HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500327_REGULAR3/27/50 T Eembers answering Rollcall ;rere Child, DGens, and Palen, until the arrival of I.Iayor Erickson. Trustee Child presided Health Officer Campbell reported on Health Inspections of food establishments in the Village, as set forth in written reert by State Health Department. a restricted license for the Hasty Tasty Cafe; stating that all establishments inspected were in good condition, with the exception of four establis@nents--Hasty , Tasty, Nolan's Golf Terrace Cafe, Ray's Lunch, and Edina Recreation Center. I4inutes of I-leeting if Ihrch i3, 1950, were approved as submitted, by Xotion Palen, seconded by Danens ad carried. Palen moved that the following Zicenses be approved, with Hasty-Z4asty Cafe, Nolan's Golf Terrace Cafe, Ray's Lunch, -and Edina Recreation Center to be given 30 days to coaply with Health and Fire Ordinances in accordance with orders by State Department: He recommended I - . AppLNo. License For: Fee Brauerls 5$- .LOO Store-3905 IT. 50th St. 473 Food ,56,00 503 Sign 1.00 4w Beer (Off Sale) 5.00 Cigarette 12.00 Sign 1.00 489 490 Beer (On Sale) 50.00 F Food 6.00 493. Pinball 50 00 Brookside Se P vice Station-5200 Interlachen Blvd. Brown Derby Cafe3915 11. 50th St. 48s < * "l 492 ' Pinball 50.00 Chill Grocery, 5432 W. 70th St, 484 Cigarette. . 12.00 485 Food 6.00 486 Beer (Off Sale) 5.00 C~EZICY Drug C0o-3948 I?. 50th St. 454 Food . 6.00 455 Sim 1.00 456 Cigarette 12.00 6.00 Corntry Club Ice Crem Co,-,5036 France Ave. k97 Food t- 498 . Sign LOO Edina American Legion Housing Foundation -4900 'Erden Avenue 478 Beer (Off Sale) 5.00 *< 479 Beer (On S$e) 50,OO *: %:3 ESaa Cash Grocery-4920 Brookside Avenue 504 Food 505 Cigarette 506 Sign 1.00 f 507 * Beer (,Off'She) 5.00 Edina Co&try Club-4701 8. 50th Street i. 440 Cigarette 12.00 Beer (On Sale) 50.00 44l 4-42 Liquor 11 100.00 v 443 * ,Food 6.00 /u Edina Dinett e-3924 'I-Iarket Street 444 Cigarette 12.00 445 Food 6.00 Edina T&cab €,0,-5l&5 $den Avenue 527 Taxicabs (12) 60.00 Edina Theatre Corp.-39ll Y. 50th Street 448 Theatre 75.00 Graner Food I4arket-4380 Brookside Ave, 452 Food 6,OO 453 Ciga-rette 12,oo Gradview Harket-5008 Vernon Avenue 457 Food 6.00 *Ct 458 Cigarette 12,oo Grandview Heat Xarket-908 Verncg Avenue + + 459 Food 6.00 Grandview Cafe-5002 Vernon .!?!venue 526 Cigarette l2,oo I, 525 Food ~ 6.00 Greggs Phmacy-@5& Frmce Avenue South 463 Food 6.00 464 Cigarette 12.00 * * 465-7 Sims (3) 3 e00 Hackenmueller Xeat Xarke t-4948 France Avenue South 4-72 Food I , 6.00 Hasty Tasty Cafep3907 I'jest St. 494 Food 6.00 (. + 495 cigaret<e 12.00 496 Sign le00 Haegle' s Bakery-4942 Frvlce Avenue South 522 Food 6.00 Hove Company; Inc.-3940 77. 50th Street 446 Food . 6.00 * 447 Cigarette 12.00 Interlachen Country club-6200 Interlachen Blvde 468 Liquor(0n SaI-e)lOD .OO . .469 Beer (On &le) 50.00 I " .470 Food 6.00 Cigarette 12,co 471 t I--," . ". 3/27/50 \ McClellan Grocery-3501 W, 54th St, 4. Appl, No. Gcense For: Fee 450 $ - Food $6.00 Cigarette 12,oo National Tea Co.-39$5 50th St, 540 Cigarette 12,oo 539 Food 6.00 Nolan's Golf Terra6 Cafe-3926 %7,5Oth St, 517 Food 6,oo * 518 Beer, (Off Sale) 5,CO c 519 a . Beer (On Sale) 50,OO 5% , Cigarette 12.00 4 481 Cggarette 12,oo + 4@2 Food 6.00 483 ' Sign, LOO Ray's Lunch-5354 Prince Avenue South 523 Food 6.00 12,oo 6,OO 524 Purity Dairy Store-$018 France Avenue South 480 Beer (Off Sale) 5,OO Cigarette South Harriet Dairy:3907 11. 54th St &74 Food z 475 +Cigarette 12.00 U 476 Beer (Off Sale) 5.00 477 Si@ x* 1.00 Triheris Grocery-5&05 France he. So, 513 Food 6,OO Cigarette 12,oo * 512 * Beer (Off Sale) 5.00 516 sign LI 1.00 Village Ini~-4930 Fr4nce Avenue Soe 508 Beer (Off Sale) 5,OO K 509 ~ I Beer (On Sale) 50.00 510 cCigwette 12.00 Wooddale GrocerpL&9 Valley View Road 460 Food 6.00 462 Cigarette 12,oo L 502 Cigarette , 12.00 514 * * 511 4; Food 6.00 512 Pinball 50.00 461 , Beer (Off Sale) 5.00 Zipoy's Grocery-4944 France he, So, 500 Fgod ~ .( 6,OO PLUNBING LICEKiES : (Renewals) Q $12,00 Ea, II * Bahneman C0.-3654 Bqyant Ave, So. Lynnhurqt Plbg. & Htg, Co, ;316 TJ.42n4, Sto BeaGdrya Earl-2901 QmddLe Ave, So. .&Tq.ngan, RJ,, 925 Park Ave* Belden-Porter C0,-65 No, 17th St. McClure Kelly Coo, 2601 Stevens Ave, So, Bing, &qold-1;945 Upton Avenue Sor Nordwall, Clarence, 430.5 Irving he. No. Bjorhah Brosr,712 40th St, So. Northside Plbg, & Hts. Co,,1715 Plymouth Ave. Blaylock Plbg, Co.,T731-4th Ave+ So* Paqagoq Hdwer & Plbg Cor,4940-34th Aver So. Bowler Plbg. Co.-513 E, Lake St* Paulson, Edward De, 4555 Grand Ave. Soa Burman, Gabriel,220? Johnson St.M,E. iaichfield Plbg. Co,, 7630 Lyndale Ave+ Sor Cas-t$e Flbg, Co,-L!