HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500213_REGULAR2/7/50 of commercial Frozerty at 4.924 Prmce, su3ported the Nolan Fetition. smiig b3 Xr, Kmfft, Ckirm of Plpzrming Comssion, to effect tht Conmission aproves multiple dwellin= project for this corner, poviding Zoning Eepirenents zre met, Hr. Cove11 -reqGested thclt Council chsider petition for Reooni$g i&thdram. Co-icil informally granted ZeQyest, thus ending Bearins: Gearbg on Petition 'by Lsaies Auxilicry of 1.Iissoi.ri Synod, for maintenace of soine for Aged on 10-acre sorgion of Schillinger Farm at 70th Street ad Xormzlzd.de Road ms opened 'by Clerk's reaCi5ns OF Affidwit of Publication of Notice of Hearing, Krs. Hintz and Attorney Bxrker sgoke for the petition, A Mrs, Olseen, omer of gro3erty directlg zcross 70th S-wt from SchiUinger ?am; Ik. Siebert, 48Oh V, 70th St., and mother snectztormvming yroperty nezrb;r, as vel1 as 14r* E.C. Stov, objected to such an institution,' Petitioners were unable to give definite state- ment Of finasci3.l responsibilityor plan of operation, recomendsti'on of Jzru.rg 17, LSO, vas Ted. Child noved that Riiilic Befling be postzoned until evidence of finacid responsibility, mi3 plm of'oseration for gonoj;ed project are before the Council,. After a * - I PSanning Gonmissi6n 1 t ? I - Woti6n seconded by Havrthorne ad 1 ca+ied. .. . BeQuest YES made, before the Council-Coxmission, ?or rezonins to Community Store District, of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Grandviev Heights Addition. !i!hoqe of the-PXanniq Comisgion mob6d tbt Gomission recopaend-to Councif. tb% proprty be rezoned, ad that groper Public Hearing for same be held. Nofion seconded by Ode11 and c&ried. ZmrtBorie mopSd that Public Heisin% oc petition for Ilezonirg be set for' I-iondw, W3rcKl3, 1950, at 8:OO €'*1.1,,, and thzt affected groperty o?m& 3e notified of said EezTing. carried.' Hotion 'seconded by Palen. and There being no further business to come Before the Gomission at this time, members or" th'e Gomission retired from the meeting. * A@ications' 202 Villqe Enzineer-Executive Officer aere revieved b;7 the Council, members having interviewed tiwee qualified q~licmts. Danens moved for q~oint- nent of Hr* P. 2Pbeo. Olssen 8s Village Ensineer-Bxecutive Officer, at a s-d-ar~~ of $6,000 per gear, ayFointneat to be effective 1.Iarch 16, 19-50. w:rthorne vhzninously cerried, Discussion vas had as to other IJhELses of operetions, with I.ir. Ben T'loehler being qqointed as Superintendent of Puiolic Utilities, at a salay increzse of 525.00 per month, effective Februsy 16, 1950, by motion Child, seconded by Palep and unraimously cizried. - HrtT.rthorne noved for zdjourrxnent. 1.Iotion .seconded %y Dmens , ad carried, l-leeting . .. , / 1 Hotion seconded by 1.fenbers Child, D-mens later in the 24eeting. ... and Bricksbn &sr.Tered-Rollchl. PiLen and H&thorne me 1 c Child noved thst 1.Iinvter: of Re,dar Xeeting of Jmugy 23, 1950, be qpoved as sulmitted, l4otion seconded 'or Dmen& and caried, - < Pursilztnt to Wotice of Street Improvement Hearing43lacktop~ing all Strsets in Pros_neat Xills Second Bd&,ition," guUished. in Subwrban Press, Hogkins , on Jaxu.ary 25 gd Fe3ru-j 1, 1950, affidmit .of Fublic&ion for which notice ?res re& b;i- Clerk, zgproved as to fom and plzced on file--Pu'olic Hewing i~as called on- the above nmed project, Enzineer's Estimate of Cost in mount of $5,503.39, orSl.32 $er zssesszble foot vas real, 3u$ I&* 14, P. Johnson, getitioner for the improvement, sussested ?kiting until he hes circulated setition for a like imz3rovenent in Prossect Hills Pirst Addn, Child moved'. tirzt project .be.delwed until next re,gu+r mee$ins, .e,w.i.ting.Rr. Johsont s Fetition for Prossect Bills .Blacktogping. &d carted, There vere no objections to the iqrovement, I~zotion seconded by Dsnens - i. c 1' 2/17/50 The folloving bids for Bell Construction were pu'Plicly onened md read, pursusnt Ho-ol.;i%s and in Construction-Bulletin, 14inneqolis - to- llAd.vertisement for Bids for 17ell ConstructionYn a39earing in Suburb& Press, Bergerson-Casvell, Inc. , Ninneapolis $8,396.00 on February 2 and 9, 3.950: * Keys Yell Drilling Go., St.'P&. s9,940.00 r < w,237*00 McCart;hy Well Go. St. P&U~, $ll,2go.00 Lqae-I.Tinnesota .. Co . , Minneapol'is .