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Motion by Palen, for confirmation of Councills action of July 7, in making payment
to paxk board instructors in the following amounts, vas sacddddbby Drmens and
carried : P x
Emerson 11. flistelske 40.00
Bai*bara Zllig 40 . 00
484.7 Dorothy Kilvorson 40 00
4848 Betty Lou Hauser 40.00
4849 Gordon I,, Jacobson c 40.00
4850 I Peter B. FiLy I 40.00 $340,00
4844 F, J. Uigginton 8100.00
* -< Supt. of Public Utilities Uoehler reported that heshad denied application for permit
to construct baseinent under dwelling at 5600 Xerxes Ayenue, inasmuch as said dwelling
does not conform to building code.
action, rriits seconded by Danens and carried,
Nr. Voeuer requ&ed Council action in matter of application for permit for dwelling
to face Naple Eoad, on Lot 20 and part of Lot 19, Block 2, Vhite Oaks,s&d lots
being platted to face 71. 48th Street.
hous,es across If. 48th Street, and on Eaple Road, and recommeuddd issuance of permit, -
Palen moved that Council grant permit for dpelling at corner of W.48th and Maple
Road, facing 1Iaple Road.
Elr. Woehler reported application for permit on fractional part of Lot 7, Roll'hg Green, reviewing for Council fact that Rolling Green is to be replatted, and that. previous
action by Council refused permits uritil replat has bpen filed,
that permit be,granted, and that developer be notified to present revision of
plat so that it may go on record, was seconded byTPalen 'and carried.
I Paleh's motion, that Council confirm,Nr, Woehlar's
Ilr. Woehler pointed out the location of
Notion seconded by Dcmens and carried.
Hotion br Daqms
?.iotipn* by Palen for adjournment was seconded by Daneris and carried,
at U:lO AA, 1-Ionday, July 11,
Heeting adjourned
V c XAa-
(I Village Clerk
f *
Purswt to due Call -and Notice, by Trhst'ees" Dahens and Palen, Special Heeting for the
Purpose'of Acting on Bids on Bituminous Distributor and Truck, convened at the Village
Hall at 5:40 P.H., I.ionday, July 17, 1950. Hembers present were Erickson, Palen and
Danens . ).
- Notion. by Damns, seconded by Palen, that bid of Rosholt Equipment Cornpan6 far Nodel R&E
Bituminous Distributor; at price of $4,l48.0OY be accepted. Hotion unanimously carried.
Palen's kotion, seconded by Danens, that the bid of International Harvester Company,
for 3fodel L182 International Truck, at* price of $3,178.71, was unanimously carried.
There being no further business before this S
MORDAY, JULY 24.,k95Oy AT 6:30 PJI.; AT
Council net as Village Board of Review, to inspect the Valuations Records of Village-
Assessor, Alex Creighton.
Assessor Creighton,and County SvLpervisor of Assekments ,Roy Haeg, were* also present ,
Pssessor Creightbn's'records were reviewed by the Board at 'some length, and the
Clerk's kibaturb was appended thereto, without change.
Hehbers present were Danens , bvkhorne, Erickson and Palen,
Hr, J.J. Duggan, acconpanied by two other gentlemen, requested information on manner
of assessing the old Kyte farm, and was &horned that this is on ltA~ricultural rate,"
There were no other inquiries 3% the lleeting, and no written objections had been
received by the Board prior to the Heetlng,
There being no further business to come before the Neeting, Hawthorne moved for
adjourrment. Eotion seconded by Palen and carried.
J@Y 24, 1950, &I? 7:39 PAL, A2
Members answering Rolicall were Danens , Palen, Hawthorne and Erickson,
Minutes of Regular Meiting of July 10, and Special. Meeting of'July 17, were
approved as submitted, by Motion Patens, seconded by Palen and carried.
Nr. Herman Jeub, 4810 Hilltop Sane, complained again 'about Sanitary Sewer
District No. lfj assessment on his lot.
of 1h.y 23, regarding this matter, was read $or Hr. Jeub, and he was .requested
to confer with Mr . FJh.dhors t .
Edina Lions Club confirmation of joint Council-Edina Lions. Board of Directors
Meeting to be held Satprday, July 29, at 3:OO P.N. , was read and filed.
Letters of appreciation, from'Mr. e. 5, Christopher, and from JA Panens
& Son, Inc., for services tendered by the Police Department, were read, and
were referred to the @epartment by Mdtion Hawthorne, seconaed by Palen ad
Request of July 19, bi Deparement of State Public Exaniner, for formal rewest
for withdrawal of audit requisition, was read.
direction to office to forward it to Examiner.
State 2s Gomissioneris notification of rejection of Village's application
for Ice% Delinquent Lot-1, Edina Court., was read.
Village D&akger to discuss matter with Tax Commissioner, eqlaining that said
Lot is not desirable from builaiiig standpoint, and %hat Council feels its
acquisition is desirable in order to eliminate traffic hazmd.
by Palen and carried,
Tillage Attorney I?indhorst's opinion
carried. ..
Council signed document , with
&vrthorne moved, directing
Motion seconded
d b1r. W.E. Thies' July 118th request for removal by Village of ,dead. trees in
boulevard at 14836 Ru$ledge Avenue, and for possible replacement of said trees
by Village, was read, Hawthorne
moved that Village Mqnqger be anthorized to use his discretion on requests for
removal of deed treeq, and that Village policy be that trees+beremoved only
if they ace on Vfllage p*operty and that Village replace no dead trees, Motion
seconded by Palen and carried,
Hawthorne moved that :Sign Maintenance Permits be grated, to ipril 1, 1951, for
the follqwing signs:
Minneapolis, Northfield &
Dale Green
Gamble-Skogmo, Inc. . Gamble's -
Motion seconded by Pden and carried.
Permission granted JGy 18, to The Stow Company by Mrse Pml Strom, 6821
Normandslle Road, for-signs on the Duggan property, vias read.
permits cannot be grqnteduntil Storj.Com@any informs office proposed location of
Minnesota Safety Cour.&?il's July 20th notification of Governor* s Zraffic Safety
Council to be held at Dduth, Triday, August 18, Gas read; and was referred to
Public Safety Committee, by Hotion Ebrthorne, seconded by Palen and carried.
$alent 6 motion, approving payment of Village Payroll, amomt $5,304.15
Liquor Store Payroll, anyat $484.56, as recorded in detail in Payroll jomal,
for period July 15 to 31, 1950, 'was seconded by Danens and carried.
Palen's motion, approving spent of the following Claims, was seconded by Danens
'ITreeft ordinance was reviewed for Cotpcil.
Southern Ry. Co. . MN&S Ry. Go, lden Ave. (Govt. 8)
Dale Green -7601 Normandale Rd. 3946 V. 50th St.
