HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500828_REGULAREBINA, VILLAGE C~UNCIL~ HEcctp MONDAY, AUGUST ZS; 1950, ~a! 330 P.M; dr TEE EDIXA-VILLf-GE kIAU Nembers answering Rollcall were child, -Dane& , Palen and Havthorne. presided, in Mwor Erickson's absence. Ninutes of the Regular Meeting of August 14, 1950,'t~ere qproved as submitted, by Motion Danens, seconded by Palen and carried. * I&. Child . Xr. Werrill Hutchinson pres'ented, in-final form, replat of Rolling Green Section 2, which reduces lot sizes in this subdivision. Revised Plat' of Rolling Green Section Zptro, subject to qprovd by Village Planning Commission. Nr. &der 14ickelsen requested permit to build dwelling at corner of Beard and I!* 60th Street, with setback 18r6i'- from ~~60th Street. Messrs, 14~elkis, 3514 Ife . 60th' Street, zud >Ire Otto Brost, objected that this setback trill me-an that house is out of line vith houses already constructed along 60th Street. Hawthorne's motion, directing Building Inspector to issue permits for the Mickelseii houses on Eeard Avenue just -North of 60th Street, providing setback of house on corner is the same as that of €he corner house on Drew and ~60th Street, vas seconded by Palen and carried. Mr. J,R. Hatcher led e delegation requesting information regarding the Blacktoyping of Delegation informed that contract ks been awarded to Ashvorth and Sons, and th3t contractor expects to begin work in ldina this ifreek unless held up by rain. Mr, James Vhyte, 5624 Beard Avenue led a delegation requesting relief from mud and dust, ad from water in their yards, at Bead Avenue betvreen W,56th 2nd W.57th Streetis.- Several suggestions for change in street grads were offered, includiag the lovering hf the grade at 56th and Beard. during vhich Wgineer Olsson stated %hat a storm sewer might be necessary ip this area, the matter was referred to Mr, Olsson for his study and repor%, Messrs, Bernard Dvorak, 5629 Beard; WOE, Wood, 5637 Beard; David Thompson, 5628'Beard; ROT'!. Bearg, 5641 Beard; and Russell Rosendahl, 5632 Beard, dl requested ection as soon as possible, Hawthorne'movad for accctptmce of Motion seconded by Danens and carriedb !?his vas agreeable to Messrs, NcNellis znd Brost. I. Abbot3 Avenue between 11.56th and W.57th Streets. After considerable discussipn, . Pire JOT. Iirkland protested $2.00 charge made for special assessment searches, znd was informed of reasons for such charge. Nr, 1V.L Westcott, .5933 Beard, inquired as to-when Beard Avenue between lf,59th and W.60th Stree.1; vrould be gravelled. Engineer Olsson staked that gravelling VJould be completed as soon as possible, and probably this next week. Nessrs, Nelson and Hanson of the Sons Company requested permit to build two-storey Wlding 59txl.Z08 immediately Vest of the Post Office on IJlarlect Street, said . building to_houas District Office-of sii insurance company, Regulstion of 80' ,depth for buildings on Market Street was reviewed for gentlemen, moved tha$ matter be referred to Planning Commission for their recommendation, Motion seconded by Palen and carried, Cgnfirmation by Mr, !Ml.ter Carlson of his approval of the straightening of Golf Terrace Horseshon tras read and referred to Village Attorney I'Jindhorst. Mr, Alf .' 