HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510108_REGULAR-299" Civil Defense Erector Richard Palm requested $&OO.OO appropriation from Council, approximately ;,:j300hO0 of which is to cover a mailing to EclLna residents; the bnlsnce to be used for clerical helpr fence around water tower, and iizstaJ.1 z light at "ne pushouse; recommending, too, that a portable generator be purchased a= emrgency masure in case of porrer supply failurer As its last mtter of business for the eveiig, Cou.nci1 acted on II%., Palen's request, with Child moving that request for $409E00 appropriation for Cia Defeme work be granted, subject to request in writing and to expenditwe of inonies by action of aajority vote of Civil Defense 3oa;rd. IIotion seconded by Hawthorne snd carried, Ifre Palen also requested that Comcil construct 35 -.L JC 35 -v- n 8' 'a 7- i,.ayor %rickson called Public Hearing on Proposed Tater Thin Extension to serve all lots ad tracts of land. in %dinbrook Addition ad Lots OAS to Six, Inclusive, Block Two, TinGdale Brothers Brookside* Hearing, as published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, !Eniiesota9 on Decenber 21 and 28, 1950, was read by Clerk, zpproved 3s to form and placed on file* Olsson explained that the qost of %his water m,in,exLension is high because of n6cessity o< naking connection .to main on the Xsqt side 02 state Righwy Tro. 100, His es-bimate of cost was $18,763.87 as agains'c 2,324,93 assessable fzet, or $8*07 per assessable foot, Ika Xillim S, Heydt, 5117 IJ&.8th Street, ovner of Lots 2,3, and 4> Block 2, Tingdale Brothers Brookside, objected to the high cost of the water main; and Engineer Olsson stated that main can be consti-ucted in such a mpznner as not to beiefit the six Tingdale Brothsrs ErooIisic?z lots, other objections mceived from the floor, and no irritten objections had been recaivec! by Clerk pyior to I-Iearkg, moved its adoption: \ Affidavit- of Fublicahion o€ Ihtice of Tillage Engineer There were no Chad offered the followjng &solution ad f heTetofor,e c-aused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed -improve- ment consisting of Construction of %ter J!Wn s-d Iqpurtenances to serve cll.3. lots and? tracts of land in Edinbrook Addition and Lots Om to Six, inclusive, B~Qc~ ~rm, Tingdale 3rothez-s Brookside; and at the Bearing he1d-a-L the tiue 2nd place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views 02 all persons ivterested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the wnstiwction of said Xateer liain and Appurtenances Construction to serve all lots and tracts pf lmd in %dinbrook Addition but elimtni?;ting Lots 'One to Six, Inclusive, Block ho, Ti~gdale Brothers Brookside; that said hprrove- men% is hereby dexxignated and shall be referred to in all subsequent piloceedings as Water Thin Improvement No. 32, and the area to be specially asssss5d -bherefor sli~ll include dl lots and trscts of land abutting a;nd fronting upon the streets in vhich said improvenent is to be constructed, n 4 $lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hcivhhorne, and on TLollczll. there were fire az-es and no nap, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, ap; I-krvt'norne, aye; md Ericlcson, aye; and th Brede Child offerzd the follorsing Besolution and moved its adoption: ni, -t L~~OLWION l;p FROVING ?LUG3 AND SPSCii ICLTIOTCS FOE LZTZE iGd3J ILlP&EX3i'T NO. 32 iaD. ~D~CT- ING 2JI~TISX~Zi~ FCL B-DS B3 IT EESOLXZD by the Village Comcil of the Tillage of Edina: 1, The plans and specificahions for Xater 14ain liilprovemnt Ho, 32 heretorom prepared by the Villgge 3ngineer and IiOtJ on file in the office of the Tillage Clerk are hereby approvedc 2, Construction Balletin the following notice for bids for the constmction of said 2qwovment: The Clerk shall cause -bo be published twice in the Suburbxt Press and the 1.Z-J-JS ~~IJ~IQN TTIU;lGE CF ZDIiVi The Xdinz Tillage Council will meet at ths Qillage Hall, k30i .,* 50th S>reet, Iyhiezp?lis, KimesotE*, on ifondags, Januaq- 22, 192, aL 1:30 or clock P.K., to open mcl consider sezled bids for the constmction of Xater iJain and -"ilspur.i;e- narices to serve all lo$s md trects of &and in Edirrbrook .