Office reported that
signs, Matter tabled. ..
'and earrbed:
4904 Niller-Davis Co.
M98 Edina Vat er Department
4904 Miller-Davis Co . 4895 aBhn Campaell
$3 20
200 . 00 $203 . 20
$3 20 23.OO $ 26.20
4.853 J-@% 4355 4.856 4857 4858 4859 4860. 4863.
4863 4%&
4865 4866
4899 4901
4.902 4904
4905 4906
Lyle Sign Company
Crook & Hznley, Incs
'Dairza Sad 4% Gravel
.I !Phoapson Lnnbsr
Glenn Johnson
Jay f't. Craig r
Pounglitral Go.
Republic GraoSot&rlg co,
I I.bxqprnent Info. Ser.
11. H. Barber Co.
&stmas Kodak Stores, Inc.
!he BLeck Go.
Berg ti 3-
Samnel 3. Roberts - . John Znerold ..
Totm 4% country
ViZlage of Eaina later Dept.. * -
Xorthwestern Bell Telephone Go.
E. A. Rogers
I[* a. Lzrhr
suburban Press
. Northern States Power Co.
* !Llotal
5630 C ity Treesurer, Ci+y of 1.Zpls.
44313 Q875
44376 m77
4.878 m97 4900
4907 4908
Ihompson h%er Co .
Northvestern Iire
Himeapolis Gas Company
Brookside Service Station
PMlligs Petroletim
Fred L, Grag Co.
Firestone Stores
1Tm. H, Zeigler
Northvestern Bell Telephone Co.
Ire E, Lahr
t Northern States Povrer Go.
' I f4pls. Iron Store
- I;a.a&Baugimd
Berger son-Casvrell
American Cast Iron Pipe
Cerrtral Supplg
gorthern States Pover Go.
Ror'chwestern Bell Telephone 00,
H. A. Rogers Niller Dmis
Badger He%er Hfg. Go.
Npls. Iron Store
- Crane Company
201m 8: corntry
- Total
4882 ' . Vestern Underground
44383 4884 M85 Jorgsn B. Anderson 4906 Suburban. Press
Vestern Underground ..
'Lametti & Lametti
4886 Vestern Underground .
@.romm rn
t, 37-25 43.40
5? 25
30 . 00
45.59 368.48
29.34 a541
9.9 176.90
g .oo
8 040 96.95
209*03 .
* UoOO -
3.00 I
$3 , 272.70
$13497*7Q - TIAbR
65.00. .
6,352 -26 14. 69
76.30 9.43 896.97
11.75 2.67
L1025 ~1026
It1035 111036
5x039 Ll040
Ill053 L1954
=?!55 no56
F. J. ITgginton
Dorothy Hdvorson
Peter B, Bly
Bnerson W. Mistelske
Baxbara Ellig
Betty Rouser
Gordon L, Jacobson
Justus rjumber Co.
Village of: Edina Vater Dept.
Miller Davis
John Campbell .
&Killer Davis
!Po%al *
Mim. Hosp. Serv. Asstno'
Midland National Bank-
Julius' SehmabJ., Treas. J3RA
George Benz Sons Inc.
Distillers Distributing Company
:F~~Qus Brads, Inc.
Griggs, Cooper & Company-
The E. M. Lobmarul-Compazly
McKesson &-Robbing, Inc.
Nid-VJes t Wine Go .
Old Peoria Company, inc,
Ed, Phillips &-Sons Co,
Weuser-Bu5ch, Inc.
Canada Dry Ginger Be, Inc.
Chaska, Beverage Co,
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Cold Spring Distributing Company
Cornelius Beverage Co.
0, M, Drroney Bev, Co,
Gluek Brewing- Compaiy
Gold Medal Beverage Company
lfassolt Bot tung 00 .
Np1s . Brewing Company
Morris Distributiiig Co,
Pabst Sales Co;
Purity Beverage CompW
Rex Pistribusing Co.
Seven-Up Bottling Co, 8
Yillmd Distributhg Co.
Carpenter Paper Co; F. J. Qpinn Paper Co. *
Northern States l?ower co .
vixl=e of Edina --Water Dept.
Petty Cash
American Sinen Sup-~$Ty 00.
PlillerlDavis Co. -
Victor Adding Machine Co.
Sumban Press, Inc,
8. R. Rydeen Agency
David Agency
C' 9otd
$100.00 . 52.00
52.00 52 . 00
52.00 4.16
61 . 00
23 00
57 .?7 265.89
728 . 64
2 $023 . 27 4,7l.7.11 61.13
1,026. a 163 -14
1, 595 024 286,45 162.07
11 04.0
743 112.60
1- 1,679.30
263 e34 210.84
13.50 -
673 -15 62.40
10.95 6,52 27.116
2.00 10.07 11.65 ,
$ 26.20 LIQUOR
byor lsickson called Public Hearing on proposed Sanitary Sewer in Oaklalm Avenue: 'between
tJ.58th Street and Valley Viev Road, pursuant to "Notice of Hearing" pu%lished Qs~
Subus'ban Press, Hopkins, on Jwe 29 and July 6, affidavit of publication for whkh was
read, approved as to form and placed on file.
amount of $16,233.95, as against 4,781.84 assessable feat, or $3.39 per qssessable foot, vias read. proiosed inprovement. Hawthorne offered the follotring Resolution and. moved its
Engineer Qlssonts estimate of cost, in
There were .no objections at the Hearing, Elrs. D. A. Senn sboke for the
*. idoption.
33E IT RESOLVED by the Coancil of the Village of Edina, Ninnesota, that thik Council
heretofore ca&xsednotice of heitring to be duly published on the proposed improvement
consisting of construction of Sanitary Sever Wafn ma appurtenvlces h~ Oaklaim Avenue
between V058th Street ana Valley View Road; and at the hearing hela at the time and
place specified in said notice- the Council has auly consiaered the viem of all persons
interested, and being fully adfrised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to
proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby
designated zpd shall be referred to in all mbeequent proceedings as Sanitary Sever
Improvement No. 28, and the zmia to be specially'assessedtherefor shall Lnclude all
lots ad tracts of land abuttizig and fronting upon the streets in which said improve-
ment is to be coiwtructed.
4-7 No?cion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by
were four ayes and no nays, as-follovs: Danens,
and on Rollcall there
t &yor
Zrickson, we; and the bsolution FJaS zdopted.
v \-
&,r.t;horn& offered the followring Resolution and moved its adoption, after Engineer Olssorm ha presentea plans ma specif~cations for Sanitary Sevrsr +Improvemnt No. 28:
BE IT RESOLVED 3y the Village council of the Village of
1, The pLms and specifications for Sanitary Seyer Improvement So. 28 he'retofore
prepared ly the Village Engineer azid nov on file in the office of the Village Clerk are
hereby zBroved.
