HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500123_REGULAR1/23/50 MINUTES OF TRE REGULAR MEETING OF TED3 EDIIJA VILL,A,GII COUXCIL, HXLD I*IOITDAY , JANJBY 23, 1950, AT $:oo P.M. AT THX 1 EDilTA VILLAGE HAILL - < v ,? * Nembers present were Child, Danens , Palen, Hawthorne ad Erickson. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 9, 1950, were apymved as submitted by Hotion Child, seconded by Palen .ma carried, Pearson Brothers* January 18 petition for four street lights 5n Richmond Hills Addition vas referred to pu'olic Uhilities Comnittee and Village Engineer for study 2nd recommendation, by Notion Hawthorne, seconded by Child, md cmried. t C Mr. Robert A. Havey's January 19 petition for adjustment of BlacktoFping Assessment for Lot 1, Block I, 14irror X&es in Sdina'ms revieved, moved that SneciPications for Blacktopying of Nirror Iekes in adina be - modified to eliminate bhcktop@ng of that portion of Nirror Lakes Drive -borderingethe eastern por&ion of Lot L, Block 1, and that assessment for Lot 1, Block 1, be adjusted accordingly. carried, Pzlent s motion for approval of the following Plumbers' Licenses vr&-seconded ** < r t * I. # Hawthorne I Hotion seconded brcChild md < e ( loy Chi'ld and carried: 8 Edward D. Paulson, 4555 Grand Avenue South, Minneqolis Elmer Solkovits, 1650 Xerxes Ave. No,, Minneapolis &age of; +Iinnesote 14mioipditiest zdvice corn erning several short courses to be conducted in the near future vas read, Child's motion, thzt Plmbins Sqerintendent Woehler 36 authorized to attend Sever ad I'?ater Schools , was seconded by Palen and carried. c Trustee Child reported that the Village fire hydrmt at the vest end of Golf Terrace is situated on private $roperty (because of vacation of Charry Lme) ad not easily zccessible to the Fire DFp,rtmeiit. fire-hydrant be moved from private property to curb line vas .seconded by Hawthorne and carried. - Village Enzineer Smith reported that Zuesdsy, Ja.xa.ry 31, is the es1ies.f; , date possible for meeting with Council, School Bosrd ana Nr, Darrell of Elimesb ta' Iiighmy Department for uonf erence on 4O-mile speed liqit at 1 schools. Nr. Smith was requested to errmge for a meeting on thzt dzte, and it was decided to invite Fr, Forrey of Our Lady of Grace Church to participzte in discussion. . T'lritten resi,gnation of Wr. Phil W. Smith,/to take effect Februzrx 15, 1950, was presented. by Child and carried. II Child's motion tha,t e + - as Village Engineer-Executive 0ff;cer Hawthorne moved that resignation be accepted, lsfotioii s yonded Nrt Ted Anbuh3. ad Dr. ULander, as resresents,tives of the Ed;ina Commercial c Club, protested the "promiscuous" tagging of vehicles parking in violy&ion of nev pdzing regulztions, scl&ming that business is being hurt by this procedure. They aLso protested size of loading zone qt Brown Derby md at Fanny Farmer store, and requested time limit for zone at Zipoys. t yas infomed that officers must enforce regulations now in effect. Hawthorne suggested that signs %e posted by the Villege , ~ advertLsin5 the parking lots mailable; pad that Comercia1 Club bmner the street with such &I advertise- ment. be referred to Pu'olic Safety Comittee for study and recommendstions as JGO furthertrevision. Ilotion seconded by Palen and czrriedp Idr. flal H. Cove11 presented the oral petition A$ Mr, and lfrs, Lea Bolm, for rezoning to Community Store District of Lot 20, Auditorrs Subdivision No. 172, at Southwest Corner of 49th and Frmce, . Planning @omission reconmendation of J.wur,ry 3'7, for hearing at joint segsion of Council ad Commission, was !reviewed. Child moved that z Special Meeting of the Village Council be called for ICuesdqj+, February 7, 1950, at 8:OO P.N., vith Plming Commission invited to attead. Idotion seconded by Palen md carried. 