HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490822_REGULARHinutes of the Special and Regular Meet-ings of'h&+sQg,, 1949, were app5oved by Motion Willson, seconded by Pden hd carried. Pursuant to rtlTotice 03 Stre& .Improvement Hearing-Blacktopphlg of "1.50th Street between fiance and mifax Aveque~,~~ publiphed in the Subarb& Press, Hopkins, Hbn., on Znlg 28 and August 4, &?&davit of Puiilication for which uas reid by Clerk, @proved as $0 fom and place& on fife, President called Eublic-Hearing oli th proposed improve- ment of the street named abbe, by laying blacktop ma2; ofer concrete pavhg. &ta,dneer Smith's estimate for a aatt:@i"thick, feathered-*to 1" at curbs, was $4,064.15, to be assessed over 1230 feet,-or $3.35 per assessable foot, Messrs. J, &eo pjlolaa, Ben Friedman, J. G8 caerpbell, apd John Eurley trere at the Hearin& 'Zhey were informed b;~ t90 Council 'that a delay* in such improvement will meaa Nitionai cost in future years. Zrustee Willson advpcated that one-ha3f the cost of the"impravemenE be pafa from th6 General kd, inaquch as this 2s st through-street: The only objectfon vas that of J,Lso Xoiqn, on the,cost factor. Ik. Stanchfield dd the& iqro~enmt be delayed if_poss$ble.' ViUsgn offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: r ** -. a** plFs0LuT10~T OXmERING sw II4PROrn-rnIC NO. sF4. __ $LAC@?OPI?IHG If,JO!CH S!EUBI! BE"32& FRANCE A33 *I BA;tIFAX7 AVR?UES BE 12 RESOLVZD By the y%l&.ge cowc&&*of the Village of Edina; Hinnesota, that said Go-cil hq heretofore,caused notice of hearing-td be published, an& said publi- . cation'is hereby ratified, pn the p5oposed inrprovenent consisting 0: the conatfruction of BE&top &fat oger concre$e in If, 50th Street betveen France qd vifax: Avenues, At safd hegcing the ckcil das duly-considered thehmrs o$ 41 persons interested, and being fully &srised of the pertinen% facts does hereby determine to proceedaith construction of sdd improvement, which is improvement is @reby designated and shdl be, rsferred to in @l subseqyept proceedings as Street Improvement Not A4, and the area; to be Eypecidly assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land fronting and abutting the street in vhich sdd improvdent is-made; said assessment to 'be based on one-half the cost of the hgrovemen%, with the balance to be paid from the her& &tion for ai@ptim of the Resolution vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as folloast aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Besolution iras adopted. - Pun@ of this Village, Child, age; Palen, aye; I!illson, aye; Havrt;horne, I" President of the Village c *. Village Clerk I'lillson offered the following Besolution and moved its adoption: RESOLU!!XOH lsppROVIHG PLANS BND SPECIFICA2IOITS - ii St;~d~d'Specific~~ions fa+ the &@ng of Bituninous Surfdtcs Over Concrete, heretofore approved by the Village Cowxi& and now on file 3.n the office of the Village Clerk, are herem approved as the specifications for Street fmprovenent - Construction Bnlletin, the followhg notice for bids for the construction of szl& fmprovemenf: .- 2, %he Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press a& the - " ADVERTISBEE2 3OR BIDS FOR S!l!HBCP IZ*EROV&- lWI! NO, - BIEIXdINOUS SWAGE OVER --. - -- - *c6NGm- The Edina Village Council kill meet at- the Village -Ml, 4801 11, 9th St., on I.tonday,.Sqtemter 12, 1949, at 8:OO P,l4,-, t'o open and consider sealed bids fox? the construction of Street Improvement Woo A-h in said Viilee, ConsiSt%ng Of BftunbOm Surfae Zat-over Concrete, in W, 50th Street betvreeq. France and Halifax Avenues. using asphaltic concrete L - .. . -I :I 8 /22/49 I z work on said improvement et be done as described and'speoifiad in sped.