HomeMy WebLinkAbout19501127_REGULAR' 11/13/50. .
- -. E*m
State Treasurer -
Eidem & Houser . 406*50
StaBis Oil Cos
Suburban Hennepin County ReEef Board
Ed. Phillips & Sons Cob
First Natl. Bank of lilpls.
&3; 702.44
1,015 03
Julius ijchahl, State Treas. 680.37
Err Olsson rbported Police- Captain IlcGaryts Eequest for. an increase in the salary
of Officer Irving Cminings, who is now receiving $202.00 per month, being as yet
within his six-month poobationary period,
Irving CWmnings be set at $227.00 per'month, effective DTovember 164 1950.
Uotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Child reported -Arthur K. Petersonts-request for increase Zri garbage collection
rate, to 709 per month per dwelling, beginning Ilarch"1, 192, and a new short-
regular meeting of Council, for determbation of garbage collection rate5 for'
Hawthorne moved that the salary of
* tern contract to run for remaining ten months in 19%. lktter referred to next
' yea? 1951, 1 Jl
Mr, Child reported that all ornamental lights in Edina Highlands, except two,
should now be lighted, preseating his recomendation that a light be installed
at Highway No. 169 at eneance to Edina Highlands.
Paen recommended that Arterial Signs be installed on East and Vest side; of
TJooddale Avenue at Valley View Road; '1-htter referred to Engineer Olsson and
Police Department.
No action taken,'
Water Bates Increase Study was begun,. with Hayor Zrickson recommending increase
of &Q36 per.lOO cubic feet, Child moved that Public UtiISies Supt. supply
Council wish list of the water rates of neighboring comtnunities before next
regukr meeting,
Discussion was had as to construction of fireproof vault for storage of VLLlage
records, with consensus of opinion favoring underground vault with 6ement slab
specif icgtions and to advertise for bids for' f beproof underground vault,,
&lotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
Xotion seconded by Palen and carriedr
PaLeb moved that Tillage Engineer be directed to prepare plans and
There being no firther business to come before Council, Hawthorne moved for
ad joullment Xotion seconded by Danens and unanimously carried, Neeting
Village Clerk
adjourned at 12~00 Ednighte
I. . 1- * EDIm .. 9ixIAm yLL 1
_-., - --
Members answering Rqllcall 'were Child, Danens , Palen, Haikhorne, and Erickson*
M&utes of the Reg&ar Neetiqg-of November2.3, 1950, were approved as submi-bted,
by Notion rPKlen, secpded by Child .and carriedc
Chairma; $trachauer of Park Board supported his trritten request of November 21,
for $1,500 free grant from General Funds of Village to Park Board for puppose of
maintaining skating ,facilities (one ..additional rink) for 1950-1951 season+ IAttorney
Windhorst informed Council that such grant may legallyebe made providing funds are
available in General Fundr
General Fund to Park Board for maintenance of skating rinks+
Hawthorne and carried* -
Child moved, authorizing Free Grant of $1,000 from
Notion seconded by
Final Plat of f*Edinbraok Addition" was presented for approval, carrying Planning
Commission's November,27th recomendation for such apprsval by Council, . Hawtihornets
motion for .Council approval. of Final Plat of "E$inbrook Addition" was seconded by
Child and carried* c -
Hed-Lb UTiicer Cmpbell sbgge'sted that Council study possible Ordinance prohibiting
outdoor- privies -,;ithin -bh& Village Limi.ts, and during di3cua;ion it ms also
suggested thdt other sanitary measures be studied further.
direct= Ordinartces and Legislation Committee to studyeordinances regarding out-
door pr'ivies and other sanitary 'facaities, including garbage collection, vas
seconded by Palen and carried,
Fetitioh dated November 2, 1950; for ttSlotr" signs on H&hmy 169 approaching
Interlachen Boulevard from both northerly and southerly directions, was read,
petition being signed by Peder IEckelsen.
to State Highway Depzrtmeh 'Kotion seconded by Palen and carried:
Havrthorne' s motion,
Hawthome moved that letter be referred
.c *
Ik,-Dan&ns Zreprted that State Hightray Debartment has not smded! interseelion of
Skate i3igh-w Xo, 100 and 50th Street this year, Jhfthorne moved that mtter be
referred to Village Xngineer Olsson.
