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each of
The area to be assessed for/the above named improvements includes all lots,
pieces and parcels of land fronting and abutting on the portions of the streets
in which said improvements are made..
Dated September 5, 1950-
Village Clerk
Motion for adoption of the Resolution iras seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were three ayes and no nays, -as follows: Danens, Hd7w borne, aye; and Child,
aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Village Clerk
There being no further business to come before the Meeting, it eras adjourned, by
Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carried. Meeting adjourned 9:25 A.M.
Village Clerk
SEPTErMR lf, 1950 , ' AT 7:30'P.1,1. AT
Member's answering Rollcall were Child, Danens and Hawthorne. Member Child presided
until the arrival of Mayor Erickson, vrho arrived at a time recorded below. Trustee
Palen arrived at time recorded below.
The first matter on the agenda was the Public Hearing on the "Lake Harvey- Colonial
Grove Storm Sevier." Affidavit of Publication of "notice of Hearing on Proposed
Storm Sevier No. 191; as published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on
August 24 and 31, 1950, was read, Acting Mayor Child told the audience that
an error had been made in the boundaries of the district, as published; and,
because the entire district had not been included, it would be necessary for the
Council to postpone the Hearing for two weeks. (See amended action later in evening).
Trustee Palen entered the Meeting at this time.
The affidavit of Publication for Advertisement for Bids for Storm Sevier Improve-
ment No. 19 was read, as published in Suburban Press and Construction Bulletin
August 24 and 31, 1950. Mr. Child informed bidders of tie postponement of the
Hearing on the'Storm Sever, and asked their pleasure in having the Council hold
their bids or in picking up the bids and presenting new ones. All bidders
present took their bids with them.
Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing,on Proposed Grading and Gravelling of Oakla= Avenue
between t'1.59th and 71.62nd-Streets, published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on August
17 and 24, Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form 6,nd
placed on file, Public Hearing on this proposed improvement was called. Engineer
Olsson °s Estimate of Cost, in amount of $4,009150 2s against 4,781.84 assess -able
feet, or $.84 per assessable foot, was read. There were no objections from the
floor, and the Clerk had received no objections prior to the Hearing. Hawthorne
offered the following Resolution end moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement
consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of Oaklavm Avenue between ,1T.58th and 11.59th
Streets, said Hearing having been held Monday, June 12, 1950, and has subsequently
caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting
of the Grading and Gravelling of Oaklavin Avenue between W-59th and W.62n.d Streets,
said Hearing having been held,Monday, September 11, 1950, and at the hearings held
at the times and places specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the
views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does
hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; i.e., the
Grading and Gravelling of Oaktlawn Avenue between W.58th and ;1.62nd Streets; that
said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent
proceedings as Street Improvement I]o. 0-6, and the area to be specially assessed
therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the
streets in which said improvement is to be constructed.
A 1 1
14 9111150
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rolleall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dauens x.97 ;,,Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
and Child, AT aye; and the Resolution was adopted.•
X-4�' rl
Acting Mayor
Village Clerk
Hawthorne- offered the follotring Resolution and moved its adoption:
d` BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
1: The plans and specifications for STREET IMPROVE-MIT NO. 0 -6 heretofore prepared
by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby
2. The action of-the Clerk in causing to bo published. twice in the Suburban
Press.and the Construction 3ulletin the following notice for bids for the construction
of said improvement is hereby - approved.
The Edina, Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street,
Minneapolis, on September 11, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to open and consider sealed
bids for Gnadin.c and G.rayellin,� of Oakl.awn Avenue: between 17. 8th and 1"1.62nd Streets.
The work, on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the
plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village
Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash pavnent for the work. No
bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time
of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable
to the Village Clerk in the amount of ten per cent of the amount of the bid.
Bower Hawthorne
Edina, Minnesota
3. Each and all of the terms of the fore -oi.ng advertisement for bids am
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said
improvement. '
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by )anbns" �n.d on Rollcall there .
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; P ten, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Acting Mayor
Village Clerk
Mr. Child next called Public Hearing on Proposed Grading, and Gravelling of York Avenue
between t`1..57th and 17-59th Streets, pursuant to "Notice of Hearing" on proposed improve-
ment published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, August 17 and 24,,Affidavit of
Publication for which was read, approved as to form and placed -on file. Engineer
Olssonts Estimate of Cost, in total amount of $2,079.00 as against 2,730.16 assessable
feet, or $.76 per assessable foot, was read. There were no objections from the floor,
and the Clerk had received no objections•pri.or to the Hearin;,. Hai:*thorne offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption'.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council
heretofore caused,notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement con-
sisting of the Grading and Gravelling of York Avenue between W-57th and VT.59th Streets
and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has
duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully'advised of the
pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement;
that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent
proceedings as-Street Improvement No.0-9, and the area to be specially assessed therefor
shall include atl lots and tracts of laid abutting and fronting upon the streets in which
said improvement is to be, constructed.
I•lotion for.adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Liens,; and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no.nays, as follows: Danens, 'y •' en, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
Chidl, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
r--- � Y
Acting Mayor
Village Clerl
9111150 e
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
1. The plans and- specifications for STREET IMPROVZONT NO.C-9,,�1erotofore
propared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village
Clerk are hereby approved.
_2.The Clerk.ts action in causing to be published twice in the Suburban Press
_ and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction
of said improvement is hereby approved.
The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Stroet,
Minnem olis, on Soptember 11, 1950, at 7:30 otclock P.M., to open and consider
sealed bids for the Grading and Gravelling of _York Avenue between W-57th and 11.
59th Streets.
The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the
plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village
Clerk. A11 bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work,
to bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before
the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certi-
fied check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten per cent of the
amount of the bid.