Construction Bulletin the follibing notfce for bids for the construction of said
improvement: -
2. The Clerk shall cause'to be published twice 3+ the Suburban Press and the
2he Edina Village Co~cil will -meet *at -the Village Hall, 4801 71, 50th Street,
on llondzy, August 14, 1950, at '7:30 P.M., fio'open and consider sealed bids for the
construction of Smitarg S er'rer Improvement No. 28 in said Village, consisting of
construction of Sanitary Sewer X,in 'and appurtewces 'in 0akIat.m Avenue betveen 1'1.58th
Street and Valley Viev Road.
plms and specifications for s&d inproveneat on file, in -the office of the Village
Clerk. A.l1 bids must be submfdted on the basis of cash payment for the work. Xo
bids trill be considered unless 'sealed and filed vith 'the undersigned before the time
uf said meeting and acconpanied by st cash deposit, bid bond, or eerti3ied check payable
to the Villsge Clerk in the amch.nt of Ten percent of the amount of the btid.'
2he vork on szid impGovement must be done as described and specified in the
~ Bover 'Hawthorne
Village Clerk
Baa, t&nesota;.
3. Ezch and all. of the t(rm of the forego
adopted as the terms and condi$ions of the award
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded
four ajres and no pays, as follotrs: Danens, aye;
Erickson, aye; and the Resolu%ion vas adopted.
for bids are hereby
for szid iqrovement
on a1iCd.i. there were
1 pY0r
-q /J&
ViUage Clerk '
Tpu'bLic å vas next called on the proposed *rodement of Fairfax Aveziue betyreen V.58th
md llo60th Streets, by const%&tion &f Village "later 14ain and a2surtenances therein.
sffidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing, as published in Subaiban Bess, Hopkins,
on June 29 and July 6, 1950, vas read, aEroved as to form, and placed on file; Engineer's
est9ate of cost, as read, vas $9.825.95 as against 2,394.88 assessable feet, or $4.10
per assessable foot.
in Neeting) , and the Clerk ha& received no written objections prior to the Hearing.
Emthorne offered the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption:
2here were no objections at the Hearing (See 14inutes of htpr Time
7 /24/50
BF: IT RBSOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused. notice of hearing'to be duly published on the proposed
improvement consis ting- of construction of Village Water Exin Extension ap& appurte-
nances in J?a,irfax Avenue between V.58th and W.60th Streets; and at the hearing
held at the time asd place specified in said notice the Cowcilhas duly con- sidered the views of dl persons interested, 'and being fully advised of the *
pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed vith.the conseruction of Esfd
-inprovement; that Said improvement is hereby designated and shalb be referred to
in all subgjequent proceedings sts Water Main ImprovemeEt No, 27, and the area to
be specially assessed therefor shall include zll lots and tracts of land abutting
and fronting upon the streets in vhioh said improvement is to be conrstmcted.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution I.ras secofided b
were four ayes ma no nays, as follows: Danens, ay
znd Erjskson, aye; and .the Besolatiom trzs
on Rollcall there
; Hawthorne, aye; . I
Hawthorne inquired as to whether Village Engineer had plans and spwifications ready,
for the proposed Vlater Main Improvement No, 27; and upon their presentation by the
Tillage Engineer, he offered the following Re$olution and moved its adoption:
BE IS! JL3SOLm by the VLllage Council of the Village of Id.faa:
1. The plans aud specifications for Water Main Improvement No. 27' heretofore
prepared b,y the Pillage Engfneer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk
axe hereby amroved,.
Construction J3ulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of<said
lWi?ER IWW IHPRO~i~DT NO. 27 . - VI%&% O$ EDI3TA
The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the SuburBan Press and the
The Edina Village Council r.ti11 .meet at the Village Hall, 4801 1'J,5Oth Street,,
on Nondag.., Augnst, 14, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock PONO, to open and. consider sealed bids for
the construction of Water MaIn 1mpr.oxemerzt No'. 27 .in said VtlLage, colzsisting of
constmctZon ,of 'village Water &!lain Eztensiod and appurtenances in Fairfax Avenue
between W.58th and 11f.60th Streets.
the plan% ad specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the
Village Clerk. All bids mst be submitted on the basis of cash gayment far the work.
No bids wi1L Be consideredunless sealed and filed with the undersigned 'before the
time of gaid meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certffied check
payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid.
!Phe work on sdd improvement must be done as described, id specified in
Et Oqpnt OF 'PRE VJJLUm COlEKXCL, ,. -. -Bower Havrthome - Village Clerk
Idina, Minnesota
3. hereby adosted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for s&d
Each and all of the *terms of the. foregoi&g advertisement fos 'bids are I
Notion for adoption of Ebe'Resolution was and on Rollcall there
aye; Hawthorne, aye; Were fowl ayes arrd no nays, as follows: ,
and Erickson, aye; and the Resol.utionAwas
&* Mayor
Xext pubffc hearing was on proposed Sanitary Sewer in 2airi"a.x Avenue between V.59th
and ~60th Streets. AffMzvlB of Azblication of Notice of Hearing, as published ia
Su%urban Press, Ho@ins, on June 29 and July 6, was read, approved as to form', and
placed on file. . Engineer Qlqson's'-estimate of cost of construction was $3,703.29,
8s against 1,197.44 assessable feet, or $3.09 per assessable foot.
?/ 24/50
There were no objections filed at the Hearing, ana no mitten objections had been
received by the Clerk prior to the Heqing. Hawbhorne offered the follovring Resolntion
and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOXtYXD by the Oouncil of the VillGe of Bdina, l*fblesota, that this Council
heretofore- caused notfce of hearing t-o be duly published on the proposed improvement
consisting of Sanitary Sever Hain and apprctenances in Fairfax Avenue betaeen 8.59th
and VodOth Streets; and at the hearing held at the time .sad place specified in sdd
notice the Council has daly considered the dews of dl persons interested, and being
fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceedkrith the con-
struction of said bproyement; that said mrovement is hesebr designated and shall be
referred to Zn all subsequent; proceedings as Saflltary Sevlsr fmprovoment Ho. 29, and
the =.ea to be spatially assessed therefor shall include all lots znd tracts of land
Ebbutting and fronting upon the streets fnvhich said improvement is to be constructed,
Nation for adoption of the Resolution was
were four ayes and no nays, as fo$lovrst
Zrickson, aye; and the Resolution vas
. Zhgineer-Olsson's plans and specification for proposed Sanitary Sewer Inrprovement
Noe 29 were revievred for the Council, aid Hawthorne offered the followins Resolution
and mdved its adoption:
BE) IT RESOLVED 3y th6 Vilkge Oouncil of the Village of Zdina: "
1.- lrhe ;;iians and specificstions for Sanitary Sewer xnrprcivement BO, 29 'heretofore
prepared by the Village Engineer .and not7 on file in the office pf the Village Clerk are
herebg approved.
