HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500109_REGULARMIIKTTES 03' TlTl REGULAR MEE'I!ING OF Tm PDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD NOIKIIAY, JANUARY 9, 1950, n 8:oo P.M. AI! TB ' EDINA VILLAGX HALL, I f c I Members answering Rollcall were Child, Danens , Phen, I Hawthorne, and Eribkson. Piigineer's tabulation of bids for const&action of Sanitary Sewer District No, 24 r\ was presented, said bids having been opened and read at the meeting of December 29, 1949. St. Paul, at bid+price of $11,602.61, and that Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute contract" with Compvy for Villase. carried. Child moved that bid be azrarded to the low bidder, Lanetti b Lsnetti of Motion seconded by Hawthorne and Application of Earl F, Beaudry, 2901 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, for Plumber's License, vas approved, by motion Child, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Petition for tar mat on Dotm Road, Lee Valley Road, lralee Drive and Shannon * Drive in Prospekt Hills Second Addition, signed by 'owners of all abutting' properties, vras f Sed, Hztrthornets motion, that petition be accepted and that &blic hearing be. set for Mondq, February 13, at 8:OO P.M., vas seconded by Compliment to officers Hoffman and Ploog of Police Department, signed iy T'liilim 5. Rognas of Minneapolis, was read, and was referred to the Public Safety Committee by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and carried, I t. I r V' ' Palen' and barried. r < r C t I Anon-pous complaint on organization of Village affairs vras read and filed, Messrs. F.J. Hayes znd A,C.Godward supported their January 3rd petition for rezoning of the northern portion of the Irallace property, facins T'J.@th Street between France Avenue and Naple Road (The North 297.3 feet of Lot Thirty Seven (37) hd she Borth 297.5 feet of the rlJest 40 feet of Lot Thirty-Six (36), Auditorts Subdivision No. 172) to allow construction of five 10-family units thereon, request that definite recommendation be made to Council prior to the meeting of January 23. Midland Bationhl Bkkt s notification dated January 3, 1950 , of their exch&ge of U.S, Treasury 1-1/4$ Certificates of Indebtedness mzturlng January 1, 1950, for U,'S. Treasury 1-1/8$ Certificates of Indebtebess maturing January 1, 1951 , wzs read, Certificetes be retzined kd'safekeeping receipt be accepted, Motioh seconded by Pden ad carried, Hawthorne moved that petition be referred to Planning Commission, with Motion seconded by Palen and carried, c Hawthorne moved that Bank's action be confirmed by Council, tkt The attorney for >he Missouri Synod requested Council action on recent petition for permit'to establish Home for th8 Aged at the-SchillLnger Farm on 70th St, and Normandale Rbad. Planning Commission0 s recommendhtion vras read. Chlld, moved that matter be referred back to Planning Commission for more specific' recommendation, Notion seconded by Palen aad carried. Eawthorne moved that Meeting of School Board, Council, and Highvray Department, for 40-mile speea limit near Edina High School be set for.= early date. Motion seconded %y Pden and carried. Mr, Leo Nolan informed Council that he has tentative plans for an apartment Wilding at corner of T'J.49th Street and France Avenue. to notify'B1r. Nolan bf next' Planning Commission Meetlng. Pdeh moved for aphroval of Minutes bf Regular Meeting of December 12, 1949, and Ninutes of Adjourned Portion of December 12 Meeting held December 29, 1949. Pfokon seconded by Child and chrried, Havthorne offkred the following Resolution and inoved its adoption: Office vas requested r < 1 1 RESOLUTLON DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY MIDLA3JD NATIONAL BANK $E IT' HEREBY' RESOZ-IVED, that l&.land Na%iopaJ- Bank bf Minneapolis be, and hereby is, designated as an official depository for the Public Funds of the