HomeMy WebLinkAbout19491114_REGULAR- 131 10/2Lk /&g lIr. Pden sussested that paking be chmged at South Hzrriet Dairy Store, i3ecEaSe of trdfic congestion c~usod bg present nethod, ad also d-irocsted a study of parking cgrobleas at ~62nd 2nd Broo7kview ad 02das-m, Hmth~i-ie~ s ..ilotion di-recting ;Village Engineer to study tmffic aroblerns at the a%ove nancd locations wd to report back at the next regubx meeting, YES seconded ba 9den and czrried. -< P Hwtliorne noved repest ink Fl~ing Gomission to make study of the zdvisa3ility of zoning a-i,os'cion of the Southeast section of E&iia for iniiustrial use. bfotion seconded by Pden and carried; t There 'wins no further %usiness to come before Couacil, Hzwthorne moved for adjourment. Hotion seconded by Villsoa znd carried. Meeting adjourneci at 10:25 P.I.1. . t "MINUTES OF T!HE: REGULAR KEETPING 03' TIB E1DfNA VIIUGE CIOUNCIL, HXLD MOKD&Y, NOQEKBER- 14,. 1949, &! 8500.P.M. ki! THE t t EDINA VI$UGB H.&G Members answering Rollcall were Child; Willson, Palen and Cooper; with Eawthorne coming later as recorded belovi, Motion by Willson, deferring acceptance of Minutes of Meeting of Oct'ober 24 until next regular meeting, was seconded by Palen and carried, President Cooper announced Continuation of Phblic Hearing on proposed assessment for. the Grading apd Gkavelling of Monroe Avenue between Maloney Avenue and the North Village Linits, ' !Chis-hearidg had been continued' from the Meeting of October 24, pending an on-the-field ihspection of the work by the Council. !rith the property owners, Messrs, Child and Willson reported that inspection had been made, and that with a small amount of maintenace work, the street will be in condition. Assessment R&l, in amount of 83,126,613 as against 2,299 assessable feet, or $1.36 per assessable foot, was reviewed. 2here were no obJections to the assessment, either oral or written. Willson offered the follovring Resolution and' moved it's adoption8 - t r G 1 SOLUTION AEOPTING ASSESSI~EWSTREZT n&ovmm - VILLAGE LIMITS . * XO, %-bIR'PDfNG AND GUIELLING. OF . * MOEJROE AKE&UE BE!CWEEN MALOXEiY AVENUE AND hOR!IJI. 'r - r WEEREAS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Monroe Avenue between Maloney Avenue and the North Village Lipits by Gradingarzd Gravelling has been duly filed with the Village Clerg and open to public: inspection, and notice has beenpublished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minne- sot=, on September& 29 and Octpber 6, 1949, that %his Council would pass upon said propqsed assessment at the Meeting of October, 1949, and this council. has met aC the time and place specified in said notice, now therefore, . Rl!l IT RESOLVED by the Village Coucil of the Village of*Edina that said proposed assessmen:, which is hereby beferred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, ;tpd a~1 aksessment is hereby levied against each of' the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums -thereen respectively set fbrth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be behefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it; herein: annual installments extendink ov-r a period of three years, the first to be payable on the first day' of June, 1950, all deferred payments are to bear interebt at the rate bf 5% per annum. .Said assessments and interest shall 'be 'a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general. taxes a8 authorized by Chapter 65, Law of Minn. 1919,. as amended, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on RollcalX there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye: (looper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ; BE IT FURTBIB RESOII~ 'thatIeach assessment shall be payable in equal Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, -t r Villke Cl&k 182 11/14/49 Public Hearing was held on ,proposed Assessment for Street lmprovenent Xo.40- Blacktoppfng of Chowen Avenue from Beard Avenue to l"l.57th Street, pursuant to Notice ~blished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on October 20 and 27, 1949, affidavit of whick tfas read, approv5d as to form, and placed on file. Assessment Roll, in total amount of $2,450.74 as against 1,583.12 assessable feet; or $1.55 pqr assessable foot, was; reviewe?. offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption3 There were no objections to the assessment, either or& or written. I'lillson BESOL~ION DOP'J?ING ASSESStWT&'lrRklFI! II~PRO~*~I! NO& BLACKTOPPING CHOIIBN Am FROM BIURD AVENDE TO W0'37TH S-9 I-AS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Ghotren Avenue from Beard Avenue to tl,gth Street by Blacktopping bas been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notice has been published bi -Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on October 20 and 27, 194.9, that this Councilirill pass upan said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, noa therefore, BE IT RESOLQ3D by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, it is hereby adopted, and an assessment is herebr levied Gainst each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in*the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land 5s herdby found to ibe benefited 5n the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: installments e&*ending over a per5oh of Five years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1950, all deferred paptents are'to bear interest at the rate of- 5% per annw. therein specified concurrent with general taxes a s authorized 'by Chapter 65* LatTs of Knn, 1919; as made&. ilotion for adoption of the Resolution tras seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four aJres and no nays, as follovrs: child, aye; Pden, aye; T'lillson, we; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas a I BE IT X'URTFEEL RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property 4 -- President of the Village fiunc21 Village yz Clerk ,,/a&- *C r .- C r Public Hgaring, as advertised in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota on October 20 and 27, 199, (Affidavit of Publication fbr which advertisement was read, approved as to ?om and placed on file) vas held on proposed assessment' for cost of Street Improvement Xo. 39--BLzcktopping Pqk Place 'irettreen l"l.55th and Pf.56th Streets, l3ngineer*s Analysis of Assessment, in the total amount af $1,80?,8O Bs against k,205.2 assess- able feet, or $1.50 per assessable foot, ims re+ Office reported that Hr. Sweeney had objected tp this assessment; and that there tras a~. error in computing assessment became property ox-mers are being assessed for 50 feet dedicated to the Village of road right-of-vay purposes, I"lil1son offered the follotring Resolution and moved its dost ionz - t RES03jUTION ADOPTING ASSESSHEN5!&DLEE!V I&BO~*Et?T NO., 39 BLAOECOPPmG PABK PLAm REWm f'1.55TH AND Tl.56TH STEEl%!S I!BZR?3AS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of ParkPlace between lr,55th and W.56th Gtreets by Blacktopplng has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notice has been published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Nbnesots, on October 20 and 27, l9@, that this Council wilL pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, nov therefore, posed assessment, vhich is hereby referred to, is hereby amended to read as followst I BE IT RESOLVED 3y the Village Council of the Tillage of Edina, that said pro- TOTAL &SSESSABE!l COST - $1,807.80 COST PER ASSESSAJ3IjE FOOT - $ 1.5@ TOTBL ASSEtsSm I'EEXC - ,1,155.2 and an assessment is hereby levied againqt'each bf,the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the'swns therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found. to be benefifed in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein:' installments extending over a perioh,of Five years, the first to be pyable on the fibst day of Jab, 1950, all'deferreapapents aPe to bear interest at the rate of 5$ per annum. ~ Szid assessnents hd interest shall be a lien upon thefpeoperty t therein specified concurrent with general. taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Lam of Minn, 1919, as amended. BE IT FURT5 RESOLVED that each assessment shall be pwable in equal. mnual I33 11/14/49 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Palen, snd on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye: Villson, aye; Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was ado i Pillage Clerk 1 Pursuant -to "Notice of Assessment Eearing-Blaclctopping,tf yublishkd in Suburban Press, Hopk3.n~~ Minnesota, on Octoper 20 and 2'7, 1949, Affldavit of PubZication having been read, approved as to form and placed on file, President called hblEc Hearing on proposed assessment for cost of Blacktopping in Stree$ Improvement No. 4.l-lakevietr Drive, Crescent Drive; ad Lex.ington Avenue. Engineerrs halysis. of Assessment, in total amount of $9,774.56 as against 4,249.81, or $2.30 pdr assessable foot, aqd the Assessment Roll, were reviewed. There were no, oral or kcitten objdctions t'o the propoded assessment. Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: r RESOLUTION ADPTIXG ASSESSMEbTT4'pREEI! IMPROVFJ4ENT HO, 41 BLACKTOPPING LAKEVIEW DR, FROM W,LAR3VIEEw DR, -TO CFLEISCENT EL: CRESCBUT DR, eOK LA€CEVIBW DR, TO GOLF TBRRACE: LEXINGTON +MI& PROM LAEXVIEW DRIVE T6 GOflCOBD A7lXNUZ 1-M proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of: A Lakeview Drive from Golf Terrace,to Srescent Drive; Lakeview Drive from W, Lakeview Drive to Crescent Drive; Crescent Drive from Ldceview Drive to Golf Terrace; Lexington-Avenue from Lakeview Drive-to Concord: Avenlle -- r < all by Blacktopping, has been. duly f ilea with the Pillage Clerk and open to public fnspection, and notice has been published in Suburbaa Press, HopkLns; Minnesota, on October 20 and 27, 1949, that this Council will pass upon 'said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council has met at! the time and place specified in said notice, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Ftllage of Idina that said proposed assessmen?, which is hereby referred to and made a p&t hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment i6 hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and pasceld of laad described therein 3.n the sums therein respectively set forth, anid each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein; BE IT FURTHJB RESOLWD that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extenang over a period of Five years, the first to be payaale on the first day of June, 1950, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate af 5% pqr annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a'lien apon the property therdin specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Ohapter 65, Lam of Minn, 1919, as amended. Motion for adopti6n of Resolution tfas seconded by 'Palen, and on Rollcjll there ' were four ayes and no nays, as follows: r Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; President next called Public Hearihg on proposed assessment f dr Street 'Improvew men t Efo . 42-G.sading 'and Gravelling of Van Buren Avenue between Belmore Lane -ad the North Pillage Limits. Press October 20 md 2'7, 1949, was read, approved as to form, and @aced on file. Assessment Rofl, in total of $1;909.92 as against 1104 assessable feet, Or $1.73 per assessable foot, was reviewed* There were no objections Co assessmen*. JTillson offered the follotving Resolution and moved its adoption: Affidavit of Publication of Notice in Subu?3)~ RBSOLu'pION ADOPTITJG ASS~SSNENT-SECEXET IMPROVE^ No, 42 GRADING BND GiUXELLING VSN BUR327 ASQXm FRON BELHOBE'L~ c TO NORTH VILLAGH LIMITS ImAS proposed assessment for the-costkof the improvement 03 Van Wen Avenue between Belmore Lane and the North Village Limits by Grading and Gravell- ing has-been duly filed- with the Village Clerk and- open to public inspection, and notice has been published in Suburban 'Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on 0c.t;ober 20 and 27, 1949, that this Council w2ll pass upon said proposed assessmen.fr at this present meeting, and this coUncilhas met at the time and place specsfied in said notice, nokt therefole, 11/14/49 . BE I!!! BES0L"l by tfie Village Council of the Village of Bdina th& said proposed assessment, vhich is herebybrefe&ed to and 6ade a -gar% hereof, 3s hereby adopted, and an assessment 3.6 hereby levied against each of the lots, parts set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE IT ZTJRTEEEt -BESOLTED tbt each assessment shall be payable in equal annul instdlmentg extending over a period of_ Three years, the first to be payable on - the first day of June, 1950, all deferred papents are to bear interest at the rate of 5$ per agnumr Said assdssmenes urd interest shall %e a lien u$on the phperty therein specified 'condrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Lam 'of IS~IUL 1919, as amended, ffotion for adoption 'of %he Resolution tras seconded by Child, and on Rollcd.1 there vre'se four ayes arid no nays, as follows: Ohild, aye; Palen, aye; l'lillsori, &ye; 'and 134 I- L t of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively - r ! I .