HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500717_SPECIAL272 J I' Motion by Palen, for confirmation of Councills action of July 7, in making payment to paxk board instructors in the following amounts, vas sacddddbby Drmens and carried : P x CL.rn4 TJQ. PARK FUND ' Emerson 11. flistelske 40.00 Bai*bara Zllig 40 . 00 4845 b846 484.7 Dorothy Kilvorson 40 00 4848 Betty Lou Hauser 40.00 4849 Gordon I,, Jacobson c 40.00 4850 I Peter B. FiLy I 40.00 $340,00 4844 F, J. Uigginton 8100.00 * -< Supt. of Public Utilities Uoehler reported that heshad denied application for permit to construct baseinent under dwelling at 5600 Xerxes Ayenue, inasmuch as said dwelling does not conform to building code. action, rriits seconded by Danens and carried, Nr. Voeuer requ&ed Council action in matter of application for permit for dwelling to face Naple Eoad, on Lot 20 and part of Lot 19, Block 2, Vhite Oaks,s&d lots being platted to face 71. 48th Street. hous,es across If. 48th Street, and on Eaple Road, and recommeuddd issuance of permit, - Palen moved that Council grant permit for dpelling at corner of W.48th and Maple Road, facing 1Iaple Road. Elr. Woehler reported application for permit on fractional part of Lot 7, Roll'hg Green, reviewing for Council fact that Rolling Green is to be replatted, and that. previous action by Council refused permits uritil replat has bpen filed, that permit be,granted, and that developer be notified to present revision of plat so that it may go on record, was seconded byTPalen 'and carried. I Paleh's motion, that Council confirm,Nr, Woehlar's - Ilr. Woehler pointed out the location of Notion seconded by Dcmens and carried. I I I Hotion br Daqms ?.iotipn* by Palen for adjournment was seconded by Daneris and carried, at U:lO AA, 1-Ionday, July 11, Heeting adjourned V c XAa- (I Village Clerk f * I.m\fLTTES OF THE SPECIAL NEXTING OF THE-EDINA. . VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD HOTJDAY, JULY 17, 1950, w AT 3:30 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Purswt to due Call -and Notice, by Trhst'ees" Dahens and Palen, Special Heeting for the Purpose'of Acting on Bids on Bituminous Distributor and Truck, convened at the Village Hall at 5:40 P.H., I.ionday, July 17, 1950. Hembers present were Erickson, Palen and Danens . ). - Notion. by Damns, seconded by Palen, that bid of Rosholt Equipment Cornpan6 far Nodel R&E Bituminous Distributor; at price of $4,l48.0OY be accepted. Hotion unanimously carried. Palen's kotion, seconded by Danens, that the bid of International Harvester Company, for 3fodel L182 International Truck, at* price of $3,178.71, was unanimously carried. There being no further business before this S + 4 -"UTES OF BOARU OF R.EXIl31 T-EM'nJCT IIELD MORDAY, JULY 24.,k95Oy AT 6:30 PJI.; AT TH2 EDINA VILLAGE HAIS, Council net as Village Board of Review, to inspect the Valuations Records of Village- Assessor, Alex Creighton. Assessor Creighton,and County SvLpervisor of Assekments ,Roy Haeg, were* also present , Pssessor Creightbn's'records were reviewed by the Board at 'some length, and the Clerk's kibaturb was appended thereto, without change. Hehbers present were Danens , bvkhorne, Erickson and Palen, Hr, J.J. Duggan, acconpanied by two other gentlemen, requested information on manner of assessing the old Kyte farm, and was &horned that this is on ltA~ricultural rate," There were no other inquiries 3% the lleeting, and no written objections had been received by the Board prior to the Heetlng, There being no further business to come before the Neeting, Hawthorne moved for adjourrment. Eotion seconded by Palen and carried.