14, Bergerud's thanks for installation of "Slo-cr-Children" signs at Ridge Road was read and filed, Village Attorney Windhorst gave his opinion that an amendment to the Village Zoning Ordinance requires an affirmative vote of four of the five members of the Comcil, this opinion being base& on both Ordinanco and Statute, Fbrthorne - Attorney Windhosst's opinion with-regad to Special IJbnicipal Judge VES filed. llindhorst reportedbhat Municipal Judge Neville has steted that it is impossible for him to devote two nights a week to the conduct of llunicipl Court. that, .because of pressure of work -on &ktnicipcl Judge Neville Speci@. Judge Norton be directed to conduct a supplemental ~Iunici~al. Court Sessioi one night each voek, at a per diem rate of $20000, with a limit 02 $75DO0 per month: Plr. Hmthorne moved Notion seconded by . Palen and carried, With regsd to purchase of eamnent fron Grace Tknd, for right-df-my dong the ITorth half of U.58th Street vest of "rooddzle, Attorney Vindhorst reported that Hrs, Viad vi11 accept $350.00 as purchase price providing she is never assessed more than $709-50 for fhe water It vr2s bxplzined that this assessment is for 150 feet on ?oo'ooaGLe Avenue-4ha.t it hs notbin& whate'ver td do vith my connections trbLch may later be made dong Ir.58th Street, Natter of connections charges for any connections made along T1,58th Street vas discussed, vith Council being of the opinion that such connection 'chrgks should be mzde. Ehtrthorne' moved that Council zuthorize- Villzge - Attorney to mdce a counter-offer to !lrs. I'lind*'on the original basis of $35O.OO for easement, and assessment of $709.50 for 150 feet on Vooddde, with the pnderstulding thzt imy cmges for connection oh Y1,58bh Street vi11 depend upon howr the property is developed; and that VilLeSe ,4ttorney b*e authorized to proceed vith condennation po- ceeaings if this couoter-offer is not accegted. f Motion seconded by Dmens and cgrried. Engineer Olsson reported on tabulatfon 'of bids taken sfonday, August 14, rccomendiag that bid €or construction of 7LATER IBIN IMPROVEKEIU! NO. 27 be am,rded to the LOV bidder, Phelps Drdce, Inc, ,at tioir bid price of $7,321.20; this hprovenent being for construction of Villago ?Mor Ikin Extension 3n Pairfax Avcnue between V.58th and V,6Oth Streets. Hmthorno moved that the hid of Phe@s Drdm, Inc., be accepted, ad thd Hayor and Clerk bo directed Eo enter into contract with Phalp &$le, Inc., in the name of the Village, I Hotion seconded by Dmehs and carried. &ginecr Olsson rocomiiended that conncil. accept bid of Pholns-Dralro Co. for construction of SAUITI1RY SEVEI ILiE%O"El~ NO. 29, at thoir bid price of- $4,454.60, this bqrovsnent, being for construction of ssmit.e Sever Main Extension. 2n Fairfax Avenue from a poinPl 112 bXock south of V.58th Strcet, to ~~60th Street. accepted and that 14ayor and Clerk be directed €0 enter into contract with ?halps- &&e Inc., in the nmc of the Villag?. Hawthorne's motion, accqDing Fngineer Olsson's recomen&ztion for amrd of bid on construction of SAHlT3BY SEE3 IHI?ROK!ZlR~T BO. 28--for sgaiteg sever extension in baklavrn Avenue 3etl;reen IT.58tli Straet and Valley Vietr Road-to Lmetti & Lmetti,. at their bid of $12,3Ol.52, and directing Rayor and Clerk to enter into contrect, in the name of the YiiLl-&e, YJZS seconded by Dmens, and carried, Havrthorhe' s motion, asprovin,o spplic&ion by 8. T?. Greening, 4252 llicollct Avenue, for Plumber's Licensc for period August 28, 1950 60- AFril I, 1951, tras seconded by, Dmens HavrthoSno moved that s2id bid be - Etna ckried. * .. . .. Polhe report on .proposed stop signs zt intersection of Bemd ad Chowen ad V.56th Street ~r&, filod, md by lJotion Zgrthorne, seconded by Danens, vas referred to the ?ubl.ic Srfety Cornittoe. .. . Engineer Olssoll reported requested, and Police Departmont Recozmendation, for Stop Sign at Tracy Avenue and Grove Street. znd that Stag Si.