- Public H6ar&g was held on proposed assessment covering cost of Street Improvement Ro. 43yGrading and Gravelling of sexington Avenue 'Ijekreen Ifoodi?.de and St.Johs Avenue-in accoFdance vGth "EJotice_ of Hearingft published in Suburb- Press , Hopkins, on October 20 and 27, 1949. approved as to form, and placed on file, Assessment Roll, in total amount of $952.60, as yainst 606.75 assessable feet, or $1.57 per assessable foot, was revi&ed. Xr. Bloi Bauers objected.to the assessment levied 05 120 feet of his property, stating that he vas not benefited by t&i& road because Council would not grade it when he vas ready to build and he vas consecpently forced to put in his om private drivevrays: Hearing vas dontinued pending arrival' of Village Attorney lfindhorst; and later in the evening, Council was advised that Colonial Church 02 Edha ~7ould bear full assessment for this improverneb. yillson offered the follov&ng Resolution and moved its adoption: . Affidavit of Publication for Notice was read by Clerk, . RsilSOLDrpION ADOPTING ASSESSFZXW-SfCREEI! IMPROVEMENT rf0. 43 GRADING DD W,ING OF EEXINGTdN AVENUE BEWZELV IIOODDALN AXD S!!!,JOHNS AVENUES 7mICEld proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Lexington Avenue, between Tlooddd& and St.Johns Av&ues by GradSlng an& havelling has been duly filed 175th the .Village Clerk and open to Gublic 'inspection, and notice has been pblished in Su'tjurban Bess, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on October 20 and 27, 1949, that the Council vr.Jlll pass *on said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council bas met 'a% the time 'and pl'ace specified 'in said notice, and has heard and -&ssed upon all objections, now therefore, . BE IT RESOLQD bytlie Vjllage Council, of the Village of Edina that said prdposed assessment , vihich is here%y refe~red to and &de a part hereof , is hereby amended to read as follo.r.ls: , IO'PBL ASSESSBBI;E COST $952*60 TOTAXI ASSESSjBI4 I?EET rr86.75 feet -. -". r, .2r TOTAX PER, ASSESS@LE F00E $ 1.957 .- and that the property knotm as the North 1/2 of Lot 14, Block 1, and the North 1/2 of Lot 15, Block 1, Subdivision of Lit.t;ell?ark, be deleted from said Assessment Roll; Gd-an assessment is hereby levied ajpinst each of the lots, pats of lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said amended assessment roll in thesums %herein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of rad is hereby found to be Ienefited in the amdunt of the assessmentf levied against'it herein, *installments extending over a period of Phree years, tlie first to be pzgzble dn the first day of June', 1950, all deferred gayments are to bear interest at the rate of 55 Ter EUIXUXU. therein specified conairrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, LZWS of Nh~l. 1919, as amended, Gotion for adoption of the Besolution vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there aerg four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye: Villson, aye; and Cooper, aye; 'and the Resolution Gas adopted. \ I EE IT FURTBER XESOLVED that each assessnient 'shall be payable in equal annual , S&d assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property .- T Presiddnt of the Villke $$h.ncil -. Viliage Clerk 11/14/49 * ' 135 Pursuant to IIBotice of Assessment Hearing-Street Improvement No .44,1t published in SuWb~ur Press, Hopkins, Mbnesota, on October 20 and 27, Public Hearing was called on proposed assessment for the cost of Blacktopping Cascade Lane between state HigbrG Bo, 169 & 212, to and including the !l'!urnaound. Affidavit of Notice Publication vas read by Clerk, approved as to form &d placed on file. Assessment Roll, shoving total assessment in amount of. $2,489.00, divided equally among ten parcels of land, or $2443.90 per XOB, was read. Mrs. Humphry inquired as $0 why the Page property was not assessed, and was informed that me)hod of assessment was agreed upon:by petitioners at Hearing for Improve- ment, There were no objections to assessment, either oral or tmit.t;en.l Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BUCKIIOPPJXG CASCADE BETWBEX STATE HIGHYTAY NO, 169 & 212. RESOLUrPION ADOPZ'IIJG ASSESSMENT-ST,RZJET IHPROvE1pERP B0.W TO m INGLUDD~G mmom l'r€ERXIAs proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Cascade between State aighway 80. 169 & ZXZ, to and including !?hrnaround by placktopping has bFen du$s filed with the Village Clerk +nd open $0 public: inspection', and notice has been published In SubwBan Press, Hopkins, Mime- sota, on bcto'ber 20 and 27, 1949, that the Council-will pass upon said pro- posed assessment at this present meeting, and this council has met at the BP IT RESOLVED by the,Village Council of the Village of Bdina that,s&d pr&md assessmqn3, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby QdopBed, and an assessmentrig hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the nane and sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it, herein: BE: ,IT ?JUR!f?3E@ RES0g;VnS that ea& assessment shal3. bs paya%le,h equal annua3. instglhents, exteneng over a period of five years, the first to be payable on,khe first day of Jme, 1950, dl deferred pyments are to bear Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with ggneral taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Lam of Mi&. 1919, as amended. Motion for adoption of the Resolutiitin was seconded by Palen, and on R0Tlcal.i there were four ayes and no nap, as follows: $be and place specified in said notice, no6 thergfor8, .* -interest at the rate of per annm, I ahild, aye; Palen, aY@t aye; aooper, aye; and the Res .. . C Public Hgaring was next held on Propoied Assessmerit for 'Street Improvement No.4!5-Cp?31 and Gutter in V.49th Street between Frmce Avenue and Maple Road- 'in ;accoydance with *'a?Cice of 'Assessment qearing" published in Suburban Press,-Hopkins, Minnesota; on Oct6ber 20 +d 27. - Cle*k read Affidavit of Publication, which was approved is to fora a.nd placed on file. -Assesgment Roll, totalling $4,255.48 for curb and gutter, as against 2,160.14 assessable feet, or $1.97 per assessable foot (plus individual charges for drive1W' a;nd sidewalk), was reviewed, Willson 9ffered the following Resolution and moved its adoption; There were-no objections to this proposes assessment. RZSOLUIIOX ADOPZ'ING ASSESSMEN'P-S'PE1;EET 114PROVEMXTT NO 45 CUf@ ABD GUIrfEB IB I.49TH S-I! BSTilXEN X"CE'Am _- .AND &PI& ROD* lms proposed assessment for-the cqst of the improvement of V.49th Street betueep France Avepe sad Maple Boad'by construction of Sthdard Village Curb and Gutter *therein hastbeen duly filed with the Village Clerk and. open to ,public inspection, and notice has been pu'bl$she& in Suburban Press , Hopkins hnesota, on October 20 and 27, 1949, *that thia'Counci1 will-pass upon said pro$osed assessment at this present meeting, .and this council has met at'the time and-place specified in sagd notice now therefore BE El! RESOLVXD by the Village Council of the Village of Eldina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment iS hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces aad parcels of land described therein in the swnS therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found'to be benefited in the zmoyult of the pssessmen! levied against it herein: .