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88 l.)
ii -'Ll $2 $3 $5 #t5 #6 &? #8 * IOldL -t vom
132 150 41 136 45 28 I22 216 &O - Bor.rer Ihthorne
Richard G, Palen ZL, 19 26 36 26 21 73 18 243
Job3 E. Person 3 0 8 11 3 18 5 3 51
.Art&ur C,Bredesen,Jr, 79 96 42 93 35 37 72 3-3-9 573
George A, 1I.iillson 77 73 31 90 36 23 118 108 556
15 Lei.ris J0ne-g 3 1 2 9 - lJ-4.4
4iex.Creighton ' 150 152 70 176 68 58 185 224. 1083
1 1
12, J. Johnson . .. Cooper .
-TTW~IU S, Heydt U9 155 71 173 53 61 183 205 10 50
- 1
?urns Swensm 1 1
Don kary 1 1
Bert - I-ierf eld 1 1
EcPhail, Jr. 1 1
Lee Short 1 -
li There being no furtXer business to come bef
+ adjournment, Xotion seconded by Child and
f 1 Tillage Clerk
I. . -.,
Eembers ansmrjng €Lollcall were Child, Darkns,' Palen, Hatrbhorne and Zrickson,
Enutes of Kezting bf XSovznber 27, 1950, were approved as submitted, by Kotion
PKLeo, seymded by Glfild ad carried*
Tayor Erickson called Public Hexring on proposed ?rater IMn hprovement in TL53rd
Street betvresn Oaklam md Brookview Avsnues and .&I Brookview henue between TTe53rd
and ITa 54th Stnets iiffidavit of Fublication of Uotice of Hearing, as Ln Suburban
Press, Xopkins, on ITovciiber 23 ad.- 30, 1950, was read by Clerk, Engjheer Olsson's
estimate of cost vas $10,972.91 or $9*15 per assessable foot for winter construction;
&,064,85 or $6.72 per assessable foot for summer construction. There vere no
objecticns to.improvement entered from the floor, and the Clerk had received no
written objections prior to Hearing,
Child offered the follotiing Resolution and
moved its adoption:
l3E IT RESOLJTi3.l by the Council of. the pillage of Edina, Ibeaota, thgt "this Council
heretozore caused notice ?f hearing to be duly published on the proposed inipromment
consisting of Ccnstrilction of Tillage TJBter l&xih E,&ension and lippurtenances in Tf* 53rd Straet betiireen Oa'xlatm and Broo@ew Avenues and in Broolcview Avenue between - 8*53rd and TT,5&1i Streets; and at -the haring held at the time and place specified in
said notice.,$he Co-acil has duly considered :he -views of zll persons interested, and
being fully adxLsed of the pertinent facts does hereby detemid to proceec! w5th the
construction of said improveaent; that said hj?ravement is hereby designated ad shall
be referred to in all subsecpent procee&ngs as Thter IWn kprovemnt No* 31, and
the area to hs specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land
abutting and fronting upon the portion of Brookview Avenue between IT* 53rd and 27. 54th
Streets a
I-$olion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Iiar.rt'norne, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follovs:
Sawthornre, aye; and Erickson, aye; and I the Resolution t;as adopted,,
Child, aFe; Danens, aye; Palen, zye;
VMge Clerk
Child offered the following Xesolution and moved. its adoption:
B3 IT BESOL~ED ey the Village Council of the Village of ZFha:
1* The plans and specifications for Water IG&n hprove"men6 NO* 31 heretof;jre
prepared by tee Village Engineer and now on file. in the office of the Village
Clerk are hereby approvedf
2, The Clerk shall. cause to be pu5lisheq tviice *in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for .the construction of
said improvaent :
.IJATrn-'T:~. I3PB9rnE .
,TLIAGZ OF XilliifA .
