HomeMy WebLinkAbout19491212_REGULAR12 /12 /49 r r MINUTES OF T€lE EXGELAR MEETING OF TEl3 EDINA 'VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, 155 DECEMBER 12,' 3.949, 8:Op .P.M, -AT-T€E EDINA 'VfLLAGE HALL .. (. Nembers answering Rollcall -vrere Child, ifiiison, Ehvrthorne , and Cooper, with Palen coming late. Fire Chief.E.litzel asked-for time to check further into'the claim of the City of Minneapolis, in amowat of $295.75, for fire service' rendered October 15, at 54x6 Xerxes Avenue South. He stated thatdthe Ninneapolis department had been summoned by MinneaFolis besidents who observed the fire, but tht he WZshed to check *further on the number' of men at the fire 'and the time merit there. It .I - .. - was decided to vrithhold-approval of check until Mr. Hmthorne moved for approval of Minutes of Neetings 14, 1949. Petition bs Gmar Johnson, fo'r' permission to allow Motion seconded by I'lillson and carr.ied. .I Witzel gave 2urther report. of-October 24 and Bovem'ber the 5o-foot dedicated street known as Cleveland Avenue, in Limbackdddition, to remain in lawn wltil'such time as there is necessity for- opening it, was read, seconded motion, t&t Mr. Johnsonts request be granted, Motion seconded a& carried. street at any time, upon 30 days' notice by the Council, Publication in the matter of the a@ication of aale and Elelvim Green-to register title to certain property in Sec.31, Twp.28,-R. 24, vas referred to Village Attorney Windhorst, by motion Dhild, seconded by Willson, and carried. Application by Northvide PlumbZng and Heating ComGany, a1751 Plymouth Avenue No., ' for Plumbers License , was approved+by motion -Hawthorne; seconded by Child and carried. - I Office reported that State Public Zxaminers recommend emcellation of several- delinauent -water bills which are uncollectible. ing bibs be cance1led:- Child moved and t'Jilfson &Ir. Johnsont s .petition specifically stated that he trill open 'the - - .. I " Hawthorne moved that the follow .% - - Mrs. Lomaine Wilson-5525 Brookvievr Avenue - $10.94 J.L. -- Hilts', 495 1'7. 56th Street. Motion seconded by tfillson aiid carried. , Child moved. for payment .of the follovring VilEage PayroEls: Willson and carried. I 3'. B. Long, 4529 W. '56th Street .. . f 2:; .. .- Motion seconded by - - LIQJJOR STORE PAXROLL FOR.DECEMBER 1 TO 15. IXC.: 1949- - GTOSS 'I'IITHHOLD. RETIFf3. TOTAL K5T CLAIM - - -pAmoa- -- $&- ..- NO ' cb---. -"DEDUCT. DEDUCT . PAYROLL ministraiive Laura !;right 102.25 L5.46 4. 09 .19.@9 -82.76 . 151 Prank Kippley $i28;94- '$$.80- ' $736: $165.98- I 150 Total Adm. $281 19 $21 . 20 $11.25 $32.45 $248.74 - Gyrus Alexander 127 . 81 14.70 5.12 19.81 108.00 Total Sellg;-Reg. . $242,84 $23.60 $9.71 ( $33.31 $209.53 u~e~lined~xtrq (November) , I. - . 1 Harry Casey . $121.72 7*67 7.67 184 . 05 Pa13 Pigsher 56.24 2.25 2.25 53 099 fTeil McGraw 31.95 1 . 28 1.28 130.67 ~ Total .Sellg4Extra. $481.22 19 025 19 25 $WL. 97 Grd.Tcrtd-Sellg 724 . 06 $23.60 28.96 52-56 ,671.50 Chas. Bates I 110.56 4.42 4.42 106.14 John @&len 90 75 3.63 3.63 87 12 Grad Total-Payroll !LOOS.25 44.80 40.21 85 01 920.24 - LIQUOR STDRE PAmOLL FOR DECEEW 16 TO 32. INC.4 5949 c ..- - $12.196 $165498 159 . ~. 4- Administrative Frmlc KipFley $178.94" * $5:60' - ' $7.16 kmra !{right * 102.25 154w 4.09 19.49 82.76 . 4.60 Total*Adm. * $281.19 $21.20 $i1,25 $32.45 $248.74 161 Cyrus Alexander * , 127.81 14.70 5 . 13. .19.81 ,108.00 162 Selli~G~Re.aiLa,r * Edvard Ryan $115.03 ' $8.90 ' $4.60 $13 50 $101 53 Total *Sellg-Reg; $242.84 $23.60. $9.71 $33 . 33. $209.53 Grmd Total-Payroll &524.03 $44.80 $20.96 $65 . 76 $458.27 I I VILLAG3 Z.&Y'ROIIII, DECB4€YEZ 1 TO 15, 1949, iRC, 82 OVER'PIME SOR NO'KlB43ER. 194-9 " 256 4 moss #i!l$HQLD ?JE!iXEIX. TOTG 1QT CLAIM i PAnOG- .--. . $AX* .- .- : DEDTJCTp. ".C . I 1 DEDUCT- PATROLL NO, ' ministrative Phil, IT. Smith $254;50 $29 ;80 *$8.00 $3? . 80 $216.70 800 Gretchen Alden ,163.60 , ~5~90 <I 6-54 22.44 ,141,16 801 Bernicg Johhson 188-78 20 10 7.55 ' 21-65 161.13 802 pelene FFeeman 102,25 11.20 4.09 . 15.29 86-96 803 Patricia Hollmd 13.1 20 12 *4-0 4. 45 16 85 94.35 804 Lethe G, !lillims 125 00 14.70 ,5-w 19. 70 I 105.30 805 $ura ?[right 80 1.58 . 38 32.19 806 Enaineer jag I Fred Jonas 8132.93 . ' 3.M 5.32 8-72 $124.23. 807 I!iitoq Snit- 166-16 16.50 6.65 23.15 143.01 808 Police aepartment Hildiag DaM $151.84 $14.10 ' $6.07 $20.17 $131.67 809 Wi1liam-S. Ee@t ,104.81 , 3-20 4.19 { 7.39 , 97.42 810 iIi1lian Tj.Hoffman 1-41 . 62 ,8.80 5.66 14.46 127.16 811 Yert 1.1. Nerfeld 136*50 8.20 5-46 13 . 66 . 122.84 813 r;iAyd 3fcGary 133.50 7.60 7.66 125.90. 814 @.arles Ploog 103 . 27 4.13 4-23 99.14 815 Street P.I-en-Xe,gd.ar , Ph3.ip BEtileg $149-52 '$5.80 . '$5.98 $11.78 $137.74 816 Pete Da$lgrt$n ,138.04 12-30 ,5*52 * ,1?