HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490912_REGULARMotion for e were four ag and Cooper, Assessment R cost of cons W.57th Sts., reviewed by adoption: r - t v€rERE@ contract has Village Vate w . AI2 and the cler to be specia of ladabut 9/6/49 T9 Loption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on RollcaJ.1 there !$ and no nays, as fOllOVJS: Palea, we; tlillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; qe; and the'Resolution was ado i 1 .>& &g- f President. of the Village houncil ' 111 in mount of $6,631.83, or $4.4L~per'assessable foot, to cover the iruction bf Watert Main Bxtensiop in Abbott Avenue between 1~56th and and in'W.56th St. between Beard md Abbott Avenues, was presented and founcil. Villson offered the following Resolution aad moved its , RESOLTJTION SETTIBG ASSESSl4EEP IiEP;RIpa% irm IIIBIN IN ABBOTPI! A~VENUE BETWEER tf.56~~ A?$D W,57TH STREETS: tl.56~~ STR3E!J! IUTER MAIN IMPROVXMESF NO, ia pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council 3ebmy 14, 1949, a bebn let for improvement 02 the following streets by construction of ' Main Extension therein; 56th Street between Beard and A9bott Avenues iott Avenue between l?,58th and W;57th Sts. : trith the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount ,ly assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or phrcel ing upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assess- BE"Vll3EN BEARD AND Al33OIcT A-S. ment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore,' BE IT RESOTXED by the Village Cousrcil of the Village of EJdina that the said work of improvipg said streets is hereby designated as Water Illah 1mprovemen.t Bo, 18: that the cferk is directed %a case notice to be pu3lished.i-a Suburban P ress, Hopkins, Minnesota, onSeptember 8 and 15, 1949, that this Council will meet on September 26, 1949, at tke VXLlage Hall, to pass upon said proposed jssessment; that the tot& cost of said improvement is determined to be $6,631.83. Motion for adoptilon of the Resolution was seconded 'by Palen, and on Ro1L;cdl there vere four ayes and no rims, as' follorrss Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and CooBer, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, 675 President of the Villagep/ouncil I 'Phere behg no fhth6r business to come before ,the Council, Willson moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Haw%horne Wembers answering RoUcdl were Palen, Willson, Ha&Ehorne and Cooper. &h,ztes of the Regular Meeting of August 22, 194, and of the ajourned Portion af the &gust 22rzd 1-feeting, held September 6, were approved as submitted, by Notion Palen, seconded by Villson and carried. + I Public Hearing was held on proposed: Stom Sever ;to drain ares between North Boundary Line of Richmond Hills Addition and Yvonne ?errace, and between Highmy N0.100 and Wessez Avenue. approved as to form and placed on file. Wamick Place from Kent Avenue to Lot Linesof Lots 1.3 znd 14, Yvonne l?erra&e Addi- tion, aas $10,576.27, or approximately $l25.9l per lot, Messrs. StotT, Nylmd, Ashworth and Adas objected to the improvement as plmned by the Zngineer, main- taining that the project, if less extensive, would still servl its purpose. Engineer Smith explained that storm sewer could be discontinued at V.56th Street, but tht this would not bring relief .to the people at Kent and Windsor and in Richmond Hills Addition. Mr. S.G. Pierson, developer of Richmond Hills, requested an opportunity to study the project. Sewer project be referred to Neeting of Monday, September 26, for final settlement. Motjlon seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Affid-avit of Publication for No'cice of Hearing was read by Clerk, Ihgineer*s Estimate for Storm Sever in tlillson moved that Hearing on this Storm . '- 9/12/49 8q'Public Hezring tms had on the pro_aosed Grading and Gravelling of Shemrod Avenue- between tl.&th and T1.65th Streets. vas read by Clerk, @proved as to fFrm, and placed on fib. &ginecr*s Estimate of Cost, in Zm0un.t; of $901.12, or $.7& per Assessable Foot, vras read. objections , either oral or mitten, to this improvemen%. Villson offered th6 f ollovp ing Resolution and moved its adoption: Affidavi? of Publication of Botice of Hearing Therb aere no RESOLXJTIO2J ORDFIRING SmT 33PROVXMENT NO0 C-l . 6811DIliG AND GUYELLING OF SHEELWOOD AVE. IIE!WSEBI lr.&TE AND T1.652E S!l!REB!PS IZJ IT RESOLVZD' by the Village Council'of the' Villagb of mina, I.linnesota, that said Council bas*heretofore caused notico of hearing to be published, and sed publication is hereby ratified, on the proposed improvement consisting of'the Grading and Gravell- hg of Shervrood Avenue between V.65th and V.&th Streets. At said hearing the Council has duly considered the vieas of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the prtinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvkment, which improvement'is hereby designated and shall be referred to in 213.1 subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement NO. C-1, and the area to be specially assebsed therefor shall include all lots'and tracts of land abattihg the' szid Shemood Avenue between V.&th ad ll.65th Streets. Motion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as folloes: and Cooper, aye; md the Besolution vra6 adopted. * I Palen, aye; l'!illson, aye; H avthorne, aye; President of the Till& Villson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUPIOX APPROVING PUNS AND SPEC~ICAfpIO~~S FOR %TRXZT II.IPROM*€E21'J NO. C-1 &TD I DIRECTIlJG b9ZELTISEMENT FOR BID'S I& fl! RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edinat I,. the Village Engineer and now on f5li in the office of tlie Village CXerk are hereby amr oved . 2. tion Bulletin the folloI+jSsg notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: he plans and spec,ifications for Street jtmprovernent NO. 0-1 heretofore prepared by !?he Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press md the Construc- .4l)9BlTISBENT FOR BIDS FOR s-I! ixl?Itom~I?!i! It00 c-1 VILLAGE OF EDIXA The Edina Village Council will meet at the Villsge Hal, 4801 If. 50th Street, on Honday, Segtember 26, 1949, at 8:OO P.I.I., to ogen and consider sealed bfds for the construction ofASStreet Improvement Xo. G1, consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of Shemood Avenue between ll.