HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500227_REGULAR$88 ) 2/13/50 - 4. Esch ad d-1 of the terms and nrovisions of syid notice of s-de me herebjr adopted as. the terms and conditions of said bonds and of the sde thereof , 1 e Notion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded 'oy Menber Child, and uoon vote being tdzen thereon, the follovriq voted in favor thereof: Child, aye; Dmens, Eye; Pden, aye; Hawthorne, we; md EricEson, aye; ad the following voted asainst the sme: . r.rluere6.non said resolutioil tzs declaed duls passed ad adopted. 1. 1 ? Hayor Villqe Clerk . f'fith reggrd to repests of Messrs, Ashworth and Smuelson, presented earlier this evening, Deputy Clerk reported that Village has not received estimtes for papnent from V&llase Zngineer . actlon taken to issue-check to Ashv:orth &d sons. Notion seconded by Child and carried, Emthome moved Lhzt r_ecues_t oTAshworth and SOB for pment of funds on blacktdpsing contrxts -0; invqstisated and reTort nade at nest re,dar neeting. Xotioh seconded -by Child ad czp%.ed. . Hzvrkhorne moved for Council reconsideration of - - There beiEg no further 5usiness, Emthorne noved for adjournnent. Wotion ssconded a, Villzge Clerk I Xembers zms;rering Rollcall were Child, 'hnens , $den, &Ithome, and Erickson. Child noved for adogtion of IIinu6es of Iieetings' of Febkary 7 znd 13, 1950, as su'bmitted. Hotion seconded by Pden ad caried. .* Cheirmm of %bJ.ic Util€ties:Ch3M gave sunwry of bids taken at last re&ar<neet- ins, for construction of dee? veil; and moved th%t.Council avrard contract to 10v kdder, Berserson-Czsvrell, hc, , 1-iinnecpolis, at bid price of $8,396.00. Rotion seconded 33 Ewthorne end carried. Nr. Ray I.lill%rath cain requested that remedy be had for insanitay and unheslthful con&itions ezistinz a% 406 Adms Avenue. $3 Council to t&e legal action to have these conditions abated, Council having conf'irmed forner Councilrs ection of November 28, 1949, to have tvo buildinss conhened, t - 1 1 Village Attorney I'lindhorot*vras reguested I Village Attorney Vindhorst reported on Tnsurmce Bids tdcenlclt the last re,dw meeting, advising Council that following bids are lov: Casualty Co,-oI" Des lloines, Iowa - At Stzte Published Rate, Less B-erience Adjust- nent Credit of 99.35; Estimzted Dividend on First $1,000 or" Premium of ZO.O$; Preroium- Discount on .Premium Over $1,000, of 9.5s; Loss Ratio Dividend on Prenium Over $1,000 (LOSS 0-205; ~iv.e3@ Over $1,000). VORXTSiX*S COiPECS-4TIO3$ FOLICY - Arthur R. Rydeen, kent for EmzloyerEs 1.iU.tud >12Y&J!EY 01: iZLEl32 OF CAI% AhD IIIUCES , 8:) - David hency, l-hneqolis , Agent for &erica Auto. Ins. Co. of St. Louis xf aiI;IyY 017 ROD PATI?oLS, PXEE S~OVE~, ( - pD5vid- bency, Iiinncr?,r,olis - $96.60 TRACTORS & LOADERS, SCYTZEB & SIPBEZR ( ~ GROUP ACCIDZCT FOLICY-VOLUITTEEZ FiRE DDTw ired L. Gray Go, - $145.00 SNOV FETC3 - 3IR3 b TWT$P. COvI3RAGB - Fred XI. Gray Go. - $ 12.50 ) Combined Bid. of $998.30 --r AND TIEE'T ON 18 V3HICLFS ' Hatrthorne. - .. mov&d.for =,cceStace of the-above nmed insurmce bias, subject to inssec- tion 02 policies by 1-lr. llinahgrst. Hotion seconded by Pden md carried, T-Ir. Cdvin Eatter requested information as to proceaure. necesssy .to obtain permit to construct double bulzg.al0r.r in Edina, Vas told he nust :have 10,000 square feet 6f lot area; nust Getition Counr;il for Fernit, after vrhich Public Searing is held before germit is issued. He vas inforned &at there mzy be deed restrictions agdnst such -milding on 53rd ma-prmce. 