&ie;iorrs-foE said-a.ovaen& on file. in the office of the j ercent of the < ..I Bower Hawthorne d all of the teras of the foregoing adbertisement for bids &&e s the terms and conditions of the aw'ard of the contract for said en, aye; Willson, *. of 0xr"ord Avenfie * :f Chowen AvenG 'I- '. S treet'- Pander .. BeverZ of Bev It havfng was the on earlier th GomX?anfr, f President improvemen Mr, Child, A-3 be del speckticat to lay mai: streets, r against th of gas mai: -. Pursuant t! published on August approved a read, for between w. vscm bid recei.b year on ot: and Clerk Motion sec 3t hav~ ovehent: A-$Blac$t6pplng: of Oxfbrd Avenke an ork Ape, from Interlachen Blod, to X.line of Hills Ad&; Hollyyiod Rd.- &ora-E. .Boundary line !rJy Bills &lap, to Qxford Aye, $7,223025 Len ascertbed thaj the of ii W, Crig dompaay, Mikeapolis .. ** bid received, and that said bid was cogarable to bfds received s year on Qther psojects, WIllson mo+ed*that %he bid of Jay W. Crag Street Illrprovements NO. A-I., A-2, and ~73, be accepted, and that d Clerk 3% directeil to si& contract with said coqany for these t. Motion ,seconded ,by Palen and carried. 1) whose motion of 1as.t mesting, specif$bg that Street Improvement Ho. yed until after the wing of gas mains, had been incorporated in the ons for this project, eqlaued that the Gas Company does not eqect s for some time, and that when they do so they will not harm ths quested thaf; this clause 'be stricken from the-records. ,delzqjng o$ construction of~Stree.f;,Improvepent No, A-3 until-laying s, was seconded by WSllson andunan;un ouslg carried, IIUvertisement for%ids .for+ Street, Impovoment NO, B-X-CU~~ and Gutter," n Suburban Press, Hopk;ins, and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, 0 and 17, 194, Affidavit of Publicat5on for which was read by Clerk, to forn ana placed on file, the f6Uovdng sealed bid was opened and snstructfort, of 3Bandara villa&i cur3 and &ter in Halif- Avenk sad md W,, 53ra Streets: * c . CARLSON & SOHS , INC., Minneapolis. een ascertained tbt the'bid of Victor Carlson & Sons was the qly a; -and that* sdd bid, was compmableA to bids+ receSved earlier this er projects3 Willsonymoved that bid+be accepted, ad that President e directed to sign contract with sagd company for the improvement. ncIed by Pden-and cmied. * . + [ * * Child's motion, 4 1. a 7 $2,410.81 Pawon for*pericd August 16th throqqh 3lst, 194 COUKCIrJ Bo~~er-Hamthorne, Clerk 't . George A. %?illson, Trustee "".IF;. ..... GROSS PETH. . HOSE': RETIREL TOTAL ' NET cL&IN - Gene. C~oper, Xayor Ef Fred SI Cwd, Trkkee Bichard G, Pala. Trustee PAY TAX DED, DEDUCT. DEDUCT, PAX ' NO, ....... ; ....... -. ................... .. ,533, J. J, D@gan, Trksurer John Windhorst, Attorney PhUp Neville, Judge Dr. L.N.Campbell, .Health Off. 30.00 30.00 543. ........................... .595&).. 595,w GretcQen-Alden Bernice- Johnson Helae Freemn Louise Testerberg Fzed, Jonas. Ronald Drem E~IGIHEEZ~ING Willi, V. Hoff'rna,n Henry Wqbleski B ert Brfeld Lloyd I.lcGary Charles Ploog s- E&-- Philip .B;viL~ey. <. -. , , Pete Dahlgren 14. J. .I.lerfeld John Qacy, r Harry. Jonas Arthur .Jensen Ronald Eo& C, TL Cwdarelle WayneTraw Joseph. Natole Total &enera Fund Sam Roberts David Roberts Grad Total Pqyroll I 571 572 573 lC,oOl 4008 4009 4010 40u 4013 4019 4023 4024 4026 4041 3990 3991 3992 3 993 3 994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4013 403.4 4023 4025 %KUson : CLAm NO 3979 3980 3 981 3982 3983 39% 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3991 4001 4012 4013, 4ou 4015 4016 4018 4019 -4023 40a 4025 4028 * 4029 4030 4031 4034 4035 u[RxI 4006 3978 '..- 8/22/49 red that the foUowhg claims be paid, seconded by Child and.carr;ied, .