% be installed. Engineer Olsson recormendad instdlation of street, lishts at the folloving intersections: Hmthorne moved thst rocomendation-bc eccepted, Xotion,seconded by Palen and carried. Beard Avenue, intersecting with 11, $th, ?I, 57th, znd 8.58th Streets Oxford Aveme, intersecting with Holl;Jn.rood Road NbmanMe Boad, intersecting vrith 'il, 56th St., Yvoruac Terrace, and gent. Avenue. - I 1 Eavrthorne moved thzt street lishts be ordered in from Rorthern States Pover Company, as recornended by Vill3,s.a Engineer, Amlication of Cocz-Cola Bottling Cormany for Sip Maintenznce Permits for siss at &4 Valley View Rod and 4429 Valley- Viev Road were aggroved'by .Notion Xavthornc, seconded by Palen ana carried, after Council h& de$ermined from report by Siga Inspector that thsse signs are in order. A~plicatioa by Hootcn Dry Cleaners for permit for sign atop-their 3uilding was referred to Building Inspector for inspection and report at next regul-ar meeting, by I-jotion Eavrthorne, seconded 3y Palen and caried. Hawthorne moved for donid. of ap$ication for sign construction pcmits, by Carl 1.1. ksen, for signs at 5505 llnoll Drive, and I[. End of Parkwood Road, after report by Sign Inssector tbt both such signs vi11 be within 500 feet of dvrellidgs. Pllen and carried. A9plications for sip maintenance permits, by Alf. L. Bergwud, aere reviemd. HzWGhorne noved tht Fernit be grated for si@ at Morilzrno ad Interlachen Blvd., and thzb Hr. 3ergerud be ordered to remove si@ at 54th and Frmce, inasmuch es this second si% is . vithin 500 feet of dvellin,q.s, qd also in the pqbl5.c rosdvray. Palen and carried. Motion secohdsd by Pden wd carried. I I .. Wotion seconded by lilotion seconded bJ 8/28/50 14agers Outdoor Advertising Sign, Inc. s applicEtion for a Wodge-Plymouthtt si.9 permit, for sign at N.W. corner Czbill Boad and Highmy No. 5, was a-pprovsd,' subject to inspection and agprovd by Sign Tnsyector, by Motion Havthorne, seconded by Dmens and carried, Request of the Spring oompzny, for permit to dlovr them to maintain "Ediiia Highl.andsfl sign zt corner of Interlachen Blvd. ad Highvmy 169, in violation of tlSign"Ordinancc, was reviewed. He.wtbor6ei s motion, that Council confirm its previous action ad require removd. of sign,-vras seconded by Dmens and carried, l%re John Eurger*s request for further readjustment on the assessment for Black- toaFing for Lot I, Block 1, I4irror L&es Addition, was filed. *Palen's motion, that Council- confirm its previous agreement with the ow-er of this lot', was seconded by Havthorne and carried. The complaint of Messrs, Posengies an& MEyer, against their neighbors, tho Bensons, for allowing chickens to run zt large, vas filed; and, by Motion kwthorne, seconded by Palen, was referred to the Police Department for invostip.tion, Discussion vms had as to the large tree in the middle of Windsor Avenue just Vest of HighmyNo. 100. Palen and carried, Abtorney Thdhorst reviewed for the Council matters concerning the _nro_nosed Bno~mdale Pwk Sanitzry Sewer; stating that it will be necessary for the Village to enter into Contract with Lmetti &d Lanetti for the Ediaa portion of the joint St.Louis Bark-3dina Seyer, that it-will be necessary for St.Louis Pak md Pains to enter-into contrzct, with regard to assessments for 2nm.k Sewer Assessments and Outlet Charges. &vthornets motion, directins Village Attorney to drdt the proper con$racts ad resulutions for completion of the Brotmdale Park Szmitary Sevmr 2.greements, was' seconded by Pden and ceried, Hawthorne moved for removd of tree. Motion seconded by I The matter of the sale of Improvement Bonds to finmce Construction Improvement .Contracts already marded came again before the Council, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoztionz €ESOLTJ!lIOX PEOVIDING F0R-S- OF IMPROTE2*EN!Z BORDS BE IT RESOLVXD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Ninnesota, as follows: 1. The Village has heretofore contracted far the construction of Street Immovements A-5 to A-11-B, inclusive, C-3, C-&, C-5, C-7 md C-8, Sanitary Sewer Improvements ISos. 