&th and I'1.65th Streets. plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk, All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash pqment for the work. ail1 be considered unless sealed and filed vith the undersigned before the time of sdd meetings and accompnied bs, a cash dezosit, bid bond, or certified checkpwable to the Village Clerk, in $he4 amoupt of ten peFcent of the mount of the bid. The work on said improvement must be done as described ad specffied in the Xo bids BY ORDm OF 5 TILLAGE C0UNCII;e Bower Heythorne Edina, Hinnesota t Village Clerk 3. zdopted as t&e terms and conditions of t$e avra2d of the contract for said inprovemeat, lach and all of the terns of the Soregoing advertisement for bids are hereby * I.Iation for adostion of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on RollcaLi there were four ayes and no nays, as follow: Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. A2'pEs , Villa&e Clerk ' Palen, aye; Ifillson, aye; Havthorne, aye; znd . President of the Villag~Gomcil t 8 .. . t ' 9/12/49 81 hblic Hearings:vrere next held on proposed Sanitary Sever and Water Nain construe- tion in Drew Avenue between W.58th and 1~60th Streets, for said two public'hearings were read by Clerk, %proved as to form, and placed on file, EngineeT Smith e-qlained that, because of 'the grade of the street, it aould be inpossible ko run the Sanitaxy Sewer from V,58th to t1.60th OR Drevr Avenue; that it could be run from 58th to 59th, but that in order to obtain service for the 5900 Block,-a sewer would have to be constructed on 1~60th Street fron France to Drew, and the Drew line hooked up to this cross-street sever and then run North on Drew to V.59th Street, between ~~60th Street and 320 feet north thereof would have to be relaid in orde$. to connect the 60th Street sewer to it. He suggested that the relaying of the, arance Avenue sewer be charged to a large district, rather than to the Drew AGenue propsrty owners. His estimates of cost for Sanitary Sever construction were its f ollo~?s: 1. In Drew Avenue between W.58th and 11.59th Street - $3,981.58 or $3.16 per Assess, 1 aoot 2. In Drew Avenue between PJ,bQth and 8.59th Street - $3,939.41for $3.13 3. In 11~60th St, between Drew and France - &1v926.~4 - Assessment to be 4. Relaying of Sewer in France Ave.-60th to 320' No.- 8,527.34 - Asgessment to 'be At this time it vas brought to Council's attention that petition filed for con- struction of sewer between W,58th and 1~60th Streets does not carry signatures of 51$ of the pronerty ovmers between W.59th and 1~60th Street. Septenber 12, i949, protesting construction of either sever 02 water main in Drew Avenue between V.58th and w.6oth Street, were filed. Hawthorne reminded Council that this construction is outside fcTiuilr: Sewer District No. 1, and that, in fairness to those residents in District Bo, 1, a connection charge should be paid to District No. 1 by all persons outside the Distric% served by this Tprwzlr: Sewer, is $jO,OO for first 50 feet, and $1.00 for each five feet thereafter. dZscussion on cost of sewer folloyed, aith C ouncil giving the follor.tiag Estimated. Cost of Sewer for the 58th to 59th Street Line on Brew: , Affidavits of Publication He also stated that the sewer'on France Avenue - It prorated according to decision of Village Council. prorated according to deciuon of Villzge Council Petitions dated' I% tras reported that assessment for Trunk Sewer District Mq,l Considerablo Cost of Lateral Sever - t7.58th to V.59fI Street Cost of Connection to T,S.D.#l-Approx, $1.00: per Assess,Ft. 1.00 $3.16 per Assess.Ft. ' Total Cost - $4-16 --but no 'higher than $4.25. 3ngineerls Estimate of Cost OTZ Water Main from 11.58th to F'J,6Oth Street on Drew Avenue tras $3.16 per assessable foot for construction, plus 8-25 per assessable. foot for connection to private vater main constructed by Pedpr Mickelsen--$4,31 per assessable foot, total. When asked whether cost to abutting property owners would rise providing construction was limited to block between 11.58th and Wr,59th Street, blr, Smith' anseered negatively, &. c. ll, N'eumeister and ldr. 14, A. Wlis were the objectors to conctruction of improvements on Drew between F1.58th ah'd 17.59th Streets Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoytion: t SOLUTION omam SLXNITAEY SENER INPROVEKG~Q xo, 23 ' SEVER ARD AP€TJRW~CBS,P~~ Am, BZTWEBI T!.58!PH aEn, .BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Counci1 of the Pillage of Pdina, Elinnesota, that said Council has heretofore caused notice of hearing to be published, and said publicatioh is hereby'ratified, on the proposed improvement consisting ofsanitary sever mains and appurtenances to be laid in Drew Avenue between V.58th avld VI, 60th Streets. At said hearing the Council has duly considered the views-of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, in Drew Avenue between W.58th and TT.59'bh S$reets , which is. imp$ovement is hereby designated and. s$dl be referred to in dl subseqient proceedings'as Sanitary Sever Improvement NO. 23, and the area totbe specially assessed therefor shall incluie all lots and tracts of land abuttiqg said Drew Avenue between V.58tli and 8.59th Streets. Motion for adoption of the Resolution vras seconded by Vlillson, and on Rollcd.1 there were four ayes and no nws, as follovrs: Hawthorne, aye; aqd Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was ad I!.k9TH STRIWPS . I Palen, aye; Willson, we; 14- President of the Village Coy6il Village Clerk 9 /12/49 - -82 Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adostion: \. HE IT RESOLVEI) by the Village Council of the Village of 3aaa: BESOLUTION @PrnVLNG PLANS Am SPSCIFICArPIONS FOR SAHITARYV SEi'fZR IHl?RO~~~~T XO. 23 BETD DfBECTIi!G DVZRTISEXBUT FOR BIDS ' 1. The plans and specifications for Sanitcky Sever Xmprovement No, 23 heretofore prepmed by the Village Engineer and now on file in the offlce of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published tvice in &he Suburban'Press an$ the C on- struction Bulletin the Tollowing notice €or bids for the construction of'said improve- mentr ' ADVER!J!ISBm BOR BIDS BOR SANITABY SEI^ U.LPROVET.DENI! xo. 23 VILLAGE OF EDFU !