- : ~ $9,37500 Iiotion by Child, referring-Toids to fiblic utilities Connittie for' report at nest re9la.r meetiiiy, vas 'secbnded by D~&S ad carried. ' &,x Renner :Ylell Go. S t .Louis Park ,. 1 - .- - Opening of Gzso1iri.e Bids vas ,next, .pur&ant to-"Advertisement for Bids-Gasoline for Villqe Bquipment , 1' .qnieariii~ in Su'ourban Press and Construction maletin on*Febru&rg 2 and;9, 1950. The folloving bids vere the onLr bids received: Grandview Service Stn. (Gross) $23,9 Gd. $24.9 GiL. * l?EGULAB. GAS. - "ET;IYL" GAS. Disco%% 7 1.0 7 1.0 *ea. Tqx - 1.5-, - - 1.5 G.21.4 $22& Brookside Service Stn, Discount frbm Retail Price '- $.Ob per Gal, After inquiry of the bidiers, it-was determined that the Bid bf Grandview Service Station wqs s.001 per grrl10v.m Sower than that of Brooksid-e Service Station, with Brogkside offerkng 24-hour service, and Gradview offering to issue Beys Tor self-sqrsiice aftex hours. Child moved that contractrfor gzsollne %e ararded to Broqlrsi.de Service Station. Motion seconded 3y Dmens and carried. d delesation of eight , includirtg-Mr. Hodgson, (who spoke for the delegztion) , Br. r'orqey, Nr. H$L.lmuzn, asked Cgunc&L for semi-actuzted &gas on Bornmdde, to enable perochial school children, 8s we21 as congregstion of Our Lady of Grace Church to c~oss the highvap vith safety, groI2osed service royl be ogened on .the Vest side. of iTornsnd;?le,, .from Church site a; hr South 2s Valley View Xoad, I&. Darrell of the Minnesota St3;te Higniiay Depztment, who had evidenkd 2 possibi3.itg of -the Sta$e* e imtalli,?g a semi-actpalied si9 at '(illson Rod. and NormAnd'ziLe, Hzvthdrne ngved that Council m&e form& request to ~innesots State Hi$.7vmy Department for installation of semi-actuated traffic signa at frillson Road kc$ Skate HiZ$ww ITo.-~lOO. -Notian seconded by Daqens and carried. Bids for Police Car ber,e next opened and p\-Dlicly read, pursu?qt. to lfAdvertisement. for Biqs" :Ti)ezing ir? Subdrbm Press, Ho@ins, XiiinezpoZis , on Peb,ruary Z and 9,, 1950 , , -as follows: Grossm& Chevrolet bo. , Npls. (S;yle>ine) $1643.76-. $I@O. 70 . NET- $993 - 70 $1040.70 $1615.45 I -. - BSr. 23. C, Stow qugsested that Nr. Child reporCJed conversation with c in Construction BuUe&in, t FOUR DOOR SEDAIT - TWO DOOR SEDAN - t Less Trade-In-1946 Ford . , -650.0.0 - . . 650,.0O - Suburban qhevmlet Co . ,$Iogkins c( Styl-eltne)- $1570.45 Less Trade-In4946 Ford 1015.00 - 1015.00 <1?XT -_ . i$ 555.45 . $ 610.45. Mzlkersbn Szles, kc, yr ~J~pl.s.. -(76 st&.) $2043.55 Less. Trade-In-1946 Ford , 800.00 ,hQT ~ $1243 55 ' (88 Std.) $2208.55 Less Trade-In-1946 Ford . 800.00 1mT - $1408.55 - l'looclheafi Goqmy, Inc. ,Mpls. Police Special Ford I 1 JxE3! $ 897.00 DeLGe Ford-8 I ?&ET $ 817.00 c. , $2101.55 ~ 800.00 8i268.55 800.00 $1468.55 C $1301 55 r r $ 934.00 $l 854.00 , After due consideration of all bids, @vthorne moved thp3 Comcil purchsse Two7Door Styline Cbevrolet fron Suhrbm Chevr.olet Co , Eoskins, 2% Sheir pice. of $1 ,57OAL!,.5, less trade-in o? $1,015,00, plus -extra for-Heavy Duty Clu.thli-$4..15, for totd of $559.60. IIotion seconded by Pden md caried, I 2/13 /50 Discussion, was hsd 2s to siren ma energency lights reqiired for nev police CZT. H?,T.rthoraeIs notion, thzt Council authorize Village Clerk to purcb-se nev siren-.and- €lsfier-t;rpe lizht combirztion, of the same ,tme 2.s is nov on the Chevrolet Police Cw, TTZS seconded ijy Pplen ad carried. R-zrsumt to l'&Treytisexent for Bids-Insurznce, II pbl.ir;hed in Su-iurbm Press, Bopkins , on February 2 apFyoved as tp fopn, ad >laced on file, the followins bids on insmznce vere 182 - < ,* r 9, 1950, Affidzvit of Publicztion- lon vhich vas read by Clerk, - piblicly open& rqd read: 1- VORBIZLT' S COI~PBTSATIOI$ 1. Fred L. Gray Co.,,4zent Por mericm Casualty Co. of Readinq, Pa,. _St3te W6lished Rzte, Less Eqerience Adjustment Credit of 19.3s Less Loss Ratio Dividend (Loss 0-30$ 08 Prem.; Di?, IS$ of Prem,) &thur'B. Eydeen. ,.Acent for I Emlosers I.Iutual Casualty Co , of Des Hoines St&e Published Rate, Less %perience Aajussmelit Credit of 19.3$ Less Loss RzWo 'Dividend on Premium OvFr $1-;000 Federated I<utu&.s ,. Azeut for htu+ .Imnlement & Hdwe . Ins. Co. of Ovatonna -State Rxblished &%e, Less EGerience Adjustment Credit of 29.39 Hkdmfe !.lutud.s, &cent for H-admre f<utu-d Casud.