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9/18/50 - 28
!Be foLloving nembers rere nresefit :
ms =%sent.
Deputy Clerk presented Sfidwits shoving pu6liczt;ion in the qfficid nevspq3er,
the 6nBwbm Press, Ho~L-ins, fiinnerota, not less tha thirty &?is -prior to this
date of Xotice of He,.lrings on the ?reposed assessnents for VzteP kin Iqroveneats
Xos.-22, 23, 2b, 25, sad 26, vhich z€fida.vits aere extinined, fauna sztisfqctory
and ordered place5 on file in the office of sdd Clerk,
Engineer Olsson reviemd exh zssessnent roll for,-the Council, as follors:
Child, Daens, PdeE 2nd Erickson, Ea:&horne
17~ IUI1T II@ROIE~T ITO- 32 - In Abl~ott Avenue 'betireen U.57th md 17.58th Sts,
!l?o'Cd. Cost of Construction
lotd Cost of Connection to Private Water Main $4,248 e 39
Constructed b,v Peder IIickelsen 320,8'2
Total ,&sessz'hle Cost $4,569.26 * Construction Cost per Assessable Foot - $3.31
Conqection Cost ger dsoessa'hle Foot * - , -25 I c ?Cot& Assessa-ole Cost per Foot ,$3%f;6 1
1!.jU%R IhXtIT E2?ROVEiZXZL! 330, 22 - In York Avenue- between '11,58th ,&d :I'l.Sgth Sts.
Totd Cost of Construction- $3 s 782.32
- Totel Cost of Connection to Private Vater M6.n
Constructed by Peder .Hic$elsen s 28-9/30
Totd Assesszble Cost. .$it, 080 e 62 - Construction Cost pr Assess3;ble Foot - ,$3.3=7
Connection Cos% peq Assessable Foot. - -25
~ota~ 3sesszble cost per Foot $3.42
ITAEZ z2d1T IlPBOm.DYg iT0. 24 - In ';lood&d.e Avenue froa Tover St. to r.r.6oth St,
In f1,58thIS$., Concord &e. to Psk Pfzce
In Xellogg Avenue, V.55t4 St, to Tdlk3 VieL- Rii,
In c1dclsm Avenue, l'l.-53th St. to V.59th St,
Cost of Construction of V.58th St..
Oost of Construction of ICoodd.de T!rurmlr LisZn
2,6Q I;in.Ft. lUil 1.lzi.n 0 $4.20 $11,109.00
'-2,375 Xli.rr.Ft. I;!* 1Izj.11 0 $2.40 -$# ,700 .OO $ 4a.275.00
I 2,375 Lin.Ft. 10" IIzin 0 $4.20 69,975.00
Const, Cost of W1 Trrdq&ifi
Plus E$ agr. 8 Cleric&
S16.61&,?2 ' .-
Plus 105 Contiagcncies 1.520 -61
Tot& Const. Cost of 10" Trunk Main $183135.33
Assessable Cost per Foot-7-0" !i$u& Xain- $.78
I Cost of Cons t ruc t i on-L2.t e+L &ins
- Less Cost of Trunk Tkin , 15.384,OO
Total .Contract $&5,501.2j
Const. Cost of Ikterals $30,117 25
Plus 85 3Sr. S Clerical 2,409-38
$32,526 63
Plus 105 Contingencies 3.064.41
$35 9 591 04
lM?EX 1.U7-R.PXOTX2.EXT EO. 25 - In Beard Avenue, from 11.58th to 1~60th St,
Tot& Const. Cost of Lzterds
AssessKble Cost per Foot-Laterals 43 95
1h.Chovren Avenue from M,58th to W,59th SPI.
Total Cost of Construction ' $10,953.96
Total Cost of Connection to Private kter €bin
Total Assessable Cost $11,860 75 . Consfructed iby Peder 1.lickelsen 906~9
Construction Cost per Assessable goat - $3.02
Connecfion Cost per Assessable Foot - -25
Total Assessable Cost per Foot $3 27
UM!ZR KAIlT Ii*lPXOV3.ZTT 370. 26 - In 'Er.riqg dvenug from 11.58th St, to V,60th St,
'Po-i;al Cost of Construction . $7,585-20 .
Total Cost of Comection to Private tfater M&n
Cons5ruct ed by Peder 14ickelsen 690 .oo
.. . Total Assess&le Cost . $8,215.20
Constructioo Cost per Assessable Foot - $3.01
7 Connection Cost per Assessa'ole Foqt . .25,
Tot& &xiessa%le Cost gex Foot
The Mqor amounce& thzt the neoting krzs open for consiaeration of obJections to ztv
of the said poyosed assesments. There were no objections received. fron the floor,
end the Clerk hd received no objections prior to the Weetbg.
folloving Resolution md moved its sdoptior:
Child offered the
9/18/50 29
IbTTS XOS. ziid 26
BZ IT R3SOLVXD by the Village Council of the TillEge of Edina, IJinnesota, as
f OllO:.JS : .
- I
1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the progosed
assessmeits for lfater Main Improvements Qos. 22, 23, 24, 25 ad 26, and each of
thdm, have been propei'ly calculated ir. accordance with the provisions of
1-finqesotz Statutes Section 412.441; that notice has been duly published, as
required by 'IZVJ, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon dl
objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments RS misht be necess-sy,
an& to dopt ths same bjr resolution; that said progosed assessments have at
dl times since their filing been o2en for public inspection, and opportunity
has been given to all interested Sersons to present their objectlons; znd that
each of the lots, pi'eces ad parcel3 of land eiizwnerated %iz the respective
essessrnents vas and i's specially benefited 17 the construction of the impove-
ment for vhich such assessment is levted in the amount set opyosite the
description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively.