Application of Arthur Posihgies, for permit to sell Christmas Trees at 3500 ?J;
66th Street, and application of Colonial Church of Edina for permit to sell trees
%media%ely ffest of Edina Theatre, were reviewed.*Hav&horne noved that permits be
granted, Hotion seconded by Paen and carEied.
Departnent instruct I&--, Posingies to locate hi? trees in such manner as to keep
traffic - hazard at a miniunm,
1.k. H,J, Charles' claim in'amount of $170cO0, for damages dlegedly suffered to
his property at 4748 Lalreview Drive because of the raising of the road grade, PELS
read and discussed. €72, Charles' request of Play 8, 1950, for just such a raising
of the grade in order that road might be passable when bake Harvey is high, was
rexiewed, Hotion seconded by Dan&
and carried.
Notice of Rearing before the Bailroad and Ifarehouse Commission, at the Edina Village
RaJ.1 on Vednesday, Decmber 13, at 1O:OO A&, on petition of Village of Edina for
authoritg: to establish and maintain public highway railroad grade crossing at
Thdsor Avenue and ZE$&S Bailway Conpany tracks, was read.
Tillage Engineer to represent the Village Council at the Hearing.
bx Palen and carried,
Representative Uf L, Bergerud's cooperation in solving Villige problems was offered
in his letter of Eoweniber*l7. .Discussion vas had by Council, wi€h Civil Defense
and Special ;"ssessment Procedure suggested as two items about which to confer with
Seconded by Pden and carPied.
It was suggested that Police
Hawbhorne moved that claim be disallowed,
v. +
Hmfihorne moved directing
Xotion seconded
l. *I
I*b, 3ergerud, ..
The Boveniber 27th letter of ZIr. E,G. Stow, citing the opinion of Hessrs.'Stow,
Davit% ad Parks that :j5OO.OO be accepted by Villlage for purehake of Grmge Hall
Triangle by. P-behaha Grage, was read, " Attorney ITindhorst advised a quit claim
&eed for Conveyance of property, rather than a yzzranty deed, because of terminology
in the deed i'rom Rennepin County "Go Village of Edina.
Attorney be direEted to prepare quit claim deed for transfer of Grange Hall site
fron Village of Xdina to 3Ennehaha Grange,
Hawthorne moved that Village
Hotion sQconded by Palen and carriedr
The matter of reimbursement to a lEnneapolis chemist who appeared as an expert
wiitness in the cases of State of labesota VS. J, Leo Nolan, and State of IEnnesota
vs. Irene Thomas, was discussed.
amount of $&OO to cover rnileage and time spent in Court,
Pden and carriedr
%idland Sankts notification that $23,000 l-l/s U.S, Treasury Certificates held in
safekeeping by them for Village will mature January 1, 1951; that only option Tor
exehange is for 1-3/4$ certificates maturing January 1, 1956.
that Village r.rill need moneys from these investments before 1956 mturi-F;y date.
Bank's recommendation that C~uncil ee-invest in U,S, Treasury Notes-l$$, maturing
November 1, 1951, for a short term investment, PELS reported* Hawthorne's motion,
that Village autlronize EidJand National Bank to re-invest $23,000 in US. l$$ U
Treasury Notes maturing in November 1, l9!jl, was seconded by Child ad carrledr,
Child's notioi?, approving Village Payroll in amount of $5247&6 and T;iquor Store
