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- Nembers answering Rollcall were Child, Danens, Palen and Hawthorne. Child presided
until the arrival of Pkyor Brickson, as - recorded below.
Ninutes of the Regular Meeting of July 24, Special Council-Lions Club Meeting of
July 29, and Special Neeting of,Au$ust 5, 1950, were approved as submitted, by
motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and csried,
Pursuant to I1Notice of Hewing on Proposed Blac~top~jing-~~,57th Street betvreen
France and Chowen Avenues published in Suburban Press, Hopkins , Minnesota, on
JuZy 13 and 20, 1950, Affidavit of Pablication for which vas read, qproved a8
to form, and placed on file, Acting Phyor Child called Hearins on this proposed
reject 2,718.14, against 1,675.8 assessable feet, or $1,62 per assessable foot, ,Nr.
George 1, Dougherty, 3700 V.57th Street, spoke for the improvement. There'were
no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been received prio5:
to the meeting,
adopt ion:
, Engineer Olsson's estimate of cost for thio project WLS read, at
Eawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its
r BI3 IT 'RESOLVJ3D by the council of the Village of Edina, bfimesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be drily pu3lished on the proposed
inprovement consisting of the Blacktopping of West 57th Street between Frame and
Chovrea Avenues, and at the hearing held at the time ad place specified in said
notice the Councfl has duly considered the view of dl persons interested, and
being fully dvised of $he pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with
the construction of sald improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement I
Bo. A-12, and the area to be specially assessed therefor sball. include dl lots
and tracts of land abutting 2nd frontingupon the streets in vhich saZd improve-
ment is to be constructed. t
Motion for adoption of Besolution vas seconded by Wens, and on RoL1cd.l there
were four ayes andno nays, as follows:
2nd Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution * was -. adopted,
Acting Nwor ..
'qillage Clerk C I
At this time petition for the blacktopging of V1.57th Street betpreen Bezrd and
Chovren Avenues vas presented, signed by owners of" seventy-five percent of the
atutting propzrties, and requesting that this project be considered with the
blacktopping Q€ lf,57th Street betvreen Chowen an& France Avenues.
moved for acceptmce of petition, and setting Public Heaing on proposed project
for I-fonday, September 11, 1950, at 7:30 P,N.
Child, aye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye;
Motion seconded by Drznens and
Hawthorne offered the f olloning Resolution:
BB IT RESOLVlilP by the Vi11ee council of the VilL3ge of Edina:
1. The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No, A-12 heretofore
prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the V5Ilage Clsrk
are hereby apFToved,
Construction Bulletfn the following notice for bids for the construction of said
The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Subur'bm Press and the
The Edins Vil1ap.e Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 ll,5Oth
Street, I*!inneapolis, on September 11, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. -to open snd
consider sealed bids for the'construction of Street Xqrovement No, &I2 in s&d
Village, consisting 'of the Blacktop3ing of West 37th Street, between Beard and
France Avenues.
%e vork on S&d bapr0vemen.t must be done as described and specified in
the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the
Village Clerk. All. bids must be su'bmitted on the basis of czshpqment for the work.
No bids vill be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the
the of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or dertified check
paya3le $0 the Village Clerk in the mount of ten percent of the mount of the bid.
Bower Hawthorne
Villzge Clerk
Edina, Minnesota:
3. Each and zL1 of the term; of the foregoing advertisement for bids aro hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the mard of the contract for said
Notion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by.Dmens: end on Rollcall there
were fonr ayes and no nays, as follovrs: Danens, age; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
Chi:& aye\ and the Resolution yas adopted.
Village 7L/& Clerk ' Acting fikygr
hpovement. t.
The next matter on the agenda VQS the Public Hearing on the proposed Sanitzay Sever
for Colonial Grove 'Phird Addition. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing,
pblished 2; Sn'irurbzn Press, HopL'ins, on July 27 and Apgast 3, 1950, vas read,
qproved as to form, and placed on file, At this tine a letter from the Bloomberg
Cornpny, sole owner o€ Colonial Grove %ird Addition, requesting th& Goqmy be
allowed to enter into privzte contract for Sanitary Sever l-lnin and Extension, with
trork to be done 5n eccordznce with Village Specifications, vas read, Hatter vas
delayed ternporazily until s?rivaJ. of Nr. Eer'bert Bloomberg. w*' L&er in the evening
1.k. Bloomberg sup3orted the petition of the Coqany, stding that this method will
espeaite matters for them. Child moved that p.gocegdi FS 2nitTated by the Vilhge for
Sanitary Sever in Coloniial Grove 'Phird Addition: 8id8&% the Bloonberg Compny be
granfed permission to enter into prrvate contract for said Smitary Sever extensions,
with specific understanding that Pillage specifications will %e fo2loeed. by Coqmy
and contractor.
Council held Public Hearing on.Proposed. Sanitary Sever Iqrovsrrtent in Pairfax Avenue
betveen M. 58th and V.59th Streets,
Subnrbvl Press, Hopkins, on JUZy 27 and August 3, 1950, vas read7 appoved as to form,
and $aced on file, Engineerts Est-te on cost of Sanitary Sever between 71.58th zlla
1~60th Streets, vas read at $8,247.94 as against 1,997.44 assessable feet, or $4.13
per assessable foe% It vrs, explained to audience that e. petition had been received
for- sewer in Pairfax batvreen T7.59th and 1~60th Streets; 2nd that, at the Public Hearing
held Tor said isrovementi, 8 reqzest had been made for extension of sever from 59th to
58th Btree% on FairfaT, with the Council acting on its OVM motion to initiate proceedin3
for this latter iq2rovement, NrsO Virginia Beard, owner of one .lot, obfected because
of the cost. There were no other objections from the floor, and no ihitten objections
had been received prior to the hearing,. Hawthorne offered the folloving Resolution and
moved its adoztion:
Notion seconded by Havthorne and carried.
Affidavit of Notice of Hearing, published in
RESOLU!l?IOIJ 0-G 11-mmm
BE IT Il3SOLV%l by the Council of the Village of Edina, M.nnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proFosed
imyrovement of Fairfax Avenue beinem T!.fjgth and ~~60th Streets, by construction of
Sanitary Sever Wain and apprrrten~cen therein; and at the hearing held a% time sid .
place specified in said notice this Council, after duly consider% the vievrs of all
persons interested, did determine to proceed with said improvement, and did desfgnatte
said improvement as Smltsy Sewer ,Iqrovement No. 29,
. S&iTI!E!ARY SEVER IMPF0~*53l~I! 80.29
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, that this Council
heretofore cwsed notice of hearing to be dulypublished on the proposed improvement
or" Fairfax Avenue betveen I'1.58th ad' V.59th Streets, by construction of Sanitary Sever
and appurtenances therein; and at th4 hearjag held at the time and ?lace speci€ied in
said notice the Oouncil has duly considered the vievs of dl persons interested, ad
being fully zdvised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine .i;o proceed with the
construction of sai& bprovement; that-said improvement is hereby desiwted as an
integral past of the doremed Sanitaqy Sever lfwrovement Wo. 29; and that the ares
to be syecial1.y assessea for said Szllltary Sewer Impovement ITo,. 29 shall.include ell--
hots and. tracts of land almtting and fronting qon Fairfax Avenue between T1.58th and
8.60th Streets,
Notton for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen,, and on Ro1lcd.Z there
were four ayes and no nays, as Collor~.~:
Hswthorne, age; and the Resolution vas .- adopted,
Child, zye; Danens, aye; Palen, aye; and
Acting Hayor
Village Clerk ,
Hawthorne offered the follotring Resolution and aoved its adophion:
. 3?QR SeNJ3N3X SEWER I~PRO~~~~2 80. 29 AKD
BE I'PBESOLVXD by the Village Coqcil-of the 'bt2llscge of Idins:
1. The plvls md specificatio2is for Sanitary Sewer amprovemelit TO, 29, con-
sisting of the construcjiion of Switary Sewer &in end appurtenances in P&rfax
Avenue between W.58th and w,Soth Streets, heretofore prepared by the 'Vtllage
3ngineer ayl now on f5le in the office of the Village Clerk me hereby approved.
2, 'Phe action of the Clerk In causing to be published twice in the SuIxmban
Press and the Construction Bulletin the follpwing notice for bids for the con-
structibn of said improvement is hereby @proved.
NO, 29
2he Edina Village Council will meet .at the VZllsge Hall, 4801 V.5Oth
Street, on Wonday:$ August l4$ 1950, at 7:3O o'clock P&, to open and consider
sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary Sever Improvement No. 29 in said
Village, consisting of construction of Shitzry Sewer Main ,and appurtenances in
3'airfax Avenue between Vo58th and W'F,60th Streets,
the plms andqspecifications for said improvement on file in the office of the
Villzge Clerk, All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the
work. E.0 bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with tfie undersigned
before the time of said meeting and accoqznied- by a cash deposit, bid. bond, os
Ferti;ir%ied check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of ten percent of the
amount of the bid.
The work on ,said improvement kst be done as described and speclfied in
Idipa, Ninnesot3-
- Village Glerk
3.' Each znd all of the terns of the foregoicg advertisement for bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the awad of the contract for &id
Acting Mayor
Continuation of pi;ibiic Hearingr of July 24, on proposed construction of' storm sever
and blacktopping of dley between Mikehaha Blvd, and' Wifax Avenue, from IT, 52nd
Street to 5225 Mimeh*sha BLvd*s south boundary line, vas had, this matter having
been tabled until property ovmers could agree. Eo one vas present to speak for
the petition, &d Messrs. Butlftz and Conoway objected to being assessed for cos$
of a stom sewer which, they allege, is of no benefit to then, Hawthorne moved
that project, 4. be tabled indefinitely, f4otion seconded %y %&en and carriedo
* I
Acting Mwor Child next called Public Bearing on the proposed Senitary Sever Main
Extension in Brot.mdaLe Bark Addition; in Mackey, Brook, Coolidge, and &ovrnUe
Avenues betbeen I'J.44th Street and the South boundary of the Vi?lage of St.&ouis
Park, and in Vest 44th Street, between Brotmdale Avenue and Glenn Avenue. This
Hesing was a continuation of Hearing of July 10, 19500 Mr, Child eqlagned. to
the audience that,= agreement has been reached with the Villrge of St.LouLs Pzrk,
irhereby the Brotmdale Park section of Edina ?rill use St.Louis Park's tm sever
without chsgg, in return for similar use of Edina's %run$ sewer by a certain
territory in St.Lou.is Park, without charge; that the Browndale &rk section will
pa;y one-tenth of the cost of the lift station,necessarJP for service. to the join%
sesfdents will be $8,10--which is the same assessment, that is being levPed aminst
nefghtorhg St .Louis Plrk residents. ?Ire Leonard Qdell, 4504 ITe. 44th Strket ,
and Mr. XozHO Shursen, 4378 Brook Avenue, led the delegation of eleven interestea
property owners in their inquiries for information as to costs. Step much dis-
- St.Louis PzrkPdina district; and that the total cost to the Broumdale Pa&
8/14/50 292 /
cussion from the floor,.Mr. Child zsked for a vote fson the proprty owners as to
construction of said improvemen% at cost given.
improvement, . Eawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Vote vas ten to one for the 1
BE I2 RE SOL^ by the Council of the Villse of Ediw. I.Iinnesota, that this
, Council heretofore cause& notice of hearing to ie duly pubkshed on the proposed. .+ imgrovement consisting of construction of Sanitary Sever Main and qqurtenzllces in
the following strbets:
Nackey, Brook, Coolidge and &ovmdzLe Avenues between W&th Street
and the South Bounbry of the Yillage of StJouis Park.
V.44th Street between Broirnda2.e Avknue ad Glenn Avenue
and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notfce the $ouncil
has duly consideked the views bf all persons interested, and being fully advised of
the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said
improvenent; that said improvement is here3y designated and shall. be referred to in
23.3. =%sequent proceedins as Sanitary Sever Improvement go. 26, and the area to be
specially assessed therefor shall include dl lots and tracks of land abutting and
fronting upon the streets in vhich said improvement is to be constructed,
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Panens, and on Rollcd.3. there
vere four ayes and no nzys, as follovrs:
Child, age; and the Resolution vras adopted, ;- Vi1 =e Clerk
Ewthorne offered the following Resolhion and moved its adopt ion:
Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
Acting Mayor
BE IT BESOLVXD by the Council of the Villxe of Edina, Ninnesota, that this
. Council hereby confirkt 2Lrmd ratifies the action-of the Viliage Clerk in inserting in
the Suburban Press, Hopkins, .and in the Construction Bulletin, Hinneapolis, a$
Advertisement for Bids for the construction of Svlitary Sever lrin that portion of
the Village of Bdina ly3ng north of 44th Street ad east of State Hightray Hoe looft,
said bids to be taken July 17, 1950, at the Village of St,Louis Park, together with
bids for St,Louis Pmk’s Sanitary Sever District Xo. 2-1,
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcdl there
were four zyes and no nays, as follows:
Child, aye; and the Resolution Was adopted,
Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
Acting &yor *
Continution of Jke 26th Hearing on the proposed rezoning of Lot 14, Block 22, Fair-
fax Addition, TIES continuell =til September 25, 1950, at 7:30 P.M., by E4otion ;Havthorne,
seconded by Pda and carried.
reeom?mdztion has been received from the Planning Copmission.
The matters of prelimbay plats of “l;&emoor Crest ad the Lisle P, Sweeney property
were referred to the Planriing Commission for their report,’
Hayor ErSckson entered the Neeting vhile the folloving vrzs being read:
1 I This action vas taken after it vas reported that no .
Contract submitted by 14innesota State Hfghvay Departmen%, for installation of trafffic
con3rol signals in the Tillage, ana‘ containing the folloving provisions, w3.s presented
for Counctl approval t
Installation of ’przffis Sigd at junction of Highways No. 169 and 100 a%
?lest 50th Streef t
InstzllatiPn of Traff3c Signal at Sntersection 02 Hightray Roo 200 and I”li1lson Rd,
?apent by State of lQO$ of, cost of installation at Highvays Xo, 169 and 100-
and West 50th Street,
Payment by State ad ty Village, on’ 50-50 basis, of. cost of instetlation at
Highway no. 100 and Tklllson Road.
?went by Village for full maintenance costs, including furnishing of electrid current- for both signas, -.
&wthorme*s motion $hat contzact be approved, and that Nayor and Clerk be authorized to
execute it in the name of the Village, TT~S seconded by Palen ad carrieda- *
93 I 8/14/50
Kith regard to t&e proposed straightening .of Golf Terrace, Mr. Ben Parks,, accompanied
'by,&. Carl No Hasen, reiterated that he was in possession of Power of Attorney from
Idr, Emsen* to himself, and that therefore, he &d legd righ% to sign Mr.9 Emsen's
name to petition for vacation. 2he gentleaen pere
informed.' that the council had postponed Public Hearik until Monday, September 11,
on this matter, and that nothing further could be done until then.
requested that cosy of Power of Attornef be furnished. him.
A delegation supported' petition filed this' evening,' signed by omers of 79$ of
the abutting properties, for the Grading and Gravelling of York Avenue between W.58th'
and W,5?th Street, !@he Council was rsminded of a'petian filed sone months ago, '
foi the grading and, gravelling of York between T?.58th and VJ.59th Streets, on which. ' Public Hearbg has not yet been had. Notion 'by'Danens, accepting petition filed
EMS eveling, and setting gublic Hearing on the proposed grading and gramlling
of York Avenue betweeil I7.57th and l'b.59th Streets, fo5 Nonday, September 11, 1950,
at 7:30 P.M., and authorizin$ Pillage CXerk to adverthe for bids for this project
to be taken on the same date, was seconded by Pden and carried.
A delegation led by Mr. Gaylord Berlin, supported. petktion filed thjk evening
for the extension of Village Vater N&n An 'Power Street betureen St.Johns ad
Concord Avenues. fir. Berlin told Council that several private wells hare gone
dry witMn the last few weeks, and th3t it is urgent that village ?rater service
be obtained at once. Child*s notion, setting Public Eearing on proposed %ter
Skin Improveljlent in Tower Avenue 'between St.5ohns and Concord Avenues for Monday,
September 11, 1950, at 7:30 P.W,, and authorizing Clerk to enter adver'cisernent
fbr bids on this projec-b, with said bids to be taken the same evening, tras seconded
by Dsnens and carried,
flr, RosenddLl, 57th ad Beard, inquired as to the liability of the Villqe for
d,mages incurred by property ovmers because of change of street grade bettreen 56th
and 57th Streets on BewI by Village.
has a liability for hxes providing the grade was changed after builders had
secured a grarte from the V'illaze office; that there is no liability by the Viilage
1x1 case 'builders secured no grade before building,
Pursuant to Advertisements for Bids--Street Improvement Xo, C-8, published h
Suburben Press, Ho,&ins, and in Construction Bulletin, Kinneqolis, on July 27 and
Ausst 3, 1950, Affidavits of Publication for vhich were read, zgyroved as to' form
and placed on file, the following sealed bids were publicly opened and read, for
the Grading and Gravelling of Fairfax Avenue between V.rjgth and ~60th Street's:
Gibbish Bxcavat ing Company, Miqneapolis
lerry B~os., Inc,
BSds were reviewed, ad it vas ascertained that the bid of the f.0~ bidder vas
accoinganied by neither bid bond, certified. check, nor cash depostt. Daens moved
tlmt bid be akrarded $0 Pfeiffer Construction Go., Edina, and that Mwor ad .Clerk
be authorize& to sign con%ract ,with Pfeiffer in the name bf the P5.1.1agee
seconded by Pden and carried;
$!his vas confirmed by Nr. H~111sm.
Attorney tfindhorst '
Mr. tbindhorst's oyin%on waB that the Village
' $520.00
PfeiBfer Construction Co., ldina $565*00
$672. $0 st. Louis Park
' Motion. -
Pursuant to Advertiseme ts for Bids-%ter Main Improvement No. 27, Sanitzxy Sever
Xo. 28, and Sanitary Sewer No. 2g9 published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in
Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on July 27 and August 3, 1950, Pffi&vPts of
Publication for which were read, a2proved as to form, znd placed on file, khe
followi@ sealed bids were publicl,y opened and re& &ternate bids for
Smitary Sewer District NO. 29 were also read, and are on file in' the ozfice of'
tho Village Engineer but are-not recorded here for the reason that the total bid
ia the only bid to be coasidered by the Council;
IMP #27 SAX SEVER #28 SAX sam#29
$;tisfax Ave. ' Qdclawn Aveem P&rPax Ave.4- B1.E
58th to V,Yietr Rd, 58th St. to 60th ; 58th to 60th
DeGraff Volf f $7,671.60 $13,189 65 $4,645.74
limetti B Lametti, St.Pau1 7,790.55 12,30~.52 4,894.21
S,mdstrom & Hafner 9 , 533 000 12,492 .bo 4 59L LO
Vestern Underground Consto Go. 8 , 788.00 16 867 . 20 8,164.70
Phelp-Dralrs Co . , Winneapolis 7; 321 . 20 13 r) 204.60 4,454.60
Hotfon by Chil$d for referra of bids to Village Engineer'for tabu2atiorz and report
Bzrt Carlone, Xt. Pal ,7,557.8Q ,17,069.35 : 5,479.50
at next re,daa: meeting vas seconded by Palen and carried. I
. < .C? 8/14/50
Bids tdcerr at the last regular meeting, for Vates Plain Znprovement No, 26 md
-Sanitary Sever fnprovement ITo. 27--llater and Sever fkin &tensions in Jbing Avenue
South of 8.58th Street-, were reviewe&,
low, bidder in both jobs, as recorded in the Ninutes of Ueeting of July'
motion, arrrSziiwzbids for Ifater &in Improvement Xo. 26 ad Sanitary Sever 'In-orov'etnent
Boe 27 to PheLps &&e Coapmy, at their bid Brices of'$6,388.05 and $5,933.10, respec-
tively, Elnd authorixins byor and Clerk to execute contracts in nme of Tillage, was
seconded by Havthome &d carried,
A delegation of three, led by Mr. Charles, 5613 Dhowen Avenue, requested stop signs
a% intersection of Beard, Choveil,md W,56th Street, and were told that investigation
wodd be mzde bj Police Department,
Attorney T'lindhorst reported. tht 24ra. Grzce Vind ail1 not give road easement over her
progkrty for less thsn $l,OOO; that Engineer OlsSon feels she should be pa5d sone?
thing for this .6-Acre easenent, Office reported that aroposed Bzter &in Inprove-
ment go. 24 aaseaerent is $709.50 fbr the Vind pfoperty, anti that the contractop is
azrxious to begin vork on this project, whereas condemnation proceedings kill $robably
take qyite some time;
settle with I&s. Wind for $350.00 for 30-foot easemen% across her groperty, with the
altemzte of bitfating condennation proceedings if this seftlement is not possible,
Hotion seconded by Xavfihorne and cirrriede
It vas reported that Phelps-&&e Company is
Child moved that Council grant Village Attorney potrer to
l.fr, T7indhorst reported Village 3bgineer Olsson's rea_uest,for a quick special assess-
ment procedure to alloir for the oiling of roads'and assessment tEerefor, lie reported
that a Public Hearhg on proposed iqrov&inent must be held before work is done;r-.t@i%%
a conI;ract need not be awarded, providing the cost 6f €he job doe& not exceed $%bOIOO
ger job,
f olloving Resolution and moved its adoption:
Discussion folloved, on determination of policy. Hawthorne offered ,!he
333 fl! RESOLVED by the Villpge Couhci3. of Bdins that it be established as the
policy of this Council th&:
In cases where petitions for the blacktopping of streets are recetved, if it
seems expedient to postpone'blacktopping projects until streets are in a satisfactory
condition, the Council vrill, with the approval of the property ovmers, apply dust-
coats of oil in one or more years preceding said blacktopping jobs; said. dustcoats to
be assessed as a par% of %he cost of s&id blacktopping projects,
In cases'where ;eEitions for dustcoats of oil are received, the Council will
apzly said ciustcoats and assess the cost thereof,
3. ' !?hat assessments for duscoats will be determined upon each job, individmlly,
&, !?hat the Council, on' its OVM motion, mu call Public Hearings for the purpose
5. That no'oil be mplied to any Village Street at the ekpxbk of the General
of usdertaking oiling jobs, without petition,
I4otion for adoptibn of the Resolution vas
IC *-
were five ages and no nays, as fo1lot.r~: Child, aye;
we; zlld Erieksoa, aye; znd the Resolution vas adopt
r f
Hawthornets motion, that Specid. Meeting of the Council be set for Snturky, September 2,
1950, 2t Z:3O PI&, for the pnpbse of conducting Public Hearings an the oiling of
certain Village Streets, to be determined by the3.iiiLic llorks Committee and Village
'ESzgineer , +as seconded by ~?s?Zen and unanimously carried.
Petition for the vacation of Short Street, signed by omers of lo@ of the abutting
Street 'be set for Nontiay, September 11, 1950, at 7:30 P.N.
Petition dated Asril 20,- 1950, signed by ovmers of 69$ of abutting properties, fur the
Blsck%op$ng of 17indsor Avenue betireen Normadale and Vessex, and of Eent Place between
Kent Avenue and Tlindsor Avenue, iras filed,. 14ri George-f'JilXson s;soke in favor 'of an .
inmediate 'blacktop2ing job, stating that dust conditions are very bad. Child-moved
that petition be accepted, but that plans for blzrcktop&ng be delared in vievr of the
Courmcilrs action with reg@& to the oiling of roads.
Petition kted July LO, 1950, for the Grading end Gravelling of O&laTm Asreme betveen
Ifs,59t4?. and tl,6Znd Streets, was filed, containixg signatures of owners of
.* -rsroDertr., -- was filed,. &vthorne moved- that Public Hearing on Petition to Vacate Short
Motion seconded by Child and czrried, *e *I
*I I I
14otion seconded by Pslen and
of ,abuttins
properties, traS filed. ~OUnCil Vas reminded of e-lier petition, filed for the
grading and gravelling of OaELv~an Avenue between V.58th and 1'1.59th Streets, which
project bas been delayed at recommendation of Wgineer Olsson pendilag filing of I- present petition, Pd.ea*s motion, settiag BUb1i.c earing on proposed Grading ad'
Gravelling of 0dclav.m BNenue from riJ.jgth to Il.6.2.nd Street for I$onda,y, September 11,
1950, at 7:3O POOL, ead.directing VLllage Clerk to advertise for bids for con-
struction aith bids to be taken September 11, 1950, was seconded by B3zens and
Petition dated July 10 -1950, signed by owners of over 51$ of 'abutting properties
for construction of Vater ikin in Oddam Avenue between W.59th and V.6bd Street,
'cws read.
be set for lfonday, September 11, 1950, at 7:3O P.N., and that CleTk >e authorized
to advertise for bids for this work, with bids to be taken Septenber 21, 1950.
Xot$on seconded by Palen and carriedp
Child moved that petition be accepted, that Public Hearing on projecG I
'r 7 Reawe vas made of the hgineering work to be done before the firs$ of the year. -LL
1. Hztv~iAorPe* motion, authorizing Village Zngineer to. hire tenporag engineering
help as needed during Ms disability, VJ~S seconded by Palea and,caried.
e Ihe following petitions for rezoning were referred to tho Plmning commission for - recomneiad&xl.on by Notion Hzwthorne, seconded by Child and czcried:
1. Petition dated August 9, 1950, by Fomm Pry Goods CO., Xnc., for
the rezoning to Comnunity Store District the I.fdlace property, having
frontase of 305 feet on North Side of Y.5Oth Street,
2,. Petition dated August 7, 1950, by Dr. Harry densen and Art- R, ,
Rydeen, for the rezoning to Community Store District, Lots 2 and 3,
Block 1, Steven's First Jdditiom.
Petition datod,Au@st 10% 1950, for !he Blacktop~ing ?€ Beard Avenue between TIT.59th
and W.60th,Street7 mid work to be done in 1951, was read; and vas zycepted- by
Notion Child, seconded. by Hawthorne and carried:
Hr. E.R. Bjor3rmm1s petit$on of August 5, for the widening of Dalrgmple Road
to ena3le the &ss Company to instz;llmains in this street, IYas referred to Engineer
Qlsson, by Notion Hwthorne, seconded by Palen and caxried.
TQe matter of the posting of severd. cmpaign signs in the Tillage by politi5d
candidates vas brought before the Council, &th Hawthorne moving that Si@ Permits
be required, for cmp3ign signs and that, after proser notification to owners of
their violation of Village Ordinance, Police Depwtment be instructed to remove
signs for vhich permits have not been issued.
Notion seconded by Palen and
QPffce reported $hat proper aFAications have been received fo~ the folJ-owihg
0utd.obr. Advertising Signs, which conTom with Tillee ttSignllQrdinance
moved tbt Pernits be,granted for follor.ting signs, to expire April I, 1951.
seconded by Palen and carried,
Dondd Eurris 111
Gunixa V. Johnson- -I -
Beatty Zephyr Cleaners, Inc.
f r
-1b. D.P. l4cGuire 1
pnVERTIS2R I;ocmIo~!T
Political C~paign Sign
Berprly H;illa
Beat ty-Zepm 5002 Brmce$'ropt of
Bdenmoor Jddi t ion
3940 14arket St,-htside
Corner of Hollywood R&.
, b ant erlachen
Shervfood Road & Pden Ave,
f 7
&plications for the following Plumbers Licenses were approved, efter Council had
ascert9ined their conformace with Qrdinqce, by Motion Child, seconded by Palen
ad c?rried:
Earis Bros. Plbg. Co., 217 Tr. Lake St., P.lplse
Twiq City Plumbing 8a Hezting <Co., 2912 Bloomington ke. I F t
€'&en's motion, for the -apirov& of Village P~yroXl in total amount of &,930.00 (tJih
yage of Charles A, Johnson at $1.30 per Hour) and Liquor Store Payroll in amount of $1,337.39, zs recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, znd for pment of the follovring
claims, vas seconded by Child and carried: TO: &lOUIT!T Pm m 4B.f xo. : _II &t?.i~~ H. Petersen $1,255;00 r Gabage mbna
Eq~.ip.Bentd. 4909
4911 bangford llectric go., Inc. 2,43523 B.1-R. Fwd
Poor hd SuWoan Henn. Cy, Relief Bd. 397.00
Ed, Phillips Sons .GO,
' Ll058 'HI'[ Bell Tel8phone Coo
L1059 I4inn. I\hn.Liquor *Stores Assn 10.00 6,158.49 ' Ziquor ,kd
4910 +xtt's %qress Go, 55.00
I $6 136 24,.
. .- 8/10 /50
mal4 xo, :
4913 4.914 -
4915 4916
4917 4918 I
4.919 4920
h922 -
Enerson tlistelske
Peter B, Br
Dorothy Hdvorson
Barbara Ellig 'L t
Rokert G. ReZd
Gordon S, Jacobson
Betty Hasen
Dick ?atsey-
Jint Binfrey
3'. 5, ITigginton - -
Homxd V. Kerriman
1132,oo Pm mm
Public Vorks Chz6.m~ Danens recommended an increase in the wage of CMles L Jobson,
to $l,W per hour, setroacfive to &xgus.I; 1, 19jO. &wthorners motion, that Charles A.
Johnsonts sdLzry be reised to $1.40 pr hour effective Septerober &, 1950, vas seconded
by Child md*cmried,
f ,
&.titer of m ap3ropriztion for Ci-vil Defense and Disaster Belie2 Committee vr+ discussed, with Trustee Pden, who is also a member of %he Cpmmittee, stzting' that it will be &
necessary to secure sone supplies, slMd to either mipeograph or print z hanabo~k of
directions, buf, that p3.m of action has not been fully fomnilated to date ad that
therefore it is somewhat difficult to tell trha.I; moneys tfi3.X be needed, GMld moved
for a $25,00 appropriation for Civil Defense $omnit$ee, on a tm2orz.V bsis sa until
such time as plws are fornulated, Notion seconded 'by Emthorne ad cz2rfeL
Clerk presented a proposed assessment roll for ?rater W&n Impmvement Xo, 22, shoving
tot$ assessment to be $4,569.26, as Gainst l,283.5rAssessable Fee%, or $3.56 Fer
assessable foot. Boll vms examined; ayproved and ordered placed on file.
Child o2fered the following Resolutfon znd moved its adoption:
4 332 IS RESOLm by the Council of the Yillzge of Edina, as follovs:
1. The Clerk and Engineer hzving calculated the proper mount to be specially
assessed for VJa%er I&in Improvement Noo 22 against the respective assessable lots,
pieces andpwcels of land vithin the district affected thereby, and ssrid proposed
assessment hming becn filedaith the Olerki the same is hereby qqroved, and said
Olerk shall keep the sane on file in his office md open to public insgectfon pending
hearing thereon 2s herein provided. *
2. This Co-ilrcil shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of .
notice hereidter contained %o pass upon s,&d proposed assessment, ad the Clerk
2s hereby directed to csuse notice of %he time, place wd.Laurpose of sed meeting
to be published in the ofi'icial nevmpper at least 30 dqs x)rior to said neeting,
vhich notice shd1 be in substantially the folloving form:
Tl.fU?iiX NAXIT nmomam! NO, 22 - XOIIGE IS -BY GImI that the Council of %he Vilhge of Edlna will meet at
the Tillage Hall on flondzy, September 18, 1950, at 7:3O o~clock P,Z.S.,;=to hew ad
pass upon a33 objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for lrater Main I~~roTf3-
pbLic iulspec.t;ioa,
* annd installnents extending over a period of ten yeas, the first of said Sns3e21-
nents to be payzble with $axes for the year 1950, collectible in 1951, vith in6erast
on the en%ire assessment at the rate of !5$ ger annum from the date of the resolution
levyjag the assessmen% to August 15, 1951.
added interest zt the sflaze rate for one year on allunpsid instzllnents.
of any property assessed
aent, wfthout interest; to the Villege !i!reastrrer, on or before October 20, 1950, zad
mzy thereafter mrke such pqment, vith zccrued interest, to the County I'rezsurer,
?'rater Hain ad aymrtenmces in Abbott Avenue betveen 11. 57th znd TT. 58th Streets.
parcels of lad frontiq 2nd c%utting on'the street above described,
Dated Angus t .14, 19~0.
Gent Xo. 22, which is nov on file in the oPfice of %he Yillage Clerk and ogen to -
Szid assessment Prill be gayable in ten etgal, consecutive,
1 / r- 'Po each su3sequent installneat ailL be
The owner
pqjf the vhole of hi.s assesment or my aanual install-
I ' The' general nature of szid iqaovement is 2s follow: The constmetiod of
The aree to be agsessed for szdd impovement includes 211lots, F%eces*adi
me, Villase Clerk .-.
Botion for adop%ion of the Resolution *'I.Iz~ secon
five Q-es and no nays, I?S folldws: Child,
e Resolution tms ado
Clerk presented a proposed sssessment Poll for Vater &in Improvement No, 23, shoving
totd nssessment to he $4,08Q.62.as against 1,193.26 assessable feet, or $3,112 per
zssess&le foot, including 5.25 per foot connection charge to private Ifate; ma&
constructed by Beder Hickeisen hder franchise, Roll vas examined, approved and
sr&ered placed on file,
adopt ion; t
' ON lf&@Et I&II$ IImOWmqT 'NO. 23
! '
Ghild offered the following Resolution and moved its
BE IT R3SOLVED bJr the Council. of the Village of Edina, as follours:
1. The Clerk and engineer hzving cdculated the proper mount to be specially
assessed for Mater &kin Inprovement Xo. 23 against.the respective assessable lots,
pieces and parcels .of land within the district affected thereby, .ad said proposed
assegsment hming been filed with the Clerk, the sae is hereby q?poved, sad s&d
Clerk shd3, L:eep,the same on file in hissoffice and open to public inspection pending
hearing,thereon as herein provided, f
2, This Council shall meet zt the tine and ?lace specified in the form of
notice hereinafter contained to pass uTon said proposed assessment, aid the Clerk 9s
hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place 2nd purpose of szid meeting to be
piblished .in the official newspazer -at least 30 d3ys yior to said meeting, which
notice shall be in substantially the following fora:
the Village €Id1 .on Monday, September 18; 1950, at 7:3O 08clock P.M.
.pass uaon d1 objections, -if $BY, to the Frozosd assessment for Vater 'll&-i ImrJrove-
ment 3To. 23, trhLch is now on -file in the office *of the Villase Clerk 2nd oFen td
nublic inspection, Said assessment will be payakle in ten emd, consecutive, &mud.
inst~llments extending over a period of ten gears, the first of sa5d inskallments to
be p~.ya3le vrith t.axes for the year 1950, collectible in 1951, with interest on the
entire tzssessnent at the rate of $ per MUM from tihe dzte 09 the resolution levying
th0 assessment to August 15, 1951. To each subsequent installment tri11"bs added
interest at the same rate for one yes on all unpaid installments.
aroperty assessed may pay the whole of his assessment or any ~muziL iastallment,
without interest, to the Village 'Preasurer, on or before October 10, 1950, ad may
theredter make suoh payment, with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer.
Construction of Vater
Main ,?XI& epgurtenances in Pork Avenue between W. 58th and W. 59th Streets,-
prcels of 1-md fronting and abutting on the portion of the street Cabove doscrib6d.
E.ted &,gust 14, 1950.
to hgar and
'Phe owner of my
The general nature of sz'id improvement is as follow:
The sea, to ,be wx&sed,for said: impnovement :includes 2115 lots, pieces and
Bower Hawthorne, 'Village OlerR
llotfon for adoption of the Resolution was second
were five ayes and EO nays, as follovrs: Child,
ne, and on Rollcdl %hem , aye; Balen, aye; Hwthorne,
and Erickson and the Besdution vas
Village Clerk
Clerk present& a proposed. zssessment so11 for Water Nnin Iqrovernent Bo. 24, shoving
i?. 'brun€z kter Main Assessment of $18,135.33 as against 23,250.42 assessable feet, or
$.78 per a.ssessable foot, ad a Zatera'i Water Mnjn Assessment of $35,fi92,04 BS- against
9,0&0,39 assessable feet, with a- total Assessment Roll of $53,726*37.
exxniied,, qproved md ordered placed on file. Child offered the follovring Resolution
aad moved its adoption:
~ 1- -__
Eo11 was
BE IT 33SOLV3D by the Comcil of the Villase of Edina, as folfo~rs:
I, The Clerk and engineer hwing calculated the proper amount to be speci&ly
msessed Tor ?'rater Wain lrnpovement 370- 24 against the respective essess~ble lots
pieces -ad gzrcels of kad vithih the district atffected there'oy, and said poposed
zssessaent hawing been filed with the Clerk, the sme is hereby zpproved, -md said
Clerk shgll keep the sane on file in his office &ad open to public inspection pendin&
hearing thereon as herein provided.
This CouTLcil. shall meet zt the time 2nd place specified in the form of notice
hereinF,f%er contained to. pass upn said Froposed assessment, and the Clerk is hereby
directed to cause nolt4.m of thk tim6, plaae alrd ;Ixzrpose of sz5d meetins to be pblished
d.ii the official newspqer at least 30 dws prior to said meeting, which notice sb2l be
. ia su%staati*.lly the folloving form:
the Village H131 on I:ondsr, SeF'cenber. 18, 1950, at ?:3O o~cloclr PJL, to heer znd
pass uson dL objections, if my, to the proposed assessnent for '(later &.in Inprove-
ment lTo. 24, wb.%ch is now on file in the office of the Villase Clerk ad ocen to
public inssection, %id assessment will be p32ble in ten eopl, consecutive, ammzl
instdlments extending over 2 9erfod of ten yeas, the first of said-instdlments to
be payable F-th tmes for the ye,?r 1950, collectible in 1951, with interest on the
entire essessnent Zt the rate of 5$ zer mnm from the ddx of the resolution levying
the assessnent to .Akqnst 15, 1951. To ep.ch subsequent installnent vi11 be adhd
in4eres.t; at the sync ,rate for one yesx on dl unpaid instdlnents.
