HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510122_REGULAR\ Child moved tht Tillage OL'fice be authorized to make up+-payroU 5.n aceordame uith Resolution adopted tonight regzrdirng eaployees , m.d the President, Clerk ad Treaswer he authorized to sign ~pyroll checks, carrieda Hm-Lhornel, Iriotion, &utt;orising Licjuoi- Store Papoll for January 1 to 15 aJG sane 'i10.00 incressa, was secmded bj? Child and carried* Kotion seconded by Xawbhorne and - rates as those of 1950, r.;ith exception of IJrs, Laum TTright who has received + .- Ik* Child resorted %hat Remepin Comty Likry Board would like sonic opinion from the Village Council es to the probability of establishent 02 a 1i'iira.x-y on the TTallace proper"cy, authorized to ini'orm the Hennepin County Librzqy Board t1x.t this Cow-~cil is in Zzvor of establishment 02 library at the Tallace property; that Gounc5.l is tjo25ng with semice gi-otlps toward. acquisqcLon or" property aid hopes Wiat Lcquisition may be accoinplished in the near future. znd qarriGd, Uotion by Haidhome, that Trusto~.Fred Child be Notion seconded by Brsdesen 0 c Ikmbers, answering FLollcakl irere Eredesen, Child, Danens and. Zrickson* Flerk Alden acted as Clerk, liinutes of 1;leetining of January 8, 1951, were approved as submitted, by 1.iokion dedesen, seconded by Danens and carrieda r c Deputy I. * I .- \r . Pursuant. to "Advertisement for Eids for Saitary Sewer Improvement T\Jo, 38," and to "Advertisement for= Bids for llat er Xain lhprovement No, 32, having appeared in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, G.me- apolis, on January 11 and 18, 1951, as per Affidavits of. Publication read by Clerk, the foll.o.r.rjng bids were publicly opened and readt saLd advertisements 77" rr-i F I b7~l~i& IQIN E.P. No, 32 srU.E;BY SEm DP, iS0,gO +. (For Edinbroolr) (For %dinbrook & 6 3d IRt: Uestern Underground Const, Cor, ElIpls. $15,021,25 :,716, S50,OO ** Corn, 20-Comp 160 Days Eom. 2O-Comp, 180 Days Bart Carlone, S-b. Paul $10,7 56.7 5 . ir) 8,653*05-. Conm;lGO-Comp, 30 Days Comr~*l8O-Corap, 30 Days Phelps-Drake ComApny, I-ipls* ~~2,920.00 $ 9,62320 Corn, 2O-Comp,l5O Days Corn* 90-Comp** 30 Days. Richard 14. Perron, I.Ipls* ',LO, 981.35 Corn, 60-Comp~ 90 Days * Cornc 60-C0mp, 90 Days, . DeGraff TSolff, St, Paul $13,856 50 vjl3, 938*65 Corn. 6/3o-comp,60 .Days $12, 77 5 7 5 - C01miir7/l-CO~pc 100 Days F,- I-iorettiiii, st L Paul $10, 633* 00 . 4 8,437.05 b ~om,6/~-Comp,~/~/5~ Corn, 5/1-Conpc7/1/51 . Lametti 8c Lametti, St, Paul $,i 9,0€&l!.8 $13, 989e48 Corn, 60-~omp, 60 Days Comm, 3O-Conpp 90 DaFs Child moved for referrzJ, of bids to Tillage Engineer for report at next meeting* .Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, 1/22/51 Ur,’fieo Dvozak, County Road $18, Led a d-elegation of Edina property owners in the inmediate neighborllosd of a proposed public dupping ground about to be established ‘by T-;inne-tonka Toimship, to the Iliinnetonka ToTm Eoard. to l&netonIca Totm Board, stating th,a-b residents adjacent to proposed dunp have zpjrqached .Council to mite in their behdf, ‘hqfdbg that dump will not be mailztained, IIotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, 90 They requested that Edina Council,~rrite a letter of protest Child moved that Clerk be authorized to mite letter . leka TI. E, Caetz, 4507 TT. 56th Street, approached Council for establishment of P9fo Church Parking11 regulations on the South side of 71, 56th Street for one block Yest of the Colonial Church of Edina. Child noved that Ihnager .Ohson be authorized to remedy parking situation along lines suggested by 1.k. Goetz. lZotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Ik, Peter Groetsch, 403 &dison Avenue, asked. for relief fron drainage situation on Ikdison, explaining that street had been built up by Village after his house was built, and that, as a result, he has water standing in his yard during any wet season. Xngineer Olsson instructed to make investigation of this situation as soon as weather permits. ZSr. Howard Glubke complained of the dr;ainage in %he block surrounded by Ikl.oney Avenue, 