HomeMy WebLinkAbout19501023_REGULAR.. .-- . -- Nembers answering Rollcall were Child, Danens and Ericksmr Palen and Hawthorne entered the Heeting at a later time, as-recorded belov. c 3k. Carl 31. Bansen presented Preliminary Plat of llParkvrood Knolls Second -r;ddition,'r comprising approximtely eight lots and one new road, direc%ly Irest of 'IPar@mod - Knolls, Engineer Olsson eqlained that this parcel is part of the llPar&mod Hnollsif mster plan, uhich has heretofore been approved by the Planning Godssiosz; and that the Planning Commission approvefi this portion of plat at their meeting of Oct0ber.17~ Child moved for approval of prelary plat of 1fPark7c.rood Knolls Second Additionel* &tion seconded by Danens and carriede -. ?&, Ransen requested permission to extend new road around small lake, r.J'nich, although not in preliminary plat presented tonight, is a part of the,master prelbinary. and Hr. Olsson stated that this request had been approved by the Planning Gomission at their-last meeting. Child moved that Council authorize 1-k. Hansen to constrict road around lake in pkeparation of plat w&ch has approval of Planning Comnnissionc Ifotion seconded by Danens and carrieds 3. Hansen asked Council approval for building permits for lots in Preliuinary Plat just qpmved, eqlaining that it will be at least 30 days before surveyors cm file final plat; that t'nere is no expectation of chmging preliminary for fins, and that he has two customers who wish to build hediately. Building Inspector be authorized to issue permits for dwellings on lots as described in Preliminary Plat of' Parkrmod Kr10lJ.s Second iiddition, was seconded by Child and carrieda Ere Edvsrd Nooney, 4613 Cascade Lane, representing the Cascade Lane residents, complained of the condition of the blacktopping in this street,.saying that he and his nei&bors pal refuse to pay assessmznts uqless something is done to improve it, fie was requested to consult with Engineer Olsson. He Danens' motion, that k i r . Trustee Palen entered the meeting at this time, 7B@.neer'Olsson presented Final Plat of 'aearrangenent of Lots 16 and 17, Rolling Green,'! i&ich had been preserhzd- at last,rogular Counc5.l. Heeting and referyed to Planning Commission fqr its zeco;nnendation. &frc Olsson explrzined that the Commission had recommended approv&l of this plat,-at its E-Ieeting of October 1'7. Child moved tht Final Plat of I'Rearrangement of Lots 16 and 1'7, Rolling Green" be accepted, and that wilding Inspector be authorized to issue pqmkbs for - dwellings on the lots %herein. .Islotion seconded by Danens and carried, T Erigineer Olsson reported Planning Commission had approved Preliminary Plat of !'Candy Park1' Addition, by XcSahon, with suggestions as to the chan,csing bf lot sizes o$ two lots; that Ilr, Ed4ahon intends to cmfom with suggestions when. fSing his Final Plat, Palen moved for a2proval of Preliminam Plat of Th.~~dy Park" subject to compliance. withmxoxnendations of Plag6ng Commission, Notion seconded by Child arid carried# Planning Comissionts recammadation for approval of Final Plat of Whady PinesY1* subject to its agreement with Preliminary Plat as to easement for Creek ProplTtg, As reported by Zngheer Olsson--who stated that Prelimhary and Final. Plats agreec Danens 'moved Zor approval of Final Plat of TShady-.Pines .l? Notion seconded by Child and carriedr I-&, Harold 31, Stocke's October 21st request for Stonn Sewer on Dalrymple Road was read. Engineer Olsson reported that this Storn Sewer is one proposed as a porbion of Stom Sewer Improvement Nob 19, r.r'nich was tabled until Hay 1, 19% by the Council at its llaqt regular meeting; that it is difficult to construct only a portion of the storm sexer vithout Snstalling all of it, that $5, Stocke be informed that possible relief might be had by circulating a petition among oimers of properties in a certain drainage area which can be obtained by consulting Bngineer Olsson. gr. Elroy Bouc&trdts October 19th confinnation of arrangements made with Public Utilities Supt. Woehler, for sewer and water leads for Lot 17, Luditorts Subdivision IfJb, 176, %a3 read. decision and action.