Special Assessments and Poor Funds of the Village of Edina for the cklenhr' year 1950 1/9/50 /i Motion for adoption of the Resblution <]as skonded by Child, and on Rollcall there aere five ayes and no npys, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; .ad Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. A>b& e- - Ikyo r 'Vilhge Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolution &a mhved' its adoption: Child, we; DmenG, we; Palen, ap; c t- - r RESOLUTION APPROVIITG ASSIGm.cn'iT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOLQ < I.IIDLA~TD ITATIOITPL BANK OF' MIINE~APOLIS I RESOIIV~D, that the Village Cbuncil of-the Village of Edina a5grove the < -I assignment by its depository, the Nidland National Bank of Ninneayolis, of' $110,000 U. S. Treasury 3f: Bonds due September 15, 1955/5l., as good ad sufficient collateral. for Vill=e of Zdina Wilic T-ii'uas deposited in the said depository. Idotion for adoption of the Resplution ~rhs seconded by PjLen,'and on Rollcall there were five ayes ad no h*s, as.follot.rs: Hawthorne, aye; and Brickson, aye; and the Resolution was adoptea. r Child, aye; Danens , aye; Palen, Eye; t Wayor I &wthor& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: .. . SIGIVATORY R3SOLiION' * MIDLMD X4!L'IONATi BASE OF ~41BT"OLLS BE IT XESOLIBD, that the 5ersons holding office as Nayor, Msyor Pro-Tem, Treasurer' or Clerk-or Deputy Clerk of this Village be, and they hereby are, mthorized to act for this Vihge in the transaction of any b&ing"msiness with Hidland Eational Bmk-of 1-Iinneqolis (Hereindter referred to as the be) , such a-hthority including authority on behalf of or in the name of this Village from time to time and until mitten notice to the bontrary to the bmk,, to sign checks agkinst said account, which checks sh-211 be siqed br the Hayor or &yor pro-Tem, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk; and Village Treasurer. The b& is hereby authorized and direbted tb honor and p2;y any check against such account vbich xs signed as'alove desbribed: whether-or not said check; is payab$e to the order 02, or degosited to the credit 02, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks1 Rotion for adogtion of the Resolution vas seconded by Child, md on Rollcall there vere five -ages and no nws , as follotrs: Eauthbrae, aye; and "wrickson, aye; and t@e Resolution {ms adopted. Child, aye; &mens, aye; Palen, aye; LZ &yor -.. TZLJ Village Clerk r t c - -I Hawthorne offered the following Resolution ad moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PESIGNAICDTG DDOSITORY BE IT EERE?3Y RESOLVXD that First Edina State Bznk, Edens, Minnesota, authorized FIRST EDINA STA.TE BAE to do a banking business i& Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the General, Ecgipment Rental, Sever Rentd, Pemanknt 16rovelnent Revqlving, Wbzge Collection, I'latenrorks and Liquor hds of the village of Edinz, Hennepin County, Minnesota, for the cdendsr year 1950. Village of Pdina.to nodify, vzcate; and revoke same according to lay:. i4otion for dogtion of the Resolution Tras seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, 8s follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, we; and .- ..the ResoluiSon ~ms adopted. BE IT FURTEBI BESOLVED, that this de&gn&tion is su'oject to the right of said Child, ax?; Dznens, aye; Palen, aye; I 1/9/50 17% Hawthorne offered the'follotring Resolution ad moved its adoption: ' RESOLUTIOX KPPROVIWG ASSIGI!DEI?T OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BON9 FIRS2 EDIITA STATE BANK - I_ BE IT RESOLlrED, that ;he Village Council of the Village of Edina a3prove the assignment by its depository, the First Edina Stzte Bank of Edins, 14inne- sota, of $175,000 2% U.S. Treasury Bonds due 3/15/58, and $150,000 2s U.S. Treasury Bonds due 12/15/54, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Jkds deposited inkaid depository. Motion for adoption of the ResCLution seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five wes md no nays, as follows: Hsrthorne, aye; and %5.cksonY aye; and tEe Resolution vas adopted. Child, aye: Da,nens,raye; Palen, aye; *. - Mayor - 1. 