The Edina Tillage Co&cil..wil& meet .at thh,e killage Xdl, 4801 :Te5'J-bii
Street, fiKnneapolis, on Ibnday, Decenber 1:. 1950, at 7230 otclock FA, to opn
and consider sealed bids f oi* the . construction of Village Vater Kxi.n. ExtensLon and
Appurtenances in the following Streets:
TIe 53,rd Street between Oaklmn &d 3<00&iew Avenues
l$oo#vieli iZvenue between 1:. 53rd &d ITa 54th Streets
The 7mrk on said bprovement must .be done 8s desqribed 'md speci,fied
in thi plans and specifications 35r said ,hproveinent on file in 'the office of the
Village Clerk, du bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the
before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or
certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the mou& of Ten percent of the
amount of the bid,
No bids will$e considered unless sealed and filed yii,th the uzldersigned
.-- ,- ._ Bower Hawthorne
Tillage Clerk
Zdina, IGimesota
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisenent for bids are hereby -
adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said 3nprove-
men% a *-
Motion for adoption of the ResoPation was seco
there were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Hawthome, aye; and Erickson, 'aye; and the Bes
and on Rollcall
s, 2.y-e; Palen, ay
Tiliaie Clerk '
.e ;
Public Hear&ngs on proposed Vat& Hain and Sanitarz Se2er Tkin Improvements for
Edinbrook Aqdit{on were r,exb- -called, pursuant to Wotices of Hearing" in Suburban
Press, Hopk$ns, on November 23 and 30, 1950,
of said two notices.
list the full assessment district; that Attorney Whdhorst had advised republishing,
Child moved tha$ Public Hearings for proposed lrater IJain ad Saiiitary Szwer Hain
Improvements for Edinbrook Addition and six additional tracts 'of land be reset
for IIonday, January 8, 19509 at 7t3O PA, and that Clerk be directed to publish
proper notices of hearing.
representxtive for the petitioner for *provements in Edinbrook explained th&
one house is now under constructioQpd will need these improvements by Sprbg
but that April construction should/ sufficieiitly soo&
Report from Donald Burris, Assistant Village Attorney, setting forth time spent
for Village work and requesting reconsideration of salary, was reviewed by Clerk*
Hawthorne moved that letter be referred to Public Safety ComLttee for consideration
with relation to salaries for the year 1951,
Clerk read Affidavits of Publication
Engineer Olsson explained. that the n6tices published did not
Notion seconded by Eawthorne and carried, li t
Notion seconded by Child - and carriedr
Tillage Attorney TEmIhorstts mitten opinion of December 9, to effect that Villcge
cannot o~m and operate a Public Eus System, nor make finaxial conti-ibution to
privately owned bus system, because it is not given e-ress power by Statute Lo
do so, was reade IEawthorne moved that Village Attorney be requested to ask for
opinion from Attorney Gene$& ?n this specific qu&ion+
and I cari-ied,
Notion seconded by Palen
Petition dated November 28,1950, for the Blacktopping of a14 Streets in Edinbrook,
signed by agent for sole owner, was presented,
filed with copies of Flat, and that subject matter be referred to Public Works
Colmnittee for consideration with regard to 1951 Improvement Program,
seconded by Danens and carried,, Realtor 3,C.Stow objected to blacktopping of'
streets before dwelling constbction is 1aEgely complhtsd, and was informed by
Council that policy of
Haw-bhorne moved that Petition be
!, - Hotion
3la?kto&.ng before Property hproveiientlt had already.
been adopte& - -
Petition dated Decezber kth, for the Grasng and Gravelling of Oxford Avenue, PELS
rsad* As petition is not clear, Haxthorne moved that Deputy Clerk be directed to
retarn petition for ckrificatian+ Hotion seconded by Danens and carried,
The folloKbg applications for permits to seU Chistmas Trees were resorted:
1s By Ilobiloil COS
2. &Xiens Club, S%,Peters Lutheran Church - Trees for sale at Trislerts
3. By Edina Comunity Lutheran Church - Trees for sale on Iiy,569 across
- Trees for sale at 54th ayid France,
lot, 54th 2nd France ~
fro2 Grandvisw I.larZcets t
HaiKnorne novsd that permits be gr&ted, I4otion seconded by Danens and Carrie&.
Pursuant to Adveirtisement for Bids-Vater lhin Improvement, published in Suburban
Press, Hopkins, and in Construction .j3ulletin, Ebneapolis, Affidavits of Publication
for xhich xere read, approved as to form and placed on file, Bids for construction of
Water I.iain hprovement in U, 53rd Street between 0aEClai.m and Brookview Avenues and
in Bro&vi.ew Avenue petween IT* 53rd Snd TT. 5kth Streets (Vater Iviain Inprovemenk
Iqo* 31) were publicly opened .and read, as follows: r.
f I i.mm SPIXiXG
Western. Undergromd Ccnst Co., Unneapolis $31,156,63 $7, so7 z Phelps Drake Co,, i&neapolis 10,583;67 7,248.32
hetti & Lainetti, 3t. fwl NO BID 7,5S5*04
e ..
