HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500313_REGULAR196 , 3/13/50 I
13, 1950, AT StOO P.&, AT THE VILLAGE Hw;L *
1.iembers answering Rollcall were Darrens, Palen, Hawthorne, and Erickson,j-
Hawthorne moved for approval of I-Eriutes of Neeting af February 27, 19%, as submitted.
Hotion seconded by Palen and carried,,
Health Officer Campbell reported tkiat the property at, 406 Adas Avenue is in insanitary
and anhealthful condition, and recommended that Notice to abate Nuisance be sent to
omer before Council attempts to cdndemn. Danens moved that such notice to sent at once+ Seconded by Hawthorne and crirriedY
?ursuaat to Wotice of Hearing on Petitions to RBsone,lt published in Suburban Press;
on Wch 2, 1950, affidavit of pubrication for which vas read by Clerk, Hayor Erick-
son ca33ed Public Hearing on the following petitions:
1. Petition of 1.G. Peder Hickelsen, dated September 8,1949p for Rezoning to
COHI4ERCIP. DISTRICT, Lots 1,2,4,5,6,25,26,@d 27, Block 3, Grandvlew Heights.
2? Petition of Allied Builders, kc*, dated February 7, 1950, for the Rezoning
to COWEflCIAL DISTRICT, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, BrandvLew Heights*
Ere and &so Willard IT0 Olson, 5109 Summit Avenue, and 1-b. Joseph Smutny, 5105 Summit
Avenue, objected to rezoning on grounds that they had purchased in a residential
district, and wished to keep the prope&y residential; that the debris which usually
amdtes around commercial properties is &stressing to then,? Later in the evening,
after objectors had left meeting, I&. Harry Gustafson and Hr. Bennett, apparing for
lek, Hickelsen and Allied Builders; respectively, supported their petitions and told
Council that rezoning to Codty Store District is vhat they wish--thatAthey have
no intention of allowing heavy industry in this area.
of pe$itions for rezoning until regular meeting of &rch 27. Eiotion seconded by
Palen and car&f&
Hawthorne moved for tabling
The Village Clerk presented affidavits showing publication in the Suburban Press at
Hopkins, f.Unnesota, and the Commercial. West, at Hinneapolis, I-€i.nne ota, of the notice
of sale of $108,000 Improvement Bonds of 3950 of the Village, bids &ch were to be
received at this meeting, irr accordance with the resolution adopted February 13,1950.
The Clerk reported that four sealed bids had been received pursuant to said notice,
~ihi-ch bids were thereupon opened and publicly read and considered, and the highest
and best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows:
Esame and Address of Bidder Interest Rats Prenium
AllisoZl-PJiUams company) Piper, Jaff ray & Hopwood) Enneapolis 1.70$, $w*Oo -
Ja E.€. Dain & Company . )
Juran & lifoody, St. Paul
First Edina State B&, Edina 1
First National Bank, Wnneapolis)
1.7 5%
2.10% 8162.50
Hawthome,introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION ATJllEtDnG SAl3 OF
BE IT IlESOLDED by the Council of the Village of Ems, lfinnesota, that this
Council has heretofore caused notice to be duly published of'the sale of $108,000
Improvement Bonds of 1950 of the Village, to be dated krch 1, 1950, and the highest
and best bid received for the purchase of said bonds pursuant to law and sad notice
of sale is the bid of Allison-'z.Jillians Company, Pipe, Jaffray & Hopmod, and J,&
Dain & Company, IEuneapolis, to purchase the same at a price of par and accrued
Lnkerest to date of delivery, plus a premium of $14.0eO0, the bonds to bear interest
at the rate of 1.70% per annun, and sa5d bid shall be and is hsreby accepted. The
Emfayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to make and execute a
contract for the sale of said bonds on the part of the Village in accordance with
the terns of said bid.