2/27/50 A r-epresentative of the Lewe of Vomen Voters inquired about the zbsense of a fire bond with Cit$ of Minneapolis.. df the Southvfest Fire I;e&e,and $s such may call upon surrounding suburbs .for auilia?y fire eqgpment at no cost to us, vdereas Ninnea2olis requires :a good- sized bond and chwses about $200 per hour for each fire. Rttorney Covell and Mr. Ben Phks appeared, to state that Mr. Parks \is willing It was expained that Edina is now a member / to coo-oerste with Council in the straightening of the Golf Terrace Horseshoe \ providing-there is no expense to him--I+Ir. Covell saying that, if the Village c2n secure soneone-to m&e necessary surveys md do legal work involved for the $ric6 they wish to ?ax, he is willing to*relea.se this work to him. by Council, without action. Katter ta'oled .? Nr. -Pmks requested the filiins of Ddrympie Road. Committee for investigation and reyort at next meeting, f!r. E. C. Stow reForted that Business'Menrs Committee had been apFroachecL 8,bout the possibility of Village-owned conbimation pzssenger-school %us line--a Tro- position about which the Committee is not in-accord. Mr. Stow informed Council-that Business Ment s Committee on Parking will reaort to Council at nest regular meetiag. %l(. -Stov asked for Vacation of Lane , saying he believed Planning Com;ais<ion 'had dready given permission' for such vacation. next regular meeting bedause nothins could be found in Ninutes to su'ostmtiate Pir. Stovrts statement. . - An Atgent for Bruce Construction Compgny reTuestkd information on prdcedure for opening several streets South of 58th Street ad East of Frmce, that a petition sighed by owners-of 51$ of property is necessary for such work; thst Village will not mainlain a 30-foot right-of-way. Chairmnn Herman Strachzukr of the Park Board reported that the Boad hzs in- sgected the three pscels of proFerty contained in County Auditor's Non-Conser- vation List "3O5-c': as remestet bsr' Gouncil at their last regalar meeting; that the Board recommends the &xof none of thris prdperty for Park Purposes, but thzt Lot 1, Edins Court, might be acquired by Council because of its strategic location with :elation to the school.. Hawthorned offered thef f oLlo~r- Matter referred to Vblic VJorBs - ).. t ,.* This matter was deferred to the I f He vas told aduui 1 ioh - ing Resolution ad mov;$ adopion: - < REISOLUTION DECLQIBG TAX DELJ.bT€@E?T ( c LAXDS NON-COlTSERVATIOi!T AITD FOR SJGE r N33REAs, Tie Village Co&cil of the YillaSe-of $din%, Eemenin County, PIinnesota, has received from the County Auditor of Hemepin 'Comty, Ninnesota, a list of lands in szid villGe which became the pronerty of the State of Jh.nesota under the provisions of'1av.r declzing the forfeiture of 1,7nas to the State for n-on-payment of taxes, which said list has been designated as List tt305-C1t, February ?th, 1950, and I?HER%AS, each parcel of land described in seid list has .heretofore been classified- by 'the Bosd of County Commissioners of Hemepin Ooun%y, I\linnesof;a as non-conservation land and the sale thereof hzs heretofore been authorized by szid Board of County Co~issionGrs: NOIT, THIBXFORE, be it resolved