HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500424_REGULAR4/24/50 Xembers snstrerbg Rollcall were Child, Danens <and Erickson, with Hat.rtborne and Palen entering mesting %mediately thereafter** Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing on Petition for Permit to Build Double Dtrellings -at 5236 and 5240 France' Avenue South," published in Suburban Press, Hopkdns, on April 13, 1950, Affidzvit of Publication for rrhich was read, approved as to fo-rm, mid placed on file, Council conducted public hearing on the petikion of Ere BoT5.s Pewowamk for special persnit for double diKUings at the above named addresses* Planning Codssion's recomend~tion, that they consider double a dwellings the proper usage for the property inasmuch as there is E church on one side.thereof, was reviewed, Petition signed by. some tvcntpfiue owners of neighboring properties was presented by Attorney Swanson, represeating one of the neighbors, 35, Albert Schultz. their recornendation, and that Public Hearing be continued to Nonday, Nay @, at 0:OO I?,& Kotion sbconded by Danens cad carriedd .Ifre Pewowart& spoke,Eor his petition later in the evening, and was 2nfomedcof the conf;inuance of hearings, Public Hearings were nexb held on the follotling improvemen$s--,.02fidavits of Publicction of Notices of Hearings having been read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file--:.rith Engineer 0Lsspn.reading respective estimates of cost ils tabuletad beside each improvmenii: Child moved 'chat matter be referred back to the Plmning Comxission for t - % I - ,f 0- c Sanitary Sewer hprovement-Beard and Chowen Avenues betvreen T;Ta 5&h Street 1.. b$ znd a point 234 feet South thereof (Estimate, here, includiqg 330 lineal feet C on Beard >'venue and 250 lineal feet on Chowen li.venue) Totzl. $3,89OS11 ageinst Engineer explained that 'IE&&&~ >xei-iLe cannot be served for nore than 250 feet South of V.53th Stsaet -because of topography.. I i, 1,073 assessable feet, or $3.61 per assessable foot, .. Yater Thin &provemeat-Beard and Chowen Avenuq from TJe5&h Streek to o point 231:. feet South thereof. or &,62 pr assessable fooL point 234 feet South thereof, (Estimate,- here, iiicludes turnaround on Chowen tlverue-330 feet on Eeard Avenue &d 234 feet on Chorren Ayenue-Total :Lj19220sl!.8 as against 1,078 assessable fezt, or &l3 per assessable foot, Nre Olsson reported"cha% zeseaants vould have to be secured for Chorren Avenue belore street could be" opened, Total &,16ka53 as against 952 assexable feeto C Gradbg and Gravelling-Beard and Chowen Avenues 'from T.5Sth S$resk, to a There vier6 no objectiwns to the improvenent, either oral or mitten, and the Clerk hzd received no objections prior to meeting. of lots 3 and 5, Auditor's Subdivisio&&hLch te-dnd point of improvements , on- Beard and Chotien iiuenues , .petitioned for exixnsion of improvments to serve his lots4 znd Gravelling, and e:&ensions of Ikter l4ai.n and Saitary Sewer in Seard and C?iov.cn Avenues between W,506h and X,55%h Street,. on Ihy 22, 1950, at 8:OO FeG evening, lire ?,'allace Bruce informed Council 'chat he had purch~sed two addit ion21 lots, and is in favor of the larger+projectss action in matter, ?&rsuant to llAdvertisement 'for Bids for %her Uah Inprovement Noq 22, in Suburban Press, I-Iopkins, and in Construction I3uUe"ty Rinnaapolis, on April 6 and 13, Affidavit of Publicetion for which v;as read by Clerk, approved as to fom, and placed on file, the follorsing sealed bids were p5licly opened md resd Tor construction of TTatzr Ihin aid Appurtenances in -LV~ott hmme from Yc57th to 1;T,5&h St; f4ro Bernard E, Dis:oJa, otrner located Smth of the proposed. Child moved that Dimn's ' pstitiorabe accepted, ad that Fublic Hearings be held on proposed Grading .!