%e Edina Villke 6ouncil will ieet at .the Village Hall, 4801 11. 50th * 'Street, on Monaay, Se~Ge~bar 26, 1949, at -8t00 P.K, .to open ad consider sealed,bids for the con&ruction'k Sanifary Sever Snrprovement go. 23 in sea VTllagg, consisting of construction of Sdsithy Sewer Main and Appurtenances in Drev Avenue betveen W.58th'and W.59th Streets. the2las and specifhations for said improvement OB file in the office of Yne Village Clerk. AI1 bids must be mbmitted on the basjs of cash payment for the vork. 30 bids 1-611 be considered unless sialed and filed vith the undersigned 'before GLe time of said meeting ad acconpanie'd by a cash deposit, bid bond, or I The work oi sdd iGrovernent must done as described and specified in certified anomt 03 check payable to the Village Clerk, in the amount af ten percent of the the bid, BY om 0s rn PIIILAG3 comcIIl. r 1' - Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk Ed~a, Minnesota. .I t. 3. adopted as the terms and conditions of the-atraYd of the contract for said Ss>rove.- meat. t Each and all of the terms of the foregoing adv6rtisenent fdr bids are here%y - k&ioa for adopt-ion of the Resolution tras 'seconded By PSLen and on Rollcall there vere four ayes and no nzys; as follows: Palen, aye; tklXsoh,, aye; Hax-rthorne, aye; ana Coolpr, aye; and the Resolution trzs adopted. I .. President o€ the Village merk -- r Hawthorn6 offered -the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOX ORDERING' WATER l*WN IMPROVB~TT go.' 21 kter lain Bx$ension in Drew Avenne be~Teen W,58th .*- -- and If. 59th' St'ree'f;s B?3 IT BESOLVZD by the Village CounciLl of %he Village' of Edina, Hinnesotta, that said Council has heretofore caused notfce of heaklng to- be published and said publication is here'iiy ratifieh, on the Sroposed improvement consisting of the construction of Vater Hain &tension and Appurtenances in Drew Avenue between. W.58th and V.60th Streets, At said hea5ing the Council has duly considereti the vievs of all persons interested, and being fdly sdpised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed vith the construction of said improvement in Drew Avenue between 1'1.58th and V.59th Streets, which hpro-irement is hereby designated aqd shall be referred to ia all su'osecplent proceedings as Vater &in Lrsprovuilent No, 2l, and the seato be specidly assessed therefor shdl include all lots and tracts of land abutting said Drev Avenue be%vreen V.58th and W.59th Streets, ~*!OthR for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by I'lillson, and on Rollcall tbro were four ayes _and no mys, as follotrs: Cooser, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. ATmIP: r I Palen, aye; V%llson, aye; Havthorne, aye: and - eL.4 . .. President of the Villagetouncil Village Clerk HatrthornG offered the following Resolution ad moved its 'adoption: 7 I I " FtESOL7JTIOX APPROVING PWS AND SFEGIFTCATIO'1TS FOR lU!E.R IWN II-D?BOVBBXT NO, 21 &ZD DIRFAX!ING AJXBR!i?ISB~~TT FOR BIDS - BE IT RESOL' by the Village Council-of %he Village of Edina: - -. 9/12/49 83 1. The plans and, specifications for Water Wain Improvement No. 21 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk ase hereby approved. 2, The Clerk shall cause to be pu3lished twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the follovring notice for bids for the construction of4the fmprovement: 4 DmTISBGW FOR BIDS OF 4 WER EUIN XMPROTENERI? DJ0,21 VILLAGE OF EDIIU The Edina Village Council trill meet at the Village Eall, 4801 1'1.5Otb Street, on Elonday, September 26, 1949, at 8:OO P.M., to open and consider sealed r bids for the construction of-Water Main Improvement No. 21, consisting of the construction of Nater Main Extension andc.Ap$rtepancesr in Drew Avenue 'between . . l'l.58th and W.59th Streets, in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash pagment for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the under- signed before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid * bond, or certified checlq payable tto the Village Clerk, in the amount of ten $percent of the amount of the bid, The work on said improvement mustab Pone as described and specified BY ORDER OF 'PBF: VILLAGE COTJ.VCIL.4 , Boaer Hawthorne Village Clerk Edina, Minnesota: 3. Each and all of the terns of the foregoing dvertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and condiGions of the av-d of the contract for said inprove-' ' ment , Motion for adoption of ,the Resolution vas seqonded by Vlillson, and on Rollcall there maitck were four ayes and no nags, as follows: Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. I &-,b- President of the Village Gop$icSl x 1 J?ublic Hitaring Ifas held on proposed Blacktopping of B~ookPievr Avenue bettreen M.61st and V.6~na Streets, Clerk, approved and,placed on file. Engineer's estima$e of cost, in tfie amount of $e,rto7,06, or $2,02 per assessable foot vras read. There vese no objections to'this 2mprovernent emither oral or writ ten. r l?illson offered the f olloiring Resolution and moved its adoption: AffSdavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing was read by RESOZUTION ORDERI~G~S~T Il@ROVJ%EXT BO, A-5 . 