Fayroll in amount of 3599.59 as recorded in detail in Payroll Lodger, and approving
for papea% the following claims was seconded by Palenand carried:
Hawthorne moved that chemist be reimbursed in-
Eotion seconded by
c I-
Council was inforned
FUl\D CLPII.: TO: . E;f.IouNT - 5292 . Tv&n City Stmp & Stencil Cos :j 28400
5300 I-Edwest B;.dge & Novelty Coo 45046
- 5305 Iqorthern States Power Cor 3-45.32
5299 Patricia Tompkins 17.50
I 500.00 ' 5301 VSlage of Edina, General Fund
1.20 .% Pm Fmm 5310 Edina Hardxare Corn S737*48
., --
5256 5257 5258 5259 5260
5261 5262
5263 5264 526 5 5866
. 5267 5268
5293 5294 5295 5296 5298 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 - 5310 5313
5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5276 527'5 * 5277
* 5278 5279 5280 * 5281
5293 -. 5296 5297 5305 '
5283 5284 * 5285 5286
5287 ' 5288
5295 5296 * 5304
5290 5294
5302 533-4 5515 53S6 *
5317 5319 5320 * 5321 5322
5328 "
. 5324 5325 .' 5326 a 5327 5328 a 5329 ' 5330
Fred IT. Hanks Go, 2L40
Badger Heter Wfg. Co, 1640,50 Yoid
Young Fuel Coi 64*45
Undermod Corp, 274 50
Town & Country Hardware Go. 3* 59
Northern States. Power Go. 624.93
EEnneapolis Uaterworks ,Dept 3=*75
Twin City Cpncrete Pipe Co+ 247 t 61
Jorgen H. Anderson 14J-O
Pfefffer Const. Cor . 2407.90
Ashworth et Son . 4168,83
Earl Sewall 1013 e29
Lametti & Lanetti 113 5 5.16
3aTt Carlone U-099*00
Phelps Drake CO~ 1371 e 84
Phelps Drake Go, 17380.91
?Testern Underground Coast. Co. 46L40
Phelps-Drake Co. 1597.45
"$shworth & Son 289.U
Bark Carlone * 3522e45
Jay 17. Craig Cor . 660.00
Bshiqorth & Son 2602.~
kshworth & Son 2380~62
Earl Sewall 1264.37 t
Ashworth & Son 31s,10
Lametti & Lametti 1663,65
Lmber Stores, Inc* . 7.00
Eurroughs Adding Nachine Cor LOO
Norton Salt Cor + 76.73
Ninnesota Tree Service 51.89
Glenn Johnson ContFacting Go, , 4l-6s09 +*
Republic Creosoting GoG 38*74
C~EUCY. Drug COO 448
Hagen Supply Corporation * 26*70
Mrt F, F, Slawson * 2,oo Dorm11 Office %aches Co+ *18*00 -
Schaub Office Supplty Go,- I 38.20
Richard A. Nartin dba Ediila Press +23.35
Elmerican Linen Supply Co. - * 4*50
Jay If. Craig Go* 22,oo
Undegvood Corp, ., llrO9
Tom & Country Hardware * 5d47
Ninnesota Fire Eqdpment Co, 107478
Northern States Power Go. 4 937.61
G. E, Quickert 17.50
Minnesota Fire Ekbbguisher Go. 1 15aOO
Berg & Farnham Go* r* LOO
Edina Hardware Co. * 10047 m1smI.L FUEJD
Virginia Hoffmag * 6.00 . $2,25lr22
Hill-Dobbs Inca 9 le68
Delegard Tool Co* + 7.05 +T
Gopher State Oil Coc 27*oo *P
Firestone Stores - + 327.84
Win. H. Ziegler Go,. 195.13 * **
Void % Reinhard Bros. Cor 1-46.23 -
He R, Toll CO+ lJ-*39 .I
Leef Bros . , -ZIC. I. 23 81
Dahlbsrg Bros., Inc. 36.19
Eimeapolis Gas Co. 5.52
Brookside Service .+ 356.95
Brookside Service 4OL99 American Linen Supply Cor i) 3 SO0
Town &-Count~y Hardware Cor c 68
Phillips Petroleum Cor $9.17 m4uIP.mmaL m
Northern States Power Go. 17,U $1365Oe?5 I
Wt H, Barber Go, .t 127.92
. .. *.r
@4 mm 11/27/50
CL8'B: TO: iUOUPi!T U77 Nidland Hational Bank 3135.60 v. a78 Jplius Schahl, Treas PERa 57.38. U79 YIesota Hospital Service Bssn. 2w25
Ll.180 George Benz Sons, Ine. , 1912.89 ..