+$ H.38th St. Sagar, Xelvin E., 5982 Norinandcle Ave. Deters, A. J., 3W Sumter Aver Sandhoff, C,A., 10210 Penn Ave. So. Edina Plbg. Co,, 5501 France Ave. So. Shoppe Plbg, & Htg, Co,, 2117 So. Lyndale Fox Elbg+ Co.,4753-4th Ave. So. Soderlin, H,O., 3725 Chicago Avec Grand Plbg. Co., 389 Grana Ave, Stiles, Earl, 64.49 Girard Ave* Hoglund & Go*, 653237. Lake St, Stone, Halver B., 2101 W,67th St* Hughes Plbg, & Iitg qo.,330 E, Lake St,Tabaka, ,Stanley, 3846 Polk St* . Klingelhuts Co,, 53qO Lpdale Ave. So.Xepces Plbg, CO., 4949 Xerxes he. So+ F. B, Laason, 1013 b*krquette * - & 6 Palen's motion secoqded by Danens and carried. Edina-Morningside 1 ichool Board's March 33rd *request for st&& lights and speed reduction was,read; and, in. View of action alreacy taken to order lights, and also attempt to have speed reduced, letter was filed without further action* Petition of March 23, by Pearson Brothers, for.,strqet signs in Richmond Hills Addition, was granted pending approval by VilTage Engineer--14otion Palen, seconded by Danens and carried. Danens moved for approval and payment of. Liquor Store Payrol1 for period tfarch 16 to >larch 31, 1950, amount $409.00, and Tillage P~yroll, for period Narch 16 to March 31, amount $.4,8kli48 (as recorded in Fayroll Ledger) , and for approval and payment of the following claims: 4.647 Addressogrzph-~~~ultiGraFh Corp. @8 71 Wheel Serviqe Co, .+ 9.00' =,E33 4615 Addressograph-Kultigraph Corp. 1.81 4647 Northern-States Power Co, 4649 32.64 Motion seconded by Danens and carried. FLW TO * c -AIfOUNT - CLYD.4 NO* - Garbage Fund 1) Sewer Rental Fund 206 3/27/50 * K:OUIilT FUND I CUI35 NO. TO: n * - (3- FUND 4613 City Treas. City of I.iinneapolis $55.26 4614 Underrmod Corporation EL09 ' 4616 Construction Bulletin 26.80 4619 Norell ZC Nichols, Inc. 289.26 4620 Tom eC Country Hdve. Co. 6.17 4617 = Suburban Press * 31.21 4618 - Uptown Ins, Agency 17.91 4623. Paper Calmenson Co. 29.00 4629 Reinhard Bros,, Inc. 22.59 4635 Northern States Power Co, 9U.56 4636 9 Gretchen S. Alden 10.70 4639 4 Schaub Office Supply Co. 8.35 4640 . - Northtiestern Bell Telephone Co. 55.35 4641 * Hine Safety Appliance Cor 38i57 C 4648 1 Biiller-Davis Co, 303.35 4650 9 Ed Coloslqy, Jr. 19.70 4654 * The P. Johnson Electric Co. ll402 $1,988.89 I EQUIPoREXTAL 4620 Tom gi Country Hdwe. Co. 4. 59 4622 Zdina Hdwe. Co. 3.00 - 4623 Berg B Farnham CO~ x 5.04 4624 * Dependable Hotors, Inc. 8.98 4625 Hull-Dobbs, I~c, 3.47 4626 Phillips Petroleum Go. 3% 50 4627 - Oscar Roberts Co, '5.00 4628 Vincent Auto Body Service 72.25- 4629 Beinhard Brothers, Inc. 17 10 4630 * Brookside Service 33-4.93 ?Tamer Hdwe. Co. 6,26 351.35 4633 4.635 ' ' *Northem States Power Co, * b- 22.54 4634 1Jorthwestern Bell ToLephone Go. I t 15.25 - $lj308~00 4640 I 4631 * lsfpls, Gas, Cor n l48*74 - ~ 4632 €I, K, Peterson 291.00 Th. H. Ziegler Go, I; * "I * -z t (I - P.I*Ri FUND + 4617 Suburban Press - + 55.32 ' Vestern .Underground =Const Co. * . 467.76 * 11 . 11 11 I1 i lr13r59-- - George 'IT. Prhg *I. 52.29 t S ei G Gonst, Cog t P *65.60 * * 81,054*56 4651 = 4652. + 4653 4653 = 4,616 +Construction BulleBin ' ' 11.60 '* r 4617 463 8 Northern States Pover Co. + 392.03 * 4637 4640 * Northrestern Bell Telephone Co. 6 u.00 ** Robert S, Stuart 27.78 4645 Sidney Gunn * lI-004 464k 4646 City Treas,, City of lJplso 125.00 a h *+c .. . r . r *T C" .IJATEa FUND Suburban Press c 4.86 I t ~8.66 * 4Jutual General Agency 4643 Richard IL Esutts 18*@ C. I I I r I Address ogr aph-lhlti graph C orp 501.55 e4648 Xiller-Davis Co. a60 $1,112,54 4647 4620 Tom & Country Hdwe. Go. 82.8 PARICS 4642 - Northern States Power Go, 26.08 8 26.26 LIQUOR FUND I868 Xidland Naticnal Bank 63 *4O L869 Julius Schmahl, "Tress, 54.3.5 LE570 Distillers Distributing Co. 29 56% 59 LE571 - Famous Brands, Inca 590 52.84 3372 Griggs, Coopzr & Co+ 5, 924.84 LW3 EcKesson & Robbins, Inc. 2,900.05 L874 Old Peoria Go., Inca 4380% Le5 Ed, Phillips & Sons Co. . 2,269.82 I + L891 L892 - L893 L894 I L895 3/27/50 TO : Swiss Yine House 6 Anheuser-Bus&, Inc, Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling Co, Cold Spring Distributing Go* -0. 14, Droney Bev, Co. Gluek Brewing Co. Gold Nedal Bev, Cor Massolt Bottling Cob Ninneapolis Brewing Co, Eimeapolis City Club Dist. Cor' Norris Distributing Co* e Pabst Sales Co. Purity Beverage Co. Rex Distributing Co, Seven-Up Bottling Co. . WilLa?d Distributing Go* Northern States Power go* N, 8, Bell Tel, Coo Young Fuel Co, petroleum Service Co, American Linen Company . Japs-Olson Cos l!Iiller-Davis Co. Automatic Alarm Corp. - f 49.58 4- 11.90 32.89 7.15 11.30 2.11 * 8.65 22.50 * . I 4 * 921,964,oo Village Xkgineer Olsson reported as follows on Sand, Gravel and RQck bids taken at th? last regular meeting: D3LIVErn PICKZD UP - sm: Per Ton Per Yd. Per Ton Per Yd,, t Low Bid - llcGovm Co, .L $.96 --$1.34 50 fj-70 2nd Low Bid-Glacier Sand & Gravel CO~ 1.06 1.&8 60 . 84 &ow Bid - NcGov~an Go, 1*84 2 -57- le38 1.93 BUCIBHOT GX4VZL: _. 2nd Low Bid-Edina Sand & Gravel Co. 2,oo 2.95 1.60 2 .30 Low Bid - Edina Sand &t Gravel Go. 1.18 la65 .89 1625 2nd Low Bid-Pfeiffer Const, Co, 1.26 ' 1.75 . 97 1.35 CRUSI3BD ROCK: f PIT RUhJ GUVZL: Low Bid - Edina Sand & Gravel Co, i) .75 J.00 *45 .64 2nd Low Bid-Pfeiffer Const, Co, 057 1.20 58 *go ~ NCGOVTEUI COO c Glacier Sand & Gravel - €'Ell GRAVXL: Hr, Olsson explained in sone cases it is impossible ,to get into the pits, now, to obtaip $he qaterials. but giving Yillage l~~anager autho,.rity to purcbse wherever he can besh do so at present time, was seconded by Palen and carriede Th, Olsson's report on bids taken at last regular meeting, for Road Oil and Tar was as follows: -. Lop Bid - Edina Sand & Gravel Co, 2 .oo 2- 95 1.60 2.30 , 2nd Lo,w Bid-13cGopp.n C,o, . 