'BLACKTOPPING OF B@OOKVIElr Am. BE&W li7.61~~ AID ~L6m STEWS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Idina, Bfinnesota, that said Council has heretofore caused notice of hearing t6 be published, and said publication is hereby ratified; on the proposed imzrovement consisting of the constkction of Blacktop Surfacing in Brookview Aven&e betkeen V.6J.s.t; and ~1~62~~3 Streets. interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, vhich mprovement is hereby designated ad shall be, referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street, Improvement No, A-5, and the =ea to be specially assessed therefor shall include sill lots and tracts of lad abutting the said Brookview Avenue between 1;~,61~t and. t1.62i.d Streets, Motion for adoption of the Resolution Fras seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall thore r were four ayes w'd no nays, as follow: €'den, aye; Willson, de; Hairthorne,' we; f and Cooper, aye; and the Reso'l;u'c€on v[as adopted; r &t said hearing the Council has duly considered the vie& of'dL1 persons n3L,&-&-* Vil1age Clerk Havthorrme offered *the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BES0L;ISTION APPROYIITG PLAITS AHD SPECIFICATIONS FOR S'iBEET I&?ROTB$!JNT XO, A-5 , ' DIRECTING ADVERTISE3IElT'J! FOR BIDS - 9 f 12/49 BE 12 RZSOLW by the-Village Counc.12 of the Village of Edina: 1. by the Villzge Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2, 'Phe Clerk shall cause to be published barice in the Suburban Press and the Con- struction Bulletin the follovring notice for bids for the construction of said improve- 84 fPhe plaas and specifications for Street Improvement No. A-5 heretofore prepared I mentt fDVEZ!l!ISl2K!3lT FOR BIDS FOR S'W3I39 IMI?ROKE%iR~I! NO, A-5 .. - VILLAGE Ol? EOINA r (. %e Edina Village Council. will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 1'1,5Oth Street, on ~*~OndaY, September 26, 1949, at 8:OO P.fvi,, to open and consider sealed bids for the con struction of Blacktop Sukfacing in Brookvievr Avenue belnreen 8.6Lst and T1.62nc1 St,, to be knovm as Street Improvement No.~-5, plans znd specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. -All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for tho irork. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the tims of said meeting a.nd accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, ord certified check payable to the Village Clerk, in the amo@nt of ten percent of the amount of the bid, 'Phe vork on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the I BY 0- OF !DE VILLAGE COuNCIli** - Botrer Hawthorne . Village Clerk * Edina, Kmesotsc. 3. adopted as the terms and conditions of the atrmd of the contract for said improuenent, 1.sotion for adoption of the BesoLution vas seconded by PaZen; and on Rollcall thero were four ayes and no pays, as follows: and Co&er, aye; and the 3esolut2on vas adopted. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby . Palen, aye; tEllson, aye; H arthome, aye; President of the Village Clerk * It was brought to Councilts attention that, although the Blacktopping season is zlready Blacktopping, llillson moved that any Petition$ for Blacktopplng.received from this date, ad this date included, be held'over Until-Spring of 1950, and that ther be acted upon at that time in order 05 date received, unanimously carried, Petition dated August 17, 1949, for the Blacktopping of York Avenue betmen V,56th and Vr,57th Streets, vras'filed with-the Councfl. Ifillson moved that .petition be accepted, and that work be scheduled for the 3950 Blacktoppix Program, l.lo%ion seconded by-sn and carried, Petition dated August 31, 1949, for the BlacMopping, of York Avenue betmeen Tl.57th and Tle58th StreetsA-said Blacktopping to be completed during the summer of 1951--t%zs filed vith the Councfl, not desire to have blacktoppbg broken up by truck traffic during the summer of 1950, but that they do mnt assurrmce 'Chat street trill be blacktopped after hemy con- struction is completed; and that FHA requires this assurance before issuing loas. Ilillson's motion that Petition for Blacktopphg be accepted, and that work be scheiinled for 1950 Blackto-@?lg program, vas seconded by Pden @d upanhously. carried, practkllly over for this year, the Village is continuing to receivo petitions for \ ! Notion secondeQ by Palen,and Mr, Peder Mickelsen explained to Council that omeys do / V'J Public Eearin; irzs held on %he poposed Blacktopping of Abbott Avenue betaeen t10S'6th /' ad. T1.57th Street,s, read $y Clerk, approved as to fbrm, .and plac'ed on file. , Engineer's Estinate os" Cost, is amount of $1,871.10, or $1.66 pe~ assessable foot, vas read. Elr. Peder P.lickelsen, otmer of eight lots abutting tms street, asked that improvement be delayedY.til 1950, if possi%le, in order that most of the heavg construction along the street bo finished before blacktop surfacing is laid. There were no objections to the proposed improveme&, either or& or ynitten. moved its adoption: I Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Improvement Hearing vas I'lfllson offered the f ollo~.lizlg Resolution and. RESOIiU!CION ORDERIW S!EE@!l! IMPROm-mT l?Oo A-6 BUCK!EOPPIITG OF p;BBo'P!i! Am BEDmT tla56W D - *m Tl,57rn STrnTS 4 BE I!? RBSOLTED by the Village Counc3.3 of the Village of Edina, l-I.iiruresota, that said Council has heretofore cqusednotice of heging to be pxiblished, and said publication is hereby ratified, on the propdseii improvement consisting of the construction of Blacktop Sur€acing inbAbpott Avenue betvreen tl,56th and tr.5?th Streets, 3 I 0 9/12/49 85 At said hearing the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed vFth the construction of said improvement, which im- provement is hereby designated and. shall be referred to in dl sub'sequent proceedings as Street Improvement No, A-6, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the said Abbott Avenue b8ttreen V,56th ad t1,57th Streets. &lotion for adoption of the Resolutionkas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follotrs: aye; ad Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Palen, aye; Billson, aye; Hatrthorne, - - Village Clerk . 17111son moved that the Blacktopping of Ab$ott Avenue between If.56th and Vl.57th Str'eet be carried over until the Spring 0% 1950, Mot'ion secondecl by Palen and unanimously carried. Public Hearing was next called on the proposed construction of Curb and Gutter in Beard Avenue betveen W, 55th and V,56th Streets, for Notice of Improvement was read by Clerk, @proved as to form and placed on file. able foot, tras read, Petition dated September 9,. 1949, signed py S.S. &mill and VI, 'P, Litcbkc, protesting construc%ion of curb and gutter on the East SidQ of the street'because of positions of their driveways, was read and'filed. There ?rere no other objections to the improvement, eitlier, oral or vrritten. Vlillson *offered: the following Resoluti'on and. moved its adoption: ' Affidavit of Publication Engineer's lilstimate of Cost, Sn amount of $1,263.M, or $2.51 per assess- f BESOLUTIOJ!I BRDjBmG S-I! II-@RO?3iXEkTTNO. 