HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500925_REGULARgQ 9%18/50 instead of the bid of �,115,835.10, as read and as awarded on September 11. Chilats motion, awarding bid to 'Part C ^xlone, at bid Price of *16,065.10 because of his ability to perform the worl: at once, %as -seconded by •D?.nens and carried. IIr. Palen .reporte( his election as Diroctor of the Edina Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Committee. Dr. Eric'--son named I•ir. Palen as Director, in accordance 'with Conmitteels election. En :gineer Qlsson requested that assessment for Storm Seuer 3-1 be on a lot - basis, inasmuch as there is such an c2uantity of unplatted -ororerty in this District, suggest- ing that each acre of unplz tted property be treated -a.s 32_f7 platted lots. Childts motion, that in n^l:ing .assessment of the new trunk, sewer area, Council treat each un-olatted net ,acreage on the basis of 3j'- latted lots. iloti on seconded a� Palen and carried. The matter of drainage at 5225 Interlachen Blvd. was (Uscussed. Child moved that Engineer Qlsson be instructed to utterp cse7neesar -y for drainagge ^.t this point. Lotion seconded by Danens. and carried. There being no' further business to come before the Council, the I•Ieeting gams adjourned, by Motion Child, seconded by Danens an _ ried. Villa. -e Clerk MIEUTES OF THE RiGMLR r, =TNTG orz TRr, DI1TA VILLAGE COMMIL, MLD K-07DAY,. S PTLIBEfi 25, 1950, AT 7:30 P. I. , AT TME EDII`,A+VIL ' :-: 1ULL Members ans;rerina Rollcell -sere Child, Palen, Da_nens and Hn rthorne, ,•rith Child -nresiding until the arrival of 'Unyor Erickson tis recorded oclow. z Continuation of July 10, 1950 Public Rearing on Petition.for Vacation. of Portion of Golf Terrace was had. ,Attorney W'indhorst advised the Council that, on the basis of the �acta ;presented in the Petition for vacation,, the ?petition is a, legal - petition. ex. Child a.shed for recommendations or objections from the audience, "but none *.acre Offered .. ^t this time. 3 ^ *-rthorne offered the following Revolution and moved its adoption:, RESOMTIOii V?iCATING STR.EET „ (PORi'IOid OF GOI P Z ACE ) _ petition of a ma &orit a of the ocrners of xea3 Property abuttingg the line of '1 x.11 that ,)7xt of Golf Terrace, n. 4edic^ted street in the Platt of Golf Terrace Heights, ::ccordi.ng to the m-,.P or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Re -inter of Deeds in ^:nd for Hennepin,-County, I :innesota, 1--in- :,ortherly of a line (hereinafter referred to rys TLine At drnir_, Pax??lel to and distant sixty (60) feet I;ortherlyy from the foll.owin - described line, to-wit; Co=encir_L at t;ze :Northeast corner of Lot Taro (2) : 31oc'_� T*ro (2), Crol'i" Terrace Heights; thence Uortht,resterly on ^ straight line to f noina in the Ilortl,- resterly line of said Lot Two (2) distant 33.11 feet Southt.,est- -erly from the most Uortherly corner of said Lot Two (2) measured ^Iona said Worth.resterl -- ? iae; thence Jesterly to the'nost Northerly corner of Lot l;i.ne (9), Bloc'! T;'ro (2) , Golf Terrace Hei,,hts, and there terminating. also ,M that part of the ?move referred to Golf Terr^.ce lying northerly of a Line A e7.tended Uesterl-y to the center of said Golf Terrace; rind thence drat.m Southweste_l-- to the tangent point at the ttesterly e :trenity of the curve in the Southe- sterly corner' of Lot Eight (8) , Bloc?- One (1) , Golf Terrace He!