HomeMy WebLinkAbout19491212_ADJOURNED12 13-2 /49 Notion for zdo?tion of the Resolution vas seconded'bF Palen, .a& on sRollca.ll there were fire s?;ries and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye: Villson, zre; Hmthorne, aye; zlld Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vd *. ado;ated, ." President of the Village Council i .. 3 Discuss%& vrm h& as to possibly restricting parking along Xden Avenue at the site of the Grange Hall, with Mr. Palen w&voca%ing p&cing on one side of street only, near both Grange and Legion Hdls. consensus of opinion vas tht it Gould be better to viden the street right-of-way No 3orm.d' action vas tdzen, but tha to attempt to enforce parking' restrictions in th+ locality. - 2he matter of Closing Hours for those restaurants and stores havinglieenses to sell beer cwk aefore the Council. directed to study Villzge Ordinances,and State Statu%es regiiLating closing hours, and, if necesssy to prepse an ordin.znce covering closing of estiiiilishnents at Havthorne moved that Village Attorney be 1:OO A.W. ." - Afitomiey Bindhorst reminded Council that several sign. licenses have beell issued to expire Janusry 1, 1950 ordinace. Hzwthorne-qoved directing Village Office to send notices to all affected sign oymers, notifying them of eviration of license term and infoxking then that it is the intention of the Village Cohcil to enforce the Ordin-mce; that each dw a si@ is maintained after Janu&y 1, trill be considered a separate offense, There being no further busidess before the Council, Child moved for adjournneat, said adjourment being to Ihursday, December 29, 1949, at 9:Od A.H. , as per previous notion. Motion seconded bg-Eavtho?ne and carried. K-leetinfr; adjourned because of their non-conf o'mznce with . - d - at 11:35 P.R. -. . Village /!,/&A- Clerk 1 I =. 2.ImES OF THE ADJODRNED PORTCIOIT 03 TEE Members present vrere Child, Billson, Pden, kwthorne ad Cooger, 3Enutes of the Re,d& Heeting of Bovbmber 28, 1949, vere a3proved as submitted, 3y Xotion Child, seconded by ITlillson and carried. Pursmt t6 "Advertisement for Bids-Sanitary Sewer District No. 24, '1 published in Suburb= Press, Honkins, Minnesota, and in Construc$ion Mlet%n, Minneapolis , ?.hnesota, Affidavit or" Publication for vrhich-tms read bg Clerk, approved as to fora znd placed on file, fhe following sealGd bids were publicly opened and read for the constmction of sanitary sever main and appurtenances *in l'loodd-de -4venue between I'ibodlmd Rozd and "lest 59th Street , and in Kellogg AvBnue .. between Vest 58th and Vest 59th Streets: $13 793 -37 $14,;?5k.o3 $12 , 474.167 PheXps-Drdze Coqpny, &.nnea3olis Bezton &Kelly, St. P&Ul DeGraff 'tlolff; St. Psd i'lestern-uidergroiind Const, GO. , Minneapolis $14,246.70 $11,602.61 Lametti & Lmetti, St. Pad Childmoved th@ bids be referrecf to the Pillage Engineer,for taimlat~on and report at the next re,dar meeting.' Notion seconded by trillson and carried. Office resorted willingness of -'Donald H. Haeg to deed the TJorth Thirty (3O)Feet of the SouShEaot Qwrter of Southvest Qwter of Sec.l9,B~p.28, BmQe 24, for street; right-of-wy , providing Village Trill establish and maintain grade across a%ove nmea property, for extension of !r.both Street; removing ?resent fence to new property line. Hawthorne moved that agreement be aFproved, a5d that Attorney Vindhorst be exmowered to sign aireement-for the Village of Edina. . Palen moved for payment of the following liquor claims. and carried, CLAIM NO. PAID TO: LIQUOZ FUND L785 Geo,Benz & Sons 665.72 " I. Notion seconded Kotion seconded by Willson by Billson znd carried, -. L78.4 Ed Phillips SC Sons Co. 41,895*38 L78S Ne'.'J.Bell Telephone Coo llA5 12/29/49 ' 167 Pire Chieffs recommendation, that the Village disallovr Claim No. 4382, by City of )fimeapolis, for fire service to a Xerxes Avenue resident within this Village, amoun% $295~75, vas made. It vas ascertained that the ginneapolis Department had been supunoned by a Minneapolis resident, md not "by any of the authorized Edina officids. Pd.en -moved that Village Council follow Chief Mitzel' s recdrnmendation and decline to m&e paykent of .. claim. - Motion seconded by Rasfthorne and carried Pden moved for payment of the follovring Claims. and carried. CEAIM i Notion seconded by Tlillson ' JJJfOrnT 1 ,554.96 ' General +d Vi1 .Share Cons t . (1949) 8,250.21 .EngrS b CGr. (1748) . 399.37 4459 General ..Fund P.I.R. wd b460 . deneral md P,I.P*. Fund gngr; 6 Cler. (19491 pl 9,477.49 TO: FROM: FOR: . NO. __ Qb.55- Sever District Mo. 9 eenerd Fund Loan (Bonds) $2 , 395 058 1 4457 P.I.R. Fund- f General bd Oil . Share Cons t . (1948) 1,115.73 4456 WaCerworks Fund General-+d Repaynent of Amt. Paid , in lieu of Qaes . 