2, !!he Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and %he
Construction Bulletin the folloving notice for bids for the construction of said
Zhe Ed& Village CounciJ, ~311 meelj at the Vizlage Hall, 4801 T€.50th Street,
on Hondsyr August 14, 1950, 2t 7:30 a'clock P.N., to open and consider sealed bids for
the construction of Sanitary-Sever Improvement go. 29 in said Village, consisting of
construction of Sani.t;zry Sever Main and agpuktenances in Fair- Avenue betvreen TI.59t;l
and vr.60th Streets.
plans and sseciffeations €or said irnprovement on file in the office of the Village Clerk,
All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash papent €or the vrork. IJo bids will be
considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said
meeting znd accoqanisd by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check pzyable to the
Village Clerk in the amount of !Pen percent of the amount of the bid.
The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in tho
Bp URDE3 OF THE VXZLAGX COUI?CIL, Botrer &trthorne c
Village Clerk
E-, l*f.linn* 3,. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids me hereby
adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for sdd Improvemen€,
Ho.t;ion for adoption of $he Resolution tfas second and on Rollcdl there were
four ares and no nays, as follows: , Danens, aye;
Pursuant to "Notice of Eearing-Grading and Gravelling , Fairfax Avenue bettreen
TT.59th ad K60th+~trects," published in Suburban Press, -Hopkins, on June 29 and
July 6, 1950, affidavit of publication for which vas read by Clerk, approved as
to form,.and placed on file, Public Hearing vas called on this proposed improve-
ment, Engineer's Estimate of Cost, .in total amount of $774;5i, as against
1,197.44 assessable feet, or $.65 per assesshble foot, Tras read, There tmre no
objections at the Hearing, and-no vkitten objections had been received by Clerk
prior to Hearing.
Bmrthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its
adoption: - 4
BEl IT RESOLT!3D by the CocUrckl of the Vi13&ge of Edina, 'Bfinnesota, that this Council
heretofore oaused notice of *hearing to be duly publislied on the proposed improve-
ment conaisBing of Grading ad &caVellimig of Fairf='&enue between V,59th and V,
60th Streets; and at the hearing held at the time zmd place specified in said
notice the Councilhs duly considered the vietrs of all persrons inkerested, ana
being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby designated and shall be
referred to in .all subseq6n.1; proceedings as Street 'Improvement No, C-8, ad the
mea to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of $land
abutting ad fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was secbnded
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Panens, a
and Irickson, age; and the Resolution was-hdop
and on Rollcall there , aye';. Hawthorne, aye;
Village Clerk
Engineer Olssona s plans and specifications for the proposed Grading and Gravelling
of Fairfax Avenue between V.58th and V1.59th Streets were reviewed. Danens offered
tho .following Resolution and moved its adoption:
mrI'dl RZSQLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
r I
1, The plans and specifications for Street Improvdment fo, C-8 heretofore
The Clerk shall cause to-be published twice in the Suburban Press and the
prepared by the 9'tllage Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk
are hereby approved, +
Constructjlon Bulletin the following notice for bfds for the constn;iction of said
S-2 I&PROvEIUENT NO, ' 0-8
The Edina Village Council will meet dt the Village Hall, Mol W,5Oth
Street, on Monday, Angust 14, 1950, at ?r3O osclock PeM,, t'o open cohsider
sedad bfds for the constructioa of Streot Improvement No, C-8 in said Village,
consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Fairfax Avenue between Vl.59th and K60th
Streets, +
the plans and specif5cations for said improvement on fZle in the office of the
Village Clerk, ~33.3. bids must be submitted on the basis of cash pqmsnt for the
work. No bids trill be considered unless sealed and fZled with the unaersigned
before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, OF
certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of ten percent of the
amaunt of the bid,
The work on said inprovement must be done as described and specified in *
Bower Eawthorne
Village Clerk
Idina, Minnesota
3, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for 'bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said
E.fo%iion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded b
were four ayes'and no nays, as follows: Danens,
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was a
, and on Rollcdl there , aye; Hawthorne, aye;
Pillage Clerk ,
gUrswt tor1Advert2sement for Bidstt for I'later Main Improvement No. 26,. ana to '%dvertiss-
nent for Bibi' for' Spaitary' Sever Improvement No. 27, both advertisemepts having been
pblished in the' Su'tnriban Press , Eopkins, end in the Construction Bulletin,, Minneapolis, -- 'on 3%ly 13 an&' 20, 1950, as substantiated by Affidavits' of Publication which were red,
approved as to form and'placed on file, the folloving-bids were publicly opened and
I'lm NAIN S@!URY SEILER n.~. NO. 26 n*P. No. 27
Bat Carlone, St, Pz&., f*fh, $6 * 733.00 $5,954-045
Lanetti & Lunettf, St. Paul, Nim. ,6,857.30 .6,359.90 . Ricb.z&i M. Zerron Oonst. Go,, Ninnea-jolis, ~+m. 6,740.75 5 ,94%. 30
%helps-Drake Co. , llinneapolis ; f.lirur, 6 , 388 . 05 5,933JQ
Western undergramti G6nst;. Coo IXinneapoXis ,Ninn. 7 263 .OD 6,273 . 00
Before the opening ,of the above bids, Engineer Olsson asked each bidder on Tfater l*l.Iain
Improvement No.' 26 to" file vith hin the type of hydrrnts he intends to use on this
groject; and the bidaers did SO. Hwthorne moved, that bids be referred to Village
Engineer for tiabdztion ad report at next meeting. Notion seconded by Danens and
Public Hesing was called on proposed IIDrainage and Blacktopping'l of the' alley betveen
Ninnehaha Boulevard and Wifax Avenue, ana hetween 1'1,.52n& Street and 52% %i?.lfax-
5225 Ninnehaha Blvd, Affidavit. of Publication of Notice of Hearing in Suburban Fress,
Hopkins,. on July 6 and 13, 1950, tms' read, ap~oved as to fo9, and placed on file,
YngineerIs Estimate of the Cotd cbst of a Storm Setre?? to drain the above property and
Lots 8,9, and 10, 33, 9 snd 35, Block 2, South Harriet; Park 2nd Addition, and to
duscoat the alley, vas $1.74 per assessab3.e foot, or a total of $2,119.39. Messrs,
Rushay, Conaway, and Bublitz, 5228, 5232, ad 5236 HaXifAx Avenue, protested the
improvemen-f; on the grounds that the cost vas rdsrepresented to the petitioners at the
tine they signed, and also on grounds that objectors do not vish to pay Tor something
for which$hey vi11 receive no benefit,
Hearing until the &gular council meqting of ..kugust 14. Notion seconded %y Palen asd
Hawthorne moved-for continuace of public
Continuation of Bublic Hearing of July io, on proposed Sazlitasy Sever in Bromdale Bark
vas held, Zngineer Olsson stated that his estimate of cost of Lateral Setrcrs to connecf
ktth the Zdina Distric6 Sever vodd bs $28,25 per assessable foot, vhereas the alternate, - (laterals to connect with St.Louis PmlqDistrict Sever) vould be $7.20 per assessable
foof;, including cost 'of lateral severs and Edinals proportionate share of the cost of
EL prmrpfng station, Besides this amount, there would be a $lOO,OO per lot connection
charge for P&tm residents to connect to the sews. The m9ttor of an agreemeqt with
the Village of St,houis Bmk was discussed, and Hawthorne moved that Hesing be con-
tinued until Neeting of August 14, in order that, Engineer OLsson may get gull and com-
plete information from St,Lo&s Park on the matter of costs. 1-k. Leonard Odell, vho
vas in the audience for this Hearing, vas informed of Council*s action,
1.fr. Honer Eimey,5828 Vooddale Avenue, owner of a lot abutting pairfax Avenue between
W.58th and I'l.jgth Streets, protested the proposad Vater &in Improvement therein,
claim- an imrdid potftiozii at was explgihed tocI.ir, Ifinney that hetition for water
ma5.n lacluded only the block between V.59th and Vl,60th Streets on Fairfax &venae, and
that the Council ha& acted on its om motion to include the block between V.58th and .
