HomeMy WebLinkAbout19491128_REGULARlljBf49 WImS OF T~'RJ3GUU& NE3TING OF THEI EDIHA VJIJLAGE COUNCIL, HELD NONDAY, IiOVEKBEFt 28,; 1949, AI! 8~00 P& I L.1 coning late, as recorded belotr* .. . I). . Nembers answering Bollcall were Child, Ifillson, Palen and Cooper v$th Clerk Havrthorne .. . Health Officer Campbell and Fire P.Zarhhall Iditzel reported on their inspection of the premises at 4-06 Adams Avenue, . They recowended that the Village condemn. two buildings and remove &he .%railer. . Palea moved, to authorize Council to follov the. recompenbtions of the Health OfPicer and Fire l.larshal.1 and to instruc.t Vgllage Engipeer to take the nece'ssag steps- to car~. out these orders, Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Heaingdtreet Improvement No, 51t1., pblished in Suburbvz Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November 10 and 17, 1949, Affida~t of Public- ation €or which vas read, approved as to form, and alaced on file, President called public hearing on.p?oposed assessment for the cost of blacktopping a11,streelv in Creston. Hills Addition. against 8,013.75 assessable feet, or $1.78 per assessable foot, vas .read, I;liss Rary Ellen Cummins inquired about the, assessment amount, and method .of .assesspent ~ras elcplained to her, P[illson offered the followi6g Resolution and moved its adoption: I-lotion-seconded by Ifillson .and carried. I AnalFsis of Assessment, in total amount of $14.,2&,48, as There wereso objections, either or& or written, RESOLUTIOX ADOP2ING ASSESSlm BLACK'POPPING - ALII S'PREETS IN .S~EI! IMPROVEMEXI NO* 51, . . . CRES'PON HTW_flDITION 1- proposed assessment foc the cost of the improvement of the follqving streets: Ilooddale Apenue, all in Creston Hills Addition, by Blacktopping has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, ad notice has been published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November 10 and 17, 1949, thzt this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, now therefore, Bjl IT €?ESOLTED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each o$ the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the BELIT PURTHER RESOLVED that each assessient shall be pq,%%ie in e~ukl annual Zaagpaa Drive, Balfanz'Road, Creston Road, Dunberry Lane, Judqon Lane and assessment levied ag&nst it herein: I installments extending over a period,of five years, the first to be payablg on the first day of June, 1950; all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five sercent per annum. property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chqter Motion for adoption of the Resoluthon tras seconded by Child, and on Rpllcall there vere four ayes and no na3s, as follovrs: aye; and the Resolution vas adopted, Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the 65, Saws of E.Iinn. 1919, as amended. I - Child, aye; Paen, aye; Villson, aye; apd Cooper, .- mTE3pg- Village Clerk" &&- Jrzc --- Pa%li-c Heai'ing was next called on proposed assessment for blacktoppkg all streejis in Nirror Lakes Addition and including QDproximately 500 feet of entrance road from hterlachen BZvd, to *the Addition, purswm.fr to -"Notice of Assessment Hearinpgtreet Improvement No, 52," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ninn. November 17 and 10, 1g@, on file. Analysis of Assessment;.in total amount of $19,766.84, as against 10,611.59 assessable feet, or $1.86 per assessable fopt, vas read. objections to the assessment, either oral or written. fiesolution and moved its adoption: Affidavit of Publication of Notice was read, approved as to form and placed There vere no I'lillson offered the follovring RESOLTJTION AJXIP'PING BSSESSI.IENI! BLACKTOPPING AIiL S!EUETS IN NIRROR LAKES ADDITION AND INCLUDING APPROL 500 FTp. OF 21JTRANCE ROD FRO14 IN!L'ER- 1 S-I! INl?ROVI3!ENI! NO+ 52 t ' ' LACHE% BLVD. TO ;SAID ADDITIQN L x45 11 128 ' VEBREAS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of the follovring Streets: ofentrance road from Jnterlachen Blvd, to said adation, by BJacktoppipg has been duly filed vith the. Village Clerk and open to public inspectj.on, and notice has been published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on Hovember 10 and 17, 1949, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Cowci.1 has me-t at the tZme and place specified iq said notice, now therefare, posed assessment, !rhich is herebyseferred to andmade a part hereof, is hereby adopted,. and an assessment is her'eb? levied against e3ch of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parce3.s of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of laad is hereby found to be