Troperty zsgessed nay pq the whole of Ws asssssnent or -zny amual installment,
Pzithout interest, to the Villase Treasurer, on or before October 10, 1950, and my
The construction of
10" Tpmnl.r Vater Thin ad apuptenances in t/oodd.de Avenue betvmen Tover Street and
T?* 60th Street, end in U. 58th Street betveen Concord Avenue and Park Plzce; and
Construction of 6" Xeteral Vater I-Xdns iq Kellogg Avenue bettmen W. 58th S'creet end
Valley Viev Road ad in 0dflat.m Avenue betvreen If. 58th md 'I[. 59th Streets.
The 'area to be assessed to say the cost of construction of 10" Irunk Vater
Mzin includes all lots md trects of lend abutting Ilooddde between lower Street
an6 'I!. 58th Street, md &so the area within the following boundaries: Cornending
at intersection of Concora A&nue' ma M. 58th St. ; th. East on If. 58th St. to Pzrk
Place; th. South on Psrk Plece to Il.62nd St:; th. \/€st on Tl.62nd St, to Vdloy
view Rod; th.IRfiy 'on Vzlley View Rd. 'to Tlooddzle Aye. ; t6. ,North on Ilooddale Avenue
to ~~60th St,; th. 'Irest on ~60th St. to Concord Avenue.; th. ITorth on Cqncoqd -4venue
to 8.58th St., the point of beginning.
'fhe ares to be essessed to pzy the cost of construction of the 6" Xzteral
W&er &ins includes dl lots and tkacts of I;md Lbutting Eellogg Avenue betrreei tl.
58th Street md Vzlley Tfietr Rod, end abutting Oaklztrn Avenue between Tl.58th ad Tf*
59th Streets. r
Dated August 14, 2950.
The orrner of my
thereafter make such papent, with accrued interest, to the County Srea, ewer . 1,
I The general nature of mid improvement is as follovis:
Bover ,Hw%horne , Villase Clerk
1 r ,
Notion for *adoption of Rqsolution vas. secon
five ayes and nq nays, as folloas:
=e; and Erickson, we; and the Reso
Villzge Gl&k -
I Clerk present,ed sro-posed ,hsessment RoJ1 for Vater Nain Zqprovement Bo. 25, sho~hg
tot9 zs.sesszble cost at $11,8.60.75, including $,25 per foot comestion charge to
private mter nain constructed by Pedes Efickelsen under frwchise, as zginst 3:,62?,14
assesszble feet, or $3,27 per assesscbI.e foot.
placed on file,
Roll vas examined, approved and ordered
Child offered the following Resolution-and moved its adoption;
ON TJm 1.UIiT Im?ROrn.rnI! NO. 25
3% $I! WSOlllrED by Ehe Council of $he VilLyge of Edina, as follow$ b
' 3. The. Clerk avi &@neer having cdcuiateh the propsrf pnount to be specidfy.
assessed for IlztFr &&n, Improvement No, 25 against the respective tzssessable lo;I;s, .
pieces and prcels of l,?nd vithin the dsstrict. aected the-rbby, and sdd proFosed
assessment hming bean filed with the Olerk, the sme is hereby approved, and said
Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending
1 '
' ~
hearing thereon 2s herein provided. .- -
2, This' Council sb& meet st the time and ylace specified in the form of notice
heyeinrfter contehed to pass ugon ssid proposy3 assessment, and the Clerk is' hereby
directed to czuse not?ce of the time, place ad pqose of said meeting to be published
3.n the officti23. nevsgqer at least 30 dgts prior to said meeting, which notice shell be
-in substaatially the follavins formt
TmER I-IAIN IHPRo~*Lm no. 25
Tillage E&L1 on Monday, September .18, 1950, at 7:3O otclocl: P.1.l. to hear ,wd ect upon
aU. objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for 'I'later Iqrovement 170- 25,-
which is now on file in the office of the Pillet.% Clerk and open to pblis inspection,
Sdd assessnent vi11 be payzble in ten ectzd., consecutive, annual. instdhents extend-
ing over 2 period of ten years, the TLrst of sdd instalbeats to be pzykble vith
taxes for the yep! 1950, collectible in 1951, 16th interest on the entire zsscssnent
NOTICE IS EZRZBX GSPT that the Council of the Village of Edins vi11 meit at the
nt the rzte of five per-ent psr am.Zzdl from the cbte of the resolution levying
the 2ssessment to August 15, 2951. 30 each subsequent restallment * wilL be added
interest at the sme rate for one year on dl un@d iastallments. 2he ovker’of
c~ny progcrtg assessed may pay the whole of his assessment or any annu~Ll install-
nent without interest, to the Villase Sreasurer, on or before October lQ, 1950,
and. mq therezfter m&e such pspent with accrued interest, to the Cou~lfiy Ireasurer.
kter 14d.n asld appurtenances in Beard Avenu? from Tf.58th Street to T’l.60th Street,
and in Chowen Avenue from W, 58th Street Fo V.59th Street,
per0eI.s of’ land fronting. and abutting on the portions of streets above described,
!?he gonerd. nature of said improvement is as follovst ’ 2he construction of
- The area to be assessed for said improveruent includes d1 fotts, pieces and
Dated-LppsL l4$ 1950
Bower Hawthorne, .Village Clerk
Notion Tor adoption of the Resolution tras
J Clerk presented proposed assesslilent roll for FJater Nain Improvement lToa 26, show
ing a total assessment of $8,215.20 as agai-nst 2,520 assessalle feet, or $3.26 per
assessable foot, including $.25 per front Toot connection cmge for connection to
private vrs,ter main constructed by Peder I’dickelsen under franchise.
emined, aTgroved, and ordered placed on file.
