HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500522_REGULAR234 5/22/50 'BE E RJRTI-iER RESOLVED, That those Parking Restrictions established for Wooddale Avenue by Council Resolution dated December 12, 1949, and %hose Bus Stops established by said Resolution dated December 12, 19k9r shall contjnue in, f orceo .I I Engineer Olsson inquired as to Council! s opinion on 'Storm Sewer previously discussed, to provide drainage for the Colonial Grove-Golf Terrace area. Havrthorne!~ motion, authorizing and 'directing Village Engineer to prepare plans, specificaP;ions, and estimate of cost for said Storm Sever, vas seconded by,Child and casrie'd, There behg no furbher business to come before the Council, Danens! motion for , adjournment vas seconded by Palen and unanimously carriGd, Heeting adjourned at -. Hembers answering Rollcall were Danens , Ninutes of Meeting of Hay 8, 1950, were seconded by Bavthorne and carried, -. Palen, Hatrt;horne, and Nrickson, approved as submitted, by Notion Palen, .r -_ 3layor Erickson announced that Public Hezrings scheduled for this evening on the proposed Grading and Gravelling, and Sanitary Sewer ad Vater Xain Extension in Be=& and Choven Avenues between B.58th and W,59th S%reets has been postponed anti1 &fond=, June 12, for the purpose of including the block betweeri W.59th and I'l,6Oth streets in the proposed projects, Pmsnznt to "Advertisement for Bids-Pump House1! published in Suburban Press, Hopk5ns, and in Wey 4, 1950, Clerk opened the following sealed bids coveririg construction of House at Edim High School Site: After consideration of bids, and recommendzbion by PubliC UtilfCies Supt. Woehler that bid be awarded immediatily if possible, Ekwthorne moved for aW2d of bid to Christ C, See &I Sons, Inc, at price of $3,566.00, Motion seconded by Palen and carried. Pursuant to tlAdvertisement for Bids-Insurance for Liquor Store ,I1 pnblished in Suburbvr Press, Hoplans, on Hay 11, 1950, Glerk opened the following sealed bids: Construction Bulleth, I.Iinneapolis, on April 27 and Bonvlder znd Coqany, Xinneapolis Chrrst C, See & Sons, Inc, $4.345 00 $3,366.00 I Fm,k1;Ipp. FIRE,EX'2. FIRZ,EXT. MOXEIY & 3ERC.OPZR COl*E%E- $5O/$iOO ,OOOCOV,VBNDAL. COV,VABDAL COV,VANDALSECURITB~ S?JOCIPIXXRG* EIBISID LIABILI!PY BUILDING STOCK FURX&I?IXT. ~BURGLARY) STOCK GLASS (~~~11 $3O,OOO $60,000 $4;000 $10,000 $10.000 Act.Vdue Savid &Cy* (Br_sis . : 281,09(IYr.) 21.98 Hermann Inv. '(?0~.73(3Yr.)f 1.5llt ,Den,@cy. 171.00 * 95.81(1Yr)~3.00(1Yr.) 239,53( 3~r) BZ.~O( ?yr . 1 Harsh & @ptg.k?n, $fOt%on by Ha.r%horne; seferring bids to'village Attorney and Villag0 Eno&eer for tabulation ad report at next meeting, YTas seconded by Palen and carried. Co, 28.18 95 00 223;12 23 .P8 &E.Bsdeen 22.. 53 w.35 188.70 10.07 95.81 213.00 19 079 I-IcLeIbgag 2 8-18 160 20 21.90 5/22/50 ( 235 Pursuant to IlKotice of Hearing on Proposed Cuib and Outter," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on April 27, and'May 4, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form and placed on file, Mayor cdled Public Hearing on proposed Curb and Gutter for Drew Avenue between V.57th and W.58th Streets. Engineer's lstimate of Cost, in total amount of $2,948.73, asagainst 1201.10 assessable feet, or $2.46 per assessable foot, was, read. lessrs, P.R. Davis, 5709 Drew, C,R.L, SwaJrson, 5708 Drew, M.C. Woodworth, 5701 Drew, and GOD. Huey, 5700 Drew, ipquired as to whether it is necessary to have curb and gutter to establish satisfactory grade--maintaining that petition had been signed by many with tihis understanding. Engineer Olsson recommended curb and gutter kt stated that street may be maintained without it. Mr. Huey requested that his name be withdrawn from petition; and gentlemen were informed that