benefited in the anout of the assessment levied against it herein8 BE IT IjTJRT~RESOL~D that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual, installments extending over a period of five years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1950: all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum. Said gssessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified. concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Minn. 1.919, as ,amendqd, All Streets bn Mirror Lakes Additi-n and including ap-poximately 500 feet ( BB IT 3sElSOL~D by the Village C.ouncil of the Village of Edina that said $row C t Notion for adoption of the Resqlution was secqnded by Palen, ad on Rollcdl there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, age; Willson, aye; and e; and the Resolution was ad , In accordauce with llHotice of Asstpsineat Eearing-Street Improvement No. 53 ,I1 publishd in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November LO and.17, 1949, affidavit of publication for vhich was read, approved as to fom, and placed on file, the President called public hearing on proposed assessment for cost of blacktopping all streets in Parkwood Knolls Addition. There were no,objections to Che assessment as read--amount $14,120.16 as against 8,993.73 assessable feet, or $1.57 per assessable foot--althpugh, later in the evening, Mressrs, Brandt, McGrmdy, and. Reinhad questioned the amount of their individual. assessments, and were given these costs. adoption: ~ Villson offered the following Resolution and moved its RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSKEX% STRXET IMPROV3BE" NO. 53 BLACKTOPPING AJX S9REZTS IN PARKWOOD KN0T;LS BDIDIIION VHEEUUS propased- assessment for the- cost of the improvement of the f ollovr- ing streets: Road, Laada Lane,, Akers Lane, Rnoll D-Tive, and Stauder CirFle, by Blacktopping has been duiy-f iled with the 'Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notice,has been published in Suburban Prgss, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November 10 and 17, 1949, that this Cpuncil trill paps pponC said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council has met at the time ad p$ace specified in said notice, how therefore, BE IT BESOLTED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that s&d pro- posed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted., and an assessme& 2s hereby levied against each of the lots, pmts of lots, paeces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respective- ly set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levred against it herein: installments- extending over a period of five sr,ears, the first to be pwable on the firs% of June, 1950; alL deferred pyments qre to bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum. property thenein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Saw of Minn, 1919, as amended. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on RoLZchl there were four ayes and no nays, as follow: and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was aaopted. All streets in Parbrood Knolls Addition-Londondgrry Road, Parkwood . BE IT BURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in eqd wual Sa5d assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the I < c Child, aye; Palen, aye; '('Tillson, we;, 11 /28 /49 PursuaS.t; to IfSotice of Assessment Hearing4tree-i; Improvement 1To. 54,'l publishe& in Sulmrban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November.10 and 17, 1949, affidavit of pu*Oli- cation for which vas read, approved as to form, and placed on file, President called pu3la.c hesing on proposed assessment for cost of sid,evd.k repair at certain specified places in the Country Club District, as against 870 sayire feet, or $1.00 per square foot, was read, inquired later'in the evening as to the cost of the assessment levied.agains$ his popesty, and upon being informed that it vas $75.00, told the Council that he had had only 25 sqwe feet of new sidewalk constrpcted, Council agreed,to make this ckge before lewing assessment, changing Nr. Ifallst cost fron'$75.00 to $25.,00. PiilLson offered the following Resolution and moved ifsnadoption:, Analysis of Assessment, in amount of $870.00, Hr. J. R, T.rd.1~ RESOLU!rION ADOPTING ASsass1*ma 1 SZKEIEI! IMI?ROVB*EWI XO* 54 REP& OF S~DBWiK IM COU"J?Ff.Y 7- proposed assessment for the cost of the repair of s&detrd.ks in the Country r CLP DISZRICF Club District, as specified in assessment roll, has been duly filed with the Village Clerk-and open to public inspection, and notice has been published in Suburban