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I%, I-Iairthorne inquired &out paving on Frznccs Avanue a6 xias infomted by I&&
Olsson that he is in the process of contacting thc proper partlies on this
?4r. E-Iairthomie reported. to Council that the public dmp at Eghway Noe 5 md
Prance Avenue is encroaching &-'Edina property,
a notice should be' sent to owner that dump trill not be allotml in Edina,
It was infomelly agreed that
Some discussion was had as to the possibility ol" securjng cud.it of 194'3 lTillago
records by an accounting firm, rather than having the State ikmdnem, as usu&
Reasons given were the dzlay in the audit, and also delay in receiving audit
report from State Brmminers. &Jo action takena
There being no further business to COTE bePore the IIeeting, Damns moved. fok.
ad jourrmznt, FIotion seconded by Palen and unanitrously carried+ 14eeting ad. joumed
at 11: 55 P,~JI'~T*
Xuch discussion was .had with regard to Vil.lage's acquiring property for a 1:;unicipCi.
Parking Lot. The Commission reviewed for the Council previous actions and recox+
mendation$ made with regard to t1xi.s project. Ifre Nichols prescrted Studios 368-33
and 365-E as revised Uay, 1950, incorporating Planning Comdssion recomteridztics
for the most feasible parking pl&s on both North and South sides of Ys50th SdcrzeL,
During discussion, a suggestion was mad; tha6 the Cast 150 feet of the Dsuglna
%llqce property, between lie 9th Street and. Xar'xet Strest, might be added to the
above recomneqdations, as property desirable for parkinee
record EX wishing to use the present l0Yfoot strip of Village or;lned psrcprty at
%he Yest of :-klifax Avenue aq a buffer strip 6etween 'ous9ness and residdntial
properties; ad, Yflerefore, favoring no parking at all on the tTzllace property,
Council and Comission discusied acquisition of the South 1/2 of the former
Henrietta Igoreau property, abutting Harket Street, as a prt of the proposed
Kunicipal Pzrking Lot; and Commission reiterated 2 fomer recomnendstim that
this property be zcquired for such purposec
Kayor %rickson proposed a lessening of square footage reqcirerdeilts for apar%xerit
houses immediately ed.jacent $0 the Comunity Store distridts of the VfUege; and
the Cormission's stand on this miter was reviewed, witti a sugpstion ba thz
Conmission that adoption 0; an Ordinance mendment would -2 be the only possible
solution to this problema .
The Planning Collrznission went on record as recommending to the Village Council that
proprties shom as "Park;ing" in Ree Nichols' Studies 36C-E and 365-3 as* revised
Iky, 1950, including the South 135 feet of the fomer'lloreau pra$erty, but without
the ?;allace property, be acquiCed by the Trillage' Council for 1.Imicirtal Parking Lot
inmediately upon petition for samer '
15.th Council, Commission discuksed proposal by T,ke Chapman for %he movbg 0% the
Village FIall. from its presant site to one Vest of Vooddale on 50th Street, in oi?d-C:r
kh& present. site might be used for parking in connection 15th i?Ir@ Chzpaanrs prop03
business development,
carried, vo'ced to oppose the proposal to move the Dillsge Ball.
Com.dssion and Council having concluded busfness df the evenbe, Tieeking was
adjourned at 10:30 P.IL c
The Comisaion mnt on
Planning Cormkssion, by motion d.uly mzde, seconded and
Thorpe did not
Village Clerk