€;v Go, . State'Pu'alished'Rate, Less EGeriehce Adjustment Credit of 19-35 Less Preniurn Dividend OE Pr'enium Over $1,000 Less Xstimted Divideni on Ea'cjre Prempm - c Dkvid kency. &e~t for A.kriczn AGtono3ile Ins. Co. of St, huis *State Tublished Rate, Less ZKoerience Adjustment Credit of 19.3$ Iiess Loss Ratio DiTridend (Loss +LO$; Div.-16$ of Entire Preaiq &O& ACCID2TT POLICY-TOL~T~4'IRB 'DZZI!.- $3 io00 liccidental DezDh; $25.00 'li'eekly accident beilef it fop 104 r;jeGks ;-$25;09 non-8iWjlZn~ In ju-rr bepe2i.t: $5OO'.OB-iios3it&; si& P%CE-~I~ xm TR,~~:sP~T.~~~!IOIT- COVERAS-- $1, 000 coqerase c Less Premium~Discount on Premium Over $1,000- 905.5 20 . 0:; 9.5$ 2. Iova. Less Estinated Ilividenri on First $1,000 of Premium Less P7ernium.Discouat on Br~nium @er $1,000 L I .. (Loss 0-205; bir.-305$' Qver $l,,OQO) 3 . Less qstinzted DiviiLend on Entire Premia I -20.05 - * 4.0$ 20.0$ 4, .. 5. 23 (t Q ::: Q Xc $: $t a:: >:c a> J: a;c a:: $c a: :: * iaedic5l znd surgical e-qense benefits. 1, ,%red L. Gray Co., Azeat €or drm, Casu9lty Co. of Readinz. Pa. - $L45,00 a$ :$ 0 a> <; ax >:( $6 :$- X: sic Q $:r X: 5: a;: Q 1. Fred L, Gray Co., Xmnt r"br-dinn: C&U_;il€y-Co.,-o€ Re;,ding.-P,L - $ 12,gO .. + s:e :> ' >:( 1:s + xc ::t a:< ::: 3:: <c X: - $ 23 <c <: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. L~BILITY OX ROD PXPBOLS .'.mm s~om, TRACTW G LULL ~oums. FOI~ L:O~ &D K)TGR 'SC?EE!S. ST-EET SlEPm z PIS 2 +$2~,(MO/$$,pOO; PD-$5,000/$25,000 Bsed on $10.000 Remeration 1Fred L. S.538 aer $100; PD - Q.75 ;per $100 Federzted Ihtuds, kent for I.IutuGl 195. e: Hdve, 6avid A~encg, Ayent, for Ann. Aukonobile Ins. go. of* St.Louis >> * ::I p \\ Q Q gc gc >:c %> $( <: ::: - Q :;c << <l Go:, daent for Ann, Casr'Co.' of Readiny, Pa., PIL $128 -80 e, $ 96.60 Pren. 5533.73 Less Estimted Diridend - 205 , 106.75 $426.98 PI& - $.A03 qer $100; PD - s.563 pr $100 -- 1 LIBILITY .OX TCJiET OF C+LB-klSD-TRUCES PIC $25,000/$50,,~0; PD - $5,000 Including ElTed Ca -2Bd Bon-Ovmars,Up Endorsements ri- On 13 Vehicles, FederLted. I.iutUzls, Azent for Ilutu2. In& h Hdve. Co.. - $1,,017.43 Fred L. Gmy Go,, Agexi$ €or Am Dag. Co. of Reading, Pa. Arthur B. &deen, kent for Enployers I.iutuzl Casualty Co. $829 e57 $7594 3-2 Les~ Estin3,ted Dividend -"20$ - -. - 203.49 $813.94 First Ed& State BE+:, Agent f.or Anchor Ca'sudty'Co. $832.97 - Dmid kencg, &at for herican Automobile Ins. Co. of St.Louis , :>;t g 3:: %;c a$ $:c :3 >x a;: $ a$ ?> >:c - r;; a;( a:c $3 $5 I - I- ? 2/13 /50 I83 - Dr . 1; .K. Koller s letter of January 26, 1950, $$oies tin& non-allovrmce of discount on water bill for pzgment dter discount date, &s read. It was brought to attention of Council by Fublic'Utilities Committee, tkt Dr. L'oller' s pqpent ws mailed on October 18, 1949 , as evid-enced by stamp cancellation, whereas discount date Gas October 15. Dr . EolLer mzintzins that his paTyment tras nailed on the 15th. After ascertaining from the office the4 no other allowaces have been made in like situations, I Child'moved that Dr: Hollerrs request for dlov?ance of discount be denied. by H?vrthorne aid carried. .If Motion secdnded c. Edina Comercial Club' s February '8,1950 request for abolishment of Truck Loading Zones at Zephyr Cleaners-Fanny Fzrmer Shop, md chmge in Zone at Zipoyls Grocery to read lifPruck Zone to 2:00 P.M. , Nondw throu,zh Frid%y," was read, together with requests Prom Edina Shoe Service end Zi~oy~s Grocery. j-fr. E. C. Stow informed Council -tbt the 'CoGercial Club has recently qpointed a committee of five to study'the general parking situati6n in the business district, and that said- cormni%tee vi11 prob&ly be ready to report to Council at the& next regular meeting, be deferied until iext reear meeting, avraiflng study znd +eport'by co&ittee. Notion seconded by Palen and carried, - mntrzcts avrarded d-uring summer of 1949. kr.' Ashvrorth requested approxi- Child moved that Parking Natter 34essrs. Ashvrorth and Sanuelson,. representing Ashvrorth 83 Son, and J3.y 11. Craig Co., reFpectively, requested additional payment for blacktopping work on mately $5,400.00. Motion seconded 'by Havthorne and carried. (See subsequent action later in meetins). son was asked to contact Public Works Supt. Daneis for reviewc his request. Mr, 'Noxon of l?o.ll Circle. Vest, Hilldale, representing the Hilld.zle'Assn., requested installation of draintile at "triangle1' in Hilldale, in order