- Zt^ has been duly filed with the Village Council ^lid said Council has yet .,t the time and -place specified in a notice duly published and posted .md has he ^rd ^11 interested persons; and it nvoeaxs in the interest of the public til ^t said portion of said street be vacated, now therefore BE IT RMSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina_ th'_t that portion of Golf Terrace heretofore described be, and hereby is, yaca,ted. Notion for adoption of the Resolution Was seconded were four '?yes and no na;xs, as follows'. Child, aye; Harthorne, raye; and the Resolution Was adopted. .ATTEST: by Palen, and on Rollc :ll there Danens, aye; Paiea, aye; ?nd Actin- 'sln -yor Village Cler__ 9 /25 /CO A ttorney Uirdhorst recommended that Council postpone the recording of the Resolution. for vacs -.tion of nortion'of Gold' Terrace until easement is received from P?rl;s and Hnnsen for the nova street, which recommendation was a- proved by Qouncil. j Powers Dry, Goode, Inc.ts representative r&7uested information concerning the"Antc , of a Public Hearing on - the Companyls -petition to rezone the Douglas 'Wallace property to Community,Store District. Hawthorne moved that Public He=xing be sot fqr Thlarsd ^lr, October 26, 1950, at 8;00_ P.M., in the auditorium of the Minn . Grado School at 50th emd .'looddale. I'llotion seconded by Palen :7,nd carried The m.ttcr.of relief from water and mud for the people on Be?rd Avenue between 56th t and 117-57th Streets «.s again brought to Councils s attent — ion by I,.r. James a'loyte and delegation of neigghbors. En:gineex Olsson ,advocated a storm sewer as the best solution, paging an estimate of cost of approximately ;7,700 for con- struction. Possi;le reasta,blishment" of grade from 57th to the Creel, tr ^s discussed, with ovmers in the Be ^rd block between t56th and 55th recuesting an audience before any change in Grade in their 'block. I4r. Olsson e�mlnined that a change in Tr^d.e would me ^n the relaying of water main, demolition and reconstruction of curb and ;;utter, and other costs—which v- .rould rt ^�:e such remedy too e_qponsive. On Hatrthornr_ i c nuestion as to possible fill, for temporary relief, Mr. Olson explained t31 ^t fill will aid the West side ,of the street, 'cut that on the East side them are two lots ;•:hick cannot be helped in this m ,-nner; and th! t he believes property ovraers trill riot approve sufficient fill to relieve drainage difficu-Itiez. Child noved that Pu,'alic Worl >r and Public Utilities Comr ittees meet with Fn inoer Olsson 7--ad ma.'Ne rci)grt at ne4t regular meeting. Motion seconded by P --I cn and carried. 'Dr. Erie2 :son ,arrived du-rin the abovd ;.tamed discussion, and at its close nrosided f or the balance of the meetinT. }ttorney John Faegre -re- presented Mr. Paul Schmitt in objection to vacation. of Golf Terrace , and renuested some action by Council to co"i ensa.te 1.7r. Schmitt for df�na os Which will allegedly result from the closing of the street, thereby depriving hint from ingress to his property._ He was informed that 11111nc -c will convc,'T a 30- -root strip of lad at L`,ast side of z r. :Sc ?,mittis - oraaerty, to Mr. Schmitt, in return for release by 11r. Schmitt from da..ma�r n. Considerable discussion followed., with regard to cost of new drivew-:y for wEr. Schmitt, cost of removin.