P$ess, Eopkins, Ninnesota, on Bovember 10 and 1?7, 1949, that this Council will pass upon $Itid proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council has met at the time and place specified i;n said notice, now therefore, assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a pat hereof, is herebyadopted, and ap assessment is hereby levied kainst each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces uzd prcels of land described therein j.n the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the mount of the assessment levied against it herein: instZLImen%s extendirg over a period-of three years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1950; all deferred,payments aqe to be- interest at the rate of five Sercent per annum. property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chayte? 65, Lars of Nim. 1919, as amended, Noti& for adoption of the Resolution tras secoqded bJr PaLen, and on Rollcall there vera four ayes and no nags, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, -aye; znd Cooper, aye; and 9he Resolution was adopted. BE IT RESOLVED by the tTi1lage Council of the Village Qf Edina that said proposed 3N IT FURTEE% RESOLVU) that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual Said assessments.and interest shall be a lien upon the C -r *I ." 69 President of the Villa# Council Pursuant -to "Xotice of Assessment Hear-Street Improvement No .A4, 'I published in. Subnrban Press, Hoplrins, Himesota*, on November 10 and 17, 1949, affidavit of pu3li- cation for Th5ch. vas read, approved as to form, and placed on file,. Public Hearipg vas called on proposed assessment for the cost of Blacktopping Over Concrete on If. 50th Street from Prance to Ed.if~~Avenue. halysis of Assessment vas read, shoving totzl assessable cost; to be $3,849.90, as against 1,230 assessabFe fee$, or $3,13 per assessable foot, There veye no objections to the assessneqt, either oral pr vrritten. T'lillson offered the folloving Resolution and moved, its adoption: RESOLUTIOW AIXPTING ASSESSNEW - - S'PJREEI! IM?RO~I:i\.IENT NO. A& c I BLACKTOPPTNG Om COlXmE5lL 5OW. < S'PREEI! BE!WEEIT FRANCE &W HALIFAX - , AVS 1-s proposed assessmen% for the cost of the improvement of T'1.5Oth Street %elmeen HaliTaz and France Avenues by the laying of Blacktop Surfacing over Concrete has been duly filed yith the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notice has been published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November 10 and 17, 194.9, that this Council vri11 pass upon szid'proposed assessment at t.his present meeting, and thh council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, now therefore, assessment, vhich is hereby referred to and made a sat hereof , is hereby adopted,' and an assessment is hereby Levied ag;ainst each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcel2 of land described ,thereiri in the sums :therein resgectively set forth, and each of sdd tracts of lad is hereby found to be benefited in the anount.of the assessment levied against it herein: BE I'P'RESOLVED by the Village Council of the ,Villee of qdina that said proposea $41 lL/W49 payable on the first day of JGe, 1950; d.1 deferred payments are to bear BE IT FTJRT~~SOLV.ED that each assessment shall be payable in equd. annual installments extending over a period of.five years, the first to be interest at the rate of five .percent'per i~ll~l~m. shall be a lien uBon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Minn. 1919, as amended, Hotion for'adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there vere four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; aha Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. - (I ) Said assessments and interest Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, .I *I - & &- d President of the Village C Village Cierk r < Next to %e called was Public Hearing on proposed assessmen: for cost of grading and gravelling :Sherwood Avenue between El.64th and ET.65th Streets. of Publication of Xotice for Street Improvement No. C-3. was read, approved as to form, and placed on file, publication of notice having been made in Suburban Press, Ropkins, Ninn., on November 10 and 17, 1949. *Analysis of Assessment, in total amount of $727.98 as agzinst 1,213.30, or+$.60 per assessable fooG, was read. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Affidavit; There were no ob Sections, either oral or, written, Willson offered RESOLUTIOI~ ADOPIIXG &SESSM&TT STBEET! IMPROVBEENT fi0,C-J. ~ ' GRADING AND GRA.UING OF SHXRWOOD Am B&tKEZlT W."64TH AKCI I'T.65TH t S!I?JBBT!S r ?!EIZREAs proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Shemodd. Avenue between tJ.64th and W.65th Streets by Grading and Gravelling bas been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notice has been published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November 10 and 17, 1949, that this Council CS11 pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this' council has met at the time and placd specified in said notice, noti 6herefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council-of the Village of Edina that said hereby adopted, and an assessment i5 hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pgeces and'parcels of land described therein in the sums there- in respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: annual inst9lments extendSng over 'a period of three yea&, the first 'to be payable on the first day of June,' 1950; all deferred payments are to be= in6erest at the rate of five.percent per annum, shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Ninn. 1919, as amended. Motion for adoption of fhe Resoiution t.ras seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follow: ' proposed assessment, which is heieby referred to and made a part hereof , is BE IT FURTHER USOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal Said assessments and interest Child, aye$alen, aye; Willson, n vas adqpted. Clerk HaGthorne entered the meeting at this time. Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Hearing-Street Improvement No, 55," published in Suburbn Press, Hopktns, Minnesota, on November 10 and'l7, 1949, affidavit of publication of which vas reid, approved as to form, and placed on fixe, President called public hqaring on assessment for cost of Bldcktopp-lng W.48th Street (Hollywood Road) from Rutledge Avenue to 11. Line of Limbaclc Addition, *ad Oleyeland Avenue from B.&8th Street to N, line of Limback Addition. hdysir; of Assessment, in total amount of $1,691~46, as against 1,07ae55 assessable feet, or $1.58 per assessable foot, vras-read, or $mitten, ' There vere no objections, either oral Villson offered the folloGing RBsolution and moved its adoption; f S!BE?3T INI?ROVEIBNT NO, 55 BLACKTOPPING OF ' 17.48TH S!PREE'P i AND 6LETELw Am 1~A.S proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of the following T7.48th Street (Nevly named nHo21yvood*Road") from Rutledge Avenue to If. streets: Line of Limback Addition; and Cleveland Avenue from tl&3th Street to N. Line. of Limba& Addition by Blackkopping has been duly filed kith the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and-notice has been pnblished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Eimesota, on Zovember 10 and 17, 1949, that this Council vi11 pass . ygon said proposed zssessment at this present meet-, and this council has met zt the time and place specified in said notice, now therefore, BE IT E3SOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessFen3, vhich is hereby referred to and mzde a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment ii hereby levied against each of the lots, pzrts of lots, pieces znd parcels of land described thereh in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefitedin the-anount of the assessment levied against it herein: installmentq extending over a perior? of five years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1950; e21 deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five Sercent per annum. Said-assessments and interest shall be a lien unon the property therein specified concurren.tr .crith general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Lars of Ninn. 1919,: as amended, BE IT FuRTBHl RESOLVED-that each assessment shall be payable in equd aunuzil Notion for adoption of the Regohtion vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hmthorne, aye; and Cooper, "aye; and the Resolution VJZG adopted. Child, aye: Paen, aye; Tlillson, aye: .- //& President 'of the VilXafi Council Villdge Glerg I Mr. Verlfn Bdfanz, proprietor of the Edina Taxi Company, requested that 'the Cduncil allow installation of meters in his cabs, and that meters be set dt the rate which Ninneapolis cabs are alloved to charge--35# for first 1/Lc mile; log each additional 3.12 mile; log each three minutes of vaiting time. Considerable discussion vas had, during wuch Mr. Balfazlz eqlained the method of operation of 'the meters and stated that %he meters could be inspected. by Village officfals. folIoving Besolution and moved its adoption: c c Hawthorn6 offered the RESULUTiCOX AmEORIBING TAXI 'CAB METERS AND ES'J?BLISHING TAXI CAB RATES BE IT RESOliVED that, beginning December 1; 1949, t& ca% rates for the ViXlage of Edina be established at the following: r 35+ for first 1/4 mile lo$ €or each additional. 1/2 mile; 104 for each three minutes of waiting time. . BE IT I?ELTEEBRESOLVED~tha,t taxicabs be metered, said meters to be subject to inspection by Village officials, and to be sealed. . Hot3on for adogtion of gesolution was' seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as foElows: aye; and Cooper, =ye; and the Resolution .- was adopted. Child, aye; Palen, aye; I'lillson, aye; EwEhorne, \ ,/e- Village Clerk The matter of extending the bus service from 56th and Wooddale south and vest, again came before the C6unci1, vith some discEssion as to a committee to negotiate with Twin City Rapid Transit Company for said extension. offered fhe follotring Resolution and moved its adoption: EX!i?EXSION OF BUS SERVICE* ' WHEBEAS, the fdlloBing petitions foq bus service have been received by the *l. A petition carrying 97 signatures for extension of service from 56th Street and I'looddale Avenue to 62nd Street and Vooddde Avenue, and 2, A petition carrying 125 signatures for extension of service fron 621x1 Street ad Wooddde Avenue to 70%h Street and Normandale Road, and WEREAS, the Council of the Village of Edina believes that the construction of President Gooper appointed , Hessrs. 'Child, Paen, znd Havrthorne to serve on said committee; and Hawthorne t RESOLUTION AP'POINTI~G COI4NITTZE FOR Ediw pillage Cbuncil on November 14, 1949: . nevr homes in this vicinity justifies the extension of bus service in conformity with both petitions, 149 11/28j%g ' '' mol?, THEREFOIIE, BE IT RESOLVED !l?HA.T Messrs, Child, Palen and Hawthorne, members of this-Council, be designated as a committee tcr discuss the proposed #extension of service with officials of the $win City Rapid Transit Company, and that said Conknlttee is hereby authorized to take such action as it may deem appropriate to secure said extension of ser+ice, Notion for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there vere five ayes and no nays, as follows: 'Child, aye: Palen, aye;-l?illson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; .and Gooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Report tr&s made by Public Utiltties Committee on proposed installation of culvert across Londondermj Road, in front of Lots 6 & (7., Block 3, Parkwood Knolls, said tile to be installed by-developqof Par?mood.Knolls at no cost to Village, Villson and carried, With regard to request by Carl M, €bnsen for permission to dredge Lot 13, Block 5, Parkxood Bholls to a depth of three to three and one-hzlf-feet below the present level,. Engineer Smith reported that this lot is owned, by Mr, Haasen, and that it is to be part of his yard. r Motion seconded by Villson and carried, The recent request of Messrs. McGlynn and Hansen. for permission to change the name of ltEnoll Privefl to "South Palmood Bosh" was reviewed, with Trustee Child informing the Council that Mr. I-Iansen also wishes to cage the name of "Zlarada Lane" to %orth Parkwood Rosa" , fpr street name changes be granted. was brought out that saia changes would be confusing, Childts motion was lokit for want of a second. ParInvood Knolls remain as platted, ._ carried, . Child moved that installation be permitted, __ Motion secohded by ChLld moved that request be granted., I ? Child moved that Nr,+Hansenl s requests &ter some discussion, during which it Willson moved that the names of ~ the streets in Motion seconded by-Eawthorne and unan%&mxly .- The matter bf grading Ewing Avenue between 1?,58th and ~~60th Streets again cmbe before the Council, with newly obtained right-of-way easements being -referred to Villge Attorney V?indhorst for check and report at the. next - regula meetinge .. Council: * _* - Ihe applications of the following for Plmbergs License were brought before the Klugma Plumbing Company - 141'7 Prashington Ave, No. C.'A, Sandhoff - 102I.O Penn Ave. SO,, &hneapolis Minneapolis * Seer ascertaining tha6 applications viere in order, Hawthorne moved that applications be honored. Chairman of Public Utilities Committee Child,-reported ca bids taken for the construction of Sanitary Sever No, 51. showing the two 10t.r bldders as follpss- Mo%ion seconded by Child and carried. -+ . - - - 9abulation of bids tfas presented, Bart Carlone, St, Paul - $50,331*10 -- - -_- Vestern Underground Const, Co, , Minneapolis ,52,408.70 Chairman Child informed the Council that it is the opinion of the Nngineer and of the Committee that; in this case, Vlestem Underground Const, 00, is %he more responsible bidder,-inasmuch as Mr, Carlone is operating -on a very small basis-with insufficient experience, machinery and help to complete the extensive wet work this job entails. Underground Construction Go. , Minneapolis, in the Aamowb of $52,M8.70, be accepted, Motion seconded by I'fillson hd carried unanimously. Child moved 'chat .the bid of the tfestern The matter of the proposed village hall extension-fire station again came before the Council, with the President requesting that the office ask the School Board for a joint Council4chool Board Meeting to discuss this matter. Mr. Iindhorse repdrted that, with regard to the Benjamin Simpson petition to register title, there should be no difficulty in preserving the Village easemen%.. r- f r I ; . for Sanitary Sewer. Council revieGed November 18, 194 communication from Minnesota Department of Highways to Attorney for School Board, in which they rejected petition to 5nstal.l traffic control signals at Norhandde Road 2nd the new Pdina High School. Motion by Palen,-that Council contzct Highway Department for the 11/28/49 purpose of securing a "W-tkle Zoneiton Normandale Road from 50th Street io Palley View Bpad, and that office request that, if possible, repGesentatives of the Highvrays Department meet with the Council at their next re&= meeting, vas secollded by tlillson and carried. " President Cooper regorted the need for a street light at the intersection of State Highvw No,;100 qd Southvie.r;l Lane; and Mr, Villyon suggested installation of s :light at the.intersection of Kent Avenue and-HighTpy No, 100,. Motion by Child that these two street lights be installed vas seconded by Hawthorne and'carried4 Ur. Smith reported that he is awaiting petition for ornamental lights from lek. Tngolf Lee before doing anything further on the infornzl request made previously. .- Novernber 8th letter, by L.B. LaTmence, 4627 Arden Avenue, requesting the o_aer?ing of k9th Street between &$en Avenue ad thple Rea$, vas read. letter be filed, Child moved that I4otion seconded by Willson end carried. Novenber 14th request by 1.lidland National Bauk for designation as Edina depository for the year 1950, vas reviewed. first meeting in Jznuary. Hption by,Child, &rrying review of Minutes of Isfeetings of Octoper 24 and'November 14, 1949,. over to the next regular meeting, yras. seconded by Tfillson and carried. Atitorney Vindhorstts Qovenber 11, 1949,/with regard to purchase by Park Board of certain properties from Robert A. Harvey and Arline ffarvey, vas reviewed, by Hawthorne, coqfirming Councilfs. action of November 15, in issuing check in the. amount of $2,496.70 (a0.4232) for this pu$&ase, tras seconded by Tlillson and unanimously bqried. . - Council discussed the1 ;?reposed ordinance regulLting pzrking and turning vehicles in the - Pillage. PN ORDINANCE &vrthorne moved thak recgest be carried over to l.!otion seconded by Ifillson and carried. Letter Motion Bavrthorne offered the following Ordinance. and moved its adoption: REGuI;B'pING THE PARKSNG OF. VEHICLES AND 'PILF: IWTiTEFt OF 'PU€U?IJ!TG V%HICI$S ON VILLAGB S-FS ._ The Pillzge Council pf the Vill-&e of-jEdjna do orwn as follows: Section 1, -- 'Jhat dl previously enacted ordinances !relating to the establish- ment of parking time limits and the establishment of no-parking aFeas are hereby * r epeaied, - 1 Section 2,, That no person shall park zmy vehicle or permit it to stand upon any street of the Pillage,in yiolation of parkingfime limits as such time limits shall be esta3lished from time to 4ime JI~ re,solution of the Yillage Coupci&, r Section 3& That no person shell park any vehicle or. perm3.t it to stsad upon any street-of the Village in violation of the prohibition against park5ng in no- parking areas as such no-parking zreps shall be established from tine to time by resolutiion of the Village Council. - . Section 4,, That no yehicle shall be-turned so as to Teveyse its direction of travel on any Village qtreet by means of ys-ingpy drivemy opening upon such street when doing so ail1 involve the backing of the vehicle out upon such street. Section 5. Any person violating thd provisions tof this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ad shd; be punished by a fine of not more than One H&dred Dollars ($100) or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of Section 6, 'Phis orhnance shall take effect and be in force from &d after d not %o exqeeq niqetg-tgo) ,days, X' ** its passage and publication according to lavr. Notion for adoption of the Ordinance vas seconded by PzLen, gd on Rdllcall there were five ayes and no nzp,=as follows: Hwthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; 2nd the ... Ora ATTEST: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Ifillson, aye; - .- * _. Tillage Clerk 1-51 11 /28 /&9 I'lillsonts motion for payment of the following Claims and Pzgrolls tras seconded by Child and carried: CLAIM NO, 4233 4235 4236 4237 4239 4234 4238 4240 . 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4257 4261 4262 4263 4264 4065 427 0 4272 * 4274 4275 #4278 4281 4232 4283 . 4291 4298 4269 4297 : 4299 : 4300 . CLAIMS PAID NOVXNB~ 28, 1949 PhD TO' Wine Safety Appliance Coo lfarner Hadvrare Co, ' Young Fuel Co. C@S. H. Ploog Patricia Holland Suburban Hem. Cy. Review Gienn Johnson Const. Co. Regu$l$c breoso,fing Co, Cgty of MinneEpolis Iirle Signii Co, Inc, Ggodin Go. t'Jheeling Corrugating Co. Nqrell b Nichols Dqnald M&ay &ex Creighton . Rqsentrald Cooper Fi,res.Eone Stores (&orge I. 'slyan Underwood Gorp. Nglton A, Smithman !I!?.cM Cou6.t;ry Hardware Nqrthern States. Power Co. Mklle Y-Davi s Co . Reinhard Bros. '3-0. Xinneapolis Star 6 Tribune Amqxi.can Linen 510, Glacier Sand Be Gravel do, Northwestern Bell Tef. Go, IJorthern States Power 00. Brookside Service Victor Carlson & Son Jay If. Craig Go. Fred M. 'Hagen 3. C. Pfeiffei E. C. Pfeiffer - ' &pry V. Hitdhcock 8 Associates - - Nan.kat0 Mfg. -kO, - .- Total General. hd. 5575 Joe Smith 4250 , 11251 . ' 4252 < 4253 , 4254 4255 * 4256 . 4257 . 4259 . 4260 , 4264 . 4270 , 4271 , 4274 , 4281 . 4282 , 4258 4283 4269 4269 4268 Y2 l GENE1;RpL P"D I $ 72*19. r, 1.95 36.15 9.80 8.00 7.80 477.86 184.50 I 298.95 48 . 96 331.65 784.12 J2.00 10 00 63 25 79.10 25.29 2.97 24.00 11.09 28 .?O 8.62 106.30 470.63 6.00 207 . 00 7.60 56.55 4,62 . I 4-00 12.40 874.08 525.50 * 1,308.50 I 348.00 8.00 288,45 .I $6 ,75458 , The Blech Comp&y Hydraulic Jack ,6 Equipment Co, Su%uqban CGevrglet Co . Joe Smith Contractors . H, R. lo11 Go, HullyDobbs ; Inc. Leef .Bras., -In+ Fireqtone Stores eermack Co. Ijrookside Service Tom .& Country .Hardtrare Reinlpd Bros. ,C6. Philzips Petroheum Co. hertcan Linen Co. Northwestern Bell lelephone Cd. Brookside Service - Winngapolis Gas Compani .. Northern Staiei-power qo. -, ,. Miller-Davis Co, Northern StB,t& Power-Do. - ___ - - - - ^_- Miller-Dzvis Co. . .p - -- Distillers Distributhg Co, Famous Brands, Inc. Griggs, Cooper & Co, The E. M. Lohmann Co. EfcKesson & Robbins, Inc. Old Peoria Company, Inc. Ed, Phillips & Sons Co. Swiss Wine House Afheuser-Busch, @c . Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. Chaska Beverage Co. Coca Cola Bottling Company 0. M. Droney Beverage Co. Gluek Brewing Company Gold Medal Beverage Company. Ydnneapolis Brewing Company Norris Distpibuting Company Pabst Sales Company Purity Co., Inc. Rex Distributing Co. Seven-Up Bottling Company American Linen Supply Co. Carpenter Paper Co. Miller-Davis Co. Minnesota Form Printing Service Northern States Power Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co. State of Minn.-Liquor Control Commissioner Village of Edina - Water Department Village of Fdina EQUIPXE€?l! , I €lEWi?AL FUND $ 9,01 ,10.95 4. 00 4.50 - 6.67 54.84 10.24 .. 51 . 98 - 8.14 439.14 12.68 1.23 18 99 78.74 . 10.50 15 25 35.54. - 374.46 $1,146-86 LIQUOR FUND - $3 I 450 70 107.24 7,361 15 40.57 2 9 092 25 5, 070 29 127.20 67 040 92.29 60.75 51.04 253 55 181.35 33 50 948.40 67.56 125 . 60 67. $0 534 51 49.44 9.85 49.34 5.90 96,oo 39.37 u. 85 1.00 3.70 536.54 \ I u .' 252 i PAID Iy): Town Q Country Hardwse City Treasurer,. City of I.IinneapoIis Economy- Printers kkato Nfg. co. - Berg Farnham Co. Poekrangt Lwter 6 Fuel Ca. Gatemy !has. Go. Rorthern States Po& Go; Northwestern Bell 'Pel. Co, - $ 7.21- , 344.75 4266 4267 4775 4776 4277 4279 - 4280 ~ 4281 4.50 138 . 00 1-27 * * 4-56 11.72 ' 440.10 11.00 $ 969.11 Hian. Sand & Gravel 00. Construction Bulletin SubuTban Press Ashworth & Son - II * II Jay-tl. Craig Co. TePrg Excavzting Co. J, A** Dkens b Son &shwor$h & Son - .It 11- - .I1 - 11 .I1 ii m 11 !I J~~:PI. ~raig CO. - 3. 4, Pfeiffer - e. Po I *R,d 72.36 26 -80 89.20 104.00 45.50 639 90 555.23 670.76 405.08 246 08 14,003-09 * 2,547-19 ' 6,576.73 387 -50 '* 799 "$28,169 17 - 4273 42w 4285 4286 4287 4288 - 4289 4290 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4299 NET CLAIM BO. - 759 COm?cIL Gene Cooper 1 Bowe? Hawthorne bo. A, liillson Fred S. Child. Richard. G. Palen J. J, %gan - Johq Ti- Vindhorst Philip Neville &.- L.H. Cap3ell m:.€I~Is~Im * Sub-TOtzl Phil TI. Smith Gretchen Alden Bernice Johnson Patricia Holland Lethe tTiiFiams - Sub-Total * i!%GIfmERIBG ' Fred Sonsts - I!ilton 71. SniObman SubLTotaZ * POLIGZ DEPABTbIEia €@ding Dahl * Villiam S, Heydt h..llian V. Hoffmm sienry IkobZesBi Bert $1. '*'erf eEd Lloyd WeGary - Chzrles Ploog' Sub-Total * PAY TAX. DEDUC'P. DEDUCT. DEDUC'P. $ 80,OO 80-00 I. .- - PAT $ 80,OO , 80-00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50 00 100 s 00 75 00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50 .oo 100.00 75 00 .. a. 30 0 00 30.00 595.00 595 00 768 769 770 775 772 254.50 29.80 2.75 8.00 40.55 213 -95 163 60 15.90 2-75 6-54 25.19 138.41 127.81 10.50 2.75 5.11 18.36 109.45 76.69 7 0-40 3.07 10.47 66-22 76.69 7 *4Q 3.07 1004? 66.22 ?LOO 8.25 25.79 105.04 594.25 3.w 2-75 5.32 11 .&7 1zf .46 166-16 16-50 - 6.65 - 23-15 143.01 .* 699 29 132.93 299-09 19.90 2-15 11.97 34-62 264.47 773 774 14.10 2.75 6.07 8-80 2.75 5.66 7.60 2.25 - 3.20 2.75 4.19 8,80 2.75 - 5.66 8-20 2.75 5-46 1a.92 775 94-67 776 124.41 777 124.41 778 1200 OY 779 123,65 780 99.14 781 815.29 151 . 84 104.81 141 . 62 14~62 136.50 133.50 913.16 103.27 22-92 LO . 14 17-21 17-21 16.43. 9.85 4.13 97-87 50.70 26.00 31.17 Continued on Next Page c STFZXT ICE€T-REGULPR Philip Bailey Pete Dahlgren Matt Merf eld John Trzcy Harry Jonas gthur .Jensen Ronald Port C. I/. Cardarelle Wayne Tracy JosephINat ole Sub-Totd SWT i'BIV-HOURLY Charles Johnson_ Jacob Shqak . lrilliam H. Kel1 Paul tJ. Boo@ Sub-To td l/ATER DEP.AR!JMEIT!I Bernahqd Woehler Samuel Roberts David Roberts Sub-TO tal. GRAI(TT, TOTAL-PAYROU -. CLii153 11/28f&9 "' 'lr GROSS VITH. HOSP, RETIBE. TOTAL NET * PBY $150 -82 ,138 04 140 . 58 127.81 127 . 81 127 . ai 127.81 132.93 122.70 TAX. DEDUCT. DEDUCT. BEDUCT. PAY NO, $, 5.80 $ 6.03 $ 11.83 $ 138.99 782 , 12.30 2.75 .- -5*52; , 20.57 . 117.47 783 8.80 2.75 5.62 17.~7 123.~1;2 784 2*2Q 2.Z5 5.11 I 10.06 ca~7.75; 785 6.40 2.75 5-11. 1.426 113.55 786 2.20 2.75t 5-11 10.06 117.?5. 787 -03 2-75 5.11 7.86 119.95 788 11.47 121.46 789 3-40 2075 5.32 14.10 2.75 4.91 21.76 ~00.94 190 .- L22.70 9.90 2.75 4,91 17,56 105.14 792. 1319 02 65.10 24.75 k! 142.60 1176.42 52*75 - 116.97 gd20 2.75 4*68 16.65 100.34 792 122.70 1.60 4.91 6.51 116.19 193 94.07 10 . 00 3.76 17.76 80.31 795 437 . 22 23.70 3.50 17.49 46.69 390.53 103.4% 2-90 2.75 4.3.4 9-79 93.69 794 191 . 72 15.90 2-75 7.67 26.32 165.m 796 102.25 11 . 20 4.09 15.29 86.96 798 434,56 35*90 5-50 17.38 58-18 375.78 140.59 8.80 2.75 5.62 17.17 123.42 797 4697.34 26630 62.75 156.55 485.60 4211.74 LIQUOR STORE PAYROI;E;NOVJ3MBER 15-30. IW C. 7.16 - 12,96 16588 146 ~~IIIJISTRATIV% ?aura TTrtght 102.25 15 . 40 4.09 19,49 82.76 147 Frank; KippZey 138.94 . -3;BO Sub-To t 21 281.19 21'20 1x025 3 2.45 248 . 74 SEUING-RBGUUR Zdj+d Itpal 115 03 8.70 * 4.60 13.50 101.53 - 148 Gyrus Uewier 127 81 14. 70 5.11 19.81 108,oo 149 . IOTAII PAXROLL 524.03 44.80 20 -96 65.76 458.27 - s~b-T~.t;aL B@.%4 23 . 60 9.71 33.3l '2O9*53 -- Not ion by 'Halqthosne , directing the .Village Treasurer to secure the June tax settlement from the County Auditor -- and deposit it to Village account, vas Attorney #in&orstts letter of Bovember 15, regarding the proposed straightening of the Golf Terrace Horseshoe, vas revievred. iaid over' *to next 1: eMar meeting, A representative of the llapco Company asked permission to continue in operation. council informed him that there is no objection to the companyrs continuins to operate if they will do so in accordance with specifications lgid dotm by the Village Zngineer,' Nr. S mith reported that Minneapolis is planning to require a performance bond from all Christmas decorators. inform the Minneapolis co$ncil that Edina agrees with such ordinance and would be pleased to see copy of sqne when adopted, was seconded by Palen and carried. *. seconded by Willson and carried. * .. -* No action %&en as matter was - ,/ Motion by Hawthorne instructing llr. Smith 'to Mr. Oscar Grant presented Section 9, 9ovmship 116, near 72nd Street. referred to the Village Attorney for his report at the next regular meeting. Mr. T'lindhorst reported that the Village Council has the power to condemn land for right-of-way purposes, if it sees fit to do so, but that it has been the precedent not to t&e such action in the-dase of only one interested proPerty obmer; that rights-of-wax have been &ondemned only th serve as, hrwstreets, et c. Fire Chief liditzel rqorted that a fire indpection is being made of the business buildings; that Gambles and the Municipal Liquor Store are the offenders to date, vith cartons piled up before their exits; that they will be given notice to remove these hazzrcs. There being no further business to come before the Council, Hawthorne moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Villson curied, Meeking adjourned at 10:20 P.M. petiiion for the 'laying ,of a road in Lots 2 and 3, tfiilsonmoved that pef;ition be 1 r ," Village Cferk