HomeMy WebLinkAbout19501218_SPECIALI , I' NO,. 12hl - TO Seven-Up Bottlin Co, Eillard Distributing Cos State of l?linn,-Liquor Contzol Corn, IiT.I;I, Bell Telephone Go, Young Fuel Cor Bates Zlectyic Service American Linen Supply Co, . liinnesota..Form Pninting Bervice * i2iller-Davis Co, Automatic ICLarm Corg, Xienst & Ernst Village of Edina-PIR Fund VKlage 01* Ed-ina-General Fund Village of Edina-3p. Assessments - '. €d!IOTJNT $46.20 7Y95 1.00 12.65 26.78 18*72 lL65 97.00 35.82 22 6 50 670 00 - 76.67 22L38 33 50 .~ Ilk, J.A. Danens presented copy of peti%ion presented prveiously, by Oscar Grant, Tor Road Bigh'c-of-3ayr for Henday, January: 8, at 7:30 PJt, Iir. Olsson requested that he be'allowed to trait before advertising for Fheprsof Vault for Village Hall, because of plans now underway for construction of new Ball. IT0 action taken, , Hawthome moved. that Public Hearing on petition bk set Notion secoiided by Danens ajnd carried+ Child moved for adjouri'ent until. December 29, 1950, at 7:30. Ihtion secohded by Palen and unanhousljr carried* Xeeting adjourned at 10:55 P&is ' -- I MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCILFWmG COWmSICEVT JoW.~Igg, _W,?.@%?AY,-@.~.~, - &25% a. ?t30_P,V% AT.J%QRE?QA VW4!qW~ .TT . c- * 1% % ~ -*-.* -- 1 * e "- Pursuant to due cah and notice by the psaSor and Chaimau of Plakg Commission, respectively, the Edina Village Counciland Edina J%ruxing Cogmission met in special joint session, Mondsy, D$cember 18, 1950, at 7:30 P&, at Edina Village Hall. Meeting was called for discussion of Business D+str&ct par- problem, Council Members $;sent were Child, Danens, Palen, Hawthorne, and Erickson. Planning Codssion Members pgesent &re KraTft, Well, Raugland, Thorpe, Hiatt, and Straehauer, with Planning Consultant Nichols gd his -assistant, Xr. Law, &ai petition by &teb Russell East l28 feet of the so-called %allace property, between 3TO5Oth,Street and and of zoning for Wallace property. .'. - also-in attendance. __ .- f 0; pedt to establish parking I&, on the Wket Street, was re,dFwed fCry.-Fomonission by Council.. _- +-. Village-Attorney NindhoFst?s op&ion of Decembir 13, 1950, that parking lot cannot be established in .. Open Dev&pnent District without amendment to Zoning Ordinance, +was read; c t 1 - Council requekted'recomendation fram Poqqiss$on as to 3k. Lund!s petition for parking lot; qnd also as to size limit+ignq pf buildings on the North side of Market Street, Commission to take into cogsideration possible accpisition of the South 125 fee$ of the so-called Moreau property for parking purposes. ft was moved, 1 seconded and arried that Commission recomaend to Cuuncil that Hr. hd!s petitip for establi t of parkc $at on East I28 feet of Vallate property be dpied. It was moved, :seconded and carried that'Colmnission! s May 1, 1950, recommendation as to Parking,area North of W.5Oth Street be re-af3imd. *,I .. r -- $\ .r* < Discussion was next had as to Parking FaciUties on the South Side of lL50th Street, with motion duly made, seconded and carried that Commissjon go-on recoe as recommend- ing the following: 1. No Park* on 1.LSQth Street from Halk@x-&enue to France Avenue-both sides 2. No hfy, Hand T&<s of? or ohto lL5Wh @reet,frdm &fax Ayenue to France 3. Stopand& ~igds at Halifax Avenue &d W.!jotg Street, * 4. 3$anually controU:ed traffic siggds, $or crossvm&, at sone point on1T45Oth 5. Acquisition by Cdiulcil of property already recpmmended by Conrmission for . South-Side-of&th Street Parking, 6uk elSminating the ergas AGenue- of Street, beiiue. -. Street, between Halifaxand France Avenues. ~.~,5lst_~treet cbnnection. I - Possible usk's for fhllace boperty North of IL50th Str&t and directly West of Halifax Avenue were discus'sed, Planning Con@.tant Nichols recommended*public or Semi-pubEc use of propert?; staging this tmLLd se&e two purposes-1, To etain open space in congested area; and 2. To f&m permanent buffer strip betvxeen commer- cial and rekdential. properties. A park-and-library project was tentatively advocated for the South half of the propertyx with multiple dvremgs as a use for North half thereof. - Councilc requested recommendations from Planning CoImnissign as tb behd; ment to Zoqing Ordinance with regard to minimum lot requfrerhents for multiple dwelljhgs dthiq some distance (to be deterIuin&d"by Commi.ss%on) from any commercial &mer Wallace cited a price for his pr0pert.y (based on $2,000 per lot for 20 lots, plus value of house); stating that purchase may be fi-cea over a five-to-t&n-year period; Some discusSion was had as to public subscription method of financing; r&kh diversion- of liquor st ore funds advbcated as an alternate. Commission declined to go on record with definfte recommendations as to usage of of ?hllace property-, or as to Zoning Ordinance Amendment, at this meeting; but xci3.I. discuss both matters at their 'f2egula;r_l.ieeting oz January 2, and bring recommendations to ,ComcUD -. P district. - f- ir 3 Tbre be- no further business to come before the' Heeting, Hawthorne moved for adjournment, Motion secoded by Child and I. ~mmcs or THE DJOWJED P~TIO~ OF THE ~~mm CO~ICIL, ma FR~Z,. DEC~ER 29, .i350, - at 7:30 . 11, 1950 _WGuLIIlz I~h33IZ~JG OF TI53 EDB& VIWLB PJL, .AT THE .DEfA-VIXAGE L!IL .- - Izezbers asirering Rollcall ?;ere- Child, Danens and Erickson; with Hau-Gior-ne and Palen coning Late, as recorded belot:. ChUd moved that investments in aount of $5,000, held br TTillage Lateral Sewer 13ist-lic-L IJo. 9 Fund be sold, 2nd that said.Fund regay General Fmd-for loan outstand- ing; also, that $2,000 Lvestmznts held by Tillage Poor Fund be sold to provide cash for this said Fund. 3o"uion seconded by Daem ad carried6 Danens moved for approval of the folloiving Transfer Cheks. ad carried. TO: General Fund - P*Z,R, Fund P.I,R, Fund ITatepwks Fund Park Fund Garbage Fund General Fund P.I.R. Fund Sewer Rent& Fund Tlorking Capital Fund P.I*E, Fund PeIaRe Fund 54% 5433 54% 5.485 , 5486 1 5487 5488 5439 5490 5491