/ * at. the Tillage RXLle Notion seconded by Danens and cal=rJ'edc LxLer in tho He vas informed of Councilts c published ,'.< Richard 14'. Ferron, 3601-17th Lve, So,, I~Iplso lkstern Construction Go,, 1620 E* 78th St* ~y3y771aO0 t,;3,609&0 3, G62,OO 3 9 737 a L!.O DeGmf f Tiolff , 2360 University Ave6 , Sk. Paul Pi-ielps-Drbke, Inc, , ~inneapolis .PIb'cion by Child, referring bids to Village Engineer for exmhzLion 2nd reg;ort 2% n,e" regular meeting was seconded by Havhhorile and carrieda , 1 0 I PursuaPr to llItLdvcrtiseri.en-L for Bids for Street Improvement Bo, C-3,1* published in Suburbm Press, flo;l;ins, md in Construction EjuUetin, T-EnnezpoLis, on April 6 md 13, 1950, 2ffidavit of Pit&i.cation for :.rhich WEIS read by Clerk, approved 2s to form md plzced on file, the following bid (being tke only bid) xas opened and read, for the Gi3zdinE ad Gravelling of Abbott Jivenue between V.57th and Ye5&h Streets: Danens moved thzt bid be accepted*, Xotion seconded by Child and cizrriede Pf eiff er Con&ru&ion Canpny, Edina :3695070 Fext aatter on agenda vas Continuation of Public Xeuing held April 10, on the proposed Blsclckopping of York Avenue between TJ. 56th ad S.1.5ifkh Streets& Engineer -0lsson reported that, at a meeting held recently t;ith property ovFers b9tween ?L54tk and T.T,5%h Streets on York, the people Tiere of the opqon that cctual bXacktopping should be delwed until streets have been graded and a good stabilized base established, ShiUing, at 54th and York asking for a maintenance job of grading and gravelling ody, in the block betv:esn 54th aid-55th Street, gentleman'sp.opinion that only a maintenance job is needed in this one block, but stated that tne balance of the job is construction work. believes further petitions r.ria3 come. in, soon, for the blacljopping of Y&k henue between Yo& Avenue betwen TI, 5;5 th md TT* a$,h Streets be dslzyed until petitions for entire stretch between :.r,54Yn ad 11,59th Atreeks are completed. Havhkorne ad carriedr There vas considerable qscussion on thisimatter, with a 12, Ere Olsson concurpd with the Er. Olsson stated he 54th and ?T.59ths Ztreets* Child moved that the project of BlfcSti;oppiag Kotion seconded by Viifh regard to all b3aclct;opping work, Zngineer 01sson recomended the stabilized base bebg constructed one par, 75th blacktop mat being constructed the neA year, pe%ition to be presented for entire blackbopping job, and Council to take bids for entire job, 76th understanding of bidders that wrk Tiould not be finished for a yea?, This policy TES infomally adopted by Council as basis for blac'ktopping construction in the future. Continuation of Public Iiearing held April 10, on th.e propo$ed Blacktopping of Tower Street between St,Johns and Concord Avenues, was iitld, lir,. Longemy and tin other otmers spoke for the. project, stzting that they are .tired of living in the dust* 1.2, Olsson stated that he understand,s I&,+ Christopher, ovmer of proporty on the south aide of thestreet and only objector, intends*to plat some of his property for saler 1-k. ChristoFher'x objection of last week was not reiteratedL r;as had, SS rhich all *hose presept were inforned o$ Council's new policy-of stabi.lizirzlg first year, blccktopping one year later, Resolution ad moved its adoption: Dkscussion Child offered the follorring %SOLEiXON ORDhXUG S-T ftTT;iCsTEXRT Ko', A-8 IiL2XTOPPDG OF TOIZFi SFEX BEZ)ZE% ZjT* JOEIS CQNCc)F,Il ii?ENVES BZ iT RZSOLmD by the Council of the Village of Edinxi, IEnnesota, that this CaunciL heretofore cased notice of hewing to be duly publis&d on the proposed hprovernent consisting of construction of 13lacMop sursacing in Toxrer Street between St, Joh-ns and Concord ,ivenues; and at the hesing held at the the and place speci- fied irl said notice thz Council has .duly considered VIE views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facks does hereby determine to proceed xith the constrmction of said improvement; that 'said inprovemrent is hereby designated em) shall be referred to Street kprovexent Uo. 2.-8, 2nd the area to be specidlfy assessed therefor shall bclude zll lots ar,d trzcts of lwd abutting and fronting ufbn the streets in ihich'said hprovanznt is to be coqstructkd. lbtion for adoption of the Resolution tas duly seconded by Da%s, and on Rollcall there ;.rere ffye ayes 2nd no ns,ys, as fo2lows: Haihhorne, aye; and Zrickaon, aye; and the Resolution vas declared duly pssad and adopt edb ATTEST: all subsequent proceedings as t - Child, aye; Dams, aye; Pzlcn, aye; 1 r c Council conducted Continuation of Fubl'ic Heirings of April 10, 1950, on the proposed B4ackLopping of dl streets in Prospect Hills and Prospect Hills'2nd Additiona !Ira Zver Bolander, ad lk, 1-L P, Johnson spoke for Tne delegation requesting the blzck- topping-2;pFroving Council*s new policy of construction. spoke for the blackbopping of htrim Road and Tlo70th Street, and promised to secure petitions €or such ::ark, Dznens moved for the ,delay of the Prospect Hills md Prosppact FElls 2nd Addition Bl2cktoSping projects until after Public Hezings have been held on pstitiom for blaclrbopping TT.70th Stre& and 2ntri.m Roadr IIotion seconded by Hawttorne tlnd carried* ?-Ire Ranus znd I2e. Johnson . J 4/24/50 1- Enpineer qlssan;~~~~s~~~e,d~*t~bu~ation ~ - -- *. - of bids taken April 10, for deep &11 turbine p-f'ip ~1% .,+3~uer LJJXI;~ i?&.rba&s-Norse Coxpmy, 0 ' ""T6*icbida Ilotion seconded %by Hawthorne and carried, x Child moved for acceptance of Xrs. George Czle spoke agaiast the issuance of pec-ait for enlargeinent of garafe by Xr. L E, Eyers, 4378 Vernon Avenue, stating przsent garage is only 18'1 inside yroperty line, and that enlargement will cut off the Calets mar view. She was informed that an application has not yet be=a received. zt this officer PTr, H, Fa- Sinons, 5105 ?fa 56th Street., requested permission to constzuct retaining mll into village-owned boulevard abutking his residenceo Era Olsson suggested the agrement be made t%at village be held bl'arneless for ?A, accident resulting from scid comtiw-ction. granted, 1;%., Stz4ner of 401 Eadison requested Council acttion bn proposed .@%ding and grmKLling of Xarrison and Tyler Avenues betmen Belmore Lae and ffaloney Avenue, Council then conducted Continuationx of PuSl5c Hearo'ilng on the above naned piwpooed improvenznts, It vizs pointed out that 12% Hemanson o~as all the property abutting Tyler 2.vefiue, and LIr* Steiner asked that Council approve improvencnt on this s'cree'c il'ir. Bloaquist, agent for oimer of property abutting Harrison Avenue, did not appear a% the Heering to voice any objections, and moved its Gdoption: Sinrons 'was greeable. Hatsi;home movzd that pernit be "* I !lotion secmded by Palen and carriedB -- %f Child. offered the followin€ Resolution - + 4 XEOLUTION ORDERING' STEZZT IlPBOEEET EJOe G-4 GR;ZDIiG QJD GXNZL,LLII$'C- OF 'I'IIXE AU'D I3.AR2JSOIt Council heretofore cmsed notice of hewing to ie duly pubiishsd in &e p-opomd inprovmenS; consisting of Grading ad Gravelling of Tyeler znd Harrison dvenues between Behore Lane 2nd Kdoney Avenue; ad at the he;ring held at the time and place specified in said notice %he Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, rtnd being fully advised of the pertinent fads does hereby d.ctemr&.ne to proceed xith tine construction of said bprovement; tlxt sid impmve- rtieiik is hereby designated and shall be referred: to in a11 subsequcxib procecdinga Strect hprovacmt No, C-4 and the area to be speciallg assessed tharefor shall include all lots and trxts of land abutting and fronting upon theestrects in .r,fl?icli szGd impovemnt is to be constPucted. Kotion for zdcption of Xesolution vias duly seconded by Dc?nei~s, and on Eollcd.1 %!here were five ayes and no nays;, as follom: Child, qie; flsnzns, adre; Palcn, aye; I-h,.rsthoriie, qe; ad 3rickson, aye; cznd the Eiesolution was declared duly pamod mid adop'ced., .*~2 TZST : 7. * f * kyor I Villzp Clerk Pe-tiP;ion for the Grading md. Gravelling of York Aveaue betvrzenwf:; 5Sth md 7J159JGh was filed with Council, by Child and carr:ied.* In this connection, 1k+ Bachm--who was at ksr5ng on Blacktopping of York bet-traen Y* 57tL and I.:* 58th Strests--af;!ced for grade to be established. as soon as possible on York between lJs5&th and ?1*59th Streets, was iili-omed by Ih, Olsson that grade ccm be set wLthin a few days* Hr+ 1.1. P, Johnson prescsited Fetition for the Blecktopping of kitrim Boad betmen ?!alley TTiexr Road and Tkst 70th Street, Child and carriad, t c+ Streets, dated IIczrch 15, 1950, and signed by ov:riers of 58s of abu'c-bing property, I\ Hadkorne moved for acceptance of petition, Y Xotion sxondsd Ke J VI 1ia.r.tnorne moved that petition be accsptcd that Kenrjag be set for Hondq-, Nay 22, 1950, at 8:QO P.& Idiotion seconded by Xr* 11. f". Johnson presented petition for the B1acki;opping or" ITI 70th Strect betmen (. Lhtrjm Eoad and Cahill Road* Hawing be set for Konday, 1hy 22, 1950, zit 8:OO PJT* Kaifchorne moved that petition be accs$ed and that lrotion secmded by Child . and c-=.sriedr I( t 1 - 6"CrLe Fublic Zxniner?s Report of Audit of dooks of 3dka Voluntaer Fire I!zpartmai% ~im rcevrieurzd. Palen and carried* t Bmthome xoved for accaptance of reporta Xotion secanded by Hznnepin County Eighway Department f s letter of April LO, regarding public utilities within county road in village lim!ts,ms revie-cred; and, by &tion Hawtha-me seconded by ?Elen and carried, ~ils referred to Public Yorks CominiP;to,e -and Village &n.agcrls iiatter of Outdoor Advertising Sips came bef or2 Council, with office reporting that, only one of 3ip-i Conpaniea had complied with order to remove sips, and that several new sips had been constructed without permit. P E c Matter Eferred to Attorney !.Kndhorst. 224 I Request by.Iiunicip33- Sudee Wsille for Fainting of curbs in J'To-Pxrlring T: sones - was referred to Public Safety Cormittee by IIotion Hawthome, seconded by Paleq znd carrieda Attorney Yindhorst recommded thzt Council authorize application for tu. abat+enent of real estate taxes for TknicipziL Liquor Store Proptartg.. Council make zpplication Lo State,for abat&enL of taxes on Liquor Store proi-erty, liotion secoiided by Palen and Carrie& Office reported that following plumbers license applications me 5x1 order., qd. I hrrbhorne momd tk~t licenses be granted for yew Aps;il 25, 1950 to April 1, 1951: €Iaxtiiorna %cn~c$ that Spetz 6; Berg P1b.c. E3 I-:eating Co,-&555 Bloomington Ave. (Renewal) Iuugman Plurir33hg Co.-l&l? !'?as&&on .Axeb ?Io* (Renewal) ' Geo, C. Pmney & Soa, Ihc.-l"j'OZ Lyndale he. Soa * (Xenewa) Comer's Plurnbhg Company-2l2~2l4 South 10th St, (I4er.r) n LudvQ Alf-3939-16th SO* (Rev$) - Eul Peterson-1300 Iklly Drive , ib, (Pbew) ' Stateride Plbg. & C0,-2200 ?J;66th St+ . (Mew) d five-liwdred dollzr check, sukmitted by Glenn Johnson Contracting C'o, as partial pa$a=nt on shovel, totd. sale price to be $4,030, was-presentgd to Comcil, &d bid zdvertise for bids for sale of Eucps-Xri$ shovel, bids to be opened at the Iiay 8th neetingo -of Ikpco, in &aunt of :.:4,3cO for shovel, was read+ Hawthorne mved' that Coun&l Kotion secogded by Child ad carried.* 3tre Child preseiited I%* Sirnold Baugland*s plans for pump house to be located on Egh School grounds, Kzy 22, 1750, Ilotion skconded by Child and carrred, - Havbhorne moved tinat plms be approved, and thak bids be taken ISss Ziq Kiesel applied for permit to excavate black dirt on 39-zcre tnct situzted zt 69th ad Frace SoGth. P.den and carried, agree to drop the pendin&.suit for gravel pit at this location, and agree to make no further applicztion for .gxxvel pit. Hiss Kiesel explained that she wished to %&e off the black dirt before platting property, be reconsidered. Ibtion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, with Prtlen voting Nay. In further discussion IEss Eesel refuged to drop suit for gravel pit, k.intaining taat the land is Gore valuable as a gravel pit than as a development 'project, eqlained to IEks fSesel tkt her application is not technibclly in order nder the Ordkpulce, I Hzirt$orne noved tliat applicq;;t;ion for pemit to excavzte blzck dirt be dedi& Eotion seconded by Child and cai-ried, with Palen voting Iky. . Daens noved that permit be granteda lfotion seconded by Discussion followed, ;kith Hwbhorne suggest,ing that TZss IUesel Child moved-thgt zlotion gGantiing permit It TJ~S ~ Petition for condemation ad removal of wreckage at 5604 Abkott Avenue &s filed with Councilr Motion seconded by IIax.thorne and carriedr Robbinsdde's notifiecation of Kezting on Liquor Stores, to be held ,Ipril 26, at 8:OO P.K., was read; snd, bj Xotion Havhlrorne, seconded by Pden, lknzger Olsson 13s defested to attegd* Report by 12. Plsson, dzted &ril 24, 1950, entitled "Gle&?n Contractstr ITZS rsad. ad revieiredo Cl?ild movzd that mtter bp referred back to lIsssrsf Olsson and - Yindhorst for t'hir further reportt Kotion secondsd by Hawthpme and czrriedp Petitions dated,kpril 21 snd 24, and signed by Those l-fullme a,d others and by Paul i; Laurence Cornpay respectively, for water main project on 5.TooddzI.e &nd Kellogg Avenues south of 1!*5Ltli Street, were filed, riportsd, recornending against assessing the, Cizictopher property on !Tooddfie for QE&EZ& I)5strict1r if paszible. Engineer and Village iittorney Tor checking, and for preparation as to truk mter main Dmens noved that omer be ordered to lave property cleaned up within 30 dqsr t t +k $1 In connection rrith this project Xngiiies? O?sson if' constrv-ction of Tctey &n, an6 a$vish~ the es$zblishcrit of a large "Trunl; !rater Hawthorne mowd thzt petitions bp referred to Village . ' district. _IIo-tion sgconded by Child and wried* t.* +. Petitions dated Lpril 12, l915P,,t"or Grading md Gravelling ad. Blackbopping on Beard " ,=venue behiean Y.56th ad X.57th Streets, erch petition cerrying signa$ures by owners of 71% of prosertiea, irere Tiled, ' until petitions for block between W, 53 h 2nd T:. 53th StrezL ere received--tms read. Eawi2aorne moved that petitjons be referred to Village Enginems l:otipn seconded by Child ad cai=ried* t Zngineer Olsson's recommendation--to hold petitions \ Petitions dated Bebiuaq Q, for Blacktopping and for Curb ad Gutter in Drew &venue arners, respectively, were filed+ for f.fonc?,ay, I/Xbetrrecn P.57th cnd 7.5Gth Strezts, ca=.rying sigatures of $4:; and 56s of proprty I Hawthorne ;roved to set Bzqrjllgs on proposed projects 22, 199, at 8:OO PJI, IJotion secoaded by Palen ad carizdr 3- p :;.- I + Engineer Olsson reported that there is no danger th2t the muskiroom cellar at the T.:m Hing $ropsrty on Interlachen Blvd. i?;il$ cave in, retaiiiing'walls which should be torn down. touch witki Er. David Roberts, owner (who is riow negotiating for ade of proger'cy) and th.zt Be will attempt to negotiate further v.ri-kh him, be referred back to Pfr. Olsson for further nsGotiation with owner. seconded. sj;Y Iiawtliorne and barrie d, ik. Olssod recommded that the otmer of t6e prope;ty at 5423 xork >-venue South be requested to move his house back before remodeling it* Hawkhorne movad thab recpst fcir rexodeling pzrmit beibnied. The nstter' of Parking Regulation Re6omendations by Comercid Club was referred Lo Public 'Safety Committee, for consideration at Iketing to be hsld Saturday, :Ipril 29, "at 2:OO P.X* Child movdd for payment of the 'Liquor Store Pa$olf, &xou.nt $hOt)S*OO, ard the yi3.lage Payroll, amount 24,706,00, for the period 16 to 30, Inclusive, and of the following Claims: Ecn.~evsr, there are two He reForte3 that he had ,-ot"cn in Child. looved that xatter IIo'cion lIo6ion seconded br Falen and carried, I( I t h *€ , Ebtion seconded by Palen and carried. FrnQ - - CLiJ34 iJ0I TO: r4mJHT * Liquor Fond L903 * IEdland National Bznkc-%i,thheld Tsc L904 ' Julius Schmahl, Treas: PEM ' 56,oo L905 * Ennesota Eospital Service Assnr + 2.25 ~906 * George Ben5 Sons, IncQ 1, 581.33 ' 1,891&0 336.90 L909 Griggs, Cooper .& Co, 5,24l* 13 r;7* 55 728.08 L9U * Old Peoria Co,, _&IC, 1, @L34 L913 + hheuser-Busch, Inc, 101,lO Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inco 100 98 52,65 L914 L915 Chaska Beverage Co, * .' L916 * Coca-Cola Bottling Co* 139&&0 * Cold Spring Distribu'cihg Co, 25i30 L917 0. PI. Dro-rey Beverage Co+ L9lS * Gluek Srewing Co, 17:75 L319 = ~920 Gold IIedzl Beverage Coq&ny L921 * 14assolt Bottling Coq+ 16,48 L922 * L923 ' Epls City Club Distqibuting Co. L924 ' Uorris DistrZbuting Co, - 32.25' E925 * Pabst Sales Conp&~y 196.30 L926 * Purity Company, Inc, 4%90 L927 " Rex Distribuking , Company c 45L70 L929 * Seven-Up Bottling Coapmy 43.44 L930 t Willmd Distributing Cov.pmy 9.15 L907 ., Distillers Distributing Co', * c~90.9 + Famous Bands, Inc, It910 XcKeaaen & Bobbins, IncI L?11 Ed, Phillip &: Sons Co; * 161-20 c 174s 60 \ ffinneapolis Brewing Co, 962,80 12&60 L928 * Seaberg Beverage Company 31e10 * L931 * Lgdia & .Hay, Executrix of the Estate 'I of C, T, Hay, Lydia Zr 'Way; Fern . Stenson & EL* Re Stenson 15,336,OO L932 .I First National Bank * 16,372* 13 Carpenter Papaer Company I 46.83 L933 L734 * Bates Elec$ric Service &935 Northern States Power 00, 45e76 ~936 Young Fuel Company &e70 2937 Pmei-Lcm Linen Coqany - lOe90 L933 ItEllsr-Davis Conpany * '6s10 c.4-5r905.95 - 24,u ' t * P,I&. Fund Sari Sewall .- . %,J& * 74.6 *92 4707 4.6'30 Northern States Power Coc 1481 I A632 . G, R. Borgwardt *f 2*00 A Sewer Eeiitctl Gar3age *Fund , 1950 Improvements 4685 Poucher Printing eC Lit'nographing Cos ' * cr) 9L50 x * .- 226 4674 467 5 4676 4677 4676 k6eo k681 46~2 4683 w4 + &6Es? 4689 4697 * 469s 4699 4702 4704 - 4679 4673 4656 46%' -4694 469 5 4696 469d 4/24/50 I$orthern States Power Cos Tom h Country Hardware Autonobile Service Go, 4 Dependable Uotor Go, Firestone Stores c Eull-Dobbs, fnc, Ihesota Fire Extinguisher Cog PhX!.lip Petroleum Co, Vincent *Auto Body Cor Kori;hrmstern Bell Tela Cog iifbrent Freiglit S, Storage Go, Suburban Chevrolet Cob - -12i.nnezpolis Gas Goa * 8, Re Toll COO Czntrd. supply co, Xinnesota, Fire Equip. Co, ** Beinhard Bros+ Cor Sta-Vis Oil Co, r .* c Hemepin County Revfew Uorthern State.;; Power Co* Nortks%stwn Bell 'ifel. Co, Young Fuel. cow Cons"cction Eblletin Br-dger I.;eQ.8r Xfg, Co, L Central Swgply Co, 6 c * f , Bz&iiorne mcved "cat lk. Olsson be directed to negotiate 15th State Kighva3~ Dapt, on 50th Street-T?ommd.ale intersection, I4otion seconded by Palan ad cwrieds 227 I%, I-Iairthorne inquired &out paving on Frznccs Avanue a6 xias infomted by I&& Olsson that he is in the process of contacting thc proper partlies on this mattert. ?4r. E-Iairthomie reported. to Council that the public dmp at Eghway Noe 5 md Prance Avenue is encroaching &-'Edina property, a notice should be' sent to owner that dump trill not be allotml in Edina, It was infomelly agreed that Some discussion was had as to the possibility ol" securjng cud.it of 194'3 lTillago records by an accounting firm, rather than having the State ikmdnem, as usu& Reasons given were the dzlay in the audit, and also delay in receiving audit report from State Brmminers. &Jo action takena There being no further business to COTE bePore the IIeeting, Damns moved. fok. ad jourrmznt, FIotion seconded by Palen and unanitrously carried+ 14eeting ad. joumed at 11: 55 P,~JI'~T* Xuch discussion was .had with regard to Vil.lage's acquiring property for a 1:;unicipCi. Parking Lot. The Commission reviewed for the Council previous actions and recox+ mendation$ made with regard to t1xi.s project. Ifre Nichols prescrted Studios 368-33 and 365-E as revised Uay, 1950, incorporating Planning Comdssion recomteridztics for the most feasible parking pl&s on both North and South sides of Ys50th SdcrzeL, During discussion, a suggestion was mad; tha6 the Cast 150 feet of the Dsuglna %llqce property, between lie 9th Street and. Xar'xet Strest, might be added to the above recomneqdations, as property desirable for parkinee record EX wishing to use the present l0Yfoot strip of Village or;lned psrcprty at %he Yest of :-klifax Avenue aq a buffer strip 6etween 'ous9ness and residdntial properties; ad, Yflerefore, favoring no parking at all on the tTzllace property, Council and Comission discusied acquisition of the South 1/2 of the former Henrietta Igoreau property, abutting Harket Street, as a prt of the proposed Kunicipal Pzrking Lot; and Commission reiterated 2 fomer recomnendstim that this property be zcquired for such purposec Kayor %rickson proposed a lessening of square footage reqcirerdeilts for apar%xerit houses immediately ed.jacent $0 the Comunity Store distridts of the VfUege; and the Cormission's stand on this miter was reviewed, witti a sugpstion ba thz Conmission that adoption 0; an Ordinance mendment would -2 be the only possible solution to this problema . The Planning Collrznission went on record as recommending to the Village Council that proprties shom as "Park;ing" in Ree Nichols' Studies 36C-E and 365-3 as* revised Iky, 1950, including the South 135 feet of the fomer'lloreau pra$erty, but without the ?;allace property, be acquiCed by the Trillage' Council for 1.Imicirtal Parking Lot inmediately upon petition for samer ' 15.th Council, Commission discuksed proposal by T,ke Chapman for %he movbg 0% the Village FIall. from its presant site to one Vest of Vooddale on 50th Street, in oi?d-C:r kh& present. site might be used for parking in connection 15th i?Ir@ Chzpaanrs prop03 business development, carried, vo'ced to oppose the proposal to move the Dillsge Ball. vote, Com.dssion and Council having concluded busfness df the evenbe, Tieeking was adjourned at 10:30 P.IL c The Comisaion mnt on .a Planning Cormkssion, by motion d.uly mzde, seconded and Thorpe did not Village Clerk ed n