3-2 CUKB A8D GUTEER IR IEST SIDE OF BURD AVENUE BZnW 1.55TH AND B,56TH STS. BE IT BESOLVXID %y tb6 VillGe Council of the Village of Bdina, Minnesota, that anid Council has beretofore caused notice of hearing to be published, and said publication is hereby ratif ied'on the proposed irnprovement consisting of the construction of Standard Village Cur% and Gutter 3B Beard Avenue between tf,55th and tl,56th Streets'. At said hearing 'the Council has day considered the eietrs of dl persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the constmction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in the West side of Beard Avenue between W,55th and lV,56th Stpeets, which improvement in hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No, B-2; and the area to be specially assessed therefor sball - . ' -- include all lots and tracts of land atuttirrg the above named improvement. Notion for adoption of the Resolution vms seconded by Palen, and on Rollcd.1 there were four ayes and no hays, as follows: aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. Pden, age; Willson, aye; Bjvrthorne, _- President of the ViLlag{Oouncil ,* * . Willson offered the 'follotring Resolution ,ad moved its adoption: I BESOLU!CIOXl APPROVING PLBJS $ND SPECEICA!IIONS FOR Sf[lREtET'II\.IPROVT NO. B-2 AND DIRECTING ADmTISXaNT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and sgecifications for Street Improvement No, B-2 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Cle9k sMl cause to be published twicelin the Suburban Press and the iqrovements: ADVIREISEt4ENT FOR BIDS FOR - I C I ' Construction BulleEin the follotring notice of bids for the construction of sal& SmT IMPROV%EiT NO. g-2 - - VILL@E OF EDIlUL .. The Edina Village Council trill-meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.5Oth Strbet, on Monday, Se$tember 26, 1949, at 8:OO PJL, to open and consider sealed bid; for the construction of-Street Improvement No, -2l-29 in said Village f consist- ing of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in the t?est Side of Beard Avenue between Vr,55th and'I"J.56th Streets, ' 9/12/49 the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. The work on said improvement mst be done as described and specified in 86 All bids mst be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the aork. Bo bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the before tge time of szid meeting and acc&&nied by a cash deposit, certified CheckpayabLe to the Village Clerk, in the mount of ten amount of the bid. BY 0- 03' Ti33 VITJ;AGE COUNCTL. r! . Bovrer Hatrthorne Villa&e Clerk . Edina, 2-Iinnesota 1- .. -. .. ' r 3. Bach and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for adopted as the terns Wd conditions of the avrad of the contract men';. Notion for adoption of Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, and undersigned bid bond, or percent of the bids are' hereby for sdd improve- on Rollcall there aere four ayes an'd no nays, as follom: aad Cooper, aye; and the Besolut'ion vas adopted. . Palen, aye; Willson, age; Hawthorne, age; 1 1 i I. &Ad- President of the Village C Village Clerk Pursuant ~ to frNotice 6f Stredt Improvement Hesiring-Sidevralk on North Side of' ?!irk;et Street beti-rem France and' &lifax Avenues," published. in SuHxrban Pres's August 17 and 22, 1949, Affidavit of Publication for trhich vas read by Clerk, aspjrobed as to form;.and plzced on file, Public Hearing vas called on the proposed mrovenent ' named kbove, qineer's Estiniate of Cost, in amount of $11.65.07, or $1.85 per assessable foot, vas read, Zhere vere no obJections, eijiher oral or yitten, to this poposed impr&ement. Tf2llson offered the follotring Resolution and noved its adopt &on: i RESOLuZrrOfi OFtDlBII$G STREEI! IIfPR0vEli;lEIJlt NO, &I., t APPROVING PLANS SPECIFICAfpIO~TS THEREFOR, R4213'YIW AD9ERTIS~*SEFI? FOR BIDS SXDE;I&E-Z-N. SIDE OF 1.- I! ST.--H&LIF.&X TO FB.AliCl3 BE: I5 EESOLVP) by the VillGe Council ,of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that said Council has heretofore caused notice of hearing to be published, and saia kubli- cation is hereby ratified, on the proposed improvement consisting of the construction of concrete Sidevmlk in the l?orth Side of EIarket Street betveea France and Hzlifax Avenues , At said hearing the Gounc'il has duly donsidered the viem of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deternine to rpoceedvrith the coqstmtion of said iqrovement , which improvement is' hereby designated and shall be referred to 5n all subsequent proceedings as Street Gmprovement Ho. D-1; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land aMtting and/or fxonting up02 ,said hpovonent BZI I2 FURTM RES0LV"JI that the plans and specsfications f0.r Street Improveqent IJo, D-1, heretofore prepared bi the Village Engineer and novr on file in the ogfice of the Village Clerk, are here'by approved; and that the Clerk's action in aavertishg for bids for said improvement, said bids to be taken Ifonday, September 12, 1949, at 8:OO P.N., is hereby aproved and ratir"ied. ' Mot'ion for adopt;,ion of the Resolution tras seconded by Palen, and on bllcd.1 there c- were four ages and no nags, as follotrs: galen, aye; llillson, aye; Hatrthorne, aye; I aad Cooper, aye; and the ResoLution Tras adopted. A!E!ES5!: Pursua& 'to "Advertisement for Bids for Sidetralk-ltJ. Side of &rket Street 'between l?rance and Hafifa x Avenues," pu'blished Sn Su'burbm PSess, Hopkins, and in Con- Struction Bulletin, Ifinmapolis, on Augwst 25 and Seistenber 1, 1949, Affidavit of &blication for which vas read by Clerk, approved as to form, and placed on fL"le, the follotring seded bids, for %he furnishing of labor and nateria3, for consfmctiion of Standard VillGe Sidevr&-:in*the above named location (Street I&rovenent Zo. D-1) , aere opened and readt TOTAL DRIVIXAYS-SQ.. F5! Peagrson ~rp,, 964-4 &pdd.e Ave. So,, &lplsD $671.70 $835 Henry 0. l4ikkelson;Z!?k2-U.th Axe, .So,, Mpls. $781.05 $e44 - Yicto? Garlson B Sons,Sac:s8$5 P&k Ave:, l*!pl+D $867.75 ' ' 8.58 llillson* motion, avarding bid to Pederson Bros. ,I.linneapolis, subject to Tabulation of Bids ad checking as to finscial responsibility by Village Engineer, vas seconded by Havrtinorne and carried. 