fore furnished by said purchaser pending deliver$ of the bonds and papent of the
purchase price, and shall forthwith return the checks of other bidders&
The mo%ion for the adoption of said resolution was seconded by Palen, and on roll ca3
The Village Clerk shall retajn the good faith check hereto-
there Tere Four Ayes ad no Nags, as foUo?IS': DmaS, Am; pala, &e; BT.rthorne,-@es
said resolution vas declared daw passed and adopted,
age Clerk Nayor
3/13/50 191
Hai&horne offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follormr
1. This Council has cinvestigatedthe facts necessaryto ascertain and does
hereby find, determine and declare that the Village of Edina has duly determined,
after public hearing as required by law, the necessity of the construction of the
improvements described below, and has ordered, received and approved plans and,
specifications and entered into contracts therefor after due advertisement for
bids; that the total benefits resulting from each of said improvements to the
rots and tracts of land to be assessed therefor and to the Village at large will
be substantially in excess of the total cost of such improvement; %ha% the total
cost of each of said-improvements, including all expenses incurred and to be
incurred from its inception to its completion and all fees and expenses .in
connection therewith, r.rill not be less than theammnt set opposite the amomt
of the designation of such improvements in the following tabulation: -
Street Improvement No, A-1
Street hprovement No. A-2
Street Imljrovement No, A-3
'Street Improvement No, A-4
Street litlprovement No, B-1
Street Improvement No* 5-2
Street Improvement -Hoe C-1
Street Improvement No, (3-2
Street Improvement Nor D-l
- Sanitary Sewer bprovment
Sanitary Y3ewer Improvement
(curb and gutter)
(cwb and gutter) I
(grading and gravelling)
(grading and gravelling)
NO. 23 .
NO, 2&
Sani%aG Sewer &provemen% CNO* 13-1
Stom Sewer Improveme& No. 18
' Water I~lain Improvement Noo 21 - TotaltCost -
- Total Cost - .
3,000 12,500
that it is aecessary and, expedient for the Village to borrow at this the tho
sum of $108,000, for the purpose of paying expenses incurred and to be incurred
in connection $th said improvementE, by the issuance of general obligation
improvemeat bonds in accordance with. %he provisions of Section 59, Chapter 119,
Ses9ion Lairs of Tlinnesota for 1949, as amended; and that all acts, coaditions
ahd things required by+he Constitution and Lam of the Stato of IJGimesota to
bc done, to exis%, to happen asld to bo perfomed prelhinaryto the issuance
and sale of said bonds have been done, do exist, have happened and have been
perfomed in due fom, time and manner as so required..
29 There is-hereby created a'spscial fund to be deaigna%sd as the 1119f0
separate and apart from all other fnnds of the.Village,
continued and maintained in the mariner hereh specified until all of the improve-
ment bonds herein authorized and irkerest thereon shall have been fully paid, In
said fund there shall be maintained ~IJO separate accounts, to be designated asq
the tfConstmction Account1* and the "Sinking Fwd respectively,, The
proceeds of sale of the improvement bond-s herein authorized, less acwued
interest re-ceived thereon, shall be- credited to the Construction &ccom$, from
Ihich there shall be paid all costw and expenses of making said improvements,
as incurred and allowed, and the moneys in said account shall be used for no
other purposes; provided, that if upon completion of said improvement there
&hall remain any unexpended balance in said ConstrucCion Accounp!, such balance
shall b& transferred to the SWng Fund Account.
the Sinking Fund kccount all collections ofthe special assessments herein
agreed to be levied,, and all accrued interest received upon delivery of said
bonds, and all'funds remaining in &id Construc.tion Accouxi% after cqmpletion
of the improvements and paymen% of the co.sts thereofd The moneys in said
account shall be held and used only for the payment Qf the principal of and
interest on said bonds as such payments become due, or to prepay and redeem
the sane when and as such bonds becom$w&able as hereinafter set for$h;
provided that in the event that it shall be determined by the Council to bo
necessary to borrow additional moneys for the payment of the cost of said .I
bprovements, or if such cost shall prove to exceed the amount herehabovc
esthated, and if the Village ahall undertake and agree to levy specid. assess-'
ments and/or general. taxes in excess of the minimun amount of assessments
herein specified, the Village shall have the right and power to issue
to be held and achhistered by the Village Treasurer
Said fund shall tbc
There shall bg credited to
additional improvement bonds payable from said Sinking Fund Account on a paritf;yt~th
the bonds of the issue herein authorized, but the amount of all bonds issued in
respect of said improvements shall not exceed the total cost thereof or the tots
mount of the assessments and taxes levied therefor,
It is hereby determined that the Village shall pay not less than $108,000 of the total cost of said improvements by the levy of special assessments upon all
assessable lots and tracts of land leg within the assessable areas heretofore
specified in t,he respective resolutions ordering said improvenents, based upon the
special benefits received by each such lot and tract4 The Village hereby covenants and agrees that it will do and perform, as soon as nay be, all acts and things
neqessw for the findl and valid levg of said special assessments, andpaid mount of special assessments is hereby irrevocably appropriated to said 1950 Improvement
Fund. In the event that any such assessment be at anytime held invalid with respect to any lot or tract of lad, due to any error, defect or irregularity in
any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by the Village or by this Council or
by any of the Villagers officers of employees, either in the making of such assess-
ment‘ or in the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the Village hereby .