- 11 f 14/49 BE IT FFEQB RZSOLVED that eachassessment shall be gamble in eauaZ annnal 236 installments extending over a period of Piye years, the first $0 be payable on the fSrst day of June, 1950, all deferred pqments. are to bear interest at the rate of 5s per my. S&d assessments and interest sbal? be a 1ien.upon the property thetrek specizied concurrent with general tpes as authorized by Chapter 65, Law of Ei.nn. 1919, as pen$ed, Notion for' adop&.op of th; Resolution' vas secohded by Palen, and on Rollcall. there Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; a;rZd r ayes and no nays, as follovrs: , . aye; and the Resolution, was ado *- .. Pursuant-to "Notice of Assessment HearinHtreet Improvement No.46, Fuburban Press, Ho&ins, r.Iinnesota on October 20 and 27, 1949, Affidavit of hbl%cation,ior yhich was read, approved a& to form and plaeed on file, Public Hearing was held on proposed assessment for cost of Blacktopping TT.58th Street )elmen France and Xerxes Avenues. Assessment Roll, in total assessable amount of @,Z89,22, as against 4,289.22 assessab3.e feet, or $1.00 per assessable foot, vas, read. There irere no objections to the assessment ,, either oral or m5tten. T'Ulson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: published in I < . I?XSOJiU!JION ADOPIING BSSXSS"24fP INI?ROVZMEXIC, NO, rt6 BLACKTOPPIiiG V. 58TH S!EREBT BETKEZB 3XUiNGE & XEBXEIS, AXQlNUES 1- proposed assessment for the cos$ of the imgrovement of W.58th Street between Prance and Xerxes Avenues by Blacktopping has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notice has been published ha Subnrban-Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on October 20 and 27, 1949, that the Council will pas5 upon said prpposed assessment at this present meeting, and this councS1 has met at the time and place specified ip said,notice, now therefore, BE I2 RESOLKUI by the Village Council of the Village of Edina th& said pro- posed"assessmen3, yhich is hereby referred to pd made apart hereof, is hereby adopted, and-& &sessment is hereb? levied agdnst gach of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein -in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of €he assessmerit levied agdnst it herein: BE IT Z'URTBEEL I?XSQLVED that each assessment shall'be payable Sa equal annual installments extending over a period of Five years, the first to be pay- able on the first day of June, J.950; a3.5 deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of 5$ per annyn. the property therein specZfied concurrent with general taxes as authorized 'by Said assessments and, bterest sball, be a lien upon - Chagier-65, Laws of ML. 2919, as amended. &tion for adoption of tgq BesoZution tras seconded by-Chtld, ad were four ayes and no nays, as follotrsr GMld, aye: Palen, aye; and Copper, age; and the Resolutfontras adopted. on Rol1c;itl %here PiS&kon, aye; Presidenfr n6xt called Public Hearing on proposed assessment for the Blacktopping of Bitonk&&x?.Avenae between Eden Avenue and'State Highway No. 1.69, pursuant to l%otice of Assessment Bearing-Street Iqrovement Woo 47, its published in Suburban Press, HopEinS, on October x) ad 27. and place& on file. Review of assessment roll USES bad, shoving $1,458.,X4 total assessable cost, as against 2,845.75 assessable feet-, or $079 per assessable foot; plus $196.51 assessed against J.A. Dasens d Son fox cost pf,wi.dening lots 6,?,8 6% 9, Block, 3, for a total assessment of $1,654.65, assessment, I Affidavit of Publication was red, approved, .. I There vere no objection$ to the TJillson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption8 ' RESOLUTION AlXIFTING ASSESSIWT-STZ' IMPROTEBW NO 4'7 BLACKTOPPII?G-OE' BROOICSID3E1 Am BEiCI'mMEN AVEIJUE BND c ST&B EGaJlAY BO. 169 'WHEREAS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Brookside Avenue, between Elden Avenue and St&e Highway No. 169 'by Blacktoppqg has been duly fzled with-ihe Village Clerk and open. to public ipspection, and notice has been $&blished in Su6urbai Press, Ho&ns, N'innesota, on October 20 and 27,1949, that; this Council will pass ;,on said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council * has met a% the time and place specified in said nottce, now therefore, , 11 $37 11/14/49 BE IT RESOLVED by the Villgge Council of the Village of ldina that said proposed assessment, which. is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts 6f lots, pieces and pwcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE XI! 3?URTEXR RESOLVED that each Assessment shall be payable in eqa annual inst$lments' extending over a period of Five years, e the first to be payable on the firSt day of June, 1950, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of 5% Per annun. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized'by Chapter 65, Laws of Minn. 1919, as amended, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follotrs: aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolutio& was Mc--\ President of the Village funcil t C f f Child, aye; Pden, aye: Ilillsm , .