9/12/49 $7 .. Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids4 treet Improvement Ho. A-&-Blacktopping Over Concrete,It published in'Su6urbk Press , Ho~~kins, a& in the Construqtion Bulletin, Ninneapolis , p.Iinn. , on August 25 and Septezber 1, 1949, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved' as to form and placed on file, the following sealed 1 bids were opened and publicly' read for the laying of Blacktop Surfac.ing Over :eonCrete on Tl,SOth Street between Prqce and Halifax Avenues: I Jay IT. Craig C os, 14innespolis Sculley Equipment CO., St. Paul . Pm ss,m. I $1,80 . a $2003 . TOTAL $6,642.00 . $7 ;490 . VO Glenn Johnson Cqntr. Co. ,. StJouis .Park , $2.40 . $8,856,00 Notion by Vills qn *I Haw t ho re , avr&ding- bid io Say I{. Craig Co, ,: was seconded by - and carried. Pursuant to "Adyertisement for Bids,-Widening -of Bridgq, I' published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on August 25 and September 1, 1949, Affidavit of Publication for which vas read by Clerk, approved as to form ana placed on file, $he follovring seal@ bids were publicly opened and read, for %he furnishing of labor and materials for the widening of.$he brick-and-concretq bridge at 1'1.54th Stree$'betv:reen >4innehaha Blvd. and Brookview Avenue: BRIDGE WI&TING ' sTRucm SrnL PIS WITHOUI! RAILING RAILING IN PLACB BAILING 2517 Xicollet Ave. , Npis. * $5,980.00 $752.00 $682.00 R. C, Blvixl Company. ITew 'London Mat e&ds & Cdnst , Co, Victor Carhon d Sons, Inc, Notion by llillson, avrardgng contrLct' for Br&&ge r'ridenihg to Tictor Carlson &. Sons, Inc., at price df $4,580.'00 plus $674.00 €or Pipe Raixing, was seconded by Palen and carried. Pursuant to IIMvertisemeqt for Bids-Blacktopping,'' published in Suburban Fress Affidavit of hl$ication -for which :was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, Couzlcil made reqdy to opqn and consider seal& bids 06 the blacktopping jobs lis'ted belotr. Council refrainffrom reading bids qn the blaqktopping-of Boodland Road because of / a petition filed, with the Village qouncil for storm sewer in that locality, Becauso this petition hap3 not ye$ been read, 2nd beczuse adveqtisement called for the sub-, mission of bids .on Voodlqnd Road job, Council proceedad to read all bids, trhich*vr!rere as follows: 1. All Streets in Mirror 2. All Streets in Crestoq 4613 OF& Drivg, Mpls. TO ' $4,900.00 $975.00 - k735.00 2855 Park he.:, Npls. a ' $4,580.60 $719,00 $675 00 ' I I Hopkins, and in :Construction Bulleiin, 14ixnez&olis, on Aws% 25 and September 1,1949, \l At this .time Nr. Robert Voqd spoke f;om the a{dience, requesting that the // '*. BLACKTOP S-WA~IBG: t &SHWORk & SON JAY If. CRlirG CO, GLRm JOHkTSOEJ , Ljkes Addition $17,190.00 $17,88740 $22,117.50 ,. Hills Additicm $12,8iO. 00 . $13,36$00 $16,625.00 3. All Streets in Paxh@qd , Knolls Addition $11 9i6 . 91 ; $12,000.24 .. $15 , 666.98 . .. 4, In Chotren Ave. betseeq , - Beard Ave. 8s.N.Lot Liqe 0 of Brookline "2nd Addn, $1,680 -25 $1,792.00 $2,209.00 tlooddale Ave. 8 Broohiew State -Hy.N0,;69 & 212*to 5. In Woodlad Rd. between 6, In Caspde L&e betvein , 1 . Ave. $5,335 -31- $5 , 352.48 i$6,987.96 I and inc,Turnvound $1, $3 .L&9 4%,Fad $1 , 647.82 The above bids iffere refeked to Village Engiizee; Smitli for tabulation' and report at later time in the meeting, Havrthornets motjon, that J, V. Gleason Go., St, Louis Park, Minnesota, be notified &hi& on September 13, 1999, by*Registered lbd.1, that his contracts for the blacktopping jobs listed aboye trill be cancelled unless cbmpleted according to contract specifications by September 21, 1949, vas seconded by Villson and un&imously carried. A$ a later time:in the Xeeting, after &gineer Snith had reported his tabulation of the bids on BlagktoFping Jobs 1 through 6, aks qv- .. in Suburbamz Press and Con- struction Bulletin on Awst 25 and Se$temb&r 1, noved that contracts for Sobs 1, 2, 3, 4 ad 6 be awarded to Ashworth d Son, with Job j--for Blacktopping of Woodland Road--excepted, said contracts not to be 'executed until after September 22, 1949. -- Notion seconded by Willson and unanimously carried. i 9/12/49 Motion byllillson, confirsling A,st 3lst action of President, Clerk and Ireasurer, in paying Ilateer Revenue Bond Interest, amou5t $1,295.73, vas seconded by Palen $8 r and. carried.. . r t dotion by T'lillson, qproving the folloving Village Payrolls, was seconded by Palen and carried: Por Period Sentember 1, 1949 thrciugh September 15, 1949.: i mI! C~l*S moss IIITH. RETIRE. 301AI1 Phil 11. Smith . Gretchen Alden Bernice Johnson Helene Free- gouise l'esterberg Patricia Holland Lethe G. 'I'!illizms 1 Su3-2oEd c S'lREEE' BEN-IBGUI$R Phil%@ Bailey . Pete DafiLgren 1.L .J. Herfeld John Trzcy Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald Port G. ll. Cardarelle llayne Tracy. Joseph Natole Sub-20 t al STBEET IJEii-HOUXLY Charles Johnson TAX - FAY. $29.50 *$29.80 ,163.60 .. i5.go 12,7481 10.50 102.25 11.20 102-25 11-20 55.22 4. LO 17L90 15.SO 937.53 98.00 1 DEDUCT. DEDUCT. PAY $8.00 .$37.80 $2~6.70 ,6.54 .2a.M1 -, 1b1.16 5.11 - 1561 a12.20 4.09 15.29 86,96 4.09 W29 86-96 2.23. 6.31 48.91 5.24 20.58 111.72 35-.32 133.32 804.21 r 132.93 3.40 5.32 8.72 124.21 210.08 27.80 8.40 32.20 177.88 ' 343.01 27-20 * 13.72 40.92 302.09 151.84. 14.10 104.81 3.20 * 141.62 8.80 136.50 8.20 . 136.50 8.20 233.50 7.60 ' 103.27 -0- '908.04 50.10 153 043 130.02 127.81 144.75 132.16 151.63 138.04 142.80 127.81 122.70 * 1371.15 - 6.40 8.80 2.80 6.40 2.20 1.10 3.44 18 . 30 9.90 71.60 I 12.30 6.07 20.17 13~67 5.66 * 14.% 127.16 5 046 13.66 122.84 5.46 23.66 - xz.84 -0- 7.60 12!3;90 4.13 4.19 99.14 39.97 81.97 1 326.97 4. 19 "1-39 '* 97-42 6.14 . 5.52 5.71 5.20 5D11 5.11 5.79 5-29 16.07 4.,91 54.485 12.54 17.82 14.51 8.00 11.51 7.31 6.89 8.69 24.37 n.ai - - 226.45 140.89 120 . 22 128.29 122.02 116.30 120.50 137.86 123.47 127.26 107 89 X2W. 70 116.97 9.20 -4.68 13.88 103.09 122.70. 1.60 *4.91 6.51 116.19 103.168 z090 4.14 7.04 96.J4J.k TI0 . 