- Mnnesota Fire Extinguisher Co $xO GEXEU . Thrner Hardware Co -.*" t AMOUNk Undezpwood Coq, All American Carbon Paper Co American Frinting Co Rayflake Co * Republic Creosoting Co Bury & Cap.lsom Berg & Famrharn Wheeling Corrugating Co SamRoBe$ts c American Asbes%os Proaucts Co Brookside Service Geo, T. Ryan Co Phelps-Dmke Co Northwestern +Be= Telephone Co Northern States Power Go Suburban qress constrmction B ulletin- Hemepin Co,+erativ-e Seed Ecch. Adclressogi~raph Go T0r.m & Country. Hardware - Miller-Davis Go. ReibhaTd Brost* Wanner Co Dorsey-, - Cow, Barber, Scott & E, C, Pfeiffer- Wesota Tree Service Jay W. Craig CO- N. A. Rogers Co Barker . + Northern States Power Co City !treasurer, City of Mpls Modern Landscapers Hennepin County Review Sidu Co GJaterous Co 8 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co CLddressographaultigraph Co __ Tom & Countqy Hardmre - Wl3.er-Davis Go. John Re .Coan,:Postmaster First .Nationa3_ Bank B leck Co Brookside Service Wna Pure-Oil. Firestone Stomres E. .Lab Con KU-Dobbs, * @qeapolris. Gas Co Cinnesota Supj?ly_ Co blotor Parts Service Go Paper CaJmenson & Go. Phillips Petrolem- Suburban Chevolet termark Mfg Go 1. R, Toll Co Jm, H, , Ziegler Go ioJ.t;hwestern Ben Telephone Co Jorthern States Power Co Corn & Coyntry Hzrdvme leinhard Bros. k00 TI Ryan 00 1.1 ,.,,I, ,1 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 40W 404l 4042 40k3 4044 40 45 40.46 4020 4,021 4022 4.024 4032 4033 40211. 5567 5568 L617 L618 L619 I620 L621 L622 L623 u24 L625 L626 L627 . L628 L629 2630 a31 u32 u33 L634 LO35 U36 a37 U38 u39 L640 S6Q u4.2 L643 u4-4 La5 L646 u47 H, A,-Rogers Co , Jay If. Craig Co . I If tl I1 trz !!+ J!! !! !?% Iif! 2 !!* !ly 2 !!L !tz E 51 !!* 11 I1 !!z Tkstarn Undersound Const, Co Earl Ser.mll Lametti& Lametti, Northern States Pokr Co Ci-by Treasurer, EZnpeapolis IULer-Daxis Co a TranspA Cle- of Twin Cities Lam&ti & Lanetti + ~till.er-Dav5.s Co First &iona B& ~irst lxational B& iuli,us SchaliL, TI-&* FJmA If 11 . I . 5iidland I3ational B& Distillers DistribDting 60 Fmous Brands, kc, Griggs, Cooper et Co 1cKesson et Robbins, kc Anheuser-Busch, lnc . Cmada Dry Ginger @.e, Lnc Chaska Beverage Co, Glausen & Sons, kc Coca-Cola Bottling* Co - 9. Ei, Droney Bev. Go Gluek Brexing Co Gold Hedal Beverage Co E.n.neapolis Brewing Co Norris Distributing Co Old Style. Lager Co, Pabst SaLes Co *. &wity.Bev, Co . Rex Disf;ributiag C9 Seven-Up Bottling Co F1iUa;t.d Distributing Co American.Linen Co , $tXLer-Davi.s Go .L Northern Sta-bes Pouer Co N, 8, Bell Telephoae Co F. J, Quinn Paper Go Young Fuel Co Dorsey, Colzzlan, E&ker, Scott & Barber Earchant CalcKLati.ng Hachine Ca Ed Phillips et Sons, P*IJ1* - . ..!,*, ... $3 ,7625 GARBAGE S. D. 1&5 , , . . . , I , I. .) -. .. * Wiss Bkry Ellen (lummins requested that streets in Creston Hills be Blaclctoppd with dl possible speed, stating +hat FHA is becoming: irked with the developers because they have bfom& PHA that %lacktopping would be gompleted this SU~~BT. so gentlemen from Chvesx Avenue betveen V.56th and V.57th Streets requestea immediate b’lsckto@.ng of that street, as trashouts are now a hazard to safety. 1.k. H.B. Burton requested that ’blacktopping of streets in Mirror Lakes in Edha be finished this season. V + 1 ’ - .. .. I Mr. Iteesel, 4 of @1 thirty "Edina Highlq be referred t the next regu the mowing of such upkeep t nore than ha3. had. been awarded to a31 his Edina contract;s Council. make every effort that the Vi13ag0 Hills, and Park- of Brookline Brookview A%enues. 56th'Street. Miss $Cies'e,Z, &-acre tract being North o Planning Corn line for @av Mr. Eoris Pew France Avenue restrictions ?I@ referred 53 Ilrb Logegeil Hawthorne and &. E. C. Sta Council revie much protest Storm Sever f for Monday, S fanz requested Councilts opinion on instalation of meters 3.n Edha IC2ziEI. chi1 Claia filed f At toraey IVind and be ta?