-82 ~ ,120.22 817 ai. J - Neril^eld 142-80 8.80 5072 14. 52 128.28 818 John Tracy 131.13 230 5-25 8.05 123-08 819 Arttmr Jensen 124.87 2.20 4.99 7 -19 117.68. 821 C -V. Cardarelle 142.13 h.60 5.69 10 8 29 131-84 823 gape Tracy 135 -40 15.90 5 m42 21.32 114.08 824 JoSepl;i flatole 122 . 70 9-90 4.91 .14.81 107 . 89 825 Ch&rles Johrzson a ~ '$126.97 ' $9-20 $4.68 ' $13.88 ' $i03.09 . -826 Street Hen-HourLs fhi~ H, Eel1 103.423 2.90 4. 14 ~a.ul~ 71;. Boob ao1*1'7 10.90 4.05 14.95 86-18 829 . Sub2o'cal $W.28 $24-60 $17.78 542.38 $401.90 !20T&-GBXEElAL FUND $$Ol.gl $274-90 5T52.34 $427 -24 $3574-07 ,Bernwd __ Woehler .$191.72 . $15.90 $7.67 ' $23.57 '$168.15 830 Sarrmel J, Roberts ,168.77 12.90 ,6.75 ,L9-65 ,149,12 831 G~rn TO[CIY;-P.AYROL& fJW67.59 $314.20 $170.99 $486.19 $3981,&0 - I SUb-TOid '$938:; $10;:90 $37.21 $16-11 $837 -79 Sub-Total. $299-09 $19.90 $11*97 $31.87 $267- 22 I aenrjr Vrobleski 141 . 62, 8.80, 5-46 14-26 127.36 812 ' Sub-'Potal $913 16 $50 .?a $30 97 $81 . 67 $831 49 3&y Jonas , 127$81 6 &I 5.11 11.51 116.30 820 &onad 'Port 145.48 T.10 5.82 6,92 138.56 822. II $1359.88 $6930 . $54.41 $124.21 $1235.67 . .- Sub-Total w. 1 ,i.60 ~ , 4+91 641 ,116.19 827 7.04 96.44 828 3acob Sm ,122.70 Vater Department .) *I *I - subedtd . S466.28 $40 .I 30 $18.65 $58.95 $L60?.3? David S. Roberts 105.79 11.50 4.23 15.73 90.06 832 kinis &.tiye Phil. Sr&$h .... 1.$%?!$.50 $ 29.80 $ 2.73 $ 8-06 $ 40.55 ' U3.95 842 Gretchen Alden . .163.60 15 99 2.75 I, 6*5+ , 25.19 *138.41 843 Bernice JbZvzson 127 . 81 ' 10.50 '. 2"75 5.21 18,36 l09,43 844 Eelene J?;ekem% 102.25 11.20 1.23 4-09 16.54 85=71 patricia Hol&md 76.69 7 *40 3.07 10 . 47 66.22 846 .I $?24*SS $ 74.89 $ 9.50 $26,8i $111:13 $613.74 1 I f. I, 12/12 /49 GROSS IlIICHEIOLD. HOSPo RETIRE. TOT.AL ItEiI! WT- PAYROLL TAX. DEDUCT. DEMJCT. DE9DCT. PAmOLL Bn!yino or ing Bred Jonas $132.93 . '$ 3.40 $ 2.35 $ 5.32 $ 112l-7 $ i21.46 Mil. t on Smi than 166.16 16.50 , 6.65 23 . 15 143.01 Subllotnl $299.09 :$19.90 $ 2.75 $11.97 $ 34.62 $ 264.47 Police Demrtment Hilding Dahl $151.8& 'ip4,~o 8 2.75 $ 6.07 iii 22.92 8 i28.92 jh. S. Hyjdt ,104.81 -, 3.20 , 2.75 , 4.19 ,. 10.14 , 94.67 Bort 14,Merfeld 136.50 , 8.20 2- 75 5.46 1.6.41 120.09 Lloyd McGay 133.9 " 7.60 2.25 9.85 123.65 SUb-lo t d. $933.16 $50.70 $16.00 $31.17 $97.87 $8l5.29 Urn. V. Hoffmzn 141.62 . 8.80 2.75 5.66 17.21 124.41 Henry llrobleski 141.62 , 8.80 2.75 5.66 17.21 124.41 Chzrles Ploog 103.27 4-17 4.13 99.14 Philip Bailey $150.82 $ 5.80 "$6i03 $11.83 $138.99 Pete Dahlgren ,138.04 , 12.30 $ 2.75 ,552 p.57 , 117.47 DIoJ .Merf old . 140.59 8.80 , 2.7.5 a 562 17.17 123.42 ?oseph Natole 122.70 9.90 2.75 I f4.91 17.56 105 . 14 Straot 14en-Rehdar , r I John Tracy 127 . 81 2.20 2.75 5-11 10.06 w*75 Hirrg Jonns . I 127.81 6.40 -2.75 5.11. 14. 26 113 55 Bonds Fort . 127.81 2.75 5.11 1 7.86 1x9 . 95 C .I[. Csdixre1l.e 132.93 3.40 2-75 5.32 11.47 121 -46 - Sub-!i?otal . $1319.02 $65.10 $24.75 $52.75 $142.60 $1176.42 Jacob S@& . 127 -81 2.20 5.11 7 033, 120.50 WilLiam H.KeJ1Z 103.48 2.90 2.75 e 4.S4 9.79 93 . 69 !J!O!ULG~ 'EUND 4293.4.5 F34.80 38.50 $40.39 p33.69 3859.76 Arthur ,dens en , 127 . 81 2.20 2.75 * 5.13. 1.0~06 117 75 Vayne They . 122.70 14. LO 2.75 4wgl 21.76 100.94 Cbclrles Johns.on 116 = 97 9.20 " -2.75 " 4.'68 ' 16.63 ' 100.34 Street, Men-Haurls , - f Paul IT. Books 94.07 10.00 3 -76 13; 76 80e31 Sub-Totd , $442.33 $216030 .$5*50 $17.69 $47.49 $394.84 kfater Denatment Bornhard Woehler 191.72 15 090 2.75 7.67 26.32 165.40 Smud "J- Roberts 140.59 8.80 2.75 5.62 17 17 123 . 42 David S. Ro'berts 102.25 11 . 20 40.09 15.29 86 . 96 Sub-Tdtd . $474.56 $35.90 $5.50 . $17.38 $58.78 375.78 $4728 01 $270.70 $64..00 $i57.77 $bp 2 .&7 $b23 5 . 44 1. GRAITD TOTAL-PAYROLL VOLWWR FIRE"-P.&YROLL FOR DECEh5ER T.L948 90 NOTEMBER 30, h949 .&- - -. $33 * 60 , 8.30 A.p.F. Anderson W.0a David: Arnold Philisp Bacon 185 75 20.90 Phili'p Bailey bbt.' D. Brotm f,l.W. 'Bryngelson 17.40 C.1l.E. Carlson - q9.90 C.Il'.Cardarelle 144.10 R.G. Dieks 11.80 -- . l3.W. 'Hasen 78.50 &xry C. Emsen I < "j4.10 ' r Curtis M. Holter' 87 . 00 Melvin-C.' Holter 86.60 Donald. Jensen 34.60 72*30 Geo. F. King ( 46.10 20.00 -77.60 knrl D. Love James -1dIcbellis i~~att Nerfeld 138.10 L.V: BIiller Clwis Mitzel+ Chief i--- ' Ronald Port r 4 A, V. Htiber 47 -10 A.B. Jo@asoa f c 65.40 I K.Wi Johnson r+ I 70 030 7 141.80 62.85 Clarence Switzer P < 34.10 r 132.40 * < < t r39.00 - 1 Joe Rush 1 M.E. Sear Re ci . Somenberg t72.30 B&oaa Young r 51.60 , John If. Lund 28.00 T[a. Feck- 42.20 I CLAIM NO . 847 8443 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 864 865 . 