HomeMy WebLinkAbout19501206_REGULAR11/27/50 437 the amount of the charge. The term "individual residencesfi as used herein shall mean, in addition to a single family home, each family unit,in a duplex or multiple dwelling structurer \ Upon paynent of the statement for services hereunder xithin ten (10) days from the date thereof there aay be dedvxted from the amount thereof the aum*of fifty cents (%&) in the case of indiv2dual. residence bills and the amount of ten percent (10%) in the case of commercial bills, FURTKER RESOLVZD, that exception. sh&1 be made in the rate ?or- IndividuBl Residences . ody in the case of residences vhich request first garbage collection bbtween billing dakes; in trhich'case such residences shall be charged at the flat rate of &75 per month per residence, without benefit of discount, for each month between the date of begbaing service and the date of the next regular billing dateec - Hotion for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no naXs,-.as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and .the R Chi16 I Tillage Clerk Chairman of Public Uorks Committee Danens requisitioned one additional sw-d spreader for the Public I.?orks Crew, of the sane type as is now in use, @ich can be had from TXLliam H, Zie&er Company at a cost of approxiraately $4OO.OO. Hawthorne's motion, authorizing Tlillage Engineer to* purchase an additional sand spreader, of the same type now in use, fron T?Uiam H, Ziegler Company, was seconded by Paleh and carried. The matter of sll-night parking was discussed. 31anager and Captain of Police be directed to prepare courtesy tags, and Police Department be requested-to use them to prevent all-night parking, was seconded by Palen and ccrried. I&, Olsson reported reqiested for the lighting of three ornamental lights in Edina Highlands, and recomendkd' that raquest be 'granted. recommended by Tillage Engineer and Public Utilities Committee be approved. Notion seconded by Danens and carried* Vith regad to recpest for Stop Signs and 60th and lierxes, Nr. Olsson reported he had contacted Police Comgittee of 2&apolTs Council for their opMon as to necessity far such signs, but, as yet had r6ceived no x.swer from them. ask5d to follow up this matter, Tlkre being no further business to come before Council, Hawthorne moved for ,adjoumnent, Notion seconded by Palen and ca Hathhorne's motion, that Village Palen moved that lights r, C He was Reeting adjourned at 31:35 P.1-I. _. L 0- i Village Clerk XIRJTB OF THZ CAWj35 BOIeD I.EETING €BIB TJEDI$ESDAY, -DECDBEF_ 6, 1950 AT 5:30 P.K., AT THE; ~DIfVnVI-LLAGX HAIL .. At 5:30 P.X., 'IITednesday,. Dscember. 6, $950, the. Village- Council convened as %he Canvsssing Board, to canvass the returmof the Village Election held Decenber 5. Nembers present were Child, Danens, Palen and Ericksonr After review of the talley books by the Board, Child movad that the rsturiis as tabulated be accepted and recorded as the official returns of the December 5,1950, Village Election. Notion seconded by Palen and unanimously carrieda OFFICIXL l3E"S-mWiGE ELECTION OF 1 ..,... , . TOTAL VOTES 159 170 75 li.4 74 67 201 238 4 1168 L 12/6/50 DIbmCT 88 l.) ii -'Ll $2 $3 $5 #t5 #6 &? #8 * IOldL -t vom CIJ3Ef 132 150 41 136 45 28 I22 216 &O - Bor.rer Ihthorne Richard G, Palen ZL, 19 26 36 26 21 73 18 243 Job3 E. Person 3 0 8 11 3 18 5 3 51 1164 .Art&ur C,Bredesen,Jr, 79 96 42 93 35 37 72 3-3-9 573 George A, 1I.iillson 77 73 31 90 36 23 118 108 556 15 Lei.ris J0ne-g 3 1 2 9 - lJ-4.4 4iex.Creighton ' 150 152 70 176 68 58 185 224. 1083 1 1 1 12, J. Johnson . .. Cooper . 1085 -TTW~IU S, Heydt U9 155 71 173 53 61 183 205 10 50 musm - iiSS:SSR - 1 CONSTBm + ?urns Swensm 1 1 Don kary 1 1 Bert - I-ierf eld 1 1 EcPhail, Jr. 1 1 I. 1055 Lee Short 1 - I li There being no furtXer business to come bef + adjournment, Xotion seconded by Child and f 1 Tillage Clerk i! I. . -., Eembers ansmrjng €Lollcall were Child, Darkns,' Palen, Hatrbhorne and Zrickson, Enutes of Kezting bf XSovznber 27, 1950, were approved as submitted, by Kotion PKLeo, seymded by Glfild ad carried* Tayor Erickson called Public Hexring on proposed ?rater IMn hprovement in TL53rd Street betvresn Oaklam md Brookview Avsnues and .&I Brookview henue between TTe53rd and ITa 54th Stnets iiffidavit of Fublication of Uotice of Hearing, as Ln Suburban Press, Xopkins, on ITovciiber 23 ad.- 30, 1950, was read by Clerk, Engjheer Olsson's estimate of cost vas $10,972.91 or $9*15 per assessable foot for winter construction; &,064,85 or $6.72 per assessable foot for summer construction. There vere no objecticns to.improvement entered from the floor, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to Hearing, I Child offered the follotiing Resolution and . moved its adoption: l3E IT RESOLJTi3.l by the Council of. the pillage of Edina, Ibeaota, thgt "this Council heretozore caused notice ?f hearing to be duly published on the proposed inipromment consisting of Ccnstrilction of Tillage TJBter l&xih E,&ension and lippurtenances in Tf* 53rd Straet betiireen Oa'xlatm and Broo@ew Avenues and in Broolcview Avenue between - 8*53rd and TT,5&1i Streets; and at -the haring held at the time and place specified in said notice.,$he Co-acil has duly considered :he -views of zll persons interested, and being fully adxLsed of the pertinent facts does hereby detemid to proceec! w5th the construction of said improveaent; that said hj?ravement is hereby designated ad shall be referred to in all subsecpent procee&ngs as Thter IWn kprovemnt No* 31, and the area to hs specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the portion of Brookview Avenue between IT* 53rd and 27. 54th Streets a BESOLUTIO2J CEDEtINk IIE'SOIGXDl'T TIATER &XCN D-Fi30VBiXl?C 'IJO. 31 I I-$olion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Iiar.rt'norne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follovs: Sawthornre, aye; and Erickson, aye; and I the Resolution t;as adopted,, ATTEST: Child, aFe; Danens, aye; Palen, zye; Ikyor VMge Clerk