- Xotion seconded by Danens and carried, Victor Carlson & Sons Companyrs bid of $1,056.00 for cmstruction of concrete drive- way at the Paul Schmitt residence was reported to Council; and, by Xotion Palen, .seconded by Child, ad carried, was referred to Attorney prk&orst, t I After some discussion, Child moved Motion seconded by Dznens and carried, Y Child moved that matter be referred-to VUage &gineer for his . Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing--Water Main Imprcwement,ll published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on September 38 agd October.4, 1950, Affidavit of which publication ) the proposed improvement of York Avenue between W.59th Fd W.60th Ftreets by cgnstruction of Village Hater Main Extension thwein* Zngineer Olssonrs estimate of cost, .in total. amount of $.33961+,6i3 as against 1,019.8 assessable feet--for Z4.14,per assessable foot including 5.25 per ,foot charge for konnection to Hckelsen water main--was read. and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto. following Resolution and moved. its adoptipn: was read, approved as to form and placed on file, Public Hearing was called on \ There were no objections voiced at the Hearing, Child offered the ' RES9LUTION ORERING IIPR(X?EMBNT . IATER MIN IMF'ROV3EEEC.NUMsER 30 BE IT RESOLVED by thp Ecjupcil of $he,Tillage of-qdina, Imnesota, that this Council heretofore- caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve-= ment consisting of Village Water Main Exbension and Appurtenames in Fork Avenue between T;f,59th and W.60th S$reets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the viqm of all persons interested, and being fully advised of tho pertinent facts does hereby Idetermine to proceed with the construction o;f said improvement; that said improvenent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as IIiater Main Impravement No. 30, and the area to be specially asssssed therefor shall uclude all lots and trac$s of land abutt* and fronting upon $he streets' in which szid improvement is to be constructoedr , Eotion for adoptbn of the Resolution was seconded were four ayes and no nays,-as follows: Chi Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopte v\ , and on Rollcall there s, aye; Palen, aye; and Child offered the following Resolution ,and moved its adoption: Ri3SOLUTIOH MPROVIBG PLANS iQID SPECIFICAmONS FOR %Al%R ~l.~TtpfpROl@N.@@ NO, 30~BQ.~YXZGT- * - II\Tci AUVBiTISB~EXlT FCE.BmS . .. BE IT RESOLVZD by the .ViUagF. Council af..the .Village of Edinar -. t. x -. - v I. The plans and specihcations for Xater pprovement No. 30 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the off ice of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, - Construction Bulletin.the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: . 2. The Clerk shall cause to-be published twice in the Suburban Press and the AD"VERT1SDEia FOR BIDS FOR ?d~-X@&T mQlhM&!P.NQ. ,30 The Edina Village Counci>,~Jill_meet at the Village Hall, &&l TJ.5Oth Street, Ninneapolis, -on Mondg, Noveqber 13, 1950, at .7:30 of clock p.% to open and consider sealed bids.-for the- construction of Water ?kin Improvement Eo, 30 in said Village, consisting of Water Mzin Extension and appurtenances in York Avenue *between W.59th'and W.60th Streetsp - The tprk on said--improvynent must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. the work. No bids will. be considered unless sealed and filed with the under- sigmd before the time of said mee3ingand accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Uillage Clerk in the mount of, Ten per cent of the mount of the bid+ .k VI&U@ OF mm. * kll bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for BY ORDER OF THE TILUGE COWCk. c . .. -. . _. .