assessable foot. . Ired the following Resolution and move& its adoption: RESOLUTION SITTING ASSESSMDHT! IBARING BLACKTOPPING OF ST: JOHNS Am BETWEEN tJOO1111EI1;1; ROD AND THE NORTH LO2 LIm OF Engineer Smith presented Roll for the Blacktopping GOLF 'EDRACE IfEIGHPS 2nd DDN. ; pursuant to Resolution adopted ky the Council May 23, 1949,. a 3 been let for improvement of St. Johns Avenue between Woodhill Road' ;h Lot Line of Golf 9errace Heights 2nd Addn. by Blacktopping; and ith the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount dly assessed for such Improvement against every lot, piece, or and abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now IESOLV3D by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said roving said street is hereby designated as Street Improvement So. 22; 3rk is directed to cause-notice to be published in Suburban Press, mesota, on September 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council will meet on 5, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessment; tal cost of said improvement is determined to be $389.08, . 9/6/49 IJotion for adoption of the foregoing Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Ron- call. there were four ayes and no nap, aq follows: Palen, we; I'lillson, aye; Havrthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolut@y vas adopted. .I t- Bresldent of the Village C$&ncil . . .. Village Clerk Council reviewed assessment presented by Village Engineer Smith for Blacktopping of Hansea Road between Grove St. and ~~60th St., in mount of $3,781.74, or $3.9 per assessable f oot, I'rillson offered the following Resolution, and moved its, adoption: WSOLUTIOX SE99IIJG S$ESSZi!JQTT HFBRING -2 BUGKWPPING OF WSEN ROAD I3E!l!WEEN GBQG S!EBEEI! AND 1r.60~~ S-2 I sm2 Il-IPBom~mEI! no. 273 l?EERZAS pursuant to Besolution adopted by th Council &rch 28, 1949. a contract I has been let for improvement of Ransen Road betveea Grove Street and l'f.6Oih Streeb by Blacktopping, and the clerk trsth the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutt'sng upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assessmedzt is doe on file with the clerk' and open to public inspectiou, nov therefpre, BE: IT RESOLVED by %he VilZzEfe Courkil of the Villege o€ Edina that th; &id sork Of improving said street is hereby designated as Street Improvement No. 23; that the clerk is directed to cause notfce to be published in Suburban PJXSS, Hopkins, Minresota, on September 8 and 15, 1949, that the Council will meet on September 26, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost; of said inprovement is determined to be $3,783.74, Hotioa for adOptiOR of the Resolution trak seconded by Palen and on Ro'Llcall them were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Palen, @e; ??illson, aye; Havthorrre, aye; and Coopr, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted, t Assessment f.or the blacktopping of Itadison Avenue between Maloney Avenue and Xdrth Village Limits, total $3,632.00, vas next presented by Ercgineer Smith. Villson offered the followins Resolution and moved. its adoption: E?3SOLUTION SErPTING ASSESst.IENI! HEBING BLACKTOPPING OF &%DISON AYX3XDl l33~~ ZUGOHEE AVXBUEI AtXD ITORQI VILLAGZ LIMITS SIc31EET IE*QROVET.IE"P NO. 2.4 1-S pursuant $0 Resolution adopted by. the Council* May 9, 1949, a contract has been let for improvement of Hadison Avonue betveen 1.Ialoney Avehue and the Horth Village Limits by Blacktopping, and the clerk with the assistance of the engineer bas calculzted the propr amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by lav, which pro2osed'assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to publit: inspection, now therefore, of improving said street is hereby designated as Street Emprovement No. 24; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be publishes in Suburban Press, Ho@ins,'l.Iinsle- sota, on September 8 and 15, Is@, that'this ConncZl trill meet'on September 26, 1949, at the Village Halls to .pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is deternined to be $3,632,06, Motion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall. there vere four ayes a.nd no nays, as f bllows : Paleu, we; I'lillson, aye; Hawthome, aye; and.Cooper ,I aye; ami the ResoluEion vas adopted, A!iTESTt BE IT RESOLV3D l,p the Vilbge Council of the Village of Edina that the said work President of the Village/Council ZL/JkL Village Clerk +r I 1 I I f 1 i Assessment Moore Aven was presen I t Tm, contract h, Moore Aven has calN; against ev provided *o; open to pi BE IT said work No, 25; thi Press, &PI meet OR Sej assessment 1 be $Wo.rCO, z Village Clr Council ret $1,40 per i W.5lst and itm adoptic t vH-E€aJ con ,rat t h: W.52nd Strt has calcul: aga5nst eve provided b3 open to pal BE IT work of iq that the cl Ho2kins, Mj on Septembe ment; that Motion for Palen, and Idillson, a~i $1,6816.00, -- Engineer ' Sn: 17, 5lst auc amomt of 9 Resolution, r , r IrnREl contract h;: Streets (ir of the en@ improvement improvement the clerk I 9 /6/49 /, .