that the Hilldale Assn. might (with proper permission) fill in this triangle, Motion Fmthorne ref erred matter - to I" Public . ,T'lorks Cornnittee, to work wibh Park ?oard on this '3ro ject . Seconded by .. Child' and cbried. Nr. 3. C. Stow a@nf requested vacation of' the Lme in Yvonne Terbace Addition, lesrdiiig from the street , "YJronne Terrace,"' to the dedicaked aark;' stating thzt 'VillMe-noir has access to .this park by way' of Code Avenue. Child'moved thzt matter be referred to Park Board &d Planning Commission for their recommen- dation.. Seconded by Pden and carried. ' Notification by Volunteer Fire Department of officials elected fob year 1950 vas readJ Motion seconded by Palen carried. +/a Danens moved thzt amount be paid, Hr. Szmuel- .' I - - _. Hawthorne moved-that .election be approved and letteb be filed, < .. - I .' *Petition dated Jwuzry 28, 1950, signed by owners of one hundred percent of the nroyerty a%utting Zenith Avenue between 1/2 Block South of 56th Street, and 57th Street, requesting iqroveient of this portion of the street by Blzcktoqing, vJ.ras filed, petitiops filed during 1948 and i949 -for blacktopping, which have 'been tabled uitil this ssring, for vrhich preliminary pu3li.c hearings have not been hd, Hmvthorne moved, accepting petition dated J.auay 28, and setting pu%lic.hewing on that petition and on the following petitions for lionday, .-.tb,'',- Office cdled to CounciZys attention severd sever$ A Mwch 13, 1950, at 8:OO P.M.: 'f\ - Petitions for BlacktoTping: York Axenue between V.56th md W.57th Streets IIoodiill Rgzd .between St.Johns Avenue and Crescent Drive, grid that part of Concord Avenue &joining Lot 1, Block 8-ad Lot 1, Block; 7, Golf Terrace Heights Addi.d'ion Tovrer Street between St. Johns and Concord Avenues Motion seconded by Pden &a carried, Havrthoine mo;ed for tabling petitidns for Blacktoyping-all streets in L&ena Vista md in York Terrace until First Meeting in February, 1951. t - r f - .e .- .- .. Notion 'seconded by Child znd carried, *. < Recuest of Bivce Construction for survey to determine possible extension of ~ sever h-d water service from 58th md Beard to 60th d Beard md Chowen, was referred to the Superintendent of Public Utilities 6mmittee Chsirmm Child's motion, seconded by Havthorne and carried. 9 184 2/13/50 Petition of J-znu=y 31, by P.T.A. of Pdinz-NorninSside School, For ston-md-go signs on Eishirw 100, and for instz&lation of street lights at intersebtTon'of roads from-high school to Eighvray Bo. 100 M~S read znd filed, Trustee Child informing ComciX that Sqerintendent &!iller vrould advise School Board 3pd P.T.A. of zction already taken by Council. Bill of Sale, for sde of 47 singl&li%Sht ornaentd steel light stmdards, coqfete, br Northern Stztes Pover Co. to Villa~e of Edina zt cost 2f $1.00, vas reviewed. l!otion.'oJr Child, asroving the groposition of Borthern Stetes Power Coo, and zuthorizing President wd Clerk to execute bill of sde in me of Villzge vas seconded by Dvlens and carried. Xorthern States Pover Corzpnyts Ommental Street Lizhting Contract , for ,years 1950 to 1953, inclusive, vas referred'to Xdic Utilities Committee for study aad report at next re@lar meeting, by bfotion bwthorne, seconded by Danens and carried. n-. Wotification by I-Iinnesota Railrod ad lkrehouse Clomission,cof Hearing to be held March 1, 1950, at 1O:OO A.M., at*St&e Office Building, St. Paul, on petition by Tvrin City X2Fid Trmsit Cony~y $or d5scontinumce of 50th Street Cross-Tom hs Line , PES read. and filed, Chairw Child of PubXic Utilities Committee reported on petition fiLed4zt last regdm meeting IIJ Pe;?rson Brothers , for installation of street lights , bfovhg tkt _Detition be honored except for-request (2), ad that in this case the light be installed at corner of Richmond Drive-and Richmond Circle, lMotion seconded by ?den and carried. Hr. P.Theo. OLsson's acceptace of aspointment to position of Village Engineer- Execative Oflicer, vas read znd filed: c I - t < I . , Danens' motton, thst Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the following, said bids to be taken Wach 13, 1950, at 8:OO P.N., tras seconded by Hmthorne, and carried: 30,000 Gals. More or Less, Cutbablc gsphalt MC 1,2 or 3 30,000 Gals. Hore or &ess, Road Oil SC 1, 2 or 3 3b,OOO Gds. Xore or Less, Road Is RT 4 to ET 10 ... 