HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500612_REGULARQ f , MINUTES OF THE REGMR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, MELD MIONDAl, JUNE 12, 1950, AT 8:00 P.M., AT THE EDINA V=G.- ; HALL Members answering Rollcall were Danens, Palen and Child, iri.th,.Trustee Child presiding in Mayor Erickson's absence, Clerk Hawthorne arrivsd during the reading of bids for Blac4topping Projectsv Danens moved for approval of Minutes of Meeting of My,22, as submitted, Motion seconded by Palen and carried. Pursuant to ItAdvertisement for Bids Street Improvements A -5 to :? -11, Inca - Blasktopping,tt' published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, May 25 and June 11, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved.as to form and placed on file, the folloiTing sealed bids were publicly opened and read: ASMIORTH & SON CO. CRAIG J. ALEXANDER JAY If. CRAIG CO. Tar AsRhalt Tar Asphalt Tax Asphalt STPLEET EA'. #A-5,k Brookview W.61st to (B) .49 (13).44 (B).55 (B) .49 (B)-50 (B) .4th W.62nd St. (Sq.Yd.) (S)•41 (S).36 0 (S).55 (3)•49 0 (S)•415 (S)•37 TOTAL $1890.00 4/16$0.00 ,42310.00 $2058400 01921,50 X1722.00 STREET Its'. #A - -6 A, Abbott 1ve.4,456th to (B).49 (B)•44 (B).55 (B).49 (B)•50 (B).45 ILT, 57th St. (Sq.Yd.) (S) .41� (S) .r3.6 3 (S) .55 (S),49 $ (S).415 (S) .37 TOTAL o1'1Q94.Q0, 6148C.Q0 ��2310.00 02058.00 01921.50 X1722.00 STR IT E.T. #A \,\,, Zenith Ave.-1/2 Bl* S. of W.56th to (B)449 (B).44 (B).55 {B).49 (B)• 0: (B):.45 W,57th St. s(Sq.Yd.) (S).41 (S).36 4- (S).55 (3).49 (5).415 (S).37 TOTAL 600.30 5 533.60 �4 733.70 4 653.66 5 610.31 6 546.94 STREET DIP. #A-8 A: Tower St,- St.Johns Ave„ ( ).49 (B)•44 (B)•55 (B).49 (B)•50 (B)•45 to Concord Ave. (Sq.Yd.) (6).1.1. (S),36 (S) #55 (S) =49 (3)•415 (S)•37 TOTM, 51980.00 $1760.00 ;42420.00 92156.00 6'2013.00 51304.00 STRIM, T 1 1p. #A -9 A Lakeview Dr *- St.Johns Ave.&(B).49 (B)•44 (B).55 (B) .49 (B)•50 (B)•45 to Crescent Dr.; and that(S).41 (S)•36 W •55 (S) -1i% (S)•415 (S)•37 part of Concord Ave. adj, L1,B1.8 & L1,B17,G.T.Hts•. x k Addn, (Sq.Yd.) f TOTAL 33000,6o 02667.120 03W.40 43267.32 X3050.61 x2733.88 STREET 114. =A Drew Ave. SST 57th to } (B) .49 M-44 M-55 (;B) •49 M-50 (B) •45 11.58th St. (Sq.Yd.) (S).41 (3).36 (S).55 (9) .49 (S).415 (S).37 Y Tom j 1,890.00 kl680.00 X2310.00 42058900 $1921,50 @1722.00 STREET IMP. #A - -11 -A *, Antrim Rd, IT.70th St. to Valley View Rd. & r =Zj7fth St*-= tiadtrim Road - (B).49 (B).44 (B).55 (B) x•49 (B).50 (B).45 to Cahill Rd. (Sq.Yd.) (S).41 (3).36F $ (3).55 (S) .49 (S).415 (S).,37 TOTAL 11790.90 10480.80 14411,10 12835,98 11987,42 10742.82 STMT I1,1P. &-l1-B,,,\ r Prospect 'Hills & Prospect D).49 (B).44 B .55 B .49, (B).50 (B).45 Hills,2nd Addn�.(Sq,,Yd.) (3),41 (3)•36 � (S).55 (S) .49 (3).415 (S).37 t TOTAL 14940.90 13280.80 _ 18261,10 16268.98 15189.92 13612.82 Cu. r FOURA GRAITEL (Sq.Yd.) ' $1.25 K $1.30 51.25 t Danens' motion, for referral of bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next regular meeting] was seconded by Palen and carried.. Y } Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing Treater Tlai n, lmprovement,'1. published in Suburbans. Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on May 25 and June 1, 1950, . Affidavit' of Publication for which was read, approved as to form and placed on file, Reting Mayor Child called Public Hearing on proposed construction pf Village Water Main Extension as follows: t - 1.10't Trunk Water Main in Ifooddale ,?ve. between Tower St, and 'U„60th Ste and in 1,1958th St. between Concord Avenue and Park Place, - 2. 6" Lateral ;rater Mains in Kellogg Avenue between 1458th St. and Valley View Road and in Oakiawn Avenue between 1^T.58th and 11,59th Streets` Y" 4% 244 6/12/50 e + c c Engineers s Estimate of Cost for construction of 10" Trunk Hater 11ain, as read, was a2,863.50, or � &55 per assessable foot, said cost-to be assessed over an area as set forth in the Notice of Hearing, published I-fay 25 and June 16 His Bstimate of Cost for construction for Balance of +Project, was 043,781,96, to be assessed on properties abutting streets where lateral service is to be obtained (including .Tooddale Avenue), or.04*35 per assessable foot. xfr, Wo C. Bunnell, 5,817 Kellogg Avenue, and air, :.alter H. Thune, 5313 Kellogg Avenue, requested that their names be withdrawn from petition for %rater Mains Several others in the audience spoke for he proposed improvement. After considerable discussion, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Hawthorne RESQ1UTION ORDER12IG INTROVEMiT s 11TATER I•MIN IMPROVEI -DENT 110. 