%dition* the plans and specifhations for said 5nprovemen.t on file in the office of the bllege Glerlr. !A1 bids mst be subnitted on the basis 02 cash*pzyment Tor the work, 170 bids will bo considered unless sealed and filed vj5th the undersigned bel"ore the the of said neeting 2nd accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or LertLfiecl check payable to the Tillage Clerk in the mount of Ten percent of the mount of t'ne bid* * t The ~ro& on said bqi.oreaent xust be done as described and spccifLed in I c BY omm+m EX ll.iXL!LE GomcIL. . Bower I-Iawtko-me Tillage Clerk Zdina , ZAm5s oLa 3* Each and zl.1 or" ths terns 02 the foregoing advertismen-t for bids are hereby edopted a9 the tern= and conditions of the zitarcl of the con.l;r&ct far said hproveiirert. Uotion Por sdciptioq of the Eesolution ie,s seconded by &w%horne, and on TZollcd.1 there xere Xive Zyea ad no ilAp, as follows: qe; H@horne, zye; ad Zrickson, ays; and $he L 1, 'c Public IIea5ng was ne>& hzd on Proposed Senitzry Sewer to serve all lots ad tracts and land in Edinbroolr Lddition, and Lots One to Six, Inclusive, Block TKO, 'I'ingdale Scothers 3rookside, prsuznt to Votice of Hezring," published in Suburb& Press, Eop!W, FXrnasotr, Decmber 21 and 28, 1950, Affidavit of PubXcation for xiiich 2.n~ read, approved GS to fora and placed on.r"ile, _k@neer OlcsonTs estinmbe 02 cost, as read, 'ims $10,0,50.60, as against 2,05L:.,93 assessable feet, or $4&E!4 psr assess- aUe foot., ST, 48th Street, ormer of Lots 3, & ad 5, Block 2, Pingdale Brothers Brookside, expressed :*elf as being. in favor of t1-xi.s project. xulitten objections prior to -Lk Hearing, moved its adoption: &. Xilliztn Sa Ec3dt, TFere were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk kizd received no Child oifered the follo~riig IXesolutLon ad RZSOLi3" 03DEFEKG DfpEtt\'TZ 3T c heretofore. caused notice or hearing to 'be &iL$ pub&ished on the proposed: iaprovenent consisting of Smitay Seiiar Extension ctnd'Appurtenmces to serve all lots and tracts of land in Edinbrook frcielition and Lots One to Six, IncXusivs, Tingdale &others Broolc- side; and at ths htzing held at the the and place specified in said notics the Council has duly conaitdered the xiern of 211 persons interested, and. being fully acivised of the prtiwnt facts does hereby determine to proceed with the constmction of said inprovaeiit; that said hprovement is hereby designcted and shall be referred to. in all subsequent pi-oceedbgs as Sanitaiy Se:rer &provemiit No, 30, ad the area to be sFzciQly asseased therefor sbsll hclude al1.lots and "uacts of lad abuttb-g sad frorrbing upn the streets in waich said iqrovment is to be corstructed. Xotion for adoption .of the Resolution was aec vere five qws and no nqs, BS folloim: Bred Haxkhornz, aye; -ad Sriclcson, &ye; md tie Reso . d, aye; Damns, qp; QSl"ge Cle& .. .. ChG3.d ofiered the &llo;;ing Resolution and moved its adoption: rmoLmzc,:f AFTZO~TG PXIS .RD ~~zcmc~~~m~ e FO2 SlQJQ23.~ 3nm K!3LOrn2!jT no* 3a iYD DmZCT'ITG. JDT&TT'E.ZIbZ ma Bm BZ a li'Z5OLD by the TEU-ctge.Council 02 Itlie VXLsgs of Edkia: .. . . . .. I, n ihe @a~s 2nd qecific&&ons for Sanitary Swer Bprovement Eo. 30 kiere'i;o- I'ore preparcd by the Trillage Zngineer end now on fila in the office of Llie Tillage Clerk are Lerebx approvzd, 1/8/51 811 2+ The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and tie Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the constmctioi? 