- t0U for the Blacktopping of Lama Avenue betweencascade Lane 80 i, in total assessable amount of $400.40, or $1.43 per assessable foot !a, Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVETOE SJiE!'PING ASSESSMEN2 HEULINO, BLACKTOPPING OF LAU Am BETFIE" CASCADE LANE AtTD 1400B34: Am STREET! IMPRO~IENT EO, 25 pursuant $0 Resolution adogled by the Council June 13, 1949, a, I been let for improvement 0% Lama Avenue between Cascade Lane and i by Blacktopping, and the clerk with the assistance of the' engineer ked the proper anomt to be specially assessed for such improvembnt lot, piece, or parcel of land abuttingupoa such improvement as lapr, which proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and: .ic inspection, now therefore, lSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of ldina that the ' improving said street is hereby designated as Street Improvement 4 i the clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Suburban as, Minnesota, on September 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council will ember 26, 1949; at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed that the total assessable cost of said improvement is determined to k ewed qngineey Smith's assessment roll in mount of $1,6816.00, or sessable foot, for cost of BlacktopFfng Bedford Avepue between .5@d Streets. l@llson offwed the following Resolution and moved * RESOLUTIOH SITTIITTG ASSESSE53N!t I3S3ARING BLACKTOPPING OF BFDFORD AVEMTE BEm'iEEN Wo5lST AND TJ.52NP SDE@I!S S-T 1MPROVI"T NO. 26 pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council May 23, 1949, a been let for improvement of Bedford Avenue between I?, 51st and ' ts by Blscktol?ping, and the clerk with the assistance of the engineer ed the proper amount to'be speciaLlyassessed for such improvement y lot, piece, or parcel ofdland abutting UPOR such improvement as law, whichproposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and ic inspection, now therefore, ESOLVBD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said oving said street is hereby designated as Street Improvement No, 26; rk is directed to cause notice to be published in Suburban Press, nqsota, on September 8 md 15, 1949, that this Council will meet '26, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assess- he total assessable cost of sahd improvement is detemined to be ( aoption of the two immediately foregoing resolutions was seconded by 11 Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Palen, we; ; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and. the Resolutions were adopted, &e - President of the Vill&e @unci1 k tht s proposed agsessment for the blacktogping of Corgas Avenue between V. j2sd Streets (including tuparound) was next reviewed, being in the ,406.40, or $1.88 per assessabbe foot. Willson offered the following ad moved its, adoption: -XEWLUCPION SETTING ASSBSSMEET €lEAJ3IXG BLACK'POPPfNG OF GORGAS ATEWE BEWEEIT < w.52~~ rn vi,51s1! STREETS* S'EUBIL1 II4PROTEl4l3NT XOe 2 pursuant to Resolution adopfed+by $h; Council MarFh 14, i949, a 'been let for improvement of Oorgas Avsnue between If, 53st and W.52nd luding turnaround) by Blacktopping, and the clerk with the assistance eer has calculated the proper amount: to be specially assessed for such zainst every lot, piece, or parcel of land a'buttlng upon such, as provided ,by law, which proposed assessment is now on file trifih a open to public inspection, now therefore, 9/6/49 76 BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Idina that the said vork of improving said street is hsrelqr designated as Street Improvemetrt No, 27: that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Suburban Press,. Holpk=Lns, Hinnesota, on September 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council trU meet on September 26, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said roposed assessment; that the total cost of said islprovement is determined to be 8 2,rrO6.40. 1.Iotion fo,r aitop$ion of the Besolition vas seconded by Palen, and on ~ollca~ there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Coopr, we; and the Resolution was adopted. mm2: Palen, aye; Tlillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and & -2 President of the Village/ouncil : -- Z,/.d-- - Village Clerk c Mr* Smith presented his proposed assessment roll for cost of construction of curb and gutter in the West side of T'Tooddale Avenue betveen IT. 56th and Lexington Avenue, in amount of $666.07, or $2.08, per qssessable foot. After review by Cpuncil, TTillson offered the follovring Resolution apd moved %ts adoption; I BESOLufcION SATIITJG ASSESSMEN2 HEARING . CUBB AND GU- IX IT, SIB OF IIOODDJIIJJ 41 AVIGKJE BIXFtm IT,56I?H S!CREZ!C -AN9 I;EXI'jGWN ABS!EEE!E IMPROOE~?I! NO. 28 W€EREAS PUEEUA" to Resolution-adopted by the Council Way 9, 1949, a contract has been let