covenants and agrees that it will forthr.ri.th do al4 such further acts and take all
such further proceedings as shall be required bylaw to make such assessment a valid
and binding lien upon said property. Said assessments shall be payable in equal.
consecutive, annual installments,Ihe first of said instdllments for Street hprove-
ments Nos. A-4 and C-lhaving been extended on the tax rolls for the year 1949, and
the first installmat ofthe assessments for each of the remaining improvements
shall be exbended on the,tax rolls for the year 1950, and e&h of said installments s
skza31 be collectible with general taxes for the current sea$& The assessments for
all blacktopping, curb qd gutter improvements shall be payible in 5 installments*
The assessments for all street dmprouements shall be payabl; in not more than 5
installments and for the remining improvements in not more*than 10 installments,
Deferred installments‘sh$U bear hterest at the rate of 5$*per annm from the date
of the resolution le-g said assessment until August 15 02 the year in which the
installment is payable. t
For the purpose‘of paying in part the cost:of said improvenents, in anti-
cipation of the collection of said special assessme&s, the Village shal1forthtrif;h
issue and deliver to the,purchaser thereof its negotiaFle coupon general obligation
Improvement Bonds of 195Q, to be payable primarily fram6said,1950 Improvement Fund*
The fullfaith agd credit of the Village shall be and is hereby pledged, -however, for
the prompt and full papent of the principal 5nd interest on said bonds, and if at any
time the moneys in said Sinking Fund Account shall be insufficient to pay a2.l prin-
cipal and interest then due on said bonds, the-Comcil shall provid% sufficient
aonegrs fron any olher funds available therefor; and the Council shall levy on or .
before October 1 of each year, and cause to be eptended, assessed and collected,
any taxes necessary, together irith, assessments collectible in the succeeding year,
for the fall payment of interest and principal to become due within the tl@n next
succeeding eighteen months.
from 1 to 108, inclusive, each in the denomination of $1000, shall bear interest at the
rate of 1.70% per annum, payable September 1, 1950 and seaiannu&ly thereaftbr on
Harch 1 and September 1 of each year, and shall mature serially 5.h order of serial
nabers, lowest numbers first, on Narch l3 in the amount of $lt$,OOO in each of the
years 3952 through 1955, $l2,000 in 1956 and #SO00 ia each of the years 1957 thmugh
1961, Each of said bondq shall be subject to redemption and prepayment at the
option of %he Village on &rch 1 or September 1 immediately preceding its stated
maturity date,& a price of par plus interest to accrue to the date specified for
redemptioa Such redemption shallbe made in-order of the serial numbers of said
bonds3 lowest numbers first, and only out of moneys on hdnd in said Sinking Fund
,9ccount in excess of interest to become due on all outstanding bonds on the then next succeeding interest payment datea The Village Clerk 2s hereby authorized and
directed to mail notice of call of any of .said bonds for 2edemption to-the hozder,”
if kn&m, ’and to the bank at wiiic$ principal. and interest are then payable, at least, thirtF days prior to the date specified for rredemption, and-to maintain a ‘
register shoihg the names and addresses -of the bondholders and the serial numbers
of their ’bonds, so far as such infornation is made available t6 him. The princiFd
of and interest on said bonds,shall be payable at the mah office of the Norbhwestern
National Bank, in I-Emeapolis, Binnesota, aqd the Village hereby agrees to pay the
reasonable and custamy charge9
ment thereof+
5, Said bonds shall be dated hrch 1, 1950, shall be lo,& in number and numbered
of said paying agent for the receipt and disburse-
6. Said improvement bonds shall be in substantially the following form:. 6
... -
3/13/50 199
No. $1000 -
KNON ALL MEN BY THESE PRES?BES that the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received
promises to payto bearer out of its 1950 Improvement Fund the sum of ONE
THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of Earch, 19 , or on a date prior
thereto, on which this bond has been duly called for redemption, and to pay *
interest thereon fromthe date hereof until said principal sum be paid or
until this bond has been duly called for redemption, at the rate of
per cent ( $) per annum, payable September 1, 1950 anti
semiamually thereafter on the 1st day of March and the 1st day of September
of each year, interest to maturity being represented by and payable in
accordance with 2nd up'on pbesenthtion and surrehder of the interest
coupons hereto attached, Both principal and interest are payable at
in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the
respective dates of payment is legaltender for public and private debts.