500 Tons Nore or Less, Hot Ready I4ix Tar 500 Tons Nore or Less, Hot Ready 3% Cutback Asphalt - >$ :x *- >:< << 1;: Q 3s Xk >.< a$ g 2,000 Cu. Yds. 14ore-or Less of each of €he following: Torpedo Smd, 5,000 Cu. Yds. islore or Lesq,Pit Run Gravel 4,000 h. Yds. More or Less, Pea Gmvel Suckshojj Gravel, Crushed Rock size- I$' to 2". f Motion seconded by Hzwthorne ad carried. Dis'cussion w,s hzd as to site of new vrell, with Council being advised 'ioy *!ttorney Vindhorst that School Bowd, does not have pover to transfer property without an election, md that long-term lease is considered trensfer of -groperty. considera3le discussion as to necessity of acquiring lad at this site, Child offered the folloaing Resolution 2nd moved its adoption: RESOLUTION $OR ILELL SITE). I r r After f - %~R3-4.S, It is necesssy, advgsable md in-?he pu$lic interest tkt the Villee of Zdina construct a new water supply zs ;in a&dit:ion to, their. establis,hed water supnly system, including construction of. a ?Tell, pm~, and pmphouse; and folloying described land located md being in the PilLaSe of Edins, County of Henneiin, Sta%e of IIinrfesota, to-wit: t I I.mG, In order to ctccoqlish such purpose it is necessary to acquire the The West Tuo Hundred (ZOO) feet of the Pzst Ttro Hundred Thirty (230) feet of, the ltJorth Thiee Hundred (300) -feet of the South Three Elundred Seventy (370) feet of th? North Three-qwters of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quster (N3/4 of St& of In:*) of Section Nineteen (19) , Tovmsbip Twenty-eight (38) *. Rmge Tr;.entpfour (24), according-to the map or 913t thereof on file and bf record-in-the ofhe of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, Minnesota. ad I'T€TSREAS, The owner of szid l-md has refused to accegt the Villasers offer, .I =d .- . I TlI3iIiEipS, The Villrrse is advised and believes that the most feasible location for such additional miter 5u@y is on the land alove described, znd VHERXAS, By reason of such refusal-tosell the Pillage the land above described, it has become neces'sary to proc'ure title to kuch lads by right of eminent domain. I -I NOV, 3?HX"O~, Be it resolved that tke Village of Edina proceed to procure title to such lank3 under its r'ight of eminent donazn and that the Villlage 'Attorney be instructed an& directed to file the necessary complaint therefore and to prosecute such action to a successful! conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the Villarge or by the Court; 'that &he the Village Attorney, the President and the Clerk do all things necessary to be done in the conmencemelnt, prosecution and successful termination of such action. < Notion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Dwens, aye; P.den, aye; Hwthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vas carried and was considered adopted, - 0.. r President of the Village Council (Nay or) Village Clerk -. 185 t \ Discussi6n vas had as to probability of extending Ewing Avenue from V.58th to ~~60th Street this Spring, with office reporting that one property ovmer hs resused to 'dedioat e ri&t-o&-way. be initiated to acquire street opening for Evring Avenue between Tli58th and If; 60th Streets. Council revieved previous actions i.rith regard to the straightening of the Golf Terrace Horseshoe. represent to AttorneykrCovell, Root and Bachelder that the general procedure outlined' in their leker of November 10, 1949, is agreeable with this Council: but that, in viev of fa& that developers are gaining-one lot from this trans- action, the Village Council feels that Village contribution should be no more than $ZOO,OO, exclusive of ne$otiations with Mr, Scbmitt Hawthorne moped that condemnation proceedings Motion seconded by Pden 2nd carried, with Child voting nay. K~.wthorne~smotion, authorizing Village Attorney to was-seconded by Childvand carried, - Pars. Alice W. Branchaud, representing members of the Duggan family, ovners of the pro>erty.at 511.6 l'l.70th Street, presented petition in o'ojection 'GO proposed Borne for Aged on old Schillinger Farm at aorner of 70th and normandale. Previous action of CounciP was reviewed for benefit of petitioners, Village Attorney and Deputy Clerk reported on case of Prank-Tlarno, by Council; exeept for general agreement to allow Iks.Jlzbel Caughren administer case, Fire Chief's renort of Fires, Fire Drills, ad Hours of Usage for each truck, TGLS read; and v&s ap3royed and _f iled, by motion- Ezvrthorne , seconded 33 Pden and carried. No action . Mr. IC. J. Dorm's Pebmary 1st request for."Slovtt sisns at 59th and Kellogg vas referred to Wolic Safety Committee, by P-IIot-ion Hawthorne, seconded by P.i!