for improvement of Tf.. Side ofTloo&@.e Avenue between 8, 56th Street and sexington Avenue by construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter therein, and the clerk vith the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assesged for such impovement Gainst every lot, piece, or parcel of land aktting tqon such improvement as provided by law, trhich, proposed assessment is. now on file aith the clerk and open to public inspection, ROW therefore, - of improving said street is herely designated as Street Imyrovement Bo. 28; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Suburban hess, Hopkins, 14imesota, on September 8 and 15, 194, tha% this Council vi11 meet on September 26, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvemgnt is $666.07, Xotion for adoption of khe Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nags, as follows: Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, BE IT RESOLV3D by the Village Council of the Village of Zdina tk.t the said work Palen, aye; Billson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and mm'Pr ~ %. z-.J44!/+- President of the Village 96uncil T'illage Clerk Review i~as kd of proposed Assessmkt R& presented by Engipeer Smith, in'anount of $2,316.80, or $1.81 per assessable foot, covering cost of construction of curb and gatter in Gorgps Avenue between If, 51st and TI. 52nd Streets, Billson offergd the follotring Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLU'I'ION SEmIRTO ASSESSl*EN!l! HEBING CURB AM) G~~ IB GOBOBS ATEWJ3 BEllLEEBT - W,5lst AND I;TO52M) S-S (ISJCLUDIl?G 'PUBSJPJRO~) - S-I! IE*PROVBEIZI? XO. 29 IlIIEREAS pursuant to Resolution adop5ed by the Council brch 14, 1949, a contracti has been let for inprovenen% of Gorgas Avenue between TI. 51st and II. 52nd Streets (i-aclding turnaround) by 32&& construction of Cukb and Gutter therein, and the clerk ;:riLh the assistame of the engineer has cdculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such bprovexent against every lo$, piece, or parcel of lmd abutting upon such improvement as provide& by law, which proposed assessment is nov on file with I the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore,. I. BE IT RESOLVID by the Village Council of the Villzge of Edina that the said work of improving sdd street is hereby designated as Street Improvement No, 29; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be pulblished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Knnesota, on September 8 and 15, 1949, that this Councfl will met on September 26, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said pro3osed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is- determined to be $2,316.80. llotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Cooper, aye; and the IiesolutAon vas adopted. m'PES!i!: 0 Palen, z +/&- vr e, Village Clerk Mr. Smith's Avenue betwe foot, was re adopt ion: r r r mas contract has ana Belmore the engineer improvement improvement clerk and op BE IT E work of impr that the cle Hopkins, Min S apt ember 26 that the tot Notion for a were four ay and Cooper, I z Village Cler: Assessment RC Grading and 1 presented by Resolutibn a: r 1-s has 'been let Grading*and culated the : lot, piece, I which proposl nou theref or1 BE IT RJ work of imprc that the de: Bopkins, Mim September 26 that the tot; Motion for a! were four ayc and Cooper, : -- Village Clerl ViLlage $.63 per assc between Eldo1 Willson off e1 a I. - hereas has been le' Village Limi engineer hac provement ad 9 16/49 '1: 77 boposeb Assessment Boil; for the Grading: and Gr'ayelling of Jefferson , Nd-oney Avenue and Belmore &me, amount $988,35, or $A3 per assessable ewe& after which Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its RESOLU!l?IOM SE!J?!l?PIBG ASSESSMEN!T KEABII?G ERADING AHD GEATEUING JE3?%RSOI\p AvEMfE: l3EIWEEN &GOplEy Am PND BELElloaE LfOll3 . 1 smx2 fMPRoi%iMEm?No; 30 tmsuant to Resolution adopted by the Couacil October 11, 1948, a been let for improvement of Jefferson Avenue between Maloney Avenue ne 5y Grading and Gravelling, ab3 the'clerk with the assistance of as calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for sur& aainst every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such ' provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file vith the to public inspection, now therefore, OLm by the Village Council of the Village of Edim that the said ing said street is hereby designated as Street Improvement No, 30; : is directed to cause-notice to be pu'blished in Suburban Press, sota, on September 8 an8 15; 1949, that this' Council will' meet on 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessinent; ption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and onRollcall there Pale6, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; e; and the Resolutibn was ado * cost of said improvement is determined to be $988.35, &d no nays, as follovis: 1 In amount of $610.52, or $.51 