Child move& that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and repokt at
next regular neeting. LIotion seconded by Danens and carriedc k
kdvsrtisements for Bids-TJater I-Mn Improvement and Sanitary Sewer ljnprovenent for
Zclkbrook Addition, published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and izl Construction Bulletin .
1-Emeapoli.s oil Rovenber 23 and 30, were reyiewed, Hayor Erickson called for bids on
these proposed improvemats, infomning bidders before %he opening of the bids, that
because of a technical error in publication of Notice of Heming, Council could no%
opzn said bids at this Keeting-and giving bidders their choice of leaving bids to
be opened at Ueeting of January 8 or having said bids returned unopened to them
and Council amplied with their riishes in matter.
XLl. bidders present1 k- elected to have their bids retunled unopened
Clerk read Affidavit of Publication in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Uovember 30 ad
December 7,_1959, and in Construction Bulletin, Lii-pieapolis, on same dates, of
lg?-dvertisement "Tor Bids-Sanitars Sewer Eldension and Aippurtenznces in York Avenue
from IJ* 55th Street to point apiroaately 150
bids yere publicly opened ad read pursuant to
Western Underground Const, Go,, Enneaplis
Phelps Drake Company, 'f.linnezpolis r.
Lanetti ,Et Lametti, St, Paul c
feet IJorth thereof:' and the followLng
said advertiseaent
" Child moved, referrjng bids to Tillage Engineer for tabulation and report at first
meeting in January, 192.
Er* Russell Lund asked that Council discontinue the lJBus Stoprf parking zone at 50th
Street and EalifaxAvenue, in front of the Clancy Pharmacr, in view of fact that
there is no longer bus service into Edina. &tgineer Olsson reported no objection to
elhination of this Gus Stop.
its adoption:
I-Iotion seconded by Danens and carriedv
I Hawthoime offered the r"ollowhg Resolution and moved
*BE E BSOLWI that that Curb Parking Area restricted by Council Resolution of Xay 8,
1950, as a- Wo Pasling Zone: (Bus Stop)lland described 2s follows: Eest 50th Street -
North Side:-Be&ming at a point on line with the East property line of Halifax Avenue
and rwning East dong the Horth curb line of Vest Pfh Street a distance of 4Q feet,"
be redesignated as a Wne Eour Parking Zone,*! ~
Xotion Tor adoption 02 3esolution was seconded by
five &yes and no nays, as follows: Child, qe; Dan
t.ir* Russell Lund requested permission to open Parking ,kea on the hst l28 feet of the
TXLlace property between !4,50th and"I$rket Str9etb.
property to s-treet level, -ad asked that Council allow tea-foot buffer strip at ?:est
of Halifax -4vcnae to becone available Tor parking.. ad Planning Commission-Council Enutes of Ilay 1, 1950 were review&
discussion,Ghild iiioved for Joint Planning Commission-Council lleetiag to be held DaceIliber
He stated he intends to grade
Council l'inutes of April 10,1950, After some
12/11/50 aa .. 18, (1-fonday) at ?:SO P.N. for discussion as to over-all parking in Business
Nr. E., C. Stow requested permission to purchase from Village that property which
he dedicated as rlParkn as part of plat, '";Stow's Yvonne Terrace," which was
approved by Council Iiarch 8, 1948.
Tillage sell property to original owner, was reviewed by &Tanager Olsson.
Hawthorne moved that the question of the Villagets right to sell this property
be referred to the ViUage kttorner for his opinion at the ne,* regular meeting,
Kotion seconded by Danens and carried*
District. Xotion seconded bs Haihhorne ahd carried6 * I )
Park-Boardt s recent recommendation, that
IJrs* Lucille Re Nolan requested reinstatement of the previously revoked Off-Sale
and On-sale 3*2 Beer Licenses for Nolan's Golf Terrace Cafe, stating that such
licenses are an absolute necessity for the profitable operation of the cafe*
Hawthorne reques$ed the recommendation of the Police Departnent, and. Captain
NcGary asked for opportunity of discussion with Council,
that Council recess for five minutess Notion seconded by Child and carried+
Upon l-Ieetingrs being again called to order, with all meinbers preseht, Child
moved that Off-SaLe and On-sale 3*2 Beer Licenses for Nols?nls 'Golf -Terrqce
Csfe be reinstated, as of January 1, 1951,-with the specific understanding and
stipulation that Err J, &eo Nolan will not at any time sell beer on the
Erickaon voting Aye; Palen and .Hawthorne voting Eay.
Hawthorne'moved '
$Totion secoded by. Danens and carried, 16th Child, Danens and D
Police Report was submitted, -reviewed b'y Council, and ordered filed,
Petition for Street Light at corner of Oxford Avenue and Eivision Street was
filed, with Messrs, Child and Olsson recoinmending installa'ciok,' child moved
that street light be ortiered installed, Seconded by Danens and carried.*
Public Utilities Supt, Tfoehler reported tvk requests for private use of Village
Fire I-Iydrants and water;- for the flooding of small skating rinks+
that such use be prohibited unless the Fire Department is willbg'to supervise
work--this last as a prhcaution against the freezing and cracking of the hydrantsr
No formal action taken, 'but opinion favored Nrs Voehler' s reco&eAdationp
He recommended
t .*-
Idiessrs, Child and TToehl& recommended an increase in the rate per water meter,
for meter reading, from'6Q per meter to t3$ per meter read,
said increase in rates "Motion seconded by Palen and carried.
EIidlad Phtional Bank's confirmation of their December 7th acti6n'in reinvesting
$23,000 Tillage investments in 1-1/4$ U,S, Treasury Notes maturing November 1, 1951 (pursuant to Council action of Uovember 27) was reviewed aGd*filed*
Child moved for
* t,
Attornex TT'dhorstrs Noeember 30th transmittal of Quit Claim DeGd'for transfer of
Grange Hal1 Triangle frdm the Village of Edina to Minnehaha Gr&& 310. 398, together
tdth his opinion that if, is appropriate for the Village to so convey property for
agreed sum of $500, was'readr
authorized to execute d6ed for transfer of Grange Ed1 Triangle from Village to
3Uehaha Grange Ita+ 398, was seconded by Palen and carried*
Hav&hornels motion, that I.Iayor ai;d'Clerk be
1. f.
Letter dated December' If, 1950, from,Ernst- &: Erst, Auditors 'of Tillage Records
for year 1949, was read;
audit of Tillage Records' for the year 1950, on basis outlined in letter.
seconded by Danens and darriedj
The oral complaint of BEe NcGuire, 5105 Juanita Avenue, with regard to bo-bh-sides-
of-street parking by corigregation of Edina Covenant .Church, on lindimola Avenue,
was discussed, with recdmmendations for study of both-sides Wrking problems in
the Country Club and onnother narrow streets.
Resolution and rioved its' adoption:
Hawthorne moved that Ernst eC Ernst be'appointed to nake
' Xotion
Hawthorne offered she following
BE IT BXSOLVBD tha5 the Edina Police Depsrtment be authorized to impose
No Parking Regulations dn streets ig the V~age of Edina at such times as they
deem it necessary in the' interests of public safety &d convenience to inpose
such regulations,
Siotion for adoption of the, Besolution was seconde
were five ayes and no ngys,. as follows: C
Bawblnorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and. the
t +
." ~
S+xte Representz-Live Nf, L, Bargerudt s requzst for b&-Ler snow plowing ser-ice
for those residents living amy fron public transportation, was read, and vas
Pden offered thi following Besobtion aAd moved its adoption:
referred to Village Bngheer Olsson for rzply. A?..
rl ..-.
BE IT XLE3OLm that the Hayor of the .V2kLage of Edina be directed to appoint
Ycrea ma&ers ofthe Village Council as a Civil Service Comxittee, to create Civil
Serdce set up for all Village Xmployees and make it complete by.IIay 31, 1951 and retroactive to Januaryl, 19%. 1 t
liot&n for adoptcion of Resolution was lost for mnt of a second.
Pdkp moved for papaen% *of the following Pqrolls, as recorded in detail' in the
Papoll Ledger, ad for papent of %&e follorsing Cla;imS: Seconded Dhnens and Barried, I - Vi3lage Payroll for Decmber 1 to 15, bc. - $4,S60,31-
Village Payroll for Decerrrber 16 to 31,Inc. - $5,257,97
Liquor Store Payroll for December 1 to 15,Iiic, L. $L,056,89
Liquor Store Payroll for December 16 to 31,Inc.- . 599.59 .
i cum
$34,80 5334 Ii,B,F, I;ndei.son
Philip Bacon 38,60 5335 5336- * .- Larry P, Esccn
5337 firtk Bailey 18.70
5339 R,'D. Brom 19100
53hO Robert Buresh 34 *40
* 534l C, IT, Cwdqlolle 88.40
5342 - C. If, R. Carlson * 33*@
5343 Douglas Carlson 35.80
5345 Everett DmrLes . 54.20 5346 Heman Di2ks - 10.60
53k7 X,B, Fgck 59,40
5348 E,?;. Hansen 55*4Q 45*W 27 OO
5349 H,G, Hmsen
5350 R,L Hmsen
5351 + I.1.C.. Iiolter 59*70
- TO: t ,li.GURT - FiD
PayroQ+Volunt eer Fir ement- 12/1/49-11/30/50 \
* 26.50
5338 Philip Bailey I18. rrb
5352 C.3. Holter 77.60 1 5353 LV, I-fuber &@a60
5354 * ' Donad Jensen 9-40
5355 .&.Be Johnson I Kenneth Johnson ' 33.m 64.10 5356 5357 G,F, I"&g 5358 J,h, Lever 21.30
Karl D, Xove 15.20 5359 5360 J,V. Lund
* 5351 d.qes It;ciTellis 3520 75.m L.V. Eiller * 62.20 5362 Ihtt Xerfeld
5364 Chris I.ii-tzel.
. 5366 Joe bsh 54 s 70
11.E.. Sagar 7.30 R. C , SonneEberg # %,OO 5367. 5368 5359 , B.C, Soelberg 5320 5370 f'l.lio Ergngelson 1.00
5372 Cormonwealth Electric Cor 74* 96
5373 Eorton Salt Co. 74.50
c 3.90
- 5365 Ronald Port
- -. 5371 I3osenvrd.d Cooper, mcr
5374 5381
5393 5384 5385 -5386
53@7 5388
5390 5391 5392
Schzxb Office Supply Cod
Eenry Bachtmn's Inc,
Krs. Fred Asplund
3iL Lois Lsuis
Inez ,I. Stark
Ebhel S, Link
9elen H, Uadden
Bertha IicCrmey
Frtznces Somcnberg
Bellis S"ca-ke
i-Zlda Holteer
Ikrion 6. Sailex
Dorotba 3, Obemeyer
5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405
5407 5408
.54L1 *. 5412 5U3
54J-5 54.1 6
5417 5418 5419 5420 54a 5422 5423 5424 5425 542 6 5427 54-28 " 5432 5434 5435 5439 5UO 5441 5&43 54&6 5451
' 5LtO6
ma - TO: R4OUNT
Brs. Lewis E, Jones 1425 Em. John Hjort 13 * 25
IIrs, Olaf Bye lL25
X4rs. 30y 3iyhr
~ 11.25 ,
Ceil Delanep lJ-25
Nary Rose Engler ~ 11.25
Sigrid fie Tksterberg U*25
Eae I;. Du-ggan Q.25 ~
Betty- Jane Tzipp U.25
Virginia 31. Beard Us25
Dora Schauss U.25
Florence B. +Hallberg
Helen Palmer- 10,88
Ida Ly.Smitb5 YI p. 88 D, Elea?or Oren 10, Ep
Ruth 24, Zipoy 10,88
Ruth 31, Volk 10,3s
'Clarice A. HollGgsaorth 11b25
Xvelyn C. Vkson , 1325
liar jorie S. -Rossiter 11e25
Edna C. Peterson ale25 ,
Eleanor T:fi+ Irizarry Y 1125
Zola Drews , 13.63 . ' Anita S. Senn 11 I 63
Narie C, Dy-regrov 11.62
Camille 14. Kortum &63
Elizabeth lbod ffehr 6 ,=63 G.R. cuickert .
Suburban Chev, Co. $323.35 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R,Rc
Dietrick Cumber Co, 62,50
i!.irs* E, L. 3bdlin 11.25
Eleanor dnundson * 1345'
Rrs*-C. 0, Ihttson 13.25
< 1145 Y.
7% 50 ."
2e51 *c Godfrey Nelson. - ._ - %5*00
$inen Strand 2925 Tom &_Coun-bry Hardware 7.43
f?m. H. ZiegLer Go, 399*00 f
cichard 0,Xartin dba Edina Press ? 22 * 85
Glenn Johnson Const* Co, - &a36 .
Young me1 co. , 22.a
+ 3 *30 .I,
Eerg & Earn5am Co.
America Ligen Supply Co,
Clancy Drugs Co, -
City Treasurer, City of' Epls.
5458 + 5466 5G67 54&0 54-71 5472 5473 5474
5430 5431 5432
. 504 5470 5472
5427 5-43
5457 5472
5656 55 57
5433 5438
5459 54?3
2T.V- Bell Tel, Go, 173 * 50
Ii, L.?&ggrs Go.. 99.74 1EueryDavis -Goa - 299.466 Reinhard Erosp Go, 7*eo
Ernst EL Ernst ~ 2220 * 30
Petty Cash + 4L53 Edina Sand B Gravel Go, U3.&1 -
JO~ R, coan, Postmaker - 8,65
John R. Goa, Postmaster W*60
hldress ograph Itultigrxih Gorp I( 7.70 Torm 8: Godry Hzrdware Go, 4.29
Eerg & Farnham Coc v 4.1.4
1Eller-DSxee GO,, 1I,i%
Ernst E:. Eiqmt + 70,OO
John E, Corn, Postmaster 8a65
John E. Coal, Postmaster 87 e bo -
Arb K. Peterson f 1325e00
John R, rmn, Postmaster 60,12
Ern& & Ernst 105100
Hennepin County i 4.00
Su-burban Hexmepin County Relief Ed. + 404-*25
Tom 8c Coutry Hardware Go, 9423
Village of Sdina-??ater Dept. 11.78
TJarner Hardware Go, + 24125
&umber StoEe, Inc, 141.44
Petty Cash. . -7JO
;$ 408,25
537 5 5376
5377 537s 5379 5424 5h-32
5435 5436 c 54.42 54-43 5444 5.450 5453 5458 5462
5468 5469 5473- 5473
5330 5429 5b30 5431 5432 5437
544-5 5454 5455 5458 ,5460
5461 5&70 5472
544? 5448 5k.49 5456 5463 5464 5465 5&67 5i7& 5475
A41 Go. of Iliizn*
Earl Gerzrd IIotors
Horthrcs'cern Tire Co,
Standard Springs Co+
Terminal Go. + .
Suburban Chev*- Co,
Town 62 Country. Hadware ?a. K, Zieglert Gol
Brookside Se,rvi_.ce Station
Leef BrosL, kc.
herican Linen- Supply Co+
Yheapolis Gas Co,
Hemepin County Dist, Boiler Inspector
Joe Sdth, Vel3 Drilling CoaL
HbT.I'. Bell Tel,. Go+ ,
E-a Pmc Oil. Service
Fireatone Stores, Inc,
113. 3;a3nr Go.
jeinhard Brcdhers Cor
Petty Cash +
Fa5rbulks Xorse & Cow
Jok;n R, Goa, +Postmaster
John B. Coan, *?ostmster
-Lddressoe;raph GiLtigraph Go+
Tom d Country Hardware Go.
Bergerson CasweU, Inc b
f.Taterous Co,
PocJsrand'c Lumber & fiel.Cor
badger 2Ieter Wg. Go.
1J.T. ;?ell Te1.r Co,
Central Supply Go*
hr _L;. Lundbeck Go,
liiller-Davis Go,
Ernst 8: Jrnst. 1
Petty Gash .*
Jay 7L Craig Go.
Jay Tf, Craig Go*
Szndqtrom G: Hafner Co
Construction Gulletin +*
Gibbish Excavating Go,
Say Craig Go. ).
H, A. Bogers Go,,
Xdina Sand & Gravel Cor
€ishi;orth E: Sons
b)I 3-
Julius Schrnahl, Trreas*
IS.dland latima1 Bank 4
Ihneso-ta Xospi-tal Service Bssn,
George Benz Sons, Inc,
Distillers DistrYmting Co* L
Famous Brands, Inc.
Griggs, Cooper G Co,
IIcKzsson & Bobbins, Incn
PEd-T;'est ?Tina Co, . 1
Old Peoria Capany, kc& T
Zd. Phillips e Sons Co+
Swiss Vine House
Jmhsuser-3dscii, &IC.
Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc.
Glzusen 0 Sons, Inc,
Coca-Cola Eot&ling Cor
Cold Spring DLstributbg Cor
Cornelius Bevarage Cor
OX. Droney Sevr Co,
Gold Iledal ;3wl Co*
1.kssolt Bottling Go+
TXmeapolis E~3wing Go. . A
Thorns Ilo0i.e 2 Cor c
Korris Dis"c5buting Co
' Gluek .Brerring7 Co,
f. I: 3
Pabst Sales Go+
Purity Bev. Go*
Rex Distributing Go,
12hl - TO
Seven-Up Bottlin Co,
Eillard Distributing Cos
State of l?linn,-Liquor Contzol Corn,
IiT.I;I, Bell Telephone Go,
Young Fuel Cor
Bates Zlectyic Service
American Linen Supply Co, .
liinnesota..Form Pninting Bervice *
i2iller-Davis Co,
Automatic ICLarm Corg,
Xienst & Ernst
Village of Edina-PIR Fund
VKlage 01* Ed-ina-General Fund
Village of Edina-3p. Assessments
€d!IOTJNT $46.20
1.00 12.65 26.78
18*72 lL65
22 6 50 670 00
- 76.67
33 50
Ilk, J.A. Danens presented copy of peti%ion presented prveiously, by Oscar Grant,
Tor Road Bigh'c-of-3ayr
for Henday, January: 8, at 7:30 PJt,
Iir. Olsson requested that he be'allowed to trait before advertising for Fheprsof
Vault for Village Hall, because of plans now underway for construction of new
Ball. IT0 action taken, ,
Hawthome moved. that Public Hearing on petition bk set
Notion secoiided by Danens ajnd carried+
Child moved for adjouri'ent until. December 29, 1950, at 7:30. Ihtion secohded
by Palen and unanhousljr carried* Xeeting adjourned at 10:55 P&is
-- I
MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCILFWmG COWmSICEVT JoW.~Igg, _W,?.@%?AY,-@.~.~, - &25% a. ?t30_P,V% AT.J%QRE?QA VW4!qW~
.TT . c- * 1% % ~ -*-.* -- 1 * e "- Pursuant to due cah and notice by the psaSor and Chaim of Plakg Commission,
respectively, the Edina Village Counciland Edina J%ruxing Cogmission met in
special joint session, Mondsy, D$cember 18, 1950, at 7:30 P&, at Edina Village
Hall. Meeting was called for discussion of Business D+str&ct par- problem,
Council Members $;sent were Child, Danens, Palen, Hawthorne, and Erickson.
Planning Codssion Members pgesent &re KraTft, Well, Raugland, Thorpe, Hiatt,
and Straehauer, with Planning Consultant Nichols gd his -assistant, Xr. Law,
&ai petition by &teb Russell
East l28 feet of the so-called %allace property, between 3TO5Oth,Street and
and of zoning for Wallace property. .'.
- also-in attendance. __ .-
f 0; pedt to establish parking I&, on the
Wket Street, was re,dFwed fCry.-Fomonission by Council.. _- +-.
Village-Attorney NindhoFst?s op&ion of Decembir 13, 1950, that parking lot cannot
be established in .. Open Dev&pnent District without amendment to Zoning Ordinance,
+was read; c t 1 -
Council requekted'recomendation fram Poqqiss$on as to 3k. Lund!s petition for
parking lot; qnd also as to size limit+ignq pf buildings on the North side of
Market Street, Commission to take into cogsideration possible accpisition of the
South 125 fee$ of the so-called Moreau property for parking purposes.
ft was moved, 1 seconded and arried that Commission recomaend to Cuuncil that Hr.
hd!s petitip for establi t of parkc $at on East I28 feet of Vallate
property be dpied.
It was moved, :seconded and carried that'Colmnission! s May 1, 1950, recommendation
as to Parking,area North of W.5Oth Street be re-af3imd.
r -- $\ .r*