petition still carries over 50% of signatures, Hawthorne moved that petition be tabled temporarily, and the hbllc Hearing on proposed Curb and Gutter for Drew Avenue between lJ.57th and W.58th Streets be continued to Monday, June 26, 1950, at 8:OO P.M. Motion seconded by Palen and carried, Pursuant to flNotice of Hearing-Blacktop$.ng," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, On April 27, and May 4, 1950, Affidmit of Publication for which was /A' -read, approved as to form arid'placed on file, Mayor called Public Hewing on. proposed Blacktopping in Drew Avenue between W.57Lh and V.58th Streets. Pngheer's Istimate of 'Cost, in total amount of $1,821.20, as against 1,201.10 assessable feet, or $1.52 per assesss%le foot, was read. Messrs. Davis, Swanson, Woodworth and key $1 requestedproposed blacktopping; and there were no objections, either oral or written, to said mrovement. Hawthorne offered the 'following Resolution ad moved its adoption: . - I ' dl RESOLU!IION OIUIERIHJO S!EEET IXf?ROV3€ENI! XO AylO--BLACK!POPPING DIiEw A. 3XOM WoS7!PE STRBEI! TO W.58TH S-I! ;BE IT RESOIiVED by the Council of the Village of %Una, Minnesota, that this . Council heretofore cmsed notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of coqstruction of B1aclrl;op Surfacing in Drew Avenue, between W.57th ad W.58th Streets, ad. at the hearing geld at the time and place specified in said notice the Co&cil 'has duly considered the views of all Eersons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine ' Co proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsetpent proceedings as STRR33! IEIPBOVEMENI! NO. 8-10, and the area to be specially assessed therefor in which said improvement is to, >e const-ructed. Motfon for adoption of the Resolution w2s seco ded by Danens ?*Gd on Rollcall tbre were four ayes A . include all lots arrd ,tracts of abutting and fronting upon the, street.s no nays, as follows: ?&ens, balm, aye; Hawthorne, Next Public Hearing called was that for Proposed Blacktopping of Antrim Road, pursuant to tlXotice of Hearing -Blacktopping of Antrim published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, April 27 and May 4, 1950, Affi6viC of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form an& placed on file, Engineer Olssonls Bstimate of Cost, in total amount of $3,613.79, as against 2,430.78 assesssble feet, or $1.49 per assessable f6ot ,. was read, Mr, OIsson: recommended., however, that blacktopping be delayed until the matter of aminage for this area, either by extensive grading, or by storm sewer proJect, is settled. Hawthorne moved that the matter of- grading Antrim Road and West 70th Street be referred to Public Works Oommittee an6 Village lElngineer for Study. Motion ace'conded by Danens and carried, Messrs, X.P. Johnson, and Ramus, requested notice of said meeting. Mayor Brickson then called Public Hearing on Proposed Blacktoppbg of West 70th $tre*et "between Antria Road and Cahill Road, pam.uxnt to %Totice of Hesing- Blacktopping of W.7Oth Street, published in Suburban Prese* Hopkins, April 27 and Mzq 4, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file. project was read at a total of $3,613.79, as against 2,430.78 assessable feet, or $1.49 per assessable foot, (See above paraeaph for motion with regard to drainage). The matter of Blacktopping all streets in Prospect Hills and Prospect Eills 2n& Pdditions, together with 0.70th Street and Antrim Road, was disctlsssd. !i!rustee Danens maintained that burden f%er putting streets into condltian for blacktoppig z I I Engineer Olsson's estimate for this blacktopping / 236 5/22/50 fdls on the develo2er of these Mditfons; and developer Johnson aZleging that, once the streets 8118 accqted by the Village, the. liability for maintia€nj.ng them is that of the Village. grade and fill work must be done before streets can be blacktopped. Since no agree30 nent could be reached, it was determined that Engineer Olsson wo-dd have 3stimate of Cost for ptt*ing.Prospect Hills and Prospect Hills 2nd Addition streets into condition for blacktopping; -that he, the Public Ilopks Committee, and. I&, Johnson would'meet as soon as possible to work out some amicable arrangernent-for this york, Eawthorne Sone argument ensued, with Engineer Olsson stating that considerable * then offered the following Resolution moved its adoption: .. RESOLUFPION ORDERING SmT IMPROvEI.lllliJI! NO. A-l1--BLACK5!OEl?~G 03 A?!ERIIJf ROD, IT, 7O!i!Et * S!iB.EEl!i?, ATfD SW; STREETS PBOSPZCf HIs;Ls ADD VI PBOSPEC!l! HIZLS 2ND ADI>I9?101? BE IT €ESOLvED by the Council'of the Village of Bdina, Minnesota, that this I Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be dulypublished on the progosed improvements consisting of construction of Black€op Surfacing in the folloving Streets: Antrim Road between Valley Viev Road and %st 70th Street * Vest 70th Street betireen Antrim Road and Cahill Road .. Streets in Prospect Hills Addition; i.e., l/est 70th Street; 'Dublin Rod; Kerry Road; ITexCord Road; and Down Road Road;-Tralee Drive; ana Skon Drive sind at sald hearikgs hel&&t the times and places specified in said notices, the Council has duly considered the vkW5 of dl persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does herelg deternine to proceed with the construc- €Son of said iqrovement; that sa&L improvement is hereby designated and sM1 be re'rerrea to in all subseqnent proceedings as S2RJ2E'P INPRO~v~I! NO. A-11, and $he area to be specially assessed therefor shall. include dl lots and tracts of -l&d abutting and fronthg upon the streets 'in which said in@kovement is to be constructed. 24otlon for adoption of the Resolution trs seconded by,&nens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follovs: Danens$?y'e$ Palen, aye; Havthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adoptb$q m7L(u< Village Clerk " Hr, Vm, C, Kelly, 5600 lkwick Place, Mr, H.F. Simons,, 5105 M.56th St., and an attorney rsprosentbg Mr. Zllison, slog PT,$$h St,, requested that Council rescind its &sointion Vacating Lane betveen Lot 12, Yvonne Terraco, and Lots 12, 13 and 14, Xylundts Place; claining that they had received no notice of such vacation and that, therefore, v&catiun is illigal.. !Llhey notified Council that their "Claim or" Adverse 1nterest;s" had been filed vr5thRegistrar of 2itles. Mr. P.C. Stow, amer of Lot 12, Yvonne 'Perrace, notified Council that if -rescinding action is teen he vi11 fight it in the Courts. Village Attorney Bindhorst advised Council to take PO action, &at% that if Vacations Proceedings are vzlid, Council can do nothing but condemn, to ogenup Lane, He suggested that interested parties coae to some agreement concerning matter. ,Hatter of Vacation of Lane referred to Village Attorney Vindhorst for report at next regular Neeting. Hr. Ben Pasks reviewed for Council previous discussions with regard to Straightening of Golf Terrace Hdrseshoe, offering easement for straightaing providing Council win p+ $300,00 of the esbiniated $GOO.OO cost of survey, replattirg, etc., and will %lacktog new street at no host to ahtting property owners,' Hawthorne moved that Vfllage Attornay be instructed to proceed w5th condemnation of land for straightesing of Golf $errace, with the understanding that Village Eill agree to pay up to '$3OO,OO in connectfor?. with replatting costs, and will b1aclCt;op straightened portion of street vithou% cost to ahtting poperty omere, Motion seconded by Palen and carried, ' Heyers Outdoor Advertising, Inc. 1 s representative supported' his letter of 14 18, reqpes3ing Specid Permit to maintain "Authony Hotel" sign on Highmy 169 for 2% additional years untfl eqiration of lease, in violation of Sign Ordinance. Hmthorne moved. that request be denled; Motion seconded %y PaLen and carried, J-Sinneapolis, Northfield and Southern Bailtray Companyt s by 10th request, that Conncil vithdravr reqnest for flasher sigzld,s at Grove Street Crossing, vas read; and, %r Hotfon Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and carried, vas referred to Public safety CoEnmittee and Village Engineer, with request that Vil.lage Engineer study and make recommendation. Sl.1 Streets bi Prospect Gills 2nd Addition; Le., Down Road; Lee Pdley a 5l c I&< f,/~~~~~~~~~ * C &yor I 1. 5/22/50 23% Mr, Jack E, Smith's request for ilrfsmtion concerning possible rezonihg of Village €?all Triangle was read and, by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and casrled, was referred to Village Clerk for answer, Mr, Arthur !I!. 1Jelson's request for adjustment in client's Storm Sewer Assessment, for reason that client*s land is h€gh, was read and referred to Village Attorney for answer, by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and mrried, Minneapolis Police Department * s notice that Drunkometer !l?ests are available to. adjoining suburbs for charge of $10.00 each was read, Village Council accept fee of. $10.00 set by City of Hinneapolis for Mometer Zests, and that Council author+ze Police to avail themselves of this service, was seconded by Palen and carried, Nordquist Sign Compny's detailed drawing of proposed sign for roof of Edina Lamdz'y was presented, in accordance with Councill's request of last meeting. HatJthorne moved for issuance of permit for lighted sign on roof of ldina Laundry, in accordance with plan presented; Motion seconded by Pden and carried. Thomas Vennm'S* request for sgecial permit allowhg maintenance of one General Outdoor Advertising Co. Si- at Highmy 169 and Olinger Road, in violation of Sign Ordmance, was read, together wfth letter of permission for such main- tenance, by property owners. -' HtlwEhorQe moved for denial of request, Moti-on seconded ;t>s Danens asd carried. Damns' motion, that Public Works Crew be directed to remove dl Outdoor Ad- vertising Signs being illegally maintained, was seconded by Hawthorne and unmimously carried. Mr, D. C. Yoerk's May 12th request for adjustment of alleged damges resulting from County's regrrrading of Valley View Road abutting his property was read; and, by-Motion Hawthorne, seconded By Danens and carried, was referred to Minutes of Ma$ 12th Meet4ng of B&na Liquor Commission were read, Messrs Morse and Hallman of the Commission supported recommendations of Meeting for ra&se* in Liquor Manager's salary to $500,00 per month;. and for permission to use only one cash register except in,especidly busy times, After considerable discussion, Hawthorne moved that Council set salary of Liquor Store Manager at $300,00. per month, effectgve June 1, 1950. seconded %y Danens and cFrried, with Palen voting NO; 1.C Hawthorne moved that K t * I k B < Sublic Works CoFittee, M -* f, r %4 ; Motion 1 Sawthorne moved that recommendation 02 Commission, with. regard to methods of Cash Register Operations be approved and accepted, Hotion seconded by Danens and carried, . - Hawthorne moved that Village Manager be authorized to construct concrete curb dong the West side of Liquor Store Building, %o keep automobile Mnpers from damaging wall, Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Discussion was had with Commission l-jem'bers with regard to Ellegal delivery of liquor into Edina by downtown liquor stores, Police Snstructed to enforce Ordinance prohibiting delivery of liquor into Idins. Resignation of Philip Bailey from position of Street Commissioner, effectbe June 15, 1950, was read. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. hens moved that resignation be accested, I iii Palen moved*fo$ appointment of new Street Commissioner to be referred to Public Works Committee for recommendation. Motion seconded %y hens and cmried. Bureau of Plant Industry's notification of meeting on weed Control, to be held !L'hurshy, May 25, at 9:30 A.M., vas read. authorized to attend meeting, with expenses paid. and carried, * Dansns moved that Chzxles Johnson be Motloa seconded by Pden Hawthorne moved that Park Board letters of May 8, hiring Fred Wigginton as Swimming Instructor, Howard MerrSslaa as Baseball Instructor, md hforming Village of Morningside of $4,00 per person fee for participation in Zdina Striming Program, be filed, Motion seconded by Danens and cwfied, . 238 i 5/22/50 Fire CWPs requisition for Form Nozzle and ten !%gal. cans of Aer-O-FoanIb-uid was honored by P.€otion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and carried. Hk,E.C.Stow volunteered to give easement for 7&fOOt strip on 'lhrket Street abutting Ms builcSng, providing Villzge will construct sidewalk at no expense to him. .Hatter referred to Village Engineer for investigation and report, because it is feared that reinoval of bank may mean damage to foundationr . Xr. IEndhorst's written opinion on matter of prosecution for "basement dwellers'l was rev5ewed, aga5nst owners of basement dwellings in the Village, vas seconded by Palen and carried* Haxbhorne's motion, that Building fnspector be directed to file compla5nts Attorneylfindhorst reported to Council on triaLrecerst1.y held concerning nuisance at 406 Washington Avenue. Report accepted. Natter of petition for Pillars at Lakeview Drive and Nomandale zms delayed unttl Village Engineer could meet with Public Works Committee, 3-gi.neer Olsson reported that County v&ll stripe Interlachen Boulevard frpm Highway 169 to Blake Road, and that Traffic Control Signs vill also receive County*s attentionr Engineer Windhorst reported that he has received Hr, S;renson*s deed for right-of-way on Eking Avenue, and that Village is now in possession of full right-of-way for Exhg between, TL58fh and 1~60th Streets. bwthorne*s, motion, sett'ing Public Hearing on proposed Grading ad Gravelling of Eking Avenue. betveen 1.I. 58th and tL60th Streets foz Eonday, Jme 26, 1950, at 8:OO P.lL, was sewnded by Danens and carried. '1 &tter of securing refund from Edha-Xorningside School Board for $l,01?02S paid - them I*in lieu of taxes" was referred to Attorney 173.ndhorst. - Discussion was had on pmposed "Fire Station-Bus Garage," with tentative. plans- for infomnal meeting of Council to be held before the next regular meeting. T?ith regard to the Village of Edina-J.V.Gleason Co. dispute on Blacktopping Contracts, Engineer Olsson presented statements from J,V.Gleason in the amount of some Q30,000, for extra work alegedly ordered by the ViLlags'Engheer. Pzlen moved that meer Phil. TI0 Smith be requested to cooperate with Engineer Olsson and the Village Council is disposhg of this matter,, Hotion seconded by Hawthorne and carrieds Petition filed in September, 1949, for the Blacktopping of Southview Lane between Concord and Nomandale, was reviewed* Public Vorks, Chairman Danens asked that such project be deferred, because of possible stom sewer. project, and because road-needs to brought into condition, $f2. Olsson rewmmaded that that portion of Southvier Lane between Nomadale and Balrym.ple be dustcoat& in order that abutting residents be given relief from dusL Hawthorne moved for dustcoating of Southview Lane between Normandale and DaXrymple+ Iefotipn seconded by Palen and carried. Zngineer Olsson was instructed to fdsh Attorney Radhorst with plat of North-and- SouthSide50th-Street business districts, in order that Petition for Parkhg 'Lot may be drafted as soon as possible+ i /'Village-&@.neer Olsson recbmmended that Village advertise for bids' on proposed Blacktopping projects. Kawbhorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DPRbVING PLANS AND SPECIE'ICATIONS FOR IXPROV"3ITS NOS. A-5 TO A-U, INC. BE IT RXSOLmD by the Village Council of the Village. of Edina:' 1, -@ID DIRECTING BDVERTm*mT FOR BIDS -A The plans and specifications for Street Improvements Nos. A-5 to A-U, i: inclusive, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notsce for bids' for th'e - construction of saAd .# improvements: I 5/22/50 ADVZRTISZMEXT FOR BID3 FOR Sw 239 w IMl?RPVEBERTS A-5 TO A-ll,INCI?USIVE BLACKTOP PING^^ OF IEDINA -c x - The Mina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 We5'3th Street, Minneapolis 10, on Monday, June 12, 1950, at S:o6 o'clock P&, to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Street Improvements Nos. A-5 to A-ll, inclusive, conshting of construction of Blacktop Surfacing in the streets listed below: STREET DIPRDmENT NO. A-5 - Brookview Avenue from W&st to tlr,62nd Street A-6 - Abbott Avenue from tf.56th to 1?.57th Street. A-7 - Zenith Avenue from K57th Street to 1/2 Block jiJbrth thereof e A-8 - Tower Street from St,Johns Avenue to Concord Avenue. A-9 -(Lakevim Drive from St.Johns Avenu'e to Crescent Drive; (Concord Avenue adjoining Lot 1, Block 8 and Lot 1, (Block 7, Gblf Terrace Heights Addn* A-10- Drew Avenue from 3L57th to W.58th Street. A-ll-(htrim Road from Valley View Road to V+7Oth Street; (W,70th Street from Antrim Road to CahiLl Road; (All Streets in Prospect Hills Addition: Le., W.7Oth ( Street; Dublin Road; Kerry Road; Ifexford Road; and ( Down Boad (All Streets in Prospect Hills 2nd Addition: Le., Down Road; Lee Valley Road; Tralee Drive; and Shahon Drive . - n d The work on said improvemerits must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvements on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk 'in the amount of. ten percent of the amount of the bTd, Bidder may bid on any or all improvementb. BY OhDER OF T@ VILL.A(Z COUNCIL, Bover H^awthorne Village Glerk L t Edina, Ninnesota 3. Each and all of the terms 6f the foregoiag advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said ihprovement. * Z '1 it /- In respoase to Engineer Olsson's recommendation that Village advertise for bids f&r- ravelling of Harrison and Tyler Avenues, Hawthorne offeredthe follow- ing si3 &eB and moved ita adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FbR STREET IMI?ROV"T NO: E4 AND DTRECTING """YE 2!ii&bt? ADVEZTISBBNT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. * The plans and specifications for STREET IBPROVj3EBT NO. C-4 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby ap$rovedr 2., The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bullet& the following notice' for-bid's for the construction of said improvement: *(. I -~ '. < ADVERTISB~T FOR BIDS FOR STRETCT 'I1\IIPROVEMENT NO. C-&-GRADZnn; AM) GRAmLLm&VILUGE' OF EDIN'A .. * 5/22/50 The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, &IO1 W.50th Street, Eimeapolis, on Eonday, June l.2, 199, at 8:OO o'clock Pa&, to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of STREET INPROVE24ENT NO, C-4 in said Village, consisting of Grading and Gravelling of the following Streets: * Harrison %venue between Belrnore Lane and IXaloney Avenue Tyler Avenue bet%& Belmore lane and Haloney Avenue- The work on s-&d Lmprovement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improveaent on file in the office of the Village Clerk. PXL bids must be submitted on the bash bf bash payment for the r.rork. No'bids will bb consider'ed unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting'and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or clertified check payable to the V-age Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. ? - c BP ORDER 0F"TNE VLLLAGE COUNCIL. t Sower Hawthorne Village Clerk Edina, Hinnesota .I c r( 3. Each and all of the terms of the forbgoing advertisement for bids axe herebfadopted BS the terns and conditions of the award of the contract for said inprov~~tg XotZbn'for adoption of the Resolution were four ayes and no nays, as follow: and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution Dr. Erickson reported on recent meeting of the Rural Hemepin County Lsague of Toms and Ibicipdlities. Report accepted. Palen moved that Village of Edina joint Rural. Hennepin' County League. Eiotion seconded by Himbhorne and carried, c t Dr. Brickson asked that Financial Report be out by June 30. Hawthorne moved, directing Village Wager Olsson and Deputy Village Clerk to begin work on fhancia statement, for publication by June 30. Hotion seconded by Palen and carriec?. Engineer Olsson reported that Preliminary Plans and Specifications have been con- pleted for the Colonial Grove-Golf Terrace area storm sewer; and, that because of proposed filling of alot and construction of house in Lot 5, Block 9¶ Golf Terrace Heights Addition, it VU be nece'ssary to construct a part of the storm sewer at once, across Lot 5, from We Harvey to Lakeview Driver He estimated that this part of the construction would cost less than 8500,OO. Paleats motion, directing Engineer Olsson to proceed with construction of Storm Sewer stub across Lot 5, Block 9, Golf Terrace Heights AdditLon, was seconded by Hawthorne and Carrie& t T Ehgineer Olsson reported that there is a drainage problem at Shaefer Road to be remedied before road may be successfully blacktopped. He asked for authorization to purchase gravel for fill. Hatter referred to Public Works Ghaironan Danens and Xra Olsson for further investigation, During discussion, Nr. Olsson informed Council that he would request As'ln7rofih & Sons to delay blacktopping until such time as it vas ascertained that easement could, or could not, be obtahed for road righbof-way along East side of road. I Office reported tha% Village Assessment Funds have sufficient cash balances to permit the calling of sone outstanding bonds prior to Naturity Dates. Haidihokne*s motion, authorizing July 1, 1950, Call of the foUovxhg OutstarREng Bonds, was . Daens and carried: 4 Lateral Sever District No. 7 - $2,000 - Xaturing 1/1/51; Lateral' Semr District No. 8 - $3,500~.3hturing 1/1/56 or 1/1/57, as per agree- Lateral. Sewer District No.13 - 'Sl,!jOO - l-bturing Jan.l/ T mat to be reached vrith Bondholders. 5/22/20 24% b 4735 4736 4737 4.738 I 4739 4740 470 < 4742 4743 4.744- 4745 ' 4746 4747 4748 k749 47% rC756 47 58 4765 4766 4768 4770 4771 Palen moved for payment of the Village Payroll, amount $k,952.08, and Liquor Store Payroll, amount $4O9.OOY for period May 16 through 31, as recorded in Payroll Lqdger, and for payment of the following bills: Hotion seconded by Danms and carried. CUIM NO. NAlE AIIOUNT GEX'ERAL FUND 4734 Dietrick Lder Co, B *9,25 I. Carl T. Xiller ' 36.00 Chester J. Betley 36,Oo John Balich, 96.00 ROShOlt E&pa CO~ 9.60 Minnesota Fire Bxtinguisher Co* 10000 Hennepin Comty Review 161.60 Young Fuel Co, 25.40 Twin City Stamp & Stencil Cor 10s22 J, V, Gleason Cob 34ef38 Glacier Sana & Gravel eo, 13 e18 Glenn Johnsqn (Contracting Cor 168.82 Repubgc Crqosoting Coc *. 4L73 Rosenwald-Cqoper, Inc. + rC9& Watson Mfg. -Co, t 74.00 Miller-Dayiq Go* 467.12 N.WV Bell Tqlephone Cor ,57460 TemwkNfgc Cor 10.00 .I Town & Country Hdwe. Co. Northern St+tes Power Co. rn8.28 Constructiorj Bulletin ' 22.40 - Suburban Prqss *A $29 227.2 5 The Upco Co, i6.35 9.59 Commissioner of -Admin, Prtg, Div. 24.85 * 4749 4761 4755 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 47% 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4.732 4733 * 47% 4753. 47 53 k7 54 4756 4757 4.7 58 "b * 4764 4765 4766 47'69 47 51 47 52 47 5Q 4763 4770 4771 * k.50 PARK m $1,004. 50 Village .of $lina-General Fund ? 1,000.00 .w c * SEKEd REElTAL FUND + Northern Stites Power Cor $ 1071 EQUIP.RE;NTAL FUND 't kagard SignICb. * Uw25 David AgencJr 1.13 Dependable T$otors , Inc, 1*914 Delegard Tog1 Co, &Om45 Edina Pure Qil Service ' 4.9 Industrial et, Truck Parts, Inc. 23 032 General TruGk, & Equip. Goa. ~ i41.52 Motor Parts .Service Coo 30.78 Firestone Stores * 130.78 Northern Req Co. * 200.00 Chas, Olson$ Son 74104 Smith Dunn q0.9 InCe 4.23 Minneapolis Gas Cor 91.06 N.Tfr Bell Telephone Co. 15.85 Brookside Service Co* 370.43 tl I1 I1 4l4es9 TermarkMfg. Co. - I 3.18 HeR. Toll CO. be37 TherUpco Co. 60.00 Win. H. Ziegler+Co. 14.4~61 Tom et Country Hdwe. Cos .32 Northern States Power Co, 24.31 Nutual General Agency, Inc. 55.48 Paper Calmegson Co+ * ll.25 Northwesterg Tire Co. k72,OO ~ If. E. Lahr GO. . 175.54 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, ll. 50 fiorthern States Power Con 315.85 Minneapolis Water Works Dept, 62.00 Boustead Elec. & Mfg, GO. u.00 Construction Bulletin 9.60 Suburban Press 16a20 8 347.62 5/22/50 Gum NO, N&.E AIIOUIW PaToR. FUND 4760 Zbrgen H. Anderson @ 4.25 - 4762 Toltz, Icing & Day, Izlc. 64.46 1 4767 E.C. Pfeiffer Const. Co. * 85022* Above named bill to be r3ithheld until Trustee Danens approves paynent c 4770 Construction Bulletin 26.40 4771 Suburban Press * * 167.29 8 347& + * t 4771 Suburban Press - . ,? z * * * c UQUOR FUND L939 I-BdlUid National. Bank 8 67.40 Julius Schmahl, Treas. PEEf.A 4 57.32 2.25 L940 * 3U*30 L9U 2942 George Benz Sons, -Inca L943 Distillers Distributing Co* 3 9 699 .Q2 Famous Brands, Inca 1~304001 L944 L945 Griggs, Cooper, &*Cor U,Oh8&3 L946 The E& LO~~IU BO+ .* 52624 XcKesson & Bobbins 1,503~90 175.94 E947 Y 562 004 L946 L950 Ed, Phillips & Sons Co. c 13731.67 L949 E951 Anheuser-Bus ch, Inc. 101,10 L952 'Canada Dry Ginger+Aley Inca 82.16 E953 Chaska Beverage Company. 94a% L95k Coca-Cola Bottling Go, W.70 L955 Cold Spring Distfibuthg Co. 9495 2956 *0. 31, Droney Beverage Co, 36&76 L957 Gluek Brewing Co. 17Oe83 Gold Iledal Beverage Go. 111.01 5959 "EILaSSOlt Bottling CO. z 2&32 L958 1,022~40 L960 3beapolis Brewing Co. ~961 ljlinneapolis City Club 325.50 2962 Norris Distributing Cot m.20 2964 Pudty Bev* Go. 7 )r 26a40 ~963 L96S Rex Cistributhg Go* .* 363.25 Seaberg Beverage Gompany 32& * 37.52 Seven-Up Bottling * Cor ~968 Willard Distributing Co. wx 23.70 2967 Z969 Northern States %wer Cor w 45.54 L970 N. IT. Bell Telephone Co. 12.25 L971 Petroleum Service- * 40.00 L972 -&nerican Linen Supply Co. lZa05 ' American Printing*Co. 35.45 + 55e00 L973 3 Eil.ler-Davis Co* * II r2.00 L974 L975 ~976 Victor Adding Hachine Co. 177.00 * $!24-y797&2 Trustee Palen reportedthatlir. Garrison is intending to build additional house on Garrison We, thus eliminatfng possibility of easement for .Eurn-around. Hatter of Garrison Lane referred to Village Engineer for study and report at next, neeting, by fbfotion Hawthorne, seconded b;p Pa?..en and carried. There being no further businbss to come before the Efeeklngj Danasr motion for ad- journmen-b was seconded by Pden and maduously carried, 3IeethIg ad journed Us40 a*& Tuesday, Hay 23* t N5.m. Hospital Sew, Assn. c- +* Rid-West Wine Go. * Old Peiorfa Go. * Pabst Sales Company L966 l.ninn, Form Printing Sew. + r :I , t *+ * * **n/u- Village Clerk