HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500626_REGULAR6/12/50 f Ifre Olsson repoz%ed that he has had several complaints from P~k, 2.0. Edwards that heavy trucks .are %ravelling on Interlachen Blvd. Hawthorne. offered the folloi:ring Resolution and moved its adoption: ~QLU~TON IBQUESTING COLWTY TO POST.2XEBLAC~ BOUmARD ... -. BE-ZT Iz%sOLvED by the Vieage of Edina, Xinnesota, that the Board of Hemepin County Commissioners be requested to post Interlachen Boulevard in *this Village, between State Highway No, 169 and Blake Road, for appropriate load limits. 1-Iotion for adoption seconded by Palen, aid on Rollcall there were four $yes and no nays, as follows: and the Resolution was adopted+ Ch5ld, aye; Danens, aye;-Pd,en, aye; and Hawbhorne, aye; . t HatJthornels motion for adjournment ms seconded by Palen and carriedc adjourned .at E?:@ B.I.T., Ifonday, June 13. Council \ "UTES OF TEIE REGULAR XEZTIRG OF THE 'EDIEJA VILLAGE- COUNCIL, HEID. RONDAY, JUNE 26, 1950, AT 8:00 P.E., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL t Hembers answering Rollcall were Child, Danens, Palen, Hawthorne and EricksonBY Palen moved for approval of l\linutes of Meeting of June 12, 1950, as submitted. Notion seconded by Danens and carried* Pursuant to Wotice of Hearing-Rezoning of Lot U, Block 22, Fairfax Addition," published ih Suburlsan Press, Hopkins, on June 1 ,and 8, Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form and placed on file; and pursuant to llNotice of Hearing-Rezoning," posted on tkee bulletin boards for required two- weeks' notfce, Xayor Eri'ckson called public hearing on Riss Sophie Stenson's petition for rezoning to Community Store District the above named lot* Messrs, Strand, 44l7 Valley View Road, Mahoney, 6125 Kellogg Avenue, and Decker, 6112 Kellogg Avenue, protested on grounds that said rezoning would devaluate their properties. Because PEss Stenson was not present &it time of Hearing, Hotion * was made, seconded and carried that matter be deferred until her arrival. At a later time jn the meeting, Hiss Stenson told Council that she had petitioned years agd, for said rezoning, and'that it had been granted, but that no record could now be fonnd of such action; that she wished to build a store building, facing TL62nd Street. It was explained that Niss Stenson had been requested by the Planning Comission to brjng plan of buildjng before the Commission before recoaxendation was made. Child moved that application for rezoning be referred back to the Planming Connnission for their recommendation to the Council. Hotion seconded by 13awbhorne and carr,iedr Pursnart to "Notice of Hearing-Grading and Gravelling,f1 published in Suburban - Press, Hopkins, on June 1 and 8, 1950, Affidavit of PubLication for which was read, approved as to form and placed on file, Public Hearing vas held on the proposed Grading and Gravelling of &.sing Avenue between If.58th and M,6Oth Streets,, Engineer's estimate OS cost, as publicly read, was $2,393.64, as against 2,460 assessable feet, or $.97 per assessable foot. There, were no objections to the improvement at the Xeeting, and the Clerk had received no written objections* Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: z 1 f t x * * 6/26/50 ti- ** " 1 STREET I3YPRO"T NO. C-7 BE IT BESOLVZD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Wmesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Grading and C$avelling of Ewing Avenue between T?.5&h and T?.bOth Stree$s, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council haslduXy considered the views of all persons interested, and being fuFly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with&e construction of s&d improvement; that said improvemen% is hereby designated and shall be referred to in &L subsequent proceedjngs as Street Impi.oveme.nt No. C-7, and the area to be specially assessedtherefor shall include all. lots and+tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in &ich said improvement is to be constructed. XIotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso Child offered the following Resolution arid moved its adoption: FE3OLUTIOX APPROTIIXG ELlllS AM3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET D*@€tO~NT NO. C-7 AND DIRF1CTING 4 ADVEE~TEE~JE~T FOR BbS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1, The plans ad specifications for Street Tmprovement flp, e-7 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. .. 2&+ Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said irnprovpnents: The Clerk shdu cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the ADVEITISB*lEXF FOR BIDS FOR S'.IREET B*LPROVE&NT NO. C-7 VILLAGE OF EDIIISA .. The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 IT. 50th Street, on IeIondqr, July 10, 19%; at 8:OO otclock P.IJf., to open &d consider sealed blds for the construction of Street Improvement No, C-7 5.n said Village, consisting of the Grading and GraveuBng 01 Erctng Avenue between TMEZth and %both Streetsr The &rk on said improvament must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for sed improvement on file in the &tie of the Village Clerk. bids must be submitted on Vne basis of cash payment for the work. No bids ~~ be considered unless sealed md filed with the undersigned befdre