- . _. . . - B0tE.X €I&Zl'HOB.T TQlgge Clerk Nina, Ninnesota. * 3* Each and all of the terns of the-foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as. the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement, Motion for adoption of the Resolution were four ayes and no nays,-.as follows: Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was Village ,Clerk I. Public Hearing was next called on the Petition of move a dwellinn from 5UO9 Indianola Avenue to Lot Hrs, Edithlhste for permit to 8, Block 2,..or Lot 8 or 9, Block 3, Tingdale ?r&. Brookside. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing in Suburban Press October 12, 1950, was read, approved as to form and placed on file, The drawing ;.Thich Xrs. I?aste+ had presented to Building Inspector TIoeliLer tms shovm to the people in the audience; and Era Viiehler. explained that he had told Hrs* %Taste this drarJing xould be insufficient-that she must have a set of plans shoving the improments she proposes to make on this house, inasmuch as it is now in non- conformance with FHA minimum requirementsr No such plan v&s ppesented at the Hearing, A delegrztion of neighboring property owners objected to the moving of this old house into their neighborhood, especially now that a new development is in progress and they hope to atbct new houses there. Xessrs. A.A. Sehlin, 304 Xillpond ?15ce, and Victor G, lmdersen, 48ll Josephine Avenue led3the delegation in qposition 30 themoving, xith the homes in the general neighborhood is presented. Notion secmded. by Danens and carriedr, Clerk Hawthorne entered the Heeting at this time, a. Richard S. Berg, 564l. Beard Avenue, led a delegation which presented a petit5on for a Stomn Sewer extending from IT.57th Street to V.56th Street along Beard Avenue, and ffom there to Eizmehaha Creek, 3.k. Berg eqla-&ned that the petition carries sigaatures of owners of more than 9% of. the properties on Beard Avenue but that it probably does not carry 3% of oimers in entire drainage district. Chaim of Public Utilities Committee Child explained that filing of petition is result of $Ieeting- of a Co-ttee of the Counci2 and the property otmers on Beard Avenue to atteqt to remedy bad drainage situation along Beard Avenue between Y057.th and T'la56th Streets; that it is the opinion of the Council Committee, Bngheer Olsson, and outside engineering service thak a Storm Sewer is the only rmedy,- Engineer Olssonts estimate of cost for the Stom Sev;er in the street was g.005 per square foot. -1% was reported that Engineer Olsson also recommends a Stomn Sewer drain in the alley between Beard ad @bot% Avemes and between 11~57th ayrd K056th Streets, the cost of which is estimated at G.013 per square foot to the abutting property owners only, said drain not benefiting tlie owners in the balance of the drainage district. that Public Hearings be held, separately, on the two StormSe1;er Projects recommended byagineer OlsSon; and that the Council advertise for bids,for the construction of said Stom Sewers, Public Hearings and the Taking of Bids to be set for E.loqdsy> Xoraiber 13, 199, at 7z3O POXe Eotion seconded by Danens and unanimously carried* selegation requested that Beard Avenue between V,57th and IT.56th Street be oiled, even though it 1i3J-l be torn up, bter,for stom-sewer constmetion, that freedom from dust mxi.Ld be worth the extra cost to them,, t Childnoved that petition be denied until a plan more in keeping I Child moved They stated . Eire Hosmer Brown, attorney for I&. E, C, Stow, reported that Adverse Claim has been filed ag-t proceedings taken by Council for vacatioh of a 25-foot Lane in Stow's Yvonne Terrace, thus delayjag thz fwancing of a home, by ;lr. Stow, Nattier was reviewed'for Council py Village Attorney?Tindhorst, who advised Council to do nothing further aboiit:matter of vacation at th&s @ne, 18rs Stow inquired as to procedure for securing conveyance to him of the proparty he dedicated to the Village for park puposes) properties abutting the small. park have any 