2, The moults so set out are hereby levied against the respec'tfve
Lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, %id
said progosed assessments are hersby adopted ad confirmed 2s the proper
specid assessments for said iniprovements, respectively.
ecch lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruiag on the full
mount thereof from tiae to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per mnm
from the dste of this resolutLon, shall be a lien concurrenl; with generd. taxes
upon the groperty described therein and AI thereof. The totd nsnount of each
such assessment sh,7_11 be yayalike in equal annual installments extending over
a period of ten years, the first of ssid instdlments, together vith fnteres'c
on the entire as'sessment from the date hereof to &qust 15, 1951, to be ~~~~,ble
with generd taxes for the year 1950, arnd one of the renaining installments, with
one yeds interest on that and a11 subsequent installments, to be pzyable with
geiierpd. taxes for each of the years 1950 through 1959, collectible in the
respective ensuins yezrs.
The assessment against
3- Prior to certification of the eseessment to the County Audltor,
the owner of ,"ny Lot, piece or pace1 of land assessed hereby mzy pa7 the wholo
of such assesemeat or 2x7 installment thereof without ixterest-to the Villpge
Treasurer m-d therezfter such payment mzy be nzde with accrued interest,:to the
County Tre;_..surer; provided thst if my assessments or instdlnents thereof be
prepa3xl to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly no'cj.fr the Villzge Clerk and
County Auditor, Fad the assessment or instd.lment so pre@d shall be czncelled
on the books of the County Suditor.
4b The Clerk. shall, as soon as may 'be, prepre ad trzasrnit to the
.County Auditor a certifieh duplibate of said assessments I with each then unpaid
inst&L:eat ?ad interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper
tz lists of the County, znd the Couaty Auditor shall thereafter case said
cssessments to be collected in the mazaer provided by law.
be designated qs the "Assessnent 8013. for l95O I'fater &in Improvements, Second
Series," and d.1 auomits collected in respect of the assessments therein con-
tained shdl be similnrly design2,ted by the Couhty Iregsurer qnd remitted to
the-Vill?ze Tremurer aad by him credited to the Sinking hd Account of the
1950 Second Ser5es Improvement bd,
The motion for the n,dontion of the foregoing Resolutioa vas seconded by Dmens,
Qad mi Rollcdl there were four ayes and no VIS: Child, qp;
DaQens, ~p; €'.Len, aye; ad Erickson, ay olution YJZS ad-onted,
Said du2Iicate shdl
Deputy Tillage Clerk
Nr. Xs?ry su?Qo&ed m5tten recuest for Street Light 9.t' 3kst end of I'looddd.9
Gae, Child moved that installation of Street Light zt E& end of %oddd@
Lme be asTroved, Seconded by €%Len and carried.
Discussion YTRS had wi.th repxd to installations of Street Lizhts zt ?'finasor md
Code Avenues.
Villa,ge Eaqineer Olsson.
Enyineer Olsson reported th2t, in t&fulation bids for $?atkk Main - ~ . -. - ' :
Zxtensions in 0d:lpirn Avenue from T'1.59th Street to VT.62nd Street and in Tower St.
from St.Joluls to Concord, it hzd been aiscovered that the bid of the successful
bidder, Bart 'Carlone, ms in error; thzt the total ,mount of his bid is $16,06501~
Child moved th& Str,eet Li@t instdl?.tion be left to Judpent of
Notion ssconded by Pden ,and cgried,
instezd of the bid of $IS,W~.IO, 2s FeZd znd 8s avarded on Senten3er 11.
motion, armding 'bid tp B&% Cmloile, nt bid ?rice of $16,065.3.0 bemuse of his
z'oilitg to perforn the work zt once, vas seconded by*Dpens aid car-ied.
Ilr. Pilen .reporter: his elect5on as Director of the Edina Civil Defense aid ,Disaster
Relief Comrdttee.
Com.zittee* s election.
&.@neer Olsson recueoted thzt .cssessrnmt foi Stom Sei:er 3-1 be on c lot--*3zsis,
inasmuch a& there is such 2 qumtlty of unplatted progerty in this District, 3ugSest-
in$ the$ eech axe of wplctted Froperty be treated *as 3% plztted lots. Chila's
motiwn, thzt in n&ing zssesement of the nev truulr sever area, Couacil tFeat esch
uqlzbted net zcrezze on the bzsis of '&'platted lots.
The nztte? of d.rainz.ge zt 5225 Interlechen Blvd. 71-s &is uased. Child now& that
Engineer Olsson be instructed. to attenpt to securejtnecesszry for drsin~e 2.t this
soiz~t: Kotion secandec? 37 D,..lnens md caried.
There 3eb.g no' further bsia'ess to come before the Council, the I.leeting T~W
al.journed, 3yf.Iotion Child, seconded by Dznens
Dr. Zricksoil nmed 1.k. Palen as Director, in zccordFnce 'with
blotion s'econded "oi Pden md
6"s ernenE
Villege Clerk
'Perrzce He5 sit E
hrs been 6ulp file2 v5th the Villrge Council pad s2id Council h?x. net L% the tirne
md pkce sgecificrl in 2 nokice dxl~ pu'blished and posted md hs-s he-rd 3.3.
interested gersons; -na it qpexrs in'the interest of %lie p%fic ti~t soid ?ortion
of seid street be raczted, not7 therefore
portion of C-alf Tarrzce heretofore describcd be, pad hereby is, yzcatcd.
33 ST ESOLI~ -07 the ViLl=lso Council of the VillrSe of 9di,n? tht. th?t