by ssid Village Council, acting pursu-ant to Minnesota Stgtutes for 1945, Section 282.01, that tihe said classification by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel'of land described in said list 2s non-conservation land be ,and the same is herebr mproved and. that the sale of each such-parcel'of lad-be and the same is hereby approved. The question was on the adoption of the resolution and the roll being called there tiere five YES and no NAYS, as follows: Dmens, Yea,; H?.ythorne, Yea; and Erickson, Yea; azld the Resolution ms adapted, ' Child, Yea; PaLen, Yea; .- 14ayor I Village Clerk < t I Eg-rthorne offered the following Resolution and moved. its adoztion: RESOLUTIOIT POR ACQTJISITIOX OF T!A;c. DELI~QUEIJT ?EOPER$Y BE IT RESOLVZD that the Council of the,'Villz& of Edina, Hemepin County, Minnesota, mke. apylication to the State of Minnesota, for acquisition of Parcel No. 36293-19&2, Henneph County Auditor! s List ''3Ofkc" , February'/th, 19'30, otherwise known zs Lot 1, Ediha Court, to be used by %his .Village for psrlr an.d/or _nlaygound prqoses. - - Motion for zdogtion or" the Resolution tras seconded bj there were five ayes and no nays, as follovr.rd: Child, Child, ad onRollcd-1 aye; Danens , aye; Pzlen, aye; Hawthorne, &e; and Erickson, Eye; and the Resolution vas adopted. *- N.Iz;por Deputy Glerk eqlained to Council that she hzd overlooked making the necesszry $e& -pu-c&ic3tion for the pu'olic Hesing on SEtnitary Sever Imsrovment No, 24, as auth6rized by Council at their.Heeting of Febru3ry 13. Child offered Llotion amendins Hotion adopted February 1.3, 1950, a$ directiq Village Clerk to cause notice of hearing-on Sanitzry Sever Imsrovemeni; ITo. 24 to be published according to law, showins the area grososed to be assessed therefor as including all Tots and tracts of lwd $outtins ugon Wooddsle Avenue between 'f'loodland Road md Tht Fifty-ninth Street end ugon RellogS +venue between West Fifty-eighth and "lest Fifty-ninth Streets, vherein. ssid sep7er i6rovement is grozosed to be 'con- +rutted; such notice to grovide for hearing on said improvement to be held at the Villaze Hrrrll on I.Izrch 27, 1950 at 8:OO P.X. and caarried, I Nr. E. C. Stow incuired zbout assessnent dis'trict for Storm Sever Improvement Bo. 18, md wzs informed thzt Council is discussiny; this matter %his evenins, Ee was yiven Tlzt siioving grogosed assessment district, ad was informed th& formal assessnent He2rinz vi11 be held at a later date, efter published notice of same. with re2erence to Storm Sever Iqrovement ITo, 18, and offs'red the follo~ring * Resolution; novinz its adoption: I I.lotion seconded by Pden I Chzirman Child of Public Utilities Cornmittee reviewed preced,ing events BE IT RESOLVXD 3y the 1. This-Co~hl &uly - caused to be pu'olished in the offici9 nevepqer on Aups*t 25 md Segtenber 1, 1949 , noxice of pu3lic hearing on ;Z proposed insrove- ment to consist of consti-uction of storm sever ad apzrtenaces to drain the &rea be%veen the north boundary line of Bichond Hills Addition and Yvonne Terrace , ad between Highmg Bo.. 100 ad TJessex Ayenue, and at the tine and plzce fixed €or s&d hezring, to-wit Septembek 12, 1949, at the Village Hdl, the Council heed 2nd considered objectiolis to said improvement by a11 interested zersons, and tizerezfter djourned scid hezring tp Segtenber 26, 