HomeMy WebLinkAbout19501211_ADJOURNEDDiscussion was next had as to Parking FaciUties on the South Side of lL50th Street,
with motion duly made, seconded and carried that Commissjon go-on recoe as recommend-
ing the following:
1. No Park* on 1.LSQth Street from Halk@x-&enue to France Avenue-both sides
2. No hfy, Hand T&<s of? or ohto lL5Wh @reet,frdm &fax Ayenue to France
3. Stopand& ~igds at Halifax Avenue &d W.!jotg Street, *
4. 3$anually controU:ed traffic siggds, $or crossvm&, at sone point on1T45Oth
5. Acquisition by Cdiulcil of property already recpmmended by Conrmission for . South-Side-of&th Street Parking, 6uk elSminating the ergas AGenue-
of Street,
beiiue. -.
Street, between Halifaxand France Avenues.
~.~,5lst_~treet cbnnection. I -
Possible usk's for fhllace boperty North of IL50th Str&t and directly West of
Halifax Avenue were discus'sed, Planning Con@.tant Nichols recommended*public or
Semi-pubEc use of propert?; staging this tmLLd se&e two purposes-1, To etain
open space 5x1 congested area; and 2. To f&m permanent buffer strip betvxeen commer-
cial and rekdential. properties. A park-and-library project was tentatively advocated
for the South half of the propertyx with multiple dvremgs as a use for North half
thereof. - Councilc requested recommendations from Planning CoImnissign as tb behd;
ment to Zoqing Ordinance with regard to minimum lot requfrerhents for multiple
dwelljhgs dthiq some distance (to be deterIuin&d"by Commi.ss%on) from any commercial
&mer Wallace cited a price for his pr0pert.y (based on $2,000 per lot for 20 lots,
plus value of house); stating that purchase may be fi-cea over a five-to-t&n-year
period; Some discusSion was had as to public subscription method of financing; r&kh
diversion- of liquor st ore funds advbcated as an alternate.
Commission declined to go on record with definfte recommendations as to usage of
of ?hllace property-, or as to Zoning Ordinance Amendment, at this meeting; but xci3.I.
disqss both matters at their 'f2egula;r_l.ieeting oz January 2, and bring recommendations
to ,ComcUD -.
P district. - f-
ir 3
Tbre be- no further business to come before the' Heeting, Hawthorne moved for
adjournment, Motion secoded by Child and
I. ~mmcs or THE DJOWJED P~TIO~ OF THE ~~mm
CO~ICIL, ma FRID~, DECXEER 29, .i350, - at 7:30
11, 1950 _WGuLIIlz I~h33IZ~JG OF TI53 EDB& VIWLB
Izezbers asirering Rollcall ?;ere- Child, Danens and Erickson; with Hau-Gior-ne and Palen
coning Late, as recorded belot:.
ChUd moved that investments in aount of $5,000, held br TTillage Lateral Sewer
13ist-lic-L IJo. 9 Fund be sold, 2nd that said.Fund regay General Fmd-for loan outstand-
ing; also, that $2,000 Lvestmznts held by Tillage Poor Fund be sold to provide cash
for this said Fund. 3o"uion seconded by Daem a;nd carried6
Danens moved for approval of the folloiving Transfer Cheks.
ad carried. TO:
General Fund -
P*Z,R, Fund
P.I,R, Fund
ITatepwks Fund
Park Fund
Garbage Fund
General Fund
P.I.R. Fund
Sewer Rent& Fund
Tlorking Capital Fund
P.I*E, Fund
PeIaRe Fund
5433 54%
5.485 , 5486
1 5487
5488 5439 5490
Eawthorne entered meeting at this time, . I
CkiiXi moved for payment of $6,261.61 €rom Special kssesslneiit Funds to General Fund,
transferring Unappropriated Su-rplus in conformance with recorn-endations of State
Public 3xaminer and Auditor. Kotion seconded-by Hawthorne and drried, (See Check
NO* 5659),
Child moved for payment by Liyuok Fund of Special Assessments Deferred against
Lot 33, Auditor's SubdivisTon No, 172, in confomance with recornendation by
Auditors, Xotion seconded by Danens and carriedi Following checks issued:
Liquor Fund
Liquor Fund
special dssessments' F-md 432.81
1950 Improvements . (First Series) 165.24
Child's motion for papaeat of the folloxing Cla'&~m was seconded by Danens a&
carried: mal - ' CLW ITO. - TO &10UliTT 5494 . Ehina Volmteer Firekeht s Relief Assn. $22 lOL!-,81 . 10,OO G.%TJEEUZ FLZJD * L +- . 5495 Tlillian 3, Neydt
Hilding Dahl .*e loroo $2,124&1
Shell Oil Cornpa@ ~ 7.56 *>,
I 5496
LI.259 Ed, Phillips SC Sois .&,476+98 LIQTJOR FUND
3x260 Underwood Corporation 180120 - $&,66&,74 t
Palen'entered meeting at this time? ..*
Village E4anager Olsson reborted that three of the Village Office Skaff ?re members
of the Construction Battalion and may be ordered to t&e time off from their Village
work for au,dliary training,
temporary xilitary duty be paid the 'difference between milStaiy pax and Village
salaries while they are away from Villkge FiOj?k. 3Totion seconded by Dmens and*
carried e
Palen moved-that Council establish policy of Seniority Eights for all Village
employys ord-ered to military duky, in corr2omznce with Federal and/or State law
applicable to sdd matter,
Village lhn&ger Olsson reported reGuest for permit to hunt rabbits in %dim*
Ordinace was reviewed, and Child's motion for denial of perimit was seconded by
%wtmm.e and carried,
Trustee Child reported that t'ne Tillage of Xorningside m2,y discontinue its library-
because of a large increase in rent for library site; and suggested that Uallace
house be rented by Bdrina for library site for a short term.
$Ire Child Teported that receptionist Patricia Toiapkins has reported cash shortage .
ESethod of Eimdling cash was explained- by Deputy Clerk, together with explanation
that 3ks. Tompkkis had been ghen instructions to count her cash each evening
before leaving office and to tuxxi it in% to Deputy Treasurer; that she had not
done sor
tr?ssactions, and %hat cash shortage had been made up.
for cnsh be provided, and that Pirs, Tompkins be given 30 days' probation with
instructions that she be responsible for her cash and that YG ,is 'to be turned
in to Deputy Treasurer each afternoon, Eotion seconded by Hawthoime 2nd carrieda
Emst & Ernst representatives, Utley and FitBgerald, were present to review, with
Council, mdit made of 1949 Village records.
Hawthorne rnoved that Tillzge employees going on
Xotion Seconded by Ha&horne md carried,
hTo formal actiol?
It was explained that receptionist Tompkins is responsible for her cash
Child moved that protection
Auditors recozimended. tkt Council consid-er an increase in Sewer Bmital 1-ates in
viet$ of probable increase in mintenace costs and aXso to provide that' portion of
Edinals share of Netropolitan Sewage District Disposal Bonds which has not been
provided for by special asessment,
Sewer Bental charges with regard to incoae and maintenance charges, sepnrating
City of Enneapolis charges for maintenance from Village maintanace costs; and
also analyzing Village mintenance costs by area, if possible, in order to arrive
at rate for sewer rental as recomended by Xudi-bors,
and mrried,
Child moved that Engineer Olsson analyze
Siotion seconded by Eahhorne
DLscussion was had as -Lo possibility of mzking charge for imter,and sewei- rental,
for persons not connected to mains; also for those persons not connected and not
served by water mins in street, but within 1,000 feet of hydrant and thus receiw
ing cheepr insurance rates for fire protection,
Vindhorst for legal opiniona
Natter i: efemed to kttorney
Imi'tors d recornended -Xiat Village ovmcd property assue its share 02 assessxents for
special kpbveaents. Harrtflornets motion--t%at it is the sense of this Council that
it should Be Tillage policy that &ll VZIlage owned properby pay its p3rtion of
Sljecial Assessments %lis same as though property b'e privately ovned, vas secollded by.
Palen and czrried+
Councilts attention was brought to matter of certain prk. properties which bear 'rather
heavy assessnents for semr znd water improvenents.
policy stated zbove br previous notion, Park Eoard be directed to r,estudy all. perk
properties now omed, to see if said properties ar% of sufficient value to the Board to
justify expenditures ilecessmy for7 said special assessments*
Paen end czrriedp
Discussion was had as to assessing -tie omers of Gzrbagz Disposzlls, in View of
additional sewzge disparsed because of this tType of service; vLth suggestion that
survey be mde of nunber of units now in o,peralion, said survey to be br mter meter
Hawkhome novecl that, ir, view of
Uotion seconaed by
Eo action taken on survey. IIa-bter of essessment referred to Tillage ,Attorney
* -I 3indhorst for his legal opinions
Attorney Eiiidhorst reportad on statu of f.P. Gleason contracts
Xeport 7.~3 made on stztus of cesh in P,I.R, Fund.
2~!7,8E;o be nade Peom Gener2lRmd to P.I.R. Fund for transfer to Debt Service Funds
of P,I.8, Fund for payneEt ofhonds and interest; and for transfer of surplus, if
there be such, from Dzbt Service Funds to P.1.E. Fund as of UeczIilber 31, 19509
Xotion seconded by Palen and carried"
2mthorne nzoved -I;h%t Office be authorized to charge to General Fund prelbimv costs
advanced by P,i.B. Fund for Constmction projects zbandoned during the years 19&9 and
1950, said cl?_zrges to be recorded a3 of December 31, 195OR
anci carried*
Ihrb'horne moved thzt Loa of
IIotZon secmded by Palen
There being no further businsss to come before Ccuncil,"Hawthorne mowd for adjourn-
ment. lbtion seconded by Danens and carried,
Village Clerk