&en carried. President Coo of Edina be r before peen of perf ofma31c B'nai Abram C a road along South of thei Sublic Works Pden ad car Petition date Beard Avenue the office th Street, ?liZl Monday, Sept e Copies of let Messrs Gunnar were reviewed moved that this matter-be taken into consideration but. that no action 1 Council gets &finite sebp on rates, Motion seconded by Hawthorne , .. :presenting the Spring Company, presented petition for the lighting m "3dina Highltmlsl' ornamental .street ligh%s, and for the mowing of ids" parkxgw once a moiith. Child moved that street lighting matter > Public Utilities Committee for their investigation and report at tar meeting. Motion seconded-by Palen and carried. With regard to the parkways, Mr, %esse1 was informed that the Council considered le burdeA of the deyeloper until. such time as the subd;irision was 5901 3xaz;'ce Avenue, requested pmit to tee dirt and gravel off the adjoj,njng Glacier Sand and GTavel property, on the Xorth, sGd property ? 70th Street. ission inasmuch as 70th Street has now been set as the North boundary 31 pits; Motion-seconded by .Has&horne and carried, )wquk presented request for permit to build double dwelling on between 52nd and 54th Streets. Review was had of fact that deed $muld seem to preclude such 'buildiag; @d Chjld moved that matter 5ck to BiAlage Attorney Windhorst and Mr. Petrmra,mk*s attorney, for fwt)ler checbp as to deed restrictions, carried. 1" * T again requested that Vvonne Terrace drainage situation be remedied. red proceedings for s$om sewer in this area, at which there was ;o such improvement. Child moved that Public Heming on proposed )r Richmond Hills Area, as outlined in meeting,of June 13, be set ?pteniber 12,- 1949, at 8:OO P.M. Notion- seconded bx Palen ad carried. )r -ages by Curtis $.'FeyZer, 4537 Rutledge, was reviewed by Village iorst, said claim beiqg amount of $1,000 and because of damages :ed by cha5ge In drainage channels, ~fllsonr8s motton, that mtter 1 Village Attorney Vindhorst and Village Engineer Smith for their !conded by Hawthorne and carried. ier suggested that all contractors dotag busikss with the Village quirea to sign affidavit that their work meets Village specifications, i is made. Hatathornets motion, reqyiring contractors to sign affidavit c according to specifjcations, was seconded by Palen and carried. meterg Association:s rewest of &st II, for'permission to build ;he Porth half of t& unnamed 3O-foot dedicated strip of land directly property, was read, :omittee for their report at a later meeting, *ied. 1 August 8, 1949, for constructibn of stshard curb and gutter on letween W. 35th and 11. 56th Street, was read; it being reported by tt petitions con_tains sigaatures of 211 owners on "Jest side'of the :on moved, setf;ing Public Hearlng on proposed improvement, for iber 12, 1949, at 8:OO P.M, ters dated August 10, 1949, by State Department of Aeronautics to Shanks and M~E Conrad, prohibitikg commercial air base on llirror &&os, and fZled. z built up. - Child moved that this matter be referrod to the Motim seconded c3 , Hawthorne move& that+request be referred to Motion seconded 3s Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. <* ,* . 