per assessable foot, for the cost of aveUing Kellogg Avenue between W, 59th and W.60th Streets ,' was ngineer Smith and reviewed by Council. Willson offered the following moved its adoption: RESOLufcION SETTING ASSESSPDBJT HEABING WADING AHD GlUVXLLING Kl3UOGG Am ' ' BEWEBN W, 5gm XD' w.60m STREETS r S!EIEET IMPROVEMENT NO. 31 *. ursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council, May 23, 194, a contract or improvement i3f Kellogg Avenue between W, 49th and W,60th Streets by ave1iing;and the clerk'with the assistance' of the engineer has ca2- oper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement kaingt every parcel of land abuttingupon such improvement as provided by law, assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to p'bulic inspection, 3LVED by the Village Council of the Villzge of Edina that the said ing said street is hereby. designated as Street Inpovement go. 31; is directed to cause-notice to be published h Suburban Press, sota, on September 8 and35, 1949; that this Council will meet on 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessment; . cost bf said improvement is determined to be $61.0~52, ption,of the Resolution was seconded by Paen, and on RoUcd.1 there Palen, aye; Wi1Tson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; aid no nays, as follows: e;' and the Resolution'was adopted. .--. // Preiident of the Villa& Vcfihcil -. er Smith presented his assessment roll in the mount bf $1,445.62, or sable foot, for the cost of grading and gravelling Madison Avenue y Avenue &d the North Village Limits, 9 the following'Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SETlING ASSESSEIENT KGARLI?G OBADING AXD GUVZLLING 03' 1U)ISON AVI@JUE BE)!" UOmY SY"UE ABil NORTH VIUm After review 'by Council, LIMITS - STJZBI! IHPROVEME1INZ! NO. 32 ~rsuanij to Reeolution adopted by the'Counci1 May 9, 1949, a conlract €or improvement of Madison Avenue between Haloney Avenue and North s by Grading and Gravelling, &d the clerk with the assistance of tho calculated the proper amount to be specidly assessed for auch in- inst every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improve- * 9/6/49 ,%smmt as provided by law, which proposed assessmexit is nov 00 file with tha clerk and . 2 open to public inspectioa, now thereford, of improving said street is hereby designated. as Street Improvemdnt No, 32;. that the clerk is directed to cause notece to be published in Suburban Press, HopkiGs, Minnesota, on Septeinber 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council will meet on September 26, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total. cost of said inprovenent is deterabed to be $1,445.62, Notion for ado'ption of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcd there were four ayes and no nays, as follot.Js: Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopt'ed. BE IT IEESOLPSD by tke Village Council of the Pi&l.zge of 3aina that the said work \ Palen, aye; Villson, aye; Hwthorne, aye; and /J/-. President of the Village C#mcil Viilw CleGk !?he ;?ropbsed assessment roll for the grading and gravelling of Park Place between Wr.55th hnd W,56th Streets, total amount $1,2~,12, or $LO1 per assessable foot, tra~ presented. After rekiev by the Council Tlillson offered the follobng Resolubion and moved' its adoption: I RESOLUTION SETTING ASSESSbmI! HEARING ~ OIEG amD GUmLmG OF PARK PUG% S!l!E?hEI! IESPROV33t~ NO, 3 L" T1,53TH @D Vr.56!CH S5ETS IJIBREAS pursuant to Eesolution kdopted by the DoLcil June 13, 1949,~ contract; has been let for improvement pf Park Place betteen Tl, 55th and Tl.56th Streets'by Grailing and Gravelling, and the clerk sith the assistance of the engineer has cal- culated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement again& every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement a8 provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to public BE 12 RESOLVED by the Village Cbuncil of the Pillage of gdina that the said vork of improving said street is'hereby designated,aa Street Improvement No. 33; that the clerk is directed to cwse'notice to be @blishea in SubmBan Press, Hopkins, llinnesota, on September 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council will meet on September 26, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said illlprovemeht is determined to be'$1,229,12, Motlon for aaoptioh of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four syes hd no nd;rs,'as follows: Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted, inspection, now therefore, r* Falen, aye; TJiLlson, aye; Havthorne, aye; and - 4- &z&!Zz-* President of the Village Village CleGk t Pursuant* to Council's instructions, Village Engineer Smith presented tabulation of assessmbnt roll in mount of $11,656.16, covering cost of installation of: ornamental streef lights in the 50th and* Frznce'businbss district. Willson offered the f ollotring After review by Coubcil, .. r JND B.TES.3 S!Cp.