HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500410_REGULAR3/27/50 Child offeredthe rollowing Resolution and moved its adoption: 2-3- -. R3SOLUTIOTJ OXDERIIG !.TATEX IXIX DEROVE4ENT BO. e 3 BE IT ?!SOLIED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I:iinnesota, thzt this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the construction of water main' and appurtenances in Abloott Avenue betveen Y. 57th and V. 58th Streets, and at the hearink held at the time and place specified in said nbtice the Council ha's duly considered'the views of &l-prsons* interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desipnated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Yater ;".Iain Improvement No. 22, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall indlude all lots and tracts of land abupting and front- ing ppon the portion of street in which said imnprovemnt is to be constiuc€ed: '' Notion for adoption of foregoing resolution was'duly seconded by Danens, and on F,ollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as folloys: Palen, aye; and Erickson, zye; and the Resolution was declared duly passed and adolsted, Child, qre; Danens, aye; Xr. Eennett requested Council action .on petitions for rezoning to Community Store District Lots 1,2,4,5,6,25, 26 qnd 27, Block 3, Grandview Heights, and Lots ll, 12, 13, l.4 and 15, Block 4, Grandview Heights--Hearinp on said proposed rezoning having been conducted at replar meeting of fiarch 13, 1950. Village Pttorney to draft proper Ordinance for rezoning of this property to Comnunity Store District, vas seconded by Palen and unanimously carried, Danenst motion; directing Engineer Olsson reported that survey wid1 be made of Harrison and Tyler Avenues before Public Hearing which is scheduled for April 10, Office informed Council of Public Safety Chairman Hawthornek recommendation that air conditioning system be installed in new Chevrolet police car, +uthorizinp purchase of such a2r conditioning system, was seccmded by Child and ' *- Palen's motion, carried + Danensf motion for adjournment was seconded by Palen at .I1225 P.14. f P t and carried. Meeting ad,j.ourned . I Village Clerk L 4 Eeabers answering coming later as re8orded belowr . Rinutes of I2eeCing of &rch 27, 1950, were approved as submitted, by motion Child, secrmded by Danens, arid carried& IJayor Erickson rzquested that bids be taken on Deep ?Tell Turbine Pump, in accord- ande with ftNotice of Bids" pblished in5uburba.n Press and Construction Bulletin on I-kch 23 Znd.30, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk. reported that four sezled bids had been received, then opened and read the fol1o.r.:- . ing: ADDZTION FOR ollcell were Child, Danensj Haw%horne, and Erickson, x5th Palen d *. Clerk - BASE 31D 10" C'3LUNT ECOe Tzrt-Ide Corp, , Hinne&polis 16, Erin. $43998m (10' $323,00 Fairbanks-IJorse et Coc , Hinneapolis 15, I.2inn, $4,367,00) '1 * $10L70 Plus Reduced Voltage SCarter, etc. 553.OQ.- ~ LBSS Deduction for Chqzan check valve -190.00)- Crane Coe,400-3rd Lve. Eo., Enneapolis,Nin.n,.iinnr $5,158.09) 11 $~lO,OO Layne-Ia-esot a GO , lriinncapolis 6, Ith.n, $5,447.cE- ' l' &28.00 t Hawthorne's motion,that bids be referred to Village Engineer and Public Utilities Cdttee znd Superintendent for report at next; regular meeting, was seconded by Child Sad carriedo ' t I ? < .- , Public Hearing was called on proposed improvement of €I arrison and Tyler AvenuosS / between PtlzJ_oney,Avenue and Belmore Lme by Grading and Gravelling, Affidavit of Publication of Wotice of Hearing", as published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on Narch 23 and 30, ias read by Clerk, approved as to fom, and placed on file. Engineer Olsson*s estimate of Cost of Improvement, in total amount of $3+,941r19 as against 2,413*74 assessable feet, or &63 per assessable foot, was read. I&. Steiner, agent for petitioner Hermason, spoke in favor of improvement, Fa. D,PI Bloomquist, 6615 Belmore Lane, spoke as agent for I4rs. Blice Naah, owner of abutting property, requestdng that more time be giuen for study of matter and explaining that property owner-is ill, that project will cost