Lll81 Distillers Distributing Go. 3574.62 v
U82 Fanous Brands, &e. 770.55
UI.83 Griggs, Cooper &.Cor 5591.94 r, U84 The E.X. Lohmm,Co. z 66 w 69
US5 Ucllesson-et Robbks, Inc, 1094b55 m86 Eid-lest Trine Go, 396.33 . 393.55
L;L189 Anheuser-Ehsch, Wc, . 363.35 UqO Canada Dry Gingeq =e, Inc, 179.62
Lu9l Clausen & Sons, @c, . 396*90
oca-Cola BottlQg Go, of El5n.n. k 46.00 EL193 old Spring Dist@mting Go. 57.60.
f3195 Oo 1.1. Droney Bevt Cor , 568.71
m96 G1uekBrer.rin.g Cos c 268.56
Ell97 Gold 1-Iedal Bevergge Co, 73.30 U98 Kuether DistribuGing Go, 66.80 .t
32200 Thomzs IJoore & CQ* 9.53
U201 Eorris Distributing Go. 37.a
LE02 Pabst Sales Compqny 213.?0
U203 .I Purity Go,, Inc,. 88,U
Ll204 Bex Distributing Co+ 173 85 ILL205 Seven-Up Bottling Go, 75.60 +
m06 J. E. hderson . 4.61) Ll207 F. J. Cuim Paper Cob 74b 56
32.208 Xorthern States Power Co. . 44.43
LIZ09 N,TL Bell Tel. CQ. 1240 c.
m10 American Linen Go. lL65
U212 John E. Corn, Postmaster 15.03 , +$2~186,15 ~
2163,96 ..' U18'7 Old Peoria Compaqy, kc*
1;1188 Ed. Phillips 8: Sgns Go.
103.85 ,
5i U94 Cornelius Beverage Coo ~
U99 Knneapolis Bret@g Go. 1137 . 00
ZL2U IEller-DaVis GO.. 3680 .. LIQUOR FUND
.. *
+ 1950 IKI30VE~ * ai sis 5291 Poucher Printing.& Lithograp-g Go. tj 108e50
5303 northem States Power Go.
5653 N.!.T, Natl. Bank of Enneapolis
A -.
5649 N.X. Natl. Bank of I-rinneapolis
56.43. First Natl, Bank. of E4inneapoli.s I
yri .-c9 First National Bank
First Natl. Bank of Einneapolis
N.Y. Ntl, Bank of PEmeapolis
N.V. Natl. Eank of lliululeapolis
B,V. Natl, Bank of Efiqneapolis . t. .I
Hathiorne offered foi Council's corkinnation, the iollo~lring list of Election
Officials, for Villagg Election to be held Tuesday, Deceaber 5, 1950, and moved
its approvall
DIST. NO, I - Judges: Fhes. L,X, Dyregrov, Herbert Drew, Camille Kodm;
Clerks: Nmes, A. H,.Senn; A* H, Vehr. -
DIST, ?TO+ 2 - Judges: Bines. Howard Tinson, Edna Peterson, 'Eleanor Irizarq;
Clerks: Nnes. Clarice 'Hollingsworth, Leslie Rossiter
DIST. NO. 3 - Judges: kes. Russell Smith, George Zipoy, 'E. F. To=;
Clerks: lhes. Helen Palmer, Eleanor Oren
DIST, NO. 4 - Judges: .p.imesc C. 0. Nattson, F, 2!. Schauss, D. C. Beard;
Clerks: Nines. R. C, Hdlberg, Betty Tripp -
DIST. NO. 5 - Judges:
DIST, NO. 6 - Eudges:
DZST. NO. 7 - Judges:
Clerks :
DIST. NO, 8 - Judges:
Clerks: Ernes* i:, P,_Stark, Thos.-lbdden
In view of forthcoming Public Hearing on proposed assessment for TTater lkin Improve-
ment to service Brookview Avenue between
discussed assessment for Village owned Park Property, yhich comprises one-half the
propedy abutting $he street to be improved., Palen mbved that Village share the
cost of assessment forthe cost of construction of proposed water main in Brook-
view Avenue, paying the same cost per front foot as id1 be assessed to property
Rolling Green Association's request forhotification by Pillage of Zdina to the
Association of any applications for building permits in Rolling Green, and delay
in issuing such permits until Association has hp@rove'd them ( such approval to
be given within seven days from notification of applicatictn) was read, Planning
Commissionf s recorimendation of ITovember 27, that this procedure be followed, was
reviewed, Hawthorne moved that Council accept recommendat ion 'of Planning
Commission ~dth regard to building permits for Rolling Green, Motion seconded
by Child and carried,
Notion seconded by Palen and carried: I I
Nines. J. Ce Delaney, E, 0. hundson, J,+J. hggan;
&es, Sigrid .Westerberg, L. Engler
kes. John Hjort, Olaf Bye, LeXJ5.s Jones;
Bines. E. L. Xodlin, Roy Xyhr
lhes. Nellie Strate, Dorothy Obemeyer, Narion Bailey;
lhes. Hilda Holt er, Frances Somenberg
Ymes. Lois Lpuis, 0. C, my R, 31cCraney;
53rd and We 54th Street, Council
Xotion seconded by Child and carried.