02 said iriiproveaent : XiXEXTI~~Zi\E FCR Ems FaR - SXImBY bxm VILUC3 OF EDDEi The Cdim-Tillage Council v&L1 neet at the Village €XLl, 4leOl T, 50th Skeet, I.IiniicapotIa, on Ilondsy, Jauary 22, 1951, at 7:30 o'clbck P.L, to open a-nd consider sealed bids for the .construction of Sanitary Semr E:&ension and Lppurtenances to smv3 all lots and ti-acts of laad in Edinbi-ook"Lddition and Lots One to Six9 Inclusive, Block 2, Tiisgdale Bro-Lhers 3rookside. The TJO~!: on said Lnprovement must be done 8s Cescribed aid specifisd in the plans ad specifications for said ikuprovment on file in the office of the VilLage Clerk, Iill bids must be submitted on-the basis of cash gayr~ent Tor the work. Bo bidsvwill be cansidered unless sealed and lilsd x;ith the under- signad before the tiue of said- meeting &nd dccompanied by a cash cle;:osit, bind bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the aQount of Ten percent of 'che amount of the bida * * - BY OTD~ OF T:B VILEAGE ccurnxz. -- . -Rower €iat&horne Village Clerk Edina, ?innesota 39 inprover,ien% II Each and all of the terms of the Zoregoing advyrtlserient 202 bids are hereby adopbed .EX Llie terms I- Kayor Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing on Froposed Eloadv~y, ~.~ublished ix Suburbaa Press, rdlich was read by Clerk, qqrovzd es -to fom ar?d placed on Zile, ikyor Eri.cl;son c3Lled gublic hearing on the petition of Oscar Grant for the openimg of a road- my four rods ki width over the South two rodd of the East ~3~36 acres of &ot 2, kind the Rorth two i-ods of adjoining land in Lot Range 21 IT.; said roL;dwaJi. to tjeme as access-to his propei-ty (which is hotm as Lot 2, Section 9, Totmship 116 IT,, Bange 21 IT,, excepb -the 3ast 23.36 acres thereof.) Engineer Olssen reconmended that, if roadmy is opened at all, r%ght- of-wzy be secured over the South tlio rods of entire Lot 2 and over the North two rods of entire Lot 3. 'Petitioner GranS exylained that he has an ezseilreixt of one rod, over the South one rod of the East 23.36 acres of Lot 2; that "cs is ttro il&rTOtJ for public ingress and egress; -i;hat he is petitioning for full roadway becmse he i&shea to plat his property; that he Is willing to purchase, a-t full appraised vdue, the South t?ro rods of %he 3ask 23.36 acres OP 2.0% 2; kheL he isill grc,.de road at i10 cost to Tilkge, Szst 23.36 acres of Lot 2, objected to opening 01 road, stating this -muld daxge their o~m progpects for building and flood %heir property; teinad tl~zt easement given I&* Gi-mt over their prsperty is not ,"or 9ublic roadmy purboses but only for his own access to a hay field, Village .ittomey TTindhorst for his emmination of isasernent. Village Engineer Olsson presented tahulatim of bids Ld\:en December lI; 1950, as foxLovm : in X* 53rd Street between Oaklawn and Brookview ilvenues,*and in Brookview iivenue between TI. 53rd and TT.-54th Streets - : Moplcins, PIiwesots, on Dedember 21 and 28, 19.50, .Ifx-Laavi-t of hblication for Section 9, Toimship ll&N*, I2c. and Iks; Carl Eiken, owilers of Vrle They main- 118tter referred to - For Xater I&tin Improvement IT0 .A - Construction of iiain and kppurtenmces Low Bidder - Fhilps-Drake Co, , iiinnexpolis d7,24&32 Nexb Low - Lametti 8 Lametti, St, Paul 73 585tO4 - 'Child moved thzt bid be amrded to P'nelps-Dr&e Co., and that Rayor Zild Clerk be authorized -Lo sign contract in nane of Qillage for said construckion, seconded by Hawthorne and carriede Notion -/ For Sanitary Sever in York 2vciue fyom TJ+ 55th - Street to 15.4 feet lTorth.jl., : 3 Child moved that bid be awarded to Phdps-Drake CO., and that Clerk and Ikyor , Low Bid - Phelps Drake Go,> I-Znneapolis. $1 , 4621 '11 20 TTzxb LOP+ Yes'cern Underground Const, Go., IZnn?spolis .1,42&,50 be authorized to sigi'2ontract in nme 02 Villgge for said construction. seconded by Xavhhorne and. carried, Ih-tion k delegation led by IZr* It. E, Bed, 5616 Athott Avenue South, complained about policy of -tagging cars left in stre.et overnight, explaining that because their alley is inaccessible due to recent storm sewer constixction they have no place bv-t the street in which -to park their cars. explanation. Zngheer Olsson confirmed this Hatter referred to Village Engineer Olsson for his settlement. lke &a1 inquirad 83 to whether Tillage could fill abutting lots (and assess property thmafor) at the same time as it filled the alley, Ek. Olsson stated that the &ley muld be filled along its full fourteen-foot xidth, and that he bzlieved there would not be much fill required for abutting lots, materialss Petition dated ITovejnber 24, 1950, b3- Christ CI Lee & Sons, Inc,, for semr and water m2.n ex.%&nsions to serve property abuttinkg T?oodcres$ Drive from approximatel.? 3&0,6 feet South thereof, was. read; petitioners being oTmers of 100% of said propertfes, for I.Sonday, February 12, 1951, at 7:30 PA %ir@ Dmens reported shortage of fill Xo ac$ion tekm by Council, 4 55th Street to Child inovcd accepting petition and setting Fublic Hzaring thereon I-Iytion secpded by Hau-bhorne ad carriedt hended petition, for the Gcading and Gravelling of Oxford Avenue between the IJorth' boundaq line of Beverly IWs Lddition ad Division Street, signed by owners of 5%; of abutting propsrties, was readr IJotion br Child, accepbing peGition ad setting Fublic ITearing therzon for Eondq, February 12, 1951, at 7:30 PJL, 13s seconded by. Savi-bhorne and carr'io,d. . DedicatTon by Glzrcist C, Lee (% Sons, Inch, for Dev5r Drive (mtei?zmins, sewarmins and street) was read. acceptable but that there is some stzbilkzing still to be done inth3 streeta HzvrUiorne noTed that mtter of dcdicztion of utilities ad street be refcmed to Village Engineer for Turther hvestigation ad report. and carried, Yillqp Attorney TZndhors'zt s opinion regarding closing hours for establishnents holding food and on-sale 3.2 beer licenses was read; deputy clerk eqiL@ning thzt opinion had been secured at request of Police Department because of the lateness in closing hours observed b;r sone of the establishments. HavSlornets aotion, rzferrkg mtter to Ordb-aices and Lsgislation Codttse for stuc?~ and repart, TI~S seconded by Cud and carrisd, agineer Olsson reported that mter and sewer mins are Rotioi< seconded by- Danens * Yith regard to resest of E.,C, Stow.for right to purcbse from Pillage thzt portion . of property originally dedicate& by him, jrith pla5 "Stow's Yvonne Terrace,tt as Park, :lttorney Xndborat's mitten opinion of Jmuarjj 4, 3.951, .ttV~~t Pillage cm -nei&her divert such proixdy to other uses nor sell it:' was revizwed; such opinion dso staghg that Council~a pomr to. vacate said pwperky is in question, Park So-ard T;Tinutes of I.lcetings &f Decmber 7 1950 and Ikch I, 1950, were reviewed for Eoard*s reco&endation; bdt a$ these &u$es deal T.ri'ch Lane, rather thzn wi'c'n Park, no recornendation was to be had. nee&ing, IIotioi seconde3 by Child Gd carriede , fZmkes of Park Boerd Xeeting of Deceniber 22, 1950, regarding _Skatbg Ehkc opsrations, wer9 subzrfLt$ed, TeTJieiTed, and placed on filer 3ppUcztion of Ea-old T, Carlsen, IS.nnszpolis, for permit to sell frreplzce siood in Zdinz, vas sukdLtzd+ fumLshing lo catzon of business,.' Xotion FeconGed by Daneas and carriedi Hawthorne moved %ha$ matter be tabled until L $ater - Ikv-Lhorne aoved that permit be grated, subject to Xi., CarlsenTs b ., .-- The TUzge'Council of S&ct do ordain as follomf 1/8/51 3 . Tht Josephine Avenue e;=teinding between E, 48th Street and Yest 49th Street shall be renamed Vestbrook I+2ea - Section 2, ,This Ordinance shall be in force and. effect fi-ora and after its passage 2nd publication according to lzw, Notion for adol;tioa of Ozdinance was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredeser?, .qF;+hlld, aye; Danens, &ye; * 2hsr Turnbull inquired &out possibility of blac!&oppi-ng 2nd PELS told that Council. has policy of sctin,g upon petition of owners of 51% of pr6~erky; that it might be possible to consider this street together uith !Wd.nbrook Addition" if agreeable to owner .of Zdinbrook. Applications for Plumbers Licenses, by 'CTilliam Carlson, 2Lt00-10th +:venue South, Einnszlpolis, and Eies Plumbing an2 Hea-L-Lng Co, , .Sh&opee, IJWesota, were reportsdr I-Earsthorne moved for the grantiiig of said. 