1- 81 22/49 72 Petition dated A-st 22, for the Blacktol?p5ng of Abbott Avenue between 1!,56th and W,~~th Streets, tras filed, Villson moved, setting public hearing on this - . prososed ppoject, for Pionday, September 12, 1949, at 8t00 P.Bi. Hotion seconded by Child ad carried, The-matter of an amendment to the neirly adopted Plumbing Ordinance tras discussed, +ith office recornending that license year be changed to April X-April 1, to con- Tom vith term of other Village licerrses, Havrthorne offered the folloving amend- . aent ZaiL moved its ada2tion: i AN OBDmBCE &E%DXITG AB O&IITBCE BEGULAl?INC TEX $ICElTSING 03' PLlJlfBERS M 5 VILl@H 02 % COmcil of the-viilee of :!aim.- +o-or+iin-as' fOlliwsi Sectlon 1. -- - EDINA, i.~mmSo!c~.-- - -1- . Paagra$h 2 of Sec6ion 5 of An Ordinance Re&lat%ng the Licensing of Plumbers i?l the Village of Xldina, Minnesota, adopted Hay 23, 3.949, shall be and hereby fs, amended to read as follotrs: I "Parapr mh 2, Section 5 AI& said licenses shall terminate and eqire on the Pirst, day of April, next succeeding the issuance of the same, &Less sooner revoked or Torfeited as herein povided, and said licenses shall not be trwrsferable or assig;nab1e," Section 2. &is ordinance shall take effect and be in force fron and aftor its puMication, Motion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Villson, and on Rollcall there were five ages aad no nays, as fol'low: Hawthorne, we; and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinance vas adogted. Cibfld, aye; Palen, aye; Ifillson, aye; - L -/EZz&#- ." President of the Villege C .. Tinage Clerk PetZtions dated August 19, 194.9, for construction of Sanitary Sever and tfater &ins iin Ikeq Avenue betbeen VJ,j8th ad \?.both Streets, were filed, Notion by Eawthorne, seZ$ing Public Hearing on, these proposed projects for-'Nonby, September 12, at 8sOO 13 vas reported that tfie Vill-age does not have a dedication of record for JTooddale Avenue South of 62nd Street, or of Garrison Lane, Havthorne moved that otmers of all poprtfes abutting Wooddale Avenue 3outg of 6~d Street, and Garrison Itme be infohed $bat Village road service vi11 be swpended until roadway dedicgtion Is received. l¶o tion ._ seconded by 1lillso;P-znd unanimopslg csried. I Xn connection vith proposed side?;& prp ject on Market Stzeet , Village Engineer smith inquired. as to Village Xiability with regard to the Soder3,erg property- sidewdk coastryFCion caubing a ver3ical bank, and the matter was referred to Village Attorney for his re2ort at the meeting of September 12, r -- P.lL, wag seconded by Child ad ck&.ed. 2) *_ Ihsre vas considerable discussion, Hrm Gooper squired of Village Attorney, as to whether it is possible for the General hd to advance moneys for the cost of construction of a portion of the proposed_%mk Sever Xo. 2--vith the understandihg thzt there be no zssessment on mglatted properties until such time as they me pleatted-and the General Fund being reimbursed at that the. 2he matter Was referred to the Village AttoTey, for Ms Legal opinion as 80031 as possible, Office'vas requested to mite the League of Hinnesota 1Tunicipalfkies for hatever information they may hwe on gssessments of this nature, Mlding Supt, VoehLer notified Council that he has received appl%cation for permit to build a dwelling on Lot 3, Block 6, South Harriet Pa& that the sanitary sewer runs two& the south part of tfie lot, ahd that the Village has no easement for this sewer, Council requested that Eir,-VoehLer secure 10-foot easement for saaitary . 1 sewer maintenance, - before ismag as building permit; Pablic Verb Chairman Ifillson reported that Tm.H. Ziegler Go". ,Eric, , has offered to al1or.r the Village a credit of $550.00 for 3iex llodel 7s Cement l.fixer, purchased from thea in '1939.