T1.59th Streets because of fact that trunk main will be in Tl.58th Street, ad the 5900
Block cannot be served unless the 5800 block is ado served. 34r. TWey claimed the
cost of the improvenent aould precludoehis keeping the lot,
Trustee Uens asked to be excused from the Sleeting for a short time, at this pok,
leming zrquomm of three to conduct the business of the heting.
lk. Rqmond F, Horrell, 6144 OakIa?rn Avenue, objected to the cost 02 the proposed Sani-
tary Sever Improvement in O&za~m Avenue beheen Fr.58th and Valley View Road, and vas
informed tbat Public Hesing had already been held, and improvement ordered in.
The matter of the Drunkometer Ordinance vas 'brought before the Council.
moved that adostion of Ordinace, based upon its first reading this evening, be set fdr
August 14, 1950.
Notion seconded by Pden and carried,
Engineer Olsson reportea %hat it seems impossible to seme easements for right-of-way
for Wrison Lane, and snggested that easementq be prepared by Village, for signatures
by owners. . Gouncil concurred vrith ?xis, suggestion.
Begarding the proposed Paving of France &venue, Engineer Olsson reported that the
&hnea.olis ihgineer has been contacted, znd that Hr. Olsson is vraiting to hear further
fron him before proceedingaith estimate of cost.
- Mr, lindhorst and Attorney John B. Faegre revared for the Council the *egal aspects
of the proposed straightening of 'Golf Terrace, with Mr. Faegre recomm&ding that
Council postpone action until petitioner Hansen's return from Europe. Hwthorno
moved that matter be continued until Meeting of September, 11, 1950.
by Pden and carried.
I&. Eomer Kinney, who had earlier in the meeting protested proposed Vater 2jlai.n
Improvement in 2airfax Avenue between V7.58th and V,59th Street, told the Council
that the water main improvement is of no benefit to his lot unless asewer main
is also constructed in this street, and asked that the Coancil hitiate proceed-
ings for' such a sewer main extension. Hmthorne offered the follgtring Besolut ion
and Snoved its adoption; r
Notion seconded
*r r
-* WBXREAS, the Council of 'the 'Village of Edina desires on its oka motion to
improve Fairfax Avenue between Y.59th and"t'J.58th Streets by construction-of Smibry
Sewer Maw and appwtenances therein, as authorized by Lzvrs of 1949, Oahpter 119
as amended by Laws of 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore,
BE 11 RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is
deemed. necessary and expedient to impkove Fairfax Avenue between lf,jgth and V.58th
Streets by construction of Ssmitaxy-Sewer Main and appiirtenances therein; and that
on the 14th day of August, 1950,* at 7:30 P.M;, this Ci3u.mil will meet at the
Village Hdl in said Village and trill at said time and place hear the parties
interested therein in reference to such improvement, -and ail1 deiide whether or
not to undertake such mrovement, in whole or in part.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded
were three ayes and no .nzgs, 8s follotrs:
aye: and the Resolution was adopted.
and on Rollcall there
Pale?* mthorne, we; and Irickson,
ViLlage Cleck
The matter of taking bids on the above project at the same date as the Public
Hearing (which is also the same date on which bids are being taken for th6 sanitary
sever in Fairfax Avenue between ~60th and If.59th Streets) vas discussed, with the
Village Attorney offering the oral'opiniori that,inasmuch as bids'mG be rejected
providing Couzlcil decides after Public Hearing to abandon prodect, it; will be
legal to advertise for bids to be taken on-August 14,
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Hmthorne offered the
W,59T€I AND' If. 58fcH Sl'R3EIS
BE 12 R36SOLIBD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the
Village Engineer 'be, and hereby is, authorized and directed torprepare plans and
specifications for proposed Sanitary Sewer construction in 27airfax Avenue between
W.59th and V.58th Streets, and to insert-a proper advertisement for bids for said
construction in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota and in the construction
Balletin, Hinneapolis, said advertisement to appear in two issues'of-each pbli-
cation, with the stipulation that said construction is to be done according to
the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Village Engineer, with bids
to be opened at the Regular Meeting of the VillGe council to be held Monday,
August 14, 1950, at 7:30 B.M.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was
were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
and on Rollcall there
; and Irickson,
Mr. Roy It. Bqdlund presented petition by Edina American Legion Post No, 471, for
permit to sponsor ZL carnival on the Legion and School District No. 17 grourras, on
July 25; 26 and 27, or at a later date.
Hawthorne requesting detailed information as to'the tne of -concessione to be
bcLulled in the c~zi.va2. Trustee Dmens-returned to the meeting during this
discussion. Balen moved tha,t application for permit be granted. Motion seconded
by Dakns and carried, with Hawthorne not voting.
Considerable discussion followed, trith
282 7/24/50
3ngineer Olsson presented tabufation of Combined Bids for Vater flains Zqrovements
Nos. 23, 24, and 25, t&en 2% Meeting of July 10; 1950,
cussion as to the type of hydrants proposed by the lov bidder, inasmuch as he expacts
to use 14ueller bgdrants vhereas alf Village of Edina hydrats are TIatrous tgpe,
Attorney lhdhorst's opinton vas presented to Council, and Eavthorne moved th&
bid be amrded to the 10s bidder, Phelps-Drake Compauy, at; bid price of $57,920,00,
24otion seconded by Pden znd carried.