1 Hawthorne moved th3.t pu'olic Hesins %e set €or Tuesdzy, February 7, 1950, at 8:OO PJl., on petition of Nr. and EIrs, 1Toland for rezoning of Lot 20, hditor8s Subdivision No. 175. Deleg,ztion .* Hawthorne moved that problem of traffic re,dation at 'ousiness district I ' bbtion seconded by Child and carriedt I" - J Bepresentatives of Ladies rh.xilizry of )lissouri S,vnod requested Courrcil action 02 their netition, previously seyieeea, forlmaintpnce of Hone for Ased on 10-acre portion of Schillinger Farm at 70th ad lTormznd.de. Planning Comissionfs Jznwy 17th recommendztion for *public hearing vas reviewed. that Riiolic Eearing on matter of Petition t? I.laintz\n Home for Aged at Schillinger Fz~m be set for Tuesiby, PebruDZ 7, 1950, at 8:OO P,IL Child' and carried. lar. JO~ Person requested refund for payments dlegeiily mziie fdr assessnents on Leterd Sevrer Bo, 8. !o effect' that he is not entitled to refund because the property was assessed for only the District Sever (uzd ,cot the jaterd Sever+) vas. reviewed by Council, llr. Persons VJ+S asked to have his attorney, Mr. Leonzrd, cont$act the Coungil. if any Hauthorne move& Elotion seconded by 1 Depty Clerk's July 26, 1949, e-qlnanatian to 1.11'. Persons fwther information is desired. It vas brousht to Councilts attention that Officgr Cilarleq Bog will kve comsleted his six-months pro%stion-period as of Fe'brury 1. Hmthornets notion, thzt OZficer Charles Ploog be instslled as permment officer, effective Pebrmry I, 1950, and thet his sdzry be sqt at $Z57,.00 per month, includzng $25.00 Cost-of- Liviof adjustment, ms seconded by P+es and carried. The matter of sdaies for Joseph Vatole znd I.kyne Tracy, truck drivers, vas nest considered-these nen hzVrins comnleted their Pirst yea vith Public llorksr Crev Danenst motion, thzt &.tole and 'Przcy be raise4 to $250.00 per mon$h, vqs seconded by Pden and I I t -as salaried enyloyees ad Ynus being eligible for $10.00 q-sises, carried. .r * 1 PuXic llorks Gfialrmzn Dgens >resented quotdtion of B.E. Peterson 'Co. a 1Iinnezplis, in the mount of $291.00 eadh, for Jfodel 50 Bsrcol Overdoors for V211age Garage. Duleas moved for purckse of one door for Village Toolhouse, at >rice quoted, Ibtion seconded bj Child ad c-ried. Public TTorks Cbairnm Dznens red copy of Jznuz~Yy 17th letter to pu'olic Vorlrs Crew? establishing the following vorking policy: 1, Men of Pudlic IJOrks Crew shdl lewe Villzze Shop each morning promptly at 8:OO A.14, 2, Men shall have one-half hour for lurch, carrying t$eir lunches and eating on job, They sW1 not return Go Village Shop for lunch. 3. 