- hed,To, etc., rid Hatrthorne moved th_." the Vill^Te Attorney be c?irected to neTotinte .with Attorney Rafe gre and any other interested par. tic^ v:rith re. axd to the PP,ul Schmitt natter. Notion seconded by Dnners a4­1 carried. i , I.rs. Edith Waste presented? netiti on for the moving of a+ snal l house from 5009 Indianola Avenue to Trot 8, I41illpond Place. Nlrs: Waste was informed th ^t the Build.iu- Ins-pector vroizld have to a,,3 -ti ove. the house structurally before the Council trould taiae ^.ction for Public He'x•in, ` on the ratter-- reoucctin-� ';hat she grin® a plan of proposed improvements ;end \house before the Building Ins- -)ector at icr . earlie ^t -,possible convenience. Havrthorhe mo-red that, subject to structural approv 1 ray aui ldirs= Inspector, Public Hearing on petition_ to move dwcllin 'ac set for Ronda , ' Oc'-ober 9,, 1950, at 8 ;00 P.M.. Iiir. . Lyle E. Lundquist, 5217 i:inaehaha. `'B,lvd. , -presented nbtitions for the i;a)rowrcment of the ailcy_ bettreen MlinnehM�ha. Blvd. and 11- r2if:= Avenue, from 52nd Street to South boundaries of 5225 Ilinnehnaa Boulevard and 5224 Halifn= Avenue, by 'adin,T d oilin , and be establishment of proper drainage fa'cilities; said petitions si -n.ed 'ay the or -raers of ten 1otc.. Hatrthorne moved that petitions be accepted, and th ^t Public Hearin.,-, on petitions be set for Monday, October 9, 1950, at 7 ;30 P.Ii. R.otion seconded by Danens sand carried. Hawthorne moved that Council direct Village ^ngineer to -orepare plans and speci- fiea.tions for above named projects, and to advertise for bids to be opened October 9, 1950, at 700 P.M., providing his estimate of each of the above improvements exceeds $500.,00. I2otion seconded by Palen and carried. Hawthorne asked to cue c ;cubed, rynd left the meetin^ at this -point. Petition dated September 22, 1950, for the dismantling of the Street Railway B-ridze at k4th Street and.Brookside Avenue, signed by many.neighboring residents, was read. Hawthornet s motion, for referral of -petition to Vil_l a-e Engineer,Public WorI_s and Public Safety Committees for study, vrrys seconded. by Child and carried. I,.r. L.B. Z:1.1-rencel s renuest for fine or j^.il sentence for the ' eencr of more that, one dog or one cat, was read. In this connection, the Council r3iscussed the nn.tter of dog catcher; and Palen moved. that Council..; .Avertize for bids for do- catcher,. : -rith Lir s to be tal,Ten October 23. Alotion seconded by Child Rnd carried. Revised Frelimir_a.n Plat of 11Ecinbrool:tt, d -;ted September 19, 1950, Was presented for a­!-)roval, Tai.t_n. En.,z.rineer Olsson th^,t 'revision is in accord ,nce frith rccoM -, enCations 'oj PI?,ni?in.q- Corxmissioa. Child Is, motion for ap- roval of Revi sed Prclirl " ±r. ^i'; Pl --.t of "Edinbrooi " nas sewn ),' soy - Palei2 ^n[ L r; ^_'r-i_ed.. 32 9125150 St.Louic Par.:i :r ll_,, ~c :: ;ineer, Ilr. Phil U. Smith, and M: tn^ Fn-,in.eer Olsson discusced ir.tn tae Ce cil cer�n -Phases of the Procoscf, eontract for constriction of the Prr-mad_.le P ^x':: Sa i tax- Seger. Child moved that matter of contract be re- ferred to ,•lessrs. Sit-7th ^n(l 01--son, frith the understandin -" that the cost of the selrer to ths resi0ent„ of the Villasc ore wd.ina will be not more than X8.10 -per front foot. Motioa >ccoraed by P-lon end c-+,rried. t i - The ap-plication of Chester J. Fritz-, 2151 Sutler Avenue, St. Paul, for Plunler= License was reported lrr office to be in •or&eV, and r'vaz , pprovcd: lb :iQtion C'nd 16., secwaded by 2' cn and cnrricO, Petition ..rt_s' filed., for „atcr ala7n in Yoe.: ;'venue between ,;.50th and. 1;.60th streets,, yr nens no ii th,Tt -oct-I tio)a le acce -pteil, and. that Public Ecnin- be set for ''enc� ;;r, 0- -toter 23, 1950, ^t 7.30 PJ% 'lotion seconOed. -by Child. ar-d. carried. The ap-olicetion by ^: 1,orm_�6ale civic -,roup, for laze of trio Vill!