7>a+ Village Clerk r Hawthorne offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: - < SIGXATORY RESOLUTION FIRST EDINA STATE BANIl OF EDINA I BE IT IRESOLICEID, that the -persons holdtng off ice, as Wayor , Mayor Pro-Tern, Treasurer, or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this Village be, arnd they h&re%y'are, authorized to-act for this Village in the transaction of any %ding business with First Edha State Blank of-Xdina, Minnesota (Hereinafter referred to as the Bqk), such authority including authority on-behalf of or in the name of this Village from time $0 time and until written notice to the contrary to the bank, to sign checks against said account, which checks'shall be signed by the Nayor or Hayor Pro-Tern, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer. check agzinst such &count which is &sed as above authorized, whether or not said check is payable to the order of., or deposited to the credit of, any office or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the check. : The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay my Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Pden, and on Rollcd.1 there 7fe~e five 'ayes'cand no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; -and Erickson, aye; and the Resolb'cion was adopted, . ' Cfiild, aye; Danens, aye; Pzlen, aye; I ** byor Havthorae offerid the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption, advising Council that Resolution is being offered in its present form to enable present Council to ect further on budge%, after consideration, without jeopardizing $resent budget levy: RESOLUfIOIT G&BTING ICENTATIVE APPROVAI; I 'TO BUDGET DOPTED IN 1949 FOR EAR 1950 r BE IT RESOLVED, that -%hat budget adopted by 'the 7-949 Vill'age Council, for the yeer 1950, be tentatively approved, as follotrs: TOTAL ESTIMATED WXPERDITURES ( APPROPRI~IONS) $234 808.75 LESS TOTS ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 44.500,00 %ITA.% IJ3VY FOR-GENE& FUj!D, ~ITCLUDING~PARK BD.$lg0,308.75 PLUS- LEVY FOR FIREMEIT' S 'RELIEF ( . I MILL) 554.00 Motion for' idoption d;f RGsolution vas secondeii by"Child, pnd on Rollcall these were five ayes and no nays, as-foliotrs: TOTLG BUDGET LEVY 1 $lPo , 862* 75 Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, we: he Resolution tJas adopted. < - Mwor r 1/9/50 &yor Ericksor offered for Council confirmtion the folloving Committee appointnezlts: Ordinaces ,md Le,cislztion Committee - PLLen, CkL-zirman; Child m-d Dmew Public Utilities Coritmittee -Child, Chirmzn; Hawthorne and Dzmens ?ublic Safetg ad I'lelfae Conmittee L Havrthorne, Chairman; Palen and Erickson pUbl5.c Ilorks Connittoe - Danens, Ckirmm; Hmthorne md Child Hmrthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BESOLUTIOX ESTU3LiSfiIEG COI4MITTEE - ASSIGITIXEIITS TOR COUITCII; bENE3RS FOR 'PtiE -%AR 1940 l?& fT IIESOLeD thzt Cobittee Assignments for the members of the Edina dillage Council for the yes- 1950, sh+ be as follows: .. GOHlIIEE5 OX ORDITrnNCES ATJD LEGISLATfON - Pzlen, Chdrma; Child and Danens child, Chiman; ETavthorre &d &mensf kwthorne , Chiman; Pden apd Elrickson Dznens, Ckirman; Hzvithorne and Child I 'COI.lf.TITT2B Ol? PUBLIC UTILfTI3S - ' 1 COTINITTEE 03 PU3IrIC SAFJ3TY Ai'TD Tli3Ll?AIB - col.EIIPTa ox PUBLIC IIORKS - BE ITFUBTETJB RESOL9ED3-thzit it sW1 be the policy of this Council that its Committees shdi function as advisory bodies to-the full Council, and tbat admini- strative orders shall be issued only by action of the Council. Hotion for adoztion of the Resolution tras seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were fixe ayes and no nap, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye; Pelen, aye; HavChorne, we; and Erickson,' zye; and the Resolution 6as aZo2ted. .