Bower Hawthorne
- _ Village Clerk
Edina, Minnesota
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby
adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said im-
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was,duly seconded Danens, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dane ws,, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was a y t
AT -TE9 ti • ;
Acting Ma„y- r
Village Clerk
Pursuant to 'Advertisement for Bids-Grading and Gravelling of Oak..iawn Avenue
between V+.58th and W.62nd Sts.,11 and "Advertisement for Bids- Grading and Gravolling
of York: Avenue between 57th and_59th Sts.," both advertisements having been published
in the Suburban Press; Hopkins,-and in the- Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on
August 17 and 24, 1950 -49fidavits of Publication for which having been read,
approved as to form and placed on file - -the following bids were publicly opened
and read:
Gibbish Excavating Co., Minneapolis $5,939.00
Don McClellan. Co., Edina $4,255.00
Pfeiffer, Construction Co., Edina $3,86o.00
Terry 8ros..0ompany, St.Louis Park $4,030.00
Park Construction Co.•,- Minneapolis r $6,685.00
Hawthorne's motion, for award of Contrast for Grading and Gravelling of Oeklatm
Avenue between W.58th and V1.62nd Streets and of Yore Avenue between V1.57th and
W-59th Streets, to Pfeiffer Construction Company, and for authorization for
Mayor and Clerk to enter into contract in the name of the Village, was seconded
by Danens and carried.-
Next called ? -Y s Public Hearing on Proposed Water Main Improvement in Oaklarn Avenue
between 11.59th and W.62nd Streets, pursuant to "Notice of Hearing, as published in
Suburba7. Press, Hopkins, on August'17 and 241-- Affidavit of Publication for which
was read, approved as to form and placed on file. Engineer Olssonis Estimate of
cost, in total _amount of $13,101.86 as against 3,584.88 assessable feet, or $3.65
per assessable foot, was read. There were no objections from the floor, and the
Clerk had received no objections prior to the Hearing. Hawthorne offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Am , i
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina., Minnesota, that this Council
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement
consisting of construction of Village Stater slain E tonsion snd Appurtenances in Oaklatm
Avenue between ,•I.59th and 1I.62nd Streets, and at the hosting held at the time end place
specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons
interested, and being fully advised of•the pertinent facts does hereby determine to
proceed with the construction of said improvement;'that said improvement is hereby
designated and shall be referred to in Al subsequent proceedings as Slater Florin
Improvement No. 28, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all {
lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in wh•i eh said ismprove --
meat is to be constructed. -
%lotion for adoption of Resolution-was seconded by Dsnens, and on Rollcall there were
four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
Child, aye; and the Resolution was 'adopted.
Acting Mayor
Village Clem
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
10 The plans and specifications for TIATER MAIN IMPROVE' -MIT 'NO. 28 heretofore
prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk
are hereby approved.
2. The action of the Clerk in causing to be published twice in the Suburban
Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction
of said'improvement is hereby approved.
The Edina Village Council will maet atA-he Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street,
.inneapolis, on September 11, 1950, at 7 :30 o'clock P.M., to open acid consider sealed
bids for the construction of Water Main Extension and appurtenances in Oakl. -tra Avenue
between W.59th and 57.62nd Streets.
The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans
and specifications for sa-.Id improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk,
All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash_ payment for the work. No bids trill be
considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting
and accompanied by a each deposit, bid bond, or certified cheer payable io the 'Tillage
Clerk in the amount of Ten per cent of the amount of the bid.
Bower Hawthorne
Village Clerk
Edina, Minnesota
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby
adopted as toe terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement.
I-lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were
four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Palen, eye; Hatthorne,.aye; and
Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
a -----+ Acting .11vor
Village Clerk
Pursuant to 'Notice of Hearing on Proposed t7ater I•lain Improvement- -Tower St. between.
St.johns and Concord Avenues," Published, in Suburbans Press, Hopkins, on August 17 4n.&
24, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form end placed_
on file, Public Hearin'-- *as called on the above rjazed improverrient. Engineer Olsson'^
Estimate of Cost, in tt4{° 7 a -mount of $3,998.21, gas, ,-- ?3sinst .1,163 assessable feet, or
$3.43 per assessable foot, was reed. There were- no objections from the floor, and '4'0
objections had been received by the Cleric -prior to the Hearin,T. Hawthorne offered tPl
following resolution and moved its adoption:
9 111 150
WATER IiAIN I111 ROVE � +I1T IJO. 29 -
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I<Iinnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed
im -orovement consisting of Construction of Village Water Main Extension and appurte-
nances in Tower Street between St. Johns and Concord Avenues, and at the hearing held
at the time 9nd place specified in'said notice the Council has duly considered the
views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does
hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said
improvement is hereby designated azid shall be' referred to in all subsequent proceedings
as "'later Main Improvement No. 29 end the area to be 'specially assessed therefor shall
include all lots and tracts of land `butting and fronting upon the streets in which
said improvement is to be constructed. "
I•loti.on for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye, and
Child, aye; and the Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
1 Village Clerk Acting Mayor
Member Hawthorne introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
1. The plans and specifications for Slater Main Improvement No. 29 heretofore
prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk
are hereby approved. `
2. The action of the Clerk in causing to be �oublished unite in the Suburban
Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction
of said improvement is hereby approved.
The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street,
Hinnewpolis, on September 11, 1950, at 7 :30 o1clock P.N., to open and consider sealed
bids for the construction" of Village. water main and appurtenances in Tower. Street .
-between St. Johns and Concord Avenues.
The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the p1nns
and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Villag�e Clerk.
All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids trill
be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said
meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to
the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid.
• Bower Hawthorne
Village Clerk '
Edina, Minnesota
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rolleall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Acting I•iayor
Village Clerk '
Pursuant to "Advertiseme'nt ,for Bids for .Water Main Improvement-- OPI-Jatrn Avenue
between W -59th and w.62n& Streets," and "Advertisement for Bids for VI?. ter Main
Pmprovement- -rower Street between_ St.Johns and Concord Avenues," both df which
advertisements had been_-oublished in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in the
Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on .august 17 and 24, 1950, according to
Affidavits of Publication which were read, approved as to form and placed on file,
the following sealed bids were publigly opened and read. Before the reading, of the
bids, Engineer Olsson asked. that the Council consider! the completion date listed on
the bids, stating that.in,some cases the contractors do not have the hater pipe for
these jobs;
(Days after Rcpt (Caldndax Days
of Village Order) After Be, Tinnin�)
Lametti e. Lametti, St.Paul $14,930.20 $16,070.30 30 240
DeGraff, jlo'ff , St. Paul 15,037.4 , 15,789.27 180 240
Phelps Drake Co.,Inc., Mpls. - 15,805.90' 60 20
Bart Carlone, St. Paul 14,925.80 15,885.10 10 After Receipt of
Naterials 30w
%-ITote - -If awarded bid on Firm Price, contractor will complete job by.111150.