Attorney TTindhorst reported he is still waiting for legal descriptions of properties
for Business District Parking Lot, before making up required petitionr
Olsson explained that he has most of the descriptions, but &at he h&d been akiting
disposition of Powers rezoning matter before forwarding them, Xi-* Palen suggested
I that a restudy of parking be made by Plannirig Commission for North side of Narket
Street, especihy with regard to over-all maxhm length of buildings and con-
sidering the possible acquisitio; of the former Noreau property for parking pur-
posesa Hawthorne moved that Planning Commission be requested for specific final
recommendations as to plan for prking-in 50th Street Busriness District, 5ncluding
the re-defining of location of buildings North of Harket Street.and considering
the South 1/2 of the former Noreau property as parking lot.. Kotion seconded by
Child and carried&
Petition for sidewalk on Wooddale Avenue between 50th and 56th Streets was reviewedt
Attorney 5Tindhorst stated- that under New Village Code of 1949, Village may assess
+ll propeybies it deems to be benefiLed by construction of said walk, Discussion was
had as to proper location for tdk, with Bngineer Olsson advocating East 'deafe
styeet because of safety. Hawthorne moved directing Tillage Attorne$/f%d&8 s%&
concerning location; co& and method of assessment and report back to Council,
liotion secpded by Child and carried,
% - *
11/27/50 -
hgineer Olsson reFoF$ed that he had conferred 15th representative of the 1:;ihneapolis
Street %ilTday,Conpany with regard to possible disnartling of the bridge on ut;? ad
Brookside; that Vne,l@&yay Company ovms the bridge && approaches to it; that they
state the brgdge vas gongtructed because of a 1915 request by Village of Edina; that
they state it is safe condition; and that they are not disposed to dismantle it,
HaThLorne moved that -Village Engineer be directed to negotiate .rrith Street R&k.~y
Company as to more ixdequate .yard rails on bridge and qpraaches thereto, and also
as to tize posSibleF t.;idening of the turn on approach to I\forth end of bridge,
s;econded by Palen a*d ^&rried.
The mtter of incressc? 2t-1 water consumption and garbage collection rates for the year
1951 was dism-ssed at some length, isith Chairman Child of the Public Utilities Coatnittee,
and Piblic UtilikieS Sugt. Ben Voehler advocating increase in yater consumption rates fron
1'7.3-B per 1OO'cubic feet gmss to 17.6e; and from 15.4.$ per 100 cubic Peek net to 16$, .
w2th a minimum charge pzr quarter of $3.00 instead of $2*00. A Garbage Collection rate
increase PELS advocated, fro3 gh,,4.0 Gross and $&.OO Net, to cj5.00 Gross aad 24.50 Net
per dwelling per billing period, because of an anticipated raise in contract garbage
collection cost.
mive the second rsading and adopt Ordinance as read:
I Ha;&horne proposed the followhg Ordinance, moving thzt thz Cormcil
- *.I *
- .. . .-.
The VilMge'Council of aina do ordain+asbfollotr: - ...
Section'l, + Sections 3, *Paragraphs (a) wand (b) of that Ordimme adopted
by the Tillage Council January 24, 194.9 and entitled I'An Ordinance prescribing rates,
charges and reguhtions for the Village of .Edina Vaterworks
to read as Ioo110~.1s: C I.*
are hereby amended
Vection 3 (a),
meter readings at the rate of 17.6~ per 2.00 cubic feet zross, or
16~ per 100 cubic feet if paid r.ri-i;hin.the discount period presen-bed,
except that water consumed in the district described as the East . side of Beard Avenue from 54th Street to Fuller and both sides of
Abbott Place Xrom 54th Street to Beard Avenue will be charged at
the rate of 23+3& per 100 cubic feet gross, or 21Q per 100 cubic
feet if paid within the discount period presented,
mentioned excepted district is serviced with water prchzsed by
the Village from the City of Einneapolis and the Village Council
Iizs duly considered all pertinent facts and find that the higher
rate is fatr ad reasonable.