Engineer Olsson aresented tabulktion of bias taken July 10, for Sanitary Sever
Improvement Xo, 25, eqlzining that aa error in multiplication h2d been discovered
in-the bid of DeGraff-Wolff, St. Paul, vhich makes their tot&!. bid $7,448.35 instead
of $6,W.35 as read on the 10th; and that BaH Carlone, wiEh a %id, of $6,683.90, is
loa. bidder. He recommended amrd to lov bidder. Havrthornels motion, for arrsd of
bid on San%tw Sever No. 25 to Bart Galone, St; Pad, at $6,683,90, vfas seconded
by Palen and carried.
Bngbeer Olsson*s tamation of bids for combined bias on Street; Improvenents Nos. C-5 arrd E7 showed Gibbish Excavating Go. as lov bidder, After recommendation by
Villzge Engineer, fd en moved that bid' be av@ded' to low bidder Motion seconded
by Dmens ad barried.
Pur&s,nt to ymions instructions by Council, Attorney Windhorst presented draft of
propbsed "Hovingfl Ordinance. Considerable discussion and reviev of proposed
Ordinance was had by Council. &vthorne offered the follow5ng Ordinance for
adoption, moving that Council dispenbr3 Bith sec0nd'readj.Q and adopt sme as real this evening:
There ~ms considera%le* dis-
.. -- See. 1; Permit Reeired, That it'shall be unlatfful for any persdn, firm,
or corporation to move, haul or tranqort, any house, building, derrick, or other
structure of the height of sixteen feet or more, of a width of fifteen feet or more
or vhich cannot be moved at speed of four miles per hour or more, upon, across, or
over any street or alley without first obtaining apermit therefor as herebafter
<S ec. 2, Hanner of Obta5niiig Permits.' That all qplications for permits
to move houses, buildings, derricks or other structures nentiollea in Section I.¶ shall
be n2de in ~mftihg to the village clerk,"specifying 'the date ad. hour said moving is
to commence and the street route over vhich said building or structure sballbe
interfere vith zlly wires or pales, the application shall state the nme of the omer
of said vires and poles, the time and place when "ma where removd of s&d poles and/
or cutting, raising or other interference vith szid vires will be necessary.
peixit to move shall in all cases issuq upon an qpropriate resolution of the village
council; prodded hovever, that in dl cases involving the moving of newly constructed
houses or buildings, the building inspector shall be authorized to issue the necessary
permit vhen the village council theretofore by resolution shall have approved the
manufacturer, contractor or mover thereof.
derrick or other structure is granted under the provisions of this ordinance, the
applicant for said permit shall pw to the village clerk the sum of $10.00 therefor, '
whtch shall be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the village.
And. if it shzll be necessary %6 cut dovm, move, raise or in any other my
< D Sec. 3. Fee for Pennit. T!&t before'a permit to move any house, building,
Sec. 4. Surety Bond Required. That it shall'be tlk duty of any person,
firn or corporation at tXe time of making application for a pernit as provided in
Section 2 of this ortlillace to execute in favor of the village a good and sufficient
'surety bond to be appoved by %he presidenf of the couricil, indemnffying the dllage
a&Q~st any loss 3y reason of clanage to street6 or other village property and saving
the village harmless from any damage to privrzte property or damage suit resulting from
the failure of such person, firm or corporation to compls with the provisions 02 this
ordinance, or from their negligence.
Sqc. 5, ITotice to Owners of Vires and Polls. The vil1a,se clerk SW?,
upon filing of syh apylicatSon, give not less than twenty-four hours' ikitten notice
to the pyrson, firm or corporation owning 0; operating such vires ad poles or to
their agents, of the time and place, vhen and vhere, the reEoval of said poles, or
the cu$ting, resing or otherwise interfering with said vrres shall be necessary.
7/24/30 i 2?r83
Sec. 6, 9uty of Wire Owners. That it shall be the dnty of any person
firm, or corporation otming or operating said poles or wires after service of notice,
as required in Section 3$ to furnish competent-workmen or linemen to remove such
poles, or raise or cut such wires, as trill be necessary to facilitate the moving
of such house, building, derrick, or other structur3;
is incurred thereby sW1 ke paid by the holder of tlie moving permit,
building, derrick, or other structure shall raise, cut or in any vW interfere with
any such poles or wires unless the persons or authorities ot.ming'or having control
of the same shall. neglect or refuse to do so after having been notified as reqared
in Section 3; then, only competent and experienced workmen or linenen shall be
employed in such work, and the work shall be done b~ a-caeful and t~orh&2ke
mamer, and the said poles and wires shall be promptly replaced aud the &onages
thereto promtly repaired,
See, 8,
the building inspector from time to time to inspect the progress of the moving of
any building, house or other structure and see that sdd house, building or other
structure is being move& in accordaace with the provisions of this ordinmce.
The necesszry expense which
Sec. 7. Duty of Fouse Xovers. No person ,engaged in moving any house,
- Duty of the kllding Inspector, !hat it shall be the du%y of
Sec, 9. Red Lantepns to be Displayed. That it shall be the duty of
any person, firm, or corporat5on moving any of the structures mentioned in
Section 1 of this ordinance, upon, across, or over my'street, d1.ey or other
public place, to -display red lanterns thereon in such a manner as to show the
extreme height and wiath thereof from thirty minutes after sunset to thirty
mioutes before sunrise.
Sec. 10, Penalty. -'person violating the provisions of this
orainance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a
2ine of no% more than Qne Iixmdred Dollars (@lOO.OO) or by imprisonment in the
county jail for a periol: not to exceed ninety days,
Sec. 11, That this ordinance shall talre eff'ect and be irr
force from and after its passage and publication according to Latr,
Sec. 12. Repeal. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith me hereby repealed,
Notion for adoption of the Ordinance
%hex-e 'were four ayes ayrd no nays, as
aye: and Erickson, aye; znd the .. Ordinance
Mayor b-
Village Clerk
Attorney T'tindhorst tpresented for Gourrcil*s consideration his &raft of the proposed,
amendment to the Building Ordinance, adopting FHA minimum requirements
ing fees for inspection of houses prefabricated- outside the villagee
was had, and Palen offered the following Ordinance, moving that the Council dispense
with secolid reading of same, and adopt as read this Ordinance as read:
and 'establish-
Some discussion
Section 1, That- Sections 6, 7, 8, of that certain ordinmce
adopted on September' 21, 1936, are'hereby amended to read as folloas:
aay building or structure, or add to, &large, more, improve, repair, alter, ' convert,
extend or demolish zng 'building or structure or cause the seme to be done, or to
locate any building or structure vhich'has been constructed outside of' the Villxe
on land within the Village or to install as part, of any building or structure an
elevator, fire escqe, plumbing, gas fitting, air conditionbg, electric wiring or
hezing or heat proauctng qplianc,e without first obtaining a permi'e therefor from
the Building Inspect or.