574 575 5?6 577 578 579 580 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 ; 599 8&-66r 8.50 -3439 12-89 72.77 47.04 -0- 1.88 1.88 45.16 Sub-Total c 474.85 22.20 19.00 41.20 433 65 - $o'paL mw*m3D &3&&8 249.10 153.86 4m96 3611.62 600 . 601 602 . 603 604 a TlAmi Pe.ARE.mE Bernbrd '1'70 e'iler $191,72' 15.90 -7.67 23.37 168.15 605 Same1 J. Roberts 188.28 15.90 7-53 23.43 164435 606 David S. Wierts 102.25 11.20 4.09 15.29 86.96 607 TOTAX VIXUGE PAYROLL &516,83 322.10 173.15 M5.25 M31-58 LIQpOa STORE ??AXROI&-Septenber 1 to 15, and Extra Elen for Awst . Sub Tot& * $488. 25 b3 .oo 1.9 29 62.29 419.96 - Edwzrd Rzyn 115.03 8.90 4.60 13.50 101.53 mo Cyrus Alexarder 127.81 14.70 5.11 7 19.81 108.00 Llll 242.84. 23.60 9.71 33.31 209.53 9h2/49 .. 1 LIQUOR S'i!ORl4 PAXEIOZL - Period Sseptember 1 to September 15, 1949, Continued) GROSS I'CITH. RETIRE. TOT& m!i! CLAIM \ 89 SILLING-rnW Harry Casey Cbs. S. Bates Paul Elesher Neil WcGraw Edtrard A. Horley, Jr. John Dahlen Total SeL;Ling TOIN; LIQUOR PAYROLL 57.52 166.16 28.12 22.50 536.31. '779 015 1060.34 - TAX -0- -0- ' -0- GO- -0- -0- -0- 44.80 23 ;60 DEDUCT. DEDUCT. $80 28 -$8.28 ,2020 ' 2.20 * 2.30 * 2.30 6.65 60 65 1.12 1.12 . -0- -0- m.55 20.55 30.26 53.86 41.51 86.31 Pia . NO $198.77 2112 55.22 $1114- 159.51 Lllfj 27.00 L116 . 52.76 ~113 22.50 L117 515-76 725 29 924.03 _- Notion'by #illson, approving payment of the follotring Claims, vas seconcled by Palen and carrked: CLAIl4 XO. TO ViOM PAID 4053 . John Bdich m54 Chester J. Betley ,153.00 4055 ' E. C. Pfeiffer * 555.25 4056 Victor Carlson 80 Sons 942.26 $1 9 956.51 5569 Suburban Henn. Cy. Relief Bd, - bo52 Arthur KO Petersea POOR 2UED $ 110.22 P',I.R. FUN3 - + - 4057 Terry llxcavating Co . $1,478.08 . -. 4060 E. C. Pfeiffer 717.75 4062 E, C. Pfeiffer 55.00 4063 E. C. Pfeiffer , 1.592.25 $8 Y 673.60 E648 Ed. Phillips & Sons. Coo -$ 401.53 @58 George Mdsen , 945.00 A w59 Terry Excavating Bo . 3,840.52 4061 E., C. Pfeiffer 45.00 .. LIQUOR mm .- Mr. Peder Mi&elsen introduced his-petition for the Rezoning from Residential to Commercial of Lots 1,2,4,5,6,25,26,and 27, Block 3, Grandview Heights Addition, Report tras made of Planning Commission's field trip of Saturday, Beptember 10, and their decision to withhold rezoning until further study has been made as to re- zoning of entire triangle. Hztrthorne' s motion, referring this petition back to the Planning Commission for further report, vas seconded by Palen and carried, Nr. Robert C.-Wood introduced petition signed by soine seventeen property otmers .in Colonial Grove addition, requesting construction of a storm sewer to drain area bounded by V.56th Street and 8.58th Street, and by-Vooddale Avenue ad Brookvietr Avenue-Voodlmd Road. of blacktoppbg Voodland Road be*temporarily deferred and that a dust; coat be qplied to Voodland Road. IfoodlandRoad immediately, and that the cost of this be included in the cost of the blacktopping of Boodland Road when this blacktopping is completed. seconded by Ifillson and carried. Havrthorne moved that petition for Storm Sewer be accepted, and that Public Hearing be set for October 10, 1949, at 8:OO P.M., and that bids for said construction be opaned as of October 10. A delegation from Indian Hills Subdivision supported their petition, filed this - 1 Petihion dso reguest&. that bids for construction Hawthorne moved that; dust coat of oil be applied to Motion Motion seconded by PaLen and carried. evening, for street. maintenance in the subdivisioi. Nr. Villson told the audience that a great deal of work would %e necessary to keep these roads passable; and that the Village Crew could not be expected to do this'work. Several people in tho audience stated their inEention to build just as soon as they could be sure to obtain access to their properties.. Upon the suggestion of the Councll, a petition tras,filed-for the Grading, Gravelling and Dust Coating of all Streets in Indian Hills Subdivision. -VPllsoa moved that.p tition be accqted, that Fublic Hearing - on proposed improvement be set for October 10, 1949, and tnht*bids be taken on this improvement as of October 10, 1949. Notion seconded by Hawthorne and unmim- ously carried. 9 /I 2/ 49 90 Wiss Kiesel requested information concerning the stripping of black dirt, sad and gravel on the Ml-acre strip just North of 70th Streeton &ace Avenue. -She was informed that the Planning Com2niss'ion had recommended again$t a pernit, feeling tbt part of the pro3erty is 'already belovr the grade of Prance Avenue and that it vould be inrpossible to strip and stiU maintain the level-of France Avenue rn heretofore promised by Miss ICiesel. of France Avenue -if necess&y, ad st'ated that it will 'take tvo or three years to comglete the ope5ation of itripping the graveJ. referred to the Village En&neer for 'aa estimate as to 'the amount of material needed to refill to the level of France Avenue, and-the amom$ of Performce Bond required to assure the Village that-filling vi12 be cqmpleted as promised, kth report to be made at the next regular me'eting, Emidtion seconded by galen and carried, Request was mzde -for permi6 to build*Filling Station on the Southwest Corner of 54th and France. Hmthorns moved that permit be granted subject to coqlimce vith Builcing and Fire Ordinances. 1.fotion secondea by Palen and carrhed, Mr. Boughton, proprietor of a dry cleaning establishment in Ifinneqolis, requested perm3ssion to operate tiis establishaent on Zhrket Street jyst Best of the Chris Lee Building. plans and their conformance wi6h Building and Fire La~rs, 'cfpon questioning, Z&iss Kiesei-zgreed to fill to the .level Haprthdrne moved that the matter be i - Havthorne moved hat permit be grated, subject to- pqesentation of Motion seconded by Palen - and carried. Hrs. Mzcy Roschner repsted permit to op-erate a trGiler. camp on Lots 12 and 13, Peacedde Acr'es, at the South end of Brookview Avenue. as to sanit- retpirements involved, Hawthorne moved for && denial of permit, Motion seconded by Palen and czrried, , After considerable discussion be E. C. 8ylumd requested immediate traffic control in the vicinZty of the tvro new schools on 3TormandaI.e Avenue. De-partmkt to instdl electric~y-controlZEd traffic