1949, giving notice of said zdjournnent to d.1 persons present; and at said heeting of Se2tkm'oer 26, 1949, ih accordznce aith the request" of objecting p?!ogerty dmers, the 'Council &uly determined to modify the plms for said iayrovene& &d to reduce the mea grososed to be assessed therefor zs set forth belov, ad as so modiTied, determined to 3roceed vith said imsrovene-nt, ad czused advertisement for bids for work sad materid's therefor to be duly pubJished; znd 011 October 10, 1949 the contract for said irqrovknent vas duly amrded to f)eGr&f lTolff, St, Pml, Elinnesots, at 3 base pice of $3,951.50. * 2, sevrer across 211 3rtivrtte groFerty to be traversed therebg 5s set forth in the Said im9rovenent bs heretofore been desisnated and shall bereafter be - Easerient hss now been grated to the ,VillGe for construction of said stom plws ad ssecificztions. c+ r 3. referred to. as Stom Sever Improvement No. 18, and a11 acts ,?nd ?roceedin?F heretofore t&en with reference thereto are hereby 2sproved, ratified ad confirqed, and the ,Council,does hereby determine to Froceed with said iqrove- Dent. .e 1 4. Szid imFrovexent sl~dl consist of the construction of a storm sever to be laid in flmvick Pkce betveen Vest 56th Street and Yvonne Terrace, thence southwest, over ?riv&e groperty, to pond, folloyring the course more particularly specified in the ylans md sgecifications for said improvement which are nov OIL file in the affice of the Villase Clerk. 5. zqsronimate &rea to be benefited by said izyroveaent, the sea gro3osed to be assessed therefor sW1 jnclude dl lots zmd tracts of 1&d lyin, o. within the A survey hwi-ns been made unde? the direction of the Council to determine the fol,low5nq 'aomdaies: I r I 2/27 l5.0 / I BOU'J!JD.GRIES OF ST0RT.I SEVER NO. 13 Beginnias zt the Southeast Corner of Lot Twenty-Three (23) Stow*, Yvome Tkrrace; thence Vest don2 the South Eine of St00t;r's YvonEe Terrace to a yoint Xine Hmdred and Porty-Five (9-45) Feet Vest of the Southeast Corner of s?id Lot Twenty Three (23) :. thence Northvresterpj along the Xortlivesterly Zine of Lots Fourteen (lb), Thirteen (131 and Twelve (E), Stowts' Yeonne yerrace,-to tAe Northtrest:Corner of Lot Twelve (12), ~toyrs Yvonne zerrace; thenc? Xortherly to the Northwest Cogner of Lot -PogZr (&) , -Block Tvo (2) , Edina Park; thence East to-the Southvest Corner of Lot Tiro (2) , 1310~4 Tvro (2) , Ed-inz Pak; thence 3ast to the Sou%hvest Corner of Got Tuo (2) , Block Trro (22, Bdina Park; thence North to the-Northrest-Corner of Lot One (&), Block Tyro (2), Edinr, P,?rlr; thence East to the Bortlieast Corner of Lot 'Ode (1) Block Two (2); Edins Park; thence Wortheasterly to the Southyrest Corner of-lot Zigliteen (38) , Block One (l), Westchester Rkolls; thence-Borth to the Northyest Corner of - wid Lot Eighteen (18) ; thence Xast to a point Tvro'Eundred md Zighty (280) Feet yast of-the 3TGrterest corner of szid Lot Ei-ghteen (18); thence South to the Southwest Corner of Lot Twenty (ZO), Blocl.; One (1) , -3dinz Pak; thence Bast to the Nqrtheast Corne? of Lot Five (15.), BlocktOne tl), %sin2 Park; thence South to a-'point Tvo-Hundred: ~d Eig+ty-Five (285) feet South of the Northeast .Corner ;of said Lot. Piv& (5) ; thence EEgst to the Nort;h<:rest Corner of Lot Two (2), Stovrrs Yvpnne_Terrace; thence South to Beginning. The assessment asainst each lot and tract within szid area shall be heredter- determined by the, Council, upon notice to affected property owners according to law, based uyon and proportionate to the benefits determined to be received therefrom37 each such lot ad tract. Motion for the adoption of said resolution wzs seconded by Danens, and on roll cd1 there were five AYES ad no.NAYS as follows: Pden, aye; E&Aorne, aye; and Erickson, 2ye; and the Resolution'tras adopted. -r- , - I I 1 Child, =e; Danens, aye; .