- Village ?Z./&: Clerk - r &yor Erickson recomnended the appointment of Trustee Pred 5, Child as W&.ror Pro- Ten for the ye&. Hmthorne offered the following Resolution ad moved ,its adoption: RESOLUTION APPOIITTING MAYOR PRO-F31*1 BE IT IESOLlGD, thzt Trustee Fred S. 'Child be zspointed Mzgor Pro-lem of the v$llqe df Eainz for the cdendar year 1950. , 1 Hotiorr for ado-ption of the Resolution vas seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were .four ayes ad no :nWs, as follow: Haxthornei we; +and Erickson, aye; rand '_ the Resolution vas atlopted. . Child, not voting; Danens, aye; Palen; aye; I Nayor Villase Clerk Hawthorne offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: r RElSOLUTIOIT APPOINTING VILLAGE Atp!i?O€UXEX AND VILLAGE HEALTH OFPICFIR BE IT RESOLVED thzt Jo& 8. Thahorst be ap$oin$ed to the. office of Edina Villzge Attorney for the year 1950 -ami until his successor is auly aspointed and qualified, ad that the salary for the above named office be, and hereby is, established at $100.00 per nonth, his duties to include: . Attenwee at Council; Meetings. Attendaace at Ih.xicipal Court. ';Tritt& legd opinions requested by Council. Drafting of Ordinames, unless Council is advised in advance to the contrary, &tb 'con$nsation to be agreed 6pc~ for qqearmces in 3istrict and Supremri courts and for recomIifi6ation' of present ordinance! and drafting 09 sp6cia.l. ordinaces semices. . 'BE 19 33'UXlCm BE$OLV4;D that D$. Lowelf W. hg-bel~ be aspointed to the office at such times as Council requests such of Edinz Village' Hedth Officer for the year 1950 ad until his successor 4s d&r qppointed and qualified, end that the salary for the a'bove named office be, and hereby is, estz;b2ished at $30.00 per month, Hotion for adoption of the Resolution tras seconded by Palen. Discussion ensued on qossibilities of securing State Health Department aid in public health mtters , in which Trustee Dznens vas informed that State Department is glad to coo3erzte. Or Rollcall vote, the above Resolution vas adopted by vote of five ayes and no nzys, as follot~s: Child, aye; Dmens, aye; Pken, aye; Ewthorne, aye; and EricGson, aye;, ' H2wthorne offered the following Resolution jnd moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ESTBLISSING SALARIES' OF THOSE ELECTED 0E"ICIAIiS WOSE SALARIES €&IC3 NOT AJXEADY'BEEX - . . -.. ESTABLISHED BY STATE STATUTE OR-VILXAGE ORDINANCE -- - .. BE IT Rl3SOLYXD that the salaries of Eiected Village Officials be' established as follows, for the year 2950': Reuben F. Ericksbn, Mayor $80.00 per Month Bower Epthorne, Clerk - $80.00 per Month Fred S. Child, Trustee ' $60.00 per Month Richard Palen, Trkstee $60.00 per Month Soseph A; Dzaen-s, Trustee $60.00 per Month John J. Duggan, Treasurer $50.00 per Nonth I I Motion for ado3tion of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were five ay'es and ni nays, as follows: Hwth'orne, aye; and Prickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Child:, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; - .- Wayor - Has-rthorne* s motion, that all Village_ Employes be retained in their present positions at their present salar'ies until further action by tkie Viilage - Oouncil, T-~ZS seconded by Child and un'animously- carried. Hautiiorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: .. BJ&OLUTSON ESTBLISHING SAliARI& XIR ~~IEi'IBERS BE IT RESOLVED that +s@aries of members of the Bdina folunteer &.re Depart- OF EDINA VOLzfN?!EER FIRE -DEPABT~~lEITT ment be, and hereby are, established as follows: Chief of Dept.. - $25.00 ier Year Salary and , 1.60 per Hour'pir Fire Attended and 1.60 per Drill Attended Asst. Chief - $1.35 per Hour per Pire Attended and ,l.35 per Drill Attended Firemefi - 1.10 per @our per Fire Attended and . 