HomeMy WebLinkAbout19501113_REGULAREenibers an,swering Roucalll were Child, Danens, Haurthorne, and Erickson, zrith Palen 3EAutes bf Council Eeetings of August 28, September 5, ieptaker 31, Seitembar 18, Septeder 25, ,October'9 and Octder 23, were approved as. submitted, by motion Hawthorne, Pursuant to lrNokce 0; Hebhg on Proposed Stomn-Seuer;" published in SubGbm Press, Hopki.lls, Ebne.sota, on 0,ctober 26 an& Noveniber 2, 395.0, Pffidadt of-Publication for wMch was read by Clerk, approqed as to form apd placed on file, Hayor Erickson called Hearing on Stom Sewer to serve the following area: tfBeginnirmg at intersection of TL57th St. and Dr.eb Ave*; th, North to. North Lo$ Line of Lot &Block 2,Brookline 2nd Addn; €h,Northeasterly along rear kt Lines of Lots 6 and lfj,B&xk 2,Edina Hills; th.Southeasl;erly along Easterly lot line'of said Tiot 6 tp Fhowen Aver; th.Eas€erly'in Chowen live+ to Beard Ave+; th.Northerly in Beard Ave. tCi B155th St.; thrEasterlyw %a, Zenith Aver; tLSoutherly to W.57th St*; th,Easterly to Pork he,; th* Southerly to Ih60th St.; th.Northerl7 to Choxen kve. if exbendedi the Rorbherly'to f.Ja5'&h St.; th&ester& to Drew he* which is point of beginning*1r coming later as recorded belowa *I +"C seconded by Child and carried& *. f .n *Y tC + . v I G.llage EngLneer Olssonrs estimate of cost for that Storm-Sewer in Beard Avenue between IL57th -and TL56th Stree-Ls and thence to the Creek, vas $7,756.45, to be assessed against gquxozkuately 1,575,965 Sq. Ft., or $0.00492 per Square Foot, thk Stom Sewer in the NorthSouth Nley between Ablobt and Beard Avenues and between TL57th'and r.r*56th Streets (to be assessed against abutting properties only) was $1,928&2, to be assessed agahst L$7,386 Sqe ft., or $O,Ol3 per assessable square foot+ Paen arrived during this time* 3fr+ Roy Gam, 5625 Beard he, So,, requested that Council determine this evening as to the most practical method of relieving the drainage situation; explaining that an out- side engineer had been called in by Beard Avenue residents, said engjneer having stated that he believed surface drainage is possible, Trustee Danens questioned the necessity of a storm sewer project as outlined by VZllage Engineer Olsson, be settled to satisfaction of'everyone concerned, Child moved that Public Hearing be recessed in order that Eessrs, Carr, Danens and Olsson could confer by telephone with 3ngineer"Larson. I.Iot$on seconded by Palen and carried. (See IEnutes of Later in Eeeting) a Public Hearing was nextr called on Proposed Water Hain to serve all lots in Richmond Hills Second Addition, . Affidavit of Publication of * "Notice of Heasing1r, published in suburban Press, HopJchs, 'on Oc'tober 12 and 19, 1950, -was read- by Clerk, approved as to . form, and placed on filet Engineer Olsson*s Estinhate of Cost, in total mount of $23,032+9&, or $5&" per assessable foot was read, *Engineer explained that =gh cost is because of proposed new connection from'kkeview Drive across I\Tomd&e, and &so one connection across EN& railroad tracks* There were no objectioas fiIed at the Hearing, and no objections had been filed prior thereto, I.li.. SA Pierson of Pierson &osr Go,, sole owners or" Richmond Hills Second Addition, was present at Hearing* Engineer Olsson inquired as to whether it is the policy of the Council to finance underground improvements for developers, giving opinion that Village should not be required to issue bonds to defray cost of hprovements. T+!kr Pierson stated that it is the plan of the Company to begin building improvements on this propedy just as soon as water and gas are in the streets. atteation that Final Plat of €&chond Hills Second Addition has not yet been presented for approvalr carried. &+ IT& 3tilliri of Rolling Green rewested action by Council on matte; of issuing building permits for divided lots in this Subdivision# November 13th letter fron Lttorney Bussell Smith, representing RoUing Green residents EIH,Keating,Shirley Knudson, and Dr, O,J+ Capbell, requesting that Council defer issuance of any building permits in RolJ.ing Green until an IIorderLy plan of develo@entr1 is worked oxti between developr htchinson and the Rolling Green residents, was read& 3Iessrs* 1Zeat;ing and mudson 2nd Ih1 Tin supported A%torney Smith, s request, Hawthorne moved that BuiLding Inspector be instructedto issue no further building permits inRolling Green, pendjng action Sy VJXage Councfl,, I.iotion secoaded by Paen ad carried$ Danens being absent fro& LIeeting during this action, on matter of Stom Sewer. His estimate of the costof In order that matter I I It was brought to Councilts Palen moved for deferral of action on proposed Vater 1-Mn for Richond €E.Xl.s Second Addition pending approval-of Final Plat, 1.lotion seconded by Child and 17 *I ltanens was absent during this' Hearing. . . The matter of the Petition of Powers Dry Goods Go,, Ihc,, for the rezoning of the :.Tallace property, again cane beFore the Council* ,$inning Gdssionr s recornendation of October 26, that Powers' petition be denied, PELS reported in Chairman Erafftrs October 3lst letter to Council as rezd, Jr,, suggesting that Council give further consideration to Powers' appliwtion, was yead+ ; Letter from Commission lkmber, S,S. Thorpe9 Action on matter was xithheld until Er* Danens should return to meeting* October 26th notification by herican+Legion Edina Post Ro, 471 of their intention to conduct Bingo Games. at their Club Hous9,4900 E&Qn Avenue, 'evqry Sunday from 3:30 P.14, to Eidnight, beginning, Nover&er 12, 1950, was read, Application for permit to constmct sign 9fx3f on front of clubhouse, advertising bingo games, was presented. Kawthorne moved that notification be referred to Police Department and filed,'and that Application for sign permit be grantedo Notion se$onded.by Pale? and carried, Application by Carl 3L Hansen Cos, fo; perpit to constmct tko lOtx6t signs on unplatted. property yest of Parkrmpd Knolls, was presentedl with o'fice reporting that location is 5x1 conformaqe v@h sign ordinance. It 'vms brpughi to Gouncilfs *atten;tion fhak GrGdview &&et expects to move from its present location to avsite across Highway go, i69; that the s'ign which is atop %heir present building does not confom with spirit 03 sign oEdinance, instructed to notify-Grandview'fet not to install. sign at new location until permit therefor is obtaineda 1 , .. Har?rt@orne moved that application be granted, Polic*e Department . .. Application 1: or Plumber s License, by Tincent L, Anderson, Rout e #4, Vayzata, Accompanied by proper bond- and che,ck, was presented* Hawthorne moved that license be granted, Hotion seconded by Child and caried, Uritten thanks was &ad, from Don Devenney, 7515 Caliill Eoad, to Edina Police and -. Fire Departments, €or their aid at the recent Devenny fire. latter be filed in Police office and' Fire Department and filed after a week. seconded by Pden and carried,+ Notification by League of Rianesota &micip&Lities of Clerk Bower Hawthorne's appointment to League Civil Defense Committee, and of Bfanager ' PIT, Ulsson' s .appoint- Hawthorne moved thzt 14o.t;ion I rnent to League's Building Code Committee, were read and filedr *I Petition dated November ll, 1950, for Water 3E.n Extension in 3rookview Avenue bettrFen W,53rd and V*5&th Streets, was filed. Zngineer Olsson explained that main would have- to be run in ?<,53rd Street lietween Oaklawn and Brookaiew to sene a proposed Brookview maj.n;'-and Ere Hawbhorne asked that some policy be fomed with regard to the Village's paying for its share of improvements abutting village owned park properties, set for Re'gular Eeeting of December 11, 1950, at 7:3O P,&; and that Engineer Olsson be directed to prepare plans and specifications,'and to advertise for b'ids to be tzken at the Xeeting of December ll, Eotion seconded by Palen and carried* Child movedthat petition be accepted; that Public Hearing be Engineer Olsson reported that the 3tate Land Conmissioner has refused Edina's' request for acquisition of Tax Delinquenfi, I& I, Edina Court, on-th& grounds that this parcel of property is too small for development as park'or playgroundr Pire Olsson reported he had explained to the-Commissioner the Councilts views about the desirability of keeping this tract open, and 'chat ~eouncilts. reasons meek w2th Commissionec's appzoval; that