HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500710_REGULAR7/&50 266 MINUTES 03' BOARD OF BEVIEW "ZTING lBIDAY, J'ULY 7, 1950, a'7830 P.N, Bfeeting was postponed by common consent of Board of Review until Monday, July 1950, upon assessor Creighton' s notification that Pahat ions were not ready for review. Deputy Clerk at place of meeting to notify interested parties of postponement. No one appeared. 1.- OF mm l*ZrnIl@ OF Trn . -. 1 .*I mm!L vIu9G%, COUNCIL, €iEm ~lOI~AY, JULY 10, 1950, AT 7~30 PJL, AT THE .. EDIIJA VEIAQ3 HALL .t Efembers answering Rollcall w6re Danens, Balen, and EricXson. Palen moved for approval of P-Enutes of Sleeting of June 26, as submi-bted. Hotion seconded by Danens and carried, Byor Ericksorl re-riiewed for Council the Civilian Defense Program of the State. Danens moved that I-hyor be directed to appoin% a Committee for Civilian Defense Disaster Relief, t&th said Committee to elect its own Chairman* Notion seconded by Palen- and carried. - Nayor Erickson appointed %he f ollovibg: Chris l.Litae1, Fire Chief; Lloyd XcGary, Police Chief; and &Iessrs. Hugh bddy, =chard Furber, Richard PaLen, and Thomas Hodgsod, and Dr. G.N, Kelby. Xr. E, C. St0r.1 made application for permit to construct t~m real-estate signs on the-Duggan farin at 70th Street and Normandale. Palen movedthat permits be granted subfject to check by Village Engineer as to locations' compliance with sign ordinances &tion seconded by Danens and carried. Ju&y 5th request of Edina Lions Club, for special meeting with Council, concerning Police Department, was petid; I&yor Erickson set time for proposed special meeting at 3:OO P.H., Satuzday, July 29, at the Village Hall. Confirmed by those members of Council present, Petition by Abbott PIace residerits: for Watch Out for Children*1 signs zt corners of Abbott Place and 54th Stre&, and &th Street and Beard, was read, and was referred to Engkieer and Police Department for check, by motion Palen, seconded by Danens arid carried, Petition dated l-hy 11, 1950, for blacktopping of alley betveen Abbott Avenue and Beard Avenue from 56th to 57th Street, wasread, signatures of only 32s of owners of abutting properties. be returned, t&hout action, in order that additional signatures mi@% be seemed, Petition dated June 26, 3.950, for the blacktopping of TT.57th Stree&..between France and Chowen Avenues, ES read, said petition ,containing signatures of 60% of owners of abutting properties. Danens moved that petition be referred %o Village Engineer for investigation as to present grade of street, and khat Public Hearing on Petition be set for Izonday, August Ui., 1950, at 7530 P.H. Notion seconded by Palen ad carried. Petition dated April 20, 1950, for the blackbopping of Vhdsor Avenue between Noman- dale Road and Richmond Drive, and of Kent Place between Kent Avenue and Irindsor Avenue, vas reported to hare signatures of only 33% of owners of abutting properties. Palen moved that action on petition be deferred until signatures of owners of 51$ of properties are securedr Hayor ErLckson called Public Hearing on Petition of Ben 1.1. Parks and others for the vacation of a portion of Golf Terrace. as published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on June 22 and 29, 1950, and as posted on official bulletin boards of the Village on June 26, 1950, vas read. Attorney John Faegre presented petition against such vacation, signed by six Golf Terrace owners, and Attorney CoveU, presented petition signed by sixbeen property owners along Golf Terrace, for the straightening of the street, N?, CoveKl, representing Ur, Parks, reviewed for Council the history of the Wolf Terrace Horse ShoeY1' and asked tha% it be straightened in the interests of Public Convenience and Public Safety, Faegre, TepresentLng 1-k. Paul Shmitt, protested the vacatiofi of the street, on the grounds that straigheening -Lhe "horseshoe" would make a speedway of the street, and on the grounds that owners had purchased their properties with understanding that "horseshoen r.lould remain an& that they are entitled to have it. supporting 'I-&. Faegrets arguments against the strai&tenring of the street were Ilr+ Kuebn, k5O3; I-tes, Sandt, 4615; SZr. Dawes, 4607; I&. and Hrs. Paul SMtt,4mO. &Belle, &YO& Gulf Terrace, and Tir. Ben Parks, spoke for the straightening. Krafft of the Village Planning Commission stated there had been no change in the 'Commission's recornendation of some years 5ga, that street be straightened, AtLorney Faegre questioned the vudity of the petition for vacation, requesting that he be fdshed xith legal authority for the signatures of Carl 1.L Hansen and Helen Hansen on petition; and asking that it be definitely ascektained that petition contains signatures of ovmers of !Z$ of abiitting properties* P&en moved that Couacil. take matter under advisement until such time as Attorney Ifindhorst advises Council with regad €0 legal questions reisod by Attorney Faegre. 