- After some discyssion, Tlillson moved that VzlLage accept Ziegler's I. I , c , offer, Hotion seconded Child and unai&usly .. carrieci. .. - I I 'Phe followi report that J. McClur 3. so Lam &nolil- Bi &@id Plu 2. Do Gpls Klingelhu Motion by P unanimously Palen's mot : pS hip of t Willson moe Bridge, sai %e drafted Office rep0 set hearing r be in %he o for adjourn I 7t30 P.I., r Nembers pi The Villq Council ai highway ec receipts-- action tab $15,000 fc Village Ma garage is in the ana this work Council re Minutes of date. $ Next matte for cost- o of St.John Heights 2n WillSon of - wllEml contract h and the IT0 the Clerk to be spec parcel of assessment therefore, BE II work of i: that the c Hopkins, 14 September that the t %22f49 ; qplications for P1 bing Licenses were presented, with the :6quired performance bonds @e in order: Kelly & 'Go, , .2601 Stevens Ave. So,, Ninneapolia in Go. , Inc., 1013 +&@qnette Av6, 5 plumb in^ 80 Heating Go., 4945 SO. Upton., Pkimeqolis lie Po Heating Go, , 3806 Grand Ave. , Minneapolis; Skon Cornmy, 3206 Bfoomingtoa- Aveke , Minneapolis z C onpany, 5320 Lya@.le Ave, So., Mheapolis Len, &anting licenses to April I 1, 5950, was seconded by Ifillson and m; that/license be granted to Rresidene Gene Cooper, upon su'bmission 3 required a>plication and bond, was seconded by - Hafihorne and carried. I that Council advertise for bids for the widenink of the 9th Street bids to be taken September 12, 1949, according to specifications to r the Village IngLnder, Mation seconded by Hawthorne and carried. red that Special Assessments must be reviewed by Council in time to for sane on September 26, I949-=in order that said assessments mag 'ice of the Hennepin County Auditor by October 1,- Motion by Hawthorne, mt of the Meeting of August 22, to Euesday, September 6, 1949, at ts seconded Palen &nd c&&ed. Minneapolis :aEried. .. plumber' s I I sent and svering Rollcall were Palen, TkiLlson, Hawthorne and Cooper. Budget for the year 1950 was discussed at some length, with the iving at a gross of $&2,308.75 in estimated expenditures (including addition to Village, ell, $~~,ooo for new Fire Station, $5,000 for ipment , and $1,500 for two automobile re;pla,cemepts) $4&,5,00 estimated r het Budget, Lev of $197,808.75, which vonld be 36 mills. a to adopt budget at $his time, No 3,ger Smith reported that the roof of the Liquor Store marquee and 2dl.y in need of Fepair, and submitted the bid of Jacobsen ad Quist it of $235.00, for repair, )mplet& at above bid price. rested that Idina Liquor Control Commission be asked to submit deetings for all meetings held between April15, 1949 apd the present Council authorized Er. Smith to have % of hsiness was the reviewing of proposed Special, Assessmen; Rolls construction work. Avenue between Woodhill Road ad the North Lot Line of Golf !Perrace Addition, fn the amount of $389.08, or $1.54 per assessable foot. . Ired the following Resolution and move& its adoption: RESOLUTION SITTING ASSESSMDHT! IBARING BLACKTOPPING OF ST: JOHNS Am BETWEEN tJOO1111EI1;1; ROD AND THE NORTH LO2 LIm OF Engineer Smith presented Roll for the Blacktopping GOLF 'EDRACE IfEIGHPS 2nd DDN. ; pursuant to Resolution adopted ky the Council May 23, 1949,. a 3 been let for improvement of St. Johns Avenue between Woodhill Road' ;h Lot Line of Golf 9errace Heights 2nd Addn. by Blacktopping; and ith the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount dly assessed for such Improvement against every lot, piece, or and abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now IESOLV3D by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said roving said street is hereby designated as Street Improvement So. 22; 3rk is directed to cause-notice to be published in Suburban Press, mesota, on September 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council will meet on 5, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessment; tal cost of said improvement is determined to be $389.08, .