�.-e. Hall ao ^ Tjl, c= of neeti.'n' one ;sight ,? mont "h,' s recorded. Counc :11 airectf_Li office to i1'_iorm group that it is difficult to nn-he commitrlen.te -for use of Hail --t thy:' t i ie. _;.uai.torls reluest for -ction by Council as to -orocedure for h_xd.l.ia P^''r Po7x6 .Funds was relaorted. CM 16 movcc?'thnt P.:xk Bo^xd Vv,ids be 'heft -s seta =r. -te - .ccount in the Vill ^fie recore--T. ': otion seco'!dea by Palen and carried. Attorney Windhorct aiocussca :rith Council the codification of Vi►.l se OrdinT=cz, re_1ortea thhat nccecs -x�r records had been obta,incE from Vill --c Officc to en^tle attorneys to be ^in worms: - orovidins Council is still .a r„c^ble. Chaldli.' notion, " wt Council retffirn ito motion for the Coclif is ^tion of Ville* e Orclinnnces , and that such worh be urn6 ert- i - -_cn by Villase Attorney on a time basis, :ray seconded by P::.l.en %12d caxri.ed. M : It re- oortr.,d th ^t. "f -^. to Dcnaxtment is in need of arts 7ddin�; machine. Child more that Deou.ty Cleek be au.thoriued to purchase necessnry electric add-in ; mechine for -:Taster densrtment from water deiaartment funds. ;•Nation secaxdea by Palen nnd c- .rried. A long carriage typet.-r�.tcr was recom-iended for use in the Village Office by Liquor Store boolf.:eever, in settin up inventory sheets, etc. Palen moved thz .t pcnuty Clem -ac, authorized to procure t-,7.oe ;rriter from Liquor Store func ?s. 'lo tion seconder! by Child aid carried. Pal.enT s saotiun, for a -pnroval of Liquor Store Peyroll, axtount 559 .5 d villa. -;c Payroll, ammimt =4,8 ,.51, both for period Se- ,)tember 16 to 30, inc?,zsive as recorded. in detwil in Pa-,,roll Leaser, and for approvnX rnd paTpent of the folly ra Cl,.i ns, eras oecondca "ay Child_ and carried., CL::. i I•T.O. TO: MOMM 1UND 5011 Ale= Sroip7hton X1,308.00 �' �'e� I RI) 5012 Louclla A. sv -17M 11 ^.50 5013 john .1. Crei -hton 59 <.50 5014 4.7inifrcd D. Grei ahton 9000.00 5015 Viola Doty r . 487.50 r 5016 7T . dd Fr -anciz ii M 492.50 5017 i•'rs. R. A. Fischer 225.00 5018 Void 5019 I•lrs. Helen A -rnez 7500 5020 A. C.. Strimger 270.00 5021 Jose-ohine C. Str-n-T 15.66 5022 - 4. Louis Louis a 17.75 5023 ?:ellie Str-te .17-00 5024 Camille ,l. uortum 15.56 5025 Bthell1acCready 15.50 5026 Zola. L. Drw;.s 17.50 5027 Bles=r k- tundson 15.50 5028 11°xio C. r-yregrov 15 56 5029 sirs. E rma Hrjort t 16.2,E 5030 EvelTa- C. jr-inson 17.00 5031 ?Ira. C. 0. 111attoon 17.37 5032 Ine ^ A. Stan;. 15.75 ' 5033 .quit^ S. Senn 15.56 5034 Zl" -hel S. Lintz 15.75 5035 Bertha. P. I,icCraney 15.75 1 , 5036 nnirzabeth Jood ';ehr .15.75 51037 Vir;inia.I<<.e�xd i 15.37 •5038 llrs. mil. C. Li.11ner 15.37 5039 Florence B. Hollberg 15•:7 5040 Dor _ Schruss 15.37 5041 Dorathen S. ObormeiTer 15.00 5042 .Frnr.cis Sonnenberg r d 1500 5443 Hilda. Holter 15.00 50: I•l^xion C. Bailey 15.00 9125150 CL ATI-I ITO. TO. .AII0 TIN T FUND 5045 lip' rora G. Rushay X15.00 GZ"iNSERUM FUITD (COI-TTtD) 5046 Elennox I'l. IriZa-rry 115-00 5047 Clarice A. Eolliii svrortli 15.00 5048 Mrs. Roy. I-Iyhr 14.2.5 ;049 Odna C. Peterson 15.00 5050 Mrs. lied Asplund 25.00 5051 Mao L., Da- en 13.50 5052 Mrs. _E.1. :� :odlin 14.25 5053 Ceil Del nney 13.50 5054 11rs. Loy. *•is E. Jones 14.,:,$ 5055 - llrs. Ole .I,i. Bye 14.25 5056 Sigrid A. Westerberg 13.50 5057 Mrs. Lloyd Engler 13.50 5058 xd^ L. Smith 13.50 5059 Ruth I•i..Volti_ 13.50 506o Ruth 1-1. Z ipoy 1300 5061 lend- Jensen 13.50 5062 Ed. Port 10.00 5063 Morell c. Kichols, Inc. 33' .'