HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500828_ADJOURNEDISESOLUTION SETTPIMG STBBET Il@ROlG3E3?I! mmNG TJH!3REAs, the Village Council desires-on its ovrn motion to improve the following streets by asplying a Dustcoat of Oil thereon, as authorized by Chapter 119,'SessiOn hws of 1949: Beard Avenue from W. 56th Street to If. 58th Street &ring Avenue from 1'1. 56th Street to W. 58th Street Dro't.~ Avenue from !f; 58th Street to V?* 60th Street Southviev Lane from Unity Avenue to Concord Avenue St e Andrevs Avenue frour'ldceview Drive. to Southview Lam Belmore lime Tracy Avenue from HighvrG No. 169 to Highland Road Pork Avenue from i'l. 55th Street to IT, 60th Street tfindsor Avenue from &ormandale Road to Code Avenue Kent elace from ESnt Avenue to T'Jindsor Avelzue . NOYJ,' Tl33EZNFORE, Zd IT II.ESOLV3D by the Village council of the Village of Bdiiij tbt it is deemed necessamj and expedient to improve the aforementioned streets by applying a Wstooat of-Oil thereon, and that on the 11th by of Septembcr, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, , this Council will meet at the Village Hz11 in said Villagc and v~ill at said time and place hear the parties interested there in in reference'to such improvement, &d will decide whether or not to undertdce such improvement, in whole or- in part . I Notion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, aad on RolLcaJ.1 there were four eye9 and no nzys, as follows: Panew, age; Paen, aye; Hawthorne, aye and Child, aye; and the Resolution --r As a mstfer of old business, Engineer Olsson reported to Council that there is considerzbfe work to be done on Nzrket Street before easement for 7% feet By E.C. Stovr-removal of large tyee, building of retaining wall, lowering of wzter main coiurecthx; building of' sidewhlk and retaining 1.1~11, etc. IT0 action ' taken, Hzvthorne's motion, thzt matters of old business be laid over to next regula? meeting, yas seconded by Pden and carried. - Hmithorno's motion, for sdjournment, bras seconded by EQen and carried. adjourned-2.t ll:25 P.N., until Tuesday, S Neetins Members present were chi id;^ &nens, md'Hawthorn9 with Child presiding, Deputy Clerk presented Assessment Rolls for the followin& construction go jects, all of which have been financed by Sg50 Improvement Bond Issue, Series One: Street Im-orovement No -4-1 - Blq3ctop?ing bf Oxford Avenue from Interlachen Street Inmovement No. 8-2 - Blacktoppin:? of Choven Avenue from 'f;1.57th to Street Imrovement Bo. A-'3 - Blsktoppipg of Oxford Avenue, Vandervork Street Inmovement Ro. 3-1 -.Construction of Curb and Gutter in Halifax Blvd. to V.5ls'C St. - Assessment - $1,77 per assessable foot. 1/,58'Gh Street . - Asses2ment - $1.63 per sssessable foot. Avenue, pad Hollywood Road, all in Beverly'Hills Addition - Assessment $2,17 yes assessable foot. Avenue between W.52nd and tJ,53rd Streets - Assessment - $2.25 ?or Assessable Zioot . Bezxd Avenue beWedn'W. 55th md tT, 56th Streets - Assessment - $2.22 per Assesszble foot. Street Improvement Bo. C-2 - Gradinp and Gravelling, and laying of Stabilized Oil Base in all streets in Indian Hills - Ass.essment - $1.05 per Assess..,blc Foot, Street Imwovement No. D-I. - Construction of Sidevrdk, Curb and Gutter in those portions of the Borth Side of Market Street between 3rancc sad Halifax Avenues where such'iqrovements have not ?lr&dy been instelled. - Assessment - $1.79 per assessable foot. . Street Immsrovenient No, B-2 - Construction of Curb and Gutter in t!. Side of - 1 Sanitm Sever Imnrovcment x~o. 23 - Constmction