2.16 3 002 le70 2,38 il Danensr motion, accepting low bids on Sand, Gravel and Rock, 1 - CUTBACK ASPHA&T 1432 1-2-3 Low Bid - Jay W. Craig Go, (3 g.13 per Gallon .. 2nd Low Bid-J.-V, Gleason Co. 8 $.13^25 per Gallon 3rd Loi~,Bid-Glenn dolmson Coo @ $.1375 per Gallon Low Bid ~ - Republic Creosoting Coo 0 $,16 per Gallon BOAD TAR RT 4-10 2nd Lorr Bid-Jay W, Craig Co.) - ~~ry pr Carlson @ Gel7 per Gallon Rob-D OIL SC 1-2-3 Low Bid 2nd Low Bid-J, V. Gleason Co. @ $,1225 per Gallon 3rd Low BideGlenn Johnson Co. 0 $,I275 per Gallon - Jay W. Craig Co. @ $.12 per Gallon HOT FtEADY IJCJX PSPHXLT - Lotr Bid HOT READY MIX TAR - Glenn Johnson Co, @ $4JO per Ton 2nd Low Bid-J. V..Gleason @ $4.50 per Ton Low Bid - Glenn Johnson Co, 8 $4.30 per Ton 2nd LOW Bid-J. V, Gleason )@ $4.50 per Ton Danens Bury & Carlson) iW&k moved that bid be awarded to low bidder in all cases, Second-ed P;l;n.en and ca.m5eda 288 j' 9/27/50 TEth regard to bids for Water Heters, taken at the last regular meeting, OfZice reported that the bid of. Badger Neter Nfg, Co, is low in all types of meters bidr Child moved that bid of Badger Heter Hfg, Co, be accepted, and carried. Nr, C, E, Peterson, 64OB Ryan Avenue, requested gravel in Ryan between 64th and 65th Streets, 3ktter leferred, to Chairman of Public ItkZk%& Vorks Commi&tee, for actLon+ Er. Frank Garrison, 45U 11. 56th Street, presented hiis camplaint to the Village Council on the following three matters: Hotion seconded by Palen - * * L 'I . 1, Non-delivery of. sanitary' sewer for which he has been assessed for nine years, 2. Damages resultipg from Village's alleged diversion of water Itfrom every possible directiont1 to his property, 3* TJater bnl paiaunder protest, * Ure Garrison was asked tD consult with the Village Engineer with regard to the first two complahts, and to see Public Utilities Supt. regarding last complaint, Hr. George C, Christopher, 5656 Wooddale Avenue, complained to Council of danages to his property, resultipg fron diversion of storm water by Village Storm Sewer. Council suggested meeting as of Saturday morning, April 1, for inspection of property by Council ad Village En&neer, 4 %* * v I % PZr. Schaefer at 63rd and, Josephiiine requested that surface drainage ditgh be dug at side of rod to eliminate his drainage pmblen, Hatter referred to Public tJorks Committee for action. . * - r Eayor Erickson arrive6 a% this pojnt; and, pursuant to l1Notice of Suppleiirent Hearing- Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. B-lY1l published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, l.Zinnesota, on I-€arch 9 znd 16, 1950, ca3.led.Publi.c Hearing on this improvement--said Hearing being for the,purpose of exbending the district to be assessed for said improvement. Chaiman Chilg of the Public Utilii$es Cormnittee explained to the audience that the Council had approved-construction of an 21it-1811 trunk sewer from 57th Street and France to 60th St, 'e-r hen e- bat this trunk sewer is larger than necessary to serve the and aroo~t or1 Y area thzn propose6 ?o e assessed; that the Council believed it more economical to construct this larger sewer now, than to construct a 101' main at this time and to construct a larger main, over .approximately the same route at a later-date; that it had been considered feasible to carr of the larger,main in the General Fund of the ~i~ag~,~~~*~~~t'~~~~~~ %%%@8Yiad advocated $?j%%&k&% of the eqtire benerited district; that cost of construcZtion of the larger main-- specifically the difference in cost between construction of &y f;ryk. sewer ay$ G-@lf ~~~~~~~r~~dapprgxinately $28,000, or ,$.28 per front fooj!; an8 ghaf?%fige&ga ge? ~ this trunk sewer ad which, therefore, is benefited by its .construction, A large delegation of proFerty otmers protested proposed Tassessment, for reason that they om unplatted property and %ave plenty of ground to take care of their own sewage problems,l~ and do not mnt additional taxes for, a sewer they do not wish to use. Among the objectors. were I.hes+, Nellie ~trong,6235 Logan Ave, So., 6325 Josephine Ave., and Xessrs. did not object, himself, but was speaking for oeighbor's who did, object), L.N.R. E-ller, &YO1 W, 64th St., Barry Hansen, 5221 W. 56th Street, Normvldale Road, and a Mr. Peterson at 63rd and Josephine, spoke in favor of the he co t,of constructio or in ,&e noticq published &rch 9 and 16y is the acea vhich can be drained into and L.M. lfills, David C, Yoerks,5025 Valley View Road (who said. he Eessrs. E. C. Stow, 5540 project, Child- offered the . i\ €E IT RESOLVED by follow3ng resolution and-moved its adoption: RESOLUTION REX!!JTJG TO SANIT,%Y SENE8 NO, B-1 AND ERES TO BE ASSESSED T€IEFE- (i FOR AND AKEX9IIJG EESOLUTIOI!J OF OCT(IBE3 24, 1949 ' ' ' * , *. ' the Council of the Village of Edina, IYTinnesota, as follows: 1+ This Council has by its resoLution adopted October 24, 1949, entitled '%esolution Ordering Sanitary Sewer No. B-lll duly determined to construct said sanitary sewer improvement and specified the area proposed to be assessed therefor, which area includes all properby capable of being connected directly with the sewers thich are being construct& at the present time as part of gaid jmprove;aentl, - t * c. 2. It is hereby found and determined $hat $he 2111 and 1811 trunk sever to be constructed as part of said improvement fromthe intersection of 57th Street and France Avenue to the intersection of 60th Street and Byookview Avenue is larger than is re= quired for the drainage of the area specified in sad resolution,, and 2s designed to be suffikient as an outlet for trunk 2nd lateral sewers to be constructed at a later date for the drainage of the additional area sppcified.below; thzt such additional area iKLl be benefited by the construction of said improveaent at the present time, and it c I I t I . 3/27/56 209 is therefore deemed area assessable for just and equitable that such territory be acced to thp said improvement; ( 3. Paragraph 3 of said resolution dated Octofjer 24, 1949 is hereby "The area. to be specially assessed for said improvement shall amended by adding the following: also include all lots EektEr and trac€s of land within the following boundaries: east; thence southerly along France Avenue to a point forty (4-0) feet north of the north line of "Jest 64th Street;'thence westerly one hundred forty (UO) feet on a line parale1 to West 64th Street; thence northerly sixty (60) feet on a line parallel to France Avenue; thence westex-ly two hundred forty (240) feet on a line parallel to Nest 64th Street; thence northerly two hundred ten (210) feet tjn a line parallel to France Avenue; thence westerly on a line , pahl.lel to IJest 64th Strbet, to a point midway between Peacedals and Brook- view Avenues; thpnce southerly on a line parallel to Brookview Avenue, to West 64th Street; thence westerly on West 64th Street extended to a point bighty (80) feet west of Brookview Avenue; thence northerly eight li~dred (800) feet on a line parallel to Brookview Avenue; thence westerly on a line parallel to IJest 6bth Street to the centerline of StJohn's ?.venue extended south; thence southe?ly on St. Johns Avenue extended, to a point forty (40) feet south of' Fkst 64th Street extended east; thence westerly'on a line parallel to 'f.lest' 64th Street to a point midway between Virginia and Parnell Avenues; thence southerly on a line parallel Jto Virginia Avenue to West 65th Street; thence westerly on Yest 65th Street to a point midway between &yan and Sherwood Avenues; thence southerly on a line parallel to Ryan Avenue, to West 66th Street; thence westerly on f.iest 66th Street to a point midway between FIilryan and Tingdale Avenues; thence northerly on a line parallel to Wilryan Avenue to Ifest 65th Street; thence westerly on West 65th Street to a point midway between Tingdale and Rolf Avenues; thence northerly on a line parallel to Ti.ngda3.e Avenue to the northwest corner of Lot Ten (LO) Block Eleven. (U) Normandale 2ndcAddition; thence westerly on a line parallel with Vest 65th Street-to .the southwest corner of Lot Nine (9)* block Ten (lo), Nozmandde 2nd Addition$ thence northerly on a line parallel to Rolf Z-venue, to Vest 64th Street; thence+ wes;t;erly on West 64th Street to a parallel to IEldred Avenue, to -West 63rd Street; thence westerly on-Uest 63rd Strect, oae thousand (1,000) feet more or less, to-the centerline of Hansen,Road extended south; thence northerly on Hansen Road ex%ended, to the center line of TJest-62nd Stkeet extended west; thence west on the centerline of Test 62~ Street extended west to Tracy Avenue; thence north on Tracy Avenue to Grove Street; thence westerly on Grove Street one hundred fifty (150) feet more or less to a point due south of the easternmost point on the shore line of Hawkes Lake;J thence north to Hawkes Lake and northwesterly along the eastern shore line thereof tocTrunk Highway Nor 169; thence due west to Olinger Road exteiided fiorth;cthence northerly on Olinger Road extended north to the northwest corner of Lot One (1) Block Three (3), Mirror Lakes Addition.; thence due east tb the . centerline of Hansen Road exbend.sd north; thence southerly on Haqsen road extended north,. to a post five hundred p500) feet, more or less, south of the cederline of Trunk Highway No. 169; thence southeasterly on a line aLright angles with the 1.Enneapolis Northfield and Southern Railwoad Conpany right-of-way, through the intersection of the centerline or" said righbo€-way with the centerline of Ifrest 56th Street, to a poi& seventy (70) feet southeasterly frox s aid inter- section;. tlunce southmsterly on a line parallel to said right-of-way to a point one hundred forty (140) feet east of the centerline of Emsen Road; thence southerly on a line parallel to Hansen Road, to a point eighty (80) feet north of %he centerline of Benton Avenue; thence westerly on a @ne + parallel dm Benton Avenue, to a point eighty (80) feet west of Hansen Road; thence soutl&erly, on a line parallel to Hwsen Road, to lest 60th Street e:&ended west; thence