- I r NElyor r Villzse Cle& < r Chzirin-n-of Wolic Utilities con'cr2,ct siFed, with Xr. Arthur IC. Petdrsen last yea?, for g~bsge collection, is a continuing contrs-ct, ab %hpt no action will be needed by the Council to Kenerr it for this coming year; bhat Nr. Petersen willi secure the required perfommce bond, Dad furnish Ellase with cog- of liability iasuraice certif iczte. tk. Child sug%ested--suggest5on confirmed 3y Council-4hst Xr. Petexsen's insuxmce be required to cover Arthur IC. Petersen sa Village 0% Pdinz, joistly. - 1 Committee, Child, reported to Council that the ' 1 r r r t t I. , t $92 I j 2/27 /50 CiQiriuzn Child 02 the Public Utilities Coaxittee reported on the Comitteets hving exmined the Ommental Street. Lighting Contract su'bxlitted b~ Nor%iiern Ststes Povrer Cozyny, ad novefi ChEt Villzse enter ihto said Contract with the'Pover Consay. wo "ion seconded by -:;thome and czrried. Petitions dated Pebru-sy 10 md 24, 1950 respectively, 2nd filed 57 Thomas S. 1.Iqle /ad &och Smrd, -Tor water ncia extension in the 5900 Block on' ICellogS Avenue, vere regulzk neeting of I-lsch 27, by 1-lotion Child, seconded by Pden ad carried. Trustee Child retiped from the meeting Eit this tine, Request from Zecr6tzry X.V. Zipoy of the Hennepin County AgriculAural Society, for 92 B.dina aypropriation for Eennepin County Fair, vas read. no zgropriaCion be nade a-d tht Mr. Zipor-be so bforned. . Kotion ,seconded by Pden and carried. Office re3orted tbt Plming Comission has now reconiended public He-ins on the rezoning of 'Lots 1,2,4,5,6,25,26 zad 27, Z310ck 3, Grandviev HeiShts, vhich recuest has been defore the Conximion-for -sohe months, hvinf been Tiled br Peder I.Zickelsen. ?ale9 moved for pu'olic Hezrlng to be held Hondw, Xwch 13, at 8:OO P.L seconded by Emthorn6 ad carried. 1 I ?1 L - b\ dt referred to the Wolic Ptilities Cornittee for investigation md report st the - I' , , 1 Hwthorne moved that I Notion Xinnesota Ei&tra;r Deygtnellt* s Februw 29, 1950, ac'knovledgent of request for seni-actu$ed trffic sipil. at intersection of State Highwxy No. 100 and Villsoa. Road, VIZS read. Wd carried. 1 Grandyiev Direct Service Stztion's Februzry 23rd request for "Slor.r-Sho?ging Center" sigm at intersektiop of Brooksid? vd Ei&vmy No. 169 II vas referred to Wolic Safety Cornittee, by'1Jotibn Ezwthorne, seFonded $3 Pdem and, carried, I.Iidlad2Tatiood 3-t~ 3'ebruay 20th notice of escbmge of $3,000 l-l/&$ Certificstes of Indebtedness maturing hrch I, 1950, for 1-1/49 U.S. Treasury Notes, Series 3-1951, maturing July I, 1951, was red.. Islotion Hqtiorne, seconded by i)aens ad carried. Minnesota Railro& ,n3ld krehouse Godnissionfs re2or.t; on Fiqdinss of Fact in ITorth- western Eel1 Telephooe Corqd~ts petition for raise in r@es, vas reTerred to Public Utilities Cornittee, by<Wofion Hqthorne, seconded by Pzlen and csrried. Petitions