the Village without a permit, or not in conformity with this ordinance,' shall be
Section 6. Bernit Required.--It shall be unlav.rful to erect or construct
Any building or structure erected or constructed, or hereafter located in
* "I No bullding sh3J.l. be moved until a permit has &en obtained from the
BUiliEng Inspector; and he sMl qat issue such permit if in his Judgaent the pro-
posed nev location of the building would seriously increase the fir'e &zard of the
surrounding buildingq.
has been made to the Building Inspector at least forty-eight hours before work is
contemplated to be started, and a permit ddy granted. AU. permits' issued SWI
expire ninety (90) &ys after the date thtraof, unless the work contempl&ed and
authorized therebg is in actual progress, all fee; to b6 forfeited.
Under no conditions shall any building be started until form3 application
Itn the case 09 Isuilding, structures, or major sectqons thereof, constructed
outsifie of.the Village to be located on land within the Village, an ap@cation for a
permit must also be made at least forty-eight hours befqre St is $tended that work
shall comence thereon asd no work shall commence until a permit has 6een issuedo
In addition, ih all such cases the applicant must agree to notify the Building Inspector
when the framework of the buildiqg, structure or section is completed, vrhen the
foundation has been com2leted on the land located within the Village, and at, such
other t-imes as the Building Inspector shall designate, Tihe Buil~-ng Inspector at
his discreZion zccept the final inspection certificate of the Federal Housing
Administration in lieu of making such inspection as would otherwise be made of the
construction covered by this paragraph,
7 Section 7. Application for Pernit.--Any person desiring a permit as
reqdred by this Code shqll file with the Suilding Inspector an application there-
fqr in tmiting onTa blank form to be fqrnished for,that purpose. Bo application
€or a permit for construction+outside of the Village of any buildFg, structure,
or major section thereof to be located on land aithin the Village shall be accepted
usless the construction shall be performed xlthin a distance of fifteen miles from
the Village Hz2.1.
Every such application for a permit shhl describe the land upon
which the proposed building or vork is to be done, either by lot, block and/or
trzct, or similar description that trill readily,identify the site and definitely
locate the propped building or work. The Building Inspector may at his option
rewre a survey of the lot u~on~vrhich the proposed building or work is to $e
done vhich sqey shdl be prepred and attested by a registered surveyor; said
survey shall. indicate the dimensions of the property, and shall. definitely
establish the location of 211 buildingsron thy property, if any, and of d-llot
lines by means of iron monuments firmly embedded in the ground, or othervise as
the Building fnspector may require. ,
Every such application shall show the proposed use or occupancy of
all pats of the W&ding and such other rezsona'ble information BS may be re-
Fired by the 33uildi~g Inspector.
Copies of @ans and specifications and a plot slan by a registered
surveyor shoving the location of the proposed buzlding uld the locztions and
dimensions of'every existing building which is to remain thereon, shaJ.1 adcompmy
every application for a;permit and sball be filed in auplicate with the Building
Inspector; provided, however, that the Buildinghspector may authorize the
issuance of a permit without plans, specif+ca!ions, or plot plq for smell or
uniqortmt vork or for work vhere plans, specifications and/or lot plan 2x8
obviously unnecessary.
Plans shall be dram to scale upon'substaratial paper or cloth,
may be blue prints or other prints, and the essential pats shall be dram to 3,
scale of not less than one-eighth (1/8) inch to one foot, excepting the lot plan.
Plans adspecifications shall be suEicient in number and sufficiently
clew to illustrate the nature md cbstracter of the work proposed and to sh0T.f thzt
the law will be complied with.
conformity to the provisions of this Code shall accompany the plans a;ad specification
when so required by the Building Inspector,
&&neering and dther data necess-zy to show
t -.
' Any specifications in terhich general expressions are used to the effect
that hrork shall be done in accordande with the Building; Code"
faction of the Building Inspector" shall be deemed iaperfec% and incomplete &d
every reference to this Code shall be to the section or sGb-section applicable
to the material to be used or to the methods of construction proposed,
or l1 to the satis-
8 A11 plans shall bezs the name of the owner, architect, structural
d engineer or designer.
Nothing in this Secti"on shd.1 prohibit the filing of amentinends ,to an
ayplication or to aplan or other record accompanying the ap$icztion at any time
before the conpletion of the work for tihich the permit was sought.
after zqproval, sW1 be filed with and be deemed apart of the original application,
ad fees for such amendments shall be required upon the same basis as for the
original permit.
an applicant for a pedt shall be ch&ked by the Building Inspector and if found
to be in conformity wJii& the requirements of this Code, the zoning ordinance of
Idina, ad d.1 othe'k laws md/o* ordinances applicable thereto, the 33uilding'
Inspector shall, upon receipt of the required fee,-issue a permit therefor, within
a reasonable time, together with a suitable card showing tbt permit has been
issued, to be placed in evidence od the property.
Such amendments,
Section 8. Permits.-+!he a&icstion, plans and specifications filed bj
Vhen the Building Inspector issues the permit he shall epdorse in writing
or stamp both sets of plans and specifications (I Approved.ff One such approved sst; *
of plans and specifications shall be retaiiied by the Building Inspector is a public
record, md one such approved set of plans and specifications shall be returned to
the applicailt, which set shall be kept on such building or work at aL1 times during
which the work authorized there>y is in progress and shall be open to inspection by
public officials, .-.
Such approved plans and specifications shill not be- ckimged, mofiff$ed or
altered vithout anthorization from the BuUding Inspectpr, and all work shall be
done in accordance theret~ith.'
liothing in %his Section shall be construed to prevent the Building
Inspector from approving and issuing a permit for the construction of -pat of a .
building or structure, if adequate pl-ms and detailed statements bve been presented
for the same md have been found to comply with the requireaents of this Code.