1-btion seconded by Danens and carried, . 4 I ** A Office reporf;ed that petition carries Danens moved that petition 1 ; L Affidavit of Fublication of Notice of Hearing, Attorney Golf Terrace ovmers CB- * It .r I Next; Public Hearing called was that on the petition by Doris J. and George HI. Otterness for the vacation of a certain portion of W. 45th Street and &den Avenue. Affidavit of Eublication in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on June 15 and 22, 1950, and o$ Posting on Official Bulletin Boasds June 19, 1950, of Wotice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate," was read, approved as to form, and placed on file. There were no objections to vacation, and no mitten objections had been received prior to the Neetinge 'moved its adoption: Danens offered the fcrllow-hg Resolution and RESOLUTION VACATING STREET - Pursuant to petition of a majority of the property owners abutting on that part of &den Avenue and "test 45th Street hereinafter described and it appearing that hearing was held on this date pursuant to '&TO weeks' published &nd posted notice thereof, , 1 NOIT T€EREFORE, BE IT RESOLXED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, That that portion of West Fofty-FifthStreet and that part of &den Avenue lying within the Country Club Distrikt, Fairway Section and described as fqllows: "That part of Arden Avefuue and that part of lTest,Fofty-Fifth lzt kif sai.3 Country GXuh District- F&.im%ay Section @zgy#%qyi&g$tv io b s er o %ennepin Counky June 7. 1924 9 which lie east of a line commencing at the southwest corner of running thence northerly .in a straight line 55 feet to a pobk 139*75 feet west of the east line of said Lot I; and rr'nich lie south of a line commencing at a point 129.75 feet west of the east line of Lot 1, Block 2, Country Club District, Fairnay Section ad 55 feet north of the southwest. corner of said lot and running thence easterly to a point on the east line of s&d Lot 55 feet north of the southeast corner thereof" . Lot 1, Block 2, Country Club District, Fahay Section and be, and the sane hereby is, vacated to-be effective from and after the passage of this resolution. Pillage Clerk Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing-Proposgd Sewer Shin Wension Brovmdale Park Addition,If published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on June 22, and 29,'1950, Affidavit of .hbli.catiod for which,.rms read, apprqved as to f om, and placed on file, .Wllic Hearing was held on proposed construction of Sanitaqr Sewer in Itlackey, Brook, Coolidge, and Bromdale Avenues between t?+Wtth Street and the south boundary of St. Louis Park, and in If. 44th Stree$ between Bror:xldaJ-e and Glenn Avenues. Fhgineer Olsson reported that Edinafs cost of construction of sewer mdns, and their proportion-of cost of StrLsuis Park pump station, would totdl $29,509*03, as against 2,7@.5 assessable feet, or $10,66 per assessable foot, 14r. Olsson explained that this is a joint St,Louis Park- Edina project. P&s0 Hargerone, 4500 Ife &th Street, protested on grounds tlkb she has just installed new cesspool and is not interested in paying for sewer* Nessrs. Tremann, 4520 W. 4th St*, and Shursen, 4378 Brook, 4390 Coolidge, inquired as to what disposition is going to be made of assessments paid by Browndale Park residents for Trunk and District sewersl Because Iilessrs+ Erickson and Danens were not acquainted with old assessment, and because ofVice did not have full figures avdlable, Palen moved that Hearing be continued until.. next regular meeting. Motion seconded by Danens and carried, )r Pursuant to ??Notice of Hearing-Proposed Sariit ary Sewer Extension, Suburban Press, Hopkins, on June 15 and 22, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form and placed on file, Council conducted Public Pearing on proposed. SaniLwy Sewer and