Vater consumed xi.l.1 be charged on the basis of
- The afore-
Vection 3 (b).
where water consumption mounts to
A minimu charge
Section 2* This ordinance skiau take e
3-rnST- .fl I
Village Cleek, '
IJotion for adoptSon 6f the Ordinance was seconded by Child, and 011 Rollcall there sere
five ayes and no nap, as PO~~OTJS:
an-d Xrickson, aye; and the Ordinance PELS adopted,,
Child, aye; Danem, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
HaT.rthome offered the f ollotring Resolution and moved its adoption: I
v __ TO JANUrlRY I, 1952.
l33sOLm THl4T, pursuant to thzt certain ordinance adopted ?Xarch2&, 194.7, ehtitled - ~. fiJ 03DDJ.iiJCX FZOViDEtG FOB TEE ?GGIJUiB COLiXCTDB
KIIJIT@O!i!A STATUmS, 194.5, SEC.L&3*015
the'rates for gw.bage collection for,the year comencing January 1, 1951, shall be and
hereby are, established as follows: 2.
1, Individual Residences $5*OO Each, for Each Six-lionths Billing
2, Commercial Such rzte as my be negotiated betwsen
the Village &ginear and Prop&y to be served, provided th&t the Village
&gineer shll report to Vne Village Council at the first meting thereafter,
the establislment of the rate, the address of property to be served, and
11/27/50 437 the amount of the charge.
The term "individual residencesfi as used herein shall mean, in addition to a
single family home, each family unit,in a duplex or multiple dwelling structurer
\ Upon paynent of the statement for services hereunder xithin ten (10) days from
the date thereof there aay be dedvxted from the amount thereof the aum*of fifty
cents (%&) in the case of indiv2dual. residence bills and the amount of ten percent
(10%) in the case of commercial bills,
FURTKER RESOLVZD, that exception. sh&1 be made in the rate ?or- IndividuBl Residences
. ody in the case of residences vhich request first garbage collection bbtween billing
dakes; in trhich'case such residences shall be charged at the flat rate of &75 per
month per residence, without benefit of discount, for each month between the date of
begbaing service and the date of the next regular billing dateec -
Hotion for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no naXs,-.as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and .the R
Chi16 I Tillage Clerk
Chairman of Public Uorks Committee Danens requisitioned one additional sw-d spreader
for the Public I.?orks Crew, of the sane type as is now in use, @ich can be had from
TXLliam H, Zie&er Company at a cost of approxiraately $4OO.OO. Hawthorne's motion,
authorizing Tlillage Engineer to* purchase an additional sand spreader, of the same
type now in use, fron T?Uiam H, Ziegler Company, was seconded by Paleh and carried.
The matter of sll-night parking was discussed.
31anager and Captain of Police be directed to prepare courtesy tags, and Police
Department be requested-to use them to prevent all-night parking, was seconded by
Palen and ccrried.
I&, Olsson reported reqiested for the lighting of three ornamental lights in Edina
Highlands, and recomendkd' that raquest be 'granted.
recommended by Tillage Engineer and Public Utilities Committee be approved.
Notion seconded by Danens and carried*
Vith regad to recpest for Stop Signs and 60th and lierxes, Nr. Olsson reported
he had contacted Police Comgittee of 2&apolTs Council for their opMon as to
necessity far such signs, but, as yet had r6ceived no x.swer from them.
ask5d to follow up this matter,
Tlkre being no further business to come before Council, Hawthorne moved for
,adjoumnent, Notion seconded by Palen and ca
Hathhorne's motion, that Village
Palen moved that lights
r, C
He was
Reeting adjourned at 31:35 P.1-I.
0- i
Village Clerk
At 5:30 P.X., 'IITednesday,. Dscember. 6, $950, the. Village- Council convened as %he
Canvsssing Board, to canvass the returmof the Village Election held Decenber 5.
Nembers present were Child, Danens, Palen and Ericksonr
After review of the talley books by the Board, Child movad that the rsturiis as
tabulated be accepted and recorded as the official returns of the December 5,1950,
Village Election. Notion seconded by Palen and unanimously carrieda
..,... , .
TOTAL VOTES 159 170 75 li.4 74 67 201 238