863 866 867 868 869 874 871 872 4305 4306 4307 4309 4308 4'310 4311 4312 4314 43x3 4315 4316 4317 4319 4318 4320 4321 4322 4323 4325 4326 -4327 4329 433 0 4331 433 2 433 3 4334 4335 4336 4328 (Volunteer Firs3nen-Payro13=-Continued) * 158 Robert Soelberg - -1- I3.Tr.r: Dzvies' . Doyglas . Carlson . Robert Buresh . R.H. Hagen L.P. Bacon - a -koi!ard Green . James Peck . Jmes Reiss I. (Xen Deputized for. fire service) 1.I $rank Garrison " Total.Payrol1 *. AI.IOUlI! * $48.20 ,23.60 + 4.00 * 5.50 - 3-50 1 30 - 1.10 ' 1.10 '. 1.10 2.20 $2119.50 I i* .. .. 4343 4344 4345 4346 - , L753 L754 i75.5 $756 Ji757 $758 $759 ~760 L761 ~762 .%763 $765 4767 L768 $769 L770 * L771 $772 3?73 $774 L775 $?76 3777 3778 5779 L780 $751 3782 $783 I1764 3366 Wotion by'Child, for^payment of 'the folloiring clsims from the Liquor Fund, -vas CLAIbI NO. I seconded by Ifillson and cslrriedt .w I LIQJJ~R FIRID *.. TO: Widiand ,_ Nation$ Bank, W&tbholding : *r 89 60 1,363.. 97 2,202.08 s 1. -* -* Julius Schmebl: Treas. P@ 1 $ 61.17 .. 2,952-09 .- - Gerqge Benz Sons ,. Inc. Distillers Distributing 'Go . J$mqus Brands , Jnc eriggs, Cooper .& Coqmy*, l.icKesson & Robbins , Inc, . Old .Peoria Co. , Iiic . . Ed. .Phillips t& .Sons Co. , Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Cmgda Dry Ginger Ale, Inc, Ghaqka ?everage Go. Claqsen & Sons,. Inc, Coca;-Colgi Bottlicg CO. 6 .- 14. Droney Bsverage Co .r Cluek-Brevring 40 . - Gold Nedal Beverage Co: Hinnea>olis Briiving 60. . Norr.is Distributing Co. . Pa%.% Sees eo., Rex Distributing eo,- l'lillar~ Dis t5iiiutirg Co * heyicm Linen .Su5ply Go.. Xutomatii- aam carp," lliller-Davis Co; The Nat;onal Cas6 Register Co. q. W, Bell IeI. Co. Old 'E tyle Lager Co . F, Z, &irq Papef Cos sch&b Office sucply coo SevGn-Up Botxling GO - r.r .. - TOT&LIQUOR FUND -~ -- 9i670.13 1,111.65 889.85 4 , 611.6.5 84.23 182-05 73 70 25.50. 43052 256-68 153-85 66 60 806.75 138.25 68.&0 I 6US5 28.95 10.90 11.70 3.90, 2Li.00 13*90 60 70 8.20 - L-40 61-68. $25,690.62 .. ' I i 1 Pursnant to "Notice df Heming' on Proposed Sever &in Extension,Il' published 'in Suburban Press, Hopkihs., Ttinnesota, on lTovember 17 and 24, 19b9, Affidavii of Biblication for yhicli lras read by Clerk, approved 'as to f om, and placed on file, President"cal1ed Public Hearing on proposed extension of Village Sever &,ins ana I ksprtenances in the 'Tollovring streets: assessa3le feet, or $4,16 per assessable foot, vre read, trith Council in€d&ing .* 1. 2. Ifooddale'Avenus betvreen l'loodlmd Rod and l'l.59th Street Kellogg Avenue between U.58th'and U.59th Streets 14r. Smithfs Estimate *of Cost, in Xotal moht of $12,003.21, as asainst 2,-884,34 audience tht a connection charge would also be required for connectio- td T-mnk Sever District 'No. 1, possibility of rnakini this work a part of the contract for Trunk Sever District Bo, B-d., inasmuch as ,such a. good bid had been received 3or that aork, Bindhorst advised agqinst combining the jobs, and advocated t&t, in case the Council decides to pqoceed vrith this project, that it be 8 separate inpovement objection of E.J. Doxan, 5845 Kellogg Avenue; and Rrs Homer Einney, 5828 llooddale, 4 NrD Smith asked Nr. Windhorst's opinion as to the I I E.fr, I I. 1 " I I project, vith Counci$ advertising for bids, Office reported the telephoned objected fron %he €loor, on the grounds that making imgrovenents in this district would cause an increqse in population &a, in turn, increase the tax mill rate. be constructed as soon as possible to relieve an insanitary cesspool cqndition iS Wr. Bunnell, 5817 Woqddde, led the delagation which requested the bprovenent the district. 1 I. % (it -* I 12/12 f49 659 Considerable discussion was had by the Council as to the advisability of constructing the sanitary sever at this time, and the possibility of securing bids 4 &&x$er work. be to * , December 29, 1949, at 9:OO A.M. Motion seconded by Palen and carrfed. adopt ion: . 2 Hawthorne moved that, adjournment of this meeting shall Phild then' offered the following Resolution and moved its HSOLUTIOIJ ~ROVIHG PL~ AND SPECIFIC~IONS > c- I I. FOR SEXiQ I~ROICEXEKT ,NO, 24, @I -- .. DX~CI'IX$ ADKEE~TISEM-ENT POR-BIDS - BE IT WS0LV"r;D by the- Village- @mcil' of" 1. propared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Sub&ban Press kd the Construcfion,Bulletin the folloying notice for bids for the construction of said improvement L : Villge of Edina: ? . .- ~ - _. - .__ -. lChe plans and specxficatiogs for Sanitary-Sewer Imprhemeit No, 24 heretofore - - . ADIBRTISENElTT FOR BIDS FOR - 'VIUA&3 O$-EDI'L;ThL' SAITI!@RY SEtER INEROTEME3TT -NO. 24 ; The Ydina Vill&e Co%cil &@*meet :at the Villqge Hall, 4801 tl. 50th Street, on Thursdw,1December'-29, 1949, at 9:OO A.M.! to ppen and consider, sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 24 in said: Village, consisting of construction of Smithy Severs and Appurtenances in Wooddale Avenue between Woodland Road and If. 59th Street. 