- * hrsuant-to %otice of Assessment Hearing-Street Imlprovement N0r48,~~ pu3lished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on October 20 and Z7,.1949, affidavit of publication Por which was read;. approved as to So?, a& placed on file--Pu"blic Hearing vfas hela on propbsed hssessment fbr-the cbst of Blacktopping Schaefer Road from the North Lot Line of Lot 18, Auditorts Subdivision No. 325, to %he North . Lot Line of Pqkwood Qolls. Assessment roll, in total amount of $2,336,081 9s against 1,424.44 assessable feet, or $1.64 per assessable foot,, was reviewed, Nrs, Catherihe Copley, urd President Cooper, advocated that Carl M. Ramen, the developer of Palmood E;nolls, be required to pag part of this assessment, since-Schaefer Boa& is, in. effect, an-entrance to Parkwood I&olls. determined by Coukil, however , that" only abutting properties be benefited. Willson offered the following Resolution and inoved- its adoptions REOSIIUTION ADOPTIXG ASSESSWT-SmET IMSRO~~IE" NO.48 BLACKTOPPl3TG OF' SC- ROAD FRON NORTH LOT LIIU OF' -03' PmJOOD R3?OLLS Road frbm Xorth Lot Line of L%t 18, Aud%torgs $ubd%v%sion NO, 325 to North Lot Jline of-Parkyood-Knblls 'ps Blacktopping-has been duly filed with the Villge Clerk and open to pizblic inspection, an'd'notice has been published in Su'burban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, 'on October 20 and 27, 1949, that this Council <rill pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council has met a% the time and place specified in said notlce, now - therefore, B!El I2 RESOSTBD by the Village Council of the Village of Pldiaa that said proposed assessment, whlch is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment 5.S hereby levied againstt each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces aad parcels of land described &herein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby 'found to be benefived in the amount of the assessment levied against ik herein: BE I2 FURTHER €USOLvEzD Chat each assessment shall be payable in equal. annual instqllments extending over a period of Five years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1950, all def?rred pgments are to bear interest at the rate of s$ per annum. Said askessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Lars of Mi&. 1919, as amended. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded 'by Child, and 0x1 Rollcall there'were four ayes ana no nays, as follows: It was . t LOT i8, AUDITOgtS SUBDEVISION NO. 325, ??O_XORT3 ZOT-ItINE If-, proposed assessment for ihe- cost of the improvement of Schaefer r C < Child, ye; Palen, aye; Willson, Cooper, aye; and the Resolution I - Village Clerk "- public Hearing was called on the proposed assessment for cost of Blacktopping StJohns Avenue from Woodhill Road to Golf Terrace, pursuant to f%otice of Assessment Hearing Street Improvement NO, 49 ,If published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Hinnesota, on OcCober 20 and 27, 2949, affidavit of publication for - which was'reah, approved as to form, anti placed on file. 'Assessment Roll, in total amount of' $799.32 as against 575.05 assessable feet, or $1.39 per assesseble foot, waF reviewed. Wi21son o*fered the following Resolutionr and moved its adoption$ $here were no objections to the apsessment. < GOLF !L!aRRACE 1-S pro6osed assessment for tha-cost of the hprovement of St.Johns Avenue (from lroodhill Ro2d to Golf Terrace by Blacktopg&g bas 'been duly filed uieh the Village Clerk ad open to gublic inspection, &a notice has been published in Subur'ban Press, Horns, Minnesota, on October 20 and 27, 199, that this Council vi11 pass upon s#d propi>sed assessment at this present meeting, and this council hzs met at the time and place specified in $aid ndtice, now therefore, BE 19 RESOLVBD by the Village Council of'the Village of Edina that said pro- posed assessment, vhich is hereby referred to and made apart hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessGent is herefiji levied agaiqst each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectivelx set forth, and each of saih tracts of la& is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied' agaihst it; hireAnt BE IT 3TEiTm RESOLVED thai; each assessment shall be payible in equal qnn&l inst+lmentg extending over aperiod of Fi.be years, the first to 'be payable'on the first by of June, 1950, all deferred paptents are to bear tnterest at the rate of 55 per annum.. Sdd assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Lam of biinn, 1919, as amended. $lotion for .the adoptign of the Bebolution was seconded by Palen,'and on Rollcall there were four ayes asd no nays, as follo$rs: bd Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was a A!I?rnT: t I A I - 1. Child, aye; Paleh, aye; Dillson, aye; I. * Presiaent of the Village Clerk ' r C - Proposed- Assessmknt for Street Improvement No.SO~-Blacktopplng of Kellogg Place from ti.36th Street, to Oaklawn Ayenue, and of Oalrtayh Avenue [from Xellogg Place to tr.56th Street, w2s* considered at Public Hearing, _pursuant to Notice of HeGing published in Subur6an Press, H&kins, O~ober"20 and 27. total amount of $2,282.35, divided as to percentages acpording to petition filed, vas revievea. follothg Resolution and moved i$s adoption: Assessment roll-in l?!fiere were no objection; to the assessment. Vill'son offered the RESOLUTION ADIPTJEG $SSESSl.IEN2-S'PREE!C IM?ROVB*5TC NO* 50 OBLAYlT ATEL: @TO OF OAJCL.@lN AVE. FEOM ICELMOG PLAGE .I BUCK!I!OPPING OF KEDiXO& PLACE XBON a.56~~ S'PREIET TO '20 TI. 56m* s!Imiz 1-M pmposed bssessment for the cos% of the im~rovement' of Kello& Place from 1?.56ih StFeet to Odrlatm Avenue, and of Oaklawn Avenue from Kellogg Place to 11,56th Street by Blacktopping has been duly filed vith the Villags Clerk and open to pubLic inspection, and notice has been pubLished in Suburban Press, Hopkfins, Minnesota-, on Octoberc 20'aad 27, 19.49, that this Council will pass upon sald p%oposed assessment at thip present meeting, and this Council has met at-the time"and place specified in said no%ice, now therefore, BE IT BESOLVED by the Village"Counci1 of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a hart hereof, is hereby adop%ed, and an assessment is hereby levied agai&st each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land describe$ %herein in the sums thereb respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be 'benefited 3.n the mount of the assessment levied against it hereinl: BE 12 l'UR!t!HES RESOLVZD that each assessment shall be pztyable in eqal annua?. installmentg exf;ending over a period of Five years, the first to be payable on the first tbq of Jane, 1950, all deferred pdgments are to "best? interest at the rate of $ per amm. I Said aqsessments and interest shall. be a lien upon the property thgrein spesif iea concument 2fith geqerd taxes as authorized by Chapter 65 , hws * I c I of Inn, 1919, aS amended. ~ I I. Motion for adoption of the Resolution 912s seconded by Palen, and on RollcdI there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, we; lillson, aye; C~oper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ... .. Besideat of the Village,,buncil . .