Fees.--The 8pplicant for a 3uilding permit hereunder shall pzqr
' to the Village of %din+ as fees €or the eqknse of inspection and examinztion of the
building, plans and specifications a minimm fee of $5.00 for construction costing
less than $5,000.00 and $1.00 per 1,000 cubic feet of cubi&al contents over and
a'bove the first 3,000 cQic feet based on the outside measurements of first and
second floors only, and 50 cents per 1,000 cubic feet of cubical contents based on
the outside measurements of basements, covered porches, and attached garages. The
above applies to private dwellings used exclusively as the home or residence of not
more than two separate,or distinct families.
which are constmcted outside of the Tillage but to be located upon land '(.Jitihin the
Village, there shall be paid in addition to the above fees the sum of $5.00,
addition the applicant shall pay seven cents per mile upon the mileage: measured frogl
'the Village Hall in the Village of ldina to the place of construction outside of the
Tj.llage, and return; said mileage fee to cover the expense of the Building Inspectop*n
travel for purposes of ihspectioh.
application for permit, and additional payment for mileage shall be pajd at the time
of the second and each subsequent inspection.
other buildings, fees irill be as follows:
thereof in improvemehtsB
discretion of the Building Inbpector, which will be refunded dl or in part vih0ri
improvenents are completed gad all rubbish and unsightly material removed.
alterations, additions and minor improvements costing less thzn $500 a minim fee
of $2-00 wil1 be charged.
Section 9.
' However, 2n the case of dweilings
Mileage for one trip shall be paid at time of
For all mercmtile, industrial and
$2.00 for each $1,000.00 or fraction
A $25.00 Clem-up deposit may be col$ected at the
- Section 2, That pursuart to the authdrity contained in Chayter 200 Section 1
Zaws of Minnesota, -1945, a Code known as the LSinimum Pronerty Recru5T.enents for ProDerties
of One 0-r Two Livinp Unfts Located in the St&e of Minnesot~a issued by the Federd.
Housing Administration is hereby incorporzted by reference into this Building Code
and is hereby made apzrt hereof,
Pederd Housing Administration Code are on file foruse in the office of the Village
of non-farm one or tvo family living un'its. All buildings, structures or major
sections thereof not covered by szidlederal Housing Administration Code shall
continue to be covered by the reqyirements heretofore established by this Building
Three official copies so -ked of the said
The retpirements therein cont&ned herenfter shall govern for d1 construction
- Sectiou. This ordinmce shall take effect and be in force from znd after
its passage 2nd publicktion according to law,
--- - -- - -
vere four ayesand no nays, as follows: Danens. aqe;\Phkn', aye; '%vthorne,
E.Iotion for adoption of the Ordinance vas seconded by
vere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens,
Biclrson, aye; and the lsrr Ordinance "as *adopted,
ad on Rollcall
Village Clerk
aye; an6
DiscussiOn vas had as to means of financing various 1950 improvenebt projects, for
which contracts have been awrded subsequent to the issuance of $108,000 1950 Improve-
ment Bonds the early part of the gear, Hairthorners knotion, dZre@xin! Villqge Attorney
to inlti&e proceedings for the taking of bids on.September 11, 1950, for approximately
$150,000 ImproveDent 33onds; vms seconded by Pden, and carried,
The ma%ter of non-confornmce wi'th 'IS ign" ordinance, by severd Eusiness establishments
vhich have not yet secured maintenance permits, was discussed, dith Villzse Attorney
instructed to mite these firm;;.
Emst and Ernstls acceptace of assignment to &it records of Villzge of =ins for
year 1949, vas re&., acc'epted and filed,
Ilnginesr Olsson made report on Business District Pak5ng Sot sibtion.
~r. B, C. Stoa agreed to give a 75foo.t; easement for 1.izcrGit Street, providing village
constructs sidevlilk and curb ad gutter there, without chsge to him,
for a storm sever, Dmens moved that Bgineer be given instructions to comply vith
I&. SEoirJs r'equest for sidevdk and cur%, and that Denens zuld Olsson be given power
to supervise sajdtrorkukon receipt of said easement,
Discussion vas had as to illegal delivery of licpor in ErXna,
Captain HcGary be directed to m&e tests to find out whether such deliveries are being
Discussion vas again had. kith regard to proposed Drunkometer Ordinance, vith CMrnan
of O& Committee PaLen zdvocating adoption of Ordinance this evening in order that it
may go into effect as soon as aossible.
moving %hat Council dispense with second &eading thereof ad adopt Ordinance as read
earlier in the evenins:
He also asked
Palen moved that
Motion seconded 3y Danens and carried,
Hawthorne offeped the'following Ordinance,
* * 1. I'lhenever zny person operating a motor vehicle shall be areseed ,?ad
charged with drivhs said vehicle vhile under the influence of into&icating liwor,
the officer or person m3king the arrest may, with the consent of the arrested person,
cause a chenfcal azmzY..ysis to be made of the blood, breath, urine or other bodily
substmce of the =rested person in order to determine the zmount of alcohol then in
such Serson's blood,
2, In the event of prosecktion for said violation, the kmount of alcohol
found in defendant's blood at the time of his arrbst, as 6hom by the chemicd analysis
as aforesaid, shall give rise to the followin& presumption:
A. Lf there was a the time 0.05 per cent or less by weight
of ~,lcohol in the defendant's blood, it shall be presumed that the defendant
vas not under Stke influence of intoxicating liquor;
- B, If there was at that time in excess of 0,05 per cent but less
thm 0.15 per teat by weight of alcohol in the defendant's blood, such fad
shall not give rise to any presumption that the defendant was or was not
under the influence of intoxicating liquor, but such fact may be considered .
.+ with other competent evfdenceein determining the guilt or innocense &the
def endent ;
C. If there was at that tirne 0.15 per cent or more by weigh$ of
alcohol inthe.defendant*s blood, it shall be presumed that the defendant was
nuder the hfluence of intoxicating liquor.
3, The provisions of the foregoing three paragraphs shdl no% be
construed as limiting the introduction of any other competent evidence bear-
ing upon the question of whether or not the defendant vas under the influence
of intoxicating liquor.
made of his blood, breath, urine or other bodiLy substance at thh time of
Us arrest shall no% be admissible in evidence against h3.m upon trial,
t 4. The refusal of the defendant to permit a chemical analysis to be
5. This ordsinance shdl take effeci; and be in force from end after
iLs passage and publiczd3on according to law.
Rttorney?hndhorst and Engineer Olsson reported to Council that 14r. Lisle
F..Sveeney wishes the Courrcil to vacate an lasement for Sanitary Sever which
he gave to the Tfllage of ldina some years agos in return for which he wilZ
give to the Village a new easement of the proper description,
motion, directing Village Attorney to prepare the necessary conveyance 09
property to Mr, Sweeney, to return to him that land conveyed to the Plllags
by Easement dated Jay 28, 19110, Piled Jmuary 3, 1941, Book 1492 oE Daeds,
Page 2311; said return to be m3de after receipt of new and proper easement from
Nr, Sweeney, was seconded 'by Palen and carried.
2here being no further btisiness to come before the Council, Daaansg motion for
adjournment; vas seconded. %y Hmthorne and unanimously carried, Eleeting adjourned
t. - ,
I L at :11:15 P,N. r
Village Clerk