'licenses, Zor the pci-iod Jamary 8 to April 1, 1951, Requests by Robert T'f, Laiman, 5119 IJooddalk Glen, and Oscar T, Lmg, 4529 ?Jood.d&le Glen, for a street light a$ the corner of ?Tooddale Glen aid Wooddale Avenue ,were honored by Eotion Child, seconded by Danei?;; ahd carried* Xotion seconded by Danens and carriedr I Ediqa Voltmtger Fire Departrmntl s notifics,tion of the rs-electior, of Pk. Chris &Eteel as Chief, was read,, Office,asked to secure 1?2mes of other officers in .Department and- Xdina Voluiteer Firemen1 s Relief Association, A delegation of Bedford Avenue Gesidenis, Fed by If-, George %heaton, $330eEedford, couplained of receiving tags for parking in street all nightr that their Zlley is not useable and that, -th.erefoi*e, thq- have no other al.%zimakive but to park in the street; %'et they will be glad. to cooparate by parking on one side only. Police Depai-tnent, The cane next to the Council' s attention, and moved its adoption: _* They explained Elatter referred- to Villzge Engineer Olsson for his settlement with c of,official depositories for the Tillage for the calendar year 1951 Ea-dhorne offered the follou,ing Resolution IWOLUTIGi4 D%SIGiL?TiHG ij3PO3iTiXtY @IDL.>m &*%TONAL B:**NII;) BE IT WZEY FJSOLIXD, that Widland IVational-Bank of Em.neapolis be, snd hereby is, designated-as an official depository for the Public Funds of the Special J-ssessrnentx and Poor Funds of the Tillage of 3dina for the cslender year 1951, ItIo-i;ion for edoption of Resolbtion was were five-ayes and no nays, as follow: B sye; and Erickson, axe; znd Lhe lid on Rollcall Vhare aye; Danens, aye; Hawbhoriie offered the folloiJing Resolution md moved its adoptionr PXSOLU~ION LWPEOVEG ,!IGCjIGlB~EI$T OF SCUZj3Ti3S. aT LiEU GF - EOUD MIDUJD lTLTIOl7AL EIiQJii OF EIiXGPOLIS €B,5OLJJED, tbt Yne Tillage-Council-of. %he Tillage 03 ZdWa approve the assignmen'r, by its depository, the Kidland Paatfond €hid: of 3ijnn6apol,is, of :,375,000.00 2-l/.4$ Federal Farm . Loan Bonds of 1953-55, due February 1, 1955, as good. and sufficient collateral for Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in the said dspository, P%o&ion for adoption of Eesolution was secondsd by'Child, and on Rollc&Ll there werp five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen t 1/8/51 Hawthorne offered the ZoUoxing Besolution and moved its ;d.option: t SI@I@ORY P~SOLUTIOT~ I;fBLAITD ~~~LTI~~~~ Bid@< OF UTIIIG"Z3LIS BE IT FZSOLTED, that %lie persons. holding office as I.Iir.yor, Xlayor Pro-Tea, Treamrzr or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this Village be, ad they hereby are, authorized to act Por this Tillage in the transaction of any bankSng bushess 75th I.lidlmd Iktional -Bank of Ihncapolis (Serinafter refezred to as the bznk) , such+uthoritgr including'zutkrarity on behalf of or in. the naa of -;;his Village Tram tine to tke and until written notice to the contrary'to the bank, to sign checks against seid account, Yiiich checks sImU be s5gned br the I~Iayor or flayor Pro-Tern, . Village C1eiak or Deputy ViUnge Clerk, and Village Treasurer, As hereby authorized aid diracted to honor and pay any check against such c?,ccount wlnieh is signed as ahore described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or depsited to the cradit of, any officer or officers of tine Pillage, iiicluding the signer or signers of the Checks* Eotion for adoption of the Xesolution TES seconded by Dmms, and on Bollcall there were five aps a.cl=l no ,nap, .sla follow q-3; Hawthorne, qe; and Xrickson, aye; and . The bmk t Tillage Clerk HaiAhome offered the following Resolution and nbved its adoption: 1 1 - 3EOLbTIOlT. DE3IClJ.f~Ti3G DZFChlTGtX @BST ~LLX STiLm "UQX) . BZ IT ,HEEFX 7Xi,XJED -t~at l?irsL.Eqiqa;State Bmk, Edins, Zh.nesoi;s, authorfzed to do a bmking business in I-%mesota, be and hereby is, d.esipated 2s offioizl depository 03 the Public lRv.d..s of ";fie General, 3Wipzian-L Bental,. Sewer Bental, Gzw'oage Collectior_, Vatcrr.iorfcs, Liquor, J'eriment bprowemnt PtevoLv3-ng, Pemmen% hprovment E+volvihg Deb% Service, 1950 kproveaents Serir$s ITo* Ona, ad 1950 Iuprovemnts Series "foe Txio Rmds of .the TJillags of +dii~, Countr of Hamepin, !