appurtenances for Ewing Avenue between W. 58th and M.6Oth Streetsc Engineer's Estknatg of Cost was $$9,639*67 as against 2,520. assessable feet, or $3.83 per assessable foot. but idthdrew his objection when it was reported that petition for improvenent carries signatures of owners of 73% of abutting propertiess other objections, and none had been received prior to the I.Teeting, Palen offered the following Resolution and moved it= adoption: Plickelsen, pFblished in f4re Harry Svrenson objected There were no ' SAKITAFtY SE[.JE;R D*PRO9E3BNT NO, 27 x BE E RZSOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina, IEnneso.l;a, that this Council heretofore caus& notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- lcent consisting of coilstrqction of sqaitary sewer main and appurtenances in+Ewing Avenue between t.T.58th and 7L60th Stree.ts, and at the heming held at 'the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered tkie Views of all. persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinen% facts does heceby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improve- mentis hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer &provement No. 27, and the area to be specially assessed -there- for shall include all. lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in &&ch said improvement is to be constructed.. Uotion for adoption was seconded by and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Resolution was adopted, ** Hayor 8 c Engineer Olsson reviewed plans and spzcifications for proposed Sanitary Sewer kprovement No, 27, and Pafen.offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: .REsOLuTiON APJ?ROVIKG P&S SFECLFICATiOXS AND DIREGT~NG mmrIm.mm FOR BIDS FOR SANITliKp S~B.ELlNE33.O~-EKC NO. 27 BE TT ESOLVED by the Village. Council of the Village of Edina: t J, The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer hprovement No, 27 heretofore prepared by the Village Engin0er and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, - x 2* The Clerk shall cause to be published tvice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the folloving'notice for bids for the construction of sad improvment: ADVEELTBE?BNT FOR BIDS FOR SBNI'PPRY SEXWFt IIE'ROVEE%T N0.27 VILLAGE OF BXUA c The Edina- Village CouncS. trill. meet- at the Village Hall, 4801 ;s.J,50th Street, ptlinnezpolis, on I-Iondag, July.24, 1950, at 7r30 o*clock P.&, to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Sdtary Sewer linprovement mom .27 in said Village, consisting of construction of sanitary sewer in Ewhg kvenqe between T&5&h and W,bOth Streets, c the plans and specifications €or said improvenent on file in the office of the Village Clerk* Allbids mst be submitted on the Basis of cash payment for the workl -No bids .t.lil-l be considered unless seaed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit,,bid bond, or certiified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the anomt+of the bidr The work on said irhprovement must be done as described Wd specified in .I i -t T By ORDEX OF 'EKE VII;LAc;E COUNCIL. hwer Hawthorne Village Clerk Edina, I&mesota 3+ Each and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisemait for bids are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of the award of the contract for said irprovanentt : Xotion for adoption of Resolution tms tirere three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution vas zdopted. Village Clerk i. . 267 , &-<*y .y c Ne:& Public Hearing,on Proposed Water Ea& $&,ension in Ewbg Avenue b&&n If. 58th and W.6Oth Streets, was held pursuant to flNo-i;ice of Hewing-Proposed Water $fain EbcensionYn published in Suburbm.Press, Eopkins, on Jane 15 and 22, 1950, Affid.avit or" Publicatiop was read, approved-a,s 50 fom, and placed, on file, Enginserfs Estimate of Cost, as read, was $8,8i35~05 as agajnst 2,520 assessable feet, or $3.78 per assessable foot. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections, had been received prior Lo the 1.9ee-Lingm PaLen offered the follow5ng Resolution and moved its adoption: RZSOZUTION OFiD$RIE D@RO~*EI'Ei! .h, TTATEX NAIN IXE'R~~T NO, 26, . '. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of .the Village of gdina, Hinnesota, that this Council beretofore caused, notice of hearing to be duly published- on the pro- posed improvement, consisting of construction of ViJlage Water $bin, and appurte- nances in Ewing Avenue between T,5&h and VL60th Streets,, and a$ the hearings held at the the and place specified in said ngtice the ColulciJL has duly considered the vipws of all persons interestgd, and being fully ,advised of the pertinenLfacjis'does hereby determine*to proceed with the construction of said improxrerrent; that said,rLmprovement is hereby aesignated and shaU be referred in all subsequent proceedings as 'sfate7 l\riajq fmprovement Nod 26, znd the area to be specially assessedtherefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improyaent is to be construched. - Pfotion for adoption of Besolution was seconded by Danens(iid on Rollcall thepe were three ayes and no nays, 2s follows: Dw 3, *a$ alen, aye=-and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, 7 ;Bo * %", ,.&&g@& Ha3or u ! L * .4. n +f Engineer Blsmn reviewed for Council plans and spicifications >or iroposed 'Hater Eain Improvement No. 26, and Palen off,ered the follotsing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTII3PJ, APPROVING PLANS &El SPEcIFICBIOI\Ts FOR %?ATEX 3UiIN IMPROVE"T NO. 26 &ID DIRECTING ~ t- Y BDOERT1SF;EIENT FOR BIDS I33 IT RESOLVED by the Village Comqil of thq Village of Edina: -. 1, The plans and specifications for Vater I&L~R kprovement No. 26 hereto- fore aprepared by %he .*-- Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk arq-hereby approved* *I 'L , 1' 2, The &Gler?k shall cause to be published twice & t,he *Suburban Press and the Construction.Bul1etin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: ADTTE;R%ISBbBNT FOR BIDS FOR il WAm BLAIN DPRO"3NT PIJO. 26 'fTIL.LRGii; OF EDINA The Edina Village .Council will meet, at the Village Hall, 4801 IT. 50th Street, IEnneapolis, on &nday, July 24, 1950, at 7r30 o!ciock Poke, to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of TJater 1&xin Improvement Noo 26 in said Village, consisting of construction of Village Nater Hain and appurtenances in Exzing Avenue between If. 58th and W.60th Streets, The work on said improvement must be dsne as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the 'Village Clerk, the tm&+ No bids rdll be considered &less sealed and f&led with the under- signed before the the of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable'to the Village Clerk in the ?mount of Te? percent of the mount of the bids EL1 bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for BY ORDER OF TE VILLAGE COUNCIL. * Bower Hadhorne 3 Village Clerk * Edina, Minnesota, 3@ Each and aU of the term of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvemcnth .* Motion for adoption was seconded by Danens, and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; / * ' ElayW- age Clerk , 7/10/50 0. k; Spinnare, 3209 TIe 76th Street, objected to Rapco excavation near his property; Hatter referred to Hessrs. Olsson and Dmens, for discussion with 1.k* . Spinnarecr - I&. Peder %Lickelsen inqyired &bout gr3de on IT. 58th Street and Ewing Avenue. Katter referred to 1-b. Olsson, for discussion with 1.k. Nickelsen. Clerk read Affidavits of Publication for Advertisenents for Bids for TJater Hains Uos. 23,-24, and 25, as published in Suburban Press, Nopldns, and in Construction Bulletin, Hhneapolis, on June 29 and July 6, 1950, said affidavits being approved as to form and placed on fils, The. following sealed bids were then publicly opened and read: Y4 DeGraff Wolff, St. Paul, Wmt t X I - COT.IBDlEXl.3DS FOE COlTSmUCTmN OF FIXER WENS NOS. 23, 24-m 25 . %3,@5+90 - Bart Carlone, St:Paul, Kim, iI 7 65,406*30 Lametti et betti, St, Paul, I!Zinn. 64,258o61 Phelps-Dr&e Co, , IJhneapol5.s , IIim. 57,920*00 Carl Bolander eL Son, I-finnegpolis, 1.iinn. 69,283.86 I-Testern Underground Const. Co. lthrieapolis, 1.linn. 63,893.50 Orfei and lfariani, St. Pal, E.iinn. 65, 4l3m Danens moved'that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next meeting- Idiotion seconded by Palen and carried* Affidavit of Publication for Advertisement for Bids for Sanitary Sewer Improvement EJor 25, published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, 1.iinne- apolis, on June 29 and July 6, 1950, was read, appropd as to form, and placed on file. * The followhg bids irere publicly opened and read: BIDS FOR SAIfJTARY SEZlER IMF'ROTTF4ENT NO. 25 Bart Carlone, St. Paul, 1;Iinrz 5, 86 683.90 Lanetti & Lunetti, St. Paul, 6,995.75 Richard 1.1. Ferron Construction