the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certiTied check payzble to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount or" the bid. . . * BY omm OF THE. vII;LkGE; COUNCU; + + * * 8- Bower Hawbhorne Village Clerk 3. EaGh and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids we hereby adopted as the tern ad conditions of the award 6f the contract for said improvement, Xotfon f0.r adoption of the Resolution was five ayes and no iays, as foUows: Child, qd Erickson, ?ye; and th? Resolution was %here were L I Village Clerk / Council next called Public Hearing on proposed Curb and Gutter in Drew Avenue between i'j.57th and %?.58%h Streets, this hearing being a continuation of PubXc Hearing held &y 22, 1950, Petition signed by omers of ten abutting properbies trds presented, protesting proposed cons-i;ruction* Zotion seconded by Child and camietl. Hawthorne moved that project be tabled 5nder"initely. I 6/26/50 253 Nayor Erickson ne& called Continuation of Public Hearing held Xime 12; for, proposed drainage and blacktopping in the alley between 3LmehahA Blvd* and Halifax Avenue, and between %52nd Street and south lot line of J225 3me- haha Blvd. Engineer Olsqon explained khat the'area to be assessed for %he drainage tiill be larger than that composed of properties abuttiq the above named boundaries ofthe alley. Hawthorne moved, setting Public Hemkg for proposed improvemen-bs, with all properties in 'proposed assessment districti to be informed, said+Hearing to be set for Eonday, July 24, 1950, at 8~00 P.H., was seconded by Child and carried+ z . *tary Sewer in Continuation of Public Hearing held 'Itonday$'&me 12 , 1950f@&%k&v8fiuhe )r agenda, Zngineer Olsson reiterated his statement of %he Uth, that this pro- posed improvement should be delayed utitil the line could bq constructed from 58th to 60tQ Street in Oaklawn Avenue. At this time petitions were presented for the sanitary sewer between We59th and TT.62nd Streets+ Palm's motion, setting Public Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sewer in.Oaklawn Avenue between tf.5&h and W162nd Streets,, for Monday, July 24, 1950, was seconded by Child and carried.' & x . The Continuation of Public Hearing held Monday, June 12, 1950, for the proposed Grading and Gravelling of OaUawn Avenue betweenTf.f,S&h and N.59th Streets, was deferred until the next meeting, by mation Hawthorne, seconded Engineer Olsson presented Tabulation of Bids recqived June 12, 19,50 for e Street Improvemen-i;s No. A-5 to A-11, Inchsjve, stating that Ashworth & Son is the low bidder on all said Street Improvementse Discussion was.had as to exchange of Antria Road between TG7Oth Street ad Vdley View Road; and I!* 70th Street between Antrim Road ana-CahillRoad to Hennepin County, said I Roads having been bid by contractor, under nzme "Street Improvement No,, A-ll-Aa~~ Bids were reviewed, and it was found that Ashworth and Sonts bids were not tied, and that it would be possible to exclude Wzeet bprovement No, A-ll-A fromthe awarde Chairman of Public Vorks Committee, Danens, advocated that the grading on all proposed Blacktopping Projects be approved . by the Village Engineer before project is begun, and it was consensus of opinion that no 1"U be furnished by Village. Mr+ Danens requested that Engineer Olsson and the developers of Prospect €€ills and Prospect Us 2nd Addition come to some $greernent'satisfactory to the Comcil. before any work is begun on these two additions. Projects A-5 to A-10, Inclusive, and on A-11-B (specifically excluding Project &-ll-A) to, the 1,ow Wdder, Ashworth and Son, on condition $hat grading of streets $0 be blacktopped is approQed by V'Allage Engineer before projects are started., Hotion secaaded by Child and carried. .% u &s, Olga hrson, 603 Xashington Avenue, bquired ab0u.l; excavation immediately across fromthe Eennepin County Home, pro9esting possible use of the property for cemetary pur$oses. Engineer be directed to inves%iga$e excavation and report a$ next meeting, was seconded, by Child and carried& ItIr, Russel2 Larson, attorney for the Pure Oil-Coapany, requested specia& permit to mainbin Pure Oil sign on State Highiday No, 169, l/& Nile East of Couslcy Road No* 18, in *view of his having received permission of neighboring property owners+ policy decision by Cmmcil. l4otioii seconded by Palen and cwried. * *by Palen and carried* t F? Danens moved for awqrd of bids on Blzc~opping Hawthorne's motion, that Building Inspector and Village +L 4. Hawthorne wved that matter be tabled temporarily, pending general. Y V I&. Harald Kulp,. representing Clancy Drug, asked for spec53 peq6.t to maintain the ovezhanging sign at Clancy Drug Store. understanding had occurred in oface with regard to t& s%@, and 'chat permi.% had been issued 8or sign on front of building, whereas kt was Clancy's unqer-, s%andi.ng mt permit was for overhanging sign, Hawthorne-moved that temporary permit for maintenance of overhanging sign.unt5.l Earch 31, 1951, be issued, with understanding that Council rd=l determine at that time r.rhether sign& may be maintained further* $lotion seconded by Danens and carried+ Engine& Olsson ;resented Tabulation of Bids taken June 12, for Street hprove- x 1." rnent Na. C-4 (Grading and Gravelling of Harrison and Tyler Ayenuuos), and recommended award to the low bidder, Pfeiffer Corrstruction eo3, at $2, 546,90, Danens moved for atwd of bid, to low biddezh . Hotion seconqed by Hawthorne Taqd carried+ Depu-ty Clerk explained that mis- 1 t Y .._ I h 4 *. 