of smitary Sever ~ai.12 wd qprtenances in Drew Avenue betveen VT.58th and TI, 59th Streets - Assessment- &,60 per Assess..,ble Toot, Sanitaxs Sewer Improvement No. 24 - Construction of Sanitary Sever lhin ad aplpurtenances in lloodd3.e Avenue between IloodlFtnd Road ad TI.59th Street, and in Ifellogs A*venue between W.58fh aYld B,59th Streets. - $6.36 per Assess, Foot, and appurtenznces in Drew Avenue from V.58th'to 11.59th Street - Assessment - $3.22 per essessZ3le foot,' Vter fh.5~1 Imrsrovement Bo, 21 - Construction of Villago Vater Ihin Extension Discussion vas had on assessments; during which time Council reviewed all assessments made, with Engineer providing cost information. Eesolution 2nd moved its adoption: Hawthorne offered the following * R3SOI;U5!1oiJ PROVIDIITG FOk HEARIIW 93 SPECIAL ASSZSSI-EELS FOR IXI?ROVR4EXTS . BE IT RBSOLVED by the Council of the ?ill&e_of Edina, as fol2or;rs: 1. The Clerk sd engineer bavin: czlculated the proper mount to be specidly assessed for the following im2rovements against the respective &sscssa%le lots ,FiShi.a and pzrcels of lad within the respective districtw Sfected thereby: Street Iqrovenents Sos. A-1, A-2, A-3 Street Inprovemcnts Nos. B-1, B-2 Street Improvement EO. C-2' Sanitpsg Sewer Iqrovenents ITos. 23 and 24 Vater kin Iqrovenent Xo; 21 I "il 1 ad said proposed assescncnts hving been filed with the Clerk, the sahe &G hereby amroved, and said Clerk shdl keep the same on Zile in his office and open to public inspection pending heaing thereon as herein provided, ' * * 2. This Council shall meet at the time md >lace soecified in the form of notice hereinzfter containod to pass u$on said progosea assessments, and the Clerk is hereby directea to cause notice of the tine, place and purpose of saidmeoting to be published in the 0ffici.d netrspaTer at least 30 days prior to sed meeting, vhich notice skll be in sukstzntiaiLly the followin~ form: i ?!TOTICE 03' HEARINGS ON ASSESSt-BEIS FOR INPROVZ-~TIS ROTICE IS €BEEBY GIVBJ thjt the Council of th& Village of Edina vi11 meet at the Villge Rall on I.iond~y, October 9, 1950, at 7:3O o*clock P,M,, to he= 2nd ms8 u>on all. objectiobs, if ay, to the proposed zssessmcnts for the following improvements, vhich assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and ol3en to public inspection: 1 ' S-T I~.Pj3OVXDDT XO. d-l--The Blacktopging of Oxford Avenue from Interlachen SST 1I~IPRO~E.EXT IDe A-2--The Blackto2ping of Chovren Avenue frop TI, 57th to SCCRI@!P' II@ROIGXEiE 130. &3--The Blacktopping of 0doP.d' Avenue f ron Intcrlzchm Blvd, to the Borth Boundary Line of Beverly Hills Addition; of Vwdervork Avenue from Interlachen Blvd, to Hollywood Road; and of Hollyr:.ood RoaC! from the East Boundsry Line of Beverly-Hills Addition to Oxford Avenue. STR3ET II4PILOVT !TOe B-l--The construction of Standard tillcge hzb rrnd Gutter in Halifax Avenue between I!. S2nd ad TI. 53rd Streets, STREET II.PROVR-EITT ?TO. B-Z--l?Phe construction of Standard Villpge curb and Gutter in the PTest side of Be&d Avenue betwen 8. 55th and 11,56th Streets SIIBEET IX.IPROVE.Z%T XO, C-2--The Grading zsd Gravelling znd laying of Woilized Oil Base in a1 Streets in Indian Hills Addition. SECEZT II~lPRO~~~T!Z NO, 3?-1 -The construction of Sidem.Uc ad Standard Villase Curb znd Gutter in the-North Side of Narket Street betaeen France ad Hdifsx Avenues * S&JliTARY SE7ER ILP~VZ-fXTfc NO. 23--The constfiction of Smit&y Sever main and qpurtenzuces in Drev Avenue between VI. 58th and JI.r,59th Streets SADITmY SEI%FR ~I.SP~O~~~!l! 270,- 2kThe construction of Sanitay.Ser.rer main and qprtenances in Vooddale Avenue betmen Vroodlanil Road z&d II.59th Street, 'and in KeTlogg Avenue betvfeen W.58-fih ad :r1,59th Streets. 1IA.TEX f4XtB IHPXOVXEZTT XO, 21--The construction OS Villzge 1'Tater fWin extension md appurtcanmces in Drevi'Avonue betvieen TI.58th end T1,59th Streets. dssessnent for Grading, Grzvelling and layhg of Stzbilizod Oil Ease will be p.qa%le in three equd. annud consocutive installments-extended over a p&riod of three yews, the first of said installments to bo pzyable with-taxes for thc yew 1950, collecti5le in 1951, with interest on the entire assessrcent at the rat0 of 55 !?or annzim from'the dzte of the resolution levyins the assessnent to Avst 15, 1951, each subsequent installment vi13 be zdded interest& the same rzte for one yea on zll unpzid assessment instdlmonts e Blvd. to lI.'51st St, ' Tf. 38th St. I To -! 9/5/50 13. Assessments for Blacktopping, Curb and Gutter, and Sidewalk will be payable in five ec_r;ual consecutive zinrmal instdlmeiits extended over a period of five yezl.s, the first of said installsrezts to be paya3le-with.ta.xes for the year 1950, collect- ible in 2951, with interest on the entire assessnszt at the rate of 5$ ger mnm from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to mst 15, 1951. To each subsequent installment will. be added interest at the same rate for one yezr on dI unyzid instzllments. i (' Assossments for Sanitary Sewer Improvements znd for 7la.ter Main Iingrovcments ?rill be payz%le in ten equd, consecutive, annual irstallments extending over a period of ten yesrs, the first of said installments to bo payable with ta;u,ea for the year 1950 toll-sctible in 1951, with interest on the entire asscssmcnt at, the rate of 5$ per ~muxn from the date of the resolution levyins the assessment to Ausst 15, 1951. To each subseauent installment vi11 bo added interest at tho sme rate for one year on all &paid instdhents. The owner of proaerty assessed for mg of the above 1mprovomen.t;s mqy n~y thc whole of assessment or zsly sanualinsta.llment, without interest, to the Vilkge Tre%surer, on or before October 10, 1930, and ~gjr tharedter make such payment, vith zccrued in%erest, to the County Tre, asurer. 2he =ea to be ;.ssessed- for each'of the above nmed improvements includes dl lots, pieces and parcels of land fronting and a'autting on the portions of the streets in which saZd improvements are made. Dated Sentember 5, 1950. BY ORDER OF IKE PILLAGE COUXCbL 330'1ER HAt'7!I?HORXE ~ .. 1 . Villa.& -- ~lirlc Notion for adoption of the Resolution vas secorided by Damns, and on Rollcall there were t-bee ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution vias adopted, Danens, aye*,Jkiihorne, ELYO; and Child, &>LA- i, - Mayor - Deputy Clerk presented assessment rolls for BlacktopFing Jobs' A-5 to 'A-11-B, inclusive, eqlzining that work on these projects hd.not.ye% been started, ad that assessment is based on bid price of contraclx. advisea'ollitg of assessing at this time for projects yhich certainly rrill carry ovcr into the surmer of next year for completion.. esta'olished PS Policg of the Village Cow-cil $hat Blacktopping projects be completed, including sezl coat, before assessment for s-mo is mzde, seconded by Dsnens zrmd unanimously cs&.ed. Deputy Clerk presented assessment rolls for the folloxving projocts, whbh rolls were thoroushly r,evievred by: Council, with Engineer Olsson supplying cost figures: . Street Imnrovement C-3 - Grading and Grayellins of Abbtt Avenue between V. 57th apld tl.58th Streets - Assessment - 3.64 aer assessdh? foot, Street lmarovement 6-4 - Grading uzd Gravelling of Earrison and Tyler Avenues ' between Eelmore lane and Mdoqey Avenue - Assessment - $1.25 per assessable foot. Street 'Imwovement C-5 - Beard Avenue between 17.58th and W.60th Streets I and Chowen Avenue between W.58th and tl.jgth Streets - Grading and Gravelling - Assessment - $.44 per assessable foot Street bmnrovsment C-7 -Grading and Gravelling of Etring Avenuo betireen l'J.58th-and ~~60th Streets - Assessment - $.79 per asscssa3l.e foot. Street Inarovement C-8 -Grading and Gravelling of Fairfzx TJ.59th md tL60th Streets - Assessment - $,56 per assessable foot. Saxitas Sewer ImDrovement No. 25 - Construction of Smi'c~xy Sewer 1hi.n and appurtenances in Beud Avenue <* .Ff& betveen V.58th aad '1"1,60th Streets and in Chovren'Avenue between Choven Avenue and 250 feet South thereof-- Assessment - $3.81 Fer essesszble foot, Sanitary Sever Im~rovement No. 26 - Construction of Smitary Sever Hain and appurtenances in Mackey, Brook, Coolidge, and Broimdde Avenuos between T'I.L?.1J.th Street and the south boundary of S'c.Louis Park, and in W.Wth Street between Browndale and Glenn Avenues. Assessnent - @*I* Discussion was had as to Ecirthorns ploved thr.t ,$t be IjIotiovl Avenue bo tyroen Sanitary Sever bmnrovement No. 2'7 - Construction of Sanitzrg Sever &iz and appurtenances in %ring Avenue betveen 'W.58th and tl.60th Streets, -$3s80 Sanitary Sevrer Xm-movement No, 28 - Coustruction of Smitary Semr $lain and a-pgurtensznces in Od3a.tm Avenue between V.58th Street end Valley View Road - Assessment - $3.07 pee AssessaUe 300ta Srnitarr.7 Sevrer Improvem&t EO^ 22 - Construction of Smitary Sever Mjlain md aipurtenances in Fairfax.Avenue from a point 1/2 Block South of If, 58th Street, to 1'1.60th Street - Assessment - $2.65 per assessavole foote 9/5/50 - llater Shin Imrovdzent No. 27 - Construction of Village ?later Main Estension and appurtenances in Fzirfsx Avenue bcttreen 11.59th and ~~60th Streets - tissessnent - $3.63 per assessable foot. bwthorne offered thc folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: R?2SOl;UTIOIT XIOVIDING FOR Fi3ARIQGS OR SPECIAS ,GSESSlXZIES FOR II*IPROTTI~TTS 333 IT mSOLVED by the Council of the Village-of Edina, as follows: 1. The Clerk 2nd engineer having calculated the proper amount to be specidly assessed for tho Tollorring improvenents asainst the respective assessa6le lots, pieces and parcels of land within the resnective districts affected thereby: AS\ Street InFrovenentc %os, C-3, C-4, C-5, C-7, C-8 - Sanitary Serrer Inurowments Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28 ad 29 !rater &+.in Improvcnent IToi 27 - and said pro-posed aEsessnents having been filed with the Cierk, thc same are hereby approved, and said Clerk shrzll. lrcep the same on file in his office and open to pu%lic hspection pending hearing thereon as herein provibed, notice Kereinafter conkined to pass upon said proposed zssessmento, and the Clerk is hereby dirkcted to cause notice of the time, place and Surpose of said meetins to be $Wished in the oflicial neespaper at Least 30 days prior to said meetins, rrhich notice shall be in substmtid.ly the folloving form: I 2. This Council skll meet at the time vld place specified in the form of I TTOTICE OF Ei3ARIIBG OlT SSESS€-BNTS FOR ' II~€F'ROVEI*EXTTS NOTICE IS iiEREBY GIVDT %ha% the Council of the Village of Edina wilL meet at the Village HaU. on. LIondey, October 9, 1950, at 7:30 61clock P.N. dl objec%ions, if my, to the groposed assessments for the folloiring inprovements, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Villee Clerk and opcn to to hear and pass upon 1 puUic inspection: S-9 IXPROTXBITUT ITO. C-2--The Grading. and Gravellins of Abbott Avenue between &EGZT IXF3OTZ-EEX EO. C-&-!I?he Grading ana Gravelling of Earrison ad Qler &venues bettreon Belaore Lmo and Naloncy Avenue. SEGZT IT-IPRO'VEZXT XO. C-$-The Grading and Gravelling 'of &ard Avenue between I'C.58th and i'l.60th Streets, and of Chowen Avenue betmen V.58th and 0.59th- Streets. - V.58th and N. 60th Streets. V.59th ad V.60th Streets-. Aypurtar3lces in Bead Avenue between 1'1.58th znd I'r;60th Streets, md in Chowen Avenue between M.58th Street and a-point 250 feet South thereof . Apprtenaces in lfaclror, Brook, Coolidge, and Browndale Avenue betreen iJ.Wth Street and the south boundary of St.Louis Park, and in tT.44th Street betmen Brovmdde and Glenn Avenues. SAXITBY SEER iEPROlG3XENT XO. 27--Construction of Swaitary Sever 22ai.n and Appaurtenzsces in EWng Avenuo betpreen M.58th an& ~60th Streets. SBTITBY SEE32 D-Pi3OYIXZXT NO. 28-Construction of Sanitary Sevr& &in and Ap,Dnrtenaces in Oaklatm Avenue between ll.58th Street and Valley 'view Road, SAEITBY SEVER RQROV?XE~I! ITO* 29-Construction of Satary Sewr kin and Appurtenzjlcos in Fairfax Avenuc between a point 1/2 Block South of :'l.jSth ' If.57th md ir.58th Streets. SWET II.IPEO'G%XGTT IqO. C-p-The Graaing and Gravelling of. B*ring Avenue between S-2 II.??OVES.XT lTOe C-8+-lhe Grading and Gravelling of Fairfa Avenue 'oetvreen SAITIT.hRy. SWBt IKPROvIci.!E2JT ITO. 2"i-Construction of SwitaG Sever 1:aj.n ad SAXITBY SEl:I.lER INI?ROTEIBTT XO. 26--Construction of Smitary Sever Hain. and . Street, and lf.6Qth Street. a- IJA!I!ER ?UIB II.PPIIOV33.TiCtTT 3JO. 27--Constmction of Village Vater %in and Appurte- awces in Fairfax Avenuo between W.'j8th and 1~60th Streets. Assessnents -for Grading and Gravelling will be pagable in three eapd. consecutive annud-installments extendad over aperiod of three years, %he first of said install- ments to be payable with taxes for the gear 1950, collectible in 1951, with interest on Chs ontire assessment at the-rate of !j$ per ann- from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to Augast 15, lgjl. interest at the same rate for one-year on all unpatd ins.i;allnents. To,each subsoquent instdlment will be added Assessments for Saitq Sewer Improveinents and for Ilatcr IiIain Improvenents vi11 be paya3le in ten equal., consecutive, cmnual installments oxtonding over a period of ten gears, the first of ssid instzllments to be payable with taxes for.the year 1950, collectible in 1951, with intcrast on the on&iro assessnents at the Yate of 5$ per each subsequent inst&lment vi11 bc adbd interest at the 'a* 2rom the dah of the rcsolution levying the assessment to Augpst 15, 1951. To same rate for one gear on unpaid installnents. * The ovmer of any tpqerty zssessoa'for any of the a'uovc Improvements may pay the whole of his assessnent or zlzy annual instdlnont, vithout interest, to the Village Treesurer, on or before OctoSes 10, 1950, and nay thercafter.m&e such ?aynent, with accwed interest, to the Corn* Treasurer, *. - 9/5/50 each of Thc area to be assessed for/the a3ove named improvements includes all lots, picccs and parcels of land fronting and abutting on the portions of the streets in which said iaprovements are made.