easterly on West 60th Street to a point two hundred eighty (280) feet east' of the centerlhe of Tingdalz Avenue; thence southeyly on a 3ine parallel to I\Tomaridsle Road, to the intersection of such line with a line parallel to and two hundred (200) feet northwesterly from Valley View Road; thence southwesterly, on a line parallel to Valley View Road, to West 63rd Street to a point aidway between Yamen Avenue and Nildred Avenue; thence north to a point seventy (70) feet north of the. centerline of West 63rd Street; thence northeasterlq on a line parallel to Valley View Road, to the intersection of such Xbe vith a line parauel to rand two hqndred fiftx (250) feet west of centerIin@ of Normandale Road; thence soutiherly six hundred (600) feet on a l2le parallel to 1\Somndale Road; thence easterly on a line parallel, to West 62nd Street to the centerline of Virginia Avenue exbended north; thence soqtherly on Virginia Avenue extended north, to West 62nd Street; thence easterly on Irest 62nd Street, extended east, to a point midway between St.John's and Fair- fax Avenues; both extended south; thence northerly, on a line parallel to llCommencing at the intersection of France Avenue with Vest 60ta Street extended . -point midway between JEldred and Warren Avenues; thence.northerly on a line . 3/27/50 St,Soh's Avenue e,xtended south, to the intersection of such line with a line parallel to ad one hundred sixty (160) feet"southwester1y from the centerline of Valley View Road; thence southeasterly on a line parallel to Valley View Road, to a point one hundred- thirty (130) feet south of the centerline of ITest'62nd Street; thence, east on 8 line parallel to Vest 62nd Street, to a poin6 midway between Oaklam and BrooMew Avenues, both extended south; thence noWnerly on a line parallel to Brookview Avenue, to Irest 60th Street; thence east to the east line of Brookview Avenue; thence southeasterly in a direek line to a point on Park Place one hundred fifty (150) feet north of the centerline of Vest 62nd Street; thence easterly on a line parallel to Vest 62nd Street, to a point one hundred (100) feet west of the centerline of France Avenue; thence northerly six hundred (600) feet on a line parallel to France Avenue; thence west six hundred (600) feet, more or less, to a point seventy (70) feet east of the centerline of Peacedale Avenue extended north; thence north to the. centerline of Vest 60th Street e,xteaded east; - thence easterly on Vest 60th Street extended east, to point of beginning.t1 4* AI1 other terms and provisions of said resolution of October 24, 1949 are hereby approved, ratified arid confirmed. Xotion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes afid no nays as follows: Danens, aye; Paen, aye; Ekickson, aye; and the Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, Child, aye; ' t I Pursuant to llNotice of Hearing-Proposed Sewer Hain Extension, It published in Suburban Press, Iiopkins, on I-fa&h 9 and 16, 1950, affidavit of publication for which was read, approved as to form, and placed on file, President called public hearipg on-proposed extension of Village S-ewer Nain in IT.48th Street from Tot-mes Road Easterly to serve Lots 21, 20 and 19, TWte Oaks Addition. E@$neer Olssonts estimate of cost, in mount of $1,763.59, as against 200 assessable feet, or $S&2 per assessable foot, r-ms read, together with his recommendation against construct- ing said sevier until after lots are filled-above grade, (for an approximate five feet)r Child moved that construct&on be delayed until afser owner Davitit has. produced evidence, either through deed restrict-ion or by letter from prospective purchsers, that property ~~511 be filled in accordance with engineerrs recom- mendation* Next Public Hearing called vas that on proposed improvement of Abbott Avenue between 11;57th and ?fe59th Streets by Grading and Gravelling. Publication of Notice of Hearing vas read, approved apd placed on file, said Notdce having appeared in Suburban Press, Hopkins, IbIj.n.n., on Narch 2 and 9,- 19gr 33ngineer*s estimate of cost, in total amount of $773.98, as ag~nst 1,28L30 assessa'ole feet, or 8,60 per assessable Zoot, was read. There were no objections to the improvkmnt at said Hearing, and. clerk had received no ?rri&ten objections prior-to said Hearing, adoption: -- . Eotion seconded by Dznens and carpied, - Affidavit of Dznens offered the following Resolutipn and moved i%s REsabTXON APPROVIfiG PLtwS AMI SlBXF'ICATIONS ' - FOR STWT llE'ROV3ENT 110. G3 AND DIFtECTDJG c- -- ADVEETISBBNT FOF, BIDS BE TT RESOLXED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specif&ations for STREET IEPROVEXBXL' NO. (3-3 heretofore prepaFed by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approvedr 2, Construction Bulletin the following notice .for bids for the construction of said improvenent : The Clerk shall, cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the I?DVERTISB*W FOR SIQS FOR STREZT II*mW.EW NO. C - 3 VWE OF EDINA The Edina qillage Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4-801 21, 40th Street, I-Emeapolis 10, on Honday, April 24, 1950, at 8:OO o*clock P&, to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Street hprovement No. C-3 in said Village, consisting of Grading end Gravelling of Abbott Avenue between TL57th and r"r,j&h Streetsb t 3/27/50 21% The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications far said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed 75th the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accmpanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to tie Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percenk of the amount of the bid* i Au. bids must be subaitted on the basis of cash payment for the 4 - BY ORDER OF THE VIUAGE OUNCIL. B(XIJER HAWTHOENE Village Clerk Edina, Plirmesota 3. Each and 611 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the' contract for said improvemat 1 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on RoLlcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted+ Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, t Mayor Pursuant to llNotice of Hearing on Proposed Water Main Extension," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, -on Narch 2 and 9, 1950, affidavit of publication for : which was read, approved as to fom and placed on file, Xayor Erickson called Public Hearing on proposed extension of Village Water Main in Abbott Avenue between W.57th and IJ.58th Streets. of $4,535.78, .as against 1,284.30 assessable feet, or $3.78 per assessable foot, wis read. written objections prior thereto, moved its adoption: Engheerts estimate of cost 5.n total amount There were do objections at the Heazing, and Clerk had received no GMld offered the following Resolution and FCESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS JND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IJATB EAIN DIPROVEYENT RO. 22 fiID DIRECT- d\ SING ADVERTIS"T FOR BIDS - BE IT RESOLTTED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for IJATB I%.IN IIPEOE-IENT NO. 22 hereto- fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the folloxfing notice for bids for the construction of said improveEent : ADV?3RTIS~~ FOE BIDS FOR 4 * 1ll.TEE NAIN IMPROVE2WT NO, 22 f 4 v1ua OF rnIiTA The Edina Village Council t&11 meet at the Village Hall, 4tUlt.b. 50th Street, 'r'Iinneapol5s LO, on Monday, April 24, 1950, at 8:OO o'clock P.T4., to . open and consider sealed bids fo.rlthe cofistruction 0.t; Water Hain Improvement No. 22 in said Village, consisthg of construction of Village fTater &in qxtension and appurtenances, in Abbott Avenue between'lf. 57th and IT. 58th Streets* The uork on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk* the work. .No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the under- signed before the time of said meeting and accomppied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in'the amount of Ten percent of the mount of the bid. All bids 1.11 be sub-qiitted on the basis of cash payment for t BY ORD3X OF THE VEL4G;E C(3uNCIL. * BOVER HAl4TRORI~ Village Clerk Xdina, IEnnes ota . I 3& Each and all1 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement* Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded bF Dmens, and on Bollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; and Ericlcson; aye; aid the Resolution was adopted* I "TP/y- Ikyor r 0 Village Clerk' 292 3/27/50 Public Hewkg was next called on petition of E. C. Stow for vacation of the "lest ten feet of "Yvonne Drive," as set forth in Notice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate published in Subarban Press, Hopkins, on I-farch 16, 1950, md posted on ofacial Vigage Bullr+in Boards, and placed on file, vacation. Palen offered the following Resolution and ,moved its adoption: Affidavit of publisation was read, approved as to form There were neither oral nor written objections to the proposed RESOLUTION VACATING STRZZT- ;.IEST !E% FESl OF XYOXlE DEIVE >Z- petition of a majority of the oQmers of real property abutting the line of XVGIJIJE DRIVE has been duly filed with the Village Council, and said Council has met at the tine and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard.all interested persons, and .it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of s&d street be vacated, now therefore T%N FZT (101) OF 'jITfOIlK3 DRNE between the dedicated street Jsnovm as YVOUXZ Tl3RRJ-E and the S0LITI-I PL4T LINE OF STOWS YVONNE TEElRACE ADDITION,, as the same is now dedicated and laid out within the corporate limits of seid Village be herehy vacated i Rotion for adoption of thk Resolution was secinded by Danens, ana, on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Erichon, aye; and the Resolution was adopted& BZ IT K3SOLm by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, thst, TEE TIEST I Child, aye; Danens, a3e; PaLen, aye; Hay or \ Pussuant to Notice of Hearing op Serve7 Nain Extension4,anitarry S.ewer Improvanent Uo+ 24, published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, I.iinnesota, on ZIarqh 2 and 9, 1950, affidavit of publication ?or which was read, approved as to form and placed on file, I.Izyor Erickson cmducted public hearing on exkensioq of Sanitary Lateral Sewers in Wooddale ?,venue from Voodland Road to :!est, 59th Street, ant in pellogg Avenue from TI, 53th Street tp W. 59th Streetl Engineer's estimate of $l2,003*21 as agabst 2,884.34 assessable feet, or $6.16 ,assessable foot, was read, were no objections to improvement. moved its adoption: There Child offered t'ne following Resolution-and .RZSOLUTI@IIJ ORDERING S-QmARY SEWB IIPRO~.ENT ire* 24 332 IT FG3OLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I-Tinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly publishsd on the pro- psed improvexat consisting of the construction of sewer mains and appytenances - in Tooddale Avenue between Voodland Road and West 59th Street and in ICellogg Avenue between Vest 5E%h and ?Test 59th Streets, and qt the hearing held at the tine and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent fac$s does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvemat; that said hproven?nt is hereby desimated and shall be referred to in all sub$equent proceedings as Sanitary Sever Irnprovement No4 24, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the portions of streets in which said improvement is to be constructed, Hotion&or: adoption of Resolqtton yas duly sqconded by <den, ad on Rol&call there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was declared duly passed yd adopted, 7 Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; t - Hayor Viaage Clerk ,/a - Council was informd that partners operating Edina Recreatio; Center have held up application for Cigarette, Food, Pinball and Bowling =ley License;, pending decision by Council as to vhether fees may be pro-rated providing there 5s a change in ownership. Child moved for iasuancg of temporary permits for selling Cigarettes and Food, md for operating P&baU &chines and Bowking fil9ys until April10, pending advice by Village Attorney* Hotion seconded by Palen and carried* Nessrs. Stow and Ashmead, of the Commercial Club's Co@ii.ttec on Parking, had several suggestions to offer for changes in the present parking regulations+ requested tha% Committee cae to full agreement, offer its recomendati6ns to the Comnercial Club, ad bring Club's final decision to Council for copideration@ Council Council's attentiQn was bmught to August 11, 1949 peition by B'nai Lbrm Cenetery Association, for permission to construct drive alonp one-half of the dedicated considerable discussion, Danens moved tha$."request be denied, and thzt Council act not to open Drew Avenue south of T;T,56th Street. carried e 130-foot strip abuttinp their ltmd and'running East from France AvenueFl After Notion seconded by Child and \ I 3/27/50 213 I! 7 Ivir, Stow asked that Commercial Club be given Vifiage Attc&ey’s opinion as to possibXLity of tagging overtime parkers in private parking lots, The following petitions, dated 31arch 27, 1950, and signed by Ifallace T* Bruce an&’Oscar Ti:, Ilelandes, were accepted, and Public Hearings were set for Ifonday, April 24, 1950, at 8:OO P&, by Motion Child, seconded by Palen and carried: GRADING $ND GRAYELLING OF - Beard and Chowen Avenues betwezn W.S$th Street ?LATER I*W ElflENSION - Above named streets. SE?uW 3fAIN EX”S1ON - Above named streets I ‘<, \,’ ’ and 234 feet South th,erdr -a I1 .<I If?. 5, S, ’ifhorpels petition for paymat of Village of expense he had incurred foe treatment of boulevard trees was referred to Village Attorney for his opinion as to whether Council should payb Liquor Store lhnager Kippleyts request for new Victor Adding Nachine vas tabled until next regular meeting, with IJ~. Kippley’s presence requested at thas timer Childts motion that Liquor &omission members be asked for their resignations,* and that they be asked whether they are interested in working on the Committee for the following year, was seconded by Palen and carried. 6ouncil reviewed feublic Hearings held earlier ‘in t$e evening, fofloli.jmg Resolution and moved its adoption: ganens offered the KESOLUTION ORDERING STmET DEBOVZEKT * - NO. C-3 BE IT FSOLWD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this C_uncil heretofors caused notice qf hearing to be duly published on the propos.ed improvement consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of Abbott Avenue between TIa 57th and ItT, 58th Streets, and at the hearing’held at the time and place speci- fied in said notioe the Coun,cil$as duly conskdered the views of allgersons - intereited, and being fully,advi.sed of _the pgrtinent facts does hereby determine to procked vith the construction of said Qnprovement; that said improvement is hereby ,designated and shall ,be referrqd to .in all subseqqent ,proceedings &s Street Improvement No, (2-3, .andf;he area td be specially assessed therefor shall include, all lots and tracts +of 4and abutt*g and fronting upon $he portions of street in which said improvement is to be constructed. 1 Telegram requesting pumping of water in Abbott and Beard Avenues in the 5600 Block, was referred to the Village Engineer. Chahvl Danens of Public Works Committee reported on County Highwayts’ advice of Ifarch 17, 1950, that County Roads :IriU be posted during Spring breakup. No action taken+ Two gentlken requested Council’s action on petitions filed for $later IIain Extension on ITooddale and,Kellogg Avenues. carry- only 46% of owners, qpd Child moved that matter be tabled until such time as sipatures are obtained from owners of 51% of the property. Motion seconded ,by, Palen and carried. - 1 Child moved for issuance of Plumber’s License, for year April 1, 1950 to April 1, 1951, to IT. E, (Gene) Cooper, Notion seconded by Palen and carriedr Mr. E, C, Stow rpquested more adequate plumbing inspection, and was in€omed that some plumbing jobs have not received final inspctione He was asked to contact Supt. of Public Utilities ?Toehler. The matter of the request of J. V, Gleason Company, for payment of $40,000 on account came before the Council. present at discussion, as was I&, E. C, Stow. that there is a &3,000 balance on the Gleason account. his opinion, which he stated is based upon the reports of the Tth Cities Testing Laboratorie$, tha-f, streets blacktopped.by-J, TT. Gleason Company could be brought to comply with Village specifications by an expenditure of less than $14,000. on account in return for waiving interest charges. *Action withkield, pending agreement by Village Attorney, Attorney for Taxpayers, and J. V, Glesson Conpanym They were informed that petitions k” 2/ Mr, Hosmer A, Brown, taxpayers’ attorney, was It was brought out in discussion Sngineer Olsson gave . It was advocated that J, V: Gleason Companx be offered @O,OOO papent i Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there vere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye; palen, aye; Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was declared duly passed and adoptedr ?tap? Village Clerk 3/27/50 Child offeredthe rollowing Resolution and moved its adoption: 2-3- -. R3SOLUTIOTJ OXDERIIG !.TATEX IXIX DEROVE4ENT BO. e 3 BE IT ?!SOLIED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I:iinnesota, thzt this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the construction of water main' and appurtenances in Abloott Avenue betveen Y. 57th and V. 58th Streets, and at the hearink held at the time and place specified in said nbtice the Council ha's duly considered'the views of &l-prsons* interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desipnated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Yater ;".Iain Improvement No. 22, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall indlude all lots and tracts of land abupting and front- ing ppon the portion of street in which said imnprovemnt is to be constiuc€ed: '' Notion for adoption of foregoing resolution was'duly seconded by Danens, and on F,ollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as folloys: Palen, aye; and Erickson, zye; and the Resolution was declared duly passed and adolsted, Child, qre; Danens, aye; Xr. Eennett requested Council action .on petitions for rezoning to Community Store District Lots 1,2,4,5,6,25, 26 qnd 27, Block 3, Grandview Heights, and Lots ll, 12, 13, l.4 and 15, Block 4, Grandview Heights--Hearinp on said proposed rezoning having been conducted at replar meeting of fiarch 13, 1950. Village Pttorney to draft proper Ordinance for rezoning of this property to Comnunity Store District, vas seconded by Palen and unanimously carried, Danenst motion; directing Engineer Olsson reported that survey wid1 be made of Harrison and Tyler Avenues before Public Hearing which is scheduled for April 10, Office informed Council of Public Safety Chairman Hawthornek recommendation that air conditioning system be installed in new Chevrolet police car, +uthorizinp purchase of such a2r conditioning system, was seccmded by Child and ' *- Palen's motion, carried + Danensf motion for adjournment was seconded by Palen at .I1225 P.14. f P t and carried. Meeting ad,j.ourned . I Village Clerk L 4 Eeabers answering coming later as re8orded belowr . Rinutes of I2eeCing of &rch 27, 1950, were approved as submitted, by motion Child, secrmded by Danens, arid carried& IJayor Erickson rzquested that bids be taken on Deep ?Tell Turbine Pump, in accord- ande with ftNotice of Bids" pblished in5uburba.n Press and Construction Bulletin on I-kch 23 Znd.30, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk. reported that four sezled bids had been received, then opened and read the fol1o.r.:- . ing: ADDZTION FOR ollcell were Child, Danensj Haw%horne, and Erickson, x5th Palen d *. Clerk - BASE 31D 10" C'3LUNT ECOe Tzrt-Ide Corp, , Hinne&polis 16, Erin. $43998m (10' $323,00 Fairbanks-IJorse et Coc , Hinneapolis 15, I.2inn, $4,367,00) '1 * $10L70 Plus Reduced Voltage SCarter, etc. 553.OQ.- ~ LBSS Deduction for Chqzan check valve -190.00)- Crane Coe,400-3rd Lve. Eo., Enneapolis,Nin.n,.iinnr $5,158.09) 11 $~lO,OO Layne-Ia-esot a GO , lriinncapolis 6, Ith.n, $5,447.cE- ' l' &28.00 t Hawthorne's motion,that bids be referred to Village Engineer and Public Utilities Cdttee znd Superintendent for report at next; regular meeting, was seconded by Child Sad carriedo ' t I ? <