-BTREET IEXE'R0~4EWJ! NO. CtlG I ITHEBEAS pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council July 15, 1946, and'motion passed &rch 26, 194.8 , a contract has been let for improvement of the follohing streets by installation of ornamental street Lights therein: 11, 50th Street betvreen France and Hdifax Avenues 11. Side of France Avenue between Warket St, and 5lst St, BTD THE*CLERK'WITEl the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be spcially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or pardel of * land abui;ting upon sph improvement as provided by latr, t-rhich proposed assessment is now on file with the'clerk and open to pu'olic inspection, nov therefore, BE SI! EIiSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said vork of improving said streets is hereby debBgnated as Street Improvement Xo, 34; that the clerk is directea to cause notice to be published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, 2.Iinne- sota, on September 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council will meet on September 26, 194.9 at the Village Hd1; to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined EO be $11,656,i6. Motion for e were four ag and Cooper, Assessment R cost of cons W.57th Sts., reviewed by adoption: r - t v€rERE@ contract has Village Vate w . AI2 and the cler to be specia of ladabut 9/6/49 T9 Loption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on RollcaJ.1 there !$ and no nays, as fOllOVJS: Palea, we; tlillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; qe; and the'Resolution was ado i 1 .>& &g- f President. of the Village houncil ' 111 in mount of $6,631.83, or $4.4L~per'assessable foot, to cover the iruction bf Watert Main Bxtensiop in Abbott Avenue between 1~56th and and in'W.56th St. between Beard md Abbott Avenues, was presented and founcil. Villson offered the following Resolution aad moved its , RESOLTJTION SETTIBG ASSESSl4EEP IiEP;RIpa% irm IIIBIN IN ABBOTPI! A~VENUE BETWEER tf.56~~ A?$D W,57TH STREETS: tl.56~~ STR3E!J! IUTER MAIN IMPROVXMESF NO, ia pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council 3ebmy 14, 1949, a bebn let for improvement 02 the following streets by construction of ' Main Extension therein; 56th Street between Beard and A9bott Avenues iott Avenue between l?,58th and W;57th Sts. : trith the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount ,ly assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or phrcel ing upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assess- BE"Vll3EN BEARD AND Al33OIcT A-S. ment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore,' BE IT RESOTXED by the Village Cousrcil of the Village of EJdina that the said work of improvipg said streets is hereby designated as Water Illah 1mprovemen.t Bo, 18: that the cferk is directed %a case notice to be pu3lished.i-a Suburban P ress, Hopkins, Minnesota, onSeptember 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council will meet on September 26, 1949, at tke VXLlage Hall, to pass upon said proposed jssessment; that the tot& cost of said improvement is determined to be $6,631.83. Motion for adoptilon of the Resolution was seconded 'by Palen, and on Ro1L;cdl there vere four ayes and no rims, as' follorrss Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and CooBer, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, 675 President of the Villagep/ouncil I 'Phere behg no fhth6r business to come before ,the Council, Willson moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Haw%horne Wembers answering RoUcdl were Palen, Willson, Ha&Ehorne and Cooper. &h,ztes of the Regular Meeting of August 22, 194, and of the ajourned Portion af the &gust 22rzd 1-feeting, held September 6, were approved as submitted, by Notion Palen, seconded by Villson and carried. + I Public Hearing was held on proposed: Stom Sever ;to drain ares between North Boundary Line of Richmond Hills Addition and Yvonne ?errace, and between Highmy N0.100 and Wessez Avenue. approved as to form and placed on file. Wamick Place from Kent Avenue to Lot Linesof Lots 1.3 znd 14, Yvonne l?erra&e Addi- tion, aas $10,576.27, or approximately $l25.9l per lot, Messrs. StotT, Nylmd, Ashworth and Adas objected to the improvement as plmned by the Zngineer, main- taining that the project, if less extensive, would still servl its purpose. Engineer Smith explained that storm sewer could be discontinued at V.56th Street, but tht this would not bring relief .to the people at Kent and Windsor and in Richmond Hills Addition. Mr. S.G. Pierson, developer of Richmond Hills, requested an opportunity to study the project. Sewer project be referred to Neeting of Monday, September 26, for final settlement. Motjlon seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Affid-avit of Publication for No'cice of Hearing was read by Clerk, Ihgineer*s Estimate for Storm Sever in tlillson moved that Hearing on this Storm .