- Dated SeFtember 5, 1950. BY OFCDER OF %HE VILLAGE COUNCIL BG!EFL HAY!PiiORlB Village Clerk it3 Motion for adogtion of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, ad on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Panens, gqA-iaihorne, aye; and Child, Mayor aye; and the Rcsolutiozl vas adopted, There being no further business to come before the Neeting; it vTas adjourned, by Motion Hmthorne, seconded by Danens and ca ... ' MINUTES OF TE4 REGULAR JEl3TING OF TW SEPTEXBER ll', 1950, AT 7~30 P.H. AT THE EDIIXA VILLA& HALL EDINA' 'VILLAGE COUNCIL, HBLD' MOUDAY, Mcmberb msvering Rollcall ?rere Child, Danens and Harthornc e until the arrival of Eayor Erickson, who arrived at a time recorded below. Pden arrived at time recorded below. 9hc first mzttter OB the agenda vas the Public Hearing on the "Lake Harvey-Colonid Grove Storm Sewer." Storm Sewr No, 19:: as pblished in Su*irban Press, Ho@ins, Minnesota, on August 24 and 31, 1950, vas read. Acting &yor Child told thc audiencc JGkt an error had been made in the boundaries of the district, as published; and, becausc the entire district had not been included, it would be necessery for the Council to postpone the Hearing for two weeks. !bustee Palen entered thc Meeting at this timo. The affidavit of Publicat'ion. for Advertisement for Bids for Stom Sewer Improve- ment No. 19 was read, as published in Suburban Press and Construction Bulletin August 24 and 31, 1950. Itk. Child informed bidders of thc postponemnt of tho Hcuins on the Storm Sever, and asked their plezsuro in having the Council hold their bids or in picking up the bids and presentins new ones. present took their bids with them. Pursuant to IjNotico of Hearing on Proyosell Grsding and Gravelling of Oalslam Avenuo botneen V1,59th and tre6z~a Streets , published in Subu~ban Press, Hopkins , on dugst 17 and 24, .Aff$davit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form And placed on filc, Public Hearing on this -proposed imsrovement vas called. ,Engineer Olsson*s Estimate of post, in vnount of $4,00gi50 2s against &,781.84 a.ssoss$ble feet, or $,84 per assessable foot, vas read. floor, md the Clerk had received no o'ojections prior to the Hearing, Hawthorne offered. the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: laember Child prbsidcd Tmstee Affidzvit of Publication of IIiTotice of Hearing on Proposed 6 (See mended mtion later in evenin,?). All bidders Them were no objections from the RESOLUTION ORDERIlTG IEPROWENT S-I! It.PROVEi;tENI! NO, C-6 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Zdina, lbnesota, 'that this Council herotofore caused notice of hearing to bo duly published on tho proposcd iqrovemnt consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of Oaklam Avenue between Y,58th ad 11.59th Streets, szid Hewing having been held Monday, June 12, 1950, ad has subsequently caused notice of hesing to be duly Sublishod on the Froposed improvement consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of 0atrfar.m Avenue letmen li1,59th and tI.62nd Streets, said Hearing having been held.Monday, September 11, 1950, and at the hearings held 2.t the times and places specified in said notice the Council bas duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent $acts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; ise., tho Grading ad Gra,yelling of Odzlawn Avenue bctncen '11,58th md ?Tr.6Znd Streets; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall I)Q referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement 170. C-6, znd the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include dl lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon tho streets in which said improvcment is to be constructed.