'intention of increasing its size. Attorney '(.Tirldhorst advised him that he may purchase the property from the Pillage Council I if it will sellr dopy of Park Boardts October llth hquest to Norningside Park Board for $132.00 as 1-Iomingsidets. share of expense for Sr.rirmning and Outdoor Ssfety Program of 1950, was read ad filed, 8, Public Utilities Supt. Woeliler, and Public Utilities Committee Chairinan Child rsported that-it-has been found that Pump No,-l needs a complete overhaul, at a cost of approximately $1,800, of which $1,200 is for parts; that, because an emergency existed and there ias insufficient time to advertise for bids for this work, Suptr Voehler has ordered the work done by Bergerson & Caswell Company, Council confirm We TToehler's action in hiring averhaul of Pump Noe I. by Bergerson Gssvell Company without advertised bids therefor, because of necessity of quick repair to pump and eniergency existing, Notion seconded by Danens and camied. _. c * He stated that none of the ot-mers of Child moved that Discussion was had as to maintaining grounds of pumphouse sites in a mer in keeping with their respective neighborhoods, tdth plans for improvement of grounds being formulated. Pafen movee for approval of Village Payroll in amount- of &4,846,27 and Uquor Store Payroll in amount of $599,59, for peziod October 16 to 31, Inclusive, as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledgerr 1.Sotion seconded by Danens and carried* 6 ' 10/23/50 Palen moved fox* payment of the following Claims. carried* CUIM NO* 5231 5132 5133 5134 513 5 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 53-41 5142 5u3 5l.44 5145 + ' 5w * 5u7 5u8 53-49 5165 5166 53-68 5167 5172 5175 5179 5186 5187 5202 5203 5151 5153 5178 5187 5164 5172 5154 5155 5156 a57 5158 5165 53-66 5170 5171 5176 5177 5188" 5159 5160 5161 5162 Z66 5167 5169 5179 5201 5203 TO: Frank 'EB Garrison Republik Cfeosoting Cor Village" of Edina-Water Dept. Oscar rt'oberts CO. ~ City of' 3linneapoli.s City of Eirheapolis =chard- Martin DBA Edina Fress bericah Public .TrTorlp Assg. Into CTty. Ehagers Assn, H, A, Rbgers Goe Carl Miller John 8a"lich Glen Johnson Contracting Cor S, J, .Eu-Lherford Coo Rosenwald Cooper, .bc. Northerh States Power Co. * - * * r Y 53 Xotion seconded by Danens and * Warner Hardware Co, P#jin.n, Fire Equip, Co. Miizn. Fire Exbinguisher Co, Tovm & CoUntry Hdwe. Go. R.W. Bell Telephone COa Americah Linen Co4 - Nortbrh States -Power CO, Suburbah Press . Jay If. Craig Go. Bortherh States Power Go, Niller-Dayis Cor-_ Berg & Parnham COS Edina Sknd & Gravel Go. Reinhara Bras, Cor * + * * * % 2*31 9.50 % Northe& States Power Co. . Berg & Pamm Co+ + Comerd"ial Hest Suburb& Press 40.69 3.4.58 60,oo * U.65 272 I, 54 24.00 4.38 7.51 1125 34.32 Christ. C, Love & Sons, Inc, 3,853 67 Northe& Sates Power Co. 483.30 Gateway' Trans, Go* 2.00 Bergerson-Caswell, Incr 1,120'99 heric& Sast Iron Pipe CO. Ifatero& Go; . ?!&)1sB gongwell Regulator GO. R, J. Xangan COa.. 8. JO GiXm Town & Country Hdwe, Co+ N,%J. Bell Telephone Co, &.en B'radley Co. -. c + Minneapolis Gas Co. Gopher State Oil Co. A-w co, .of €!Lip, - Phijlips Petroleum Co* &,W, Bell-Telephone .Cor American Linen Cor r-jb E, Lahr Co. . Borthern States Power Coo - H. IC, Peterson .__ Reinhard BFos, Co, Iiforthern States Power Co. 1 FUND _I s 55.27 1t x PA3211 FUND $ .288+48 x h " 5193 5194 TO: Toltz, King & Ray Suburban Press. Vjllage of Edina-General hd Jay B. Cra"ig Coo Pfeiffer Const. Go, Vestern Udderground Const. Go. Ashworth @ Son Go, Ashworth 82 Son Go. hhtmrth &'Son Co. Phelps Drake Cob &shworth &'Son Co. Ashworth 82 Son Bo. Western Un'derground Const Go. Pfeiffer Const, Cos Bart Carloke - Phekps Drdke Co. j33i.m Sa$& Gravel Co. - e + I) r + * FUND - * i . - 175.19 493x275 1,284.00 e 1,296,OO * 12,0ll.03 4,063.68 642.60 642.60 5,6984 ' 1,020.20' * 204rU.* . 357.90 237.25 ' "* * 8 138.90 * 58r89A 2.25 YC E.llidland Pu'azional Bank Julius Schbahl, Treas. PElka L r5inn. Hosp: Service Assn._-.