For the proiapt and full papent of such principal and interest as the same
become due the fullaith, credit and taxing powers of the Village are
hereby irrevocably pledged,
,of $108,003, all of like date and tenor except as to maturity, all issued
for the purpose of defraying expeglses incurred and to be incurred in con-
structing necessary inpYovanents in said Village, heretofore designated
as Street hprovements Nose A=l, A-2, A-3, A-4, B-1, E-2, C-1, C-2 and
D-1, Sanitary Sewer Improvments Nos. 23, 24 and B-1, St;orm Sewer Improve-
ment No. 18, and Water Main Improvement No. 21, and is issued pursuant to
and in full conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of
Minnesota thereunto enabling, and pursuant to resolutions duly adopted
entitled "Resolution Creating 1950 Improvement Fund, Providing for and
Appropriating Special Assessments for the Support and Haintenance Thereof,
and Directing Issuance of Tmprovanent Bonds,lt to which reference is hereby
made for tho covenants and recitals of the Village relatbg to said bonds*
in Y
c , This bond is one of an issue b the aggregate principal amount
by the Village Council, including a resolution adopted y 1950,
Each of the bonds of said issue shall be subject to redemption and
prepayment at the option of the Village, at par and accrued interest,
on the first day of Ifarch or the first day of September immediately pre-
ceding its stated maturity date, Such redemption will be made<only in
order of serial numbers of the bonds, lowest numbers first, and upon
notice @led, at least thirty days prior to the date specified for re-
demption, to the holder, if known, o€ each bond so called for redemption,
and to the bank at which principal and inthest are then payable.
addresses and the serial numbers of their bonds with the Village Clerk6
acts, conditions, and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the
State of Himesota to be done, to exist, to happen, and to be performed
preliminary to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a
valid and binding general obligation of said Village according to its
terms have beep done, do exist, have happened and have been performed
as so required; thak the Village has duly contracted for the making of
said improvements and tdll cause the same to be completed with the funds
mad0 available by this issue; that said 1950 Improvement Fund has been. - duly created and provision has been made for the support thereof by 8
special1 assessments to be levied on properties benefited by said knprove-
ments in amount3 sufficiQnt to pay the interest on the bends of this issue
and the principal thereof as such interest and principal, respectivelx bc-
come due, and the Council is required to pay the same out of any funds
in the Treasury in the event that moneys on hand in said fund are at any
time insufficient to meet the paymen% of maturing principal and interest;
that general ad valorem taxes, if needed for said purpose, may be levied
upon all taxable praperty in the Village without limitation as to rate
or amount; and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebted-
ness of said Village to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation*
~ holders desiring to receive such notice must register their names and
1 1
IN TII!tifESS !:'HEREOF the Village of El ha, Hennepin County, Ptinneso ;a,
by its Village Council, has caused this bond to be executed ih its-behalf by the
signature of its I-layor, attested by its Village Clerk and sealed with ib official
and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the
facsme signatures of said officers, and has caused this bond to be dated as
of f*hch 1, 1950a
Attest: Hayor % Village Clerk
. (SEAL)
(Form of Coupon) c
ti t. IT0 8
On the 1st day of &rch (September), 19 ,the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Rinnesota, vill pay'to bearer at the main office of
,in t'fie-sum of
on its hprovment Bond of 1950, dated Harch 1, 1950, No,
DOLURE for interest then due
(Fahsinile signature)
Village Clerk .
