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Hotion for zdo-stion of the Resolution tras secoaded .by PiLen, znd on Rollcall there
were five Wes zlld no nzxs, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; ad Coopcr, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted.
Cizildj we; &&en, aye; llillson, a;Te;
President of the VillagjYComcil
do&cil revieved Bngbeerts Analysis of Assesqment $or cost of constructiarz of
Pihas %ter &in Extension in 5!omes Road qetmeen U,48th srnd I'I,4.9th Streets, said
cost being $3,01k,&o,~ as. asainst 960 assessable feet, or $3.14 per assessable feet,
EEgineer eql.ained that this assessment does not include pxb boxes and corporation
cocks, vhich were no? installed irhen jot3 was done-that if and when this installa-
$ion is made a su@enant*J. asspssment yi11 be enteyed, Child offered the fo1lor.r-
ing resolution and &ved its adoption:
VA!l%FL Z-ZAXlT ~4l?RO~*E~~!il ITO. 20 "I I'mA$, pursuat to Resolution adopted by the Edina Village Council June 13,
1949, a contract bas been let for improvement of the folloeing street by construe-
%ion of Vilkge llater I.l-zin Extension therein:
Iomes Road letwen V, 48th cad 11. 49th qtreets I
XOV, 3E IT Rl33OLVED by the Edina Village Counc$l that the work of iqroving
said street by construction of Village V&er &i.n Extensiop therein is here'bg
desi,-tea as slat& &in InTrovment go. 20; that the clerk is directed to cause
notice to be piblished in Suburban Press, Hopkins,:Z.finnesots, on Octobez 20 ad
27, 19-43, thet this Council vi11 meet on 1Tovember 14, 1949, 2t the Village W1,
to pss upon said proposed assessnent; Vlat the total cost of said hprovenent is
&ternbed to be $~,oN.~!,o.
JIoijion for aaoptiori oi the Resolution vas seconded 'bar Pden, and on Rollcd.1 there
Hawthorne, we; qd Coopr, we; and the
Vi+lage CGrk
Clild, aye; Pden, we; Villson, GFe; .
Resolution vas adoptedi,
President of the Village,6ouncil
r r T
T .. %
1-fr. Gooper mouncerl tht rep& hzd been received fron !hiu Cities Testing Laimr-
atories irith regard to the J, V. Gleason Blacktop Contracts, ad Bmthorie noved
thzt Meetins of October 10 'be adjourned until 7:30 P.L, Sridgy, October I&, for
aonsiGerztion of this report. lJotion
.Villzge Clerk
aonsiderztion of this report. lJotion seconded by Paen and csried.
Villzge Clerk
Petition dated October 6, from
Shillinser home at 70tb Street aid- Borzmndale as a hone for the 'aged, T&S reviewed.
Pden noved 3hct Nission Group be requested to preseat i$s pvpositiou before the
Villzge Council.
I.'iis:sion group, for pamission to use the
Motion seconded by Xillson nnd carried.
Hawthorae aoved for ad.iournment. blotion seccadeb 'by :'iillsolz ad carried.
*- XAU AT 8:OO-P.I.f, ..
. -- Merabers ms'creri6g ~llcdl were Ghilil, Palen, #illson., Hawthorne, and Cooper,
24;Ienutes of tbo Re,dar Neetings of Se2tenber 26 and October 10, 3.949, <rere
approved as suhnitted, bj Iilotion of Willson, seconded by Child and carried.
President Cooper requested ai ulendaent to the Ni-nutes of-that portion oP
the October 10 IJeeting held October 34, as fo1lor.r~: That Minutes be mended $0
iiiclutie questioxi by P2esident Cooper to Hr. Sritzius of TW~II Cities Testing
Ldboratories as to the fiading: o€ the fim with regard to J. V. Gleason :
bkdctopping projects * rnestiq Vil?.age SpecificatCoi1s-di 1.?r. Brftzius * ansvrer ,
thzt in everg ylace vher& the report of the fim stated the roads vere ,&1
rich$, this could be construed as me.m-ing that said. roads met qillagq
Sljecifications as to blacktopping,
in sccordmce vith 14r. Cooper's requ+st.
Pursumt to Wotice of Iricprovment Heai~g-Smitaq Sevrer, I' pblished in
Subxc%a~ Press, Ho@ias, Minnesota, on July 21, ad 28, 1949-ziid. sulisequent
kci-ion taken by the Bdina Village council. at Wolic Haariiig on khis proposed
sever held Idonday, August 8, 1949, President cdled public hemiag on
proposed trun?; and lateral sewers io serve tlie area outlihed. in the no-Xce
of July 21 and 28. Discusslon vas had as to decreacing the boundaries of-
the .d-istrfct, inasmuch as consiaerable of the groperty in the tresteri hdf',
beyond Concord Avenhe, ii unpla-bted and vipuld secure no imaediate benefft
from sdd construction. Nr. Gilbert of Toltz,Ring ad Dsy, Xnginoering
Consult&'cs, presented re2ort of cos?, dated October 20, 1949, coverins
cost of trunk sever from existing,maig at 57th' ad Trance, South end Tlest,
to Concord Avenue, ma seGiie lateras, as follol-ts:
Hmthorne moved tlmt Hinutes. be mended
Notion secorr&ed by Pden Wd carried.,
3261 Eta.Pt .18"and 21." T- Sewer
57th gTr,znce to 60th 6 Brookviev $33,506.00
18"mil 2111, 57th Brznhe to 60th 8 BrooLciev 27,057.0~ 3261 Lin.Pt.l~ll 2- Sever iii place of . '.
Difference in cpst $e-@men 10" andr 13It and 211!,
. Tmdz Sener BI-l frorr! 57th &.Xrmce to Broolmiev chargdde t? Irmyi[r Sewer 33-2 ' $;12&43.00
I/' 3261 Liii.Ft. 10" FrFce to 33roolwiew
2314 Lin.3't. lof1 qrbolrpiew to Coiicord
Tot& - 6075 &in.?%. 10" Frence tb Concord
Detluct2ons fron trunk severs being'used
as lzterzls based on $5:&0 per front foot. <
BrooLwicw Aveaue $2001 O $~,LLO - $ci,&80.00
St.Jolmls Avenue* 800g 0 $5.40 - , &,32ODOO
Coiicol.8 Avenue 400; 9 $5.40 - 2.160.00
Decuct f9om tiw~~ md clxpge, to Zaterds
-Total. cost, for assessment Tu-qoses $37,021.00 ~
$12 ;960.00