1, 2, Eellogg Avenue between 17. 58th-and W. 59th Streets The vork-on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the pl'ms and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Villase Clerk, for the work- No bids vi11 be considered unless sealed ad filed with the undersigned Ijefore the time of said meeting and accompanied by a-cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk, in the amount of: ten percent of the mount of the bid, All bids,must be submitted on the basis of cash payment - 3 BY ORI1FIR. OF TEG VILLAGE COUNCIL. Bower Havthorne Village Clerk ." - -. - -.. -- I Idina, Ninnesota t r Y 3. hereby adopted as the terms an@ conditiops of $he award of the- contract for said improvement. Dach and dl of the terms of the foregoing advertsement for bids are Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vras seconded by Pden, and on Rollcal1 them were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Hawthorne, aye; ad CooFer, aye; Child, aye; Palen, aye; Villson, ,*. -I A delegation of ten residents in the neighborhood of 56th Street and Wooddale Avenue;, ledr by Mrs. Donald Peddle, 5601 Kellogg Avenue, apked the councilts aid in deferring the..proposed discontinuace of the 50th ?tree% Cross.Tovm< Bus Line. but $hat they should should contact Captain Joe Ryan of the Minneapolis Park Board Police', vrho has been, and is, Chairman *of the committee concerned with tho cross-tovm bus line, explaining hat the Edina Council has no influence with the Tvin City Rapid Transit ComLjany, ahereas Minneapolis fs in position to negotiate because of the Companyts franchise in €he city. The administratlve office waS asked-to secure the Park Board's appoval for p3;yment of Claim No. 4353, in amount of. $l,Og2.00, to Independent Sc)lool . District Vo. 17, for use of three schoo1,buses in comection with 1949 Summer Swimming Program. Park Board bibls by majority action of t.he Bozrd, to initial said approved %ills vith the init'ids of two of the Board Members, and to furnish Council. vith copy of their P.linutes. Office reported that thg State Public Iminergs''Office has called attention to Sewer Districts Eo. 3, 4, and 6, which now Garry cash balances dter papent of dl bonds ad advocated the cancel&ion of - the-1949 special assessment levy for-Sewer District No, 6. After considerable discussion, the Council referred They were informed that the Council would be glad to work with theqz, m .. ' Pden moved that Pzrk Board be directed to qprove all Notion seconded by Ei.llson and carried. c the matter of refundiog bdances to Attorney I/indhorstj for his opinion 8s to the correct procedure for making refunds; and Hwthorne offered the-follouizg -5esofuti3n \ and mved its adoption: - RESOLUTION C&TCELiGb 1949 SPE6IAIi &SESSJLEETT ‘ LEVY FOR LAfPERfi S~~ DISTRICT NO. 6 I I7Ht3Flj3As, the .Vi&ge*Co&c$l of the .‘- - Till*&; of Edina has determined that Sever District No, - 6 Var&$s 02 said-Village, together with interest thereon, have XEEKFdG, the kd of Sever District No. 6y noa has an unw-cumbered cash been fqlly @d, and .. , balance in the - __- amount os $ ,.after payment of said Sever District Xo, 6 - lkCTt%ltS I .. NOT/, THEREFORE, BE 12 RESOLVBD by the Village council of the Tillage of Edina, that the SpeciG Assessment .. Ley certified to the Hermepin County Auditor in- 1949, for p&T&ent hito fhe fund of-Sewer District No. 6,.-amount $291.20, plus fnterest, be caiicelled; and the Hemepin qounty Auditor be authorized and directed to m&e such czncellation and delete such levy from his records. Notion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Child, and on Rollc&Ll there were five ayes and,no nays, as fol2ovs: Emthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; .and the Resolution,vaS adopted., - Child, aye; Pzlen, aye: T’lillson, aye: 65- .e /. /d , PresiCient of the Village Councjif Qilfage Clerk The nattsr of transferring funds from the Permment Iroprovement Revolving Fund to the three Permanent Improvement Fund Bond Sinking bds, for payment of bogds and interest, vas brought before the-Council, kith Attcpey Bindhorst explaining the necesswy procedure.. Hawthorne offered th6 folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: I -. R~BOLUTIOW REDUCING PERMXBITT I~.PROVEI.E.N’P REVOZ,VING 1949‘ G~U PROPZRTY I TAXES, ‘ m TRAITSFERRITTG SAID $-RxM FROX P&&E?