-en mii carried. - c County Auditor's Bbruary 7, 1950 Tax Forfeited Land List "305-Ct1 vras presented $oard, for their recommendation, with reguest that they report at February 27 Meefing. Wotion seconded by Pden and carried. c -to Council for-their action. Hawthorne moved that List be ,referrad to Park Mr. M. A. Davittrs Februarr13, 1950, petition for installation of sanitary HmthornZ Noved- €hat petition by accepted, tha$ Village EngineeF be directed tlo draft plans and specifications, and'that Public Hearing on netition be set for sewer to serve Lots-l9, 23 zad- 21, llhite Oaks Fourth Addition, vas read. March 27, 1950. Motion seconded by Palen-and cqried, * .. VI r - Ap@.c%tion by-E;R. Cipperud,-Jr. Compny, Inc. ,-1420 l'icollet Aye.), was approved,- by.~~~tion:Ha~.rthorne by Pden and carried; Motion by Havthorne, confirming Danenst action in ordering second Model 50 Bsrcol Overdoor for Village Garqe, zt-cost of $Z9l,OO, vas seconded by Child Land carried. for Plumberls License (Minneapolis Plumbing seconded 2/13/50 Office requisitioned desk, chir, l.anp, tjTevriter, and steel file fbr stencils, d.1 to cost not nore than $400.00, puxchse or" zbove nsned zrjiicles. Notion seconded bj Child md'carried, Child liloved that Sust. of Pu5lic Utilities, Ben TJoehlei, be zuthoriced to sign Furchase orders until such tiaa as new Eaginger-'isecutive OZi'Sicer arrives; ad, if there are any questfons', he is to consult wit*& Ckirmen of respective Connittees. . I3otion seconded by Emt;ho&e imd c5ried. l..evr contrzct vith Suburban Eenneiin County Relief Boa&,* for administration of Villzge relief czses, vas >resented, there being no &age fro2 the contract of 194.9, Havtiiorne moved thzt Council authorize Havthorne offered tile following Resolution and noved its adoption: ' RES,OLUIPON XOR COBTWX! I r 7 51 r1lJ.H SUBrnGT PI^^ COmnY mLIa t- EOAFLlj 1 33% *IT Rl3SOLWD, That the contract submitted by the S&urbm Hemesin County Relief Board of the County of Hemepin for the administrgtion and suprviaion of & Door relief Zn the Villase of Edina be accepted ad a2proved; and 3E'IT 3mTm RESOLDD, That the proser officers of said Village of Edina be directed-to .execute said contract in du@icate and vhen executed to return one of'said contracts-to the Suburaan Hennesin County Relief Board. The questidn vas on the ad.o?tion of the Resolut%on, md the Roll beins cdled , there were five wes ad no nays, as follows: a3e; Hmthorae, aye; and Brickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted., Child, &e; Palen, aye; Dmens, *.. 1.1 ayor 1 : Villsge x/u Clerk -LE I 1 Hatter OB purchase of fire-resistsit c&net for trmings and blue-prin$s, at pric of qyoximtely $400,00 cwe before Council. proposed nevr vault. specifications for fireLsroof vcult for Vill~e-H~.ll. Eavrthorne and cmried.. Pden moved, &thorizing gqment of Villaze Pvroll in mount of $5,027.76 and Liquor Store P~p-011 in %aunt of $878.2&, for period February 1 ,to Febru2r3 15, 1950, as recorded in Pq-yroll Le$geF, znd of %he follow3ng bills: Council vetoed request in yiev of Wotion seconded by Pden moved, directing VillcTe Engineer to draft pllns and t CIAIM EO. . - IO: AUOUZT ,GZ?ZI&4.L 3"D 3527 E. C, Pfeiffe; $326 70 $326 . 70 Y 4528 P,I.R. FUND Beseeriz Unierround Const. Co, $+348.32 $7348.32 . EUJIP.IUX2fi 9529 Sloomington -4uto Bot@ ~ ' $30.00 $30.00 GARBAGE * &FUR'D I 4530 Arthur' K. Petersen $1193.12 LIQUOR l?UXll .. L826 Ed.Phi1lips & Sons 00. $&368.80 1 L827 GzoFge Benz Sons, Inc. 245.62 $&614.42 Izotion seconded by Child and carriedl. 