Vestern. Underground Const. I -
Co. , P•ipls. - 18,830.50 15 45
Orfei & Plariani, St. Paul - 17,365-30- As Soon as Material,
is available 60
Bids -vrer'e reviewed at some length, and Danens moved that "bids be referred to Village
Engineer for tabulation and report at next meeting. :-lotion seconded by Hawthorne end
carried. (See amended action later in evening.)
'The next public hearing called was that for the proposed Blacktopping of T1 st 37th
Street between Beard and Chowen Avenues. ,Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing,
as-published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, on August 17 and 24, was read. Engineer
Olsson's Estimate of Cost,.in total amount of $85 7.35, as against 525.58 assessable
feet, or $1.63 per assessable foot, eras read. There were no objections from the
floor, and the Clerk had received no objections prior to the Hearing.. Hawthorne
offered the followf g Resolution and moved it's adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, ?Minnesota, that this Council
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement
consisting. of Blacktoppin- of ''lest 57th Street between France and Chowen Avenues,
said Hearing having been held August 14, 1950•; and this Council subsequently caused
notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the
Blac:�toppiag of W-57th Street between Chowen and Beard Avenues, said Hearing having
been held September ll,'1950, and at the hearings held at the times and places
specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons
iiterested, ana being fully advised of the, pertinenet facts does hereby determine
to proceed with the construction of said improveben.t; i.e., the Blacktopping of
W.57th Street between Beard and France Avenues; that said improvement is hereby
designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improve-
ment.ITo. .A-12, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots
.and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in'which said improvement
is to be constructed.
:lotion for adoption of the Resolution was' duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were lour ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hauthorne,
aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Acting Mayor
Village Clerk .
Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.:
BE IT RESOLVED by 'the Village "Council of the Village of Edina:
1. The plans anal. specifications" for Street Improvement No. A -12 heretofore
prepared by the Village zngineer and notr on file in the office of the Village Clerk
are hereby approved.
2. The action of the Clerk in causing to be published twice in the Suburban
Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction
of said improvement is hereby ratified and approved:
The Edina Village Council will meet' at the Village Hall, 4801 IT. 50th Street,
Minneapolis. on September 11, 1950, at 7:30 o t clod- P.M., to o_oen and consider
sealed bids for the construction of Street Improvement No. A 112 in said Village,
consisting of Blacktopping of West 57th Street between Beard and France avenues.
The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the
plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village
Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No
b`� do will be considered unless: sealed and filed with the undersigned before the '
time of r,,-,-id -meetin;g ;� d --ccompa„nied by a, cash deposit, bid bond, or certified
c,iecli ,an.y -ble to the Vills -e Clerk in the ^mount of ten -percent of the T1,4ount of
t1ie bid. -
Village Clerk
Edina, Ilinnesota.
1 3. T1^.ch �.nd s 11 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are
b6reij7, - dooted Pao the temp and conditions of the sa -rard of the contract for said
is; anro? *event . .
Ilbtion for rdontion of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcn-11 there
v0e four nyec = d no nays, as follows: Dauen,s, aye; Palen, aye; Ha?rthorne, aye;
aye; amd the Resolution trris ado-oted.
7�,L Acting Msgor
Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids - Street Improvement No. A -12,11 oubli shed in
"iaY�urb ^ia Press, Hool�.ins, and in Construction Bulletin, Ninneapolis, on August 24
P, d 30, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for, ,which was read by Clerk: - s3proved ss
to form and placed on file, the following -sealed bads mere publicly opened and
hworth w Sons Co., E'pls. X3,815.48 X4,322.40
rl Sow-all is Sons,
St.Louis Park, %lien. X3,246.32 $3,077.68
71neer Olson recommended the use of Cutback Asphalt for this project; and
nens' motion, that contract be awarded. to Earl Sewall w Sons and that I'+Iayor
d Clerk be authorized •to enter into contract in name of the Village, was
conded by Palen and carried.
Pursuant to 1'Advertisement for Bids- Blacktopoing of W.49th Street between France
venue and Maple Road," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction
Bulletin on August 30 and September 7, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for wixica
i4as read by Clerk, the following sealed bids were publicly opened and read:
,��shworth c: Sons Co.", I�ipls. X3,529.50 X3,997.50
�ar1 Sewall & Sons
St.Louis Park, Minn. b,003.00 1�2,8L.q.00
motion by Danens that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and
onort at next meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. (See amended
,.ction of later in the evening).
he Village Clerk presented affidavits showing publication in the Suburban Press
,It HoW :ins, Miniiesota., and the Commercial % st; at Ilinneaoolis, I- .innesota, of the
Y Otice of Cale of X168,000 Im-,orovement Bonds of 1950, Second Series, of the
P. e, bids for which were to be received at "this meeting. An error zr.a,s noted
n the statement of the maturities of said bonds, contained in said notice, to —wit,
h ^,t *16,000 of 'bonds were stated to mature -in `the year 1962, whereas the total
;i.gure is $18,000. The Clerk reported that a circular had been furnished to
rosoective bidders for said bonds, in which this correction was pointed out, and
I, copy of said circular was examined, approved and ordered placed on file.
'The .:"wafting Ilsyor then announced that any bidders present having submitted sealed
bids in ,accordaAce vii.th the maturities as stated in the notice of sale might
� correct and reseal their bids if desired. No bids were withdra, ?m.