(Facsimile signature)
76 Said bonds shall be prepared under the direc$ion of the Village Clerk
and shall be executed on behalf of the Village by th'e signature of the Hayor,
attested by the Village Clerk, and the corporate seal shall be affixed thereto,
znd the interest coupons shall be executed and mthenticated by the printed,
engraved, or litiiographed facsimile signatures of said Nayor and Vicllage Clerka
IJhen said bonds have been so executed and authenticated, they shall be delivered
by the Treasurer to thejurchiser thereof upon payment of the purchase price
herekofore agreed upon, and said ~urd.haser( shaI.3 not' be obliged to see to the
applicdiion of the purchade price+
8, The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Hennepin County
are hereby authorized and directed to prepare andYurnish to the purchaser of
said bonds &d to the attorneys approving the legality df the issuance thereof
certified copies of all pro'ceedings and records relating to said bonds and to
the financial affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certificates,
ad itlrformation as nay be reciuired to show the facts relating to the legality
and narketability of said bonds as the sane appear from the books and records
under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such
certified copies, certificates, and affidavits, including any heretofore
furnished: shall be demed representatfons of the Village as to the facts
recited therein+
The motion for the &loption of the foregoing resolution xas duly seconded by Xember
Danem, and upon vote being taken thereon,the following voted hefavor thereof:
Danens, aysi Palen, aye; Erickson, aye; HaGthorne, aye; and the following
voted against the same--vrhereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and
adopted, and the Isbyor signed the same, which was attested by the Village Clerka
I c-
. Joseph Smutny protested action of Village in pulling up three surveyor's
stakes on his one-acre tract at 52nd Street and'Highway No. 169, Hawthorns
moved that matter be referred to hblic Works Committee for report at next
meeting, 1-Iotion seconded by Palen and carrieda,
Courrcil dispensed with reading of Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Bids-
Sand, Gravel and Rock, as published in Subrban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction
Esulle%in, I-beapolis, on Xarch 2, and 9, 1950, and publicly opened and read the
following sealed bids for this material:
0, 4-r
1 e
00 9: e
a, 3 t
d P
0' V'
I I I*
I"l* I
P 1
With consent of bidders, Council dispdnsed &th read& of Affidavit of Publi-
- ca%iod for bids for lJater*Meters, published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in
ConstructTon Bulle$ip+, Piarch 2 and 9, 1950, and.Eublicly opened and read the -_
lLt1 f2't
6b72.24 $10%36 Ea.'
Neptke Neter Co,, Sa7r;,60 4bl13.M 3%
Badger Xeter $70087 $106.34 Ea*
X *
202 t
Hawthorne moved for referral of bids to Public Utilities Committee and Superintendent
of Public Utilities for tabulation and report at next meeting. Motion secondod by
Danens and carried*
L4r, Heman Hemanson and agent, owner of 51% of property abutting Harrison and Tyler
Avenues between Belmore Lane and Xaloney Avenue, supported Harch 13th petition for
,I //grading and gravelling of said skreets, offering to make dedication of necesmy
[if property for same* Hamthome moved that petW.od be'accepted, publie hearihg on
petition be set for Honday, April 10, 1950, at et00 P&, and that Public'tbrks
Committee bspect property [before Hearing. Hotion seconded by %new and carried*
Ivka &why, sale4 repres$ntative, presented sales talk'on Huber Roller+-
&, E* Ce Stow requeseed vacation of ltYvome ktnetrb H&rthome moved that lsResolutiion
for Vacation," adopted July 26, 1948, be transmitted to the E6gister of Deeds, for
recordinga Notion secbnded by Palen and carriedo - '
Ere Stov requested official confirmtion of infomi&'action taken January 10, 1949,
for the Vacation of the Vest Ten Feet of 1'Yvonne Drive':. After opinion by Village
Attorney as to 1egaL procedure involved, Hawthorne'mbved that PUbLic +Hearing on
l-k* Stow*s petition for vacation of above named property be set for I.iond$y, Hmch 27,
19509 at .8:00 P.lb Xotion seconded by Danens and cakried,
Offer of serrices in connection with establishment' or Civil Ser'vice Pro'gra~& by
filed. 3.fotion lost for want of seconda Paen sugkebted investigating offer. No
official action taken; - .
Claim of I&. Ed Colos&y, Jr., in amount of $19.70, for damages suffered tk auto-
mobile because of hole in Village street, +vas presented. Hawthorne moved that claim
be paid, Xotion Feconded by Danens and carried,,
Tillage Attorney Vindhorst's report of reqpest by J.V. Gleason Coplpany fdr payment
of $40,000 on account ,vas read and discussed. Hawthorne moved'that liiatter of pay-
ments to J, V. Bleason be*referred to Village Engineer and Public Works Codttee
for recommendation to be presented at Elarch 27 Heeting; EIdtiofi seconddd-by Palen
and carrieb -
Bequests of General Outdoor Advertising GO., kc~, and Lion Sign CO~, for exbemion
of time for removal of outdoar advertising signs, v&e read. Danens"m6ved that
extension be made to April 15, 1950, and that interested companies be so notified.
Xotion seconded by Palen and carried&
Hr+ Samuelson of JaylT. Craig Company supported Com@a&s request fo$ payment of $16,967.66 on account, for work on blacktopping contracts. Hawthorne moved thak
Jayf'3;. Craig Conpany*s claim, amount $16,967,66 be paid. Hotion secbnaed by
Damns and carried. (Check No. 4612 issued).
Village Attorney lTinc&orst reported to Viliage Council tha% $Le s& filed by Joseph
D, and Genevieve IIcGmon against. the Village of Edina, in' amount bf 820,000, has
been settled out of Coue for $6,000, of Which th6 Village paid $3,500, and E&
Pfeiffer paid $2,500, Hawthorne moved, confirming action of President, Clerk and
Treasurer, in issuing Check No, 4592, amount $3,500, to D~rsey,C~~~,B~ker,Scott
and Barber, for payment of this settlemento Hotion secondod by Palen and carried4
'Petitions' for Exbension of Sewer and Water Eains, dated wm Narch 13, 1950,
signed by owners of 51% of the properties in York Avenue between f.TQ58th and IL59th Streets were presenteda Hawthorne moved that petitions be accepked %nd referred to
patltions be se$ for Monday, April 10, 1950. 3fotion seconded by Dawns and Carrie&
IIiLliam Joyce, mitten to BIZ-. Palen, was read. Hawthorne maved that letter be
t +*
1. .*
I -$\ ' Public UtiLities Committee and Village Engineer, and that PubEic Hearings on said
Dznens moved for issuance of order to H, K, Pahrson CO., An anount of $291.00, for
third door for Village Toolhouse. Notion seconded by Palen and carried,,
Ere TJjndhorst reported to Council that Condemnation Proceedings for Village Vel1
have be& conpleted, %he Court ha&g awarded Independent School . District No. 17
/ \ V".
. $1,377.40 for'danageo. I *t
%. L
&, 17indhorst reported to Council' on suit kled bg'Lo,n& Kiesel to test Village
Zoning Ordinance, 110 action t &ear
Park Board's written report dated February 28, 195Q, confirming Chairman
Strachauer!s *. report of February 27, was read and filed&
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution andsmoved its adoption:
- 1. c c
2-, be Village of Edina, 'E4inn&ota, requires electric service for
the purpose of testing the new Village well now under construction, and
said new well, it isill be necessary for Northern States Power Company'to
extend its three phase electric lines approxbately 1,500 feet,
the VLllage of Edina, Minnesota, that in consideratLon of Northern States
Power Company's extending its electric service lines as aforesaid, the Village
of Edina shall pay to said Company the sum of $800.00 (representing the
estimated Yin and outtr eost of making such electric service'available upon
a temporary basis), subject to the conrilition that said sum is to be paid to
said Company only in the event that the Village of Edina, within 60 days after.
testing, does not establish said well as an additional pumping statlon-and does
not include electric service for Kid station under that. cirtain l4micipal
Water Pumping Conkract between Northern States Power Company and the Village
of*Edina dated July 28, 1947r
Motion for adoption was seconded by Palen and on rollcall there were four ayes
and no nays, a= follotus:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted'
'I.JHEREAS, in order-to make electric service available at the location of
NOW, THEREFORE, be and it is herebg resolved by the Village Council of
Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Havrbhorne, aye; and Erickson,
Palen moved for paymek of Village Payrollfor period March 1 to 15, in mount of~$4,053.17, and Liquor %ore Payroll €or same period, mount $944*54, both
aserecorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for papent of the follovdrrg
Ed. Phillips & Sons
8.R. Rydeen Agency
Fred La Gray Co,
Northern States Power' Co#
Suburban Hem. Cyr Relieg Board
David Agency
I 157.50
Arthur K. Pe-bersen
Western Underground Const. CO~
Jorgen Anderson
E. C* Pfeiffer Const. Coe
Independent School. District Nor 17
H, B. Burton
$1. A, Davitt
R. P, Boblett
$1 9 377 e40
20 .oo
(. 20.00
20 boo
$1, 15% 50
POOR FUND i!mi?zj
$1,185*0O .
$1,437 40
prnlen recommended stickers for new directories, to be mailed out by Fire
seconded by Palen and carried*
Danens moved for adjournment.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 PeX,
Hawthorne moved for payment by Council of queh stfqkers. Notion
Motion secon