--)5 5065 Der^ & Fra°nham, Inc. 37.23 5066 Edina Volunteer Fire Department 80.40 _ 5067 14ine Safety Appliance Co. 36.31 5068 Clancy Drug, Inc. Q3 4.08 5069 Lux.ber Stores, Inc. 703.64 5070 B 8 B .gip - li-nce Co. 12.50 5071 Edwin Zingbay 2.20 5072 Simen Strand 96.00 _ 5073 Alfred J. Hnxikin 12.50 5074 Richard. 0. I4axtin 31.00 5075 Rosenwald Coo-Der, Inc. 186.00 5076 I °iinn. ire Extinguisher Co. 9.25 5077 Oscar Roberts Co. 36,00 5081 Tot'ra a Country HCitle. _ 6.34 5038 Miller -Davis Co. 431.07 ,5090 uortliorai States Power Co. 852.96 5091 ITortl'urestern Bell Tel. Co. 57.55 5994 Glenn Johnson Cointr^,ctin� Co. 283.80 5095 Republic Creosoting- Cod 257.40 5996 American Linen`Svo -Ply Co. 35.60 5209 Dr. E. L. Fitch 7725 5111 Edina -San,d e: Gravel 06. 100.20 5112 Edina Blectric Co. 74.49 5113 ,�'m. X. ZILe' 'ler Co. 87.00 5114 Pfeiffer Const. 'Co. 68.02 5115 International. Hixvester Co.. 3306. 27 5119 I•Ii.r_ziescta ^r osp].tal Service Assn. 3.00 X12,125.92 Pig BOIID SIISTMITG FUITD 5064 Pirst ITatl. 3enIz of A2inaeomolis Y`11,717.60 PIR F7 LM 5078 H.A. Rogers Co. X13,20 5100 Beaudry Plumbing w Ht-. Co. 100.05 5102 Grace Wind _ 350.00 5111 Edina Sand & Gravel Co.- 195.14 5114 Pfeiffer Const. Co. '^3z.18 5117 11 H tl 376.36 5118 267.75 5120 Western Underground Coast. Co. 3380.5' 5,005.21 RA 5032 Gsxdner Hardcrare Co. 70.45 5083 Patricia_ HollenL� d/1 38-50 5084 e� Ilartin Pdony Association 46.75 5085 Independent School Dist. y`Y 17 1000.00 5086 Void 5088 hiller -Davis -Co. 13.60 1,174.30 SE MI', RT'ITM MID 5101 David Agency, Inc. $ •82 GARBAGE F MID 5116 Geo: B. Palmer, Jr. 2,10 EA�7inee�- Olsson re-oortcd request for street li,7,ht &t 56th and Place. It 1-1--�.s a - - aka insl�etio to .711ore --reed that 3n,,inecr Olsson -,nd Trastee Child. are to m n see I- ligin-ts are needed in this district. engineer Olsson rejortca that several lots on York Avenue, South of 55th Street, -are being assessed for r- sanit-,zry se,.,.,er in the alley between xarxms and York .',vehue,' which is too zh-7-21-ov, to "be• used; th.-4.t the only solution is to construct a se,.•ier en-tension ia Yorllc Avenue to serve these lots. Zmi.-Incer Olson to secure o-oinion from Villn"7e �Attorney as to possibilit7 of swo-)lc.:tcntary m asscszcait k; .for difference J -n cosh between present aaseszmont rnd cost of ne-7 sewer construction, and to re-port "bae'r, at next', Taoetin,-. The matter of 'J^=,-'Ltor Service for the V111age Hall discussed, frith Zn7ine4r Oisson reportin- that Ii Dis-oatchor Wiliifm S. Zc,-dt is .:i1lin,- to t over this -6b at n sal --ry o $50-00 a mor. th-thnt he . Ill be to closm iro at night, after Court --qd other lacotin.-s Child raove(1 that S. Heydt be hired -ris Janitor for Vill!F..-'a H-01, at -a zca,--,-j of 4,130.00 -rC-L nonth,7 -beg'Uni-Av- I Oc'colzer 1, 1":)50. - 110tion zecondeCL by P:Flen ^.nd c- xried. * 9/25/50 CLAM 0. TO: ANMM-IT FTUD 5981 Tom a- Country Hdwe. $ 5,44 114&=11 IMM, 5088 Biller-Davis- Co. 1$-95 5091 torthwes-tiern• Bell Tel. Co. 11-50 5092 Northern States Power Co.