�hc Clork then presented to the Council the see-led bids received - pursuant to said
Iotice aad circular, which bids were thereuiaon 'opened and ; 7ublicly read snd con- -
cidered, and. the highest and best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows:
1 IT ^tee end aadress -
-p 3idder Interest Rate Premium
RJ yII. D.- %in L. Co, -a-p y -
kimer, Jaffrny Xwo%Tood)
Ti of '"Mina St -ate ��i�I�, "40inu- )
iEir t :L };,tior...l Ban'.., llinneaoolis ) X1.60 r ;127.30
irs t Uat- r px _l B,r..nl:, St. Paul )
Inc. , St. Paul
1%rthtrestern Urtionrl Binh, I- linnear)olis 4;x1.75 X672.00
H.mrthorne offered. the following Resolution and moved its adoption_:
R111SOLUTIO1" SAIIA OF, X168,0 -00
Dy IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Ville -,e of Min -, ;Minnesota, dint this Council
h ^_^ heretofore c ^used notice to be duly :u'•*lished of the s ^le of %168,000 In- oroverent
'?oral: of 1950, Second Series, of the Villn- , to be dated September 1, 1950, --nd the
hi ;Zhest and best bid received for the pu.rchase of said bonds vursuant to la, ;., and said
notice of sale is the bid of rti.DLISOU IfILLIIJ:S COi :'P.AlZY, J.11. DAIIT & 001-TA Y, P IPIM,
J Fxt�Y 8 HOFI'OOD, of Ninne ^;ooli s, 'IMinnesota, to -purchase the s-ne at a price of -pTr
^nd accrued interest to date of delivery,, ulus _ � premium of `'282.88, the bones to
be!�x Uterest at the rate. of 1.65, per annum, .Pad s- Ad bid shall 'be ^,nd, is hereby
accepted. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby ?uthorired and directed to make
gnu. execute ^a contra.ct for the sale of said bonds on the -mart of the Villa e in
accordance with the terms of said bid. The VillsTe Clerh shall ret ^in the good
faith check heretofore furnished by said nurchaser pending delivery of the bonds
axid pa.7ment of tho purchase price, and 'shn -11 forthri.th return the chechs to other
bidders. '
The motion for the ado-ntion of said resolia.tio:
there were Four L,ves and ITo ITays, as follows:
and Child, V- e; whereupon said resolution was
V3Zl�'.,ge Clerk
z was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall
Danens, aye; Palen, aye; HaTrthorne, aye;
declaxed duly massed and adopted.
Acting riayor
Hstithorne offered the following Resolution anal. moved its ,adoption:
RL IT RUSOLUD by the Council of the Village of Fdin ^, Ni.nnesota, as follows:
1. This Council has investigated the facts necessary to ascertain and does
hereby find, determine and declare that the Village of Fdinn has duly 'deternined,
after rublic hearing ?s required by law-, t'_he necessity of the construction of the
improvements described Below, and. has ordered, received and approved clans and speci-
fications and entered into contracts therefor after due ^.dvertisement for bias;
that the tot ^l benefits resulting from each of said improvements to the lots and
tracts of land to be assessed therefor and to the Vi1inge a-t large trill be suo-
stanti lly in excess of the total cost of such improvement;, that the total cost of
each of said improvements, including all ewcienses incurred a -nd to be incurred from
its inception to its completion. an fees and expenses in connection therewith,
trill be net less than the amount set epposite the amount of the designation of such
improvement in the following tabulation:
Street Improvement No. 5
Street Inrorovem6nt No. kl.:- 6
(bla62rt oyping)
Street In- orovenent I ?o. A-7
Street Improvement No. 8
Street Improvement No. A-9
Street Improvement No. L'-10
Street Improvement No. A-11
Street Improvement No. 0-3
Street Improvement No. 0-4
Imrroveme nts Nos. C -5 and C-7
. •, . _Street .
Total Cost
" 1,814.40
3 :082.6?
Sanitary Sew-:r :Lrurro., -c:a ent I.o. 25
• -
` Impxo ent I
'2. 578.75
Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 27 _ _ -_ _...
6 .,407.75
Sanitary Seiner Improvement No. 28
Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 29
'dater Pain Improvement No. 22
Water I•lain Improvements Nos.23,24,25(Combined)62,553.60
Water Bain Improvement No. 26
"Tater Bain Improvement No. 27
Total Cost
3168 872.46 "
that it is necessary and expedient for the Village
to borrow at this time the sun of
t:16$,000, for the purpose of paying expenses incurred and to be incurred in connection
with said improvements, by the issuance of general
obligation improvement bonds in
accordance iri.th the provisions of Section 59, Chapter 119, Session Lairs of Mnnesota
for 1949, as amended; and that all acts, conditions
and things required by the
Constitution and Lays of the State of I.2 nnesota to
be done, to exist, to
911110 423.
ha�apen and to be performed preliminary to the issuance and sale of said bonds have
been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in due form, time and
manner as so re(13iired.
2. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated as the 111950
Second Series Improvement Fund", to be held and administered by the Village -'Treasurer
separate and apart from all other funds of the Village. Said fund shall be continued
and maintained in the manner herein specified until all of the improvement bonds
herein authorized and interest thereon shall have been fully paid. In said fund there
shall be maintained two separate accounts, to be designated as the "Construction
Account" and the Sinking Fund Account". respectively. The proceeds of sale of the
improvement bonds herein authorized, less accrued interest received thereon, shall be
credited to the Construction Account, from which there shall be paid all costs and
ex.oenses of making said improvements, as incurred and allowed, and the moneys in said
account shall be used for no other purpose; provided, that if upon completion of said
improvement there shall remain any unexpended balance in said Construction Account,
such balance shall be transferred to the Sinking Fund{Account. There shall be credited
-to the Sinking Fund Account all collections of the special assessments herein agreed
to be levied, and all accrued interest received upon delivery of said bonds, and all
funds remaining in said Construction Account after completion of the improvements and
payment of.the costs thereof. The moneys in said account shall be held and used only
for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as such pryyments become
due, or to prepay and redeem the same when and as,such bonds become prepayable as
hereinafter set forth; provided, that in the event that it shall be determined by the
Council to be necessary to borrow additional moneys for the payment of the cost of
said improvements, or if such cost shall prove to exceed the amount hereinabove
estimated, and if the Village shall undertake and agree to levy special assessments
and /or general taxes in excess of'the minimum amount of assessments herein specified,
the Village shah have the right and power to issue additional improvements bond's
payable from said Sinking Fund.,Account on a parity w?th the bonds of the issue herein
authorized, but the amount of all bonds issued in respect of said improvements shall
not exceed the total cost thereof or the total amount of the assessments and taxes
levied_ therefor;.
