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VAY 8, 1950, AT 8:OO FOE., AT THE EDINI1.
Hembers answering RolzcLU were Child, Danens, H awthorne, and Brickson, with Palen
arriving shortly thereafter.
Enutes of Regular Council Neetings of April 10 and a, 1950, and Joint Council-
Planning Commission Eeeting of 14ayt1, 1950, were approved as submitted, by Ifotion
Child, seconded by Danens and carried.
Pursuant to "AdveFtiseaent of Bids-Sale, Power Shovel, lf published in *Suburban Press
and Construction Bulletin on April 27, 1950, Affidavit of Publicatisnvfor t-rkich were
approved as to form and placed on file, the following sealed bids were opened for
sa3e of Village Bucyrus-E&ie Conibinai;ion Shovel, Drag Line, Clam and Drag Bucket,
and spare parts:
P ost Bros.,r.Pine Cit;rr, Efinn, $4,015.00 ,
Cranston I% Ialler, 1.iinneapolis
Parcell Contracting Co., Enneapolis -
r F
- I
985 .OO
$3,825 .OO
Ih. H. Ziegler GO., Inc., 1.linneapolis $3,500.00'
11. C. Schneider Gofipany, Inc, ri3,w 000 &tion by Danens,' %hat bid ofcYost Bros., Pine City, be accepted, was seconded
by Child and casried.
. :later ETain h$rovenent No, 22 bids were reviewed by Village Engineer, said bids
having been taken XLd 2!+, 1950.
'stmcti6n Comp&r@s bid was low, .at base bid of $3,609.00. 1-lotion by Child, that
bid of 'Lleste5n Underground Construction Co. be accepted, and that President and
Clerk be authorized to enter into contract for work, was seconded by Har.rti?orne
Council conducted Continuation of April 24th Public Hearing on petit5on of Boris
Pewowaruk to construct two doubXe dvrc9.l.bgs on Lots 10 and ll, Block 1, South Harriet
Park 2nd kddi-tioa (5236 and 5240 France Avenue). -Petition against construction was
reviewed, "as well as Planning Commission action of E4a.y I, rescinding-approval given
before filing of objecting petition.
Discussion was had, with Hawthorne maintaining that neighbors should be proteGted
against double dwellings because their lots are restricted against duplexes, Danens
movedthat permits be gr'anted for construction of double dvellings.
by Palen. Notion lost by tie vote, withDanens and Palen voting aye, Child and
Harhhorne voting nay, and Kayor Bickson not Voting. At a later time in the evening,
I$. Pewovtaruk was inforilled that, if he could overcone .the objections of his neighbors,
the Council - would be glad to consider his petition.
IJra Herman A. Jeub requested adjustment on Sanitary Sewer District Eo. 15 assessment
for Lot 2, Block 4, Sunnyslope Section of Country Club District (44810 Hilltop Lane) .
He claimed he is being essessed in excess of benefits received, because water is not
in on Hilltop Lane.
%he sewer on petition of property owners, and that the usual method of assessing
the front footage of the lot had been followed. K?. Jeub maintained that he should
be assessed for the Dale Drive side of the lot, r.ri.lich has a 2&-fdot dimension,
rather than for the 299.54-Toot Milltop Lane frontage. Since no agreement could
be reached, matter was referred ko Village Attorney.
Engineer stated that Vestern Underground Con-
and carried. I -
ltr. Per.rOr.raruk supported his petition.
Kotion seconded
It was aqlained to Iir. Jeub that the Council hzd construc'i;ed
I *
IJr. R.W. Gibson, 8 Coopr Avenue, requested traffic control signs, and traffic
patrol on Interlachen Blvd, Report of Nr. Don Learyts conversation with CouuP;y
Comaissioner Ainsxorth--in tfhich
the Village Council rsill request, and in rJirich Kr. Ainsworth stated County rill
grade Interhchen Blvd. but is waiting grade Levels from Village Engineer-was
read. .I&. Gibson requested Y310r.r-Children11 signs . Trustee Child recormended a
nDangerll sign for Wiei-section' of Cooper Arrenue and bierlachen Elvd,
moved! that ViGge Ehgineer be instructed to infom County Board that Village desires
flashing electri? danger sign at Cooper Avenue and Interlachen Blvd., and that he
also recoxmend to+ County &sneer such other traffic control signd-s as he deems
aclvisable; aid-, further, that Council request County Board to consider the regzading or" Interlachen Blvd. to provide greater Visability over hills.