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, ad &ter 14ain Improve- ment No. 27, at a totd. cost in excess of $168~00O,-i~hich swn-it is necess-y for the Villsse to borrow by the issuance of gpnerd obligati,on Improvement Bonds pursumt to the provisions of Chapter 119, Sqssion LEWS of Ninncsota 'for 1949. I. 2. This Council shall meet at the time id place specified in tho fom of notice hereinafter cont~tined for the purpose of opning, receiving 2nd 'consider- ing sealed bids for-the purchas'e of said bonds and awarding tho sale thcraof, arzd the Village Clerk is here-oy xuthorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published i'n the Suburbzn Press, at Hozkins, Min&sote, and in the Commercial Vest, in Minneapolis, Ninnesota, each of said publications to be at least 10 days .. before the date of 'sai'd meeting, , 3.' Szid notice SML be in substantially the following form: .. NOTICE OF SA323 OF $168 000 IEPRO~433IT BOl!DE OF l9jO SECOXD SERIES ' VILLAGZ OF ZDIIU, MI~SO~A I N02ICE IS HZRZBY GIVEI? that -the'Council of the Village -of Edin-2, Mime- Sot&, vdll neet zt the Tillage Hd1, 4801 West Fiftieth Street, fn paid Village, on SepGenber 11, 1950, at 7:30 olcloclr;' P.M;, fo? the purpose of opening, receiving and cansidering sealed bids for grid apra2ding the sale of $168,000 negotiable 119, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1949, to finance the construction of various sanitzry semy , wzter main, gradins and blacktoppins improvements within tho Village. The bonds will be pq2,ble primarily from collections of special assess- ments Go be levied uyon property benefited by the improvement, but the full faith qnd credit of the Village will be pledged for the pzyment thereof and taxes mzy be levied for said rJurpose', if necessaq, without limitation as to rate or amount. I -* , coupon general obligation bonds of said Village to be issued pursmmt to Chzptor - I. 6 8/28/50 Said bonds will be dated Septeaber 1, 1950, will be each in the denonination of $1000, urd will mpture seridly, on March I, i-n the mount of 7956 through 1961 and: $18,000 in 1962. redemption ?ad nrepzynent 2% sw, at the ontion of the Villese, on Ksch 1 or Septem-oer 1 inmediately preceding its stated maturity date. bear interest at a rate or not exceedins two rates to be designated br the successful bidder, and czch bond shall bezr the saae rate of interest from dEte of issue to maturitg. 3rincip.I. and interesi ~xi.11 be made pwaiole a$ my suitable bsnkia~ institution in the united States designated by the successful bidder. The Village vrill furhish, without cost to the purchaser and within forty days after avrard of sale the Printed and executed bonds and the zgroving legal . o3inion of Viessrs. Dorsejr, Colman, Baker, Scott Q Sarber, of Hinnezyolis, P&nesota, Ileliverj Trill be made without cost at 14innezFolis or St. Paul, Winnesotz, or Chicago, Illiiiois, or elsevrhere at the eqense of the yurchaer. ( $20,000 in ezch ?E tho years 1953 through 1955, $15,000 .in each of tho years Bsch of the bonds ~611 be subject to The,bonds will Sedcd bids msked “Bid for $168,000 Improvement Bonds” may Be mailed Oral. auction bids will not bo considered. I or delivered to the undersigned and must be received prior to the time of said meeting. and accompanied by a cashier’s or cekified check or bank draft in the mount of $3360, payable to the VilLagc Treasurer, to be retained by the Villagc as liauidzted damages in the event that the bid be accepted and the bidder shdll-f&l to c&ply therewith, the stated maturities of the bonds, less the amount of any premium ofTered. bid of less thm pzr and accrued interest vi11 be considered and the Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Each bid must be tlnconditiond, Bids vi31 be preferred according to total interesi II cost computed to No Dated Augast 28, 1950 BY OFtDZR QF TEE PILLAGE COUITCIL Bomr Hztrthornc , Vill&ge Clerk- .. 44301 Ifest Fiftieth Street 3dina, -14imesota 4. Ezch and all of the terns and provisions of said notice of sde are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of said bonds .and of the sde thereof, Motion for adogtion of the Resolution vras &uly seconded by Nember Palen, and on Rollcall there trere four ayes and no nays, 8s follawe: Hawthorne, azre; md Child, aye; and the Resoluti@ vas adopted. rnES . Dmens, aye;’Palen, aye; r4-7 .kJ -I r.rwo$ +,, -zZ??i VillMe %/A Clerk - Deputi Clerk reported that Council must meet, not latcr thm September 5, to aprove” assessment rolls, in order that proper publications for Public Hesings on Assessments m3.y be made. Havthorne’s motion, that when this Meeting is adjourned, it be adjourned to Tuesday, Septembcr 5, 1950, at 8:30 B.M., was secondea by Pden and cmried. Nre Al, Godvard gresented tentative ‘pld of nEdinlxookll, together with inf orad petition for sever zrrd m.ter service in this. area. plat be referred to Plwing Commission for its study and recommendation, ms seconded by Pden and carried, Harthornets motion, tht Letter from 2-lr. TI. J. detfinter, requestfng installation of Stop Signs, traffic contrbl on 1Tormandd.e Road, rand the dustcoating of Southvim LGe, vas filed. Inasmuch as zction has zlredy been taken irith regard to all matters, Engineer Olsson vas directed to ansver, givins Hr. &\linter status 2% present-‘-bg Motion Hawthorne, seconded By Damns and carried. Deptg Clerk rednded Council of necessity of mang up budget report before the 10th of October, &vthorno*s notion, directing each of the several Comxittee dhzirmen to submit budget report for respective deprtments et the September 25th Weeting, vas seconded by Palen and carried, Claim of Dorsey,Golnza,Barker, Scott & Barber, in the ,mount of $851.47, a con- sid.erable portion of Tjbich tra~ for services with regard to the Gleason Contracts, Irks presented for-.-pzqment. chs&zble to the Gleason Contrscts to be prorzted agdist the (;heason projects. Motion seconded by Pden ad carried. I. .. *. Hztrtlzorne moved for pqment of claim, with that Tortion I Pden moved for -pzpent of Villzge ~ayro~1, amowlt $4,111.06 Roll, wount $599.59, FS recorded in detail in Papoll Ledger; sad for papent of the followins Clsims. Liquor Store PEQV- Hotion seconded by Djnens, ad cycrried. CLAIM ITO, 4924 4925 . 4926 4927 4928 4930 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 . 4947 4946 4963 4965 4966 4967 4973 4974 4975 4985 . , 4986 4999 5001 4928 4958 4964 4977 4981 4985 5002 5003 4931 4957 4962 4976 4931 4957 4978 4979 4980 4931 4959 4960 4968 4973 4975 4985 4996 4997 4998 4961 ' 5634 5632 5633 5634 8/28/50 PMOUlTT 7 rn?D TO: Curle ?rinting Co . $ 5.25 City Treasurer, City of bipls. , 80.00 Lyle Sign Go. A I 7.31 . . ?lobile. Radio Eng: , Inc. 15.00 Republic Creosoting Cog 87.36 833 If.. Craig Go. 312 0 00 6re3gue. of-Minn, bnicipalities 164.00 tdpls. Star & Iri'bme I 10,56 Williaprson Stamp Go, ae50 Nordqu-ist Sign Go, 1.00 J.B. Vpigt BusineGs Machines Co. 15.. 00 Mauricg h. Rothschild & Co, * 3050 - - Edina Sand & Gravel Coo 390.04 . International City ManagGr's A.ssn. 15 e 00 H.V, Jphnson Chlvert-Coo - .123 24 Glenn Sohason Contracting Cog . 252.85 6.40 - 36005 1. $,J?s-d&son co; AmericFn Printing 00, Minneapolis-Iron Store 4. 03 Janney- Semple Hill Co e 53.w 258.00 4148,OO l?m. H, Ziegler Co. Roshol'c; Equip', Go.' A. R', gyaeen eency ( 17 045) John Bgich 264,oo Carl J, &filler lO8.00 . Greguson's ITursery 13.50 . Town &. Country Eardvrarc 5.42 . Delegad Tool Co, le40 Hennepili County Review 85 e 75 N.W. Bell Telechone Coo 57.60 . Northern %des Pover Co. 848.42 Minnesota Hospital Service Assn. . 