3ehore he, Sefferson and I-kdison I“_venues, explaining tkt wter stands in a hole sone fifteen or eighteen feet deep, as aaresult of four culverts installed by the Villagep meet on the grounds, with Village Engineer, to investigate this mttsr, Glubke, 4.04 l-hdison, and the other members of his delegation asked to be notified of meeting. r .I E-, Carl IT. nansen presented Final. Plat ,of Parkwood Knolls 2nd Addition, together with petition for the blacMol;ping of the streets therein. Inasrmch as Plannbg Commission had not yet seen plat, mattier was referred to them for recomdation, .by Xiotion Child, seconded by Banens ad carriedc .- 1 I It ams decided that Public Utilities Comitt5e IZea I c, 1 Trustee Child reported that he had contacted Ek, T‘lallace about a price for the Lund-Yallace property on T7,5Oth Street just Vest af 13alifax Avenue; thzt he had received no price froin 1-5. Lid (but that 1Ir. Lund had paid I.Lr, :-:allace $13,000 €or the East ,128 feet of the property) ; that 1-2. Ilallaw asks a total of S;55,000 for the entire Vest 177 feet of the property, that he vdues the IJorth half of the property at $18,000, which would leave $37,000 as price for the South half of his portion, comprising $18,000 for the land and 319,000 €or the buildingr Ere Child also reportsd that the Hennepin County Library Board has had its engineer inspect the building, finding it entirely adequate for use as library. No action taken. Frank Karshall pptitioned for permission $0 add to a dwelling situated at 5$05 TTooddale, ’Lot 23, Block 4, Pairfax Addition., As said dwelling is situated on the back of the lot, such construction ~fll be in non-confornance with Zoning Ordinance. February 12, at 7:30, and that proper property owners be notified* secon&ed by Bredeaen and carried& Petition dzted Jauarg ll, 199, for the, blacktopping of Oaklam Avenue between ?i,5sth and T.T,55%h Street, and signed by ormers of 54 percent of abutting proparties, was read,, 1951, at 730 P.Z. JZotiGn seconded by Bredesen and carried+ Petition‘dated January 5, 199, for the blacktopping. (or for grading and oiling) of St,:%rdrer.rs Avenue, signed by $38 percent of abutting properties, ws readr Child moved that Public Ii$ar&g on petition be set for EIonday, lhrch 12, 192, at ?:3O P.L Re&e& off Jo@n S. Campbell, 468 Broiq-idale*,’Lvenue, and If, IG Stekdlce, 4520 Bromda$e Avenue, for Village regimbursement of 1/3 of the cost ped br each cf then for t$e relamg of m,ter nain,in Bridgg Street from Broiindale Avsnue to points in front of their respective homes,,were read; total ;uioupts for said work bekg $53846 as3 :j4$5.45 respectivezy. one-%iyd of clains of John 5, Cppbell and f.3iil+ Steinke. ,ITotion seconded by Gompl&t of Kp5c 11. Hayes, 5$09’Queen avenue South, that he hai been discourteously treated-by a clerk in the Edha I,;unicipal Liquor Store, was read, lette? be accepted ad rsferrefl to Liqucr Store Thnager IZppley for investigationo phild moved that rubl$.C Hearjng on petition be set for Uonday, Ilotion V t . Child moved that Public Bearing on petition be set for I.Ionday, I&rch 12, ‘I ~ IIotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, C* T Chilq moved that the Village Council assume .? Bredegen and c9rriedr .I + Child moved $hat Eotion Feconded by Child znd car?ied, .. January 13thxrepqrt of Bichyd Report cited need for .light 'at as standby power for water an-d ' 1/22/51 Palen, Director of Civil Defense, was read* each pump house, and also for portable'generator liaht . Bredes en' s 'mo6ion authorizing installation ea. - of ligl4t at-each pump house was seconded by Child and carried, Hr , Palent s reior$ 'included reconmendations for appointment of Jam& HcTJellis 2nd Chris KLtzel of the Edha Fire Department to serve 2s gdina delegates to Southwest Fire League, noting E?. Palenrs.willingness to serve also; Bredesen's motion, making appointment of Xessrs HcITelLis, 3Et zel and Palen as adina delegates ;bo Southwest Fire League was seconded by Child and carried,. I Stete Fublic 93k.iminer's letter, citing the law as to the filing of annual financial