Palen and unanimously carried,
Later h the evening, Pe%i.tion dated 1GZy $, 1950, ca.rrying-seventy-one siwatures,
for 30 KPH and Watch Out for Children11 road signs, strict police patrol, and
regaading for Interlachen Blvd., vas filed by Kessrs. Hem Strachauer, J. Ne VxleiA and one other gentlema. Gentlemen informed of Councills action of this
Ainsworth agreed to irls-ball my type of.sign
- Hawthorne
Notion secqnded by
Nr. H. J. Chwles, h748 Lakeview Drive, requested app$icatiFn of crushed ~ock
to up Lakeview Drive so that it migh$ be passable+when Lake Harvey 1s high,
eqlairhg thgt about 350 feet of the road is now under water and barricaded against
traael. EngineeF Olsspn recommended a storm sewer as the permaneni colution to
problem, but advocated the crushed rock as a $emporary expedient. however, that there is some danger that the road will be built higher than the
because bf 'che slope of yards involved, as recommended by Village Ihgineer, was secopded by Child and caFried.
Petition dated 1k.y I, 1950, signed by owmers of nine abutting lots, for drainage
facilities and hard surfacing in alley between I&nnehaha Boulevard and Haifax
Avenue, south from 52nd Street to South boundary of 5225ltEnnehaha Boulevard,
was filed. Child moved that petition be accepted and Hearing on proposed project
be set i'or June 12, 1950, at 8:OO FJI. Xotion secori'ded by Hawthorne and carried.
Petitions dated Bhy 4, 1950, for grading and gravelling, sanitary sewer 'improvenient,
and water main extension in Beard Avenue between Sf.5rSth and Ve6Oth Streets, and in ,,
Chowen Avenue between W.5€Rh and W.59th Streets, were filed, cafrying signatures ,/ of owners of 67% of abutting properties, were filed. It was noted that ,Hearings
have been set for these improvements in Beard and Chowen Avenues between ?4l.5$th-and
llr.59th Ssreets, for May 22, 1950. Child mov6d that petitions of May 4, 1950, be
accepted, and that Hearings on proposed projects; for Beard between W.58th and 11.
60th, and for Chowen between W.58th and ,W.59th Streets, be set for June 12, 1950,
at 8:OO P.E.1.
Palen's motion that the following Plumbing Licenses be grated, forthe year
expiring April 1, 1951, was seconded by Child and carrieq:
He stated,
Charles said he thousht thattthere could be po damagp on this account
Notion by Havrtchorne, that work, be done
Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
Clarke Plumbing and Heatiqg, Inc.? 253 Plymouth Bldg., Npls,
Houghton Plumbing and Heating Co, ,5809 Nichollet live . , Npls . (Renewal)
E. Solkovits,16~0 Xerxes Ave. No,, Kpls. (Renewal)
Applications for permits to construct Neon Signs on buildings as follows, vmre
presented: 3944 Narket S{.-Globe Laundry
5002 Vernon Ave.-Grandview Cafe 2' Netal .Letters-" CAFE" t
Size - 8tx20' - On Roof * Nordquist*Sign Co.
On Roof Meyers Sign Co. * Child moved that application for sign fof Grandview Cafe be approved, that
Nordquist Sign Co. be requested to furnish detailed plan for Globe Laundry Sign,
.and that Clpcy Drug be notified that they are in violation of Village Sign
Ordinance. Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Petition by Carl M. Hansen, for permit to construct two stone pillars at entrance t~ Lakeview Drive just East of Normandale, was read, Hawthorne moved that
petition be referred t? Village &@.nee* and Public Vorks Committee.
seconded by Child and carried.