4458 . P.I.R. 4461 Generzl Fund P.I.R. hd Ind, Sm; Sever : 38.16 4462 Ecpipment Rental Fund P.I.2. Equip.flent (19-48) 43.50 M63 P.I.R.Bond Skg.Fund No.1 P.i.B. int. on Bonds ~ 79.4.8 4465 - Peder Nickelsen _I P.1.R. *a Come c t ion Charges 643 6 33 44611 P.I.R.Bond Skg.&d No. 2 P.1.a. Zuild ht. on Bonds 571.88 4466 P.I.R.^Fund^ Slrg.Pund 91 Int. 8: Serv. Chgs. Skg,&md #2 Int. b Sem: Chgs. 4467 cP.1.R. Fund 4468 General -Fund &-i$.Rental .. Refuna 6n %quip. 3008.10 1692.00 34 . 45 4469 SeiIer Rgntal Fund Equi$.R&tal - Refund of OverpaTJment 150.65 4470 Pquipmeni Rent_al. Fund Gat erworlcs Equip.Rent&. (1948) J.5 , - It , 600.60 4471 Generd Fund .. 4472 Jobn A.Coan,Postmaster Waterworks Envs $150 .oo f Sewer Rent. ,, 75.00 f c 7S.dO ' 300,oo -- - I . frat e rwo rks Clerical -*$1,800,00 Sewer Rental Garbage Fund -u 600.00 3,000.00 ~. .. .. "b . COLI -- 5596 Sewer Dist. No. 15 Sewer Dist .#5 . 6y.Aud.Error 142 . 21 5597 Genera$ Fund Sewer Dist.#lg Repay%ent of Loan 118.79 - w73 Relief Assn, . Generai FW~.) Ins. Premiums ~ 2,781.48 .. Bdina Volunteer Piremen's ) 'Pax Settlement OfZice reyorted to Council that the following Special *Assessment Funds have swfficient cash balances and-accounts receivable to redeem outstqding bonds, and recommended that de2erred levies be cancelled: - Sanitary Sewer Districts Nos. 5 and 2 Water Main Improvements Nos. 1 and 2 IIC Hawthorne offered the f olloving Resolution and moved its adoption: SOLUTION CA3CELLING SPECIAL ASSESSIW-T lEi3lEAS, the Village Cou6ciif:of: the-Tillage of Edins has determined LEVIES that the following Special Assessment FGds"are and t.ri3.1 be able to redeem all outstanding SeCer tlarrants and t'later Main Improvement Certificates of Inde&dness against said - respec5ive funds, -. without ^benef it of further Special Assessment Levies, Special- Assessment Levies- be cancelled: - - NOtr THEREFORIZ, BE IT RESOLTED by this Council th& the following Swita5y SeGer District No.'5-@That levy cgrtified in 1949, payable in Sanitary Sever kstrict No, 7 - khat levy certified in 1949, payable in gater Main Impr&ement No. 1 - That levy certified in 1949, payable in 1950 1950 1950; and, That levy to be certified in 1950, payable in 1951, 1950; and, That levy to be certified in 1950, payable in 1951. ._ Water Wain Imgrovement No. 2 - That levy certified in 1949, pw'able in .- BE IT FTJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Auditor be authorized and directed to make. such _-- capceJlation - and delete such I levies from his records, Motion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were 3ive ages and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, - aye; '(;Tillson, aye: the .- Resolution was adopted. . President..of the Village Council I I The Council vas notified of the death of Edire 2ioneer Jsfmes !I!. Delzmey, a mem'oer of its adoption: - - .( the Village Comcil for many gears. Child offered the SoliovinS Resolu6ioo ad moved - RESOLUTIOIT II-IE DEATK OF JAMBS 'I. DELHmY BZ IT XGSPL~D b.j the Edina'Villee couricii, tLt this Ciiuncil, recognii- ing the work pd 73Ub&ic_szirited endeavor in behalf 02 the Villqe of Edi-aa by Nr. James '2. 13el~e?,'2Past-PresSdent-of the Village Council , and Membk of said Villzge Cqunc;1 for many years, tender to the vife and family of ZJr. Delaney its 'deepest' sppathy at the time of' his passing, I.l&So< for ado$ion of the Resolution vas seconded by tTillson, and on .., Ro1lcall there wFre five ares Gd no nays, .as follows: H?vthorne, a3e; an+ Cooper, we; a& the Resolution vas adopted. ._ I. 1 .. Child, aye; Palen, aye; Villson, .are; 3.. -. ..* .-. .. :resident of the Village Council ... ... -* ..I 1-k. Child moved that, if it "be in order, floqrs be $ent to ihe Delaney family. Xqtion s6condt$ by Ifillson ad carried. 14;. MilZson rqsortei that a:girl, vorki& as a. maid at 4612 Woorh-id Avqnue, had contract diphtheria ad is not7 a patient at Hinneapolis General Hospi&L, 'at the r9te of $17.00 a day, because no other ho$pital will take diphthFria csses. Kr. l'lillson explained tkt Hr?. Csx$ran of the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Office is investigatzng the cEse, believes that the girl has,not yet gsilzed legal residence in Nimesota, ,ad'will atter@t to collect from the State of ViGconsin, if possible. No action takftn by Council. Ap@cationAb$ Stznfey 'Pit%&, 3846 Polk Street, Winnea~olis , TI~S a>proved, subject to apFlicantfs securbg repired recommendztions and bonds , by Notion Palen, seconded P&sident Cooper reported to Coucil' that he had signed coqlaint against a Clarence Jc$mspn for disorderly conduct; and that said Clarence Johnso$ is a mrd of the State. - ., - @J (j'&~~-bf-- &P-&' .. - b~r Haxthorne, '2nd carried, . I .. - There being no further bminess to come before-the Council, Willson moved for adjourFent, Ebtion seconded by Hawthorne an .. I. I f