IIembers anseering Rollcall were Cooper, T’Tillson, ad Ea&horne, with Pzlen coming
later as recorded belov.
Xhutes 03 the Re&= Meeting of September 12, 1949, vere approved as subnitted,
by 14otion llillson, seconded by Hauthorne and carried. I I
Continuation o€ Public Hearing on Proposed Storm Sewer to drain area bettreen Borth
f)oundmy Sine of Richnond Hills AddiAion and Yvanne Zerrace, and between -Kighvray
Xo. 100 and Vessez Avenue, vas c&led--this hearing having been continued +from
September 12. Engineer’s revised estimate, for a storn sever beginning at the
intersection of Kent Avenue and Vindsor Avenue, thence to llmvriclc Place on Kent;
and South on Ilamrick Place to Il.56th Street, with a feeder line on Il.56th Street
from a quster block East of l!wvrick Place to Ihrvriclr Place; South on llmrick Place
to a lioe betveen Ekmkx lot 13 and 14, Yvonne Terrace, and Southirest on this liiie
to the pond, vas read, in the amount of $13,224.22.
Hessrs. E. (3. Stoe, S. G. Pearson, Arvid,Andemon, R. K. Bodlund, Al, Pertl, znd
others, objected to the cost of this storm sewer; and after a oonference in the
Engineer’ s office, tbse pmpestiy ovmers advocated construction of a .storm sewer
from I/.56th and IFarvrick PXace,. sou.th ad uouthvest to the pond, . Xr. Stoxr recited
sn estinate of $2,600, vrhich ha4 been given’to him for this sever,
moved, directing Bdvertisement for Bids to be taken Idondqy,.Octobe.r 10, for con-
struction of Storm Sever between V,56tn and Ilmrick Place ad .the pond, with
necessary apptrtenances .
Pursuant to “l?oLlce of Street Improvement Hearing-Concrete Paving of Vest Side of
Grance Aveilue beixreen V.51st 2nd. :‘/.54th Street ,I1 published in Suburban Press,
Hopkins, klinnesota, on Se?$xaber 15- and 22, Affidavit of Publication f or which vas
read by Clerk, approved as to form, and pzaceci on file, Zresident c2Lledhbl3.c
Bearing on this proposed improvenent.
of the owners of pro_nerties a%ut;t;ing the vest side of France Avenus, presented
petition signed by ninateewovmers, objecting to the proposed iaprovenent on
grounds of cost.
%d.e, 1.k. and Jltrs. Cbre5mzu1, Hr. Pevovrauk, and others,+su2jprted the objecting
pay portion of cost, inaauch BS Prance Avenue is arr arterial. street; and. that
Council intends to t&e no action nntil such time as Minneazolis and the Hi&eqolis
Street ReiLmy vZll pave their portion of the streeto Nr. H,R. Yde vent on record
as favoring the project; proxi&inS a portion of cost is p&ed by ‘the General I3md
a& providing the baiance of street is pavQa by the owners involved. The Xngineerls
estimate -In the mount of $2,971.19, or $8.44 per assessa3le foo&;, €or pwbg and
construction of curb and gutter, vas read,
favored such construction at this time, vrithMr. Schultz going on record as favoring
a vait until tk-relling: construction E3. ong Prance Avenue is conpleted.
Covell suggested a qzestionndre to secure public opinion on the ma.$ter of paging
a portion of cost of improvenent providing Village General 3hnd trill pay the balance,
Hotion by Ifillson that matter be tabled for the‘present vas seconded by Pzlen and
awniaously carried,
All those >resent, inclu&ing
Hotioq seconded by’lX1Lsm and carr;ied.
Trustee Pzlen entered neeting-during following discussion: ..
Attorney Karl E. Covell, representing sone
A group of fhese otmers, including I-ir.,XLbert Schultz, Era H.R.
Audience vas %oLd that Council feels that Village Gsnerel Fund’shbuld
Xone of the others in the auciience
Pursumt to %%ice of Assessnent Eearin&3lacktopping of Hmsen Road, published in
%ibuTba Press, Hopkins, Nimesota, September 8, 1949, President called Public Hear-
ing on this proposed assessnent.
as to form, znd placed on file.. Engineerrs hdlysis of Assessment, in totd mount
of $3,781.7’4, as against 2,455.67 assessabLe feet-06 $1.54 per assessable foot, vas
read. ‘Phere were no objections to the proposed assessmeit; and no written objections
had been received by the Village Clerk, Willson offered the folloving Resolution
and moved Its adoption:
RESOLW ION -born ING AS S~SS~~~~-~~~oPP~iiG
I Affidavit of Publication vas re& by Clerk, qpro-red
1- proposed assessment for the c6st of th0 improvement of the following
by Slacktop@.ng, has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public in-
spection; and notice has been published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, f4bneso%a, on
Senteaher 8, 1949;, that this Comcil ail1 pass .upon sed proposed assessment at th5s
present meetbg, and this Council has met at the tine and place specified fn S~d
notice,md heard ad pmsedupon dl objections thereto, nov therefore,
hsen Road betveen Grove t3tree.l; and 1’1.60th Street
9/26/49 i 93
BE IT RESOLPD by the Village Council of the Village of Idina, that said
proposed ass,essnient * which is hereby referred to and -de a part hereof , is hereby
adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied. against- each of the lots, pzrts of lots,
pieces and parcels of lad described therein in the sums therein respectively set
forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount
of the assessment levied against it herein:
BE IT PURTHER RZSOLVED@that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual
installments, extendipg over a period of Five years, the first to be payable on
the first day of June-,;1950, all deferred-payments are to bear interest at the
rate bf five percent p@r,ps&. Said assessments and interest sha~l be a lien
upon' the property therein specified concurrent vith general taxes as authorized
by Chapter 65, La?& of Minn. 1919. .- . ?e\
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was secogded by Havthorne, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye;' and Cooper, aye; &d the Resolut
Palen, aye; !!illson, aye; Ha!rthorne,
Village Clerk
Uext Public Hesing called vas the Assessment Hearing on cost of improving Bedofrd
Avenue between W.jlst and VD~2.nd Streets by Blacktopping, Affidavit of Bot$ce of
Assessment Hearing, published in Suburban Press September 8, 1949, vas read and .
qproved as & form.
as Against 1,203.50 asshssable-feet, or $l-.& per assessable foot, vas read.
trere no oral objections to the assessmen$, and no written objections had been
received by Clerkpriok. to Hearing,
moved its adoption:
Engineerts Analysis of Assessment, in the amount of $1,684.90
Villson offered the following Resolution and
1 I
-- . aTJD 1!.52Iq STREETS-
T-, proposed assessment for the cost of the improvemeiit of the following
by Blzcktoppin&, has been day filed vith thh Village Clerk and open to public
' inspection; and notice has been published in Suburba Press, Hopkins, I&f.rinesota,
September 8, 1949, that this Cokcil ail1 pass uponrsaid proposed assessient at
this preseilt meeting, ad this Council has m;?t at the time and place specified in
Bedford Avenue between 1.51st Street and W. 52nd Street
' stzid notice, and heard and passed ;son all objections thereto,.ny therefore,
t <-
BE I2 RESOL?C5D'by 6he Village Council of the Village of Edina, thzt said'
proposed assessment, amended to read $1,684,90, vhi6h is hereby referred $0 and
made a part hereof, is hereby adopted,, ,and an assessment is hereby levied against
each of the lots, parts of lots, pigces and pwcels of land describedthereivr in
the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is
hereby found'to be benefited in the amouut of the assessment levied against it
: herein. I
BE IT FURT!BER- BESOLVED that each assessment shall 5e payable in eqyd annual
installmen%s extending over a period of Five years, the first to be pyable on the
first,day of June,,l950, all deferred gapents are to bear interest at the rate of
'five percent per annum,
-.. property therein specified concurrent with genera taxes as mthorized by
Chapter 65, Law of Xinn. 1919.
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seonnded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes azld no nys, as follows: Palen, aye; t~illson, aye; Havrtlrorne, aye:
and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas ado2ted.
Said assessments md interest sha3L be a lien upon th0
* ATTEST: Z,/&
Village Clerk
President called Public Hearing on proposed assessment for cost of Blacktopping
Laura Avenue between Cascade Lane and Hoore Avenue.
gotice of Assessment Hearing, published in Suburban Press Septem%er 8, 1949: vas
read, approved as to form, and placed on file,
as 201.1otri, vas read: -
AXfidavit of Publicstion for
Engineer's halysis of Assessmen%,
Total Cost of Constzuction - $673.65; Less 112 of Cost to be paid by
,Village General., hd - 7336.82 7 Asqessable cost of Construction $336,83
Plus hgr. & Cler. 426.95 and Plus'Continbencies - $36,62 - Assessment $1100.44
as against 280 assessable.feet, ox $1.43 per assessa'ole foot, r
n Ahere &ere no oral objections to the assessment, and no written objections had been
received by Clerk Brlor to Hesing,
moved its adoption:
”Tiilson offered the following Resolution and
V€EREAS proposed assessment for the cost of the immovsnent of the following streets:
Laura Avenue betvreen Cascade’ Lane and Moore A~enue
by Blacktopping, has been duly filed vith the Villaga Clerk and Open to public inspection;
ad notice has been published in Subur3an Press, Eopkins, NinnesrJ.ts, September 8, 1949,
that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present neeting, and
this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed
upon all objections thereto, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLIED *.the Village Council of -the Villzge of Edina, that said groposed
assessment, which is hereby referred to aktd made a part hereof is hereby &opted, azzd
a assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of’lots, pieces and‘
paroels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, zhd each
of said tracts of lad is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment
levied against it herein:
BE IT T?URm €USOLVXD that each assessment shall be pwable in equal annual install-
ments extending over a priod of Five years, the first to be payable on the first dzy of
June, 1950, all deferred pzyments-are to bear interest at the rate of-five percent per
annum. Said assessments and interest shall be alien ugon the property therein speci-
fied eoncurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Lafrs of 11in.n. 1919,
I-lotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there
vere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Paen, aye: tlillson, we; qavthorne, aye; and,
Cooper, we: and the Resolution vas adopted, m7!L/eA President of the Village#&mcil
Village Clerk
1 r r
&4 47%LL.-.