+ George Benb Scns Distillers' Distributing Co. Fanous Bra'nds, Inc. Griggs, Cobper 8: Cor ZfcKesson &' Robbins, Inc, T.Lid-llest the Coo . Old Peoria* Company rulhueser-Bbsch, .hcb _. Cadda Dry' Ginger Ale, Inc. Clausen& Sons ~ Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Cold Sprink Distributing Corn Cornelius Bev* Go, 0, 1-1, Droney Bev, Co. Gluek Bre&ng Go. . Gold &ddL*-Bev, Coo Kuether Distributing Go. 3Finneapolis 3rewing Co. Iirorris Dislributing Coo Pabst SalekConpany . Nrity Beverage Cogpany Hex Distributing .Coo Seven Up Bbttling.Co. I.lilla@ Di'stributing Cos- Forthern Skates Power -eo, IJ, IT. Bell'Tel. Go+ . Village ofT Edina- The' Nation*& Cash Eeg. Cos herican Gnen Company ~ + I * 4 Ed, pubs & sons Go. + c ll.aSsOlt Bottling Cos tC 1 + ND Pillage Attorney T.hindhorst reported that there has been no change in the status of the Gleason cont.racts to' date. 't T sta%us OY y<Village Attorney 1Tindhor"st reported that the/suit filed by Leha Kiesel, regarding a gravel pit, remains the *same. 4 * I *.I 3k, Child reported that 'he has advised the Hilldal'e Association of Councilts recen% action in directing Zngiheer Olssonto prepare profile'of a por'tioh of Interlachen Blvd. for correction-of %he Interlachen-Cooper Avenue corner; that Sngineer Olsson e. * has not completed profil'e to.date but will do so shortu. t ' .)a Proposed dismantling of Street Railvw Bridge at &th and Brookside was discussed, 1dth Engineer Olsson stating that he lsollld like to have members of the Public Safety and pU%l5c V'orks Committees inspect the brzdge with him and jointly make report back to GOuncil;.that, in his opinion, something should be done about this bridge. I-iatter of petition for Sidewalk on West Side of Wooddale Avenue between N.5Oth and W.56th Streets was discussed, with &gineer Olsson recommending that sidewalk be gY+ced on East side of street, for both safety and safety reasons; that he feels a sidewalk on the Tiest side of the street t:PuLd be impractical. UP. lfindhorst gave opigion that .nonoabutting property owners cannot be assessed for said proposed walk. 24eeting arrmged for Public Works Coxnittee, 8:3O Wednesday morning, October 25* 10/23/50 5% A list of Election Official appointees for the General Zlection to be held November 7, 1950 was presented for Council approvd.. following Election, Officiea3.s be appointed was seconded bypalen and carrfed, Har?thornets motion also having stipulated -that Deputy Clerk be authorized to make additions or substitutions as necessary: DISTRICT NO, 1 Judges: Pines. LA. Dyregrov, Herber'c Drews, Camille Kortum. Clerks: DE%i3tlCT NO,. 2 Judges: Mmes., Howard Tinson, Edna Peterson, Eleanor Irizarry, Clerks: .. d,llmes , Clarice Ho32ingsrvorth, Arthur Rusby. DISTRICT NO. 2 Judges: Ymes. Russell Seth, S. Mcbready, George Zipy. Glerks: . Kges. Henry T, Grabow; E. F. Volk - + DiS'IXICT NO, 4 Judges: &es. COO, Mattson, F;A. Schauss, D. C, Beard, Clerks$ . . -1Qes. Re C* HdLlberg, Edna .Dil&ier DISTRiCT NO. 5 Judges: Ymes. J.C. Delaney, 0,X. Amundson, J.J. Duggan. D~TRICT NO. 6 Judges: Xnes.,Jo@n Hjort, OGf'Bye, Lewis Jones. DIST~ICT NO,- 7 Judges: I$iues* Nellie Strate, Dorothy Obermeyer9 Marion Bailey, ..-Clerks: Nines. Hilda Holt&, Frances Somenberg* <= 1)ISTR;TCT NO. 8 Judges: Mmes.*Louis Louis, 0.6. Link, Gertrude Ewe. Council t~as reminded to &bGc Hearing on matter of+peti$ion of Powers Dry Goods Co., Snc, for the rezoning of the Ifallace Propertyr. Deputy Clerk directed to make tabulation of letters received, pro agd con. There being no further, business to come before Council, Hawkhorne moved* for adjournment Hawbhorne's motion that the I . . Ges. A. Ha Senn, 4. H, Vehr* . .* Clerks: ~ @es. Sigrid .Vestqberg, -I,. Engler. .. I Clerks, ., &@es, E. L. Modlin, RqMyhr. , .+ ' Clerks: * k . -Ymesr H. McCranegr, Ne* I?. S-LarJr. - A *- t + L t * I I Hotion semnded by Child and + ~* Village .Clerk < t r I x * L I I ,I 'I t n t t *P IIX L 1. 1 c if r L 1 + x h +