24 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, lfinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused - notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Extension of Village Crater Main and appurtenances in Wooddale Avenue from Toner Street to S•7,60th Street; in 11,58th Street from Concord .?venue to -Park Place; in Kellogg Avenue from W* 58th Street to Valley View Road; and in Oaklaim Avenue from tr458th Street to 11.59th Street; and at the Hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed idth.the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig.atedt and shall,be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as TIATTER MUN UTFROVEiOMNO.. 24, and the area to be specially assessed therefore shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in ,•rhi.ch said improvement is to be constructed. T Motion for adoption of the Resolution, was seconded by,Dapens, and on Rollcall there were four- ayes and• no nays,+ as follows: Child,, aye; Palen, aye; Danens, afire; and Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. _ w AT• 4 e 1 • ACTING MAYOR M Village Clerk M k R ► 1 I{ acting Mayor Child next called public hearing on proposed sanitary sewer extension in Oaklawn Avenue between I-458th and :459th Streetu. Clerk read "Notice of Hearing— Sanitary Seiner Ifain, Rtutension., It affidavit of publication by Suburban Press, Hopkins, .fay 25 and June 1., which vW approved, as to ford and placed on filet Engineer Olsson's Estimate'of Cost of Construction for project was 5 ?2,651,,86, as against 1,196 ass-essable feet, or 62.23 per assessable foot* He stated, hog *ever, that the wirer must drain South to 60th Street, and that, there, ik no petition in, at present, -for extension of seiner in Oaklaim Avenue between I.459th and W.60th Streets* rliss. Sophie Stenson stated that she is circulating a petition for, sever in Oaklazm South of 60th Street, and erects to have it before the Council by the Meeting of June 26, Hawthornets motion, that Public Bearing on above named project be continued until -such time.as additional petitions for sanitary ,sewer in Oaklawn Avenue are ,presented,. ;eras seconded by Paden and carried* , The next Public Bearing held was = that on.the proposed Grading and Gravelling of *Oakla�m Avenue between 14 58th and S- J.59th Streets, in accordance ivrith "Notice of ;Hearing- Grading and Gravelling," published in 4uburbsn Press, Hopkins, Ifay 25 and June 1, Affidavit -of Publication for *vPnich was,read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, Engineerts Estimate of Cost of Construction arras read, in total amount`of $385 *�O, as. against .1196, assessable, feet, or,61,33 per assessable foot, There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to the meeting* Engineer 0lsson recommended that this project be delayed until Meeting.of June 26, Hawthorne's motion, continuing Public Hearing on proposed Grading and Gravelling of Oaklawn Avenue between 141*58th and 1459th Streets until *Monday, June 26, at 3:00 P.M., was seconded by Palen and carried* Public Hearings on the folloiring three proposed projects were held jointly inasmuch as they concern the same area, The following three Affidavits of Publication, for - notices published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on Tfay 25 and June 1, 1950, were read, approved as to form.,-and placed on file: "Notice of Hearing -Water Main Extension't -; Beard Avenue between 11155th and I7* t 60th Sts*; Chowenn Avenue 'between IT* r 58th and IT, 59th Sts, JNQtice of Hearing ffanitary Sewer Extensionf' -Above named streets, ''Xotice of Hearing - Grading and'Gravelling" _ -Above named streets. Those in the audience requested Engineerts Estimate of Cost of Construction on all 'three projects, and they were given, as follows: 1 6;12/50 245 slater Main Extension, in Streets as stated in Notice of hearing - 613,179 +0$, as against 3,346.44 assessable feet, or $4.19 per assessable foot, including (7.25 charge for-connecting to private water main constructed by Peder Mickelsen. Sanitary Sever Extension, in Beard avenue from 1458th Street to 1460th Street, and. in Chowen Avenue from w.58th Street to 250tSouth- 69,962 *45, as against 2,107 *48 assessable feet, or 04.14 per assessable foot, 11r. Olsson explained that topography prevents construction of sanitary sewer South of a point 250 feet South of 58th Street, on Chowen Avenue. Grading and Gravelling, in Streets as stated in Notice -of Hearing -- X2,391.62 as against 3046.44 assessable feet, or 8,71 per assessable foot, Mr. Ronald Oren protested improvements, because of eo st; ,.and Mr,. John Benson requested that his name be withdrawn from petitions for improvements, protesting the cost. There were no other protests from the floor, and the Clerk had received no written protests prior to the Hearing. Hawthorne offered the folloviing Resolution and moved its adoptions - -- - RESOLUTION ORDERING 31TROVMJENT WATER MAIN SIMOV LENT N0. 25. `\ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council.of, the Village.of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore.eaused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Extension of Village Water Main and Appurtenances in Beard Avenue from lf,08th Street to It,60th Street, and in Chowen Avenue from 1458th Street to W.59th Street; and at the Hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as WATER Y" IP2PROVEMT N0: 25, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall.include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed* Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcal.l there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child,aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; and Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, ACTING ITAYOR Village Clerk f f }r Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: •`) ;,— RESOLUTION ORDERING DiPROVy' 1ENT q\ SANITARY SEr]ER II1PROMIENT NO. 25 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village. of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the extension of Village Sanitary Sewers and appurte- nances in Beard Avenue between W.58th and T4 60th Streets and in Chowen Avenue between :458th and 1,4 59th Streets; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with said construction of Sanitary Sewers and appurtenances as follows: In Beard Avenue between 1458th and til„ 60th Streets In Chowen Avenue between.W*58th Street and 250 Feet South Thereof BE IT.FURTHER RESOLVED that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to. in,.all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SMMR 331PROVII+MT NO. 25, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and.tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no_.nays, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; and Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, ATTEST: Village Clerk' ACTING ITAYOR 6/1.2/50 2 -7 Danens offered the following Resolu#on and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING 11APROV , ,IMT S ;,T DFROVEMT.NO. C -5 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Himesota, that this Council heretofore.caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of Beard Avenue between 11 #58th Street and 17.60th Street, and of Chowen Avenue between 1458th Street and 1459th Street; and at the Hearing held at the timewand place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested; and being, fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STRELT nJTROVU­IEP3T Nth. C -5, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronti4g upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed* Motion_ for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rolleall there were four ayes and no nays. as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution liras adopted*.. r "T ACTEG YIYOR Village Clerk Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing - Drainage and Blacktopping- Alley,11 published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on May 25 and June-1., 1950, Affidavit-of Publication for which was read,-approved as to form, and,placed on 4ile, Public Hearing eras called on the proposed construction of Storm Sewer and Black-topping of the alley between Minnehaha Blvd. and Halifax Avenue and South of IT.52nd Street, to the South Lot Linesof 5225 Minnehaha Blvd, and 5224 Halifax Avenue. Engineer Olssonts estimate of cost for the above named project was 02,866#01, as against 85802 assessable feet, or %0*34 per assessable foot* .He stated, however, that this estimate is contingent upon assessing abutting properties, only, whereas the drainage area affected by proposed storm sewer is greater than that comprising abutting properties; and he also suggested that alley be dustcoated instead of blacktopped, because it Trill carry so little traffic* Hawthorne moved for continuance of Public Hearing on above named proposed project, until Engineer Olsson reports ontextent of drainage area affected by proposed.s torm sewer. Motion seconded by Danens and carried* Clerk read affidavit of publication for "Advertisement for Bids for Street improve =- ment No. C -4--- Grading and Gravelling," published in Suburban Press, Hopkinsp May 25, and June 1, 1950, which affidavit ww.s approved as to form, and placed on file,, In accordance with advertisement for bids., the following sealed bids were opened for the grading and gravelling of the following streets: Harrison Avenue between Belmore Lane and Maloney Avenue Tyler hvenue between Belmore Lane and Maloney Avenue. DONIIcC rLL= CO. 6201 Peacedale.Ave., Edina $3,158000 TERRY BROS., INC06507 Walker St., St.Louis Park $2,772s90 E.C. PFEIFFER,CONST. CO., 5432 France_ Ave,, Edina 4z20546,90 CAPL H. PEPERSON CO, 5946 Pleasant Ave., Minneapolis W,313*40 Danens-moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next regular meeting„ IvIoti:on seconded by Palen and carried* c Mr. John Faegre protested the straightening of Golf Terrace Heights, presenting petition signed by Frank J. Lynch, and others, against such project; and suggesting that matter be referred to Planning Commission, Council, and property owners, in an effort to come to some amicable agreement. Mr. Faegre appeared in behalf of 11r0 Paul J. Schmitt, 4800 Golf Terrace. iir. Karl H. Covell, appearing in+ behalf of ice. Ben Parks, presented petition for vacation of "All that part of Golf Terrace lying North of solid North line showki on Plat prepared-by Edina Village Engineer dated September 12, 1949, as line of proposed right -of -way." Hawthorne moved that Public Hearings on both petitions filed, smith reference to proposed straighten- ing of Golf Terrace, beset for Monday, July 10, 1950, and that proper notice be given thereof. zMotion seconded by Danens and carried* Mr. Peder Mickelsen presented plan for proposed store building to be constructed on Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,25,26, and 27.. Block 3, Grandview Heights Addition, abutting State Highvray No., 169. Planning Commission.Hinutes of Meeting of June 6, were reviewed. Hawthornets- motion, authorizing Building Inspectorio issue permit on basis of Planning Commissionts recommendations, was seconded by Danens and carried* a x t 4 4 21.8 6112150 Protest imas registered by Messrs. S,E. Olson, 4$24 Rutlege, C.A. Jensen, 4832 Rutledge, and C.A, Sorenson, 4$2$ Rutledge Avenue, against planned moving of Hos#.i.ns house from Interlachen -Blvd. and State Highiray No. 169, to a site on Interlachen.Blvd, backing up to residences owned by these gentlemen, Ur* Mickelsen declared that he would remodel the house, inside and outside, and give it-a new coat of stucco. flatter tabled by Council until Mr. Mickelsen presents detailed plan, It Bras suggested the property o -mers meet -rith Zlr. Ilickelsen, to ascertain just what he plans to do. Otmers informed that Council gill consider Mr, Mckelsen?s application for moving permit - -that Building Inspector cannot issue permit without Council's approval* Messrs. Ennis of Ennis Rohr Ccmpany and Gilbert of Northirestern National Bank presented Plat of "Ennis Rohr Subdivision No. 1," at the site of the Eastern portion of the old-Day farm at 66th and France Avenuep said Plat having been • approved as &4 Plat by the Planning Commission at their Meeting of „June 6„ Hawthorne moved that Plat be accepted as Final Plat, subject to the Company's furnishing the necessary cloth plats for record, together with topographical studies, pri.nts,and transparencies for this office. Ilotion seconded by Palen and carried, Mr, Homee of the 31obile Home Coproration requested the Council's permission to move its houses into Edina, with building to be inspected by Village Building Inspector at their plant, mileage expense to be paid by the Corporation& Pictures and plans of the houses they are assembling were presented. Engineer Olsson and Supt. of Public utilities Wbehler reported that they had inspected the plant of the Corporation, and that th@ houses are well constructed and of standards higher than the Village requirements,, fir. Homee stated that Thorpe Bros.,have ordered one house to be moved into Valley View Heights Addition, and that the Corporation has orders from three other ozmers of lots in Edina - Messrs. Cooley, Taylor, and Tennis. Tiiel three ozmers mentioned spoke from audienee in confirmation of this statement, and requested immedi.ateT permission by Council for permits to have homes moved to their building sites, ,Havrthorne!s motion, that Council authorize wilding Inspector to issue permits for the above,four Mobile Homes, subject to all con - sideratidns of Ordinance which -rill subsequently be adopted. Motion seconded by Palen,. Hawthorn's motion, directing Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance covering the - moving of both _old and new houses into and in Edina, said ordinance to provide that mover post bond for protection of Village with regard to damage to trees, - paving, public utilities, etc., and directing Village Attorney to amend the Building Code to include fees for inspection at plant for pre - assembled homes. Motion seconded -by Palen and carried& t t x Ml* L. J. Stensrud-asked permission to plat Lot 30, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312, at 58th and Ewaing in a manner in non - conformance with Zoning Ordinance, inasmuch as one lot will be only -51+ feet uide.0 Council reviewed surrounding territory, some lots of -Anich are not 60 feot wide; aud, after discussion, Hawthorne moved that Building Inspector be instructed to issue,building permittfor portion of Lot 30, having a 54 --foot frontage. Ilotion seconded by Danens aad wriede 4 Petitions, signed by I, I. Namtvedt and others, for Water Ilain, Sewer Bain, and Grading and Gravelling, in Fairfax .avenue between %,59th 4nd 11,60th Streets, were filed, Sewer and dater petitions contain signatures of over 50% of affected property ozmers, but Grading and Gravelling petition contains less than 50., for the reason that %iiss Sophie S-enson, owner of tree lots, has not yet signed, Hawthorne moved that all three petitions be laid over until 2leeting of June 26, in order that they might be considered together. Motion seconded by Danens and carried* � r Petition filed by James Rs BraAeyr and others,.for removal of island curb and gutter at the turn - around dead of Uhite Oaks Road was 3aferred to Engineer Olsson for study and report by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carried. Petition by Edina Board of Park Commissioners, dated June 2, 1950, recommending removal of sevral islands and blacktopping of areas, was referred to Village Engineer Olsson for study and report by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and x carried,, t , t, , c 4 { Petition dated ila. 31, 1950, filed by Do3:b J. and George H. Otterness, for the vacationfoo ,0�5 Street and portion of Arden Avenue, goether with Attorney Windhorst's letter of June 5, were read„ Hawthorn's motion, that Public Hearing on Otterness petition be held filonday, July 10, 1950, at $:00 P.M., vas seconded by Palen and carried,, 6/12/50 1 2 -19 1 Mr. Frank Garrison requested adjustment on assessment for Sanitary Sewer in IT& #ibth_Street, claiming that sever is to shallow to serve his property; Hatirchorne moved that matter be referred to Public Utilities Conmittee,.Village Engineer, and Public Utilities Superintendent. ,Motion. seconded by Palen and carried, St,Louis Park Village Engineer Smithts request for permission to advertise for bids for construction of Sanitary Sewer in Edinats Brotimdale Park , in connection with advertisement for bids for sewer construction in St.Louis Park, was reported* Petiti-aa:"or Sanitary Sewer in Browndale Park, filed in 1947 by Mr. Leonard Odell and.others, was- reviewedp as were proceedings of Public Hearing on petition, held in 1918„ Village Attorney 111ndhorst advised that a new public hearing on this proposed project must be held., , Ha- vithorn.ets motion, that Public Hearing oxi proposed Sanitary Sewer in that area of Edina East of Highway 100 and North of the streetcar tracks be held Monday, July 10, 1950,.at 5:00 P.M., eras seconded by Palen and carried„ Hawthorne moved that;St,.Louis Park Village Council be authorized to advertise for bids for sewer•mai,n extension in that area of .Edina East of Highway 100,and North of the streetcar tracks, to tie in ti.th St.Louis Parkts sanitary sewer system, vrith the condition that before contract, is awarded Edina will have the privilege of disapproving contract. Motion'seconded by Palen and carried„ Plat of Richmond Hills Second Addition, as approved by Planning Commission June 6, 1950, was presented. -.Hawthorne moved that Plat be accepted by Council as Final Plat, in accordance with recommendations of Engineer Olsson* and tip the _Planning Commission, contingent upon the developerts furnishing the required cloth plats for record, and prints and transparencies for this office, notion seconded by Palen and carried;o • Peln moved for approval and payment of the Village Payroll, amount 84,350,.65 and Liquor Store Payroll, amount 81,098,71, both for period June4l to 15, and overtime for month of May, as recorded.in detail in Payroll Ledger; andfor approval and payment of the following bills. Motion seconded by.Hawthorne and carried6 k CLAIM NO. TO: 14OUNT FUND 4777 P. -Theo, Olsson NO 33 *9 Gy .FUND 4778 Gretchen S. Alden 4 . }31.66 4779 Joyce Insurance, Inc. r 56,25 , 4780 John: Bali.ch 196.00 4,781 Carl T. Miller 48,00-, 4782 Fred Jonas 12,95 1783 Charles Johnson 7.00 625.80 S POOR FUND 5608 Suburban Henn: Cy. Relief Board ` 4305,33 GARBAGE FUND 4784 Arthur K. Petersen @1227, 50 Petition, signed by C. W, Rognas and others, for extension of sewer and water in Ewing Avenue between ND58th and W *60th Streets, carrying signatures of'otmers of 73% of affected properties., Motion by Hawthorne, that public hearing be set for Monday, July 10, 1950, on proposed sewer and *grater main improvements, was' seconded by Danens and carried, Applications for two Plumbers t licenses were .presented, uithh office report that all conditions of licenses have been met„ Palen moved for approval of the follow- ing Plumberts License for the year expiring April 1, 1951: Frank London, 1603 Plymouth .Ave,, Mpls* 21bert.1,1. Olson, 6018 Pillsbury Ave:, Minneapolis, ' Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried,* Claim by R. J. Moesel, 5500 Park Place, for $62,59 for damages allegedly suffered as result of.Villagets grading of Park Place, was denied, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and carried* ' Edina Highlands Corporationts complaint about condition of blacktopped roads in the Highlands eras read, and.was referred to- Public 5orks Committee, by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and carried,- Mr. Thomas Vennumts June 7th request for permission for.General Outdoor Advertising Co, to maintain Nicollet Hotel sign on Highvmy No* 169, was `read, Hawthorne moved that iir. Vennum be informed that the Council is not presently disposed to grant permission and invites him to appear before them if he so chooses; Seconded Palen and carried. 250 6/12/50 Police Report for Month of May tras filed, and was approved, by Motion Palen, seconded by Hawthorne, and carried, R Drunkometer Ordinance,-as drafted by Village Attorney TUdhorst in accordance with instractioits by Council, eras referred to Ordinances and Legislation Committee for study and report at next meeting, by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carried, ' 1 ; Engineer Olsson reported on bids taken May 22, 1950, for insurance for ilunicipal Liquor Store. He recommended that honeys and Securities and Open Stock Burglary insurance be at:<arded to David Agency, �on three -year basil, at their bid premium of X702.73; that Comprehensive Glass Policy be renewed frith A. R. Rydeen A <gency at bid premium of 019.79, for one year; tha% 650/ ?100,Q00 Liability Policy be combined with General Liability Policy, and TJater Department Liability Policy, and awarded to David Agency., dt premium of -$16.$5.. Hawthornets motion, that bids be a-warded as recommended by Engineer Olsson, was seconded by Palen and carried,s Discussion was had as to advertising for bids for Annual Auditof Records of 19196 Hawthorn's motion, that Council rescind its action calling for advertisement for bids for Audit, and defer ariy other action until full membership of Council is present, was seconded by.kalen and carried. 4 } Chairman, Hattiorne of the Public Safety Committee, recommended that Village Manager and Captain of Police be authorized to hire another man for the Police Department, and so moved; Y•lotion seconded by Palen and carried Village lianager Olsson reported, that in accordance with Councilts instructions he had had the'Police Department check the grade crossing at Grove Street and the Illmneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railuay tracks; and that Department believes that automatic signals are not needed there at present. He, therefore, recommended against such signals. Hawthorne moved for acceptance of report. Seconded by Danens and earried4, < Ilr. Olsbon reported that Hennepin County has finally agreed to take over Gleason Road between Hightray No. 169 and Valley View Road, and Antrim Road between Valley Vietr. Road and. 1470th Street and 1470th Street between Antrim Road and Cahill Road, in return for Villagetz accepting West 70th Street between Frappe and Hormandale; Blake Road between Interlachen Blvd, and Highway No. 169, and 13den Avenue between T•T.50th Street and Highv..sy 169. Danenst motion, that Exchange of County-Village Roads, as recorded in County Highway Departmentts letter of Ilay 19, 2950, be accepted& I-lotion seconded by Hawthorne and aarried,s < Hawthorriets motion, directing Village Attorney to prepare an Amendment to Village Building Code, adopting ISim3mum Standards of Federal Housing Administration as Building Code of Village of Edina, was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall vote there were four ages and no nays, as follows: Child,. aye; Danens. .,aye; Palen, aye; and Hawthorne, aye; and the motion mras adopted, Chairman Danens of Public iii Works Committee moved for.appointment of Harry Jonas to position of Street Commissioner, at salary of 0295.00 per month, retroactive to June 1, 1950 Motion seconded by Palen and carried,, . Ilr*Woehler reported that considerable pipe is needed for connection to new pump; that,pukdhase trill be over $500.00, but that delay necessary,for advertising for bids would result in hardship on residents because of resulting delay in getting pump into operation; that necessary pipe may be obtained from American Cast Iron Pipe Company, if Council wishes to order vAthout advertising. Hawthorne moved, authorizing Public Utilities Superintendent to purchase necessary pipe for connec- tion to new pump. notion seconded by Palen. Motion carried, with Danens voting Nay. rt Office reported that Bond Holders in Sezrer District No. 8 -ETi11 not: consent to prior call of bonds. Hawthorne moved that Seiner District No. 8 Funds, in amount of .53,500 be .invested in Short Term Government Bonds„ . Motion seconded by Danens and c arried,% r Metropolitan Area Civilian Defense Meeting at St.Paul Court House, June 15, Bras announced. HatrthorneIs motion, directing Captain. of Police to attend, was seconded by Palen and carried #. _ 1 Discussion was had as to additional tnZnsportati.on for Village Employees --one new car for Building Inspector, and a replacement of 1948 Ford, for Village Engineer* Hautnornets mcvion, that Council advertise for bids for two new automobiles, bidders to bid on -both' 2 Door and 4-Door Models, and to specify trade -in all%mnce on 1946 Ford, was seconded by Palen and carried$ 4 j- 1 6/12/50 251 I Mr. Olsson reported that he has had several complaints from 11r, 11*0. Edwards that heavy trucks are travelling on Interlachen Blvd, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION I UESTING COUNTY TO POST . INTERLLCHEU BOULEVARD BE -IT RESOLVED by the Village of Edina, 111.nnesota, that the Eoard of Hennepin County Commissioners be requested to post Interlachen Boulevard in this Village, between State Highway No. 169 and Blake Road, for appropriate load limits. ISotion for adoption seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, aye;_Palen, aye; and Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution was adopted* Acting.Rayor Village Clerk ,f.. Hawthorne's motion for adjournment was seconded by Palen and carried. Council adjourned .. at 12:42 A.M. , Monday, June 13, Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR 1,224 TING OF THE ` EDI11A VILLAGE- COUNCIL, HELD • MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1950, AT 8:00 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Child, Danens, Palen, Hawthorne and Eri.ckson.Y Palen moved for approval of Minutes of Meeting of June 12, 1950, as submitted. Motion seconded by Danens and carried* Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing - Rezoning of Lot 14, Block 22, Fairfax Addition," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on June Band 8, Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form and placed on file; and pursuant to "Notice of Hearing - Rezoning," posted on three bulletin boards for required two - weeks' notice, Mayor Erickson calldd public hearing on Miss Sophie Stenson's petition for rezoning to Community Store District the above named lot* Messrs. Strand, 4417 Valley View Road, Mahoney, 6125 Kellogg Avenue, and Decker, 6112 Kellogg Avenue, protested on grounds that said rezoning would devaluate their properties. Because Miss Stenson was not present Ut time of Hearing, Motion was made, seconded and carried that matter be deferred until her arrival. At a later time in the meeting, Miss Stenson told Council that she had petitioned years ago, for said rezoning, and'that it had been granted, but that no record could now be found of such action; that she wished to build a store building, facing 51.62nd Street. It was explained that Miss Stenson had been requested by the Planning Commission to bring plan of building before the Commission before recommendation was made. Child moved that application for rezoning be referred back to the Planning Commission for their recommendation to the Council. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried* Pur cant to "Notice of Hearing -- Grading and Gravelling," published in Suburban - Press, Hopkins, on June 1 and 8, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form and placed on file, Public Hearing eras held on the proposed Grading and Gravelling of EYring Avenue between 11458th and 11.60th Streets. Engineer's estimate of cost, as publicly read, was $`'2,393 *64, as against 2,160 assessable feet, or $&97 per assessable foot. There,were no objections to the improvement at the Meeting, and the Clerk had received no written objections. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its* adoption: