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CHECK iT0. TO: AT.IOUNT T'JATER DEPARTMENT - 4490 Vaterous Co $ ,1.58
~-91 PJEericm Water i'rorks Assn. , 10,oo
4492 Nor t hern Stat ew Power Co . 453.36
4493 Northern Stat& Power 00. 418 . 44 LI.496 , Hoff Rulber Stmp Co. 3.26
4502 Robert Stevart . *_ 35-70
25 02
Tovm h Country brdware Co. 6.69 4503
4504 - .
53.20 4514 Young Fuel co. 4515 ITorthves tern Tell' Telephone Co. 11,OO
Rbbert 3;. Otness
bo7 Hinnepin County Review
Psxk Board's letter of January 23,.notifying Council of Mr. H.E. Strachzuer*s
appointment as Chairma of Board and Planning Commission Nember for yesr,?9fjO;
&nd of intended change of meeting day from first Wednesday each month to
Firs? ad Third-IPhursdzys (upon i'ssuance of Edfna Directory for 1950) was
Attorney I"lindhorst*s .I Januz.ry. . 3rd advice to the P2rg Board, with regard to
procedure for disnosal of certain Lands 'acquired for park purposes, vas
reviewed by Council. Hawthorne moved that Park Board be notified that the
Village Council is willing to relinquish aca_uired tax delinquent lands ~63-
aould $ike report from Board as to which proaerties they recommend for
conveyance back to the State. . Motion seconded by Child and carried.
!dotion by Hzvrthorne for confirmation of reappoistment, for year 1950, of
+resent delegates to Southv{est Fire League, tes seconded by Danens ad
carried, .- -
Motion by Child for $djour&ent was seconded by Pden and carried.
Hawthorne moved tha3 lettkr be fil'ed. Notion' sec'onded by GhiLd and
I I r I
Flj!BBUaY- .. 7, i9fjO,-EC- 8:00iph4.1, ..
Wembers aswering &llc& xem Child, -&wthorne znd Erickson, vi th Palen md
Danens coming lrzter.
Mem'bers of Pdina Plmning Commission present vere Xraff t , Ode11 , Hiat t ,
Rmgland , Thorpe ad S t rachauer .
In callins Meeting to- order , President of Council announced to audience thzt
first portion of ii2eetiEg vrould be a Joint Session of Council and Planning
Cominiskon , for pur--ose of two pu'olic hearfngs.
I?irst Fublic Hearing on Agenda tras the Hearing on Petition-by Lucille R. Xolm
ad J. Lea Nolan, for the Remning of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision Xfo. 172
(S outhtrest Comer 0% France Avenue pad #.49th Street) from Ozen Development
District to Communitg Store Districh. Clerk read affldzvit of yu'olicphion of
notice of hekcing, vhich vas-ipproved. as 'to form and plzced on file.
filed 'oy 23 &mers of neighboring properties, objecting to such rezoning, vas
read bg Cllerk, as c.trell as February 6th objection, by J.Stevrart NcClendon,
Alderma for Winneqolist &3th I?g,ra.
in support of the petition to rezone, eqlzining that the Nolavls:13~ish to put
r this proserty to some use--to either 'ouiyd ax qzrbent house or sone commer-
cial project, preferably an apartment house. Wr. Hawthorne eqlained to
audience thst the Wolans chad originally presented getitiqn to Planning .
*Commission for a 20-asartment building, in an area allotring for eight f3mily
unfts. Nessrs. cL.J. Vhite, 4846 Prance Avenue; Vm. H. Ke11,3921 I'r.49th St,;
Barry Dwis, b812 X)%ilce Avenue; +d B.C. Kersteter, MOO France Avenue, all
opposed rezoning, weeing that an apartment building would. be. better tllan a
coaqercial enterprise 'aut advocating that such apartment neet vith zoning
r t
Mr. Ea1 ,H. Coyell represented the Holmzs
Mr. Prick Bjorlman,3923 W.49th St; .and 1.k. 3. C. Stotr, ovmer
of commercial Frozerty at 4.924 Prmce, su3ported the Nolan Fetition.
smiig b3 Xr, Kmfft, Ckirm of Plpzrming Comssion, to effect tht Conmission
aproves multiple dwellin= project for this corner, poviding Zoning Eepirenents
zre met, Hr. Cove11 -reqGested thclt Council chsider petition for Reooni$g i&thdram.
Co-icil informally granted ZeQyest, thus ending Bearins:
Gearbg on Petition 'by Lsaies Auxilicry of 1.Iissoi.ri Synod, for maintenace of soine
for Aged on 10-acre sorgion of Schillinger Farm at 70th Street ad Xormzlzd.de Road
ms opened 'by Clerk's reaCi5ns OF Affidwit of Publication of Notice of Hearing,
Krs. Hintz and Attorney Bxrker sgoke for the petition, A Mrs, Olseen, omer of
gro3erty directlg zcross 70th S-wt from SchiUinger ?am; Ik. Siebert, 48Oh V,
70th St., and mother snectztormvming yroperty nezrb;r, as vel1 as 14r* E.C. Stov,
objected to such an institution,' Petitioners were unable to give definite state-
ment Of finasci3.l responsibilityor plan of operation,
recomendsti'on of Jzru.rg 17, LSO, vas Ted. Child noved that Riiilic Befling be
postzoned until evidence of finacid responsibility, mi3 plm of'oseration for
gonoj;ed project are before the Council,.
After a
* - I
PSanning Gonmissi6n
? I - Woti6n seconded by Havrthorne ad 1 ca+ied. .. .
BeQuest YES made, before the Council-Coxmission, ?or rezonins to Community Store
District, of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Grandviev Heights Addition.
!i!hoqe of the-PXanniq Comisgion mob6d tbt Gomission recopaend-to Councif. tb%
proprty be rezoned, ad that groper Public Hearing for same be held. Nofion
seconded by Ode11 and c&ried. ZmrtBorie mopSd that Public Heisin% oc petition
for Ilezonirg be set for' I-iondw, W3rcKl3, 1950, at 8:OO €'*1.1,,, and thzt affected
groperty o?m& 3e notified of said EezTing.
Hotion 'seconded by Palen. and
There being no further business to come Before the Gomission at this time,
members or" th'e Gomission retired from the meeting. *
A@ications' 202 Villqe Enzineer-Executive Officer aere revieved b;7 the Council,
members having interviewed tiwee qualified q~licmts. Danens moved for q~oint-
nent of Hr* P. 2Pbeo. Olssen 8s Village Ensineer-Bxecutive Officer, at a s-d-ar~~ of
$6,000 per gear, ayFointneat to be effective 1.Iarch 16, 19-50.
w:rthorne vhzninously cerried,
Discussion vas had as to other IJhELses of operetions, with I.ir. Ben T'loehler being
qqointed as Superintendent of Puiolic Utilities, at a salay increzse of 525.00
per month, effective Februsy 16, 1950, by motion Child, seconded by Palep and
unraimously cizried. -
HrtT.rthorne noved for zdjourrxnent. 1.Iotion .seconded %y Dmens , ad carried, l-leeting
.. , /
Hotion seconded by
1.fenbers Child, D-mens
later in the 24eeting.
and Bricksbn &sr.Tered-Rollchl. PiLen and Hþe me
1 c
Child noved thst 1.Iinvter: of Re,dar Xeeting of Jmugy 23, 1950, be qpoved as
sulmitted, l4otion seconded 'or Dmen& and caried, -
Pursilztnt to Wotice of Street Improvement Hearing43lacktop~ing all Strsets in
Pros_neat Xills Second Bd&,ition," guUished. in Subwrban Press, Hogkins , on
Jaxu.ary 25 gd Fe3ru-j 1, 1950, affidmit .of Fublic&ion for which notice ?res
re& b;i- Clerk, zgproved as to fom and plzced on file--Pu'olic Hewing i~as called
on- the above nmed project, Enzineer's Estimate of Cost in mount of $5,503.39,
orSl.32 $er zssesszble foot vas real,
3u$ I&* 14, P. Johnson, getitioner for the improvement, sussested ?kiting until
he hes circulated setition for a like imz3rovenent in Prossect Hills Pirst Addn,
Child moved'. tirzt project .be.delwed until next re,gu+r mee$ins, .e,w.i.ting.Rr.
Johsont s Fetition for Prossect Bills .Blacktogping.
&d carted,
There vere no objections to the iqrovement,
I~zotion seconded by Dsnens