Messrs. Olsson and Whdhorst reportkd on Meeting April 26, with Anoka, Columbia
Heights, Edina, Richfield and Robbinsdale, and on Sleeting &3y 6, with Legislative
Committee of League of Yhesbta IIurG.cipalities, with regard to legal problems
relative to &mi.cipal Equor Stores. . accepted,. and that written report on Neeting of April 26 be filed and referred to June 26th Neeting of Council.
Petition by Neal F. Strom, 554.4 York Avenue, for opening @i' alley between York
dated my+ 8, for vacation of the alley between York and Zenith Avenues and betvceen 11.55th and 5?.56th Streets was filed, in protest to opening of alley. Attorney
ITindhorst s;tated that Council is liable for damages suit, in case alley is vacated,
but that it has no obligation to grade or maintain alley without petikion by 51%
of property owners. Hawthorne moved to deny petition for vacation of aUey.
Plotion seconded by Palen and carried, Hawthorne moved, referrhg petition for-
opening of alley to Village lhgineer. Motion seconded by Child and carried.
st,Loas pmk:s notffication of the beginning of work on water mbs
lvhckay, Brunstrick, Coolidge and Browndale Avenues from St .Louis Park-Edina boundary
to llest &thnStreet, and in We$% 44th Street from Vernon Avenue to Glen Plzce, was
authorizing such work, was seconded by Palen and carried,
May 8-th request by Police Cgptain Lloyd NcGary, for an additional police officer, tns referred by >Iotiorr Hawthorne, to Public Safety Codttee.
Palen and carried.
Hawbhorne moved that oral reports be
Notion seconded by Palen and caxried,
4. r
. and Zenith Avenues, from 56th Street, North to his property, was filed, Petition
Child's motion, that Council reaffirm its Resolution of March 28, 1949,
l.Iotion seconded by
Jrthzt Publ3.c Wearhgs on prapsed projects be pet for June U, 1950, at 8:03 PJi,
PsLi-Lions, dated I&y 10, 1950, sised by oxners of 545.of property abuttkg O&lmrn
-4venv-e behween 3,SSth and T,T,59th Streets, rcqucsting Grading and Grzselling, Saitery
Sewer and Xatsr lIain &%ensions in Vlre above naqed street, were filede Child r;;oved
Xirotion. seconded by Danens ayld carriedo
Letter from David A, Sr;Uilov, attormy for Btnci ilbran Cmetery .',;;sociation, acknovi1ed.g-
ing Go-acil'a notice -Lo ~LQ of tIi&- action s9gardhg Cexeterj Issociation1s petition
for street openinp, VJ~B read and filed,
Leqgae of SEnneso%a lknicipalities! notification of Convention to be held at I~iUmar,
June 7, 8 and 9, was read, Child!s motion, authorizing Village Engineer and Deputy
Clerk to attend Convention, with all reasonable expenses to be paid by Village, was
seconded by Danens and carried.
Pa34 Board?s April 25th commieation, adf,ising of repayment to General Fund from
Park Board Fund of $+,OOO of the $5,000 loan for pmchase of Blackburn Property,
was read and filed, 3
Pa& Board?s Nay 8th commUnicaCion uith regard totheir plan of inproving proper%y
at lfooddale and 50th Street, was read. Child moved tht plan be approved, Hotion
s?conded by Haxthorne and carried,
&yor E&Zckson reported tha3, with CouncZl.?s appravdl, he would proclaim &y 20,
as Armed Forces Day.
by Palen and carried.
Hat.rthcjme!s motion, that Proclamation be approved., was seconded
3t was brought to CouneilIs attention that several insurance policies for the
lhnicipd Liquor Stoh will 'expire during June. Child! s motion that Council advertise
for bids for all Itiqcor Sto2e insurance expirag in June, xith bids to be taken Hay 22,
vas seconded by Palen and carried. ..
l4.r. Robert Johnson inquired about status of petitions for llater Nain in Vooddale
b$ween W.5Sth and W,bOth Streets, and in Kellogg Avenue between 11.58th and W,62nd
few xreeks, owners of 51% of property abutting the proposed prater =in have nox signed
petitions, Attorney TEndhorst explained to the Council that, under the Village Code,
it is possible to assess all benefited property for a f"l3xnk Uater l.Iaintf, even though
said property does not abut the main. Village Engineer Olsson reported. on proposed
Trunk 14ain td be constructed in "Cooddale Avenue from Tower Street to If,6&h Sereet,
and in S.r.5Sth Street from ConEord Avenue to Park Place, said main to be 1,o" main,
in conformance with Fire Underwriters f recommendations, and tmccost appracimately
$.32 per assessable foot, over an assessable area including properties abutting
Tlooddale Avenup between TmEr Street and W,5&h Street and the area bounded by B.58th
Street on the North, Pa$& Place betmen T.J,5EEth Street and 1?.62nd Street on the East,
klest 62nd Street and Valley View Road between Park Place and llooddale on the Southeast,
Frooddale Averme between Valley View Road and IL60th Street on the Southvrsst, Vest 60th
Street between Vooddzle Avenue and Concord Avenue on the South, and GoncordSAvenue
betveenWS60th and 11.58th Streets on the'lJest, and W,58th Street between Concord Avenue .
aad-Park Place on the North. Child moved that Public Hear%- on proposed Trunk Ikber
llaln, as outlined by Engineer Olsson, and on pkoposed Lateral liater EJains in KeUogg
Avenue between T1.58th and W.62nd Streets and in Oaklam Avenue between TL5E%h and W.59bh
Streets, be s& for Nonday, June 12, 1950, at 8:Oo'P,EL l-iotion seconded by Hawthorne
and Unanimously carried,
1-l~~ Robert ;ohson inq&ed about issuance of building pernrits for basement houses, stzting that he knev of Eone dwlkbgs of this nature within the Village,
informed that no such pedts had been issued; and tb matter of action against
!*basemen5 dwllers1t was r eferred to Attorney IEndhorSt, for his opinion,
Office reported that, with addition of signatures obkained during the past
He .r.ms
Pk, Johnson also asked about .possibility of a trunk highway across that is now Ii*62nd
Stre&. He was infomed that this project, sf realized at all, xill probably be some
years in the fubure; that Council has very l5htXe information on matter other than
Trustee Danens reported that VXUage sidewalk on W.5Oth Stre& between Arden Avenue
ad Raple Road needs attention. Matter referred to Village minee$.
Discussion was had with regard to Ordinance Pmendment as drafted by Attorney Wndhorst,
to Ordinance Establishing E.iunicipal Uqyor 13.isspensary.
ing Amsndment, noring that Cauncil dispense with second reading of same and adopt as
E.f[inneapolis Planning Codssion prospectus received last fall. T
Hawthorne offered the follow-
5/8/50. 231
The Village Council of the Village of Edim do ordain:
Section 1. Section 3 of that certain ordinance adopted April 5, 19@, entitled
"An Ordinance Establishing a Municipal Iiiquor Dispensary" is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Section 3. Location and Operation,
(a) The dispensary shall be located at such suitable place in the
Village as the council determines by motion,
premises upon which taxes or other public levies are delinquent
shall, be leased for dispensary purposes.
However, no
(b) The manager of the dispensary shall be under the control of the Council. The dispensary shall h in immediate charge of a liquor
store manager selected by the Cornoil and paid such compensation
as is fixed by the council. The manager shall operate the dis-
pensary under the direction of the council and shall perfom
upon him by the comcil, He shall be responsible to the council
for the conduct of the dispensary in full compliance with this
ordinance and with the laws relating to the sale of liqor and
* such duties in connection with the dispensary as my be imposed
. (c) The council also shall appoint such additional employees as may
be required forthe dispensary and shall fix their compessation.
All employees, including the manager, shall hold their positions
at the pleasure ofthe council,
the dispensary.
No minor shall be employed in
(d) Every employee required for the dispensary, including the manager,
&al& furnish a aretytbond to the Village condi-bioned upon the
faithful Gscharge of his duties in such sm as the council shall.
specify. The bond premium may be paid by the village or by the
employee in the discretion of the council,
(e) There is hereby created an advisory connnission consisting of five
indhiduals apppinted by the council, The members of said advisory
conmission, which shall be known as the Wdina Liquor Control
Commission,11 sha1.l be appointed by reslution of the council.
All members of the commission shall s erve Without canpensation.
1-fembers of the ccamniss!i.on shall be appointed for a term of three
calendar years. The firs% commission under this ordinance, as
amended, shall consist of five of the present members of the
commission tho shall be designated by resolution adopted by the
commission so designated shall expire, the council shall appoint
their= successorsn for such terms up to three years so that the
"term of two membeks shall expire on each of two succeeding years
and the term of one member shall expire at the end of the third
year. F.
As the terms of the five members of the present
(f) Said Edina Liquor Control Codssion shall consider such matters.
relating to the dispensary as may be referred to it by the council
and shall on its otrn motion make such investigation of problems
relating to the dispensary as may seem advisable to. it from time to
time and shall report on such problems referred to it or considered
on its own motion and make recommendations thereon to the council.
Section 2, This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication.
Motion for adoption of Ordinance was second five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child
aye; andErickson, aye; and the Ordinance
call there were , aye; Hawthorne,
Village Clerk
232 (
. Discussion was had with regard to securing services of Auditing Firm for audit of
Village Records for 1949, inasmuch as the State Public Ekaminer!s Office has a
considerable backlog of work before our audit can be made by them.
motion, that Council advert5se for bids from Certified Public Accountants for
audit of1949 records, was seconded by Palen and carriedo
Palen moved'for phent of Liquor Store Payroll, amount $1,023.78, and Village
Payroll, auomt $4,252.45, as recorded in Payroll ledger, and for pzyaent of the
following Claims. Notion seconded by Child and carried:
4,712 4713
4/34 4/15
Chris lJitzel
Albert V. Huber
William Feck
Petty Cash
, Richard q. Somenberg
Suburban Hmn. Cy, Relief Bd.
Arthur K. Petersen
Petty CaA
Petty Cash
Petty Cash
Eiss Sophie Stenson inquired as to status of her ptition for the rezoning to
Community Store 'I3isP;rict of LUt l-4, Block 22, Fairfax Addition.
on Planning Comnission action with regard to this matter.
Hearing on Petition to Rezone be set for Honday, June 26, u50, at 8:OO P.11.
seconded by H arkhorne and carried.
Review was had
Palen moved that Public
Office reported thak, in response to "Notice to Ababe Nuisance," recently issued to
owner of premises at 5604 Abbo$t Avenue in response to petition, mmer Huseby has
nothfied building inspector of his intention to begin the rebuilding of house on
these presmises within next ten days or tr.To weeks.
Building Inspector 17ozhler asked for Council!s opinion on issuance of building
permits on metes and bounds descriptions in proposed-replat of Rol- Green.
H awthorne's motion, that no building permits be issued UntiL Repbt is accepted,
was seconded by Child and carried.
Village Zngineer Olsson reported that he had received only bne answer to his recenk
advertisement for a Building Inspzctor--that of Nr. Raynard P. Nyberg of Columbia
Beights-whom Hr. Olsson recommended.
authorized to hire Nr. Nyberg at temporary salary of $250.00 per monkh, vas seconded
by Child and carried.
It lqas brought to Council!s attention that Wding Inspector have no definite
bd&g cde
Village Engineer Olsson and Public Utilities Supt. Woehler for their report at next
re- meeting.
Engineer Olsson presented Dradng incorporating recent recormnend&Aons of the Public
Safety. Gonrmittee, for Parking Restrictions in the Business Districk. After consider-
able discussion, with review of recpsts by Edina Commercial Club and recanmendations
by Police Department, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its
adopt ion:
H awthorne? s motion, that 1-k. Olsson be
-tihich to work. The matter of it building code was referred $0
t-, the Village Council of the Village of Edina adopted an Ordjnance on
Navember 28, 1949, prohibiting the park- of any vehicle in any no parking area
established by resolution of the Council and prohibiting the parking of any vehicle
in violation of parking time limits established by resolution of this Council,
N€N, THEREFOEE, BE IT RESOLSED, That the following areas are hereby designated
as Truck Zone, No-parking Zone, Cab Stands, or Time Wt Parking, as the case
may be:
France Avenue - Vest Sde:
Truck Zone: Beginning at a point 175 feet South of the South property line of West 5Obh Street,*and running South along the ??est curb line of France Avenue a
distance of 15 feet, c
Beginning at a point on line with the South lot line of Lot 27, Buditcrrrs Subdivision #172 and Mxrming North along the West -curb line of France
Avenue a distance of 53 feet.
No Parkiw Zom Beginning at a point; 593 feet South of the South property line
of %?Si; 50th Street, for a distance of 50 feet southerly along the West curb
fie of France Avenue.
No Parking Zone: Beginning at a point on line xith the South property line of Lot 49, auditor?^ Subdivision #172 and running South along the Nest curb line
of France Avenue a distance of l5& feet.
Truck Zone: Beginning at a point l83 fe& Uest of the West lot line of France
Avenue, and runnirig West along South curb line of West 50th St. a distance of
25 feet.
No ParKing Zone: Beghning at a point in line with the West property line of
France Avenue, and running West along Soukh curb line of West 50th St . for
a distance of 183 feet.
Begihning at a point on line with the East property line of Halifax Avenue, and running West dong the South curb line ofWest 50tB Street
a distance of 8.5 feet.
Beginning at a point 419 feet West of the West property line
of France Avenue, and running West along the South curb line of Vest 50th
Street a distance of 100 feet excepting two driveway entrances of 20 feet each.
of Halifax Avenue, and running Eszst almg the North curb line of West 50th
Street a distance of 8.5 'feet.
line of Haljfax Avenue, and running East along the North curb line of West
50th Street a distance of 40 feet,
of France Avenue, and running West along the North curb line of West 50th
Street a distance of &Et 21 feet,
15-Einute Parking Zone: Beginning at a point 'on the West property line of
France Avenue, and running West along the North curb line of West 50th Street
for a distance of 84 feet.
No Padcing Zone:
't?est 50th Street - South Sidet
No Parking Zone:
No Parking Zone:
West 50th Street - North Side:
No Park* Zone: (Bus Stop1 Beginning at a point on line with the East property.,
No Pa&ing Zone:
Beginning at a point 196 feet East of the East property line
3, A'/ *
Begking at a point 168 feet West of the Irest property line
France Avenue - Mest Side:
Truck Zone: Bekhning at a point -53 feet NoAh of the North propertiy line of
France Avenue, and running North along West curb line of 'France Avenue for a
distance of 25 Feet.
France Avenue, and running North along Ves5 curb line of France Avenue for a
distance of 20 feet,
Cab Zone: Beginning at a point 78 feet North of the North property line of
Market Street' - South Sidet
No Parking Zone: Beginning at a point on line &th the West property line on '
France Avenue, and running West along the South curb line of Wrket Street a - -
distance of 65.6 feet.
Five-Mhute Parking Zone:
property Line on France Avenue, and running West along the South curb line of
Narket Street a distance of $0 feet excepting driveway erxbrance of 20'feett
Beginning at a point 69.6 feet West of the West;
Market Street- North Side:
No Parking Zone: Beginning at a point on line wi%h the West groperty line on
France Avenue, and running Vest along the North curb line 09 Narket Street
' a distance of-70 feet. , ~
Five-hute Pmking Zone: Beginning at a point 70 feet Vesb of the West property
line on France Avenue,. and ruhxhg Nest along the North curb line of Market
Street a distance of 12fc feet,
qnd runqing East along the North curb line of 3farket Street a distance of
No Pa&i.ng Zone: Bkgiming at a point on the West curb line of Halifax Avenue,
50 feet.
" Halifax Avenue - 'Tgest'Side:
. No Parking Zone: The entire West side of Mifax Avenue from the North-curb
line of 'West 5Ot;h Street to the North curb lirre of Market Street, ..
. All curb paking areas not listed as restricted above, on the following streets,
Will be restricted to one (1) hour parking: -
West side of France Avenue from Market Street to Vest 51st Street.
West 50th Street from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue.
Halifax Avenue fram Vest; 50th Street to Market Street .
Market Street from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue.
234 5/22/50
'BE E RJRTI-iER RESOLVED, That those Parking Restrictions established for
Wooddale Avenue by Council Resolution dated December 12, 1949, and %hose Bus
Stops established by said Resolution dated December 12, 19k9r shall contjnue
in, f orceo
.I I Engineer Olsson inquired as to Council! s opinion on 'Storm Sewer previously discussed,
to provide drainage for the Colonial Grove-Golf Terrace area. Havrthorne!~ motion,
authorizing and 'directing Village Engineer to prepare plans, specificaP;ions, and
estimate of cost for said Storm Sever, vas seconded by,Child and casrie'd,
There behg no furbher business to come before the Council, Danens! motion for ,
adjournment vas seconded by Palen and unanimously carriGd, Heeting adjourned at
Hembers answering Rollcall were Danens ,
Ninutes of Meeting of Hay 8, 1950, were
seconded by Bavthorne and carried,
Palen, Hatrt;horne, and Nrickson,
approved as submitted, by Notion Palen,
.r -_
3layor Erickson announced that Public Hezrings scheduled for this evening on the
proposed Grading and Gravelling, and Sanitary Sewer ad Vater Xain Extension in
Be=& and Choven Avenues between B.58th and W,59th S%reets has been postponed
anti1 &fond=, June 12, for the purpose of including the block betweeri W.59th and
I'l,6Oth streets in the proposed projects,
Pmsnznt to "Advertisement for Bids-Pump House1! published in Suburban Press,
Hopk5ns, and in
Wey 4, 1950, Clerk opened the following sealed bids coveririg construction of
House at Edim High School Site:
After consideration of bids, and recommendzbion by PubliC UtilfCies Supt. Woehler
that bid be awarded immediatily if possible, Ekwthorne moved for aW2d of bid to
Christ C, See &I Sons, Inc, at price of $3,566.00, Motion seconded by Palen and
Pursuant to tlAdvertisement for Bids-Insurance for Liquor Store ,I1 pnblished in
Suburbvr Press, Hoplans, on Hay 11, 1950, Glerk opened the following sealed bids:
Construction Bulleth, I.Iinneapolis, on April 27 and
Bonvlder znd Coqany, Xinneapolis
Chrrst C, See & Sons, Inc,
$4.345 00 $3,366.00 I
(~~~11 $3O,OOO $60,000 $4;000 $10,000 $10.000 Act.Vdue
Savid &Cy* (Br_sis . : 281,09(IYr.) 21.98
Hermann Inv. '(?0~.73(3Yr.)f
1.5llt ,Den,@cy. 171.00 * 95.81(1Yr)~3.00(1Yr.)
239,53( 3~r) BZ.~O( ?yr . 1
Harsh & @ptg.k?n,
$fOt%on by Ha.r%horne; seferring bids to'village Attorney and Villag0 Eno&eer for
tabulation ad report at next meeting, YTas seconded by Palen and carried.
Co, 28.18 95 00 223;12 23 .P8
&E.Bsdeen 22.. 53 w.35 188.70 10.07 95.81 213.00 19 079
I-IcLeIbgag 2 8-18 160 20 21.90