Pursuant -to I’Notice of Assessment ‘Hesing, Blacktosping St .Johns Avenue, If pblished in
Suburban Press, HoTlrins, on September 8, 1949, Affidavit of Fublicgtioli for ,which vras
read by Clerk, approved as to fora, ad placed on file, President called Public Hearing
on assessment for cost of Blacktopping St.Johns Avenue between VoodhillRo$d and the
Uorth Lo% Line of Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition. 3r&neer1s Analysis of Assessmen-t,
in the-amoyt of $389.08; against 252.65 a&essable feet, or $1.54 per assessable foot,
vas read.
had been received prior to Heming. Billson offered the following Resolution urd moved
There yere no objections to the proposed assessment, and no mitten objections
its adoption: r* r t
I-,‘’iroposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of the follow5ng streets:
%..Johns Avenue betmen SToodhill Road and the Xorth Lo+ Line of Golf Terrace
Heights Second Addition
“by Blacktopping, has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to pu3lic inspection;
and notice has been published in Suburbz~ Press, Hopkins, Hinnesota, tSeptember 8, l9&9,
that tbis Council trill pass upon said proposed assessment at this present neeting, ad
this Council has net at the time and place- specified in said notice and heard and passed
upon dl o-bjections thereto, nov therefore,
BZ IT BESOLVED by the7Village Council of the Village of Edina, that said poposed
assessment, vhich is ‘hereby referred to (and madd a part hereof , is hereby adogted, and
an assessment is hereby levied agaGst *each of the lots, parts of lots; pieces ad
parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth a& each
of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the anount of the assessment
leviea against it here&:
BE IT 3”UR’pHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal amual install-
ments extending over a period of Five yeas, the first to be payzble on the first day of
June, 1950, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five percent per
mum. Sdd assbssnents and Interest shall be a lien upon the property therein spsci-
fied‘concwrent vith general taxes as auEhorized by Chapter 65, LZNS of 1-1inn. 1919,
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Emthorne, and on Rollcall there
vere’four ayes md no nays, as follotrs: Pden, &ye;7Ki.lson, qe; Hawthorne, aye; znd
Coo_n&r, aye; ad the Resolution vas adopted.
9/26/49 95
President next called Public Rearing on proposed assessments for GradAng and
Gravelling, and for Blacktopping of Madison Avenue betveen Naloney, Avenue and
the North Villee Limits.
of Assessment Hearing," published in Suburban Press on September 8, 1949, vas
read, zrpproved, and placed on file. Engineerr s Tabulations of. Assesgments %Je?a
read, as- follovrs:
Assessment for Grading and Gravelling - $1,445.62, over 2,299.34 assessable
feet , or $,628 per. assessable foot .
Assessment for Blacktopping - $3,633.3~; over 2,299.54 assessable
feet, or $1,58 per assessable foot,
Idre Lindberry complained that Belmore Lane ha; been raised, so that ?rater on
Naaison Avenue does not properly drzin; and he was informed that the Village will
rqair the street, providing any grade change has been made,
objections to either assessment; and no miEten objections had been received
prior to the Hearing.
adopt ion!
Affidavit of Pablication, for publllcation of "Notice
llhsre were no
Ifillson offered the-folloving Resolution and moved its
-3XI%%EJJ l-€AXI& A- AED Tm
I-@, proposed assessment for the cost of the.improvement of the follovr-
ing streets:
Madison Avenue between Maloney Avenue and the Horth Village Limits
by Grading and Gravelling has been duly filed with the Village Clerk apd open to
puBlic inspection; and notice has been gublished iq Suburbm Press, Hopkins,
Hinnesota, September 8, 19@, that this Council will pass upon said pro-gosed
assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at.the time ad
place specified in said notice and heard'and pzssed upon dl objections thereto,
now theref ore ,
t <
BE IT RESOLKED by the Village Council of the Village of Zdina, that said
proposed assessment, which is hereby referred, to wd made apart f7ereof, is
hereby.ado_nted, and an assessment is hereby levied 'against each of the lots,
pacts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein
respectively set dorth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby fo.@d to be
aenefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: (i
'BE IT FUETHER R3SOLV'ED that eachaassessment shazl be payable in equal
annual installments extending over a period of three years, the first to be
p23able on the first day of June, 1950, all deferred payments are to be-
interest at the rate of five percent per mm,
shdl bo a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent vrith general
taxes as authorized .by Chapter 65,' Lam of Minn, 1919,
Motion for adoption of fhe Resolution was seconded by Paen, Ad on Rollcall there
irere four ayes and no ns-ys, as i?ollovrs: Pden, aye; fillson, aye;, Hawthorne, aye;
and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted,
Said assessments and interest
+A ' President of the Village fiuncil , Village Clerk
Ifillson offered the follotring Resolution and moved its adoption:
i=B,< proposed assessment for- the cost; of the improvement of the following
s treets:
by Biacktopping, has been duly. filed vith the Village Clerk and- opsn to public in-
spection; aid notice has been piblished in Suburban Press, H~pkiis,~ ltinnesota,
September 8, 1949, that this Council trill pss upon said proposed assessment at
Xiis present meeting, and this Council has met at the'time ad place specified in
said notice and heard and passed upon 2l.l objections thereto, nov therefore,
&dts(on, Avpnue between Walhney Avenue and the North Village &inits
BE IT RXSOLVED by the Village' Council of the Pillzge of Edina, that said
proposed assessnent, amended to read $3,633.27, vhich is hereby referred to. and
made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, arnd an assessment is hereby levied against
each of the lots, parts of lpts, p$eces and yarcels of land d,escribed thereh the
sums therein respectively set forth and each of said tracts of land is hereby
found to be benefited in the anount of the assessment levied zgainst it.
r c
9/26/49 96 BE IT I'UREUB RESOLVEI) thzt ezch sssessnent shall be payable in ep.d. annud.
instd-knents eatendjag over a period of Five years, the first to be paya3le on the { first dzy of Jw~, 1950, dl deferred pqmeuts ars to bear interest at thi3 rate of
five percat per zlmum,
sroperty therein szecified concurrent vith general taxes as aurnorized by Cfiapter
65, Lms of LSinn, 19x9.
Motion €or adostion of $he Resolntion'va3 seconded by Ha&horne, and on Rollcall there
vere four zyes 2nd no nqs, as follows: Paleu, aye; Villson, 2ye; Havrthorne, @e; and
Cooper, aye; zad the iiesolntion vas adopted.
SaLd aseessnents and interest shall be a lien upon tne
f I
Presidkt of the Villa+$ Council
VLliage Clerk
Pursuant-to "1Jotice of Assessnent Hearing-Grading ,?nd Gravelling Park Place? It pu'blished
in Su3u.rba.n Press, Hopkins, on Septeaber 8, lglcy, President called Public Hearing on
proposed assessment for cost of grzding and gravelling Park ?Lace betveen If,55th ad
17.56th Streets. Engineer's Tabulation of Assessaeht, in the Total of $1,229.30, as
against 1,205.2 assesss-ole feet, or $1.02 per assessaale Zooti, vas read. Phere were
no ora objections to the assessment, and no writfen objections had been received by
the Clerk prior to the Eezring. 'Efillson offered the follouing Resolutioq wd moved
its adoption: I
I # 1r.55~ sm r.r.56~ s-3~
lfHEIR3M zroposed assessnent for- the. cost or' the inprovenent of Pztrlr Place
between If,53&& and Il.56th Streets by Brading and Gravelling hs been duly filed with
the Tillage Clerk and operi to sublic inspection; and notice has been published in
Subur3a.n Press, Eo_&ns, Minnesota, on September 8, 1949, that this Council will - uass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has
met at the tine and place specified in said notice, and heard and passedupon all
objections thereto, nov therefore,
33 iT RESOLR3D 3T TEE Pillase Council of the Villase of Bdina, that said pro-
posed assessmenk, ~hich is hereby referred to and made a part thereof, is hereby
adopted, and an as3essnent is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots,
pieces and parcels of land described therein in the suns resgectively set forth, and
each of said tracts of lad is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the
assessment levied against it herein:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVD that each assessnent sWl be payable in eqd annual
installnents extending over a period of Five years, the first to be payable on the
first day of Sue, 1950, all deferre& pqeats are .t;o bear interest at tne rate of"
five percent per ma.
property therein sgecified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65,
Lay& of Ninn. 1919. ,
&tioa for &option of the Resolution vas seconded by PaZen, and on Rollcall there
vere four ayes and no ws, 8s follovs: Palen, aye; Ifillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution 1-12s adopted.
Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the
/ /JL President of t 1
Tiliage Clerk
President next called Public Hearing on proBosed assessment for the cost of Gradix
ad Gravelling Kellogg .!beme betvreen 'E(.59th ad 1~60th Streets, pJ.?suant to "Hotice
of Assessnent Bearing,
assessable feet, or $.SI per assessable foot; vas read.
to the assessnent, md no mitten objections had been received by Clerk prior to hearing.
llillson offered the follotring Resolution and moved its adostion:
I pu3lished in Suburba Press, Hopkins a l1inneso"ca,. on September 8,
Affidavit of Widicztion was read by Clerk, approved as to form, an& $ked on
Zhgineer's Analysis of Assessa&t, in total aount of $610.52, against 1,197.10
Toerg were no ora objections
BEmm Il.592'33 AND t!,60q STS. ..