her several thousand dollars, and that before her consent is given she would appreciate knowing type of development which ia proposed for the neighborhoodr of Public Hearing on Improvement until $:OO P.N., Emday, April 24, 1950, seconded by Hawthorne 2nd carried, ,U interested property oxmers attending Hearing were notified of continuance,. - I1 Child moved for continuance Xotion fn accordance with **Notice of Hearing-Sanitary Sewer-York Avenue between and V.59th Streets,!' published BIarch 23 and 30, 1950, in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, Ha,yor Erickson called for liearing on this proposed improvement. dffi- da-vit of Publication o€ Notice was read by Clerk, approved as to form,.rand placed on file* Engineer Olsson explained to Council and interested property ovmers that he had psepared no estimate on the smitary sewer because it will be necessary to construct& a connecting main from 60th Street and France Avenue to 60th and York, and then in York Avenue from 60th to 59th Street, to give this 5&11-55%h block service, .He explzinetl that the Council should determine the assessment district for such a project before any estimate of assessable-cost could be given, Child moved for tabling of project until such time 8s Village Engineer and Council could complete investigation. Notion seconded by Danens and carried, Fublic Hearing was had on proposed improvenent of York Avenue between 1?.58th and (")Lj Wa59th Streets by construction of water main and Zppurtenances therein, Engheer a* Olssonts estimate of cost, in total mount of $4,750&0, as against 1,193,17 assessable feet, or 34.23 per assessable foot, was-read--Clerk having read affidavit of Publication of Ncrtice 5n Suburban Press as of Ifarch 23 and 30, "and said affidaxit hayhg been approved as to fora, and placed on file* Nr* D.F, TJilLiams, owner of Lot 12, Block 2, Harriet knor 2nd Addition, and a new Hear:i_rY;;, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior t.0 H=ringl 56th . .. I opper, ik. Xoung, spoke far %he impmvenen-t: There were no objections at the ,Child offered th.9 following Resolution and moved its adoption: I ?. ?:ATER I.XM .Z~O~B~IT xo, 23 .t ', c c 4 RESOLUTION ORDJBZI\JG ITPEOVZ-XNT E - Bork Avenue-58tk-59th St. BE IT R%SOLXZD by the Council of the Village of Zdina, Ninnzsota, thzt this Couficil. heretofore caused notice of baring to be duly publhhed on the proposed impm vement consistink of Construction of Village Xater Blain E,utension and appurte- nances in York Avenue between l?,f;Eith and ?i*59th Streets, and at the hesr2ng held at the the and place specified in said notice the Council has dulr considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pei%inen-b facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said -5nprovement is hereby designated and shall be referred Eo in all subse-. quent proceedings as Water Nain Improvement No, 23 and the areatto be specially assessed-therefor shall hclude all lots and tracts of land abutting ad fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seccnded by Hawthorne, andcon Rolbcall thsre were Five ayes and no Uays, as follows: Hawki-mme, aye; and Erickson, aye; (Trustee Palen having entered Eeeting duxhg * discussion-of Project) and the Resolution was decla-ed duly passed and adoptedl F + Child, aye; Palen, aye; Danens, aye; Nayor - Public Hearing was nex% called on proposed improvement of York avenue between t'll56thth and lr.57th Streets by Blacktoppinga Affidavit of: Publication of !!Notice of Hearing" in Suburban Press, Hopkins, finnesota, on Narch 23 and 30, 1950, vas read by Clerk, approvcd as to .form 'and placed on.fi?e, ketal amount of $1,428.27 as agaimt 870.99 assessable fee'c, .'or &64 per assessable foot, TEE read, delayed until such time as the €our-block stretch on York, between 54th and 58th Ztreet, can be completed, improvement could be securedt York Avenue between IT. 56th and TT, 57th Street be continugd to Monday, April 24,1950, at 8:OO PJJI, Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, attendinp hearinp were notified of continuance OC same. Engineer Olssonts estimate of cost in There were no objections to the improvement except that of lfrs . Henry .A, Bachman,3121 W.56th Street, who recommended that $his improvement be Nr, Bachman was of opinion that petition for such Child moved that Public Hearing on Blacktopping of .All. interested parties . 