234 / 6/26/50 Plr. Charles hold requested permit to construct basement dwelling for his son to Live h for one year, with understanding that dwelling would be completed at end of yearr Hawthorne moved that application for'permit to build basement only be denied. EZotion seconded by Palen and carried. . Application for permit to set house three feet back of established building line, on Tbflth Street, was received. Child moved for granting of permit, based on mitten approval of neighbors on either side of applicant, T-iotion seconded by Palen and carried. * .s IIr. Thomas Venwm, representing General Outdoor Advertising Company, again requested special permit for maintenance of 11Micollet Hotel11 sign at corner of Omger Road and Hight~y'No. 169, in view of his having received permission foom owners of properties within 500 feet of said sign. s Ehch discussion followed* Palen moved that;as part 'of CounKL policy reggirding special pernits for outdoor advertising signs, advertisers be required to secure written permission of otmers ad&x occupants of dv&lings within 500 feet of such signs. Xotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. T + Hawthorne moved that special. pennits be granted to General Outdoor Advertising Co. and %o Me Oil Company, for maintenance of Wicollet Hoteltf sign at corner of Olinger Rod ad &&way No. 169, and "Pure Oil11 sign at €iight.ray Nor 169,1/4 I& East of County Road 110. 18, respectively. Notion seconded, by Child and carried. 3i~. %ldorslg, a %ruck farmer, requested permit to sell berries at Southeast corner of 9th Street and State Highway No. looe Danens moved &hat permit; be .granted, Xotion secoaded by Havrbhorne and carried. Hrs. Robert 1L 3lack, 4500 Oak Drive, requested control of traffic on Oak Drive, stating $hat it is being used as a speedway, especially early in the evening. ZIatter referTed to Police Department for checkup and report, by I1ot;ion Bawbhorne, seconded by Palen and carried. 3Ess Sophie Stenson asked for relief from traffic hazard in front of her store. Hatter referred to Police Deparkment for checkup and report , by Notion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and Carrie& Hawthorne moved for renewal of Sign Licenses, to April 1, 192, as follows, subjeck x t * . . 7 -- c - .to approval of inspector. OlIEB /Esh Sign Service Co. JGeheral Outdoor Adv. Go+ d.-P, Johnkon Sales Corn c ktion-seconded h$ Palen and carried. V,Vier.r Ed, & R.B. Tracks Hillside Road Crescent Drive 3940 8. 50th St. (F'ront) 3-940 TL 50th St. (Rear) LdBuena Vista (4 Signs) Nomandale & FL7Oth St, 5000 Vernon (3 Signs) 5344 France Ave; 5004 France Avei 3906 11. 50th Sb Hy.169 & Interlachen Blvd. Hy.169 & Hansen Road Ayreshire Blvd. '& 169 -(2 signs). 3945 TL 50th St, (2 Signs) Eden Ave, & Hy* 169, IT, 8 A, of E.24 A. of N!3$ Set. 8-IL6-P - TLYOth & Antrim Rd. Prospect Hills 2nd V.Gkr ad Dublin RdS. 3912 I?. 9th StJ ,4944 France €isre; ,4936 France Ave. 4936 France he; 5050 France Avei 950 Frmce Aver 4942 France Ave; 4932 France Aver 4932 France Ave, 3945 11.- 50th Str i) 6/26/50 255 ;COCATIctN 4 * * Edha Grocery 4952 France Ave. 5010 hmce Aver 3905 TI. 50th Sti 3913 % 50th St* * 11 rt If :1 5000 Fl?ance Ave, (2 Signs) 7200 France Lve, (2 Siws) Richmond Hills WGerlachea Blvd, eC Hirror Lakes . lf 1’ (Sign on Bldg.: mm N$L Outdoor Display Ca, - - &kina Shoe Service & Croqn Cleaners 9 firs, ~nc, B auerfs 51$ to $1.00 Store JE dina Theatre T danny. Farmer Shops c4krold Roberts .. n arson Bros, Burton, Tnc* c c ’L c Hawthorne moyed for issubace of permits for construction of the following Outdoor Advertising Signs, subject to approval of inspector. Xotion seconded by Palen and carried: + Ramus Investment Cor . LaBuENA VISTA La Buena Vista Meyers Outdoor Adv. Goe- ‘ SErftY IWTRESS’ GO* Vebsy Property-Hy, 169. Upon receipt, of informtion by Office that the following applications for Plumber1 s Licenses, for year ending April. 1, l9X, are in brder, Hawthorne moved that Licenses be granted. - c Hotion seconded by Palen and carried. Sachs & Go. - 2161 W. 44th St+ Humboldt Plbg, Go* - 1307NoNo. Vashington he, Sam G, Brow - 323 E, Lake Stc .I c Enneapolis Gas Company’s financial statwent was filed:, in accordance with pro- visions of their franchise with Village, and was regerred to Public Utilities Comittee, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and carried& Attorney Edward 0. Serstock’s June 24, 1950, demand for correction of alleged favlty construction of Sanitary Server in W.56th Street, and also slleged construction of storm sewer across the property of Frank Garrison0 Engineer Olsson reported that storm sewer has been discontinued and is not now in-use; and that the fall from the baseaent of the Frank Garrison dwelling on TL56th Street to the sewer main in the street is aaple to effect sever sewvice at this dwelling. - t Harhhorne moved khat &&nd be denied, Hotion seconded by Child and carried, -re+ Attorney John J, Kellyts request) in behalf of Nessrs. Richard S. Anderson and H.P. Johnson, for repair and maintenance of streets ip1. Prospect Hills 2nd Addition, rvas referred to Village Ehgineer and Public ?forks Committee, by Plotion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and Carried* Request by Edina Lions Club, for additional men and equipmeit, was referred to Public Safety Gorimittee, by Notion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and carried# Ewitation to Council was extended by Suburban Police Officer’s Association, for their meetihg to be held June 29, a% the Edina Fire Station. . .c t Village Nanager Olsson reported that he had consulted with T-k, DarreU. of the lhnesota State Highway Deparkment, who states that the Highmy Department is ’ reluctant to decrease speed limits on State Highway No. 100, and who suggeyted that the Village constructed sidewalks along the Highway, to caretfor pedestrian traffic, Ur. Olsson reported that he had discussed matter of service roads with Err Darrell, and that Itre Darrell had*ststed %hat proceedings for service roads must be initiated by Resolution of the Pillage Councilr Hawthorne offered the followine: Resoluixion and moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION REQW?II\TG SEEVICE BOBD c BE IT F1ESOLVED that the Village Council of the ifillage of.Edina make request to the State Highway Commissioner of BIinnesota for constrmction of Service Boad along the East side of Trunk Highway Noc 100 in this Tillage between V&th Street and ’C.Jillson Road, in order that danger to pedestrian traffic, from vehicles travelling at high speeds along said Trunk Highway No. 100, may be decreased* JIotion for adoption of Resolution was five ayes and no nays, as follows: Chi and %rickson, aye; and the Resolution I Village Clerk 6/26/50 Olsson presented to the Council drawing dated-April 26, 1950, labeled Plan Eo. SrP. 2733-03-T. Hy. 100-169 & 50th St. IT., illustrating proposed appbaches for the junction of Highways No. 100 and 169-212, Palen moved plan be accepted, Eo-Lion seconded by Havhhorne uld carried. Layout 23, new that + I The CoGty Auditor's request' for division of Assessments for ITater 1ki.n Improvement I?o. l4 agd Street, Inzprovaent No. 36 (Grading and Gravelling of Smthview We) between popsrty pmed by Independent School District No, 17 and that property recently condemned and now omed by Village for site of Village Pump No, 4, was reported, Child movedthat VillageTTater Depar*tment asme its share of both above naned assessments, based on assesswnt per front foot, for footage on Southview Lane, Hotion seconded by Iarrthorne and carrieds Protest, of 1-k. and &s* I~Iaurice G, Battin, against lengthening of garage. at 461&1en Avenue, was filed with Council. when lengthened, r.rill be 26 feet long, 5 feet from North line, and 18 feet fro9 North line, and that he could see no just reason for Battin's complaint6 Hauthomie moved, approving action of Building Inspector'in issuing permit for extension of garege, Hotion seconded by Child and carried. Ric?la@ Ifational. Bank's report of June 20, %hat they are exchanging $l4;000 of Village aimed 1-1/4$ Certificates of Indebtedness maturing July 1, 1950, for an eqyal amount of U.S. Treasury 1-&/&$ Notes due August 1, 1951, was read. Office requested khat Council- confirin. 3ank's action, vdth. exception of $4,000 of securities belonging to Poor Fund, which should be retired to deet current expenses-of the Fund, Child moved that TZXLand National Bank be advised to exchangR$lO,000 of the &L4,000 securities as per the* report of June, 20,, and to, retire the remaining 84,000 of securities. Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, T ljuilding Inspector Voehler reported Vnat garage, U I I. Application of Curtis Spandes for permit to move dwelling frbm 5433 to 5437 York 1. Ikvenue, was presented to Council. to set-back carriedr Trustee Child reported on I-fetropolitan &ea Ciblian Defense ReetGg held June 15, at St. Paul. Court House, in whiph it was advocated that local Civilian Defense Councils be set up w5,thout delay, $fatter vas deferred until it is possible to ascertain individuals prominent in Civilian Defense during World Tfar !hm. %.Lh regar6 to 1.k. D. C: Yoerks' complaint of &y 3.2, concerning the grade of Valley Viev Road, Ehgineer Olsson reported that Fublic Tbrks Committee had met Hay 24, and does not cormider Cge grade of,the road out of lke. Danens moved tbat grade of V&Uey View Zozd be left as is. Rotion seconded by Harhhorne and carried,, Complabt on condition of Edina Highlands Roads vas rgviewed, with I&, Olsson explain- ing to Council that the roads do need repair in some places, and that Edina Highlands Boads are EL part of the.J.V.Gleason-blacktopping projectg, Ilanens moved, d5recting Village Fgineer to prepare list of repgirs needed to Gleason-black'coppsd roads, for action by Council. Uotion seconded by Child and carriedr Discussibn was had with pgard to condition of t.Tl54th Street, wLth Palen's motion; directag Tillage Engineer to prepare estimates of cost for curb and gutter and resurfacing of lT.54th $tree% between France and V'ooddale, with alternate estimate for blacktop curb, being seconded by Child and carried& Haihhorne's motion, directiqg'village Engineer to make study and prepare estimate of cost of paving the Edina side of France Avenue from Nortih Village Utq to TJ,49th Street, and 33dina side of France Avenue from TI. Sst to TI. $+th Street, -vm seconrjed by Danens and carried+ ). Chairman Paleii of the Ordinances and Legislation/presented favorable report of his Committee as to proposed *Barbed Tliretl Ordinance, offering the following Ordinance, and moving -that Counci3, dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: Havthorne,moved that permit be granted, subject line wi$h other houses'in block' Notipn seconded by Palen and I is , Committee + AI1 ORDDJBJCE DEE'EUXG TE I-mTBJANCE OF B,QRI3E;D Tm F3X!KXS XITHIN CERTdIN AR22.S OF TEE vILLRG;E OF EilIIJB a# TO EZ A WISANCE: PROVIDING FOZ BB4TEZEKC THEREOF: - PEO€IIFE!T~JG THE EBECTION OF EXIl !Il?E FENCES IN SUCH AREZFLS NdD PROVIDING PENAITIES FOE VIOLATION -c \ THEREOF. TEE DTLzEa COUIiCIL OF EDII?ii DO OR.6AIN AS FODB: c '.. .. 257 c L I 1 Section 1. Nuisance. The maintenance of barbed vrire fences wi-bhin ' the corporate lMts of the Tillage of Edina in or nearer than 75 feet from any platted area and within 75 feet from any residence other than that of'the party maintaining such fence is hereby found and declared to be a nuisancer ~ 4 Section 2* Prohibition, No barbed wire fence shdl be the corporate limits of the Village of Edina in or nearer than 75 any platted area and within 75 feet from any residence other than party erecting such fence, erected within feet from that of the Section 3, Excep.tion6 Barbed Idre fences may.be erected and/or maintained notwithstanding Sections I and 2 hereof when such barbed wire is not less than seven (7) feet above the ground, Owners of property xith barbed wire fences existing at the time of the adoption of this oranance which create nuisances as hergin defined or which become nuisances. after erection thereof and after the adoption of this oraance shall have thirty (30) days in'which to remove such fences after having received written notics fromthe Village Clerk demanding their removal. the above allowed time or in the event any barbed wire fence is erected in violation of this ordinance the Village Council may remove such fences or cause them to be removed ad shall recover the entire cost thereof from the owner of such property by action in any court of competent jurisdiction. remedy shall be in addition to the penalties hereinafter provided. Section 5+ Penalties* The failure of property owners to remove barbed wire fences irithin thirty (30) days after receiving notice from the Village Clerk as above provided or the erection of barbed wire fences in a violation of this ordinance is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor and -shall be subject to the penalty of a fine not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100) or imprisonment for a period not to exceed three (3) months, together with the costs of prasecution hereunderc ir a Section k. Notice and Remedy. In the event such fences are not moved within This Section 6* Effective. This ordinance shall take effecf; and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to law' Notion for adoption of the Ordinance wa there were five ayes and no nays, as Hawthorne, aye; .and Erickhon, aye; nd on Rollcall, , aye; Palen, aye; Zngineer Olsson reviewed for Council plans and spe6ifications on Street Improve- ment No. C-5, Water Hain Improven?ents Nosr 23, 24 and 25, and Sanitary Sdmr Improvemen% No,, 25, advocating that Council advertise for bids for construction of same. , Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: \i / RESOLUTION APPROVING PLIiNS AN!J SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREZT INPROVENEHT ITO. G5 ANll DIR.ECTIIIJG ADmYISE A ?.$EUT FOR BIDS BE IT Fd3SOLVED by the Village Counc5l of the Village of Edinat 1, The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No, E5 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office. of the Village Clerk are hereby approvedr -# the Construction Bulletin the follotsing notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: 2+ The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Pmss and IIl)vEETISl3ENT FOR BIDS FOR x S'EZET EPROVZENT XO. E5 * Vmm OF m)INA ~ The EdirmaTillage Council will meet-at the Village Hall, LBO1 Street, llinneapolis, on Honday, July 10, 1950, at 8:OO o~clock P+&, to open and consider sealed bids forthe construction of Street Improvement No. C-5, in said Village, consisting of Grading and &ravelling of Beard Avenue between W.5&h Street and 77. 60th Street, and of Chowen Avenue between IT, 58th Street and W,59th Streeta 50th 268 I The vzork on said improvement must be done as descrLbed and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Tillage Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the;besis of cash payment for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed veth the undersigned before the tine of said meeting and acconpanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or cerkLfied chqck payable to the Village Clerk in the mount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. * Ir BY QEDEEi OF THE IClXiAGE COUNCIL. Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk Edina, Ennesota 3* Zach and aU of the terms of the foregoing advertisemnt for bids are hereby adopted as the teras and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement .z Uotiorr for adoption of .the Resolution was seconded there were f5v e ayes and no-nays, as folZows: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the and on Rollcall aye; Palen, aye; .C 1" Xayor the following Resolution and moved its adoption:: RESOLUTION APrmOTTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATICNS FOR 'I.TtlTER NUN EJP?ROVEKE~T NO. 23 ANJI DIEECTDJG * ADVERTISEEENT FOR BIDS, BE IT RESOLWZD by the Village Council of the Tillage of Xdina: 1. The plans and specifications for Tfater 1M.n Improveiaent No. 23 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the Eonstruckion of said improvement : 4 2, The Clerk sh& cause to be published $v&ce in the &burban Press and the I *ADl83FtTBB*W FOR BIDs FOR TTATZR I." ~~PROI;IENT.NO, 23 VILeUa OF EDRIA . . The Ed$na'Village Council T.rill. meet- at %he Village Hall, 4.803. Ti. 50th Street, IEmeapo~s, on Uonday, July 10, 1950, at 8:OO otclock P.X., to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of ITaker 1.lain Improvement No+ 23 in said Village, consisting of construction of Village Water 1-Iain'Extension and Appurtenances theref or in Pork Avenue between TT. 58th and TL 59th Streets* The work on said improvement must be done as described and-specified in the plans &'specifications for said inprovemen% on file in %Be office of the VLlIAge Clerk. All bids pst be submitted on the basis of cash papent-for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed xith $he wdersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by.a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payzble to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the mount of the bid. - BY ORDER OF THE VImm COUNCU;. Bower Har.rthorne Edina, fEmeSota - Village Clerk b 3;. Each and aU of the tern of the foregoing adve@isement for bids are herebr adopted as the terms and conditLons of the award of the contract for said improvement I + Xotion Tor adoption of the Resolution vas there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, we; aqd the %id on BoUcall . aye; falen, aye; '* r-rayoq. -' '. t <- t %. V-illagk @erk .1 . FUd-of€ere: the foUov,&g Resolution and moved its adoption: 4' n A * 6/26/50 25 iDTiBTTSEUE$lT FOR BIDS €33 IT RESOL'OED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: I* The plans and specifications for Water Nain Improvement No, 24 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of %he Village Clerk are hereby approved. h 2* The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Suburban Press and the C2onstructiorr Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said iaproveaent: 7 DVEFiTBEXEXT FOR BIDS IQR SqATnZ NUN3 I"RUWC"T NO, 24 Street, Ivlinneapolis, 6n Hondq, July 10, 1950, at 8:OO ofclock P&., to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Ffater Main Improvement No, 24 in said Village, consisting of 10ff Trunk Water Hain in Wooddale Avenue between Tower Street and West 60th Street; and in %f. 58th Street between Concord Lvenrae and Park Place and 681 Laterdl Water Mains fn Kellogg Avenue betweenX 58th Street and Valley View Road and in Oaklawn Avenue between We 5&h and 3L59th Streets, together with appurtenances thereforr in the plas and specifica'cions for said improvement on file in the office bf the Village Clerk. XU bids aust be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the Work. No bids tdll'be considered unless sealed and filed with'the under- signed before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of ten ' . percent of the amount of the bid. * VIIX&GE OF EDINA ' The Edina-Village Conricfl will. meet at the Village Hall, 4801 I?. 9th The work on said improvement must-be done as described and specified BY ORDER OF THE TTIUGE COLJNCIL Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk Edina, 3finnesota 3. 'Each and all of The kenus of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted '&s 'the terms and cond2tions improve&ent, Hotion for adoption ofthe ResoXntion was sedonded there were five ayes and no nays;'as follows: Chil Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the VeaM$i tne aWrd of the. contract for said home, and on RollcdLl e; Danens, aye; Falen, aye; Village Clerk .\ /! Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: * RESOZUTION APPROVING PUNS ABD SPECIF'ICATIONS FOR XATER zam ECROVBENT NO, 25 AND DIRECTBJG AD~TISB~NT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Gouncil of the Tiillage of Edinat 1. .- .* The plans and specifications for Water Main Improvement No, 25 heretofore prepared by the Pillage Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. I '2. The'Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press ad the Cobstruetion Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement : . ADV'ERTISB*BRT FOR BIDS FOE ITATEX Eii E~PRO'VEJIE~T NO, 25 VWm OF EDINA Street, KnneapoL$s, on IJonday, July 10, 1'350, at 8:OO o'cXock P&L, to open and consider*seaIed bids for %he construction of Viker Hain kprovanent Noe 25 ifl said Village, '8 consisting of Wension of Village Water PW and Appurtenances Ih Beard Avenue from W. 5&h Street to W. 60th Street, and in Chowen livehue from TI+ 58th Street Lo 53. 59th Street. The Xdina Village Council kill meet. at the Village Hall, &@I1 IT. 50th , t r' f v.! : * 6/26/50 The tmrk on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work, No bids YU be considered unless seded md'filed vith the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent o$: the amount of the bid+ BY ORDEEl OF THE VUB COUNCIL Bower Hawthorne * 3* Each and all of tie terms of the for hereby adop€ed as the term and conditions of improvaent* act for said Child offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS' AND SEC@ICAT$ONS FOR SAI\TXCARY SEZR DPROV3NEHT NO. 25 F-ND DIRECTING ASOERTISBENT FOR BIDS E!3 IT RESOLVED by the Villag;? Council of-the Village of Edna: 1, The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement Noe 25 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are herebx approved& 1 2, *he Clerk shdu cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement z r ADVXRTJ3I!XEZE FOR BIDS FOR SAN~MY SE':,~ER DPROWENT NO. 25 VIX4E OF EDINA The Edinir Village Council wil.3,. meet at the Village Hall, 4ml IT. 50th Street, I.i.iinneapolis, on llonday, July 10, 1950, at 8:OO o'clock P.X., to opefi and corrsider sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Xmprovment No, 25 in said Village, consisthg of construction of Sanitary Sewer &ins and a#purtenances in Beard 5venue between 11. 58th and ~r.60th Streets, and in Chowen Avenue between .TL 58th Street and a pain% 250 feet south thereof. the plans and spkifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Tillage Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for t3e work. No .bids .r;SU. be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certsied check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percait of the amount of the bid, The lark on said iqprovement mst be done as described and specified in BY ORDER OF THX VlIUiGE COUNCIL. Bower Hawthorne IKllage Clerk Edha, I2innesota 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted+as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for saLd improvement, Uotion for adoption of the two foregoing Resolutions on RoUcsill there irere five ayes and no nays, as Palen, aye; Hawrhome, aye; and Erickson, aye; Village Clerk Engineer Olsson, reported on proposedrremov@. of islpds, recommending against such removal, wi$h exception of one at TRute Oaks Turn-Around. Village Engineer to remove island at Dead-End White Oaks Road, and denging Park Board's request for removal of islands in Country-Club district, vas seconded by Hawthorne and Child's motion, directing Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids published June 15 and 22, 1950, in Suburban Press and Construction Bulletin, Council took bids for 2 and &Door Automobiles. was that of Suburban Chevrolet Co., Hopkins, in mount of $1,221.40 for 2-Door, and $1,25?.10 for 4-dOOr Chevrolet with $300.00 trade in allowance on 1942 Ford. Only bids received Bid referred to fillape Gnpineer for report at next me 4 .-.P hv $fnt,inn aT.&t.hnr -. ornn ,prf P 10 ar 4 6/26/50 Mr. Herbert Bloomberg presented Preliminary Plat of Colonial Grove 3rd Addition. After some discussion,. Hawthorne moved that Plat be referred to Planning ’Conrmission fortheir recommendation& Motion seconded by. Child and?carried, Et-. Bloomberg reqpested construction 0% water main to serve Dr. Tinkham, who is building in thris plat, Child moved %hat definite action on request for water be deferred until. formal plat is approvad+ Hotion seconded by Danens and carried* Mayor Erickson inquired about Reserves being accuaulated for repair of water mains, construction of tower, etc; and the Superintendent of Public Utilities was requested to make report, with study as .to possibility of raising water rates, Child moved that suggestian be made to Plannbg Oommission for study of Village Hall Triangle for cioic center purposes, and that Planning Consultant be requested to prepare ske%ches for Camission and Council comideration, Xotion seconded by Harzrthorne and carriedz 9 * Paen moved for approval. of Village Papoll in amount of $4,959*20 ‘and Liquor S-bore Payroll in amount of 842Pe92, for period June 16 to 30, Inqlusive, as ’recorded in! Payroll. Ledger; and for approvd. and payment of the following claims: m9j. I-Edland Na%ional Bank $SSiOO > R CLAIM NO, - TO: &@am LIQUOR m L9g2 Julius Schahl, Treas. PlBA 5%97 L983 Ilinn, Hosp. Serve Assn, 2.25 * I George Benz & Sons ~ 49LOl L984 L985 Distillers- Distr, Co, 3164.W z986 F~IBOUS. BEIXLCS, Inc. 573.49 .? L9W Griggs, Cooper & Co, 4.799.9P EfcKesson &* Robbfis, Inc, * 2519.53 95345 L98$ L990 Ed. Phillips & Sons-Co. 591.1-7 L99L &heuser-Bus.ch, fnc. - 101;10 * L992 ? Canada Dry Ginger fie, Inc, 156 84 - L993 Coca-Cola Bottling Co, 53*74 L994 Cold Spring Distr. Co, 102.55 2995 0.14. Droner Bev. ‘Co, 530 e 91 299.15 L996 Gluek Brewing Cos L997 L998 Iihssolt EO$tling COS ’ 16i79 * L999 I”IIinneapo1is Brewing Co+ . 1236iS5 L3.000 Pbfpls, GityClub Distrc Co, %&30 rc UOOl Xorris Distr, Co+ l75i26 - 21002 Pabst Sales’Co, ~ u003 ’purity Beverage Co,’ U004 Rex Distributing Go+ 544a95 - 32.006 * Seaberg Beverage Com$any mi35 - Ll006 Seven-Up Sottling ~o~ 75i48 SunderLad Supply Co, 52.00 Ll.008 * Willard Distr, Co.’ .. 5520 ** 12.007 Ll.009 - Carpenter Paper Co* *. * LlOlO Northern States Power Co, = U;70 “I UOU H.W. Bell Tel. Go, ”C 12,25 *. no12 Young Fuel Company *k 12;70 + ~1013 > Imerican Linen Got . v. 1L65 I* 3235 UOl.4. - IfZller-Davis Go, *- ~m.5 = Japs-Olson Co. * 25.88 t* I3016 h Collector of Intern& Revenue 27,50 TOT-& - LIQUOR FIBiJ c .r I. L989 Hid-Vest Ifhe Co. .. *60*36 . , . Gold Xed& Bev. Go.. Y* 203425 * * 55;m 17,Og -1 *$16,429*51 * tr-* II -1 4828 L **k Northern States Power Cob - 1 * ‘.. * Ne V. B;wk **. t First National Bank r .l a *+. 4a3 4m7 4.925 E-Eller-Dads Go. Janney, Semple Hilf & Go+ b775 John 33. .Corn, Postmaster * rr 35.00 --i 262 6/26/50 AtI;OUI?T CEAIEi NO. TO: 4785 John P. Coan, Postmaster $60 J.2 4786 *Chris" I-Etzel 34dO 4787 Richard Sohenberg * 63.60 ~ 3LOO JA25 4788 Philip Bailey 4789 4790 Rosenwald-Cooper, Inca 38.85 4791 Crook & Hanley 16.00 4792 Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. 72.152 2793 Transport Clearings of Cities 2.39 4794 Glenn Johnson Const. Cor 553.54 4795 Berg & Farnham Go. %49 4796 Varner Hardware Co. L95 4m3. Suburb& Chev, Go. 3945 w2 l&rphy Notor Freight Lines; 12.80 GO5 R. 0. I.ktin, dba Edina'Press 31.80 4807 JatmGy S&ple €€ill & Go. 60 a46 4808 St,' Paul Stamp Works 3&43 4309 TOWI B Countrg HdtBo COO Ilc, 88 4810 33dina Sand & Gravel Coo 2278.l.4 32 5.00 * up09 @n. Robert Savory ' 1.61 4613 4815 Hoff Rubber Stamp $0. 4820 €I. A. Rogers Go, . s4 139026 29 002 ** 244..03 4a4 Japs Olson Go. . 4=5 T-ELler-Davis Co. + 4826 IEne Safety Appliape Co. * 293.49 4830 Morthern States Poyer Cor I 866.72 52.58 4833 ReWard Bros, -. 1.1pls. Lock & Key Supply Go. *. Underwood Corp~ 4- 4@1 E. A. Rydeen Agency t TOTlW*% FUND, 7 * ' $392.31 4797 Brookside Service f.) 4.798 Paper-Calmenson & Gob 2.87 4799 Phillips Petroleum& Go, * l22i68 WO He Ro Toll CO, * r * 1-32 4801 Suburban Chev. Go., +40 483 Epls, Gas Go. * k3.42 keQ Northem States Poirer Co. ' 2l.20 Beinhard Bros. 'm TOTAL~U@.EITT ~EAL FU~ '. 4816 A, TI. COD+^^ of I*@uI* .r II 266,30 4818 Delegard Tool Cor ~ 6;95 4833 + 5609 NeV* Banl; (SeD. 787) ' II c 5610 . First Natl, Bank * , (SOD+ 88) 56ll N.V. Bank (SOD. &) 5613 FirstiWL Bar-& , (SOD. $13) : (SOD. 6%) 5612 BoW. B3nk " (SJL gJ.2) ,' ~ 563-4 I$.II. Bank * (S.D. #18) , (T?.N. 1: .#i) 5618 . - 1J.W. Bank (11,T.I. I.&) 5619 First Natl. Bank (tf.i.r. r .#3) 5621 + First Xatl. Bank (mr. r&5) 5622 I N+IT* Bank (lT*I*1*1.$7 &e)- 5623 + . M,f.b, Bank (TrA 1-B) 56% . N.f.To BsGnlc (im. T.#L~) 5615 M.W. Bank (S.D. #l9) x 5616 NJT. Bank 5617 First HatL Bank ~ 5620 First Natl. Bank (11.B. Id4) - .I 5625 1J*?-l. Bank (St, Bpb #I) . R.O+ P-Iartb dba Edina Press R, A. Lunbeck Co. Xpls Honepen Regulator Co . H, A. Rogers Go. Stephen Holly . E.T;trtinI:m, Jordan, Jr, Robed SI Stevd Japs Olson Cor Morthern S&es Power COO *. Page & Hill, Inc+ 1 *. $1,056.05 . 406.01 . 76.00 3,123.26 . $1347.37 p7 60.37 .. I* /. , , ,... , . .. * . 4834 4835 E. C. Pfeiffer Const, Cor i$36 Ashworth & Son Coi Ashworbh & Sog Co. 4837 4838 4839 484Q Notion w$s seconded by Child and carried, Vestern Gnderground. Cdn& . Cob 11 11 !I It It ctr . 11 It t: TOTALEQUmaNT BKC& FUND $36,613 23 Discussion rvas had as td .rrolme of business to be hadled by Council ai5 each meeting, with several, members advocating convening Heetings a% 7~30, 'instead of at 8:OO P,?&, in order that members might be finished earlierr IIatJthorne offered the follovhg Resolution and moved its adoption: .b T e.* RESOLUTION .iirnDING BY-UXS AND CEANGING TEB OF PETDG 0% EDIHA VILLAGX %OUNCIL BE IT R3SOLVED by the V51lage Council of the Village of Eciina that the BypLam "Regular Sessions of the Ediaa Village Council shall be held on the of the Village of Edina shall be misix% amended to'read as follows: Second and Fourth Xondays of each month, at 7:30 o*clock P.T-L~l 4- Itotion for adoption of the Resolu5ion was seconded by Child; andvon Rol1caXl'i;izere were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, ay Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolut Discussion tvas had as to Audit of 1949 books by Ennesota Public Examiner--the Council having had no word from E,xaminer's Office as to when such Audit may be e-qected, Hawthorne offered tkie following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NITHDM%ENG RBWEST FOR AUDIT BY STAm PUBLIC EXAMDER*S OFFIGE RE IT RESOLlBD that the Edina Village Council cancel *and tdthdraw its remest to the Ennesota State Public Examinerts Office for Addit of the 1949 Records of the Village of Edina* Xo&ion for adoption of the-Resolution vas were five-ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the 1 Playor .1 Hawthorne offered the followhg Resolution ai3d moved its adoption: RJ3sOLTJTIo~LoYmG AUDITORS ' FOR AUDIT OF 19&9 REXORDS OF r * VIIUGE OF-EDINA €33 IT PmOLKED that the Edina ViUage Council enploy the accounting firm of - Emst and Ernst to audit the Records of this Village for-the year 1949. Rotion for adoption of the Resolution was were five ;yes and no nays, as follows: Child, Hzwthorne, 'aye; and Erickson, aye; and the ATTEST: l 3ayos c 1/. )r I Daens moved that Tillage Council advertise ' f or bids for bituminous distributor, said bids to be taken Honday, July 10, 195Q+ Motion seconded by Navhhorne Fnd carried, Deputy Clerk reported requests by two 0.f the office force for increases in salary. Hawthorne moved that Deput? Clerk prepee schedule of salarkes, and that she be authorized to employ a temporary clerk 1 in the office+ carried, Pfotion seconded by Child. and . Palen moved for adjournment, >lotio6 seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Neeting adjourned at l2:15 d.EI%., Tuesday, June 27!, x Village Clerk