4"lfen shall stay QZ~ job until c4:30 P.M. each dzy, returning equipent to Pillzse Shop after thzt hour. Child's ao+ion, thzt llr, Danes* action in forwarding Sanuzry 17th letter to Stree.I; Gomissioner be confirmed by Council, vas seconded by Hwthorne .ad carried. Discuss5on t:as had zs to'Village Policy vith regad to gasoline 2or Villge Equip- pent, vith Ik, Dmms suggestin3 that saving could be effec.t;ed by installation of -I& 2nd pinp. notion, t-kt VillGe advertise for bids for gasoline for bdace,of this 3ea, YIZS seconaed by €iavthorne and carried, Former policg vas revievred. fpr men'beqs Danens and Erickson, Pmers t fimthorne's notion, that CourciL advertise for bids to be tzken February 13, for get: police car, said advertisement specifying that 19b6 Ford is to be %rated in, md requesting that bidders bid on standard models, ,md on models syecially eqdnped for police work, IYZS seconded by Pden md carried. The matter of possi'ble revisions in Traffic Orainsnce adopted Xovenber 28, 19b.9, TJaS discussed, OEiimces ,ad Legisktion Coattees for joint meeting with VilIase-Attorney ad kmicipl Judge a& Police Department. Attorney ITindinorst zdvised Council to have present Ordinance published, ma, after discussioa, Havthorne*s motion, authorizing Clerk to pu3lish Ordinance, Y&%S seconaea -03 Pden and arried, Ba.v~thorne moved. for Councilts advertisement for bids to be taken 2eb-nzay 13, for seretml. of dl eqiring Snsur,mce policies, snecifying th& mounts pad tnes of j-nsnrmce be fhe sme as those in 1949. Water Suserintendent lloeuer asked Council confikmzt io$ of Bermission si-cten last fall for bids to bel .taken on 8 nep vel& to be constpcted at high school gromds. Chi?_cts mptioc, thzt Clerkrbe mthorized to advertise for bids to be t&en February 13, at 8:OO P.X. a for new 6ell at nevly acquired locztiont ad to gdyertise at lzter d&e for raqyired pmp?ns equipnent, vas seconded by &wbhorne ad carried, (. &Vthorne moved, .referring this matter to &Colic Safety 2nd I-lotion seconded by Palen aml Farried. r Motion seconded 'by Pden ad.csried. I' * 1/23 150 Village Attorney Vindhorst advised Council that it mqr be possible to effect settlement in the case of McGavlnorm vs Villege of Edina ad Pfe'iffer Construction Company. Scott and Barber bo-mdce settlement in this case' up to maximum of $5,000, was seconded by Child- -and unanimously ciirried. Office presented $507.18 claim of Dorsey,CoLman,Barker,Scott and Bsrber, for special services to Decem-ber 31, 1949, and $274.00 clai'm of Ivin City Testing 2nd Engineering Lsooratory for investigatiop and regort of asphdt paving, during 1949. be paid from the Permaent Improvement-Revolving hnd. Notion by Palen, for a2sroval and paymmt of Vill&e Payroll, amount $5,107,14, and Liquor %ore Payroll, an ount $409.00, as comput'ed in detail in 1950. Payroll Ledger for' period Sanuary 16 to Jpauzry 31, 1950, inclusive, was seconded by Danens ad carried; Notion by Palen, aTproving psym'ent of the following claims against the Liquor Fund, vas seconded'by Danens and chrried: Hawthornet s motion, that Council authorize. Dorsey,Colwa,Barker, d Hawbhorne seconded Childrs m'otion that the a'oove nmed claims Motion carried, - - / cmcx- a0 L789 L790 L791 ?792 L793 +79& L795 L796 L797 $798 * 1.799 L800 ' L801 L802 LS25 L804 L805 L806 i807 %808 k809. L810 I1811 i812 $1813 ' L 814 L815 * * L817 L 818' 1,816 ,. . &819 2820 I1821 L822 L823 I L82& * TO: Midland National Bank Julius Schmahl, Ireas. EFiRA George' Benz Sons, Inc , Distillers Distributing Fmous' Brands, Inc . The 23.14. Lohn Co. Griggs, Cooper & Co. McKesson 81 Robbins, Inc, Mid-Ves t Wine Co . ; Inc. Old Peoria Co. Ed, Phillips &-Sons Coo Swiss Wine House Anheusbr-Busch, Inc,' Canada'Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. ChssBa' Beverage Co. Clzuseh t: Sons, Inc. Coca-C6la BottliGg CO, of Minn. Cold @ring Distributing Co. ' 0. If. -Droney Bev. C6. Gluek' Brewing Co . Gold Ned& Bev. Co; MinneaBolis Brg'ring Co, Norris 'Distributing Cob Pai3st Sales Co. Purity Go, , Inc, Res Pistribufing C 0, Seven-Up Bottling Co. WiUard IBis tributing Co, Petty Cash American Linen Supply- Co . l.finn, Porn Printing Serv. Morthern States Power 60, F. J. Quinn ?azer Co. Schqub Office Sup2ly C6. *Village of Pdina-lTat er Department Young Fuel Co. - - - 1 TOTAL LIQUOR -FW Motion for approvai and payment of the 37o1lovriI: seconded by Pden carried: AP:IOUl?T LIQUOR FWD s; 75.80 54.91 9.66 6,116.90 4,339.55 13,233.58 3,738.40 367 . 27 1,536.17 946 . 92 164.50 67 50 236.04 50.20 182.29 31.00 296 . 68 326 . 05 87.10 75 . 70 29 -40 452.90 65.52 10.95 3.53 11 . 25 55- 00 32-20 73 00 2.46 64.00 c 94-77 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 . b482 4483 4484 H. A. Bogers CO, ' * $ 3.20 Milton Jf. Smithmm , 8.75 Villzge of Edina-Ifater Department 22 33 MilleryBryant-Pierce * 1.35 John R. Coan, Postmaster 10.00 IVorthern States Power Co. 97 041 Dr, E. L. Pitch 26.00 Lyle Signs Co. 52.54 ( Continued Next Pege) wgy 4500 4501 4504 4505 4-50? 4509 45x3 %g-k 4515 4517 4519 4518 4520 4,496 4523. 4.522 W96 4485 4-436 4487 4488 4489 4494 4498 M99 4504 4506 4-508 4515 4495 &523 5599 5600 *e 4-4-84 Q.497 4594 4509 ~510 4.511 4512 4516 - TO: Jus'nfs Xumber Co. fJorthern States Power 00. Northern States Power C.O. John Bdich Chester J.' Betleg ToTm Oountry H&dwwe t r Eiepiolic Creosoting 00. I Eennepin County Reviev t-IilIer-hXs Co . Xinnesoiiz S-md 8: Gravel Co. Yom'g &el Co; Worthwes tern Bell Telephone' Co . Villdse of Edin&-Yat er' Department Pitch Pet Eospitd Chief Peter?lillizms, Secy Bs Treas. 'f4inn. St&e Fire Chiefs! Assn. htI. &snL of Fire Chiefs -I TOTAS GET- FUNS AHOPTJT G~?~AII PU;XD ( COlED) e $ 11.77 -. - .^ , 880.13 880.59 96.00 * 36.00 3.81 ir?. 26 c 35.00 103.87 308.81 84.71 ' 56.10 25 . 00 29: 50 1.00~ 18-00 c __ $2,912.13 SE~YER RElTTfi FW'D Hoff Eu%%er Stmp Co, 3.26 Villa& of Edina4ater Dezartme'nt; ' 200,00 Northekn S+iates Po<rer Co, a $ 208.49 -I TOTAL SEWER €DINT& 3UKD ' -I * f G~RBAGEI COW;.~JED - 11. 'E&IP,rnT2AL Pam 5.25 iio.93 3.00 2.32 .- c 14.16 343.22 31.78 35.04 * 1.09 8 78.81 ' 32.81 $Torth.&tern Bell TeleFhone Go: 15.25 r Hoff Eu3be'r Sfmp Go. 7.26 TO'PAI; GARBAGE COLIiECTION FUXD -$ 3.26 t lXatioo5.l Bushing 13 Pats Go. Hime&olis Gas Co, Edina Pure Oil Go. Hydrzulic Jack &-Equip. Go. Brookside Service Stn. Bortheh States Power Go, 3Torthei.n Stztes Power Go. Tom &-Country Hadmre 8. E, LAr Go. Subm%i.n Ciievrolef c -. .- Hull-Dbbbs $ 672.66 C* ' T0T.G EQZSIPX3XT REEl?Ali FUND 4 .. . Lyle Sips Co. qustus Woer Co. Totm P: ~ounh;~ Hg~~v.rztre Iiiller-Davfs ~6. IJorthfkd Electric Supply Go. Hori;hlznd El6ctric Supply Co. Dunhm~Scott Go. Northern States Power Co, - IOTa PARKS Pa FUPJD 59-92 171.83 15-86 LO. 00 49.27 * 29 13 18 .?O - - 9132 Z 5 tJ33 ... 1/23/50 - I CHECK iT0. TO: AT.IOUNT T'JATER DEPARTMENT - 4490 Vaterous Co $ ,1.58 ~-91 PJEericm Water i'rorks Assn. , 10,oo 4492 Nor t hern Stat ew Power Co . 453.36 4493 Northern Stat& Power 00. 418 . 44 LI.496 , Hoff Rulber Stmp Co. 3.26 4502 Robert Stevart . *_ 35-70 25 02 Tovm h Country brdware Co. 6.69 4503 4504 - . 8.00 53.20 4514 Young Fuel co. 4515 ITorthves tern Tell' Telephone Co. 11,OO Rbbert 3;. Otness $1,026.25 bo7 Hinnepin County Review -TOTAL WATER DEPARTIL~T I 1 Psxk Board's letter of January 23,.notifying Council of Mr. H.E. Strachzuer*s appointment as Chairmm of Board and Planning Commission Nember for yesr,?9fjO; &nd of intended change of meeting day from first Wednesday each month to Firs? ad Third-IPhursdzys (upon i'ssuance of Edfna Directory for 1950) vras read, carried,. Attorney I"lindhorst*s .I Januz.ry. . 3rd advice to the P2rg Board, with regard to procedure for disnosal of certain Lands 'acquired for park purposes, vas reviewed by Council. Hawthorne moved that Park Board be notified that the Village Council is willing to relinquish aca_uired tax delinquent lands EL& aould $ike report from Board as to which proaerties they recommend for conveyance back to the State. . Motion seconded by Child and carried. !dotion by Hzvrthorne for confirmation of reappoistment, for year 1950, of +resent delegates to Southv{est Fire League, tes seconded by Danens ad carried, .- - Motion by Child for $djour&ent was seconded by Pden and carried. Hawthorne moved tha3 lettkr be fil'ed. Notion' sec'onded by GhiLd and I. r I I r I MINUTES 03' THE SPl3CIAL MEXTING OF TKE XDZITA VILLAGE COUWXL HEZD TTJESDAY, Flj!BBUaY- .. 7, i9fjO,-EC- 8:00iph4.1, .. Wembers aswering &llc& xem Child, -&wthorne znd Erickson, vi th Palen md Danens coming lrzter. Mem'bers of Pdina Plmning Commission present vere Xraff t , Ode11 , Hiat t , Rmgland , Thorpe ad S t rachauer . In callins Meeting to- order , President of Council announced 'GO audience thzt first portion of ii2eetiEg vrould be a Joint Session of Council and Planning Cominiskon , for pur--ose of two pu'olic hearfngs. I?irst Fublic Hearing on Agenda tras the Hearing on Petition-by Lucille R. Xolm ad J. Lea Nolan, for the Remning of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision Xfo. 172 (S outhtrest Comer 0% France Avenue pad #.49th Street) from Ozen Development District to Communitg Store Districh. Clerk read affldzvit of yu'olicphion of notice of hekcing, vhich vas-ipproved. as 'to form and plzced on file. filed 'oy 23 &mers of neighboring properties, objecting to such rezoning, vas read bg Cllerk, as c.trell as February 6th objection, by J.Stevrart NcClendon, Alderma for Winneqolist &3th I?g,ra. in support of the petition to rezone, eqlzining that the Nolavls:13~ish to put r this proserty to some use--to either 'ouiyd ax qzrbent house or sone commer- cial project, preferably an apartment house. Wr. Hawthorne eqlained to audience thst the Wolans chad originally presented getitiqn to Planning . *Commission for a 20-asartment building, in an area allotring for eight f3mily unfts. Nessrs. cL.J. Vhite, 4846 Prance Avenue; Vm. H. Ke11,3921 I'r.49th St,; Barry Dwis, b812 X)%ilce Avenue; +d B.C. Kersteter, MOO France Avenue, all opposed rezoning, weeing that an apartment building would. be. better tllan a coaqercial enterprise 'aut advocating that such apartment neet vith zoning recpirements. r t t Petition Mr. Ea1 ,H. Coyell represented the Holms Mr. Prick Bjorlman,3923 W.49th St; .and 1.k. 3. C. Stotr, ovmer ..