3il1. in gaunt of $6.25, representing tparterly dues for nern1ershi-o of I-Iuuicisal Liquor Store in r.l+es>oli.s Civic Council 11s >resented. i~g to V?dlage*s zcc+rZns membership in this organization, Child md csried, The matter of zssessirg Smitary Sever District No. E-2 for theidifferenee in cost bettreen the lo1' trunk sever required ti serve Sanitrry Sewer District'Hoi 2-1 and the 18" - 21" trunk sever required to serve Districts 33-1 ad E-2 vas discussed at some leqth. Toltz, king d Dagrts draving dated J~~.1ua~,1950, Com.TT0.3040, Drg. Bo. 20, T~TSS reviesea, Cliild noGed'th& Public €$arin,o be held on proposed Sever Imzrovezent for District No. B-2 (consisting of enlagement of trunk sever to serve area in sa++ B-2) at_8:OO*P,X., I-ZondW, &rch 27, $950, at 8:OO P.X., and th3t ovmers o$ all-properties within the area shown on &oove nmed drawing be properly notified of s,+d Heaing. Hotion seconded by Hbthorne and unanimously czrried. kvthorne noved object- Wotion seconded by ' 1 f 2/13/50 187 I 1 f The Village Attorney stated to the Council that the notice of hearing hereto- fore published for Sanitary Sewer Imp-ovement No. 24 did not specify .the area groposed to be assessed to pay the cost of said imzrovement. Upon motion duly mzde, seconaed ad carried, the Village Clerk was directed to cmse not$% of hearins on szid immovement to be republished according to law, showin5 the area progosed to be assessed therefor as-including all lots and tracts of lad abutting uzon: Wooddale Avenue between Woodlznd Road ad Vest Fif ty-ninth Street md, upon Kellogg dvenw between Vest Fifty-eikhth 'md T!est Fif ty-ninth Streets , wherein. said sever improvement 5s proposed to be constructed; such notice to provide for hearing on said improbement to be held at the Village Hdl on &rch 13, '1950, at 8:OO P.M. The matter of selltng improvement bonds again cane before the Comcil. Hwthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Rern%er RXSOLUTION PROVIDINGFOR SALE OF SHPROVEI~ENT BONDS - BE IT RESOLWD by the Vill&e Council of &e Vfllage of Edina, Minnesota, -* as follows: . .. 1. The Village has heretofore contracted for the construction of Street Imzrovenents Nos. A-1 to A-4, inclusive, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2 md D-1, and Smitarg Sepy .$mnr,yggp-@&$!gfleg ,@! pf 3-1, and Storm Sewer Tmprove- me& Jb. B,/% a'?o?&l cost in excess o 10 ,000, which sum it is necessary for the Villzge to iorrov by the isswce of general obligztion Improvement Bonds, gursumt t,o the provisions of Chapter 119, Session Lairs of Minnesota for 1949. .- I 2. This CounciZ sh-11 meet at the time snd place specified in the form of notice hereinafter conteined for the yurpose of opxting, rdceiavinz Bnd considering sealed bids for the purchase of said bonds md amrdihg the sde thereof, and the Village Clerk is hereby authorized ad directed to cause notice of the time, place and pnpose of said meeting to be published in the Suburban Pres?, at Hopkhs,, Minnesota, and in the Commercial Vest, in Ninneapolis , b!innesotS,, each: of sa$d publlications to be at least 10 days before the date of said meeting. i 3. Saidlnotice shaT1 be in substaatially the following form: NOTICB OF SALE OF II4PROTEi4EITT BONDS , r VILLAGE OF BDINA, MIWSOTA The Villase Council '68-Edins; :M&nesota, vi11 meet 'at the Village - Hall, 4801 Vest Fiftieth Street; in said Village at 8:OO o$clock P.11., on Monday, PIarch 13,. 1950; te ogen, receive and consider sealed bids for and avard the sde .* of $108,000 negotiable, coupon generd obligation 3mprovement Bonds to be issue$. for the prpose of financing various sanitary and storm sever, Trzter main, grading end gravelling, paving, and curb ad gutter improvements heretofore contracted to be made. Said bonds will be dzted March 1, 1950, will be each in the denomination of $1000, will bear interest at a single rate to be designated by the successful,bidder, expressed in an integrd multinle 6f 1/4 or 1/10 of I$ per amum, gayabletSeutember 1, 1950 and semiwu.zliy thereafter'on M&ch 1 md Se teaber 1 of each yes, and,will mature serizlly on krch I, in the mount of $l.4,000 in each of the years 1952 through 1955, $12,000 in 1956, and $8,000 in each of the years 1957 throuxh 1961. aption 04 the Village on March 1 or September limmediately preceding'its - stated maturity date, such r&emntion to be mzdein ordy of the seri$l number of the bonds. suitable 'Idzing institution in the United. Sta;es designated by the success- ful bidder. within 40 days zfter award of sale, *the irinted- and executed bonds and the ap2rqving lq5:al .opin+dn of Messrs. Dorsey,Colman,Baker,Scott 8: Barber , of PIinneapolis , Minnesota. < Each, of said bonds will be subject to redemption at the I Prirkipal. an& interest will be made payable at any The Villake ail1 furnish, witliout cost tq the .purchaser and < - Seaied bids marked "Bid for,$108",000 Bonds" may be mailed or delivered to the undersigned for opening at said meeting -and must be received prior to the time gf said meeting. -Oral auction bids ~511 not be considered. IEzch bid mgst be-upconditiouzl exceFt as to legality, to be determined by the opinion of the abgve attorneys, and must be accomzpnied by a cashierts or certified-check or bank draft in the mount of $2.160*, to bebforfeited as liquidated dmages in case the bid be accepted pnd $he bidd-er shall fail to canp19 therewith. cost. No bid of less Fthm par and accrued inteEest will be considered-, and the Villase reserves the right to reject anx md all bids. Bids will be preferred according to lowest net interest c Dzted Februwy 13 a 1950 BY ORDER OF Ti33 %ILLAGE COUNCIL y $88 ) 2/13/50 - 4. Esch ad d-1 of the terms and nrovisions of syid notice of s-de me herebjr adopted as. the terms and conditions of said bonds and of the sde thereof , 1 e Notion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded 'oy Menber Child, and uoon vote being tdzen thereon, the follovriq voted in favor thereof: Child, aye; Dmens, Eye; Pden, aye; Hawthorne, we; md EricEson, aye; ad the following voted asainst the sme: . r.rluere6.non said resolutioil tzs declaed duls passed ad adopted. 1. 1 ? Hayor Villqe Clerk . f'fith reggrd to repests of Messrs, Ashworth and Smuelson, presented earlier this evening, Deputy Clerk reported that Village has not received estimtes for papnent from V&llase Zngineer . actlon taken to issue-check to Ashv:orth &d sons. Notion seconded by Child and carried, Eavthorne moved Lhzt r_ecues_t oTAshworth and SOB for pment of funds on blacktdpsing contrxts -0; invqstisated and reTort nade at nest re,dar neeting. Xotioh seconded -by Child ad czp%.ed. . Hzvrkhorne moved for Council reconsideration of - - There beiEg no further 5usiness, Emthorne noved for adjournnent. Wotion ssconded a, Villzge Clerk I Xembers zms;rering Rollcall were Child, 'hnens , $den, &Ithome, and Erickson. Child noved for adogtion of IIinu6es of Iieetings' of Febkary 7 znd 13, 1950, as su'bmitted. Hotion seconded by Pden ad caried. .* Cheirmm of %bJ.ic Util€ties:Ch3M gave sunwry of bids taken at last re&ar<neet- ins, for construction of dee? veil; and moved th%t.Council avrard contract to 10v kdder, Berserson-Czsvrell, hc, , 1-iinnecpolis, at bid price of $8,396.00. Rotion seconded 33 Ewthorne end carried. Nr. Ray I.lill%rath cain requested that remedy be had for insanitay and unheslthful con&itions ezistinz a% 406 Adms Avenue. $3 Council to t&e legal action to have these conditions abated, Council having conf'irmed forner Councilrs ection of November 28, 1949, to have tvo buildinss conhened, t - 1 1 Village Attorney I'lindhorot*vras reguested I Village Attorney Vindhorst reported on Tnsurmce Bids tdcenlclt the last re,dw meeting, advising Council that following bids are lov: Casualty Co,-oI" Des lloines, iom - At Stzte Published Rate, Less B-erience Adjust- nent Credit of 99.35; Estimzted Dividend on First $1,000 or" Premium of ZO.O$; Preroium- Discount on .Premium Over $1,000, of 9.5s; Loss Ratio Dividend on Prenium Over $1,000 (LOSS 0-205; ~iv.e3@ Over $1,000). VORXTSiX*S COiPECS-4TIO3$ FOLICY - Arthur R. Rydeen, kent for EmzloyerEs 1.iU.tud >12Y&J!EY 01: iZLEl32 OF CAI% AhD IIIUCES , 8:) - David hency, l-hneqolis , Agent for &erica Auto. Ins. Co. of St. Louis xf aiI;IyY 017 ROD P:flfioZS, mEB S~OVE~, ( - pD5vid- bency, Iiinncr?,r,olis - $96.60 TRACTORS & LOADERS, SCYTZEB & SIPBEZR ( ~ GROUP ACCIDZCT FOLICY-VOLUITTEEZ FiRE DDTw ired L. Gray Go, - $145.00 SNOV FETC3 - 3IR3 b TWT$P. COVl3RAGB - Fred L. Gray Go. - $ 12.50 ) Combined Bid. of $998.30 --r AND TIEE'T ON 18 V3HICLFS ' Hatrthorne. - .. mov&d.for =,cceStace of the-above nmed insurmce bias, subject to inssec- tion 02 policies by 1-lr. llinahgrst. Hotion seconded by Pden md carried, T-Ir. Cdvin Eatter requested information as to proceaure. necesssy .to obtain permit to construct double bulzg.al0r.r in Edina, Vas told he nust :have 10,000 square feet 6f lot area; nust Getition Counr;il for Fernit, after vrhich Public Searing is held before germit is issued. He vas inforned &at there mzy be deed restrictions agdnst such -milding on 53rd ma-prmce.