&mesota, for the czlend"ar yecul.1957,* 7 t + E IT XETI-ZE Z3XED, f2Ix.t this designa-Lion is subject to the right of said Tillage pf Xd5n.a to modify, vacate, and revoke sme sccoi-ding to lm. I.Zotion for adoption of Resolutior, was seconded by Danem, anLon Bollcall there were five ayes aid no nays, es ~oUO:.JS: HavLLorne, aye; ai6 Cilickson, aye; and .-Lhc Reso UT. rQr,an 'zdo@ed. 1iTP-m + Bradesen, aye+GhSd, aye; Dams, ap; . ' .. f&fbA >' , #I .. / zf- .. 7 c I-Iayor PXLage Clerk Hathiiorne or"fered the folloixing Resolution ad novsd YGS zdoption: \ I SECmJmS- IiT IJXd Gr .X!XD . . - t XXOLTJ'ilIG3 r^L??PlicivII;G BSSIGlCiiET OF FIRST. XDILE 5TLTZ E!XE BE 33' EZ3GLTZD, that the.ViUge Coqncil of %he Tillage of Xdim ezpprove the amigimji-it .by i-bs depositoq-, the First Zdba State Bdx of ECJins, IZzlilmok, of -Lh foU&.ng; as good ad sufficient collateral for the Village or' Zdhe Public Funds dqos5i;ed in seid dey;ostLory: U,S, n irezsucy 30126s .- 2& Due 3/15/58 ;,i310,000,03 V.F. TYP.-.z'.;-?;~ Bonds - 2% Due 12/15/54 , 5,c00.00 TOY.L ;;325,030 e 00 Kotion for zdbption of fiesolution XES seconded by Danens, and on Bollcdl there :krkhornz, aye; and Crickson, qz; 2nd - c;,re m 3ve a>-es md EO nays, a$ folJows: Sred Re -. c. - - 3zwtkorne offerad the folLotAag Besolution and moved its adoption: SLC~XTORY Fa3OLTJTION * ----a__ - 1/8/51 0s. deposited to the credit of, eny officer ar officers'of the Tillage, includbg the signer or signers or" the check, 1.Iotion for adoption of -;;'ne Resolution was seconded by Daneix, and on I20lZcd.l there -i.sere five ayes and no nays, as follows: ATTEST : Bred-esen, aye; Child, eye; Damns, aye; Ballrthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and. Ikyor A XByor 3i5.ckson recamiznded. the appoiiitrnei?'c of Trustee Fred. Sp Child. as iid,yor pro-'lcii for the year 1951, and I3wl2noma ofrer'ed tk& f ollorhg ~Rcsol~T:i,oi1, rmvLng ilcs ad-option: 1- L?LGLUTIOB &?FODRIi'SG 'I-iDOB F2O TZLi FOG, Ea- -L'I&;GZ. OF 3DEGL ~ FOG -m .-:195f. - I I31 IT Y~XJLWD, that Tixstee Fred 3, Child be appointed "iayor Yi.o-Tem of the VrLllzge. of -Edina for the calxdar year 1951, Nobion for adoption of the Resolution was secoii 011 Gollczll thera were four ayes and no nays, as ~OUOTZTS: Id, pot voting; and Srickson I Xayor Sricksori recomaended personnel for Stand-ing Cod'ctess of the Gomcil for the year 1951, aid Hawthorne offered the following Resolutioa confirning appoirib- men'lcs, arid 'inoved its edoption: -t c -..- RX3OLU$TOll ZSTA%3LL3HIL.SG COi%iX!EZE 1&.53IGPn:Ei?TT3 -FO2 TIG- COrnCIL I-EBrnS FOR rr TIS E2-Z 1951 . I BE IT PJSOLTED that Committee issimments for the ineabers of the Edba E IT FJEE%lit ~SOLmD, khat it skll be the policy of this Council that its Cormittees shgll function as advisory bodies to the full Council, and. th8t sdainistrative orders shall be issued only by action of the Council, B3 322 F-&TI-m 22SOLVED that Donald S+ Burris be appobted to the oSice of Assistant Tillage &torn5y for the year 1951 and until his successor is duly- appoiried and quaified, and. 'chat the salary for the cbove naned office be, and hereby is, established. at $50.00 per month, I EZ IIT lTRTE3 FZSOilm thzt Dr, Loi;e+l 1.1. Campbell be qpointed to the office OP Edina Tillage Healkh Qffice_r for thearea 1951and until his successor is duly appointed and qudified-, and tha$ the salary for the above nzmd office bs, and hereby is, established at $30.00 Fzr month, Uotion for adoption of Eesolution ims sec Yyre five arks and nc na$s, as follows: Hm-thorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and'the . - Letters fron i%.nicipiL Judge !Jevi.lle and Special Judge florton, afidsing of the resignation of Gretchen Sa ;!den as Clerk of Court, and reporting two applicants €or position-Rickdrd E, 0lsoa,1907 Stevens LL~. So,, Enneapolis, and ?Iks, Donald Lovold, 5304 Beard _Lve. So,, unnezpolis, were readc ?ualifications of cavldidates