Co, , Nhneapolis 7935l.80 DeGraff TTolff, St. Paul, 14Snn, 6, 44&3T Phelps Drake Company, IIinneapolis 8,171r50 Vestern Underground Construction Go,, Enneapolis . * 7,080.25 Palen moved that bids be rsferred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next meeting, -&tion seconded by Danens and carried* Pursuant to Advertisements for Bids for-Street Iinprovements 140. G5 and Noc C-7j I pubmed in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, and Construction Bulletin, Wimeapolis, affidavits of sa2d publication having been read, approved as to form, and placed on file, the fo%lor.ring bids were publicly opened and read: -- . * COlBBJl3D BIDS FOB CONSTRUCTXON OF STm B@ROVENEXFS C15 AXD C-7 Pfeiffer Const, Co,, Edina X $3;076;85 Terrjr Excavating Co,, St. Louis Park 3 y 0 59&3S;: Gibbisch Zxcavating Go, ,.1linneapolls 2,85428 Carl Bolander and Son, lxmneapolis 3,477 b 82 Dmens moved that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at ne& meeting. Reading of Affidavits of Publication in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and Construction l3uXLe%iny IZmeapolis, on June 29, and July 6, 1950, for f&shing one 2mc Bitminous IGsBributor! Affidavits were approved as to Xorn and placed on file, and the following sealed bids were publicly opened and read: Biotion seconded by Drvlens and carried. 1 ' ' BITlBIl3?OUS DISTRIBUTOR U 1000 Gd.0 I250 Gal, DelLvsry Buffridge-Johnson EkLuipent Cor 3 Veeks 11 Xodel 1.X $40 52 -00 $424l,oo I4odel Ram 5243.00 000 If 5439 Bprayking 46EBcOQ 4820.00 Hodel FX t$.331,00 4538000. Rasholt Eqapent Co, 1-lode1 RnJ1: $4018,00 <;4l4~.*00 ' ' 7 D9YS E Yeelcs 11 "in, H, Ziegler Co, Spraymast er $5245.00 kYB5000 I i-~th Spedbar c 380O.OO 3975.00 11 Danens moved that Bids be referred to VLLlage Engineer md Public Works qo&%tee for tabulation and recomiiendation at next meeting, Notion seconded by Palen and carried* Eessrs. Letiis Jones and J,J, 1-IcCauley protested the Village action in attmpting to remove Outdoor Advertising Signs fromtheir properties, vithout first gimkgthem notice. sign coqpnies otmg the signs, and that the Village has the right to reawe signs from private Froperties after due, notice to Oimers of signs+ < Attorney TTindhorst explained that the proper notice had been given to the ' Nr+ B. D. Carlson, 6600 Behore Lane, inquired as to the proposed pade of Bebore Zwe, and vas informed by Er. Olsson that there are no immediate plans for grading Belnore Lme, with exception of some work at intersection of Harrison Avenue and Belmore Lane, I-&., Carlson maintained that he and his father had been promised that the grade or" Belmore Lane would be lowered, and that the elder Cblsan had built with this promise in-mind. .,with the Carlsons. I&, Carlson requested Vatch Out for Children2 signs on Belmore Lane* Ilatter referred to Engineer Olsson. Pursuant to Vldvertisement for Bids-TruckYf1 published in Suburban Press and + Construction Bulletin on July 29 ad July 6, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for which TBS read, approved as to form and placed on file, the following sealed bids. were publicly opened and read, for the furnishing of a Truck suitable for the mounting of Bituminous Distributor equipment: fi IJatter referred to Zngineer Olsson for conference .( a. - TRUCK: FOB 1,000 GwGo EQUIP. FOR 1,250 G!&o EQUIP, 1 , International. Harvester +Cos , 1 International Hodel L182 $2; 978.71 $3 $3 178,71 International Hodel L174 1 2,803.18 3,003.33 * . Noxthern Reo ,Cornpaw -Reo $3,499.OOs*-For either lk,OOO or 1,200 Gal+ I Chev. Cab-over-engine 0.2 , 000 00 $2 07 5*00 4 Suburban Chewolet Co* - Xotion by Danens, for referral of bids to ViJlage Engineer 2nd Public ?Torks Committee for tabulation and recommendation at next; meeting, was seconded by Palen and carried, 3fr. Sperry, 5904 Kellogg Avenue, requested special permit to construct gaqage withinme foot of the lot line, in violation of the Tillage Zoning Ordinance* EIr. Sperry presented written permission of his neighbor. Tloehler explained that Council has been making no deviations from their rule of a five-Zoot side-yard setback. action in refusingto issue permit, Hotion seconded by Danens and carried+ Ere Herberk Bloomberg presented ?€inal Plat of Coaonial Grove Third Addition, for Council's approvalc Zngineer Olsson reported that Plannihg Commission had given approval of Final Plat at their last neetirig*\ Co'uncil revied plat, finding that their recornendstion for ch&nge of street name,EWQodland Road and Iif*f.i'oodland Iioad, had not beenfollowed. approvd. of Final Platc Motion lost for want of secondx Later in the evening the matter of approval of plat was again brought before the Council, with Engineer Olsson recommending that tihe name rtTJoodland Circlef1 be substituted for E, and TT. lfoodland Road. Palen moved that plat be accepted for record, subject to substitution of street nae 'TVpod- land Circle,ff for names E. and NotLon seconded by Danens and carried, I + 1 Supt. of Public Utilities Palen movedfor confirmation of Tfoehler's Trustee Palen protested the street names, but moved Substitution agreeable to E&. Bloomberg. 'Cfoodlaad Road. rc &lr, Bloomberg presented the petition of the Bloomberg Company for permission to award private contract for extension of water nain from France Avenue and W.56th Street, westerly along T{i 56th Street a distance of approximately 200 feet, said work to be according to Tillage specifications.' Palen moved that permission be grantedr Hotion seconded by Danens and carried* P I lfr* Herbert Bloomberg.presented petitcon of the Bloomberg Company, for sanitary sewer extensions in Colonial Grove TMrd Addition, Notion by Pttlen, that Village Engineer be directed to prepare phns, specifications, and estjmates of cost; and that Public Hearing on petition be set for Xonday, August 28, 1950, was seconded by Danens and carried. IIr. Shulen, otmer of 96 lots !in Countryside'Addition, inquired as to Village policy in repair@g and maintaining blacktopped qtreets in this' subdivision, and was asked to v&t for Engineer Olssonfs reporj later in the evening, Police'Repori for Month of June, 1950; was filed, Eotion seconded by Danens and carried* The applicatio9 of R.R, Hicks, for 'License to sell cigarettes a% Hicks,Shell Stztion, 50th and Halifax, was approved- by mo€ion Palen, seconded by Danens and carried; Palen moved for its acceptance. i c said license to expire April 1, 19%. ~ - k c Petitions dated JulylO, 1950, for sewer and for grading and gravelling in Oaklawn Avenue between If, 59th and w.62nd Streets,were read, with report tha-b sewer petition carries signatures of 47% and grading petitibn carries 33% of affected owners. Office requested to return petition for completion* * *r* The following applications for Sign Haintenance Permj,ts for the year to April 1, 193, were presented, with notation that they are in conformance ifith Sign Ordinancer Palen moved that licenses be granted for maintenance of the folhtrhg signs until April 1, 1951: oxm Hladezee Store Interlachen Country Club 'I Grandview Cafe CZmDrnT em E. Re Hicks sHEL;c - Halla Nursery. HdLLA NURSERY HICKS SJBLL STATION Berg & Farnham BERG FAF". Nordquist Sign Co. Kaufman Adv, GoI t aUXK'S BEER Wtional .Advertising Co+ f ,! National Advertising Co. BOXE8-G~~ c IJarv5n Oreck . * . I*!fARvIN ORECK Botion seconded by Danens and carried. Grede, Irac, I SHERIDAN HOT= POCICRlLNDT ZBRo GO0 - c a &trance to Club Grounds, Olef Interlachen Blvda 5002 Vernon Ave, (3 Signs) Witten permission of opmers of dwellings within 500 feet of the, following signs' was presented, Palen moved for the granting of permits for maintenance of signs until - April 1, 1951: Natianal Advertising Company R 11 a '1 U.S. ROYAL TIR.?S FOI4TLAC .+ Hy.169-L. If Jones a property 11 It xr 11 11 * HUDSON t Hokion sec'onded by Danens and carried. " * + k PaLen's motion granting Plumberrs License, to April 1, 1951, to Fred f.Itwal-t;,3549 I Nicollet Avenue, subject- to approval of bonds, was seconded by Danens and carried+ June 22nd notification by Bennepin Caunty, of exchange of GoUntg and Tillage Roads, vas reported by Ikgineer Olsson. .Dawns offered the following Resolution and mowd its adoption: s 7 I $1 . 1 I. RESOLWION CC!b!C:URRING 6TITH Hi3HNEPIlJ COUNTYtS ' z D~IG2JATIOPT OF STATE AID RODS 33 Iip RESOL9El BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF T€E BIlXAGX OF EDINB, as follows: June 6, 1950, 4 la That this- Council confirm the/action of the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, in declaring the following road to be a State Air Road: .. r Beginning at the intersection of U,S. 8ighvray Nos. 169 and 212 and town road in the Southeast one quarter ($)-of Section thirty-one (3l)+ totmship one hundred seventeen (U7) North, Range twenty-one (21) Vest; thence Southerly along tom road through section thirty-one (31) of the above tom ad range and Southeasterly and Southerly through the East oge half (I&) of section? six 46), Totmship one hundred sixteen (U6) North, Rage twenty-one (21) lest to the intersection with County Road No+ Thirty-nine (39) in the Southeast one quarter (1/4) of the Southeast * one quarter (l/4) of said section six (6); thence continuing Zasterly dong County Road No* 39 to the town road running Southanlong the EasL line of the-Southwest one quarter (3./4) of the Southwest one quarter (l(4) of section five (5), Tormship one hundred sixteen (116) North, Range twenty-one (21) TTest; thence South along said above tom road to the South line of said section five (5); thence East along said South line of section five (5) to the intersection with County Road No* 28 in the PJortheast one quarter (1/4) of'the Xortheast one quarter (1/4) of section eight (e), Totmship one hundred sixteen (116) North, Range as State Aid Road No. 64; ad 2, That this Council confirm the action taken June 6, 1950, to extend State Beginning at $he junction of State'%d Road Nor 20 and County Road No. 64 in ht tr.ren"c$-seven (z), pl& of 'Elendelssolim in section thirty (SO), Tomship one hundred seventeen (U7) North, Range twenty-one (21) Vest; thence Northwesterly and Northerly dong County Road No* 64 h said section thirty (30) and continuing Norkh along Honk Avenue in the plat of P,A.Savage's Interlachen Park to its interseletion with County Road No. 3 ia the plat of Auditor's Subdivision lie, 239 and there, terminating* . . i - * bren%y-one (a) Vest, and there -be?mlnat;ing;sdd road being designated 1. I Aid Road No, 20 in the City of Hopkins and Village of Edina, as follows: ' Notion to adopt Resolution was seconded by Palen, three ayes and no nays, as follows: and the Resolution was adopted, ATTEST: Rollcall. there were Da July 8th request by Attorney Edward 0. Serstock, for amicable settlment of claim by Frank Garrison, 4al IT4 56th Street, was read, Hatter feferred to Attorney TTindhorst, by motion Palen, seconded by Danens and carried. Discussion was had as to award of bid taken June 26, for automobiles. Engineer Olsson recommended that Village keep old 'Ford and purchase two new Chevrolets, Suburban Chevrolet being the only bidder, One Styleline 1950 2-Door Sedan, w5th directional indicators, for Engineering Department; keeping the old Ford, Falen moved that Village purchase Notion seconded by Danens and carriedr Danens moved that Oscar Grmt request .for road be referred to Village ihgineer and Public ?forks Department and Cormittee, fortheir report at next, meetingr PIotion seconded by Palen and carried. lk, Olsson reported the Highway' Department's request for Council's opinion as to Village's paying cost of operation and ma,intenance of automatic trafficr signals at proposed new intersection of State Highways No. 169 and 212, and No* 100, and IL 5Okh Street, Palen moved that Council enter into agreement with Ifinnesota Highway Department, as outlined by Engineer Olssonr Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. Engineer Olsson reported that repairs necessary to roads blacktopped by J,V* Gleason Company, exclusive the coiiplete reseal oP.some parts in Valey View Iieights and Countes&de Additions, totals 6,943 square yards. Uk, Olsson directed to refer matter to ilttorney37indhorst, Engineer Olsson reported that the Vest side of Abbott Avenue between W,56th and IT457th Streets is considerably lower than the center of the street; and, tfiat the only correction he can see to the drainage situatgon is to build up the bouleyard to hold rater back from street, although this ~dll set some houses below street grade. No formal action taken, but it vas consensus of opinion that work be done as directed by Village Engineer, Engineer Olsson reportedthatIkr D. P, BloomQuistfs hedge, fence and gate- posts are in the roadway in the roadway in Harrison Avenue, that matter of grading of Harrison Avenue be referred to Public,T[orks Committee, with power to act, PIr, Olsson confirmed request of Earlier in the evening, by 1.k. E. C, Stow, for initiation of proceedings to &epd sanitary sewer to property Tfest of Nomandale and South bf 66th Street; stating that such exiiension would mean ex%ension of a trunk line and provisions for pumping station. action, but consensus ofeopinion that>fr* Olsson is authorized to work on preliminary plans for said merr Discussion was had as to request by Superintendent of Schools, for sideikk along $?ooddale Avenue, from IT. 54th Street to 50th Street, for safety of youngsters travelling to and ffom school by this route, Hatter referred to Village Engineer fo? estimate of cost. ~ Palen moved for payment of Village-Payroll, as recorded in detail in Payroll Journal, for period ending July 15, amount $4,83&15, and Liquor Store PayroU for same period, amount $1,077.42; and for payment of the following Claims CLilDI no* 4851 Arthar K, Peterson $1,2&.37 GAlBkG3 FfifD .a * Danens mmod Eotion skconded by Palen and carried+ il No.fomal .. Jo'a E. Bloomberg 477*50 P*I.R* 33JNB &e52 5626 Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board 320.65 POQR FUND Botion seconded by Danens and carried* 1 . 272 J I' Motion by Palen, for confirmation of Councills action of July 7, in making payment to paxk board instructors in the following amounts, vas sacddddbby Drmens and carried : P x CL.rn4 TJQ. PARK FUND ' Emerson 11. flistelske 40.00 Bai*bara Zllig 40 . 00 4845 b846 484.7 Dorothy Kilvorson 40 00 4848 Betty Lou Hauser 40.00 4849 Gordon I,, Jacobson c 40.00 4850 I Peter B. FiLy I 40.00 $340,00 4844 F, J. Uigginton 8100.00 * -< Supt. of Public Utilities Uoehler reported that heshad denied application for permit to construct baseinent under dwelling at 5600 Xerxes Ayenue, inasmuch as said dwelling does not conform to building code. action, rriits seconded by Danens and carried, Nr. Voeuer requ&ed Council action in matter of application for permit for dwelling to face Naple Eoad, on Lot 20 and part of Lot 19, Block 2, Vhite Oaks,s&d lots being platted to face 71. 48th Street. hous,es across If. 48th Street, and on Eaple Road, and recommeuddd issuance of permit, - Palen moved that Council grant permit for dpelling at corner of W.48th and Maple Road, facing 1Iaple Road. Elr. Woehler reported application for permit on fractional part of Lot 7, Roll'hg Green, reviewing for Council fact that Rolling Green is to be replatted, and that. previous action by Council refused permits uritil replat has bpen filed, that permit be,granted, and that developer be notified to present revision of plat so that it may go on record, was seconded byTPalen 'and carried. I Paleh's motion, that Council confirm,Nr, Woehlar's - Ilr. Woehler pointed out the location of Notion seconded by Dcmens and carried. I I I Hotion br Daqms ?.iotipn* by Palen for adjournment was seconded by Daneris and carried, at U:lO AA, 1-Ionday, July 11, Heeting adjourned V c XAa- (I Village Clerk f * I.m\fLTTES OF THE SPECIAL NEXTING OF THE-EDINA. . VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD HOTJDAY, JULY 17, 1950, w AT 3:30 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Purswt to due Call -and Notice, by Trhst'ees" Dahens and Palen, Special Heeting for the Purpose'of Acting on Bids on Bituminous Distributor and Truck, convened at the Village Hall at 5:40 P.H., I.ionday, July 17, 1950. Hembers present were Erickson, Palen and Danens . ). - Notion. by Damns, seconded by Palen, that bid of Rosholt Equipment Cornpan6 far Nodel R&E Bituminous Distributor; at price of $4,l48.0OY be accepted. Hotion unanimously carried. Palen's kotion, seconded by Danens, that the bid of International Harvester Company, for 3fodel L182 International Truck, at* price of $3,178.71, was unanimously carried. There being no further business before this S + 4 -"UTES OF BOARU OF R.EXIl31 T-EM'nJCT IIELD MORDAY, JULY 24.,k95Oy AT 6:30 PJI.; AT TH2 EDINA VILLAGE HAIS, Council net as Village Board of Review, to inspect the Valuations Records of Village- Assessor, Alex Creighton. Assessor Creighton,and County SvLpervisor of Assekments ,Roy Haeg, were* also present , Pssessor Creightbn's'records were reviewed by the Board at 'some length, and the Clerk's kibaturb was appended thereto, without change. Hehbers present were Danens , bvkhorne, Erickson and Palen, Hr, J.J. Duggan, acconpanied by two other gentlemen, requested information on manner of assessing the old Kyte farm, and was &horned that this is on ltA~ricultural rate," There were no other inquiries 3% the lleeting, and no written objections had been received by the Board prior to the Heetlng, There being no further business to come before the Neeting, Hawthorne moved for adjourrment. Eotion seconded by Palen and carried.