* - Pursnan$ 'to "Xotice of Asqessment fIearin&Water !.lain Improveme6t; no. 19, (published in Suburban Pyess, Hpkins, !4innesota, Octobe5 20 and.2'7, 1949, Affidavit of Publi- cati0n.f or which was read, aTFroved as to form, and placed on file, Public Hearing vas had on this pToposed assessment roll, which was'revietred as fbllows: , 21/14 f49 I39 Coat of Construction (Assessable) - Water Main Total, jbsessabla Feet for Water Main Cost 'per Assessablze ~oot for trater Main Conitruction Cost of GonstructZon+2rading Street; in Richmond Hills Total Assessable Feet for Grading Cost per*Assessabl-e Foot for Grading $22,14u. 22 b 1,234.73: < 5,795.87 Feet $. 3.82 . b 3JJ29*47 033 Vith grading assessment to be against Richmond Hills and unpxatted properties Inqiries were made as to the otmers of unplatted properties, and audience There dnly. bras informed that these properties are owned by George A. and Fred Ifillson, were no objece'ions to the assessment, either or@ or written. -Chiid offered the following Resoldtion and moved its adopt ion: , NO. 19 . RXSOLuz1ION ADOPIPING A$SESSMEm-WATER MAIR IMPROVEIIIENI! 1-AB propdsed assessment for the cos%" of the improvement of . * Normandal,e Road from Kent- Avenue to Richmond brive; ' Windsor 'Avenue from NpmahKLe Road: to Code xyenue; * Code Avdnue from Windsor Avenue to BxisEing gain in Code Avenue; ' Richmond: Circle, from Richmond Lane, NoGth .- Richmona' Drhe from Nom&dde Road to Windsor Avenue; A. by constrk6tion'of Water Main Ilnprovement the%ein, has been ddy filed with the Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesotar on October 20 and 27, 1949, that this Council will pa&' upon saih proposed assessment at this preseni meeting, and this Coutlcil has met a% the %%ne ana place speci?led^in said notice,' now therefore, BE IT RESOLVE0 ^by the Village 'Council of. the Vill&e of Eldina, that sad proposed assessmentj, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby-a&opted, &%d an assessment ig hereby levied-'agaLhst each of the lots, parts of lots, pie'ces and parcels 0% land deshribed therein in the sums therein respscti$ely set forth, sad each of said traits of land is hereby found to be benefited' in the ahtount of the assessment letied against it herein: annua& in3tallment's extending over a period 02 Ten years, the firs4 to be payable oh <he first'&y-*bf June, 1'950, all deferred p&ments axe to bear interest 'at tihe ra'te of $ per ann^. a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorize*& by Ghap3er 425; Laws of MSnn; 19Z, as anlentled. Village Clerk and been to public inspectiin, 'and notice' has been published in i " I BE IT FUR!l?HFIRfBESOLVXD that e&h assessment shall 'be payable izl eqwl. ' Said assessments and interest shall be Motion fo'r adofjtio'n of the kesoluti'on was secbnded by Willson, and on €bllcall there wer'e four ayes and no nays, a's follovrs:' Child, &e; Palea, aye; WiLlson, ' @e; and Cooper, me; and the Resoltttion was 'adopted. AT!!%?EST:, * I I) -' ' -+-$S/&& Village Clerk . ._ . 7 -4 c- I Pursuant*-bo [*Notice of Assessment Eearing-Water Main Imjprovement Ro. 20 in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on October 20 and 27, 1949, afficavit of 5ublication for which was read, ap&oved a6 to form, &Id placed on fils, President 85,lled PU'bliZ Hearing on proposed a'ssessmeiit Tor constfiction of water main and appurtenances in 'Pblmes Road betweeh W.48th abd W.49th Streets. Assessmen3 Roll,* In amount OF $3,014.40 as against 960 assessable' feet, or $3.14 per assessable ~oot;, was reviewed. following Resolutimi ami moved its hdoption: - ' NO. 20' ' between VF.48th an& W.49th Streets by c6nstrnction of l?a%er Main Impr?vement' there&-&s-been duly filed with the Village Clerk and 'open to public inspection, and noti-& has been'$ublishd in Su%urban Pre'ss, Hop%&&, Minnesota, on October 20 and 27, 1949, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, end this Counci1"has met at the time and place specified in said notice, now therefme, - BE 19 RESOLVED by the-Village Council of the Village of Edina that said pro- posed- assemnen;, yhich is hereby r'eferred to" and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and's assessment is hereb? levied agains3 each of the lots, partsof lots, pieces and parcels of land described th'erein in the sums therein respec2ively set forth; and each of said tracts bf land is'hereby fohd to be benefited in the amount of*the assessment levied against it heirein: BE IT 2URl?EER SOL^ that; each aseessment shall be payable in eqyil. 831z1ua3. Installmepts extending pve? a period of Zen-grears; the first to be psyable on the first day, of' June;. 1~~0,~l deferred payments+ are to bets interest at the race of 5s per annwn. . Said assessments and. interest-shall be a. lien upon the property %$erein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 425, published There were no objectirons to th'e assessme~t. ' Chila offered the €ESOLtJTION AI%P'J!IRG ASSESSMZRT~W&l!ZFt MAIN XNPROVEI~ 1-S propo%r asse%n&%**for th& :664 $-IO$ ;the-improvement of !Comes' Road saws of W.n. 192l, as amejhded. 4 't - -- 11 /14/49 "gotion for addl~tion of the Resolution vas seconded. 37 Palen; and on Rollcall there were four *ayes and no nays, as follovst Child, aye; Palen, aye; trillson, aye; and Cooper, aye: and the Resolution vas 1- adopted. - President of the Village council .CI - Notion % PaXen, approving payment of the following Villzge Payrolls, was seconded by Villson and Carrie& No, * - Phil 71. Smith $254:50 $29.80. . $8,00' . $31080 $216.70 725 ,2Z.W ,141.16 726 Gretchen Alden 163.60 , 15 e9 0 6.5k Bernice Johnson '161.75 15 90 a 6-47 22.37 139.38 ' 727 Helene FTeeman * 102.25 11 . 20 4.09 1.25 16.54 85.72 728 Patricia Holland 107.75 11 . 80 4.31 16.11 91.64 729 10.78 46.28 7'31 Lethe G.1filliams 102. gs 11.20 4.12 $ana ITright 57.06 8.50 2.28 ineine'er inq Fred Jonas lB.71 6.40 6 .a5 12.55 141.16 732 @ltoq Smithman 186.75 19.50 ?.4? 26 e 97 159.78 PAYR0l;fr 4OVEMBEE k 'THROUGH NO^^ 15, 1949 Ahinistra%ive GROSS 3- 17I'PHEioLD RETPIR% . * !COT& NET CLAD1 adme . 'PAY Tg DEDUCT. HBSP. ' mCI. PAY 15.32 87.59 730 I t 77% * I 35.81 1.25 141.36 808.46 .. 949.82 - 104%30 r , 340;46 . 2fj.90 .13.62 39.52 300.94 . . Police Deaartment Silding I Dah1 . Vkllian $e Heydt iTilliam V.Hof 2- Henry Vr6b&eski , $ert Ef.Nerfe1d Lloyd &icGary Charles Ploog Street DIen-Regulzr Philiy Bailey Pete Dahlgren 14 . J .MerfeLd Soh Tracy t H&q Jonas &hur ,Jensen Bonald Port C .B.Gardarelle f.lasne Tracy Joseph Natofe 168.74 104-81 141 . 62 159.04 151.18 142.21 111.20 978.80 L7.10 6.75 23.85 144,89 734 3. 20 4.19 7.39 e 97.42 735 8.82 5.65 14.46 127.16 736 7.00 6.36 13.36 145.68 737 10.00 6.05 16.05 135.13 738 8.80 8.80 133.41 740 4.45 4.45 106~75 741 54.90 . 33.46 . 88.36 890m% , 152.56 178.71 153.85 l3O.02 121.92 159.84: 165.36 132.16 156*57 124-82 1475.81 6.10 7-15 6.15 5.20 4.88" 6.39 6.61 5.29 6.26 4.99 59*02 12.50 1~t.0.06 ' 25.45 153.26 16.75 137.10 8.00 W.68 13.39' 8.69 25 *76 15.49 147.42 10.71 12202 lll,24 146.45, 154.65 742 743 744 745 746 747 7J@ 749 750 2% C 13.88 103.09 752 $tree t Hen-pIourZy Chasles Johpson 116.97 9.20 4.68 @ax&.- Vi- Books - 105.25 11.50 4.21 15-71 89.54 2otal Gen. Puna 4193.29 298.79 159.85 1.25 459*80 3733.49 6.55 136.19 153 Jzcob S@& 122.10 1.60 4.91 Vm. E. Kell 103 2.90 4.14 7.04 96.W 754 t w.40 25.20 17.94 43.3.b ~5.26 I'Jater Department - Bern&.?$ tloehler 216.99 18.70 8-68 28-38 188.61 756 &muel J . Roberts 186.12 15.30 7.44 22.74 163.38 757 t e r t I David S, hberts 105.79 11.50 4.23 15.73 90.06 758 508.90 46.50 20.35. 56-83 442.05 %AY.Rou 4702.19 345.20 180.20 1.25 526.65 4175.54 LIQUOR STOR3 PATEOIZ Administrative - Frank Kiypley 178 . 94 5.80 9.16 12.96 165.98 L136 Laura Wright 102.25 15.40 4.09 19.49 82-76 -137 281 . 19 21 . 20 11 25 32.45 248.74 - TOTAL-LIQUOR PAmOItL 11503 8-90 4.60 13.50 101e53 138 5-11 19.81 108.00 ' 139 127.81 14-70 242.84 . 23.60 9-71 33.31 20933 107.36 124.62 74-13 71.57 115*03 26.26 518.97 1043 .OO . -0- 2.20 -0- -0.. 8.70 -0- 10.90 55 70 4.29 4.98 2.96 2.86 4.60 1.05 20.74 41.70 Motion by Palen and ' CLAIM NO, #717 718 -719 #5574 - &225 4226 14% 11/14/49 < ,\ Child, approving papent of the following Claims, vas seconded by carried: LLQlJoK'm TO: ljd; Phillips &Sons -.I .- ,1,183.76 Geo. Benz Sons - Zfrs t National Bank (Interest) $1,353.38 - f 1 Suburban Henn.Cy,Relief Board POOR FWD F-zK@ f 1 GEI(JERAL I?UND $ 4.50 Ral3h P. HGverson ..- - - 20000 -Don Devenney 4227 4228. 3:arl s&&l ' 7.50 8%. 14 1 $ 863.14 GARBAGE FUND 4229 Art. KO Petersen $1,166.87 .I - P41& FUND -. Western Underground Const, Co. $2,343..66 . 2.650.74 II It tI II * - - $4,994.40 -0 4231 Pursuant to I1Advertiseme& for Bids-Sanitary Trunk and Laterh. Sewers,lt published .. In Suburban Press, Hopkins, and- Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis , on October 27, and November 3, 1949, Affidavit of &blication for which advertisembnt was read, =proved as %o form, and placed on file, the following sealed bids were-opened, for construction of . -* Sanitary Sewer No, B-1-from Manhole in Exigtigg 2$" Sanitary Trunk Sewer approximately,650 feet West of 57th St', and France Avenue; thence generally southerly and westerly to Concord Avenue and West 59th Street Laterall Severs in Wooddale Ave. fron W.59th St. to 1~60th- St, Kellogg Avenue from 1149th St, to FT.62nd St, Orfii & Mariani, St. Paul, Minulesota !art Carlone, St. Pafi.3, Minnesota.- $66 ,857.73 ,52,408,70 - 69 &2*78 5P,322.10 86,640.65 Ves%ern underground Construction Co, , Mi&eapoL$s , Minn. Lametti 6% Lametti; St-. Paul, Minnesota Phelps Drake Company, Ninneapolis, Mim, Child m6vod for 5efekral of bids to Village ingineer for tabulation, by*'Willson and 6asried. . Petition dated October 26, 1949, signed by Carl M. Hansen, for pe&ission to $ace a nine inch culvert across Londonderry Road, at Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Tarkxood Knolls; was filed. ment _. * with report at next meeting, _. signatures, requesting extension of bus line from w,56th Street and 'wooddale, to ,7Oth StreeE and Bormandale Road, located to enter with petition filed by Miss bins, and-that the Village Attorkey be directed to draft the proper Resolution " for bus line. NotSon Clerk Haw$ho&e enteFed the meeting during the following discussion. Rrs. Pbdersen of the Minneapolis Lutheran City Mission requested permit to convert the old Shillinger Farm into a Borpe,for the Aged. matter, to the Plmtng Cbmmission for thei$ recommendation was seconded by "Tillson &i carried. , A delegation led by Mr.,Ray P, Millbrath, complained of the insanitary aad unhealthful conditions at 406 Adams Avenue, where there are unclean outside privies, and on which premises a trailer house is situated, Health Officer Campbell and the Village Fire Marshall be-reqps$ed.to inspect . these premises and present complete report to Council at the next remar Motion seconded - .. Pales moved foS inspectio? by Public Works Depart- Motion, seconded by Child .. and carriedt .. I Miss M.1. bins presented petitions carrying beiween ho and three hundred Paleg moved that every petition possible be seconded,by Willson and carried, - < Childrs motion, referring I " I Palen moved. that meeting; Motion seconded by Ravfihorne and carried, I - r Petition dated October 26, signed by Carl 14. Hansen, for permissich to dredge Lot 13, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls to a depth of three to. three and one-halT feet belor# present level', vas filed.- .WLson moved for referral of petition to Public Utilities Committee for their'report at.next regular meeting. Petition signed iy abutting property owners, for change of name of %no11 Driveu to 'South __ P arkwood Road" was filed, Hawthorne moved that petition be granted.subjec8 to check I by Azblic Utilities Comittee. The DqarZment of Public E%miner*s letter, advising of the Department's inability to cospTete audit of 1949 records at-this time, vas read and filed. Ioltz,King and Day's letter of November 1, advising of Pederal. Funds available for public -_ utilites-pluming by municipalities, vas read and filed._ votion seconded by Palen and carried. .- - Notion seconded by Child and caried, I .. &ewe of Minnesota.~.Turzicip~ities' letter advising of Planning Institute to be held qovember 18 -. and 19 and University of Ninnesota, vas read and filed, Idina Commercial Club's- communication of November 49 1949, requesting adoption of a %~O-&UT Parking Ordinance for the business district, including both sides of l.Iarket--Street , wi5h five-ninute parking and truck zones in proper places, vas read. Havrthorne mbved tba$ letter be feferred to Village &x Engineer and Village Attorney for the-drafting of. Ordinance to comply with the recommendations of the Club. Motion seconded by Paen .sad carried, In discussion, Attorney-llindhorst vas requested to examine the lav for definite provisions as to improper tyms, md also for trays of preventing delivery trucks from backing out of drivevrays into the streets. Attormy Plindhorst's letter, advising that the Village Council had no anthority to pay theVEdina-lJorn@gside School District an amount to be used to off-set loss in taxes resdtant to purchase by Village of the Vater Utiiities. notified-that pzyment equds $1,017.28, District be repested to return payment to the *Village. and carried. I t I 1 r Council was Willson moved tht Edina-Horningside School Motion ieconded by Hawthorne Letter from l*linneapolis CityPTorkhouse, no%if$&ng of the rate of $3.07 per day for prisoners, vas read, the Villzge Council, does'not favor payment to the City Vorkkouse- andt requests that all prisoners be sent to %he County JaU, Norningside' s letter, reqiiesting '$30.00 per month contribution for upkeep of branch library at @.myside and France, yas read. 'be notified that Pains Council believes a branch library should be located in Edba and is not Snterestea in GontributSng to one in Norningside. I'cillson and carried. Hawthorne moved thati Judges of I4unicipal Court be informed that Motion seconded by Pden"and carried. _- I - *1 s Eavthorne moved that Horniq&de Council Motion seconded-by - I r Petition for abatement of health menace existing at 5600 Xerxes Avenue South was filed. Office reported that Health Officer Campbell has visited the dwelling at this address, and finds sanitary facilities inssufficient, Havbhorne moved that owner be orderea +o Frovide legal sanitary facilities; Disdnssion vas had as to other habitations in khe Village vhich mw be unfit to~live in, &wthorne,moved directing Village Enzineer to check on any- buildings 1rhj.ch @e not fit €or habitation and bring report to next meeting. -. llotion seconded by Paen md carried. P-iotion seconded by Palen and carried. Two gentlemen from the T.Iapco Company requested pernit to continue operation of their gravel pit, in non-conformance vith Ordinance Prohibitjag Impounding of Tlater, Council /vas informed that the dyke cor;structed by this company for impounding of water had ' burst, and that vaker hd washed sand and rocks onto the neighbor's property, thus /'damaging it considerably. kch discussion was bad as to the best method of distrilmt- fng the water safely. what is necessary to do to sakely tiistribute vater, and tbt temporary permit be issued for seven dzyss operations in accordance with Engineer's recommenchtions, I-fotion seconded by Haythorne and carried, with ttillson voting No. - Palen moved that 'Pillage Engineer be instructed to ascertain The following Applicationi for Plumber* s License 'vere presented, -and were approved by motion Palen, seconded by Hawthorne and aarrfed: Varren F. Sirenson . - 6625 Morgan Ave. So. , Minneapolis Pd;PeteTs Plbg.Co. - 303&31st Ave. So. - I.hnea>oliS I-lrs. Karl El. Leute's-letter, reqnesting tht C6uncil bear part of cost of removing hydra$ from center of drivetrw at 4617 Edina Blvd,, vas read. Emthorne moved instructing Clerk to eqlain that Council will bear no pat of the cost of such removal. Notion seconded by Palen and carried. 2.43 11/14/49 "( .-' * The following list of Officials for December 6th Village Election was presented for approval of the Council: Judges: Mrs.L.A.Dgregrov, Ch,.- Clerks: Mrs. A.H. Se& Clerks:, Mrs, Clarice. Hollingstjorth DISTRICT NO. 2. * qu%es:, Mrs. Rassel Smith Mrs. S. HcCready, Ch. Clerks: &s. &?or& Jensen" Clerks : Ah. ?ora thy Chapat Mrs. E. F, .V@k - Yet to be appointed c > I t DISTRICT Nom2 ,* Jndges:, Mrs. Howard Vinson DISTRICT N0.1 Mrs. H.G. Weber r ' Mrs. Victor Irgens ~ Mrs, Herbert Drew . Mrs.-Al.. 'Mehr Mrs. W.C. Strmg Nrs. Arthur Rushay "" - DISTRICT NO; k Judges; .Mrs. C. 0. Mattson, Ch. - EIrs. Zvelyn Wohlrabe . Mrs. George Zipoy . Mrs. F. A. Schuss I . -. - f .I -. DISSICI ao. ' 5- c {udgey:, Mrs. J. C. Delaney - - Mrs. Robert-Vessey ' Ihs. I& 6. Amuadson, Ch. DIS!ERICT NO. 7 Judges: Mrs. Nellie Strate, Ch# - Mrs. Dorothy Obermeyer ' Nrs . Fred iiiison Clerks: Nrs. Hilda Holter - Mrs. Frances Somenberg , DISTRIC'P~ NO. 6 I I Judges: Mrs, JOG Hjort, Ch. qrs. Zeuis Jones - ~ < * Mrs. Old @e ~ Clerks: khs. $lo L, Modlin t - Mrs. Roy-Nybx . DISTRICT NO. 8 qudges: Mrs. Lois Louis, Ch. - - Mrs. ertrpde &ve Clerks: Mrs. H. McCraney ' Mrs, 0. C. Link Mrs. M,P; Stark t. - Hawthorne move2 that list of Electioi. Officials be approved, and t&t Clerk be authorized tocqpoimt additional. personnelcon an emergency basas. seconded by Palen md .carried. Mr. Smith presented proposed plan for Trunk Storm Sewer in Colonial Grove- Golf Terrace Heights,area. Pirsf regular meeting in lebruary, 1950. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and c wri ed. Motion < t Palen moved for tabling of this project unti; the .- Park Board's letter, dated November 11, requesting loan df $2,500 from Village General Fur,ra, said loan to be repaid at rate of $500 per yep plus interest, i:as read, Motion by Hawthorne, that sum of $2,500 be transferred to Park Board for purc-bse of Harvey Property, to-be repip at rate of $500.00 per year PLUS three percent interest, was seconded ,by tJillson and unanimouQy carried, Park Board's Bovember 14 request for grGt of $1,500 from Vi$lage 92eraZ Fund, for use in-maintaining additional skathg-rink,facilities, Was read.. Eoved that $l,5OO be granted for skating program, Motion seconded by Child and Hawthorne ' cmried, :, -I < < Trustee Willson requested that decision be made by Council as to possible Vacation of the unnamed thirty-ffoot right of $ray leading from France to Drew., between fhe Docken property and that ovmed 'by a Jewish Cemeterg Association.' Council to inspect location before next regular ;eeting, and report back at that time. - Mr. lfoehler repestea purchase of a llGraphotgpell--rnachine for making add-resso- graph plates, stating that price would be $495.00. of Graphotype in accordance with Mr. WoehTerl s r$commendation. Application by Xationzl Oytdoor Display Co., Inc.,c for permission to construct outdoor advertisSlng sign at; 4800-Vernon Avenue, was denied by motion Havthdrne, seconded by 1ri;Llson and-carried, said moiion resuiting fGom report tha.k pro; posed sign is within 500 feet of nearest dv~elling. Petition for sever service on ,Voodda.le and Kellogg Avenues, between Ir.58tg and W.59th _. Street, bras presented again, with a new signature, Havaornef s motion, settfng Public Hearing on Sanitary Sever in Wooddale Avenue-between Woodlaad Road and W.59th. St;reet, and in Rellogg Avenue .. between VJ.58th and Wo59th Streets for Monday, December 12, 1949, at 8:OO P.N,, was seconded by Palen and carried, There being no further business to come- before the Council, meeting was adjonrned Child moved for purchase Motion seconded t by Palen and carried. f .. , f at 11:OS P.M., by Motion Willson,