3.00 GElW FUE3I Merchmts Cartage, Inc; 1.50 $7,380 0 67 - H.A. Roger:! Coo Brpa Construction COe DeGraff Wolf? Tolfz,:Ring & Day, fnc, Rodger9 Hydraulic, Inc . N.W. Bell Telephone. Co VcsterQ Underground Const CO. E.C. Pfeiffer Const . -coo " - 36,96 164.68 I 852.62 19.84 0 30 ,19,006,81 2,546.90 6'7 054 Addses sograph-IhXt igrsph Co , 26 51 Nrse J,A. Berlin I 2.00 Xorthern States Power Coo 2.11 Iblrs, J& Berlin 2952 Ruth S, Braw 3.50 C. E. Hotre 16.00 City Treasurer, City of Minneapolis 3,542.50 8ddrosiograph-NtiLtigrapFL Coo 2.51 Dr. Eesjsmin A.Dvorak or Beatrice . G, Dvorak 140 00 GARBAGE FUND 8 38.53 Addres$ogra~h-Nultigraph Co e First Iiatl. Bank of Npls. I1 II It 11 I1 .. Idutud. General Agency I Znc Totm &.Country Hzrdvrare Hennepin County Review N.Y, ~e1.1 Telephone eo. City Tzeaiurer, City of bIinneapolis Badger JIeter Mf g. Co gorthem Stdies Botrer Co, ~ .. Northwestern 1l.Tationa.l Bmk of Npls. First National E& of MpLSe First National Bak of Mpls . First National Sa& of JJipfs. First National B~IC af N+S .. 115 . 52 5,18 22.75 12.90 201 - 75 106 . 34 '780.60 1950 INPROVEI.IEXT . $ 921.24 . SEVER DIST&~ $ 1.88 SEXER, DIST,#Pj $31845.85 SEXEX? DIST.#l6 8/28/50 4947 4948 4949 4950 h95l 4952 4953 4954 4955 b956 4963 4973 4974 4982 4983 4985 4986 5000 -4967 4986 ti.987 4988 4989 4991 4992 4993 4995 Ill060 L1061 . .%~062 L1063 &lo& k065 u066 h067 it1068 U069 - go70 . ~1071 L1072 ’ Gm. H, Ziegler GO., Inca . $ 34040 Firestone StQres 1 46.38 General Truck f Ecpip. Go. 5.76 Dapendable 1.bt or 8 11.00 Phillips Petrole6m Co. 38.36 Qls. Gas co, 25.35- A4 COI~~.U~,. lac. - L. ’74.00 A. R. Ryde&AgencjT 366 . 72 Tovm’& Country Eardvm.re Coo I . 40 Delegard Tool 00. 3 -05 Edina Purc 03.l Co. 1.30 Brookside Somice Station 314.49 IT.17. Bell !l?cXc$one Co. 15.75 ITorthern St&cs Power Co. 17.29 EQUIL RENTAL Hull Dob’bs, &IC. 18 -81 Paper C&neason Co. 139 . 10 Vincent Auta Body Co, 128.10 Gateway TransportZtiGn Cos 5.13 $ 1,245.39‘ GregusonIs ITursery 118.80 lizureen Dulpcr Hovmrd We lhrrinan Ralph E; Wssrson ‘8.00 Don Det-em-og. 8.00 Leonard Dvorak l&QO PABE FDTD Hams It. Melb 20.00 $ _&?2.07 -. .. - Northern Staees Power Co. 139.57 - “ 89 25 49 b45 hmrd 9. Jones 23.00 George Ben &Sons, Inc. 1,994.33 Distillers Distributing Company - 4 , 353 77 2,086 . 87 Farnous Brands, Inc. Griggs, Cooncr & Go. Ifdesson Ropins, Inc. 2,854.00 Old Peoria Coqmy, Inc. 1,171 35 Ed, Phillipsa& Sons Co. 1 a 580.18 heuser-Bukch, Inc. 185 35 Csah Dry Ginger US, Inc, 15O*87* . *Clprsen.& Sons, Inca 509.05 Coca-Cola Bottling CO. 33.60. . Cold Springs Distributing Co, .46.10 w - 15,317*02. * Cornelius Beverage Company - 117.82 Gluek Brewing Compafq 213.88 Gold 1;icdd. Beverage C6. 33.50 Hassolt Bottligg Co. 17 . 25 Nid-Vest I’lino Conpmy- 337.54 1-fimeapolis Breving Conpany . i,302.20. 14orris Pistribitins Coo . 274.60 . Pabst Sales Coqaag - 227 . 65 Purity Beverage Coapky 30~62 Rex Distri‘iting Co. 1~~35 - Seabcrg Bevcrase Co . 76-50 Soveir-Up Bot%ling- Coqmy - 72.20 Billard Distributfng Company - . 38.85 Qhe Xational .Cash licgister 00. 14.17 - 43 65 2p.a Northern States Power - Co The Young &el Company America Liacn sUp@y Co. 11 . 65 WLler-Davis -Company 3. R, Anderson I<utid General Agency, Inc. 177.60 Ed. ?hilli>s*Q Sons Co. 2,404.72 I4idlznd Uational Bzlilr 137 60 Julius Schzhl, Trcas- PBRA 71.62 Mim. Hospitd Service-Association 2*25 LIQUOR FUXD -Pa. Philliss 2s Sons 1,848.2~ $38, ti.15 .I8 0. 1.1. Dronoy-Bevcrzge Cos - 490 6 93. 