it will be necessary, however, to have it new Resolution, stating these reaqons. moved its adoption.: Hawthoxpe offered the folioing Xesolution and * RESOLUTION FOR ACQUIS~ION OF TAX DEL31\TLUZNT PEOPEETY BE IT RESOLIED that the Council of the Village of EdSna, Hennepin County, Ennesota, rnakq application to the State of Phesota, for acquisition o*f Parcel No, 36293-1942, Hennepin County- J@ditor's iist rf305=-Ct3, Februe 7, 1950, otherwise known as Lot, I, Edina Court, +for the *maintenance of of traffic or+ West 50th Street and Eooddale Avenue, Xotion for adoption of the'Resolution was se were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Chi + fre6 and unobstructed view 1 .n c .) on Rollcall there Hawthorne, aye; At this tine Xessrs* Carr and Danens, returned to the Eeeting; and'the PubXic Hearing on Storm Sewer, recessed earlier Ln the evening, was resumed. I&* Carr reported that Engineer Larson had concurred with Ere Danens' idea that surface drainage is-possible; butthat in view of the necessity for immediate remedy, and other tecMica3. consider- ations involved, had'advocated the construction of stonn sewer as recommended by Zngineer Olssomr, ratherhave water and'sewer hiroyerneats than the storm sewer at this time. Bks* Grabow,3219 X.60th St*, objected on grounds that all property owners had not been notified by mail noticesr Audience was informd that mariling list is =de up from list prepared by County Auditor; and tkat, because'of recent ownership changes, the Auditor had been unable to fully complete his list. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I&. PTerri.11, 57th and York, objected to project; statbg he wotild c STOFJE SE?R IWRO~*EWI’. NO. 20J 1- 3s 33 HBOLTIEI) by the Council of the Tillage of Edina, I.linnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvemnt consisting of improvement of all lots or parts of lots within the area described ab follows, by construction of Tillage Storm Sever to serve said lots and parts of lots:: ‘ Bewing at intersection* of V.57th St, and Drew Ave.; the North. to the Xorth Lot I;ine of Lot 4, Block 2,Brookline’2nd Addn; th.3ortheasterl.y d.o& rear lot line of Lots 6 to i5,hock 2,Edina EIills; th,Southeasterly along Easterly lot’ lbe of said Lat; 6 to Chowen Avenue; th;’Easterly,in Chowen Ave, to Beard Ave,; th. Nolrtherly in Beard Ave. to TJ,55th St.; th, Easterly to Zenith Ave.; th, Southwesterly in Beard Ave. to t?,55th St,;’ th,Eas%erly to Zenith Ave.; th. Easterly to York he,; th.Southerly to r.f,60th St,; th,Northerb to Cliowen Aver if exbended; th. Northerly to T1.57th St,; th.TTesterly to Drew Ave. which is the point of beginning and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the view of all persons interested, and being fuUy advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of. said improve- ment; that said improvement is hereby desimated a seqaent proceedings as Storm Serhr Improvement No, %! arid the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abu€ting and fronting upon the streets &i which said improvement is to be constructed, hall be referred to in aJ.l sub- I.rotion for adoption of Resblution was duly were five-ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Erickson, aye; and the CHd offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: €i€!SILmOlf APPROTTING PLANS AND FOE STORTI: SBER II*P€LOVZUEXT ING ADVEFtTISB*~ FOR BIDS IIE 222 RESOLTED by the Village Council of the .Village of Edina: 1. The plans and speciifications for Stom Sewer Improvement No. +i% heretofore prepared by the’ViUage Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are . herel>y- approved, 2. The action of the Clerk in causing to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Constructioa Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement is hereby approved. k ADVERTISTQ&IT FOTZ BIDS F(ZR STOEM SliXIiR VILLAGE OF-iEDINA t The Edina Viflage CouncXL.~riU- meet at the Village Iid.l,48Ol IL50th Street, Eimeapolis, on I.Ionday, Xovember 13, 1950, at 7:3O .P.l-I., to open and consider sealed bids for the constructiom of Village Storm Sewer and ,Ippu&enances to serve all lots or parts of lots within %he area described as follows: 57th St, and Drevr Ave,; the North to the North Lot Line of Zot 4$ Block 2, BrooIiLine 2nd Ad&; th,Northeasterly a.lor,g rear lot line of Lots 6 to I5,;Block 2, Edina Hills; %h* Easterly in Chowen ;me, to ‘Beard Ave,; th, Northerly in Beard AQ~. to IT.55th St,; th, Easterly to ’Zenith live,; thi Sou€herly to ?f.fith St.; th, Easterly to York Avec; th, Southerly to lT.6Oth St.; th,Northerly to Chowen Ave, if extended; &h& Nodherly to TL57th S.; th,tTesterly to DreCf Ave. wkich is the point of begeaing. the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk, All bids mst be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids IU be considered unless sealed arid fUed wi.th the undersigned before the time of saLd meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten’percent of the amount of the bide *%egi.nning at intersection of If* The Tork on said hprovement must be done as described and specified in BY OBDE3 OF TlIE VILLAGE COUNCIL - Botrer Havrthorne Village Clerk . Edina, 1.Emesota 3. Each and XU of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids me hereby’ & adopted as the terns ad‘conditions of the a Kokion Tor adoption of Resolution was seconded fiye ayes and no nays, as follo~~s: Child, and Erick>on, aye; and %he Resolution vas ad on Rollcall there were V-ge Clerk 11/13/50 - 59 .Pursuant to ltAdvertisement for Stom Sewer,[' published in Suburban Press and i Construction Bulletin, October 25, and November 2,71950, Affidavit of Publimtipn for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form and'placed on file; and Pursuant to 11kdvertiseraenti for Bids-Water %in Improvement No, 30,I** published in Suburban Press and Constmctiar BuPletin, October 25 and November 2, 1950,+ Affidavit of' * Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form, and placed on file, the following bids were publicly opened and read: * I( STORl4 SEI.eER 6 STOFH. SET[-;ER TOTAL imm I.I~ #30 N-S ALI;EY BE2. ICN Sw AND NO. 284'1. YORK ATE* BET. .r BBBD & CHOIBB THEi?CE TO CRZEK STOEf SZBR 5- Sandstkom 6e Hafner' $l,429+50 $5;/20a60 $7; 15OdO $3,443*16 Richard 1.1. Ferrort 1,643-.00 6; U3a86 *S;054.86 .3,246&9 Phelps-Drake Co. 1,334.20 5; 195 52 6,529+?2 3; 589.80 Bart Carlone . 1,690.65 ._ 65 165.97 7,856 62 3,628'66 f Child moved that Tillage Engineer be excused from Reeting for ten minutes, h order that he might tabulate bids. Hotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, At this time Mr, James Le Pause, leadjng a delegation of residents, requested on the matber of Rezoning the Ifallace properby for Powers Dry Goods Co., Inc* Trustee Danens, who had been absent earlier this evening when this subject was brought before Council, read letters fra Eessrs, &rafft, and Thorpe. .Hawthorne moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted gndthat the application of Powers Dry Goods Co., kc., for the rezoning of the 'Etlallace property to Cornunity Store District be denied* Xotion seconded by Child and carried, vith three members voting aye; one voting nay; and one not voting, Final Plat of ffEdinbrookft was presented for' %ouncil appraval, together with petition for sewer and water to serve properties in this plat. not yet been approved by~Plming Commission, it was referxed to Uomission for recommendation, by motion Havhhorne, seconded by Palen and c,arried* Hawthorne moved that petition for extension of sanitary sewer and water facilities into l%dinbrooklt Addition be accepted; that Public Hearing ~11 improvements be set for IJondq, December II, -1950,, at 7~30 P,Bcj that Village Engineer be directed to draft plans and specifications and to advertise for bids for said improvements,v&th bids to be taken Decembep 11, 1950, Xotion seconded by Child and carrieds Developers were asked if they would consider construction of improvements under Village specifications, and stated they wish these impravements to be an assessrfient project I Village Engineer 03.sson presented to Council his tabulatian of+bids on llater Hain Improvement Noe 30, stating that Richard X, Ferron, low bidder, does not propose to begin work until ne& spping, ihereas Sandstrom & Bafner, second low bidder, VLU. begin work this fall. He recommended award of bid to Sandstrom & Hafner at their bid price of @,4&16, .Child moved that bid be awarded $0 .Sandstrom & Ha;tflner, and that 1.kyor and Clerkwbe directed'to execute contract in.name of Villager Hotion seconded by Pzlenand carrieds Zngineer Olssonts tabula%ion of bids taken on the two stom sewers comprising Storm Sewer Improvement No, 2@-showed the OW bidder to be Phelps-Drake Goa, at a total. bid price of $6,529+72. . &k, Olsson recommended award of bid to Phelps-Drake Go*, because of price an5 because they will complete work this fall, acceptance of the bid of SPhelps-Drake Go., and authoriaatian for 3Wor and Clerk to execute contract in nwe-of Village, Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. Bequest of I&, and T!.lrsD ?LE, Goets,4507 T;l;56th Street, for installation of "Residence Parking Onlyrt sign in front of their house, was readr Chairman of Board of Trustees, Colonial Church of Edinaj was requested .to ask members of congregation to refrain from parking on both sides of ~1.56th Street, and discussion was had concerning Churcki parking throughout the Village, It TBS brought to Council's attention that most streets in the &mnkry Club District are too narrow for street-parking; and Child moved that matter of one-side-of-street pasking in Corntry Club be referred to Public Safety Codttee for study, by Hatrthorne and carriedr, I - I Inaamuch as Final Plat had 5 1. ,* * I Child moved for 1 Y Seconded I Trustee Danens reported that I&. Oscar Grant has again requested permit to build road; said request having come before Council about a year ago, find originad. request, RequQst of Cedric Adam, for permit to build a special type garage to be used for bousing of two horses, on the lot next to his dwelling, vas presentedb 1.k. FJoehler explained that he could.not grant permit because it is in violation of Ordinances Sn Vim respects--Zoning Ordinance is being violated in that stable is being builPt on il lot which has no other building thereon, and ztAni.malsTf Ordinance is'being violated by the housing of horses uithin 500 feet of platted property without permit by Health Department, Child moved that permit be issued upon receipt of tsritten permit from aJ.1 owners of properties within perineter 02 500 feet of proposed stables site, and permit from Board of Health, Notion seconded by Palen and carried+ Office requestedto *,.. 41' 11/13/50 Offer of I.lionehaha Grange No. 398, to purchase %he triangular Grange Hall site for the sun of 3500&0, was readr After some discussion, Hathhorne moved that matter be referred. to Village Attorney l'f5ndhors.t; for study of deed, for preparation of opiaion as to propriety oftsale by Village to Grange,'and for preparation of - deed, for sac, IIotion seconded by Child and carried, lab, E. C. Stovr, redtor, volunteered to serve as a member of Board of Appraisal for tract, and Hawthorne moved that Xessrs. Stow, Parks and Davitt'be appointed to give Council inforad. appraisal of value of Grwe Hall property. Ifotion seconded by Pnlen ad carried, D&cussion TELS had ai to the matter of se&g beer to minors in the Village* Eqw&orne moved t4at the Off-Sal% ad On-Saxe 3.2 *Beer Licenses for Nolants Golf T2rrace Cafe be rqvoked. ' I-lotion +seconded fl by Ch5l.G and carried. c c P&en moved for &pent of Villaie Pgroll in amo@t of $5,023;.7% and Xquor Store PapU in Zm0un.l; of (j989.06, as recorded in detail in Papoll Ledger, ' and for payment of the followjng Claims. Notion seconded by Child and carried6 7. mal CLrn.1 NO. 14B-B . . i.1omm - 5204 Zola L, Drew . (j20e.12 5205 9 . Eieie C+ .Dyregrov 20;12 5206 hits Sew 19 012 5207 EliaabeLh IT004 Vehr 19JZ 5208 Czmille 1~1. Kortum 19el.2 52p9 Evelyn C. Vinson 20.,00 * i2lO Eleanor 1.I. Irizarry 18,00 5m Ilarjorie S. .Rossiter, 18,00 5212 Edna G. Peterson 18.00 523.3 Clarice A, Mollingstrorth 18.00 5a-4 Ida Le Smith s *a;w 5215. Helen V. Palmer 19.W 5216 ;Ruth 3.L Volk 19.87 5217 D, Elemor Oren 19.87 5218 Euth 13, Sipoy 19. S7 5219 '13s. C. 0, Lhttson 22.62 5220 lks. D. B. Tripp ** 20 + 62 5221 Void - 5222 t Virginia Beard * 20 + 62 5223 Dora Schuss 20.62 52% Florence B, Hallberg 18;00 5225 Eleanor F, kmhlndson 17.0a 5228 El Delaney , L 15;00 c 5230 as. John Hjort 18.87 * 5231 '&s. E. L. 1:odlin 16.82 , 5232 1.3s. Lewis E. Jones 16.87 5233 Iks. Olaf Bye . Urn87 Iks. Roy Kyhr 16.87 5234 5235 Eksa Fred Jsplund 5.00 5236 + IJellie -Strate 20.00 ~ -5231 Dorothea S ., Obermeyer ,lS.OO I 5238 5239 Hilda Holter 18.00 Frances Sonnenberg 1 18.00 20*75 5m 5aJ- E. Lois Louis Berbha F. I-IcCraney -1% 75 18.75 52112 5243 5244 Helen H. Xadden 5245 Inez %ark ,, 10.31 5246 June I?. Huebscher 74 50 5z7 Ed, Port 10.00 5251 Void t 5249- 5250 State Treasurer 90.00 5252 State Treasurer 3ll3,97 %3,985+56 5226 Sigrid A, Westerberg 15000 5227 Gladys V. Cameron 15 .OO 5229 Ihry .Rose Engler I 15,OO t Earion Bailey 18b00 * r. " (I t -* I Ethel S. Link- 18.75 Construction Bulletin 23;.00 G%m mal . 5w lh-+&ur E. Peterson 5252 State Treamrer . 1304.37 100 000 * 5249 Construction Bulletin * 5252 Stzte Treasurer c ' 11/13/50. . 5253 5254 - -. E*m State Treasurer - Eidem & Houser . 406*50 1 StaBis Oil Cos Suburban Hennepin County ReEef Board Ed. Phillips & Sons Cob First Natl. Bank of lilpls. f &3; 702.44 1,015 03 Julius ijchahl, State Treas. 680.37 lJa.JOrt FUND * Err Olsson rbported Police- Captain IlcGaryts Eequest for. an increase in the salary of Officer Irving Cminings, who is now receiving $202.00 per month, being as yet within his six-month poobationary period, Irving CWmnings be set at $227.00 per'month, effective DTovember 164 1950. Uotion seconded by Danens and carried. Child reported -lirthur K. Petersonts-request for increase Zri garbage collection rate, to 709 per month per dwelling, beginning Ilarch"1, 192, and a new short- regular meeting of Council, for determbation of garbage collection rate5 for' Hawthorne moved that the salary of * * tern contract to run for remaining ten months in 19%. lktter referred to next ' yea? 1951, 1 Jl Mr, Child reported that all ornamental lights in Edina Highlands, except two, should now be lighted, preseating his recomendation that a light be installed at Highway No. 169 at eneance to Edina Highlands. Paen recommended that Arterial Signs be installed on East and Vest side; of TJooddale Avenue at Valley View Road; '1-htter referred to Engineer Olsson and Police Department. No action taken,' - Water Bates Increase Study was begun,. with Hayor Zrickson recommending increase of &Q36 per.lOO cubic feet, Child moved that Public UtiISies Supt. supply Council wish list of the water rates of neighboring comtnunities before next regukr meeting, Discussion was had as to construction of fireproof vault for storage of VLLlage records, with consensus of opinion favoring underground vault with 6ement slab ceiling, specif icgtions and to advertise for bids for' f beproof underground vault,, &lotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Xotion seconded by Palen and carriedr PaLeb moved that Tillage Engineer be directed to prepare plans and There being no firther business to come before Council, Hawthorne moved for ad joullment Xotion seconded by Danens and unanimously carried, Neeting Village Clerk adjourned at 12~00 Ednighte ., I. . 1- * EDIm .. 9ixIAm yLL 1 _-., - -- Members answering Rqllcall 'were Child, Danens , Palen, Haikhorne, and Erickson* M&utes of the Reg&ar Neetiqg-of November2.3, 1950, were approved as submi-bted, by Notion rPKlen, secpded by Child .and carriedc Chairma; $trachauer of Park Board supported his trritten request of November 21, for $1,500 free grant from General Funds of Village to Park Board for puppose of maintaining skating ,facilities (one ..additional rink) for 1950-1951 season+ IAttorney Windhorst informed Council that such grant may legallyebe made providing funds are available in General Fundr General Fund to Park Board for maintenance of skating rinks+ Hawthorne and carried* - Child moved, authorizing Free Grant of $1,000 from Notion seconded by .+ Final Plat of f*Edinbraok Addition" was presented for approval, carrying Planning Commission's November,27th recomendation for such apprsval by Council, . Hawtihornets motion for .Council approval. of Final Plat of "E$inbrook Addition" was seconded by Child and carried* c - ' Y