Resolution md moved its adoption:
Eo11 was
Child offered the following
BE I2 &SOLVED by the Council of the Village of Pdina, 8s follov~s:
1. The Clerk and engineer having calculated the proper mount to be specially ‘ assessed for Vater lfaizl Imsrovement XO. 26 agains.t; the respective assessable lots,
pieces and parcels of land within the district dfecterL’thereby, randsaid groposed
assessment having been filed with the Clerk, the saais hereby zqprored, sad said
Clerk shall keep the ssne on file in. his office and open to pullic inspection
Tenking heainz thereon as herein prov-zded, .., ‘ 2. ?his Counc51 shall meet at-the time and place spekified in the form of
notice hereinafter contained to Fass upon said proposed assessment, and th Clerk
ib hereay directed to cause notice 02 the time,. place znd $urpose of said meeting
to be published in the officid newspaper at least- 30 days prior to said neeking,
Mii’ch notice sU1 be in substantially the folloving form:: XOTICX OF HEBIWG 011 ASSZSSiXENT FOR I
*at the’ Village* HA1 on Nonday, Septeabsr 18, 1950, & 7:3& o’clock PA, to he=
and pass upon dl objections, if any, to the proposedessessmenk for TJater Lkin
Smprovement No. 26, which is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk aad
open to public ’inspection,
secutive, mud instatlments extending over a period of ten yeas, %he first of
s&d instdlments to be payable with taxes for the year 1950, collectible in 1951,
with interest on the entire assessnent at the rate of five percent per mum from
the date of the Resolution levying the assessment to &gust 15, 1951.
subsequent instShent trill be added interest at the same rate for one year on @.
unpaid instdlments, ‘bhe owner of any property assessed may pay the thole of his
assessment or any annd instdlment, without interest, to the Village Treasurer, on
or bafore October 10, 1950, and may thereafter make such papent, with interest
accrued, to the County ZreasurepT.
Said assessment will be payable in ten equal, con-
20 each
2he general nature of szid improvement is as follows: Construction of l!ater
Ikin and qpurtenances in &ling Avenue from ‘W.58th Street to 5’1.60.f;h Street.
t f
The area to be assessed for said improvement includes all,lots, pieces and
Dated August 14, 1950.
parcels of Lad fronting md abutitlng on the portions of streets above described,
Bower Hawthome, Village Clerk
gotion for adoption 02 Besolution vas seconded
there vere'five eyes and no n?rrys, as
Eawthome, aye; z?nd'BricztsoIz, aye;
Zqort by Sngineer Olssp, that it is urgent to construct $tom Sever zt tho ezrliecf;
possible timg to drdn the lqge L&e Xaxey-Colonial Grove sea, vas present& 33
keputy Clerk, rrho repe+ed Mr. Olsspn's vish that Council t&e action to hmc Frocccd-
ings started by September 11.
Ofsson reported. Hmthorne' 3 notion,. thzt Public Hewing on proposed &&e Emey-
Colonial Grovk Storm Sever be set for Wondsy, September 11, 1950, at 7:30 PA, ad
khat Clerk be authorized wd directed to advertise for bids for construction of setd
stom sever, vith bicis to be talcen I.Ioulday, September 11, 195b, at 7:30 P.?*I,, vas
seconded by Dansns ad wlmimouslyt carried.
$Z60,00 to $285.00 per month tms. referred to VillGe Engineer Olsson tor TL
The matter of mgiling personal noticies %I otmers of properties to be specihly assessed
for construction jobs vas discussed, &@.neer Olsson hming advocated tht GELS 3oLlcg~
be changed in favor of the legal publicztion only, because of the office VO'L'Z hvol.itsd
in personal noticcs,
legally reguired in the my of either 3otice of Hearing on frirproveioent or Gotice of . Yrzaipg on. A~ssessrnent.
offici& publication does not have vide circulation $n the Pillzge.
that Council continue its policy of mailing notices to property owners on 211 WJOT
special assessmat projects. Xotipn seconded by Child and csFied.
Engineerts ylans ad specifications are ready, 1Ir,
2he request of IJr, G,!h. Cwdselle, shop mechic, for increase in a.p%iy@$&e.s I \
recomendktion,. 'by IIoklon Hsrthornb, seconked by Child a& czrried, i--
I&. Vindhorst stated tht a legal publication is n13u that ris
Discussipn follosed, vheFein, iif vas pointed out tbt Zdina's
Ihrthorne nomd
$list of Election Officid. appointees for the Fk32 Primary Election to %E held
September 12 vas presented for Council qnpovaL.
ing Zlectirsn 0fficid.s be eDpojllted vrzs seconded by Palen, Emthorne's motion dso
stipulatins that Depntg Clerk be wthorized to mke ndditions and substaitutions 3-5
necesssy, Hotion carried.
~ DISIFHIG'P XOe 1 Judges: Ihes.. L.A. Dgregrop, Herbert Drevs, Camille Kortun: Clerks:
DISTRICT ITO, 2 Judges: Mrs. Eotrsd Vinson (2 additional judges to be appointed) .
Clerks: Iirs, Clarice Hollin~svorth and Ibs. Arthur Zpushq.
DISTRICT 170. 2 Judges: 1.lmes. Russel Spith, S. I-IcCready, George Zipoy. Clerks:
&es, George Jensen, 3. 3, TO&.
I>ISW.IC'P ITO. 4 Judses: 1-hes. C.O. lkditson, F.A, Schallss, R.C. Hdlberg. G?erks:
mes, John !i!ews, D. C, Besa.
DISITRIClb 170. 5 Judges: Nines. 5.C,r Delaney, 3, 0, Ammiison, J.J, Duggm; Clerks: Xhes,
3;, Eagler; Sigrid Tfesterberg.
DISTRICT NO, 4 Judges:; 3nerS. John Iljort, Old Bye, Levis Jones; Clerks: ihes. B.&,
Modlin, Roy I.Iy'ur.
DISTRICT 110, 7 Juclges: I,bes+, XelLie Strate, Dorothy Obemeyer (1 additiond jU6~;c
to be sp9ointed). Clerks: I.hes. Hilda Bolter, Frances Sonnen%erg,
I)l[S%BICsP 1Ue. 8 Jukks: €&es. Ipuis Lpuis, 0.C. Link, Gertrude Dre, Clerks: I~Es.
Hmthorne's motion, that the follorr-
~ 1.hes. A.H. Sella and 1l.C. Strang
3. HcCraney, 14. B. Std~ I
k- Hay&hoqe offered the following Resolution ad moved its adopgioni
w- BZ IT EESOLTED -iy .the zllege Council of the VilZ233 of E)dins, that this Council
establish 2s Plection Districts for $1 elections to be held in this Pi11zse during
the ye~tr 1950, those Eight Election Districts outlined in "8;ection Districts
.Resolutiont' adopted 'by thq Pillage Council Tebruaq 23, l9@, 2nd thzt Pollins
Plmes €or sane, 2s esta3lished by the Villzze Council &gu@ 9, I?@, be est&-
lished ES OfEicial Polling Places for (121 electj.ons td be held in tGs VillEfa
during 1950,
Notion for adoptLon of Resolution qeconded 33
five ayes and no nays, as r"ol1oes: Child, aye;