60 per Drill Attended Motion for adonkon of the Resolition tias seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there vere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Havrthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution hs adouted. Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, Ge; Piliase Clerk- The following sealed proposals, for designation as Official hlolication for - Legal Rates df Publication, less IO$ Villas@ for year 1950 were read: Herhepin County Review, Hopkins - Legal Rates of €"olic&ion Suburbzn Press, Hopkins , ' - discouit for payment within 30 d~s of receipt of statement, Hawthorne moved for designation of Suburban Press Official. Publication for Village of Sdina for year 1950. Child and carried, ATTEST: I Hqpkins, &Iimesota, *as Motion seconded by Mwor Hawthorne moved that the 1949 contract r.rith the Suburban Hennepin Comty Relief Board be extended until such time as a new contract is suyomitted by the BozTd. Notion seconded by Palen and carried. January 5th request' by Board of Park Commissioners, for reaspointment of Mr. ?.IC. Scoggin to Board, for tern of three years, vas read. Nr.. Scogginrs reappointment to Board cf Pmk Commissioners ., Motion seconded by Child and carried. Havthorne moved for . 1/9/50 Elzvthorne moved $or reapsointment of S. S. Thoqe, Jr., 3s Nember of Village Plming Commission for three-year term. Motion seconded by ,Pden md carried. Rotion by Hwthorne, that mtter of appointment of member's of Liquor Comnission %e hid over to Janurzsy 23rd I-Ieeting, was seconded by Palen and carried. Paen moved fir approvd. of Village Pepo11 in Total. Amount of $5,066,97 (See Pas Roll Snnna-ry for Period Smusy 1 throukh Januwy IS., 1950, and, Overtime for December, 1949) znd Liquor Payroll in total amount 0: $1,286.21 (See Pay Roll S&ry for Period Jz!.nU3,ry 1 khrough Janu&y 15, 1950, apd Obertine fok December, 1949) Motion seconded by Child cmd *carried. 1 I Palen's notion, for pqment of- the following Claims, bas seconded by Child and carried: f I I $1,184.37' , I ' GENF;RtlLFm $79 . 13 GaBAGE COLL, FUND EWL 'sewal1 & sons, Contrqtors Arthur E. Petersen Bestern Underground Const . Co. P.1.R. m' $9 , 270 . 64 ,POOR 3"D Suburban Hem. Cy. Relef Bogrd $321 29 LIQUOR Ii!UlTD Ed. Phillip 8 Sons Coqay - $1,216.19 c George Benz Sons, Inc. .- 3 379.94 8 1,596.13 Wr. E&neOredson of First Eaina S&te BE& eqlained to Counk.1 that Bank has no legal authority'to cash checks, for change, for t-kmzger F.F, Eipzley of the 14micipd Liquor Store. settled by Wr. Kippley. Rr. Edp, columhist for Southwest :Shopper, together with its pu'blisher, appeared at the invitation of Trustee Palen, to settle a disagreenent and misunderstmding concerning a story vritten about the 'Edina. Volunteer Pire Department by Mr. KuQ. Bo action taken by Council; Hawthorne moved tha€ Villase Attorney be authorized and directed to prepare necessary Socuments-for initiation of procedure for sale of Eonds to cover cost of all Special Assessnent Improvements be,9;wl since July I, 1949. .Motion seconded by Child zsd Council informed Mr. Oredson that the mztter is one vhich must be - - carried. . f 1 r I r Child moved t-k.3 the recently dopted Traffic Ohinalee be referred to scl'ol;ic Safety Committee for further consideration. Hawthorne's motion, that Council recess for ten minutes, vas seconded by Child and carried. &?fer reconvention of Keeting, with zll. members present , Hawthorne moved, diirecting Clerk to advertise for z Village Engineer-EsecutiGe OTficer. TTaker Superinkendent l'loehler reauisitioned 200 water meters for the l'latervorks Department. I Notion by.Child, authorizing advertising for bids for 200 water meters, vas seconded by Hmtnorne .and carried, &wthorne's motion for adjournment aeco Notion seconded by Danens znd carried.. - Notion seconded by , Child and unaninously carried. - - I I I I .