dated F&XX~~ 24 ad 27, 1930, Tor the extension oP Viil;?ze $!ater &in in, ad the Grs+ng and Gravelling of, Ab'oott Avenue between V.57th add IJ.58th . $Street, and both signed 'by 6vmers of lo€$ of the abutting proyerties, were filed. at 8:OO P.H., at the 'Villzse Hdl, that the Clerk be directed to give proper pdolished notice OS said Ee.mings. The resignation of Charles J. Eallmm from Edinz Liquor Control Gomission, hted Pebruay 16, 1950, vas accePted by Motion bvthorp, seconded by Palen and carried. The application of ffOU,gh%On Plunbins and Heating Co., 5809 ?&?zk.d& michllet Avenue, for Plun'oer's Uicense for the period Ikcch 1, 1950 to April 1, 1950, aas presented, Hstfihorne moved for grmting of license, subject 50 receipt of required bond. Hotlon seconded by Pden md czrried. Infornstiond letter dzted February 24, from Minnesl~olis Lutheran City f4ission ALelisy, r.aith regad to Ay.xi,li?xyrs petition to naintzin Home for ked on 10-zcre portion of Schillinger Fm, vas read. Hwthorne moved that matter be tz3led. Wotioa seconded by Dmeqs ad carried. Eawthorne moved tht letter be filed.. Rotion seconded by Palen . . Action of B& in naking exchwge vas confirmed by \ 1'. i I' /"". Palen moved that public Hearings on both *petitions be held Mondw, Mzrch '27, 1950, Wotion seconded by E!mthorne ad carried. LeaFe of Winlnesota l&mici+.ities' program for Finmce Officers' School to be held I-larch 16,17, wd 18, vas presented, vith request 02 DeFuty Village Clerk that she be alloved to attend school. Harthome moved that Depty Village Clerk be directed to attend school, Hotion seconded by Pden and csrried. +, /Petition d&ed Febmrwy 27, and siged by owners of more thza 51$ of property abutting the streets in Prospect Eills Addition, for the blackto3ging of d.1 streets in said Addition, ~'xs filed. Hearing on progosed in?rovenent, together with the Improvenent of '3lnc!cto?;ing of d.1 streets in Prospect Eills Second Addition, be held X.lond@, AFril 10, 1950, at 8:OO P.X., at the VilLGe Ed1, and that Clerk be directed to give proger puklished notice of said Eesrin:;s. Hwthorne moved thzt petition be qcce;ted, ad that Public 1-lotion seconded - bj Palen .and csried. 2/27 /50 CLAIM k531 4532 4533 4534 . 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4,540 4541 4542 4552 4553 b565 4566 b567 . 4563 4571 4572 4573 4584 b5S5 4587 4588 4593 4595 \ *\. Upon dvice by Deputy Villsge Clerktthah required piblished notice has not been . , \ made for Hesrinss on Blacktopping projects scheduled for Msch 13, and revievr of *ousiness to be tpken un et Reeting of MzrCh 27, Pden moved thzt Emthornets motion of Februsry 13 , settins public hearinss on the following Blacktopping Projects for Monday, Mach 13, be amended to set said Hearings for Mondw, April lO;l95O, at 8:OO P.14:: Zenith Avenue between 1/2 Block South of 56th Street, 2nd 57th Street Pork Avenue, between 1~56th znd W.57th Streets liloodhill Road between St,Johns Avenue and Crescent Drive, and that Q part of Concord Avenue adjoining Lot 1, Block 8 2nd Lot 1, Slock 7, 'Golf Terrace Heights Addition Motion seconded %y Hawthorne +d carried, The netition dated Ausust 11, 1949, filed by B'nai Abr-m CemeteSy Association, and tabled. by 1949 Council, vas referred to Pu-plic Vorks Committee, together vrith Attorney T'Jindhorst's November 8th letter to Village Engineer Smith on this su3 ject. Tover Street between St. Johns and Concord Avenues. I - Motion by Havrthorne, seconded' by Pden and- carried. t Palen moved for the a;probel of'village Payroll %c; Liquor Store Payroll for the Deriod February 16 to 28, Inclusive, in the amo-ts of $4,532.14 and $409:00 respectively, as rehorded in Pryroll Lehger; and for pment of the $allowing Claims : &Ni3: &iOmT G&?aR.AIl Pu%D MinneapoLiii Star' R: Tribune * .$ 14.84 --. Mike'Holn, Secy. of Stete , 2.30 City of Nizlnea~olis 700.00 .. Burroughs Adding &.chine Co: 27.00 Soutliwest Shoyyer 1.80 * Village of Edina-Garbage Dgpt. 30.40 Villase of Edina-Vster Deyt". ~ 30.40 Eugene B. Thomas Village of Edina-Sever Rentd Fund 30.40 - 6.50 Oscar Roberts Go. . 74-98 Worthern States Power Co. 16.85 - Ninnesata S,md-& Gravel Co .* 132.64 2-95 Reinhard Bros. 3.06 Edina Hdvre . Co. 36-25 Miiiiesota Fire Equip. Go. . 6.25 34-70 XJorthern Ststes Power Co. . @.OQ50 - Eortliwestern -Bell Tel. Co. 56.55 6.15 Glem Johnson Contracting Co. 194.37 < C t 1' - -+ Barner Rdtre, Co, 87.34 - Shav-TTalker - Iforton Salt Co. 160 . 85 Tovm & Countrp qdye.. - Miller-Davis 00, 108.00 54.00 John Baliqh Chester s. Betley Via. H. Z%egler Go.. . 299 , 00 Village of Edina-Water 'Dept, 2L.00 $2,988*58 Minneapolis Gss Go. . 187.80 EQJJIP~~XT aiJFda F~~TD Delsgard Tool Co. 18.15 H~lL-Dob'o~, I~c. . 58 9 91- - Industrial Tru& 8a Parts Co. 97 06 22.65 Pixillips Petroleum CO. Rilm Motor Co, Suburban Chevrolet Co. 60.62 ' < 29.93 ' H. R. To11 Co. Tvin City-Bolt b Su5ply Cot 11 .oo 128.08 Warner Hdwe: Co. Rei&rd &os. Beinhard &os: 87.86 472.01. Brookside Service Stn. Firestone Stores Autonobile Service Co. i8.00 - Eoina Garage , Inc. I$+!. Gas Co. I4utual General ATency 55.25 " - H. IC. Pete5son 291.00 EcTilila Hardware Co. -79 Borthrestern Bell Tel. Co. ~ 1-5 35 t 10.14 - li.91 - c. < 56.83' 3.00 7.82 . .I Nort:iern States-Power Co. . b5.14 I 2/27 /50 CUI?,! 4573 457-9 4533 b593 45-99 5601 5602 5603 5604 4.562 4563 4564 4572 4573 4584 k35 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 k579 4583 4584 4589 4590 4569 4570 4584 4586 4581 4582 4.594 4580 4584 Northlahd ZXectric Supply 40 l , 6.62 1 169 . 22 432.04 Paper Camenson Cog Vm. E. Ziegler Co. ' Joseph-Hatole '5,OO ;' 8?,304.?3 - POOR FbQD Suburban Heme@n Cy. Relief Bd. ' 352: 12 Xpls. Genera Hosgitzl $&. 00 $ 386.12 r t - I I First j!Tatll. Bd- of LIplsg *. I.Torthel.15. St3te3 Power Co. ' $432.04 First XatIl Bank or" Mpls. I,, 934.82 gadger Xeter Mg'. Co. 007 .m 1~30 2-54 - '$3281.70 . E4iller-Davis Co, 13.60 Iforthvresterh Bell Tel. Co, IP0r.m & Cowtry HdvrG. ' C Edim Eardmre Go. 2.88 Tom C ComtrT Eadvare * 2.05 E. G. i)irirs FurPace CO. 4 k. 80 10.30 66.98 Janney.Sezple Eill Edinr, Electric. Co. - Villqe of 3dina-TTater Dest. Zs,.OO !i!hompon Lu%er-Gog 242.56 l!ortamd-EIectric suppia- GO. 3.86 94.00 4.84 Paper Cahenson Go, Hiller-Dayis Co . Patricfe Holland- 18.50 Morthem Stztes ?over Co. * bo. 96 Citg Treasurer, City of f.lp.1~. 3374 64 ITortherr? States Power Co, * 2.21 fiiller-Davis Co: 9*30 VillaSe of 22dina-b'at er -De@. -Petty Cash 4.00 TPr.Jin City Testing 8: Engineering La.%. 27b.00 Dorseg,Cohan,Bzrker ,Scott & Barber 507.18 &shtroi.th Son CO. 4,948.86 - First lT'ationa1 Bm2c of E4pls. liIiller-Davis Co . HZXLand 'TTatio&l. Bank , ' $ 67.60 Julius Schabl, Treas, PW , 54*45 George Sens Sons, Inc. 44.82 435 :88 Faious Bwds , Inc. Griggs ,. CooFer 8: Co. LIcEesson 25 Ro-o'oins , Inc. ' 819 , 90 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. - 2,244 -89 Anhekser-Busch, 1nc.