signals on lTorm,ndd.e and the new school and on ITormandale ad, Eden Avenue, 1.lotion seconded by Palen ad carried. Mr. Chris Larson complzbed of the night noise at the Irmner factory, moved that- the Vilkge Manager 'be directed to investigate conditions. at the 'Ikmner Plzd and to issu,e complaint if sityation vrmrants it, IJotion secocded by Villson znd carried. btrthorne moved that Council request State Highmy 1. Esrthorne Petition vas filed by Richard B, McGovran and Raymond F. Ancel for the opening of Seventipsixth Street from Frazlce Avenue to 3/4 Miles l'!est thereof. Hr. Paul Skahen, attorney €or the petitioners, requested action by the Council inzsmuch as petitioners qe unable to secure access to their properties. they Fve no record of street dedication and'vill do nothing until such dedication is received, 1-k. Kessel of Spring Coqany incpired as, to action taken & Council with regard to the lighting of dL street lights in Bdina Highihnds Addition, Smith reported CPruste6 Child's recommendation, that ttro a3ditiond lights be turped on at this time, making total of seven lights lighted, as %ains% the thirteen requested by Spring Corqzmy. to notifr Eorthern States Power Company to light fwo*additional lights in Edira High3Znds. Hotion seconded by Villson and carried, &ilding Inspector TrosWer reprtea request for permit to Lila garage on a lot on vhich is now located 2, basement-dvelling, Hawthorne moveh that Building Inspector be directed t6 issue no permits for dliq build$gs except in connection with completed dvrellings , Petition by LOO$ of the pioperty owners onathe Soqth Side of \hd Rod, for extension of curb znd gutter og the South Side of Wind Road from Unitg Avenue to the aast line of State Higbway Department right-of-wm, tfas reported. Motion by Ifillson accepting the petition, and authorizing Village lngineer and Villzge Clerk to incXude,the cos% of this construction in %he assessment for Curb and Gutter on Unity Avenue, !ras sceconded by Palen and unznimously carried. Petition dated Augnst 24,1949; and signed by 31 petitioners, for the repaSr and oil- ing of Prznce- Avenue betveen Slst md 54th Street,. vas f ilea, Hwthorne moved tha% Public Hearing on proPosed Paving of Edina Side of France Avenue betvreen 1^I.Slst ad W.54th Street be set forpHondzy, September 26, 1949, at 8:OO P.1.f. ,Wotion seconds& by Tillson and carried. t CmmcjlirxEorned ptitioners thst 1 Village Ehnzger Havthorna moved that V511ee 1.fanzgep be authorized I Notion seconded 'by YTillson and carried, 4 * 9/ 12/49 P I Petition dated August 29, 1949, for the Blacktopping of Woodhill Road between 2 St,Johns Avenue and Crescent Drive, in 1950; with Dust Coat to be applied in 1949 and added, to cwt of Blacktop job to be done in 1950, was filed. moved that petition be accepted, and that dust coat be ap9lied in 1949. seconded by Willson ad carried. Havthorne moved t&t Village Manager be directed to hzve.!hin Cities Testing an& Engineering Labordory proceed immediately with checking blacktop9ing jobs by J. V. Gleason, Plotion spconded by Palen and carried. The matter of -B1naiZ 18bram Cemetery Assn's request for their opening of the * unnamed 30-foot street st the North of their property came again before the Council, Willson moqed that no action by taken by the Council En opening the street, Attorney Bindhorst resorted that the cj'urtis Feyder cldm for $1,00O'dmages cm probably be.settled by the Blacktopping of the abutting stree$s, and that there is nothing further to do on this at the present time. Palen moved for the aqrproval af the folloving Plumber's Licenses, subject to approval by .the Plumbing .Inspeetor, Motion seconded by .t'liLlsan and .carried. 3( Hawthorne Hotion Motion seconded by Palen and carried. I Ilinneapolis Blaylock Plhbing: Company Robert M. BoWeman 3694 Srymt Ave. So. lriinneapolis Bjorkman Tl~!os.. .Coo 7l2-lOth Ave. So. Minneapolis Alvin 5. Deters 3141 Smter Ave, St Louis Psk - Edina Zlbg. 8: Htg. $0. 5501 France Ninneapolis Fox Plbg, & Htg. Co. 4753-4th Ave.. So. Minneapolis Hughes Htg,. & Plbg. Co, 330 E. Lake St. Minneapolis 0, F. Kohl'Co, 1008 Harcpette Ave, Minneapolis L2 Vzhn Bros, - 4108 Lyndale Ave, No. MinneaFolis Lqst Plbg. & Htg. Go. 318 TI. 42nd $to Qnneapolis R. J. Mangen Co. 925-7th Ave. So. Minneapolis Mooney' s 814 IT. Lake Ft. Minneqolisr , Paragon tidtre,-& Plbg. c), 49M-34th Ape. So Minneag olis George G. Penny 452 Morgan Ave. S. Minneayolis Richfield &.%g. Co, 7620 Lyndale Ave. So, Richfield Melvin E. Saga 5902 ;PTormandah.e Ed. Bdina, 2117 Sb. Lyndale bEnneapp1i.s 3725 bhicqo he: ' Minneapolis * Shoppe Plbg. & HZg, Co: r H. 0. Soderlin Spetz L% Berg Plbg.Co; 4555 Bloomington Ave. Minneapolis E. S. Stiles 6Wg Girard Ave. NinneapLis Xerxes Plbw. & Ht Shop 4949 Xerx s Ave. So, Minneapolis G.Burman &bg. &%g. * M.ljnneapol)s 3 20 Johnson St.NE lund 8: Go. lest Lake St. Mannea lis 1 Nr. Ef'?filson reported that the Olin&!r &amney needs cleaning 28 possibly f - 77314th Ave. So. moved that the Fire Department be instructed to clean the chimney. repairing; .an3 Motion seconded'by Palen and carried. * \ Mr. Killson reported thzt Hation& Tea Co,'and Red Owl Co. have been routing their heavy tkcks down Bl&e Road ad over Interlachen Blvd., since Comty Road Ho. 18 has been torn up for sewer construction. Resolution and moved its adoption: c* c 1 He offered the following ~SOLTJl?IOJ!T KfZQWSTING BOARD OF COUNTY COI4NISSIOKERS TO POST ROADS AGAINSI! . HEAYY "FIB VRERJ3&, the temporary closiflg of Couplty Road No. 18tbecause pf sever construction has caused much heavy tmcE traffic On County Road no. 64 (Blake Roadj aad State Aid Road,No. 20 (Interl&hen Blvd.2 , enroute from HopkTns to .. *r State Highway Bo , 169, - i NOW, !PHEEUDORX, BE IT' RESOLK3D By the XEdiina Village Council that the Bokd of Hemepin County Commissioners be reques4e8 to post saidtCounty Road No. 64 and State Aid Rod No. 20 against heavg traffic, Xotion for adoption of Reiolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes azld no nays, as follows: Palen, aye: I'Tillson, aye; Hatrthorne, aye; Village Clerk , P Palen's motion for adjournment was seconded by Efmthorne and carried. 1 < . e * ?-- .I