~T X~PROVEL~JT’ mvoiv~~~ ~TD m I FUND BY Ai’4OUXT OF AD V&LQ’REFf TAXES COLl2W.PIBI;E T’IITH P33E?lIP+TT . D4P~OVX@XT ’ REVOLVING Fk BOND S II?EI>TG eS TEEREAS, the Village Couqcil.:of the VilZgge of -3d*a hgs , by Resolution adopted Septem:oer 26, 1949,- cancelled specid. ad vdorem taxes payaale with 1949 general. taxes, for hayment ‘of prinaipd wit interest of its three Permanent Improvenent Revolving hd Bond Issues dated 194’7, 1948, and 2949, ad ?I€ERE&3, the Villzge Council wishes to reduce the amobt of the Pement Inprovenent Revolving Fund by the amount of the cacelled special ad valorem taxes cited aboire; f ITOV, BB32EE’OREs BE IT’RESOII~D, that the folloving mounts to be transferred from the Pepanent Improvement Revqlving hd for pzgment of bonds ad ioterest . due in*%he year 1950: . x To P,T.R, hd Bond hnking bd Xo, 1 - $18,450.00 ‘To P.3.R. wd Bond Sinking Wd go. 2 - $I9,300.00 To P.I.R. wd Bond Sinking @nd No, 3 - $ 8,200.00 Total. $45,950.04 Motion for adoption of the Besoiution vas “seconde; by Villson,, and on Rollcall there were five &yes and no nays, as follows: Ibvthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; apd the Resolut’ Child, aye; Palen, .. aye; T?il1sony aye; .I Village Clerk Office informed Council .that the Poor Fund shows‘ a debit cash balmce, although it has $6,000 in investments. &til next interGst datk for investments, at yhich time investments be sold, its . dete.lirined later, and the Gengral ’E;und. rep3.d. czar i ed . Child move% that $500.00 be loaned from the Genera Xmd Motion. seconded by Emthome and m .. The matter of straightening the Golf Terrace Horseshoe vras again brought before the Council. Motion seconded by lrillson Ohifd moved that mztts be ta’oled upti1 1950. * ad - carried, 3 ._ *. 12 f12 f49 2.61 Pden moved for payment of the Sollotring Claims. Notion second& by Child and carried. i CLAIMS-PAID DECEMBEEL 12, -2949 L !Co* - CLAIN NO. -I? 4348 Dorsey’,Coim&;B&ker ,Scott & Barber 431f.9 John Balich 4350 4351 Hennepin County Revietr 4352 !lamer Hardware Co. ‘ 4,353 &354 t Columbia Ribbon 8, Carbon Mfg, Co. 4355 Chris Mitzel- Depont Paint Co. Lyle Signs, Inc. Ro s enm3.d-C ooijer .Gophe* Bzg Go. Che s t er “ Bet t ey - Independeiit School District NO. 17 __ 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 Morton Salt 00. 4361 Morton Salt-Co. 4362 Wheeling Corhgating Co. 4363 Henneain Cooperative Seed Co. - 4364 &.ller-Da?is Co . 4376 kmerican Sinen Supply-Co. 4379 - 4380 ~ury ~t, CaElson - 4381 Dorseg ,Colmau ,Bjrker,Scoft &-Barber 4383 City Treasurer, 4385 Glenn. Johnson Cons t . Co . 4386 League of Minn. Municipalities 4387 Marie 4. DyregSov - - J 4388 Zola L. Drew/ ’ 4389 Josep@ine*C. Sixong 4390 Void . J 4391 Anita semi J 4.392 Camille M. Hortum 4393 Evelyn 0. Vinson 4394 Narguerite V. lrgens 4395 Luella B. Veber 4396 glarice A. Hollingsvrorth-” * 4391 Aurora G. ush hay J 4398 Ethel -1vIcCready J Amanda M. Johnson Ida &I: SCifjh J 4.399 4400 4401 Ruth M. Volk d 4402 Ruth M. -2;ipoy v’ Mollie Mattson J 4403 4404 Dora Schjuss 4405 . yirginia 14. Beard/ 4.406 * * - Florence B. Follbergd 4407 440 8 Sigrid A. Westerberg 41409 Eleanor E. Amundson L!&lO Nary Rose angler 4411 Gloria Veesey 4412 I Margaret G. Delaney ~161613 ’ r Dorothe& S. Obermeyer 4414 * Hilda HolEer 4415 $ranees Sonnenberg 1f.416 . Mabel 1~1. tJillson 4417 - + 1 gellie Strate N18 3;ois Louis 4419 Bertb.$eCreany 4420 1 lthel S. Link 4421 I Inez A; Stark 4422 + Ger t ru8.e Ewe 4423 Ema Hjoet 4424 * Olga Bye * 4,425 4426 4427 - $own & dountrgi Hardware Co. - I YalorTe Sr T~WS c* I II Nellie Mocllin Mildred Jones r IJyrtle @hr * Ninnehaha Grange &98 ~29 * *I &.Peter” s Lutheran School - 4430 Colonial- Church 02 Edina W31 2. C’i ChuZseth - -. ; 132.00 66.00 96;2y 2.66 1,092.00 13.00 14.00 12.60 13 75 53 10 10 . 20 82.88 274.89 f * 102.00 . 68;91. 6.85 -8.43 37 13 20,28 * 75;OO 98.62 9.00 14.00 14.00 12;oo. 155*52 *1 12.00 12.00 13.82 , 13.82 11.82 11.82 - 11.82 13 25 13 25 11 . 25 11.25 .11.25 14.38 14.38 * 12.38 12.38 T2.38 13 25 13.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 13 25. 13 25 11 * 25 .11.25 11 . 25 14.38 - 14.38 12.38 s2 . 38 12.38 ‘14.00 14- 00 12.00 12.00 .12. 00 5.00 * 7.50 7.50 6.00 162 CUIM no. 4.932 4433 4439 44-40 4441 4&42 44+3 .4445 4449 5576 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4376 4377 4378 4379 4438 44.41 4444 4,445 4446 *? 444.8 4365 4366 4367 . 4379 J4437 4439 444.1 w5 4441 4441 4373 W36 443b 4374 b375 4384 4435 4440 4450 44-51 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 - 12 /12/49 TO: AJiOTJlTQ - Ed, Port e$ 10,oo Berg& Far- . 37.93. E&l Sevrd.1 & Son I 166.22 5. A. ‘Rogers - . 9.38, Petty ’Cash 8.72 iiiltbn V. 3rnitbm.m ’ 17-92 11. Pi Johnson Go. 8,82 !?homisdn Lumle? Co, 282.16 , Rorthvestern Ben Qel, Co. 56-15 ’ -TOT& G&TXEUL’FUM) ,... . $3,713 24 - -- 1 I PbOR &FUND Sub~ban Henn. Cy. Relief Board ’ $ 312.68 - EbUIP*mraTfi m”m 345 65 -. . HXLGDOII~S co . 5.16 Zeef*?r&, , ~iic. 3.04 I Brookside Service Stn. Emzii.e Gloc~c Co. 3.00 E. R: Zo1l,-Inc. mm95 kmerlcan Linen Supply c?, 4.50 Aus t in-Vegtern co of Ninn. 114-00 1.Iinneapolis Iron Store- 10.88 ‘Por.m.