8.00. - 9-w &uty @le& reported- request of Suburb= Hennepin Cow* Relief 30ard 2s to Edina’s Tfishes with regara to Annd Weetins of the’Eoard, SaZet3 &d IJclfzire Cormittee, volunteerea to attend-meeting when .. held. The recommendation of the pu’olic TTorks Committee, that several dusty streets in the Village be &us-tcoated by the Village Public Borks Crew, vas reviemd.. the followbg Resolution and moved its adoption: HELlfthorne, GhaLrman of Fdolic . Paens offered \ ISESOLUTION SETTPIMG STBBET Il@ROlG3E3?I! mmNG TJH!3REAs, the Village Council desires-on its ovrn motion to improve the following streets by asplying a Dustcoat of Oil thereon, as authorized by Chapter 119,'SessiOn hws of 1949: Beard Avenue from W. 56th Street to If. 58th Street &ring Avenue from 1'1. 56th Street to W. 58th Street Dro't.~ Avenue from !f; 58th Street to V?* 60th Street Southviev Lane from Unity Avenue to Concord Avenue St e Andrevs Avenue frour'ldceview Drive. to Southview Lam Belmore lime Tracy Avenue from HighvrG No. 169 to Highland Road Pork Avenue from i'l. 55th Street to IT, 60th Street tfindsor Avenue from &ormandale Road to Code Avenue Kent elace from ESnt Avenue to T'Jindsor Avelzue . NOYJ,' Tl33EZNFORE, Zd IT II.ESOLV3D by the Village council of the Village of Bdiiij tbt it is deemed necessamj and expedient to improve the aforementioned streets by applying a Wstooat of-Oil thereon, and that on the 11th by of Septembcr, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, , this Council will meet at the Village Hz11 in said Villagc and v~ill at said time and place hear the parties interested there in in reference'to such improvement, &d will decide whether or not to undertdce such improvement, in whole or- in part . I Notion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, aad on RolLcaJ.1 there were four eye9 and no nzys, as follows: Panew, age; Paen, aye; Hawthorne, aye and Child, aye; and the Resolution --r As a mstfer of old business, Engineer Olsson reported to Council that there is considerzbfe work to be done on Nzrket Street before easement for 7% feet By E.C. Stovr-removal of large tyee, building of retaining wall, lowering of wzter main coiurecthx; building of' sidewhlk and retaining 1.1~11, etc. IT0 action ' taken, Hzvthorne's motion, thzt matters of old business be laid over to next regula? meeting, yas seconded by Pden and carried. - Hmithorno's motion, for sdjournment, bras seconded by EQen and carried. adjourned-2.t ll:25 P.N., until Tuesday, S Neetins Members present were chi id;^ &nens, md'Hawthorn9 with Child presiding, Deputy Clerk presented Assessment Rolls for the followin& construction go jects, all of which have been financed by Sg50 Improvement Bond Issue, Series One: Street Im-orovement No -4-1 - Blq3ctop?ing bf Oxford Avenue from Interlachen Street Inmovement No. 8-2 - Blacktoppin:? of Choven Avenue from 'f;1.57th to Street Imrovement Bo. A-'3 - Blsktoppipg of Oxford Avenue, Vandervork Street Inmovement Ro. 3-1 -.Construction of Curb and Gutter in Halifax Blvd. to V.5ls'C St. - Assessment - $1,77 per assessable foot. 1/,58'Gh Street . - Asses2ment - $1.63 per sssessable foot. Avenue, pad Hollywood Road, all in Beverly'Hills Addition - Assessment $2,17 yes assessable foot. Avenue between W.52nd and tJ,53rd Streets - Assessment - $2.25 ?or Assessable Zioot . Bezxd Avenue beWedn'W. 55th md tT, 56th Streets - Assessment - $2.22 per Assesszble foot. Street Improvement Bo. C-2 - Gradinp and Gravelling, and laying of Stabilized Oil Base in all streets in Indian Hills - Ass.essment - $1.05 per Assess..,blc Foot, Street Imwovement No. D-I. - Construction of Sidevrdk, Curb and Gutter in those portions of the Borth Side of Market Street between 3rancc sad Halifax Avenues where such'iqrovements have not ?lr&dy been instelled. - Assessment - $1.79 per assessable foot. . Street Immsrovenient No, B-2 - Construction of Curb and Gutter in t!. Side of -