3. It is hereby determined that the Village shall Day not less then $168,000
of the total cost of said improvements by the levy of special assessments upon all
assessable lots and tracts.of land lying within the assessable areas heretofore
specified in the respective resolutions ordering said improvements, based upon the
special benefits received by each such lot and tract. The Village hereby covenants
and agrees that it will do and perform, as soon as may be, all acts and things nec'esst�x
for the final and valid levy of said special assessments, and said auount'of special
assessments is hereby irrevocably appropriated to said 1950 Second Serico Improve-
ment Fund. In the evert that any such assessment be at any time held invalid with
respect to any lot or tract of Land, due to any error, defect or irregularity in any
action or proceeding takeh or to -be taken by the Village or by this Council or by
any of the Villagers officers or employees, either in the making of such assessment
or in the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the Village hereby cove-
nants afid agrees that it will forthwith do all such further acts and take all such
further proceedings as shall be required "by lair to make such assessment a 'Valid and
banding lien upon said property. Said assessments shall be payable in equal conse-
cutive annual installments, the first of said installments to be extended on the
tax rolls for the year 1950, if possible, or if not, on the tax rolls for the year
1951, and -each of said installments shall-be collectible with general taxes for the
current year. The assessments for all sanitary sewer and water main improvements
shall be payable in ten installments; and those for all- blaektopping improvements -
in five, - installments; and those for all grading improvements in three installments.
Deferred installments shall bear interest at the rate of 5f% per annum from the date
of the resolution levying said assessment until August.15 of the`year in'which the
installment is payable.
4. For the purpose of paying in part the cost of said improvement, in
anticipation_of the collection of said special assessments, the Village shall forth -
witli issue and deliver to the purchaser thereon" its negotiable coupon general
obligation Improvement Bonds of 1950, Second Series, to be payable primarily from
said 1.9, 0 Second Series Improvement Fund. The full £a,i,th and credit of the Village
shall be aria is hereby pledged, however, for the prompt and full payment of the
principal and interest on said bonds, and if at any time the moneys in said Sinking
Fund Account shall be insufficient to pay all principal an'" interest then due on
said bonds, t1ze Council sxva7l, provide sufficient moneys from any other funds avail- -
able therefor, and the Council shall levy on or before October 1 of each year, and
cause to be extended, assessed and collected} any taxes necessary, together with
assessments collectible in the succeeding year, for the full payment of interest and
principal to become due within the then 'next�Lsucceeding eighteen months.
2 9/11 /50
5. Said bonds shall be dated September 1, 1950, shell be 168 in number
and numbered-from 1 to 163, inclusive, each in the denomination of $1000,•s all
bear interest at the rate of 1,6 per annum, payable semiannually on I•larch 1 and
September 1 of each year, and shallmature serially in order of serial numbers, lowest
numbers first on Dlarch 1 in the amount of $20,000 in each of the yen_.rs 1953 through
1955; $15,000 in each of the-Years 1956 through 1961; and $18,000 in 1962. Each of
said bonds shall be subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the Village
on Narch 1 or September 1 i=edia.tely preceding its stated maturity date, at a price
of par plus interest to accrue to the date specified for redemption. Such redemption
shall be made in order of the serial numbers of said bonds, lotrest numbers first, and
only out of moneys on hand in said Sinking Fund,Account in excess of interest to be-
come due on all outstanding bonds on the then next succeeding interest payment date.
The Village Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to mail notice of call of any of
said bonds for redemption to the holder, ' if knot,,, and to the bank at i•:hich principal
land interest are then payable, at least thirty days prior to the date specified for
redemption, and to maintain a register showing the names and addresses of the bond-
holders and the serial numbers of their bonds, so far as such information is made
available to him. The principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable at
the mein office ofthe l orthtrestern National Bunk, in Ninneanolis, Ninnesota, -and the
Village hereby agrees to pav the reasonable and customary charges of said paying
agent for the receipt and disbursement thereof.
6. Said improvement bonds shall be in substantially the followingforn:
I.•U'ROV"lIr -MIT BOND of -1950, Si,COiM SERIES
ITO . $1000
H TOW ALL I•0T BY TEESE MESMTTS that the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,
Minnesota, ac1m7mowledges itself to be indebted and for value received ?promises to pay
to'bearer out of its 1950 Second Series Improvement Fund the sum of OIL THOUSAIM
DOLLARS on the first day of I•iarch, 19 , or on o, date prior thereo, on which this
bond has been duly called for redemption, and to pay interest thereon from the date
hereof until said principal sum be u_aid•or until this bond has been duly called for
redemption, at the rate of per cent ( ��
per annum, payable semiannually on the first'day of Uarch and the first day of
September in each year, interest to maturity being represented by and ?payable in
accordance with and upon presentatidn and surrender of the interest coupons hereto
attached. Both principal and interest are payable at
, in I 1 , in any coin or.currency
of the United States of America which on the respective dates of,p?yment is legal
tender for - public and - private debts. Fok the prompt and full payment of such
principal and interest �s'the same become due the full faith, credit and taxing
mot iers of the Village are hereby irrevocably ?pledged.
This bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of $168,000,
all of like date and tenor excent- as to maturity, all issued for the purpose of de-
fraying expenses incurred amd to be incurred in constructing necessary improvements
in said Village, heretofore designated as Scnitary Sevier Improvements Nos. 25 through
29, Watermain Improvements Nos. 22 through 27, and Street Imrprovements.Nos. A-5 through
A-11 and C-3 through 0-5, C -7 and 0-8, and is issued pursuant to ;end in full conformity
with the Constitution and L.aus of the State of Xinnesota thereunto enabling, and
pursuant to resolutions duly adopted by the Village Council, including a resolution
adopted September 11, 1950, entitled 'Resolution Creasing 1950 Second Series Improve-
ment Fund, Providing for anal Appropriating S•oecial: Assessments for the Support and
Diaintenance 'Thereof, and Directing Issuance of Improvement Bondsi�, to which reference
is hereby made for the covenants and recitals of the Village relating to said bonds.
Each of the bonds of said issue is subject to redemption ^and nrepa ment
at the option of the Village, at par and accrued interest, on the first day of iiarch
or the.first day of September immediately preceding its stated m ^turity date. Such
redemption will be made only in order of serial numbers of the bonds, lot:est numbers
first, and upon notice m^iled, at least thticty d=ays prior to the date specified for
redemption, to the holder, if Im7,otm, of each bond so called for redemption, and the
;ban1- at which urinci•a ^.l and interest are then ,aayable. Bondholders desiring to
receive such notice must register their n=-es end addresses and the serf ^1 numbers
of their bonds frith. the Village Clerk.,
conditions: and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota
to be done, to exist, to hnmllen, and to be performed preliminary to and in the issuance
of this bond in order to mate it a valid and binding general obligation of said Village
according to its terms have been done, do exist, have hap erred and have been performed
as so recuired; that the Village has duly contracted for the making of said improve-
ments 2nd trill cause the eppme to be com-oleted with the funds made available by this
issue; that said 1950 Second Series-Improvement Fund has been duly created and
provision has been made for the support thereof by special assessments to be levied
on properties benefited by said improvements in amounts sufficient to nay the
interest on the bonds of this issue Mnd the principal thereof as such interest and
-principal respectively become due, and the Council is required to pay the same out
of any funds in the Treasury in the event that moneys on hand in said fund are at
any time insufficient to meet the payment of maturing arincipal and interest; that
general ad valorem tames, if-needed for said purpose, may be levied upon all taxable
pro-perty in the Village without limitation as to rate or amount; and that the issu-
ance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness of said Village to exceed any
constitutional or statutory limitation.-
IN WITUSS I'TiiER40F the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by
its Village Council, has c?used this bond to be executed in its behalf by the sigma. - -
ture of ,its Mayor, attested by its Village Clerk, end sealed with its offici ^,1 seal,
and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed anal- authenticated bit the
facsimile signatures of said officers, and-has Catrs this bond to be dated as of
September 1, 1950,
Village Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
ITO . -
On the lst dKy of I�irch (September), l9 , the Village of Edina,
Hennepin County, Minnesota., will pay to bearer at the ?gain office of
the sum of
DOLLARS for interest then due on its Improvement 'fond of 1950, Second Series,
dated September 1, 1950, ITO.
(Facsimile signature)
Vill-- Sle Clerk
(Facsimile signature)
Il nay 0r
7. Said bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the Village,Clerk
and shall be executed on behalf of the Village by the signature of the I•Iayor,
attested by the Village Clerk, and the corporate seal shall be affixed thereto,_
and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, en--
graved, or lithographed facsimile signatures of said Mayor and Village Clerk.
When said 'bonds have been so executed, and authenticated, they shall be delivered by
the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon payment of the purchase price heretofore
agreed upon, and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application of the
purchase price.
8. The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Hennepin,County
are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said
bonds and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof certified
copies of all proceedings.and,records relating to said bonds and to the financial
affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certificates, and information
as may be required to show the.facts relating to the legality and marketability of
said 'ponds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and
control or as otherwise knoim to them, and all such certified copies, certificates,
and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations
of the Village as to the facts recited thereinb
Acting Mayor
Village Clerk
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded
by Member Palen, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in f=avor
thereof: Danens, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye: and the followin-
voted a;,ga,in.st the same: • whereupon said resolution was declared duly
pa.s.ed end adopted, and the Acting Mayor signed the same, which was attested by the
Village Clerk.
24 TText 1!atter before the Council was the Public Hearing on Petition to Vac-:te a
portion of Golf Terrace. Acting 1 yor Child announced that a plea for postponement
had been nude by the objectors to the petitnn. Attorney John D. ITelson, attorney
for the proponents,, objected to the delay in settling this matter and as?:ed for
commitment from Council as to definite Bite for Hearing. Hawthorne moved that
natter of vacation of -portion. of Golf Terrace be continues until 7 ;30 P.M.,
Monday, September 25, 1950. Motion seconded by,Danens and carried.
Pursuant to " otice of He=xing on Proposed Oiling of Roads," published in Suburban
0/ Press, Hopkins, 1,"innesot on August 24 and 31, 1950, Affidavit of Publication for
which was an- proved ,as to fora and placed on file, Public Hearings were called on
the -or oposed Oiling of the following streetso
r�Beard Avenue from U.56th Street to 11.58th Street
Ewing Avenue fvom 11.56th Street to S1.58th Street
Drew Avenue from `•'.'.58th Street to 11.60th .Street
_ 'Southview Lane from Unity 3veriue to Concord Avenue
St.Andrec•!s .venue from Its-'review Drive to Southview Lane
` Belmore Lane
Tracy Avenue from Highxrny No. 169 to Hit7hlan.d Road
> York Avenue from "'.55th Street to W. 60th Street
Windsor Avenue from Iyorm- md--Ie Road to Code Avenue
1 Kent Place from Kent Avenue to Windsor Avenue
Engineer Olsson's eetimn?te o: cost for each o� the above named proposed oiling projects
was $.08 per assessable foot; and that the cost of each project will be under $500.00.
There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk had received no objections
tiyorior to the meeting.
(� Mr. James Whyte, 562: 'Beard Avenue, led the same delegation which had appeared at the
last regular meeting, pleading for relief from the Crater standing in their yards.
They asked thr-', they be given this relief immediately, and review was had of the
suggestion previously oracle, for the lotrexin; of the grade at 56th and Beard, wad the
removal of the curb near the 56th Street intersection. Pair. Olsson.e----pla,ined that,
even with the best that can oe done for these people, there trill be some lamas anal
one drivew,?y below ggrade- -that a storm sewer is necessary for quick drai.na.ge.
Engineer Olsson directed to ,give this block relief before the next regular Council
R + r f
Dr. Erickson entered the meeting at this time.
A revuest was made from the floor, for the oilinT of 11.57th Street between Abbott
and Beard .Avenues at the s^.me time that W- 57th Street between Beard and Prance is
oiled. Petitioner was informed that this could not be done inasmuch as`we ha.d
received no petition by the owners of the required number of signers, nor had the
Gouncil'conducted a public hearing on the improvement. Attorney 111hitney, represent-
ing Attorney Windhorst, ruled that this project could be completed by day labor
providing it did not cost over $500.00, but only after a public Bearing.
The matter of atrard of the bid for the Blacktopping of 1.1.49th Street between France '
Avenue and Maple Road was reviewed; with Attorney SThi.tney advising that this project
may be done by day labor if the Council so desires, inasmuch as the'best bid is not y
as good as the Engineerts Estimate of Construction Cost. Discussion was had as to
the work already ahead of the small Village Public Works Crew; and Hawthorne moved
that the t1.49th Street Bla-cktopping Contract be awarded to Earl Sewall wnd Sohs,
the low bidder, at their Cutback .Asphalt price of $3,003.00. 11oti.on seconded by
Danens and unanimously carried. ,
Thete having been no objections to the proposed. Oiling Projects listed above,
rChild offered. the following Resolution and moved its adoption;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council -of the Village of Edina, as follows:
1. This Council has heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published
on various proposed improvements consisting of the Oiling of the following Streets:
'Beard Avenue from 1'1. 56th Street to". 58th Street
Ewing A venue from 1"l. 56th Street to W. 58th Street
Drew Avenue from W. ,58th Street to t'1, 60th Street
Southview L ;ane from Unity Avenue to Concord Avenue
St..lndrews Avenue from Lekevi.ew Drive to Southvietr Lane
Tracy Avenue from Highway No. 169.to- Highland Road
Bel ore Lane
York Avenue fro=m W. 55th Street to 1'l. 60th Street
Windsor Avenue from Normandale Road to Code Avenue
Kent Place from Kent Avenue to Windsor Avenue
and at the time and -glace specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the
views of all persons interested, a_nd being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does
hereby determine to proceed with the construction of each of said
which said improvements are hereby designated and shall-be referred
to in all )
subsequent proceedings as follows:
Beard Avenue frog W-56th Street to W. 58th Street
Erring Avenue from W. 56th Street to jT. 58th Street
Drew Avenue from 11. 58th, Street to W. 60th Street
0 -3
Southviewr Lane from Unity Avenue . to Concord Avenue
St.Andrews_Avenue from Lakeview Drive to Soutbview Lane
Tracy Avenue from Highwray No. 169 to- Highland Road
Belmore Lane _
0 -7
York Avenue from W. 55th Street to W. 60th Street
0 -8
Windsor Avenue from Yormandale Road to Code Avenue
0 -9
Kent Place from Kent Avenue to Windsor Avenue
0 -10
2. The area to be specially assessed for each of said improvements shall
include all lots and tracts of land fronting and abutting upon the street in
which such improvement is to be constructed. r
3. the Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to the Coun�il -PTans �n.d
specifications and an estimate of cost of each of said improvements, from which it
appears, and it is hereby found and determined that the total cost of each of said
im- provernents will be less than $500.00; therefore, this Council 'is authorized by
law and does hereby determine to purchase directly the materials for each of said
improvements and complete the same by the employment of day labor.
4. The Village Engineer, being a Registered Engineer,.is hereby authorized
and directed to supervise the work on each of said improvement;, and upon completion,
also to submit a detalled' report, certified by him, and file the same with the
V9Ila-,e Clerk, showing in general the complete cost of the construction of work,
and, specifically, the following:
(a) Pinal Costs of the various units of work done.
i (b) Materials furnished for the project, and the cost of each item
thereof. ,
(c) Cost of labor, cost of equipment hired, and supervisory cost..
Said report shall also contain a certificate by said Engineer that the work was done
according to plans and specifications therefor. T
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rolleall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, ay aden, aye; Danens,�aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the on was adopted.
Village Clerk
Pursuant to 'Notice of- Hearing on Petition to Vacate Short Street," published in
Suburban Press, Ho-pkins, on August 17 and 24, 1950, and posted on three official
bulletin boards o:C this Village on August 17, 1950, affidavits of Publication and
Posting having been reed by Village Clerk, approved as to form,and placed on file,
Public Hearin;. was called on the petition of Mrs. Alice Thomas and others for the
vacation of Short Street. Engineer Olsson gave his opinion that there is no
objection to the vacation of this street; and Council was informed that petition
is signed by owners of 1005 of properties abutting the street. There were no
objections from the floor, and the Clerk had received no objections prior to the
nearing. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptions
TrEERE0, petition of a majority of the owners of real property abutting
SHORT STREET, a dedicated street in the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,'Minne-
sota, has been duly filed with the Village Council and said Council has met at the
time and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all
interested persons; and it appears in the interest of the public that said street
be vacated, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED b;� the Village Council of the Village of Edina that SHORT
STREET be, and hereby is, vacated.
,Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there
wrere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye• sj aye; Palen, aye;
Hawthorne,,aye;'and Erickson, aye; and the Red ut o ..i adopted.
1 -- Mayor
Village Clerk
Mr. Kyle Lundquist inquired as to the status of the petition :5r the drainage and
surfacing _o= the alley between Halifax Avenue and Minnehaha Blvd., South of 52nd
Street. Council revieured previous action. Mr. Lundquist requested improvement
tind stated that a new petition would be circulated therefor.
Mr. Olaf Lee, building ? home at 6037 Oakla= Avenue, inquired as to when crater
would be installed.
The bids taTken this evening, for Vater 1.11ain Improvements Nos. 28 and 29 ---1n
O-,; ai,n Avenue bettreen 17.69th and W.62nd. Streets, and in Power Street between
St. Johns and Concord Avenues mere reviewed. Consideration u,as given of the time
of completion as shot:Tn in tha bids, together with the urgency for Crater main con-
struction in these two areas; and, upon recommendation of Engineer Olsson, Child
moved that bids for 11ater 2•Iain Improvements Nos. 28 and 29 be aurarded to Bart
Carlone, St. Paul, ,at Firm Price bid of $15,885.10. i-lotion seconded by Palen and
Planning Commission's recommendation o:t August 29, s:1th regard to the petition
of i:r. Peder Ilickelsen and others for the rezoning to Community Store District of
a 3001x300t tract at the Northwest corner of Wooddale and Valley View Road; .i.e.,
that this property be rezoned and that Council hold public hearing on proposed
rezoning, was read. Hawthorne moved that Public Hearing be set for Monday,
September 25, 1.950, at 7:30 P.ri. Motion seconded by Palen and carried.
Clerk read Planning Commission's recommendation of August 29, that Council hold
Public Hearing on Miss Sophie Stensonts petition for rezoning to Community Store
District Trot 14, Block 22, Fairfax Addition. Palen moved that Hearing be held as
recommended, and that date.be Monday_, September 25, at 7:30 P.M. 11otion seconded
by Hawthorne and carried.
Planning Commission's recommendation of August 29, that petition of Dr. Harry
Jensen and Mr. Arthur'Rydeen, for thew rezoning. to Community Store District of
Lots 2 and 3, Block. 1, Stevens First Aiddition be denied, was read. Hauthornets
motion, accepting Planning Commission's recommendation and denying petition, was
seconded by Ban.ens and carried. _
Planning Commission's August 29 recommendation, denying petition of Zlessrs.
Belson and Hanson for permit to construct two storey building 59x120' immediately
"lest of Post Office on -iarket Street, was read. Hawthorne moved for denial of
petition in accordance u�Lth Commission's recommendation, Notion seconded by Child
and carried. In connection with this matter, Palen recommended that Parking lot
area be decreased in ba,c''. of the lots at the north side of Uarket Street inas:auch
as some area is now available for parking which was not included in the original.
Hawthorne moved that Planning Commission be requested to re- -study area allocated
for parking in rear of lots fronting oa Market Street in view of all -over Parking
Plan for this area. Notion seconded by Palen and carried.
151anning Commission's September 5 recommendation, that Council conduct public
Hearing on the matter of the petition of Pourers Dry Goods Company for the rezoning
of the ilallace property to Community-Store District, was re�norted. An agent of
the Pourers Dry Goods Company e-Tlained to`•the Council that - Powers is ma'mng a
detailed study of the tra fa.c situation in this area, and of the screening necess�.ry
for the ;•lest side of their proposed building, anal that they prefer not io have a
Hearing set at this time. Hawthorne moved that action on the Planning Comraissioats
recommendation urith regard to the rezoning peition by Pourers Dry Goods Company be_
deferred until the next regular meeting. I-lotion seconded by Child and carried.
Planning Commission's August 29 recommendation for the approv,;l of the Revised
Preliminary Plat of 'iLaJ,-emoor Crest" was read. Plat was reviewed by Council, with
Engineer Olsson e_tipl;i.ning easements, and Hawthorne moved that Preliminary Plat of
"Lakemoor Crest" be approved. - Seconded by Child.' anal carried.
The request dated September 6, 1950, by Mr. Sidney Lorber' representative of
Leonard, Street ancL Deina.rd, requesting refund to Mr. John Person for assessments
for sewer district No. 8, paid for years 1941 to 1945 inclusive, on Lots 13, 111, and
15, Block. 4, Cleveland's Subdivision of Emma Abbott Park, was read, together with
Village Attorney Uind.horstts answer of September 8, denying Mr. Personts claim to
such refund. Hawthorne moved that letters be filed. Iiotion seconded by Child and
.application of Bormnun H »ting and Plumbing Co., 9737 Lyndale Avenue South, for
PZumberts License to e-_,zoi-re A-oril 1, 1951, was approved by motion Ha.rthorne,
seconded by Child. -and carried.
Several letters with regard to Pourers petition for rezoning were referred to
Public Hearing, by motion Hawthorne seconded by Child and carried.
9/11/50 27
League of Minnesota Municipalities' August 31st notice of Regional. League
Meetings to be held in the Fall, was read and filed.
Police Department .Report :for Month of August was reviewed. Child moved that
report be filed. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Copies of letters from the Park Board to Board of Party Commissioners, Minneapolis,
and to Mr. Howard Alerriman, thanking them for their services"in the 1950 Summer
Youth Recreation Program, were reviewed and filed, by I- lotion Hawthorne, seconded
by Palen and carried.
Attorney Itindhorst ;s letter of September 2, and the contract he enclosed for the
construction of Sanitary Sewers in Brouadale Park: Addition, were reviewed in
detail by the Council., said - contract to be with successful bidders Lametti a-
L.ametti. Childis motion for approval of contract as written, was seconded by
Hawthorne and unanimously carried.
Application by.113ricksoa for Congress Volunteer Committee" for permit for con-
struction and maintenance of a campaign sign on the wire fence at `Test side of
Clancy Drug Company was approved, by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen ?nd.
Pal ent s motion, approving pgment- of Village Payroll, mount $4,954.09 and Liquor
Store Payroll, f� ount $1,159,58, and the following claims, was seconded by Child
end carried: -
5009 Arthur H. Petersen $1,266.25 Garbage Fund
5010 John R. Coan, Postmaster 75.15 General Fund
5636 Suburban inn. -Cy. - Relief Bd. 322.36 Poor Fund
Ed Phillips 8. Sons Co. 3,599.12 Liquor Fund
Batter -of Budget Levy came main 16efore the Council; and by general consent,
Saturday, September- 23, at 2:30,P-14-, was set as date and time for preliminary
discussion on budget. M1
Flatter of cancelling the Ad Valorem Tax Levy for Permanent Improvement Revolving
Fund was discussed; with Attorney Whitney advising that it is no longer necessary
to maintain a large Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, inasmuch as the new
Village Code makes possible-the-issuance of Street Improvement Bonds. ChildEs
motion directing the Deputy•Villagu Clerk to prepare the necessary Resolution for
cancellation of the tax levy for 1950 payable in 1951, was seconded by Hawthorne
and carried.
Engineer Olsson reported that he has prepared the necessary legal descriptions
for the Nianicipal Parking Lot petition, and that they will be - forwarded to
,Attorney Tlindhorst within the next week. -
Mr. Olsson reported that the 71 -foot easement to be granted by Mr. Z.G. Stow for
Market Street will necessitate the moving of a pole which is used for Christmas
decorations -ad which is now directly across the street from one on the Ilinne�-
apolis side of- France Avenue. Mr. Olsson directed to ascertain from Ninnea?polis
ns to possibility of moving both poles.
Council was informed that., in order to make proper ipublication of Notice of He,xin;m,
the Storm Sei,.rer No. 19 project must be nosi)oned until October 9. Hawthorne moved
that`Public Hearing for Colonial Grove I,,-,J>e Harvey Sto4a Sewer Project No. 19 be
set`for T•Ionday, October 9, 1950, at 7:30 P.Ma . I-lotion seconded by Palen and carried..
Hawthorne moved that Council readvertise for bids on Colonial Grove -Lake Hnxvey
Storm Sewer No; 19, with bids to be taken Monday, October 9, 1950, at 7:30 P•14-
Alotion seconded by,Palen and carried.
Considerable review was had concerning resurfacing and curb and gutter on W. 54th
Street. Concensus of opinion that this project be a General Fund matter instead
of an assessment project, inasmuch as it constitutes mn ntenan.ce and not con-
There being no-further business to come before the Council, Child moved for
adjournment. Notion seconded by Palen and carried. Meeting adjourned ^t 11:25 P.I•Ia
until Monday, September 18; 195-0, at 7:30
Village Clerk