&: Comtry Rdve. Co. , 1.08 Eenn? Cy. Bist. Boiler Insp- 2.00 Petty C5sh 4.93 l-!innea$olis Gas 60. 43.59 XorthwSstern Bell Tel. Co. 15.40 86.88 l 21 . 78 fieinlycrd Bros. - W. E, Lahr CO-, If. 3. Lahr coo 32.22 $ 704.96 I .. - 4 I .50-80 34.02 - -34.41 , 2.42 171.20 3.11 16.80 11.80 $16.80 2,177.50 i1051-61 12-60 161 . 20 1-56 55-h. 30 20.80 2,806.46 I. CLAIM NO. 5582 5583 5584 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 _I TO: lirst Natl. Bank of Npls. .. ~*T Natl. Bank of Mpls. B8 Natl. Ba.& of Mpls. nl Natl. Bank of ldpls. First Nati. Bank of Npls. Natl. Bank of Npls, ... TOTAL BILLS PAID 163 SEVER DIST.#lz $by 506.88 SEWER DIST.#18 SEVER DIST..:fi9 SEWER DIST!.{+20 $ 35.15 $ 622.83 . $1,132.85 JT . SEVI3.R DI S I! .$l ,2.020.06 1 $9,134.81 $ 524.12 $7,114075 IJATEB MAIB $2 . l'fAT2R 1.f.A.h $3 ., .. - .. - . Mr. Ben IJoehXer, who had attended the School Board Meeting held this evening, , reported as follows: I - 1. Pursuant t6 Village of Xdina's December 9th request for refmd of $1,017.28 paid by ViLlage without state authority, the School Board vi11 make this reFmd. The School Board is willing to lease-the Northeast Corner of the School "' ! - .- 2. Property at Southvieg Lme, for a -pumphouse, for $1,000 per acre, providing Village vi11 agree to set pumpbouse back as far as sc~ool.,. a 200-foot frontage on Sguthvievr Lane, approximately one and one-half acres Gould. be needed. necessaxy pagers for a lease from Independent School District No, 17 to Village of Edina, for asproximately one and one-half-acres of Sc$ool property to be used as site for Village Pumphouse, term of lease to be ninety-nine yeas. dy Hawthorne and carried. Nr. lloehler estimated tkt, with I* Child moved that the !illage Attorney be-'directed to prepare the Wotion seconded - _. 3. The School Board has appointed Messrs. Tanner and:Hoyt to work with the VillGe Council on the matter of the proposed joint fire-station-bus garage. 4. -The School Board will be glad to meet with the Council and the State Highway Deyatment at any time, regarding apossi'ble 40-Mile Speed Zone.in the vicinity-of the School; meeting with the HighWay Department and to notify School'Board of date of meeting. Hawthorne moved, directing Village Engineer to set I Notion seconded by Palen +nd carried. - 5. The School'-Board requests installation of street lights at the North and South en$;rances to the School, fromNorm3ndale. Village Zngineer to order installation of lights, tras seconded by Palen and carried. Application made for permit to sell Christmas trees on back; of 106 at 4930 Fr-mce. Child mbved. that permit %e granted. - Seconded by Willson and carried. Notion by Child, directing : I I Considerable discussion was hzd as to-parking pro'ilems; and Hawthorne offered the f'ollowiz~g Ordinance, which amends an Ordinance adopted November 28, 1949; moving that $he Council dispense with second reading thereof, and adopt Ordinance as read:' - I VIWE COUNCIL OF 'pIili:'kiGi&GE'OF 3lDSlTA So OmAIN AS FQLL0';CS: _. .- .. . -_- .) '.- . . See; 1; Section 2 o~-t~tlce~Gaia.ordir;ance gdapted 05 November 28,. 19.49, enti-tled l'An Ordinance Regulating the Parking of Vehicles and the &kmuer of krning Vehicles on *Village Stceets" is hereby amended so as to red as foLlom: -.. .. .. .. " .- ._ * "Section 2. No person sha~l.parlc any vehiole or pernit it to-stand upon any street of the Village in violation of pzcc-kbg time limits, as such t2me limits shdl be established from time to time by resolution of the Village Council and no person shall park zny vehicle or permit if; to*stand upon any street of the Village in excess of six hours if-no shorter time limit for prking on such*street has been established by resolution of the Vill=e Council.11 See, 2, - - 'Phis ordinance sml take effect and be in force from and after its passzge ad publication according to law, Motion for zdoption of the Ordinance was seconded by I'rfllson, ad on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Billson, aye; Hauthorne, aye; and Cooper, *aye; and the .- Resolution 6s .- adopted. .. .. President of the Village Council -I -t Bavthorn; offered the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption: .- I RESOLufpIO3T ESTABLISHING VEHICLE PARKING ' ZOIGS IIT ' - TEE -... VILLAGE -- - -. . OF IDI1TA - ..-_ .. 'I-, the Village- Coi~&il o'f ' the-,killa& 6: 'Xhh adopted an ordinmcf; on Hovemper 28, 1949, probibiting the,parking of my vehicle in any no parking area esta'i>iished-by resolution sf the Council and prohibiting the parking of any vehicle in violation of parking time limits established by resolution of this Council, - NOII, TEBRXFORn; BB IT RESOLKED That the follovinz weas are herebi designzted as truck ..- zope, no parking zone,_cab stands or time limit parking, as the case may be: FrGxce Avenue - tlest Side: DESCRIPEtOIT OF lXESTRICTED PAxIlIlJG &AS -* Truck Zone: Begiming at-a point 0; line irfth'the South propertly line of TTest v; J 50th Street, ad *ins South dong the Vest curb line of France Avenue a distance'of 30 Feet. Truck ZoEe: Vest 50th Street, and running South along the Tlesk curb lke of Frmce Avenue a a distance of 15 feet. No Parkhe Zone: Auditor's Subdivision #172 and ruzuling North along the Irest curb line of- France AvGnue'z distance of 59 feet. Lot 49, 'Auditor* s Subdivision @.72 and running South along the Vest curb line 02 Prance-Avenue a distance of 154 feet Bezising zt a point 175 feet south of the South'propertg line 6f -. Beginning at a-point on ling vith the Soutii lot iine of'lot 27, Beginning at a point on line trith the South property line' of - Y :) ' Eo ParBnn Zone: % West-SO~h Street - Sou€h Side: / - y 1 I Truck Zone: Beginning at a point on line aith the klest lot line of Lot'&?, Auditorts Subdivision-#l72, Wd running "lest 'dong the South curb line of Vest 50th Street a distzrzce of @<feet. BegiFing at a point on Xine with the Vest property line of Prance Avenue, and running Vest along the South curb line of Best 50th StTeet 6 distance of '190 feet to a point on line vith the Vest' 10% line of Lot 45, Beginn$g at a point on line with ghe Bast 3roperty iine of Bdifax Avenue, and running Vest along the South curb line of Vest 50th Street a distance of '8.5 'feet. No Parkin? Zone: Beginning of France Avenue, and running "lest along the South curb line of 1'Jest 50th S'trEet a disthce of LOO feet .. excepting two drivetray entrasces of 20 feet each. no Paxkirre: Zone: 2, '1.3 ,?/ Anditorts Subdivision #l7Z . - -. . .. No ParkinE Zone: 1 L. point 419 feet liest of the lfest'*yroperty iine ' 12 /12 /49 \ 2.65 West 50th Btreet - North Side: Truck Zone: Beginning at a point 60 feet West of the Vest property line of ,. FrancelAvenue, ad mikihg Vest along'the North curb line of Vest 50th Street ;,I a distance of 25 feet. 1 < France Avecue', md running Vest along the ._ North curb line of Vest 30th Street ff' *' CaG Stand: - a distaice of 55 feet. Bo Parkina Zone: Beginning at a point 85 feet Vest of the Vest property lineaon d J Beginning at a point 196 feet East of the East properEy line on HsJ-ifax Avenue, and running Xast dong the North curb line of l'lest 50th Street a distiince of 8.5 feet. ( rT v No Parkinn Zone (Bus Ston): - property line of Halifq Avenue, andrunning Zast along the North curb Bine 1Jo Parking Zone: Beginning at a pint on line with the East o? Vest 50th Street-a distance of 40 feet. Market Street -'South Side: Beginning at a point on line with the ?'lest property line on ,, France Avenue, and'&ing West along the South cnrb line of Market Street a distance of'69.6 feet. .~ ' Five Ninute Parking Zone: Beginning at a. point 69.6 feet West of the Vest - property line on Prance Avenue, znd running West dong the South curb lilne of Market Street a-distance of 80 feet excepting driveway entrance "of 20 * feet. _. Maket Street - North Side: No Pmkinn Zone: Beginning at-a point on line with the Vest property line on Fra6ce Avenue, .+d'ding t'lest along the North curb line of IJIarket Street a distmce of"7O feet. t 'property line on France Avenue, md rurming Vest dong the North curb line J Five MinuEe Parking Zone: * of Market Street a-disfance of 124 feet. I No Parkinn Zone:. Beginning at a point on the \rest curb line of HaLifax Avenue, sa& mulrring.East dong the North arb line of Market Street a & - .. "- Cistame of 50 fket. Beginning at a point 70 feet Best of the West Y IL J .I - Halifax Avenue - West Side: .- . Eo Pa,rking Zone: line'of West -50th Street to the North curb line of Market Street. J The entire West side of Hdifax Avenue from the North curb -_ .' .I All. curb pa&ing areas-not listed as restricted above, on the following streets, vi12 be restricted to two (2) hour parking: ,I- West side of France Avenue from Maket Street to West 52st Street. West 50th Street*f:om Frhce Avenue to Halifax Avenue. Halifax'AvenuG from Beit 50th Street to:NarBet Street. Market Street 'feom Feance Avenue' to Hdifm Avenue. (*' .. FJoodd.de Avenue --Xast Side: * - 4 No Parkinn Zone: Beginning at a point on line with the South property line of Vest 50th Street, &d bing So~th along the EaBt curb line of I'looddale Avenue a distance of 267 feet to the South End of Bridge. Beginning at &-point on line dth the ITorther Property line of Vest 50th Street, and riUrning North &on& the &.st curb line of T'looddale Avenue tt distimck of 371 feet. of West 50th Street-and'running South along the Vest curb line of '1'looddd.e Avenue a distance of 40 feet. of Irest 50th Street, and running North dong the Yest curb line of T'looddalQ ' No Parking Zone: - fooddale Avedue 2 Vest Side: .I 'Bo Parkine: Z6ne: No Pa?kinn. Zonef - Beginning at a point on line with Che South Broperty line - Beginning at a point on line with the Mort11 property line avenue a-distance of 300 feet. T'looddde henfie South of Vest 50th Street. No Fadcine Z6nei ' A. distance of 54 feet dong the V&st side of BrEdge on '< .. .I No PGkine: Zon& of 45 feet fos Bus Stops ape hepeby established at the following locations: I ON IBST 5OTH ST. - At France Avenue, -SW Corner At Halifax, KE & SV Corners At Indianola Avenu6.i SW Corner At Maple Road: fb'"C;o3ner *. - I_ I 1 At Arzen Avenue, NE &-W^Corners At Bruce Avenue;% B st/ Corners - .".. ,. Ol? I'COODDALE Am.- At S'Jest 50th Streei,SlJ*& $E Corners Ab Wooddale Lane, IW B SE Corners At Wooddde Gzen, NW*& $E:"F,orners At ifest 5Znd1Street'; m7-Z SE Corners * At tjest 53rd Street',. fW-& $E Corners At \jest 54th Street , s% Co2Ger At 'Golf Terrace, NtJ corner-- - A At est 55th Street, SE Corner At O& Drive, "'l Corner At 'West 56th Street, I?V & SE Corners - I...- . .__ *. - 12 13-2 /49 Notion for zdo?tion of the Resolution vas seconded'bF Palen, .a& on sRollca.ll there were fire s?;ries and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye: Villson, zre; Hmthorne, aye; zlld Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vd *. ado;ated, ." President of the Village Council i .. 3 Discuss%& vrm h& as to possibly restricting parking along Xden Avenue at the site of the Grange Hall, with Mr. Palen w&voca%ing p&cing on one side of street only, near both Grange and Legion Hdls. consensus of opinion vas tht it Gould be better to viden the street right-of-way No 3orm.d' action vas tdzen, but tha to attempt to enforce parking' restrictions in th+ locality. - 2he matter of Closing Hours for those restaurants and stores havinglieenses to sell beer cwk aefore the Council. directed to study Villzge Ordinances,and State Statu%es regiiLating closing hours, and, if necesssy to prepse an ordin.znce covering closing of estiiiilishnents at Havthorne moved that Village Attorney be 1:OO A.W. ." - Afitomiey Bindhorst reminded Council that several sign. licenses have beell issued to expire Janusry 1, 1950 ordinace. Hzwthorne-qoved directing Village Office to send notices to all affected sign oymers, notifying them of eviration of license term and infoxking then that it is the intention of the Village Cohcil to enforce the Ordin-mce; that each dw a si@ is maintained after Janu&y 1, trill be considered a separate offense, There being no further busidess before the Council, Child moved for adjournneat, said adjourment being to Ihursday, December 29, 1949, at 9:Od A.H. , as per previous notion. Motion seconded bg-Eavtho?ne and carried. K-leetinfr; adjourned because of their non-conf o'mznce with . - d - at 11:35 P.R. -. . Village /!,/&A- Clerk 1 I =. 2.ImES OF THE ADJODRNED PORTCIOIT 03 TEE Members present vrere Child, Billson, Pden, kwthorne ad Cooger, 3Enutes of the Re,d& Heeting of Bovbmber 28, 1949, vere a3proved as submitted, 3y Xotion Child, seconded by ITlillson and carried. Pursmt t6 "Advertisement for Bids-Sanitary Sewer District No. 24, '1 published in Suburb= Press, Honkins, Minnesota, and in Construc$ion Mlet%n, Minneapolis , ?.hnesota, Affidavit or" Publication for vrhich-tms read bg Clerk, approved as to fora znd placed on file, fhe following sealGd bids were publicly opened and read for the constmction of sanitary sever main and appurtenances *in l'loodd-de -4venue between I'ibodlmd Rozd and "lest 59th Street , and in Kellogg AvBnue .. between Vest 58th and Vest 59th Streets: $13 793 -37 $14,;?5k.o3 $12 , 474.167 PheXps-Drdze Coqpny, &.nnea3olis Bezton &Kelly, St. P&Ul DeGraff 'tlolff; St. Psd i'lestern-uidergroiind Const, GO. , Minneapolis $14,246.70 $11,602.61 Lametti & Lmetti, St. Pad Childmoved th@ bids be referrecf to the Pillage Engineer,for taimlat~on and report at the next re,dar meeting.' Notion seconded by trillson and carried. Office resorted willingness of -'Donald H. Haeg to deed the TJorth Thirty (3O)Feet of the SouShEaot Qwrter of Southvest Qwter of Sec.l9,B~p.28, BmQe 24, for street; right-of-wy , providing Village Trill establish and maintain grade across a%ove nmea property, for extension of !r.both Street; removing ?resent fence to new property line. Hawthorne moved that agreement be aFproved, a5d that Attorney Vindhorst be exmowered to sign aireement-for the Village of Edina. . Palen moved for payment of the following liquor claims. and carried, CLAIM NO. PAID TO: LIQUOZ FUND L785 Geo,Benz & Sons 665.72 " I. Notion seconded Kotion seconded by Willson by Billson znd carried, -. L78.4 Ed Phillips SC Sons Co. 41,895*38 L78S Ne'.'J.Bell Telephone Coo llA5