- 16.35 Cmda Dry Ginger me, he. 170.52 %.ska Beversge Co. ' 24.10 Coca-Cola Bottling Coo 23 -30 cold S prinz Disfri'ouking-Co. 9.75 0. r.L-Dro2eg Bev. CO, 149.65 Gluek- Brewing Co . log . 80 Gold Hedd Bev. Co; 62.25 HinneayorcEs BrGvLnS 00, 731 25 Dist,illers DistrYoutin$j cd . 39319.02 721.58 Mid-Yest -Vine Co. Inc. * 171.20 Sunderlad Sup&? Cog 65.00 PrnS $3390.15 +I $6762.50 -$ 9.30 GAE~AGE ~mn . CLAIN L847 L848 L849 L350 L351 L852 L853 L854 * L855 L856 L857 L858 4859 L860 k8i31 L862 L863 I1864 3865 2/27 /50 NAm Rorris Distri'outing Co, Pabst Sales Go, Purity Bev. Go.< Res. Distributing Co. Sederg Bev.-Co. SevenYUp Bottling cot. Willads Distlibuting Co, knerican Li-nen Sup$y Co. JO~ B. CO~, PostmastGs F. J. @inn Paper CO, Mortiiern' States Power Go, Ii. Ti. Bell Tel. Co; Young Zuel Co, PetroLeum Service Co. Holoniei Su~151y CO. - -- - Villsge of Edina-Ykit er Dept . Victor Adding &!&chine .. Bo. Mi1ler-Davis CO, ITorthwes t Beverye Joukd 195 30*52 ' 24.30 10 go * 48.66 i- 23.50 35.56 * 7.00 ' 18.00 30.00 5.00 3.50 3.00 $10,013,'18 .I Nayor Ericlzson regorte4 on Summdns serded 'on 'hlfn %db$uary 2i; in the matter of ~gn-2 Kiesel vs VilxaFe of ~dtna, to determined Yialidfty of Village Zoniii; Ordinance: "ltter referFed to Village 4tiorney C Mindhorsi; fo+ asvrer. c t + Discussion was &d on nossible sale of Bucyrus-Erie 15B Shovel belonging to Sever District No. 8, *with Yrus4ee Danerrs ac?voca%ing sale at approximately $b,OOO because of age qnd coildiiion of shovel. an& prooeeds credit to fund of Sewer District ITo: 8.' P.lotion seconded by Pden nand carried. -- Hawthorne moved for appoiGtment if Patrolman Lloyd McGary as Acting Captain, effective lilrrch 1, 1950, at a salzry of $277.00 p~r nonth including $25,00 Cost- of-Living adjustment > slus $25.00 _ner noFth, for a total of $302.OO'per month. IITotion seconded ?oy Palen ad carried. Havrtnorne moved that shovel 'be sold c c i Hmthorne-movek for' qp$trnent of Dondd'Burris as Assistant Village Attoriiey $0 hzpdle police court matters, at a salary of $35.00 per month. b;r, Palen and cmried. Hwtiiorne moved dirkcting Office to purchase two flash Bromies vith flash attach- ments for police cars. €btioriiie moved that Pu%lic Safety Committee Qhairman be mthorized to prepare explanation of Council's ?i;olicies on parking business district , and that mimeogra9hed copies be sent to busiliessmea on-50th sand Frmce. by Dmens md carried. EIr. Palen moved directing request to Minneapolis, Northfield" 62 Smthew Rai.road Com~mny for regair of bridges over Benton Avenue ?ad Vdlea View Road wd for instdGtion of installstf'on of flasher signals at intersection of ,Grove Street gad railroad brscks. NotLon seconded e Motion seconded by Palen and carried. - Motion seconded 4 * * Notion seconded %y Hatrtaorie and czrried. Hawtrior& moved directing 'office staff to' remind petitioners for t'ouslness district pzrking lot to bring in required $etifion for combination north-and-south-side parkin: lot. Motion seconded 'oy Fzlen znd czrried. , Daens moved for zd journment. Itleeting adjourhed at 1l:Ob P.M, Motion seconded by HarJtnorne and carried. C C' C c C 'r* * C