Il'HEiBBs proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of xe1logg Avenue
between V.59th and 1~60th Streets by Gradhg and Gravollins has been. duly filed with
the Village Clerk ad open to public inspection; and notlce has been published in
Sulmr3an Press, HopMns, I.finnesotz, on September 8, 19@, that tbis Council Trill pass
uson said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has net at the
time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passedupon all objections
thereto, now therefore,
9/26/&9 97 BE IT IUSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Sdine, that said
proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a pwt hereof, is
hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots,.
parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein
respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be
benefited in the mount of the assessment levied against it herein:
BE IT l?UR'pHE1R RESOLVE0 that each assessment shall be payable in equal
annud installments extending oaer a period af Thee years, the first to be
payable on the first day of June, 1950, all deferred paynients are to bear
interest at the rate of five.percent per annum.
shall be alien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general.
taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Elinn. 1919.
Iilotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on R~llcdl
there vere four ayes and no nays, as follotrs:
aye; and Cooper, aye: and the Resolution vas .- adopted.
Said assessments and interedt
PaZen, aye; l'~i,llsofi, aye; Ravthorne,
President of the Village Codcil
e &ferk t
+muant- to Wotice of Assessment Hearing-Grading and Gra&lling Jefferson
Avenue, 'I published in Su-prban Press, Hopkins
called public hearing on proposed assessment for cost of grading and gravelling , qefferson Avenue between Ndoney Avenue and Belmore Lme,
of Assessment, in total amount of $991.44, or
1,194*50 assessable feet, was read, Zhere were no, objections to the assessment,
and no {mitten objections had been received prior to Hearing,
Nr. Lindberry called. Council's attention to fact that new streets in I'iest
Iilinneapolis Heights AdditionyAdams, Madison, Jefferson, etc., had been receiving
heavy truck traffic fsom Red Owl andNational lea Coq331;v, since the closing of
County Road No. 18 €or sewer construction, and recpested that the Courty Board
be asked to repair damages. ~ Havthorne offered th7-folloving Resolution and
moved its adoption:.
on ~ Sept ember 8, 1949, President
Engineerls Analysia
$7.83 per assessable foot for
- NO. 18 DB!l!OUR -1
BE IT RESOLVED by the Villa& Co~ci1 of the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Ninnesota, .that the Board of Hennepin County Comnissioners be requested
to repair Village of Edina Streets aqagets as a result of the re-routing of
&avy traffic onto Cbunty Road Eo* 18 Detour. -
Notion for adoption-of the Resolution \;as seconded by Ifillson, and on Rollcall
there vere four ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution Vas .. adbpted.
Palen; aye; I'liBon, aye; Eavrthorne,
Przsident of the Village Coun6il -
I- _.
c \
T'lillson offered the following Besolution and moved its adoption:.
VHERXAS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Jeffersdn
Avenue between Pilaloney Avenue and Belmore Lane by Grading and kavelling has' been
duly filed vith the Village Clerk and open to public inspection; and notice haw
been pu'olished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 8, 1949, that
this Council trill pass upon said proposed assessment at t1xi.s present meeting,and
this Council has met at the time and place ssecified in said notice, and heard
and passed ugon all objections thereto, now therefore,
BE IT RESOSTOD by the ,Idina Village. Council thst said proposed assessment,
amended. to read $991.4&, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is
hereby adopted, and an assessment is here'ljy levied against each of the lots,
parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sum8 therein
respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found 50 be
, benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein:'
9/ 26 /49 $8 BE IT FURWEE RESOLmD thrzt each assessnent shall be pzyable in equal annual
installments extendins over 2 period of Three years, the first .ti0 be payable on the
first by of Jme, lg@, dl deferred payments ae to bear interest at the rate of
five percent per amm.
property therein sgecified concurrent vith general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65,
Lalx of Wbn. 191'.
Said assessments rznd interest shall be a lien upon the
Motion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by- Ehthorne, zlzd on Rollcall there
were four ayes ad no nzys, as follovs: Palen, zye; illso son, aye; Havthorne, aye; and
c Coopr, aye; ad the Resolution was adopted. .. ..
President of the Village Council
Villizge Clerk __
The next-Pu'Ijlic Heainsheld were those on curb md Gutter and Blzckto2ping of Gorgas
Avenue Assessments, subject to *llNotice of Assessment Hearing, 'published in Subzir'ban
Press, Hoikins, on Septenber 8, 1949.
approved 2s to form, and placed on file,
ks follovrs:
Assessaent for Blacktopping of Gorgas Avenue between 51st and S2nd Streets,
including !turnaround - Tot& Cost, $2,M6.M, as against 1,280 assessable feet, OS
$1.88 per assessable foot.
Assess~ient for Curb and Gutter' in Gorgas Avenue between 5lst and 52nd Streets,
including Tmnaround - Totd Cost, $25316.80, as against 1,280 assessable feet, or
$1.81 per zsses?a ble-foot.
property owners inquired as to nethod of assessment for improvements in turnaxound,
andvere informed that total iqsovement cost vras divided into total fron% footage;
that those owners on the turnaround were not penalized for this construction. - There
?rere no objections to the assessments, and no mitten objections had been received
prior to Hearing. tkllsou offered the following Besolution znd moved its adoption:
8ffibv5.t of $blication vas read by Clerk, I Ihgineer's Analysis of Assessmentskrere read,
VHEWJAS proposed assessment for the aos%'of the inprovemen! of Gorgas Avenue
between lJ.51st and V.52nd Streets, including Turnaround, .by Bladctopping, has been
duly filed Gith the Village Clerk and open to public inspection; :ad notice hzs been
published in Submbzn Press, Eo&ins, l~linnesota, on September 8, 1949, that this
Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this
Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard znd
passed ugon all objections thereto , nos therefore,
zssessment, which is hereby referred to Itnd made a part hereof, is hereby adopted,
ad an assessment is hereby levied kalnst each 03 the lots, pats of lots, pieces
and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and
each of said-tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the mount of the
aksessment levied'against it herein: ' ,
B3 IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said1 proposed
BE IT l?URm BESOLVED that ea& assessment skU be payable in equal. anrmnzl
instzllments extendins over a priod of rive years, the first to be pzya3le b3i the
first dzy of June, 1950, all deferred pqpents are to bear interest at the rate of
five gercent per a,nnum,
property therein specified concurrent vith general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65,
Latrs of Ninn. 1919.
I$otion for ado2tion of the Besolution vas seconded by Palen, and on RollcaZl there were
four ayes and no rers, as follovs:
Gooper, aye; ad the Resolution vas adopted,
Sed assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the
I Palen, aye; I'lillson, a3e; HavGhorne, 2ye; and
President of the Village /5~1
Viflage Clerk 5 r C
Millson offere& the folloving Resolution zlld moved its adoption:
l'EEEU3gS ZroFoscd assessnent for the cost of the iniprovenent of ,Gorgas ATenue
betveen V.51st ad B.fi2nd Streets, including lturnaround, by construction of Curb ad
htter therein, has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to pubLic inspection;
and notice has ieen published in Suburbaa Press, Hopkins , l.Iinr,eosta, on SeFtember 8,1949
that thls Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting,
and this Council has met ,at the time and place specified: in said notice, and heard
snd passed-uyon all objections thereto, now therefore,
BE IT RBSOLVBD by the Tillage Council of the Tillage of Pdina, that said
proposed assessment, which is hereby- referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby
adopted, and an assessment is herebg levied against each of the !Lots, parts of
lots, pieces and,paroels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively
set forth, and each of said tracts of lad is hereby found to be benefited in the
pount of the assessment levied against it herein:
BE IT FURTHER R.ES0LVED that each assessment &all be pqyable in equal ann@
installments extending over a period of F5ve years; the first to be payable on the
first dw of June, 1950, all deferrecLpapents are to *Dear interest at the rate of
five percent per annum.
property therein specified concurrent vith general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, &ELVIS of Ivtinn, 1919.
Hoti& for adoption of the Resolution tr&s seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays,.as follows: Palen, aye; Ifillson, aye; Havthorne, aye;
and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted,
Sdd assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the
Pregident of the Village Co@il
Village Clerk ..
Pursumt-to "Notice of Assessment He@ing-(hrb and Gutter on I'lest Side of Wooddjte
Avenue," published in Suburb= Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on Septeiaber 8, 1949,
kff$davit of Publication for vhich was. read by Clerk, ,approved as to form, and
placed on file, President called Public Eeslring on proposed assessment-for the
construction of Curb axd Gutter in the Vest Side of Wooddale Avenue betlieen I'f.56th
Street and Lexington Avenue. :Engineer's Analysis of Assessment, in totd amount
of $666,07,-against 320.22 assessable feet, or 52-08 per assessable foot, vas
received no mitten objeetions prior to the Hearing.
f ollowing Resolution and Amoved its adoption:
There were no oral objections to the assessment, and the Clerk had
Villson offered the
l!HEREA$, proposed .assessment.for the cost of the improvement of the Vest
Side of f'looddale Avenue betveen Lexington Avenue :and W.56th Street by constraction
of Curb and Gutter therein has been duly filed with the Villzge Clerk and open to
yublic inspection; and notice has been published in Suburban Press, Hopkins,
Ninnesota, on September 8, 1949, that this Council will pass upon said proposed
assessment at this present meeting, ad this Council has mat-at the time and
place specified in said no%ice, and heard a5d passed ugon all-objections thereto,
, nov therefore,
BE I2 RES0LTE.l) by the Pillage Council of the Village of Edina, that said
proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is
hereby adopted, and an assesqment is herebp 1evied:against each of the lots,
parts of lots, pieces and parcels of lana described therein in the sums'therein
respectively set for$h, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be
benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein:
BE I2 FURTHEi RESOLVXD that each assessment shall Be payable in equzl
annual inst$.Lments extending over a period 0% Five years, the Tirst to be
payable on the first dsy of June, 1950, all deferred payments are to bear
interest at the rate of five,percent per annum.
shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with genera
taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of %inn. -1919.
Moti& for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall
there veze four ayes and no nays, 'as follows:. Palen, aye; Ifillstm, ay6; Havthorne,
eye; ana Cooper, aye; and the aesolukion vas adopted.
Said assessments and interest I
Village Clerk
9/26/49 ~~fhrsusnt to Qotice of Hewing-kter lhin Improvemnt , ll.56th St. znd AVnott Avenue."
phlished in Suburban Press, HopHns, on SeFtember 8, 1949, Mfihvit of Wolicztioi
for which VGLS sed. 'by Clerk, Zpsroved as to f,orna and plzced on file, President
called pn'blic HezrinS on proposed assessment for cost of construction of I'later &in
and Appurtenances in Vest 56th Street betveen Beard. and Abbott Avenues, ad in
Abbott Avenue belmeen V.56th znd W.57th Streets. Engineds Analysis of Assessment
vas read as Ifollov~s:
' Cost of Construction $6636 35 Cost of Connection to Private \later
I.Izin ovmed by Peder 14ickelsen 376. u
Eotal Assessment $7012.56 Assessable. Feet - 1,50&.84
Cost Per Assessable Foot - $4J!-l per foot for construction
'i!otd Assessnent per-ll'oot $4.66 -21 pr foot for connection
There vere no oral objections to the agsessmpnt, and no mitten = objections bd
been received by the Clerk prior to the Hearing,
Resolution and moved its adoption:
Eavrthorne of€ered. the following
- VATXR 1.LATX' 1HPJZOVE-f~; 170, 18 - If., 56TH SmI!
lEiEREB proposed assessment for the cost. of %he wrovenent of V.56th Street
betveep Beard md Abbott Avenues and Abbott Avenue betmen V.56th and I1,57th Streets
37 construction of Vilkge Tlater Infain Sxtension therein bas been duly filed with the
Village Clerk ad open to public inspection; snd notice h2s been published in Su3uraan
Press, Hopkins, Ihnesota, on September 8, 1949, that this Council will pass ugon szid
pcopoged-asaessnent at this present neeting, and this Council has met at the time and
place spec+fied in said notice,,a.nd heard and passedu.on all objections thereto,
now theref ore, r
BE IT R3SOI;vED by the Village Council of t'nc Village of Edina that sdd proposed
asses&ent, which is hereby amended to read as fol1or.r~:
gAIrs 0 3Y mD3i 1lIcmLsm~
~ TOTAG cos2 OF I~EELOVEKE~T - $7 s 56 ad which is hereby referred to ad made a pat hereof, is hereby adopted; ad an
assessment is hereby lehed asinst each of the lots, parts 02 lots, pieces and
pzsrcels of land described therein in the sums therein zespectively set forth, and
each of szid tracts of ImC! is hereby found to be benefited in the mount of the
assessment levied agaZuut ft l>ei*ctiki
B3 IT IXIBTZX DSOLVXiD th,t each assessnent shall be papzble in eqd znnual
installmhs extending over a period of Ten pars, t$e fir@ to 'oe paya.%le.on the
first day of June, 1950, dl deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of
fiv? percent sen' 2nnu111.
property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized *by Chapter 425,
Laws of l-Iinn. 1921.
Said assessments ad interest sld1 be a lien uyon the
ifotion for adontioa of the Realution vas seconded by Pden, and.on Rollcall there were
four ageg and no naysp as foLlOtiS:
Coo?er, Eye; ad the Resolution vas adopted.
Pdeil, we; Ifillson, we; Ha'tzthoroe, z3e; and
Pregident of tlie ,/dL
VillGe Clerk
Presidenf Cdfed Pilblic He2ing on proposed assessment for cost of construetiis
Ornanentd Street Lighthg System in the Vest side of Prace dveilue betmeen 1.Iarket.
Street ed-Tf* 5fst Street, and .in W.SOth Street bettreeq Frmce Avenue and Halifzx
Avenue, .pxxent to 'IITo-bice of Bssessnent Hearing," pu'olished in Suburba;ul Press ,
Eopkins, OIL Septeabeq 8,
qpoved a5 to form, and. ylzced.on file.: Enzineer'q Anslysis of Assessment, in totd
mount of $11,656.16, as 22Anst. 2,2&2 assessable feet, or $5.20 per %assessable Soot,
vas read. , There were no oral objections to the assesment,, and the Clerk had received
no irtritten objections prior to the Hesing. Willson offer& the follo'tring Eesolution
and noved its ado2tion:
Affidavit of Pubtication of Uotice vas read by Clerk,
3"TC3 AKO IidLIFAX AWmS, ain, 11, SID3 OF FWXE
TlHWUS proposed assessment for the cost of the insroverneat of %he folloving:
i 9/26/49
ll.5Oth Street between France and Wifax Avenues'; ad
17. Side bf Trace Avenue betveen $IarBet Street and 11.51st Street
by construction of Ornanental Street Lighting System therein, has been duly filea
vith the Village Clerk and open to public insp'e-ction: ad notice has been pfblished
in Suburhn Pr'ess,' Hopkins, Ninnesota, on September 8, 1949,' .that "t'i?is Council will
pass upon sdd'prdposed assessment at this present meet5rg,'-znd this Council has,
met a% 'the time and place specified in said notice, and heard znd passed upon d1
objections thereto, now therefore, f
BE 22 RZSOLVZD by the Village Council of the Village of Xdina that seid proposed
assessment, rrlz-ich is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby' adopted,
md assessment is here'by levied against each of %he lots, parts of lots, pfe'ces '
and pmcefs of lad described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and
each of sai'd. tracts of' land is hereby found 30 be benefited in the amount of the,
assessment levied against it herein:
BE IT FURTllEi? RESOLVED that each assessment shall be pgfable ihn epal annual
installments ekten'ding over a period of Ten years, the 'firs't'to be payable on thg
first ffay of Jme, 1950, all deferred payments me to bear interest at the rate of
five percent per annum.
property therein specified concurrent with general tzxes as authorized by Chapter
Said assessments and interes'c shall'be a lien upon the I 65, SEWS of Mind. 1919,e
&lotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by' Eawthorne, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution ti
Palen, aye; IlilXson, aye; btrthorne, aye;
Viliage Cl&k
?ursuant-to "Advertisement for Bids for Street Improvement No.
Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Constmcti-on Bulletin, flinneasolis, on September 15
placed on file, the President cdled for sealed Bids for the Blacktopping of
Broolrnie.1.r Avenue bettieen I7.6ls.t and 1!,6~na Streets.
moved that this project be tabled until April I, 1950, trith the understanding that
it be first of the Blacktopping jobs to lie con'sidered in 1950, Notion seconded by
Hauthorne and carried.
hrsumt to "Advertixement for Bids for Street hprovement Bo,B-Z," pu'blished in
Suburbm Press, Hopkins? and in Construction Bulletin, Ninneagolis, on SeLltem'ber 15
and 22, 1949, Affidavit of Publication for which vas read by Clerk, approved and
placed on file, the President called for sealed bids for the constructfon of
S.t;audarrd Village Curb and Gutter in the West Side of Beard Avenue between Vl.55th
and v.56th Stpeets.
published in
md 22, 1949, Affidavit of Wolication for which was read by Clerk, zp9rovod aad ---, 7- \
go bids irere 'received, 'ilillson '
The only 'bid received tias as follovrs:
Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc,, NinneapoXis . $1,061.25,
Motion by Willson, atrpding conyract to Victor Cslson & Sons, vias seconded By
Palen aud c-ried.
Bids for the Gradins and Gravelling of Sherwood Avenue betveen T"T.64th and 11,65th
Streets vere opened, pursuant to ?"dvertisement for Bids for Street Improvement
No. C-l,II published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin,
I.linneapolis on September 15 and 22, 1999, Affidavit of Publication for thich vas
reaa-by Clerk, approved'as to'form, and placed on Tile.
f 0llor;rs:
Bids received vere as
Pfeiffer Construction Cot, Edina $652,40
S 8a G Excavating Q Construction Co., Beti Brighton , 616.00
Terry Bxcrzvating Do;, St. Louis Park 697*32
Park Construction Co,,Xinneapolis 1 Ok72
After considerable discussion*, Willson moved that contract be atrarded to S & G
llxcavating 83 Construction CO., the low bidder.
Hotion seconded by Hawthorne 2nd.
Bids for the constructioa of Sanitary Sever Extension and AFpurtenances, in Drew
Avenue bekeen tJ;58th and l?.jgth Streets, were opmed, pursuant to "Advertisement
for Bids, Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 23," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins,
and ConstrAtion Bulletin, Minneapolis, September 15, ad 22, Affidavit of
Publication for which vras read by Clerk, apro'ved as to form, and placed on file.
9/26/Lt.9 %!I2 received were as follow;
\, irestern Underground Construction co . ,lIinneapolis $2,860.75
SplrJIltpsIY S3X5R WITXTSiOlT &XI3 AP?UR9!.ZlT.AITCBS-DJB% Am ~~~~T 11,58TE .@El 8.59TH
$2,895.05 PheLps Drake Co . , Inc. ,. NinneapoLis
Lametti & Lmetti, Inc, , St. PaUl
!killsonts motion that contract be atrarded to Vestern Underground Copstruction Co. ,
1.Ziuneapolis , the loa bidder, vas seconded by Palen and carried.
hswt to nAdvertisenent for Bids for Vater kin Improvement No. 21," published in
Subarban Press, HopEns, ad in Construction Bulletin, l.linneapolis, on Segeember 13 md
22, 1949, Affidavit of Pa'blication for vhich vas read by Clerk, approved as to form, and
placed on file, the follovidg bids mre opened and publicly read:
r -.
Ilestern Underground Construction co , l*finneapoii,s $g,z01.00
$3,439- 20
Philps Drake Go., Inc., Ihneapolis $3,419+ 00
&metti B Lametti, Iiic., St. 'Pal'
, I i!i.Uson* s motion tliat contract be avmaed to Vestern Underground Construction co . ,
I?inne&olis, the 1017 bidder, was seconded by Palen and carried, '
Wr, Dellinter inquired about vork on Unity Avenue and vas informed by l4r. Smith that
Villse Crew expected to be in on Brd Unity within the nest veek-; that'Bind Rozd
is under contract for Blzcktopping, and tht a petition has been filed for the
blacktpF$ing of Southviek &ne. Inpiry was made, as to Street Light at corner of
I'lind Road ahd Unity, and ipquirer vas informed th'at said li&it +d been .ordered
some months ago.
Nrs. Chreinan recpested permission to sell a hundred feet of her 66tz270* lot vh&h
runs from Frace to Gorgas Avenue. It was brought out in discussion that this sde
trould-to';a& only 6,600 sqwe feet, vhereas the present Zoning Ordinance requires
a minimum of 7,500 sqaure feet for a. buildable lot,
sale of 120 feet would~ecessitate th;! moving of a garage; and, after discussion as
to previous sales in this -mediate territory, Hmthorne moved that aFplication for
permit be grated.
bIr, Clifford Robinson, 5612 Xerxes Avenue South, requested permit to rebu'ild garage
destroyed by Tire, on its old foundat'ion which is located only four feet fron the
side-lot line ad tvro feet fron tlie allek.
dloaed to increase the sike of the garage by tvo fee%, zvay from the side lot line,
Havthorne moved tbat permit be granted,
Hr. Robinson also inwired' about possibility of connecting to the Wiqcapolis Sanitary
Sewer System in the dear future, &d vas informed by Engineer Sm'ith thst 1-iinneqolis
intends to ut in Sanitzy Severs on Xerxes Avenue next, year,
A fbk. Edmintbn, vho intends, to purchase Lot 8, Block 5, Sunnyslope Section, incpired
as to procedure for connectkng to sanitary sever at the corner of
Dde Drive. ' He sta'ceil th~t cost'vould be $rohibitive, providing he had to n&e tlie
required Consumer' s Bepo'sit of approximately $1,000 and still' bear' the cost of
muvling the line from his lot to the present sever ndn,
line voula be extended kr the Villase to his lot, for his Consumer's Degosit.
Fire Equipment Certificzte vas filed with the Village Clerk, €or fortrading to the .
$t&e Comis'sioner of Xnsurance before September 30.
Hrs. Chreiman stated thzt the
Hotion seconded by Villson and carried. 5 f
bk. Robinson also requested that he be
Notion seconded IIF Palen "and carried.
r f -
Sunnyslope *ad
He vas informed that the
r I
' :I - Invitathon Yron Uqor of Cit;. of Chaska, Tor atten'bce of Council at Lease of
Himesota hnicipalities l&&,ing in Chaslrz on Septenb'er 29, 1949, vas red and filed,
Petition for the Black%oyping of lover Street betmen St-Johns and Concord Avenuks
: /' ~mt'aorne moved tht+ petition be accepted, and that pojegt %e laid over until April 1,
Petition for Street %i&t at corner of Tower Street and St'.Johiis Avenue vas referred
to Village Ensineer for report at October 10 Neeting, by notion Hzvthorne, seconded by
Pden ad carried,
Brochure on Hosquito Control, received from City of Ninneapolis, tr~s referred to Public
I'lelfare Connittee, by notion Hmthorne, seconded by Ilillqon, end car&&
Applibations Por Cigarette ad Food Licenses' for. Clancy Drug Conpny, 394-4 l'1,50Y;l Street,
for period Septeiaber 26, ~g&p, %o ,April 1, 1950, \.rere apgroved', and licenses grated,
by I-iotih Havrfhorne, secohdkd by Pden and czlrri'ed.
< VIES filed, 'said petition Bearink signatures of the ovmers of 50s of the progerties.
l4otion seconded by Pden md caried.
9/26/49 10s Petitions from H, R, Burton, Inc., for the Rezoning of Sots 10, 11,12,13,14 and 15,
Block 4,' Grandview Heishts, and from Allied Boil'ders, Inc, , for the rezoning of
Lots 11 to 15, Block 4, Gradview Heights, vwe referred to the Planning Commission
for further study in connection with the rezoning of this eiitire triangle,' by
motion Hwthorne, seconded by Billson, and carried.
Petition by the Zdina Sc.ool Board, for blacktopping of Southvkew Lane between
Concord Avenue and State Hightray No. 100, was read; said petition also containing
a request that the street be &ven dust' coat immediately providiig it cannot be
blacktoFpzd this year.
project be 'laid over until April 1, 1950, that dust coat %e applied at once, and
Vnst the cdst of the dust coat be added to the cost of the blacktopping vhen this
project is completed.
fPhe Eldina School Boad vas questioned abut the possibilit*y of a transfer of tho
property dibctly Irest of the Village Hall, from School Di'sfrict No. 3.7 to tlie *
Villgge of-zdba for the purpose of erecting a fire statidn thereon.
Chaiman of' the Board, cited difficulties which would be ehcountersd in clearins
title, inasmch as dedication of property 'c~as made for schbol purposes o&, In
discussion 'it was suggested that combination school bus gzkage-and fire stati'on
be erected on this property, with School District and Village standing their
proportionate costs Tor this building.
be discuss& vith his Boa%d at $heir meet'ing. to de held N&day, October 3, *and
tht the Council v~ould be inforied, that evening 'if possidle, of action talcen
by the Roar&
Hawthorne moved that petition be accepted, that blacktopping
Motion seconded by tlillson and car&ied-.
Mr. Hoyt,
Hr. Hoyt promised that this natter would
J.V. Gleason's Septernser 23, 19&9 letter,' addresskd to Villzge IL1anaser and
Bngfneer , -regarding p6peat for Blacktopping jobs d.leged3.y comple ted, vas
revieved, &d, 37 motion Hmthoz?ne, seconded by €%Len, was' placed on file,
Petition dgted September 22, 19@, for constructibn of St&dard Village Curb and
Gutter on the South Si'de of 11.55.th Street betveen Kellogg kid 1/2 Block Ebst
thereof, ad on the East side of' Kellogg 'Avenue betmen W.35th and IT,$th Streets,
signed by 83% of proprty ovmers who would be assessed., vas filed,
moved, settlng Public Rearing on proposed improveinent for iIonm, October 24,
1949, at 8:OO P.bL
and also td advertise for bids fbr this proposed bprovem&t, according 'to
Village Spekifications' for Curb *and Gutter, said 'bids to be taken Nondar,
October 24,' 1949, at 8':OO P.M.
Petition by several ovmers in Brbokline Second Addition, f'or assessment for-
connection ?io lJater Nain on W.S'j%h Street, vas filed. Hatithome moved that
hetition be accepted, and that Public Hearing on proposed zssessnent be sot for
Pionday, Octbber 24, 1949, at 8:O'o P.N. -. Motion se'conded byl1illson and carried.
Petition, &sed by oihers of ldts. located at 5301 and 5303 Halifax Avenue,
asking tha6 these lots be included in the' assessment roll 'for Curb and Gutter
in Halifax &venue bet&en 1.l.52YLd and W.j3rd Streets, vas $iled, Hawthorne
moved that hetition 36 accepted,' ail6 that contract be incr'easeh to include
these two l'ots, provided this is agre6abl"e with contractor' and owners to be
assessed, Rotion secokded by Wl1son and Carrie$.
and authorizing Clerk* to advertise for' said. Public Heaing
hotion se'conded by Palen &d carried.
The omer if 5217 Halifw AvenGe reqvested that liis lot 16 omitted by curb ad . gutter contkactor for Halifax Av'enue betvieen V1.52nd and W.'53rd Streets, inasmuch
as he is nov constructing a house on this lot and it vi11 be necessaryfor
materials -6mclts will %e driving over thi's new irdrk,
Council thjt contractor' could no be compelled to cease vdrk at this point
ana return'at a later hate; that omissioli of this lot VJouxCt be satisfactory'
to the con<ractor, and if ovmer 'would guarantee fhst curb 'and gutter Ttould'
be constmqted at a l&er date, *the Coundil would have no 'objection to such
an arrangenyit. Ovmer' stated th'at he is "bonded in the City-of EG.imeapolis,
and thzt his company iould do this work. *
Engineer Smith report4d that the low bidders for 'sidev~a3.k 'on the North Side of
Market Street between -France and Halifax Avenues 'are not 6onded in the CXty of
Ninneapolis, that thex have hadho public vorks e*qeriencd insofar as he i's
able to determine, and that he i's unalle *to secuse informhion as to their-
finmcial responsibility, Mter considerable diskussion 'Eiy the Council. as to
the advisability of awmding bic?, Hawthorne moved that contract be awarded to
the 1otf bidder, I'ederson Bros., 9644 L3ndaJ.e he. So., at their bid price of
bommunication from Board of Hennepin County Coimissioners, agreeing to post
CowLty Road Bo. 64 md State Aid Road No. 20 against heavy traffic, and request-
en.. Vill-We Council to ad-ont Ordinance en€orcin< such -gostinq, vas reas.
He vias told by the
-lf *
Mo-bion seconded by l'lillson and carried.
9 /26 /49
1.1otion by &vt.horne, directing Villee Attorney t;o drdt propei Ordinace, in
accordace with County Comissioners* request, vas seconded by llillson and
Motion By Pzlen, authorizing pqnent of the follovins Payrolls, vas seconded by
11illson ma carried:
George A, Vilfson 60.00 60.00 610
$red B. Child - Go.00 60.00 611
Richard G. Palen 60 . 00 60 00 612
3. J.-Dugg~ 50 . 00 50.00 613
John Ifinahorst; 100 . 00 \ 100.00 614
75 O0 615 30.00 616 PhELip Xeville 75 00
iustin D. Borton 30 * 00
Dr . L .E. Csnpbell 30.00 30.00 617
. Gretchen Alden 163.60 15.90 2.75 6-54 25.19 138.41 619
Bernice Johnson 127.81 10.50 2.75 5-11 18 . 36 109.45 620
Eelene Freeman 102.25 11.20 1.25 4.09 16.54 85 . 71 621 622 Patricia Hollmd 76-69
.$ 80.00 - 608
t 609 Gene Coo3er $80 .OO-
Bower Hawthorne ,80.00 , 80.00
I Sub-T~td. - 625.00 625.00
Phil ?I. Smith 254.50 29.80 2.75' 8.00 . 40.55 213 95 618
22:;; '623
7.w -m 3.07 10.47 3.07 10.47 Let& G. llilliams 76.69 7.40
Pred Jonsts 132.93 3.40 2.75 5.32 11.47 12L -46 624
Sub-'Po td 801.9 82.20 9.50 29.88 12'1.58 679.96
f!ilton B.Smitbrmn 166.16 16.50 +6,65 23.15 143 . 01 625
Hilding .D& 151.84 14.10 2.75 6.07 22.92 Z28.92 626
I'lillhm S . Heydt 104.81 3.20 2.75 4.19 10 . 14 94.67 1 627
Ilillim V.EofY"n.zn 141.62 8.80 2.75 5.66 17.21.- -124..hi 628
Henry VrobleskS. 136.50 8.20 2.75 5-46 16.41 120.09 63
Bert 1.1. Herfeld 136.50 8.20 2.75 5-46 16.41 120.09 630
Lloyd McG~ 133 50 7.60 2.25 9.85 123.65 631
Charles Ploog 103 . 27 b. 13 4.13 99.14 632
Phili2 Bailey 3.50 . 82 5.80 6.03 . 11.83 138.99 633
B. J . Herf eld l4Q.59 8.80 2-75 5.62 17 1'7 123.42 635
SO& +racy 127 -81 2.20 2.75 5-17. io. 06 117-79 636
Harry Jonas 127 -81 6.4~ 2.75 5.11 14-26 113.55 637
Arthur I Jens en 127.81 . 2.20 2.75' 5.11 - 10.06 117 75 638
Ronda Port 127.81 2.75 5 ,'11 7.86 119.95 639 G. 8, C~crdzrells 132.93 3.m 2.75 5.32 11.47' '121.46 64-0
I'Jayne !@racy 122.70 14.10 2.75 4.91 22.76 l00.9& 641
Joseph ?!Tatole . 122.70 9.90 2.75 4.91 17 . 56 105.14 642
Charles Johnson 116.97 9.20 2.75 4.68 16. 63 100.34 6Q3
Jacob Sm 122.70 ' 1.60 4.91 6, 51 116.19 644
Vln, E. Re11 94.07 1-70 2.75 3.76 , 8.2l 85.86 645
Paul 11. Books 103.~ 11.20 4.14 15.34 88.14 646
Frank Tlarno 75.26 2.75 3-01 5-76 * 69.50 647
vrm DEP~.SE~
Bernhard Voehler 191.72 15.90 2.75 7.67 26.32 165.m 648
Smuel J, Roberts 140.59 8.80 2.75 5.62 17.17 123 .&2 649
David J. Roberts 102.25 11 . 20 4.09 15.29 86.96 650
Sub-Total 299.09 19.90 2-75 11.97 34.62 264.47
&l-D-TOt d. 908.04 50.10 16.00 30-97 97.07 810 . 97 SmT 1.rn-rnGtn;bR
Peee D$iLgren 138.04 l2.30 2-73 * * 5.52 Z0.57v 117.47 634
Sub-Total 13ig.02 65.10 24.75 52.75 142. 60 1176.42
I Sub-!i!ota3, 5lZNl 23.70 8.25 20.50 52-45 460.03
TOTAL G~TERS EWXD 4-465.17 241.00 61.25 146-07 448.32 LQ16.85
Sub-To t d. 434.56 35-90 5.50 17-38 58.78 375.78
-9 ?OTpJ;-PPyBOUM99.73 276.90 66-75 163.45 507.10 4392063
.. e. ..
9 126 l49
Frank Eippley
Laura Ilright
Sub-TO tal
Edward D. Rsan
Cpus Alexander
Sub-To tal TOT,! LIQU'OR
$128.94 $ 5.80 , $7.16 . $12.96 $165.98 118
,102.25 .15.40 4.09 ,19.49 82-76 119
$281.19 $21 . 20 $11.25 $30.45 $248.74
$li5.03 ' $8.90 '.$4.60 $1j.50 $101.53 120 127.81 14-70 5.11 19.81 108,OO 121 $24B,84 $23.60 $9.71 r $33.31. $209.53
1, $524.03 $44.80 . $20.96 $65.76 $458.27
Motion br Phen €or :papent of the folloaing Claims was seconded by Villson and
carried: -- CLAIM HO. 1 NJX&g APlOrnI! rn&rnAII FUND
4065 Edina Bolunteek Fire rn J)ept. , 69.60 -- 4064 ' Dietrick Lumber Co, $ 70.00
4,066 I]. J. IJOll 47 75 4067 Burroqghs Adding Machine Co . - 4.93 4068 George T. Ryan Co, 18.30 4069 Eury and Cmlson, Xnc. . - .
4Q71 Landers,N6rblom 80 Christ. Co. , 9.24 4072.5 Glenxi J6hnsofl'Construction Co. 208 . 68
4073 I Oscar Roberts Co. * 14. 56
4075 Vheeli,ng Cor*at ing Co . 84.4B
m77 S, J, Robertn 116.00
4101 Alex CFeighton 1,315.00 -
67.50 4070 Jay I/, Craig Co; . 1,761 .oo
4074 . Armco DrainGe*& Metal Prodiicts Co, 475.76
4076 League of E.finn, blmicip$iti.es - .129.00
4095 ffarner. Hardvare 63.23
4102 Winif red D. CGeight on g00.00 4103 Lee V@liams . 381 . 00
97 050 4104 g4rs. &it,?; SGm I
4105 Mrs. &ouella Swan 9733 4106 A. C. Stringer 272.00
4107 J. A. Creighton 450.00 4108 Viola .Doty 450.00
25 50
4x09 . ~ 8orthern States Power Co.
4111 Simon Johnson
4112 Northvestern Bell Tel.*Co. 59 -58
4113 John J,, Balich 168 00
4114 Chestsr G. Betley 78.00 4115 . liorthern States Power Co . 88.04
4100 8. A. Rogers Co. . 2?.50
4117 Berg & Farnham 13 . 11
4118 Harry 11, Gitchcock, InZ. 49.85
4124 Repu'olic Creosoting C.O. 117.32
4125 MilleSDavis Co, 23 30 4127 Constmction BulXetiii 12.00
2.75 295 . 26
4134 City Treasurer, Minneapolis 21.00
Minviesota Sand 8: Gravel Co, . 192,Ob 8.68 Wilton 8. Smithman . 4$143
4096 Roberk Stewsrd $37.68
4123 Paper .Cdmenson CO, 28.42
Reinhard Bros; Co. 3-22 50
If It
. 4131
4132 4x33 E. C. ,Pfeiffer -
- It .
$ 9,272.09
J'lATB DIE)$ ..I -.. .
4097 S. 5. .Gunn _. 19.02
4098 Gold& Co. 212.50
4110 ITorthe,rn States Power CO. 656 . 11
4112 Northviestern Bell Telephone CO, 1110
4119 2ovm & Country Hhe. - 8473
4120 Badger Meter Nfg. Co. 203.0j
73 73 43.21 II - It It 11
4122 GatewGy Transporta%ion Co. 4,20
TO!l?&l?&l?EEt Dl3PA,RTZIXKC . $1256.15 -
M78 -
11082 4083
4,085 4-086
. 4087
4.089 4490
4Q91 4092
14093 4094
~ 4099 4109
4112 4130
JQ39 4138 k070
4128 4129
4135 4136
4137 4142
Automobile Service Co. $3055 -
. A-II Co. Inc. of Winn. 75 00
. Firestone Stores. - 35 00 . ‘&rad Motors 14.34
Fred L, Gray Co, 9.07 . Goshen Stzte Oil-Co. -26 . 16 . HiiLl-Dobbs, I~c. - lo3 -43 - I.:;pls, .Gas Go. -2.57
Wotor Pats Service Co. 66. a . Chas. .Olson & Sons,, Inc. 46.34
Sea Vis Oil Cos 45.70
Suburban Chevro1e.t; Co. 10,04
H.B. Toll Co; 1-08
%.in City-Bolt fl: Sugply Co. 4.10
V. E. L&r- 51-17 B.R. 2011 L,*
Brookside Service Station 334.94 -
S, J. Rutherford 9.61
Northern States Pover Go. -18.68
%or$fivmstern Bell !Eel. Co. 15 35 6 -.45 108-69 1.Iinneapoli.s Iron. Store‘
Reinhsd Bros. Co. .
riOQXii EQVrPZXT €?EIT!I!& FUND $1,015 73-
-. Pm.1 1i.P -. *
Bictor Cslson & Sons . 2,497.20
E. C, Pfeiffer Const. 00. 153 97 1,674.24 *
1 , 357.45
Csl SeCIell
J.ack Velch Con. -
J., TI. Craig Co. 261.00 -
Consixuction mletin 76.60
F.irst Slation& B& 6,811.65
Dorse3,Colmm,Barkel;, Scott, etc. 67.28
tbstern Underground Cons t . Co , 8,831.66
3. C. Heiffer Const. Go, 77.3-0
Terry Bcavating CO, .. 1,265.50 .
2a1tz, King B D& 523-51 - *
&nnesota Sand 2: Gravel Co, 11.92
EQ,TTIPXEX!l! REElTfi FIRl3 $23,609.08
Sam RmTd3G ma *- 1
lzorthern States Porrer Go. $Lo51 - Berg 2: Farnham . 8-00
l-sidland ITationd Bmk . $89.60
Julius Schmahl, Treas. 62-47
$9,51 LIQUOR &I?Uil’R
Oistillers Distributing 00, 2,i34.24
e 1,770.05
Grigzs, Cooper d Go, - 2,139-98
I.l&essoo & Robioins, Inc. 1 313 -15
George Benz 23 Sons, Inc.
I;lz?nous Brmds, Inc.
Old Peoria Go., Inc. 2,048.69 .
Ed. Phillics 8 Sons Co.
Heuser-Bus&, Inc. . 117.95 *
Caadz Dry Ginser WlG, Inc, a95 050 Chzsh Beverzge Co. l67.24
Chusen 63 Sons, Inc. 59 -55 Cocz-Cola Bottling Co. 50.88
0. 1.1- Oroney Bev. Co. 430.09 .
Gluek Breving 00. *215 55
&lf 1.feda.l Beverage Co. P 108.25
11inneapoli.s Brewing Co 1,210.10
ZIorris Distrrouting Co. 256 95
Pzbst Sdes Co. 214.79
Rex Distributing Co. 9k-k. 70
Seven-Up Bot$lins Co . 45 . 98
I, 404.97
Old Strle Lzger Go. 90 -72
Purity Bey. 00. 28.20
lliflara Distri’iuthg - Co. LI.. 95
2imerict.s. Liaen Go. 17 35
k7 9/26/49
Automatic Alarm Gorp. $%.go w5
L677 &.rsh & Iilcleman 1 12.76 .(I
L678 Efiller-Davis CO . 4.60 L679 lfational Cash Register Co. 4. 21
1,676 Kolstad Company I 18.50 I
t I
&680 ITorthern States Power Co. 41.61
L681 'I.$. 11. Bell Tel. Co. 11.85
!POT& LIQUOR FUKd- $16,502.34
* -* ?!ate2 Superbtendent hehler submitted Pkatlscaping plans drafted by kdla and
Greguson ITurserkes, for pmphouse property at Halifssn Ayenue, together vith bids
by these two companies.
Nr. Smith reported that the Village has been ablk to secure only incomplete infor-
oation regarding the amowzt+of excavation which vlfll t&e place at the Kiesel farm,
but that estimate, at a tot$. depth of ten feet for the 39-acre fmm, would bring
cost of refilliii,g to the level of France Avenue to apPro-ximtely $300,00O--v~hich
should be mount of bond required.
Riesel of the bond recpired.by the Council.
Llr, Smith recornended a,&nst propoged lighted sign on tog the Gradview Cafe,
because of probabQ nuisance to people living behind it. HaMiorne noved thslt
application ?or gerE3.t be denied.
Rr, Palen reported that the prop5etor of Edina Recreation Center has asain
inquired as to Couslcil policy with regard to his selling beer in the Pine Room,
beLow street level, at the Recreation Center.
sale of beer in'basement of bowlirg alley be denied.
Ster discussion, Nr. l'?oehXer vas directed fo prepare . lmdscaping plan, for.com;oetitire bids, I
Hwthorne moved that office triform Niss
Notion seconded by Palei and carried.
Motion seconded by T'lillson and carxied; 1;
"billson move& that application. for
f+!otion seconded by P.den
< and carried; e.
I4r. Pden regorted that awning at Hasty-Tasty extends at least 6" beyond curb;
that a passing automobile hit this awning, effectizg sone damage to the store;
and asked that the firm be requested to put atming in liie vith curb to avoid
future similar accideflts.
seconded by PaLen md carried;
Ibnager Smitli reported that the Zdina Country Club trill not extend its _narking
facilities to the vest, because of necessit$ of cutting into solf cowse 3roTor
in order to mdze extension. ViLlson noved that permanent "Bo. Parking" sigs ba
&fatter refe&ed to VUlage Ihnager, by motion Hat'lthorne,
I- iastdled in the Yillage Hal1 triazqle. Notion seconded by RaTrtho2W md carried.
P-iscussion vas had as to cMge in street nmes, and Willson offered the folloving
Besolution 2nd moved i.ts adoption:
BE IT RESOL'VED by the Village Copcil of the village of Zdina, Hennepin
1. That the me of KESSEXAmm, between V.56th Street and lfindsor
2.' That tho name of VXS;LSOl\f DRih be ci&ged to %DI&I4OOR SEiE3Ef's .
3. That the nme of r;JoORE1LL ROAD, between Mooddale Aveiiue and Lakeviev:
4. "hat the name of CmSCmTI! DSIQ3, between Lakev5.ev Drive ad G~lf
5. 2k-t %he name of FULTOIJ ATBXUI3, betrrreeri Kotor Street sad the Horth
6. That the name of \f.@TH SmZ3 bettmei RutZedge 'Aveiue and the East
; 7.
Comty, tfiruiesota, as follows:
~venuo be changed. tb ii CODZ ~mmff
Drive, be cbged to tf3iAKEVZE$f DRTVIV.
Ilwrace, be chznged to %kUC!3VIE\! DRI?E@I.
Bornday Line of "Severly Hillsi' Addition, 'be changed to "0~~0~ kmmt'.
Boundarr *Line of 'IBeverly Hills" AdditEon, be changed td {rEIOLLYVOOD ROAD'f .
Avenue, be chaaged to i%EXX! SmIil.
be changed to rlI!RACYAIGZWE1',
from the present lTorfh-and-Soutn Olinger Road to Rolborn Avenue be cilmg@d. to
Th23 the nme of IBSXZX AVZWE, betveer Vindsor Avenue &d the South
Boundary Line of "Richmond Hills" Addition, be changed to ~iEICGliDXD DXImI'. Twt the name of IGSTCmST% AYI%UUE, between Bansen Road and the
present I'lessex Avenue, be changed to If tfIlTDSOB AEEIUE".
Xotion for adoption of Resolution vas seconded by Palen, ad on Rollcall there ?rere
four ayes and no nays, as follows:
Tag,% the name of DiURBOEH S'EDZII, betxreen Valley Piew Road hd Holborn
91ut the naae of OLIITGER ROAD, between 9racy Avenue znb Olinger Road,
That the nzme of that $ortion of OLII'JGZR ROAD running East and \lest
d .-\
Palen, zye; 7kllson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
9/33/49 The next mt-ber of ’business vas tho zdostion of the Budget for the Yea ly5O.
Tentative &age% as discussed pmiously, s~ovting f~0t.z.l Estimated ‘Eqenditures f as $242,308.?5; IIotd Bstimked Receipts as $44,500eOO; and a Xet Budget Levy of
$197,808.75, $,us one-tenth Bill for Firenen! s Rclief , vas revieved. Haxthornc
3rotested the proposed levy d $15,000 for addition to Villa&iHall, advocating
tbt this $15,000 be elh%rnbd ad that Council m&e use of surplus for said
constructfon. Wsssrs, Palen and Cooger qms4ioned the existence of sqlus ad
vere inforned tl%t it had. accv&ated, in part, ’oecause of previ’ous- levies for
Tillage,Ha13 construction,
3udget vi%h 3stinz.Q;ed Eqonditures at $227,308.75. ?Ellson seconded the notion,
but it vas lost, in a tic vote, vitn Pden and Coopr votins against, and Ilillson
ad Harthome voting fo~ it. After further discussion, Trillson offered a cow
promise notion, for adoption of ths 3udgePI tdth estimated ospenditures of $234,808.75,
including a $7,500 avopiation for Atidition to Village W1,
3y Pden and carried, vith Ilillson, Palen and Cooper voting aye, and hirthorne
voting nag,
TOW ESTZLZED EWiDI’puRES $234,808.75
-- @90,308 -75
2LVS FI&EXTIS €ELm - 554.00
kvthorne offered 8 notion for dogtion of the
I Hotion ualj seconded
Budset as zdoptcd is as follotrs:
!r!OT& WVY $190,862.75
&ssrs. Heram Strachuei‘ and Ilillim Levis of ti10 aoard of Pa2 Comnissioners
nresented the resi,.pztlon of Chairman Hovrard 8, Clark, and recornended the a2goint-
men% of Ere E. E. Scoggir, 5008 Bruce Avenue, as aaeinber of the Board.
moved for acce-gtzllce of the resignation of I&, Clark. ana carried.
I.Iotion seconded by Pden
Council deferred new appointment until next re,*@ meting.
Analysis of Assessneat for cost of Grading and Gravelling of ICovniee Road between 11.48th
and V,J-@%h Streets, ms rcad, in total mount of $5,227.87 against 1172.1’7 assessable
feet, or $4.44 per assessable foot. VilLson offered $he follovting Besohfion ma
moved its adoption:
Ir.48TH AlD V.4-92H Sm2S
XERiW, purswtnt to Resolution adopted by the 36ha Village Council Jms 13,
1949, a contract has been let for improvement of lomes Road betTieQn V.48th znd
Tl,49th Streets by GXAi3liTG ANI GUmLLIBG, ad the clerk wit11 %he assistmce of the
engineer has czlculatcd the Froper amount to be specially assessed for such inprove-
nent against every lot, piece or pzrcel of land abuttingupon such inprovenent as
provided by lair, rhich proposed assossnent isnow on file vtith the clerk and open to
public inspection, noit therefore,
JB IT BESOLVED 37 the Eena ViLXage Council that the said vork of inproving
said street is here33 dcsisatcd a~ Street Inprovement BO. 35; that the clcrk is
directed to CEUSO notice to be published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, I-Iimesota, on
September 29 and OctoSjer 6, 194.9, that this Council vi11 meet on Octoaer 24, 1949,
at-the Village Hall, to pass uson said proposed assessnent; that the total cost of
said irngrovement -is dcterninea to be $5,227.87.
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Hatrthorne, and on aOllcgiL1 there
itere four ayes and no nays, as follotrs:
and Cooper, we; and the Resolution vas adopted. Palen, we; Ilillson, aye: ktrthorne, ‘aye;
President of tlie ViLLageFowLcil
Tihge CLe&
Andpis of Assessmcnt for the Grading and Gravelling of Southview Lzae fron Concord
Avenue to State Eighvw 170, 100, vas read in the total. mount of $6,631.78--incluag
condemnation costs of $&,880,52, as against 2,580.46 asse‘ssable feet, or $2.5? per
assesszble ffoot. Ilillson offered the following Resolution and moved its adop$ion:
STREZ!? II4PRO~HEliI 370. 36
fBB.EAS, _aursuat to Resolution adopted by the Pdinz-Village Councll Juni 13,
1949, a cootract &s been let for improvement of Southvievr Lane fro: Concord Avenue
to State Eighvay 970. 100 I33 GIWDIXG
of the engineer has cdculated the proper mount to be specially assessed for -such
iqrovernertt against every lot, pieco OT p‘rcel of land abutting upon such iqroveaent
as proviaed by lav, ithich proposed assessnent is now on file rtith the clerk and opcn
to public inspection, not7 ther’oforo,
BE1 I2 RESOLVED by the Edina Village Council thgtt the said vork of improving
GBAmLLII!TG ad the clerk tr.rith tho zssistanco
C t r T
36 said street is hereby designated as Street’Inyrovement No.
dirccted to muse notice to be published in Suburban Press,:Hopkins, Phnesota,
on September 29 and October 6, 1949, that this Council will meet on October 24,
1949, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said sessment; that the total
Notion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Haþe. and on RolZcjll
that the clerk is ‘
cost of said inprovemen% is determined to be $6 , 631. 78.
there vmre fou& ayes and no nays, as -- Hawthorne, aye: and Cooper, aye; and
Pingineer’s Estimate of Cast, in the
the Besolution was
President of the Village C@iL
mount of $3,126.64,for 2,299 assessable
feet, or $1.36 per assessable foot, for the Grading and Graveliiag of LIonsoe
Avenue be.t;vreen EYldoney Avenue and the Eorth Village Limits, vas read.
offered tbe following Resolution and moved its adoption:
WEEEAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Bdina Vfllage Council
June 13, 29J49, a contract has been let for improvement of Nonroe Avenue between
kd.oney Avenue and the North Village Limits by GRADING AED GRAmLLUTG, and tlio
clerk with the assistance of 5he engineer has calculated the proper amount to
be specidly assessed’for such inprovement against every lot, piece or parcel
of land abutting upon such improvement as provicted by lav, vhich proposed
lassessment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, not7
ing said street is hereby dosignatcd as Street Improvement Roe 37, that tho
clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Suburban Press, Hopkins,
Ninnesota, on September 29 and October 6, 1949, that this Council Will meet
on October 24, 1949, at the Village Hall, to pass‘ upon said proBoaod aasesonenQ
that the total. cost of said improvement is determined to be $3,126.64.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Hairthorne, and on Rollcall
there vmre four ayes and no nays, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and CooBer, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted,
BE IT BESOLVXD by the ldinz Villzge Council that the said work of improv-
Palen, we; l’lillson, aye;
ATZES2: .- &y-
. Z-/&Y- / - President of the Village codcil
Village Clerk
31n,aineerts Estimato of Cost, in the amount of $2,908.58, for 1,253.70 assossa’olo
feet, or $2.32 per assessalle foot, for the coqstructiqp of Curb and Gutter on
Unity Avenue from ?find Road to Southviev Lane and on the South Side of Vind
Boad from Unity Avenue to State Highway Eo. 100, vas read. Villson offered the =
following Resolution and moved its adoption: - r
ImAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the ldina Village Council
Jay 25, 1949, a contract hrts been let for improvement of Unitg Avenue betireon
Bind Road and Southview Lane and of the South Side of Wind Road from Unity Avenue
to State Highway ITo. 1OO-by. construction of curb and gutter therein, and the
clerk vith the assistance of the engineer has calculated the >roper amount to
be specidly assessed for sue& imprbveGen% against every lot, piece or parcel
of land abutting upon such ‘improvement as provided by Iatr, vrhich proposed
assessment is‘noir on file’with the clerk and open to public inspection, noir
ing said street vis hereby designated as Street Improvement No. 38, that tho
clerk is directed to cmse notice to be published in Suburban Press, Hoflcins,
Hinnesota, on September 29 and OctoBer 6, 1949, that this Council will moe%
on October Z&, 1949, at the Villaso Hall, &o pass upon said proposed assessment;
that the total cost or” said improveqent is determined to be $2,908.58.
BE IT REISOLVED by the Edina Village Council that the said work of improv-
Uotion for adoption of the Resolution vfas seconded by Hawthorne, and on RollcaXl
there were four ayes md,no nays, as follotrs:
aye; md Cooper, sye; and the Besolution tras adopted.
Palea, aye; Willson, aye; Hauthorne,
Village Clerk
180 9/26/49 %e matter of ad vdorem tases, greviously levied for Permanent Improvement RevolvknS
hd Bond Issues, camber"sre the Council; ad Eavrthorne offered the following BosolutLon
) snd moved its zdoption:
TIITH 1949 -G3ER.& i?ILOjpgirPY T&aS
TlBEEUAS th& Vill&e cbunbil bf the Villege of Edina h&s , by Resolution adopted
Xovember 6, 194'7, levied a specid ad valorem tax for the papent of princiwl and
interest of its Pc&uanent Improvoment .Revolving Fund Bond Issue Series December, 1947;
said ad valorem'tzx in the mount of $19,425 bein&.collectible irith and as a part of
other generzl. prop6rtT tams in said yillage for the year 1949; and
TEEBIiVS, the Village Council of the Village of Edinz has, by Resolution adopted
&gmt 9, 194-8, levied 2 special ad valorem tax for the pyyment of principal and
kterest of its Permsnt Iqrovenent Revolving Fund Bond Issue of 1948; sed ad
vdoren %=,in the aomt of $19,300, being collectible with and as a part of' the
generd propcrtg taxes in said Village for the yoar 1949; and
June 27, 1949, levied a specid ad Traloren tax for the payment of principal and
interest of its Sernsnent-$nprovenent Revolving Fund Bond Issue of 1949, said ad
valorem tzx in the mount of $8,200 beins collectible with and as a pat of other
general proprty taxes j.n said Village for the yew 19L!,9; md
'JHERES , Elinnesota Statutes, Section 4'75.26, pemits the curcellation of stzid
levied providing noneas me on l+nd for payment of principal and interest for sa5.d
bocd issues; ad
ImBS, moneys on hwd in Permanent Improvement Revolving hd ,Bond ?inking ma
Jo. I, for pment of principal and interest of its Permanent Iqrovenent Revolving
bd Bond Issue Series December, 194.7, total $19,425; aid noneys on hznd in Pcrmwent
I_np-ovement Revolving Fund Bond Sinking Pund yo. 2, for payment of principl and
interest of its Pemdent Inprovencnt Reyolving Fund Bond Issue of 1948, totd $19,300;
ad noneys on haad in Peramcnt fqrovasnt Bevo:ving Fund Bond Sinking rkd Eo. 3, for
payment of principl and interest of its Pemanent Iqrovment Revolvizg &I?t.mil Bond
assue of 19&9, totd $8,200:
A,OJ !EIiBEFOU, @ IT KZSOLIQD 'by tho Pillage Council of the Villwe of Bdina,
thzt those ad valor& ts levies made %y Resolutions of this Village Council adopted
Novedjer 6, 1-94?, hsst 9, 1948, at& June 27, 1949, in the amounts of $19,425, $
$19.,300, ad $8,200, respectively, +d colkectibls vith and as a pat-of btha
genera 9ropert.y taxes in sad Villxe for' the year 1949, be dd hereby arc cacelled,
authorized and airacted to cancel the ~71ove described ad vaorem tax levies and to
delete said levies &on, taxes to be spFead for the 3ea.r 1949.
Wotion for adogtion of the Resolution vas seconded by lli11son; and on Roilcab1 thoro
rrere four ayes and no nzgs, as follorrs:
ad Cooser, aye; ad Vie Resolution ~rzs adopted,
?-AS, the Pillag Council of the Villagq of 3dina has, by Resolution adopted
. ,I-
?T T
Bi3 IT ET%RTEB EZSOLT3D that the County Audit;or of Hemepin County, Hinnesota, bc
Pden, c3t3; Villson, aye; Havthorne, ago;
& 7TL/w- President of the Fillage Co@l I
Village Clerk 1
Kr. Pden rcported con~l~~~~s &ou% SpeeGing on Interlachen BOiiWaril, ad on VLLlcg
Vie:: iioad,, Vfie Last 717 Dzq-ton*s Truck. ; Office directed to VJT~~O Paj~tons , 5~ reyuest-
ing that the7 iastsruct their drivers to observe thc speed linits.
Villson*s aotion for djommeizt until 7:3O P.X. , October 3, 1949, iras seconded by
Pzlen ap3 carried. .
Village Clcrk
, .. 1