were re.ii_e:;ed; and kxhhorae offered %he following Zesolution and noved its adoption: I --. TG5jOLUYiOX ,ZPPORPiX3G CLZRK OF IJtRXIPLL Xunicipd Court, and tii& the salary for the above nmed'office, be zr,d hereby is, established at .,:75*00 pzr month. Irotion for &option of Resoluhion was secondzd by Child, and on Rollcall there < were five ayes and no nays, 2s follows: Y&~bhcime, aye; and Zricksol;l, 2ye; and Eecomendations by I+nicipI. Judges, that -Lhe r"or Iknicipil Court Sessions be chaiged.. from-T:edneshey and Thursday: evenings each week to Tuesday and Thursday evenings, XES. dr;sct?ssed. . Hawbhorne offered the' folloriing Resolution and moved e.- its tidoptioi: E C 3ZiSOLLKIOX ~SSTLDLI.%IHG TIE3 FOB RZGKL*& Kotion for &option 02 Zesolution was seconded by Child, md on Sollczll there were fi-Je syes and no nays, as folloirs: Harhhoqe, aye; and Zrickson, aye; and tne Danens, ap; /b L israyor Y Tillage Clsrk :.Tith regard to des$gmtion of Official Publication - for Villzge for rear 1351, the $ollov&ng sezled bj-ch;; rrere pblicly opened and razd: Hennepin Com$y Betiew - Legal rates of publication, Suburban Press - Legal rates of publication; 10% discount for cash within 30 days of billing, Hmhhorne mved that SuburSzn press, Hopkhs, be designated as Offickal Publication for Village of Edina Tor ye= 19%. llotion seconded by Dawns ad c~rrl&* w5.1 87 Ldministration of Poor Relief for Village for the year cme ne& to Coimcilfa a-ktention, with HawLliorge off ering thz following Resolution aid inoving its adoption: SOLUTION FOE ccmrwT S~H su~mm PIN COrnTrY %LIZ? Born FOI a- iAKQTIST2iTIOiJ 2.3i) -SCf;-EBVI3L@LT ClF FCOR z - xaJrnF. IN VT-~GZ OF ZDIIIA * BE IT i?.ZSOLTTm, That the.contract submitted by the Suburban Hennzpin CounJcy Relief Board bf the County of Iieimepin for the zdrilrinistration and supsrvision of poor relief ia the Tillage of Xdina be accegted and qp?oved; and BZ IT FU2THZi RZSOLm, That the proper officers of said Villags of Edina be directed Lo execute s2id contract in duplicate and Then ex3cutted to reburi one ol” said contracts to the Suburban 1-ennepin County Belief Board., lhe question was on the adoption of tiic Feaolution, and tiic %11 bcing cLlled there w2re five ayes and no nays, as follows: Dmenc, aye; Eavrtchorne, aye; and Erickson, ,a- <%d the Reso ution wm adopted* Village Clerk Y 427L i q-or Haw%hoi?..e riloved for Advertisement foi* Bids for year s reqyii*~r.m.ts fop Gasoline; Sad, Gravel and Rock; and Em.xmce, accorcl5xig to specificztions by Vilkge. Sngineer, --ilii”ci bids- to be- taken Xon2ay, Febiw-ary 12, 1951, at 7:30 PSI& Xotion seconded by Danens and carriedr ._- . - .. n Byyksen*, qe; Chilrl, aye; 0 ,p / -4 -2- L- . Child. moved :or pajnnent of the follow5ng Claims, liotion seconded br Danens znd carried. cL2Lnf NO, 2511 5510- 5512 5513 5514 5515 5517 5516 ~5665 ~5666 y5667 - . .‘ .. . . Sd, Port- Art. IC, Peters& Sheldon lihderson -:; . 9,0& s. 3, Gunn . 9L52 E, EJruce Hartman 9ea Roi-aXd Kols’cad 9.36 Ro’u6xr-t Stewart 31.52 Bert’ lierfeld 23.12 Fir& National Bank of T!@LsF * k i’Ll2.a J, €?lake, 9LDs *&.OO Subu‘rban EeFeph County Eelief. Bd, 623.93 * i; 627,33 Haatd1oione offergd the follo:vii>g Resolution “aid mdved its adoption: * PZSOLUTiOI\J E;ST&I,EI1TTIG SIUBBS 02‘ THOSE SXCTZI. OFFICIXLd . T..EOSZ SILiRE3 UTE I;iGT iX,€LZ!DY 3X! ESEGZJHED BY STL’ZZ STi.Ti-JTl3 OB VILLI@ GXDDiJTCZ ‘ A IG IT PXESOJXiiD that the salaries of Elected Village Qfficials be eslLb1ri;shed as follows, for *the year 1951: Reuberi F, Erickson, -1Iayor @O,OO psi: I-Tonth Bower ‘Hawbhorne, Clerk, ,;80aO0 per ibiith Fred $, Child, Trustee t.,:60.00 per idlonth .:xth$ C Bredesen, Jr, , Trustee \:;60,00 per ITon’Gh $5O4OO per I-iontli Philic NztdUe, Judge, I4unicipa.l Court 375.00 per Xonth &usti6 Dt Norton, Speci.al Judge 420a00 per week, with malrimum G’751;00 per Iionth JosepB A* Danens, Trustee” r $60,00 per Eonth + John g, Duggan, Treasurer ’\ - Kotion for adop%ion of Resolution ims seconded by Dmeiis, ad on Rollcall