1 1.1mor Erickson called Public Heering on proposed improvment of Zenith Avenue betmen ti,57th Street and present Blacktop Surface 1/2 Block North thereof by Blacktopping, 1, BfTidad.t of PubUcation of IWotice of Hearing1' in Suburban Press, Hopkins, I-Ennesota, '' on 1.iarch 23 and30, 1950, wzs read by Clerk, approved as to form, and placed on filea Znginker Olsson's estimate of cost3 in total amount,of $594.30, as against 351 assess- able feet, br $1.69 per assessable foot, vas read. Hearing, and no written objeFtions had been received by Clerk prior to Hewings Danms offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERIEG I2*E'?3OlE.Z*X~ L. t BUCKTOPPIIJG OF ZE?JIT:I-57TH SeT \ There were no objections at the STFEET D*PRDW*~ NO, A-7 TO 1/2 BLOCK NOmH THEREOF I33 IT RESOLIED by the Souncil of the Village of Edim, I.Iinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice pf. hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve&nt cmsisting of Corn truction of Black$op surfacing in Zenith Avenue between 1.1e57th Street ad present blacktop spfecing one-half block North thereof, and'at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pehinent facts does hertitbg de:ennjne to proceed with the Construction of said - hprovement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall. be referred to in all bubsequent proceedings as Street Improvmat No. A-7, and the area to be specially abessed therefor' shalf include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in t?hi.ch said improvement is to be constructedb %lotion for ad9tion of the Resolution vas seconded by Palm, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as f6llows: Hawthoke, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was declared duly passed and adop%eda I Child, aye; Danens, aye; Pzlen, +ye; firman5 to '"Notice Of Hgmi&Biacktopping-Tower Street, If +published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, l4innesota, on Earth 23 and 30, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for which Gas read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, Mayor Erickson , calldd 'Pu6lic Gexring on the pmposed blacktopping of Tower Street between St, Johs as against 1,223.98 assessable feet, or &60 per assessable foot, was read. ~ The Kin;' P, Stienke, 4616 Tower Street, and I&, F, P. Longeway, Jr,, 4612 Tomr St#, supported the patition, requesting %ha% Council begin vork as soon as possi'ole, so that dust condition mi@t be allayed, Mr. G.C, Christopher, 5656 ITooddale, owner of considerable property on the South side of Tower Street, objected to iaprovment, on grounds that this pxpperty tJil1,soon be developed, and tht heavy trucking will break up nevi blacktop. Xonday, April24> 1950, to enable Council to secure Engineerrs recornendation 2s to adpisability of blacktopping before devplopment of, area8 Iiotion seconded by Child and carried* AIL interested parties attending hearing were notified of its continuancea $,\< 'ad Concord Avenues, 11 ,, I' Engineer 0lssont.s Estate of Cost, in total amount o€ $1,960+20, Hawthorne moved for continuance of Public Hewing until lllerlc read Affidavit of Fublicztion for %otice-of H~,~rin&-BlacM;oppi~-~~e~e~r Drive ad Concord to said notice, pu'plic Hearing was had on proposed blacktopping of LakevTLetr Drive between St,Johns Avenue and Crescent Drive, and of thzt part of Cmcord Avenue ad- joinirig Lot 1, Block 8, and Lot I, Block 7, Golf Terrace Heiglnts Addition, Engineer .Olsson*s estimate of cost of &pmvement, ih tots; amount of $2,970*59 as against 1,867.57 assessable feet, or 5L58 per assesszble foot, vas reads Iir. Ralph Ibberson, 4609 Lakeview Drive, inquired as to procedure for assessing corner lots, znd was inf6med that corner lots are assessed for both sides of lot, objections at €Iea;ring, and no written objections had been received prior thereto+ Danms offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: as