* 884.19 5101 David Agency, Inc. 30-12 5103 Bates Moctric S - ervice' 73.93 5104 Anerican Cast iron Pipe Co. $16-38• 5105 Bergerson-Ca-swoll, Inc. 797-00 5106 Central Sli-T).-ily Co. 64.16 5107 Prire '-s, :orkr a Co. 403.40 5108 Crane Co. of Minn. 74-67 $ C,979-74 11099 I'l'idlana "Lsavionnl B=k. 118114 111100 J.V1111az Treas. PMA 60.60 L1101 1:,inn. Hos-w Service Assn. 2.25 X11102 Dirtillcr---- Distributin:--Ooznpany 1-1 1,851-32 :L1103 F=-ous 2-r-qnds, Inc. 5,461.82 t:1104 Griv:�s Cooper & Con-oany- '= -n $ -Inc. 1 9,639.49 t1105 .'cZcoson o:�-Rot:�oins, 5,815-68 11106 Co. 239.66 311107 Old 575.02 t11103 "a. Phillips f."-Sons Co. 1,615-98 tillog Anhucon-r-Bus-ch, Inc. 239.10 tillo Canada Dry-Ginger Ale- , Inc. 231.04 Mill Clausen W^ Sons, Inc. 636.25 11112 Coca-Cola 3ot"Gling Co. 40.66 11113 Cold Spring Distributing- Co. 85-46 L111• Cornelius. Bevera-0 Company p =1 - 16 em .4 .50 4115 0. 1-1. Droney 3everage Co. 733-38 zln6 Gluelr Brewing Co. 326 - .75. 311117 Gold 46.90 L1113 Void 111119 Company 1,527-30 0 Morris Distributing; Co. 2-37.86 3,7.121 Pebst Sales Co. 3-35.4• L1122 Purity Con-onny, Inc. 85-80 111 1 23 Rez Distrvou�in- Oo:apsmy 1 -.6o 17" L1IZ4 toven-U-6 Bottling Co. 47.40 41`5 ",rillard Diztrilbutina- Co. 12.3P 111'r-6 I•.nLssolt So-'icling Cane; -.T 17.'0 L1127 j. Qainn P7mer Oor;-oany 46 11 111128 r�orthern S-tastes Patter Co. 92:9� Lil:zq •ictor Ccxlson U' Sons 178-07 L1130 A:aericnA Li:-icn Supply, Co. 11.65 1I131 3 and B A�lieacc Comm7MY 11.00 31I132 U. W. 3ell Tole-ohone Co. 12.25 4133 Mim-tecole. Form Prin-tin.- Service 55-00 1+1134 J. 711. �Zacrzor. 4.64 L1135 bitomatic Al. =z Corp. 22-50 11,136 1)?,vid ',Fcrcrj 17-75 $30,322.16 EA�7inee�- Olsson re-oortcd request for street li,7,ht &t 56th and Place. It 1-1--�.s a - - aka insl�etio to .711ore --reed that 3n,,inecr Olsson -,nd Trastee Child. are to m n see I- ligin-ts are needed in this district. engineer Olsson rejortca that several lots on York Avenue, South of 55th Street, -are being assessed for r- sanit-,zry se,.,.,er in the alley between xarxms and York .',vehue,' which is too zh-7-21-ov, to "be• used; th.-4.t the only solution is to construct a se,.•ier en-tension ia Yorllc Avenue to serve these lots. Zmi.-Incer Olson to secure o-oinion from Villn"7e �Attorney as to possibilit7 of swo-)lc.:tcntary m asscszcait k; .for difference J -n cosh between present aaseszmont rnd cost of ne-7 sewer construction, and to re-port "bae'r, at next', Taoetin,-. The matter of 'J^=,-'Ltor Service for the V111age Hall discussed, frith Zn7ine4r Oisson reportin- that Ii Dis-oatchor Wiliifm S. Zc,-dt is .:i1lin,- to t over this -6b at n sal --ry o $50-00 a mor. th-thnt he . Ill be to closm iro at night, after Court --qd other lacotin.-s Child raove(1 that S. Heydt be hired -ris Janitor for Vill!F..-'a H-01, at -a zca,--,-j of 4,130.00 -rC-L nonth,7 -beg'Uni-Av- I Oc'colzer 1, 1":)50. - 110tion zecondeCL by P:Flen ^.nd c- xried. 9/25/50 It wt�­s re-oortcd to Council that both Clerk and Treasurer would be out of the Villa-e at the tine the Inprovement Bonds of 1950, Second Series should be si�7,ned. =d delivered to purchaser. Child offered the follo?­ins Resolution and Moved it a rlo?�t ion: RESOLUTIOU 44.E<TDI1*11G TFUT F.ESOLUTIOIT 001:1TED SSEPTE1.23 , 11, 1:950 ATM EITTITLED 11MESOLUTIO-7 CRE.� TIFG 1950 SECOVD SERIES V.1PRO1F21=T Pir?D, PROVIDING POP. iUTD ,, PROPFIATIITG SPEOIAL .r.SSE33- 1IM71TTS FOR TIM SUPPORT AITiD Tim, OF , ND DIRECTIEG ISSU IMR, OP 111f ROVT`i =_ T DOITDS BE IT RESOLUD bar the Council of the Village of Edina., Einncsot - ^., as follotrs: 1. P.axa,�rrph ITo. -7 of that Resolution adopted September 11, 1950, entitled 'Resolution crentin._- 1950 Second Series Improvement Fund, providing for and arurooriatin special assessments for the support and mninten ^-nce thereof, directin., issuance of improvement bonds," is hereby amended to read ns follows: 117. SaV bond; shall be prepared for execution under the direction of tho Vi lla. e Clerk, substantially in a.ccordence frith the form above set forth, and when so prepared shall be erecuted on behalf of the Village by the manual signature of the I -layor and the facsimile signn-,turo of the Villn-e Clerk engr led, printed or litho gra. -phed thereon, and the interest 'cou -pons a.)iionded thereto shall be executed b`r the facsimile si,�rn.^tvxes of said h _:i7or and Clem., and the Corporate Senl of the Vill�:ge shall be affixed to said bonds, and the Iviprorts signature and the affix., of said seal shall overate as ratification -end. au'chenticntioai of the facsimile si ,natures to an ?)car on said bonds and coiroons. .',Then so czecuted, said•bonds shall be delivered to the nurchaser thereof u -,?on -oa,:rnent of the „urchase -,price heretofore ` a. -recd u. -pon, and said -,Durch ^ser >-ha.11 not be o' J ;ed to see to the _:o llica.tion of the purchase -price. In the event of a;bs(-.nce o� the Tre^sixer frog the iri'_l ^:se at the,timc of deliver, of said banns the ' Do-nut-or VI11-:-�e Clerk shall. 'be raid i s hcre' 7 authorised =1d uircctl'_ to cleliver -,f-,,id bo&.c to scid -purchaser exf, to receive said n,)rch?ac price ^.nd account for the sa',ze to the Villa;,e Trea.s- arcr.11 ^. Ty1c fog of bond included in Paxagrapiz F of said Resolu +ion ac.o-,ted Se -ptcnber 11, 1950, .shall be and is hereby azended to th .:tent j?eecss ^ry for ,consiz ency ?:'i th t1ne provisions of Para?r ^,7h 7 of ° +L T'4eSolt Lion as herein amended. :ITT TST; �'� error Do 1tTr Village Clerk i:otion for a.do-7tion of the foregoing Resolution *as seconder_ b7' Y_ If- -n, n_-1d 177j n vote kin- t ':en thereon, the following voted in fovox. ther.cof; chilcl, P 1c�1, ^,re; Danbiis ;,.- ,aye;yand :Ei•ic..son, ^ye, and the follot�in- - -otcd - ^.in-t the wme "nhereun?on said resolution was decl rea duly p ^,sled -rid adopted, ana the Ilatiror siI ziicd the s!-=e, trhich tress attested by She De -,Duty Village 01or'_. :. M;,e r7_+-.tor 3f tLic. S „r ?: t for the year 1951 .�ras discussed :'c ome len�t.'n, Palo.. Bl f - �ror <; r 1951 be -s Lo?atcd rr.0 1.o1lw-,,si TOTAL ESTII'; ,D 72P. MITTMES FOR GEIT '�'�L TTi D 4 30,97'.75 MSS ZZTII!T��yD CEiMR.�UT µ ITUD RECEIPT'S 810. 00 � ls6,163 �P - i ?C� .75 ���PTO"RIa:iTOIT _SDI; a :ru? t]`T7�_ - 12,400.00 App Oi1RI CTIOIT FOR FII'rM T1 , --LIZ? a' ^n.00 �M OPRT AT?ODT F W. P00?' Ti''UI1T) 6 "00.00 TOTAL :BUDGET POR •Y-E:R 1951- LEVY / ' ?'05 , 383.75 I otion zecor_ .c�? by *Da�ens niid unauinousl-T c %rri ec .. 1 :�C ^.L.0 ^.ded -etior, of October 9, 1950,. F There being, no further business to come before Council, D7,zn: s moved for journment. I•Totion seconded by Child and-caxricd. Neetir -r- -a ,1013.rn.eJ �t �l. ll:?5 P.II.