there‘ were five ayes &id no nays, as follows: Hamthome, aye; -and Erickson, aye; and the Ikyor At this the, H&thoiine moved for a recess of ten minutes. Child ad. carried, Eotion szconded by SALAEY FOE SAID OFFICE _. %3OLm, tkt P* Theo, Qlsson is hereby appointed as Executive Officer WOLm, further, thzt he shall have charge of and difsct a11 the ainisteria3. functions and actidties in charge of each Co&t%ee 2.n its absences -. ' ESGL?,GD, furthr, tb~t, ilottig herein cunta5ned shsll be or is to be construed- as .a delegabion of legislative or discretionary sdministrative Fmer of the Tillage Council. - I -EG!XILm, further, t'mt Lne salary for the &ove nmed ofEce is hereby astablislzed as &OO.C?O per nonth, Xation for adoption bf the Resolution ms seconded by Daens, and 011 Rollcall there were fit-e a-es arid no nays, as Danens, aye; ITa'l.rt3ornt=, are; Erickson, aye; I L' 11'3yOr " * Emthome offered the follov56.g Resolution and moved its adoption: -3ESOLUTiO3 ELfaFOIiEDJG Z*PIQEE5 - ;zm I3?STLBLISBIEI?G. s,z= positfons specified after eech name and at the salaries listsd; shall be con- eqlofxent of each prsonrshall be terminated by the rillage Council: IIg&B PCiSiTT@l Gret chm Alden EZ IT ZEOLmD, "chat employinent,of the following prsons, to hold the 'tkued until their successors are dul.7 appointed end qualified or until the - 5. 5 \ Child moved tht Tillage OL'fice be authorized to make up+-payroU 5.n aceordame uith Resolution adopted tonight regzrdirng eaployees , m.d the President, Clerk ad Treaswer he authorized to sign ~pyroll checks, carrieda Hm-Lhornel, Iriotion, &utt;orising Licjuoi- Store Papoll for January 1 to 15 aJG sane 'i10.00 incressa, was secmded bj? Child and carried* Kotion seconded by Xawbhorne and - rates as those of 1950, r.;ith exception of IJrs, Laum TTright who has received + .- Ik* Child resorted %hat Remepin Comty Likry Board would like sonic opinion from the Village Council es to the probability of establishent 02 a 1i'iira.x-y on the TTallace proper"cy, authorized to ini'orm the Hennepin County Librzqy Board t1x.t this Cow-~cil is in Zzvor of establishment 02 library at the Tallace property; that Gounc5.l is tjo25ng with semice gi-otlps toward. acquisqcLon or" property aid hopes Wiat Lcquisition may be accoinplished in the near future. znd qarriGd, Uotion by Haidhome, that Trusto~.Fred Child be Notion seconded by Brsdesen 0 c Ikmbers, answering FLollcakl irere Eredesen, Child, Danens and. Zrickson* Flerk Alden acted as Clerk, liinutes of 1;leetining of January 8, 1951, were approved as submitted, by 1.iokion dedesen, seconded by Danens and carrieda r c Deputy I. * I .- \r . Pursuant. to "Advertisement for Eids for Saitary Sewer Improvement T\Jo, 38," and to "Advertisement for= Bids for llat er Xain lhprovement No, 32, having appeared in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, G.me- apolis, on January 11 and 18, 1951, as per Affidavits of. Publication read by Clerk, the foll.o.r.rjng bids were publicly opened and readt saLd advertisements 77" rr-i F I b7~l~i& IQIN E.P. No, 32 srU.E;BY SEm DP, iS0,gO +. (For Edinbroolr) (For %dinbrook & 6 3d IRt: Uestern Underground Const, Cor, ElIpls. $15,021,25 :,716, S50,OO ** Corn, 20-Comp 160 Days Eom. 2O-Comp, 180 Days Bart Carlone, S-b. Paul $10,7 56.7 5 . ir) 8,653*05-. Conm;lGO-Comp, 30 Days Comr~*l8O-Corap, 30 Days Phelps-Drake ComApny, I-ipls* ~~2,920.00 $ 9,62320 Corn, 2O-Comp,l5O Days Corn* 90-Comp** 30 Days. Richard 14. Perron, I.Ipls* ',LO, 981.35 Corn, 60-Comp~ 90 Days * Cornc 60-C0mp, 90 Days, . DeGraff TSolff, St, Paul $13,856 50 vjl3, 938*65 Corn. 6/3o-comp,60 .Days $12, 77 5 7 5 - C01miir7/l-CO~pc 100 Days F,- I-iorettiiii, st L Paul $10, 633* 00 . 4 8,437.05 b ~om,6/~-Comp,~/~/5~ Corn, 5/1-Conpc7/1/51 . Lametti 8c Lametti, St, Paul $,i 9,0€&l!.8 $13, 989e48 Corn, 60-~omp, 60 Days Comm, 3O-Conpp 90 DaFs Child moved for referrzJ, of bids to Tillage Engineer for report at next meeting* .Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried,