HomeMy WebLinkAbout19491010_ADJOURNED120 10 /10 149 Hotion for zdo-stion of the Resolution tras secoaded .by PiLen, znd on Rollcall there were five Wes zlld no nzxs, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; ad Coopcr, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. Cizildj we; &&en, aye; llillson, a;Te; President of the VillagjYComcil do&cil revieved Bngbeerts Analysis of Assesqment $or cost of constructiarz of Pihas %ter &in Extension in 5!omes Road qetmeen U,48th srnd I'I,4.9th Streets, said cost being $3,01k,&o,~ as. asainst 960 assessable feet, or $3.14 per assessable feet, EEgineer eql.ained that this assessment does not include pxb boxes and corporation cocks, vhich were no? installed irhen jot3 was done-that if and when this installa- $ion is made a su@enant*J. asspssment yi11 be enteyed, Child offered the fo1lor.r- ing resolution and &ved its adoption: RJJSOLUTIOlT SEPTi1TG ASSZSSI4El~ FEARIXG VA!l%FL Z-ZAXlT ~4l?RO~*E~~!il ITO. 20 "I I'mA$, pursuat to Resolution adopted by the Edina Village Council June 13, 1949, a contract bas been let for improvement of the folloeing street by construe- %ion of Vilkge llater I.l-zin Extension therein: Iomes Road letwen V, 48th cad 11. 49th qtreets I XOV, 3E IT Rl33OLVED by the Edina Village Counc$l that the work of iqroving said street by construction of Village V&er &i.n Extensiop therein is here'bg desi,-tea as slat& &in InTrovment go. 20; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be piblished in Suburban Press, Hopkins,:Z.finnesots, on Octobez 20 ad 27, 19-43, thet this Council vi11 meet on 1Tovember 14, 1949, 2t the Village W1, to pss upon said proposed assessnent; Vlat the total cost of said hprovenent is &ternbed to be $~,oN.~!,o. JIoijion for aaoptiori oi the Resolution vas seconded 'bar Pden, and on Rollcd.1 there I - Hawthorne, we; qd Coopr, we; and the Vi+lage CGrk Clild, aye; Pden, we; Villson, GFe; . Resolution vas adoptedi, M President of the Village,6ouncil r r T T .. % 1-fr. Gooper mouncerl tht rep& hzd been received fron !hiu Cities Testing Laimr- atories irith regard to the J, V. Gleason Blacktop Contracts, ad Bmthorie noved thzt Meetins of October 10 'be adjourned until 7:30 P.L, Sridgy, October I&, for aonsiGerztion of this report. lJotion .Villzge Clerk aonsiderztion of this report. lJotion seconded by Paen and csried. %./-: Villzge Clerk Petition dated October 6, from Shillinser home at 70tb Street aid- Borzmndale as a hone for the 'aged, T&S reviewed. Pden noved 3hct Nission Group be requested to preseat i$s pvpositiou before the Villzge Council. I.'iis:sion group, for pamission to use the Motion seconded by Xillson nnd carried. Hawthorae aoved for ad.iournment. blotion seccadeb 'by :'iillsolz ad carried. WIIWTES OF TEE BEGULAR I.EE'PIHG 03' THl3 PDIXA, VrU&E COUNCIL, R3LD blOlDAY, OCTOBER z&,'i949; &-THODIITA VILUGZ *- XAU AT 8:OO-P.I.f, .. . -- Merabers ms'creri6g ~llcdl were Ghilil, Palen, #illson., Hawthorne, and Cooper, 24;Ienutes of tbo Re,dar Neetings of Se2tenber 26 and October 10, 3.949, <rere approved as suhnitted, bj Iilotion of Willson, seconded by Child and carried. President Cooper requested ai ulendaent to the Ni-nutes of-that portion oP the October 10 IJeeting held October 34, as fo1lor.r~: That Minutes be mended $0 iiiclutie questioxi by P2esident Cooper to Hr. Sritzius of TW~II Cities Testing Ldboratories as to the fiading: o€ the fim with regard to J. V. Gleason : bkdctopping projects * rnestiq Vil?.age SpecificatCoi1s-di 1.?r. Brftzius * ansvrer , thzt in everg ylace vher& the report of the fim stated the roads vere ,&1 rich$, this could be construed as me.m-ing that said. roads met qillagq Sljecifications as to blacktopping, in sccordmce vith 14r. Cooper's requ+st. Pursumt to Wotice of Iricprovment Heai~g-Smitaq Sevrer, I' pblished in Subxc%a~ Press, Ho@ias, Minnesota, on July 21, ad 28, 1949-ziid. sulisequent kci-ion taken by the Bdina Village council. at Wolic Haariiig on khis proposed sever held Idonday, August 8, 1949, President cdled public hemiag on proposed trun?; and lateral sewers io serve tlie area outlihed. in the no-Xce of July 21 and 28. Discusslon vas had as to decreacing the boundaries of- the .d-istrfct, inasmuch as consiaerable of the groperty in the tresteri hdf', beyond Concord Avenhe, ii unpla-bted and vipuld secure no imaediate benefft from sdd construction. Nr. Gilbert of Toltz,Ring ad Dsy, Xnginoering Consult&'cs, presented re2ort of cos?, dated October 20, 1949, coverins cost of trunk sever from existing,maig at 57th' ad Trance, South end Tlest, to Concord Avenue, ma seGiie lateras, as follol-ts: - Hmthorne moved tlmt Hinutes. be mended Notion secorr&ed by Pden Wd carried., 1 3261 Eta.Pt .18"and 21." T- Sewer 57th gTr,znce to 60th 6 Brookviev $33,506.00 18"mil 2111, 57th Brznhe to 60th 8 BrooLciev 27,057.0~ 3261 Lin.Pt.l~ll 2- Sever iii place of . '. Difference in cpst $e-@men 10" andr 13It and 211!, . Tmdz Sener BI-l frorr! 57th &.Xrmce to Broolmiev chargdde t? Irmyi[r Sewer 33-2 ' $;12&43.00 27,057.00 22,92&,00 $49,981.00 I/' 3261 Liii.Ft. 10" FrFce to 33roolwiew 2314 Lin.3't. lof1 qrbolrpiew to Coiicord Tot& - 6075 &in.?%. 10" Frence tb Concord Detluct2ons fron trunk severs being'used as lzterzls based on $5:&0 per front foot. < BrooLwicw Aveaue $2001 O $~,LLO - $ci,&80.00 St.Jolmls Avenue* 800g 0 $5.40 - , &,32ODOO Coiicol.8 Avenue 400; 9 $5.40 - 2.160.00 Decuct f9om tiw~~ md clxpge, to Zaterds -Total. cost, for assessment Tu-qoses $37,021.00 ~ $12 ;960.00 I