published Suburban Press, Hoplcins, I.finn;sota, on Ikrch 23 ?,; and 30, 1950, whi& affidavit was approved as to form and placed on file-and, pursuant \,- .. I There were no RESOLUTION ORDERIRG I?P3PE2ISST STET D-FIXEIE?JT IJO. A-9 -0 .i B~jSCIfTOPP~G - LQCEZIE;! DFi BX~~L.'Z~J c C C AIIO CGICCBD Am4lE ADJOl3JEiG LOT &, ST. JOHNS AILEUU3 QID CFESCEUT DXlTE, I BL-8 ANTI LOTJ,BLo7,GOLE' Tm4-C3 IZ30 T -I -c t '. --I <'" 4/10/50 -2 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Itinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pmposed improvenent consisting of construction of Blacktop surfacing in Lakeview Drive between St.Johns Avenue and Crescent Drive, and in that part of Concord Avenue adjoining Lot 1, Block 8, and Lot 1, Block 7, Golf Terrace Heights Addition, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly ansidered the views of all persons interested, aqd being fully advised of the pertinent facts.does hereby determine to proceed xith the construction of said hprovement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shallebe referred '' to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No, A-9, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon tQe streets in wh5ch said improvement is to be constructed, Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, we; and Erickson, %e; and the Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. J I Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; <' Nayor Fublic Hearing was had by Council on proposed Blacktopping of all streets in Prospect I-fills Additior,, pursuant to "Notice of Iiearinglt published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on Narch 23 and 30, 195G-affidavit of pblication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file. Olsson's estimate of cost of improvement, in total amount of $9,05S.80 as against 5,807.38 assessable feet, or $1.56 per assessable foot, was read, objection of kcel He Turnquist, owner of Lot 6, was read, spoke in support of the petition, zsld asked that the blacktopping of Prospect Hills Second be considered tonight, also, as ms agreed upon at the Public Hearing for that project. Addition, objected to the blacktopping of streets in Prospect Hills Addition without plans for the blacktopping of entrance roads thereto--explaining that W,70th Street between Cahill Road znd Prospect Hills, and Antrim Road between Vdley Vier;. Road and Prospect Hills are both inaccessible at some parts .of the year, building in Prospect Hills Addition, dthough this property will be built up in the near future; but that Prospect Hills Second Addition is still owned largely by the developer, Mr. KP. Johnson suggested that separate bids be taken for the two additions--that it might be possible for developer to pay cash for blacktopping the 2nd Addition, Hawthorne moved for continuance of Fubli c Hearings on blach%opping of Prospect Hills and Prospect Hills Second Addition until, I.Iondzy, April 24, 1950, at 8:OO P.N. and carried, continuance ** A Mr, Cheesmzn orally petitioned for permit to construct a double ,dwelling on Vernon Avenue betmen 43rd and 44th 3treets. objection to issuance of suah a permit, was filed with the Counci1,signed by George 11. Taylor and others, Hawthorne noved for referral of application for permit , and negative petition, to Planning Commission €or their recommendation, Motion seconded by Palen and carried, Engineer The written Nr, KP, Johnson I-Ir, C. J. Danens, owner of property abutting Prospect Hills It was also brought out in discussion that there is practiczlly no LJ Xotion seconded by Danens All interested parties attending Hearings were notified of said 'I x Petition, dated A.priL 4, in Ifrs. HcCraeken led a aelegation of four ladies in the neighborhood of the old XunFIing estate on Interlachen Blvd. cellar situated on the land, stating that it is m Itatt=rac.P;ive hazard" for children, and a general health hazard; and asking that Council eawrt its powers in hzvine: this building torn dotm. referred to Village Engineer Olsson for his investigation, 2:ith view toward condemning building as a safety hazard., Notion seconded by Palen and carried; t Ik.. Oscai. Spande requested permit to reniodel dwelling at 5433 York Avenue South, such ranodeline: to include installation of inside plumbing. recommended against issuance of permit, inasmuch as building is situated ten feet ahad of present building setback, to Fublic Iforks Committee, Village 'Sngineer and Building Inspector for investigation and report at the next meeting. Chairman Straahauer of the Park Board reported that'the matter of draintng the park-owned triangle in Hilldale by construction of Storm Sewer would be too expensive to justify cost; b'nk, that a sodded ditch could be constructed for not more than $4OeO0--that Park Board does not. have even Itthis kind of moneyit, con- sidering number of other improvemats sorely needed in the Village-that Eng-ineer Olson had recommended the levelling off and cleaning up of the lot to improve its appearance. They complained about the mushroom HavVsthorne looved that mat;ter be Mr. Voehler Hawthorne noved for referral of recpest Kotion seconded by Child ad carried. Consensus of Council's opinion was that this could be done by IZr, E. C, Stow, developer of Yvonne Terrace, requested information as to assess- ment €or Storm Szwer District No. 18, maLntainine that the small storm sewer he had constructed as a part of his developrnent is sufficient to "take care of all the Yvonne Terrace'' water, and that, therefore, this property is not benefited by Storm Sewer No. 13. Ik. Stow, the matter xas referred to Village Engineer Olsson, for conference vith 14r* Stow and report at next regular meeting, b;: Notion Child, seconded by Hawthorne I and carried, After much discussion, and failure to reach agreemnt xith 1-fr. Stow, as Chairman of Conmercial Club Committee on faarkkg, offered several recoqendztions which had been adopted by Club, :.fayor Erickson requested that recomendations be in miting and presented at earliest oppoktunity; and Bhairman Hawtfiorne of Public Safety Committee supgested a meeting to evaluate the recomendztions of the Bdina Patrolmen, before action of any kind is taken+ Natter tabled until next regular meeting. Xanager Kippley of the ?<unicipdl Liqyor Store requested permission to purchase Victor Adding Nachine at net cost of $177.50, including trade-in of old machine. Request granted, by Ilotion Hawthorne, seconded by Child and carried. Fire Chief Mitzel requzsted permission to purchase an inhalator and three tanks, for Fire Departmen%, at a cost of appro,ximately $300.00. Council that the Fire Department had purchased the present inhalator out of its om funds. Child moved authorizing lhnager Olsson to investigate purchase of inhalator md three tanks. Complimentary ietter from IIrs. Fred C, Obermeyer, 5716 Normandale Road, with. regard to services rendered by Officer Hilding Dahl, and members Fort, Holter and Feck of the Fire Department, in the recent heart-attack case, tras read. moved that copies of letter be posted in Police and Fire Departments, seccnded by Child and carried. I Ik. Ilitzel reminded the Rotion seconded by Danens and carried, Hawthorne Kotion Rr. Russell Lund requested infornation from Council as to progress on proposed fhmicipal Parking Lot. There was some discussion as to extending a parking lot . West of the present comercial district, and also as to a canbined north-and- gouth-50th Street Parking Lot. A review was had of. proposed parking developxents on the south side of 50th Street, Planning Engineer be directed to prepare drawings covering all details of proposed parking development in 9th Street business diserict, and .that Council tentatively this matter. Village Pttorney ITindhorat's opinion--that Council has no obligation to pay for care of bulevard trees, that it is within its discretion so to do-was. filed+ Child noved for payment of claim filed by S.S. Thorpz, Jr., for $25.00,. for care of one tree on boulevard at his residence. Hawthorne moved that Village Engineer and \ plan to meet with Plznning Comission on IJonday, Nay 1, at 7:30 P,N., to discuss Kotion seconded by Dznens and ,carried, Notion seconded by Hawtinome and carried, Village Attorney's opinion--that Council must require fill year's license fee from Edina Recreation Center, or amend licensing Ordinances--ims filed. motion, directing office to inform Edina Recreation Center that thkir licepse fees must be i? office by 4:30 Tuesday, April 11, if they wish to continue to operate, was 'seconded by Palen and carried. Havthorne's The request of the State Commissioner of Taxation, for letters from ownzrs of surrounding property, agreeing to acquisition by Village of Lot 1, Cdina Court for park purposes, was read, necessary letters, Xotion seconded by Palen and carried. Boris Pewovmntk's petition for permit to build two double digellines, on Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, (5236 and 5240 France Avenue South) was read, together vi th Planning Commission's April 4th reconmendation. Hawbhorne moved, setting Public Hearing on Petition for Monday, April 24, 1950, at 8:OO P,& Notion seconded by Child and carried, Hawtiiorne moved directing office to secure the Chajrnan Child of Public UtiliCvies Committee reported on need for architect to draft plans for pumphouse on Edina High School site. Olsson and Fublic Utilities Supt. Yoehler to make arrangements with Lang and Rrugland, architects fo'r the school, for plans for small pumphouse. Danens and carried, t Claim Of hy Slnith in mount Of $67.00, for atamages suffered as result of fall on He moved, directing Engineer Ihtion secondsd by Village sidewalk April I, vas presented. Attorney with poxer to settle on best possible basis, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Child's notion, referring claim to Village I Palen offered the follo:&g Ordinance, moving that Cobncil dispense tri-i;h second reading thereof, md%dupt Ordinance as read: .. AI\f ORDINl!!qCE .- Sec, 1, Section IV of that certain ordinance adopted on Hay 25, 1931, as heretofore amended, entitled "An ordinace regulating the location, size and use and height of buildings, the..arraigement 02 buildings on lots, and the density of population in thg Village of Edina And for tlrs purpose of promoting the health, safety, order, convenience, proprieti and general welfare in the said Village, and for said purpose to divide the Village into districts,Jt is hereby further amended by inserting immediately after paragraph (f-1) a new paragrqh to'be desimated as (f-2), which paragraph shall read 2s folloirs: "(f-2) Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26 and 27, Block 3 and Lots 11, 12, 13, 1L, and 15, Block 4, all in Grandxierr Heights Addition' to the Village of Edina.ll Sec, 2, Tlzis ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to lawa Hotion for adoption-was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance was adopteds ATTEST: Child, aye; Palen, qe; Danens, aye; Hawiihorne, aye; t //&/ c Village Clzrd Letter from Hennepin County Supervisor of Assessments, requesting nolification of time for meeting of Board of Review,was read. Council directed office to inform Supervisor that Board of Review Netting will be hzld at 7:30 P&, Friday, July 7. Village Attorney's mitten opinionl-that Village has no power to issue traffic! tags to violators of private parking lot restrictions--was filed. Danens' motion, confirming action of Nayor, Clerk and TreBsurer, in signing check No, 4659 of 3Iwth 29, to the order of J. V. Gleason CO~, in mount of $30,000, for payment on account in connection with construction contracts, and directing that bonds for said work be held by Council until'full compliance with Village specifica$ions is had, was seconded by Palen and carried, Engineer Olsson repprted on request by owner of Lot 8, Block 5, Sunnyslope Section (4.928 Dale Drivg) for connection to Village Sewer, authorizing Fa* Olsson to negotiste w5th ovmer for extension of Village sever southward, et his own eqense, was seconded by Hawthorne and csrriedr Xr* Olsson reported thzt Heating and Electrical inspections %an be handled -jointly with t'b ViJlagz of St,Louis P?rk, on a fee basis, He recommended that Edina adopt Heating and Electrical ordinandes comparable to those in force in neighboring communitiesLa Council directGd flir. Olsson to secure copies of those ardinmces he considers< workable, and to repo$t back at earliest possible time* c f - . Child's motion, Danens moved for issuance of Pldbing Licenses to the follokd-ng plumbers, whose applications, fees syld bonds are in Village Office: Ralph Haegzen, 5428 Nicollet -:.ye? So* Norblom Plbg. & Htg. C0,,3742 Chicago he, T*O, Gustafson Co., 3206 Bloominl$on -4ve* Tom Stotzko Co,, a60 Vernon Avet, Swenson Plbg, & Htg. Co., 6625 Norgan Go, 1J.F. Staddam, 1008 Uarquette Aver Levaim Bros., 4108 Lpdale 3e. No* lfooneyrs, 8l4 17. Lcke St* 1.rimeapolis Plumbing Go. ,1420 Nicollet Avec < Xotion seconded by Palen and carried* 220 P*alen moved for approval ofthe following licenses, for year 1950-1951, Scott-Burr Stores, 3906 1:. 50th Street Food License S.3. Stenson - Country Cash Store,l+&OL, Valley View Rd Food Be&-Off Sale Cigarette e Iiotion seconded by Damns and carriede Eeview was had of Council*s decision to condemn property for right-of-way for Zwing Avenue betveen T1,SWh and X.60th Streets and ndved its adoption: Hawthorne offered the following Resolution RESOLUTICII~ 5iEEE.i&, If is necessary, ad.lisable and in th’e public interest that the Village of Edina lay out, establish and e.utend Erling Avenue betirezn West 53th Street and Yest 60th Street of sufficient rjdth to service the property adjacent thereto, urd YXEBEAS, In order to acconplish such purpose it is necessary to acquire an eas&nerrt for street purposes 5s the follov~g described land, anaely: The East Thirty (30) feet of Lot 52, duditor’s Subdivision Uumber 312, Hennepii County, I.linnesota, ~ I which property is owned by Wry 71, Svrenson and Agnes I, Svrenson, husbcind and r.rife, as joint tenants, and above omer st prices deemed by the Council to be favorable, and TEERE!!!, the Village of Edina has offered to purchase such easenat from the Y?E€ZE#S, The o:mer of such land has refused to accept the Village’s offer, and XIEREAS, The Village is advised and believes that the most feasible location YK!%ZAG, By reason of such refusal to sell the ViUage the land above described, BOY, TI-IEXFGX, B2 IT i’Z3OLm, That the Village of Edina proceed to pmcure for such a street is on the land described, and it has becone necessq to procure title to such lends by right of &e=t donain, an easement in the above desciribed land under it3 right of eminent.domain and that the Village Attorney be instruct’ed and directed to file Yne necessary complairlt therefor ad to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the Village or b;- the Court; that the Village Atiorney, the President and the Clerk do 331 things necessary to be done 5.n the cornencement, prosecution and ‘st&cessful termination of such action, Ilo%ion for adoflion of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes ad no 12ys, as follows: zye; and Xrickson, aye; and the Resolution ms declaed duly passed and adopted* iW’E3ST: Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, Petitions for the &n>rovaent of Drew Lvenue between 7Ta57th and TL58th Streets by BlacPmpping and onstruction of curb and gutter, were presented to Comcil, moved thet petiti6ns be laid over to ne& replax meeting, to give office sufficient tine to check omerships. Considerable discu;si6n PELS had with’ regard to present Ordinance Establishing lhnicipal Liquor Dispensam, etc. Xawthornel s motion, directing Village ikttorney to &art mend- aent to Ordinancet reducing mdership of Liquor Connission from seven to five, and changing duties of Connission, was seconded by Child and carriedr Danens moved for, papent of ‘he Villa@ Payroll, mount $4,SOl.57, for period ~2pi-il 1 to 15, hclusive, and ~f‘Liquor Store Papoll, amount $991182, for sane period, as recorded in Paroll Ledger in detail, and for payment of the follo~~g clzks: Palen IZotion seconded by Dmsns and carried* r FUUD Garbage - 5606 Suburb= Hennepin County Relief Board We91 Poor 4661 :Jestern Underground Const, Co, 254*00 PcI,R* L901 Village of 2dina Yater Dept* 2.77 LSQ2 Ed. Phillips G Sons Cod - 3,373*96 3,376.73 Liquor Xotion for paymat seconded by Child and carrieda Tnere being no further business, Danens moved for adjournmenta IJotion seconded by Child and carriedr Neeting adjourned U:35 AJH~, 1 . illage Clerk I