report, was revieIfed- Gnd fiiedL Regarding petition by:Oscar Grant for road r+ght-of&ay, Attorney ITindhorst s written opinion, to ezfect that Id&, Grant has e?,Gement for private ingress and egress only, and not for public right-of-way, was reviewed, Child moved that Attorney T:indhorst be -directed to forward copy ~f his *opinion to petitioner Grant. $lotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Atkomey General.' s DeGember 18, 1950, opqon--that Tillage ;dot eqeiid public funds to own or opera$e or to assist a bus systeq--w?s reviewed by Council and ordered filed* * Regarding Special Asskssments advocgted by Auditors st meeting of December 29,1950, Village Attorney IJindQorst's opinion--that Tillage may not assess non-users of water on theory that guch otmers are presently being benefited b$ availability of water through fire*protection--but that Tillage may make exbra sewer rental charge to owners of djsposalls--was rgviewed and ordered file4 for future reference, Y Trustee Danens reportid that a 1-34., Rogloski; applicant for building permit in Eolling Green, has repived no definite aliswer f$om the Eolling Green Jksocintion as to his property, regarding proposed sestlement of difficulties with dhkloper &%ll Hutchinson+ IdIotion seconded by Brgdesen and carried. I Police Reports, one fbr month of Jmuap, 19.51, and %he other for the year 1950, yere subnitted, hblic Safety Comittge, Hotion seconded by .Child ind carrAed* Natter of Police DepGtment Salmies wa? discussed. action of January 8, $951, with regard to s+aries for Police Department, be rescinded, and that the Automatic Increase Schedple be followed -* for the Police Department, Recomendction of Police Captain EcGary, that Patrplman Irving Gumidngs be employed as a permmept officer as of January I, 1951, was rekd,' Bredesen's motion, that Officer $hmmings be accepted on a permanent basis in confolmmce with Captain 'EkGary's recogmendation, was seconded by Danens and carried, ' . Ghild moved, directing office to mite Eolling Green Bssn. Bredgsen moved that Police Department Beports be referred to the Bredesbn moved that Council Iiotion seconded by Child and carriedr League of IJinnesota l-i&k5.p&Lities' Jap-ary 4th nohfication' Ff ?hart Courses in Kunicipal Adniizistration, to be held from Earch 8 $0 %larch -17, %as discusseds Child, moved that Village Xanager Olsson ad Public Utilities Su-pt, Ifoehler be authorized to attend said schools, Trustee Bredesen iiiqu;ired of Council as to procedure for securing combination Garbage-Ilubbish colleption service in Village, c-ting semrices provided for St,Louis Park and Bichfield, tract of Arthur IC, Pe$ersen, for garbage collection pnly, go on record as fzvor@g the Council's advertxisin.g for bids for combination service, before contr+act is reneved for year 195?$ Proposed new water ta=pk, and need .theref, was d.is cussed* Olsson be directed to* have plans and sgecificzations ready for hroposed new water tank, for submission $0 Council by last regular mee$ing in February, seconded by Danens a@ carried, Deputy Clerk request4d purchase of sliding bartition for Coun6il chambersa discussed plans for Tsllage Hall addit ion, and prelin$nary plans for remodeling, as prepared by archi$ect Krafft, were inqpected--wlth Council to have informal meeting, soon, to go ,over. these plans in *more detail, Engineer Olsson requested that Council purchase fireproof filing cabinet for plans and tracings, at approximate cost of $&36,5O. -be authorized to purchase such cabinet inmzediately, carriedi notion seconded by Bredesen and carried, w He was infowmed- that C9uncil ha$ Cenewed the con- iir. Bredesen asked to % Child moved that Engineer Eotion Council Danens moved that Engineer Ibiotion seconded by Ch'ild and 92 1/22/51 Child's ?notion, confimhg payment of Village Payroll, amount \3,676,50 aid Liquor Store .rapoU, anount t.X,456,79,. for period Jmusry 1 to 15, 1951 and Overthe for Deczmbier, 1950, ms seconded by Bredesen and *carried. Child's motion, allorring pawent of Village Payroll, amount $5,633*30 ad Liquor Store Payroll, amount t'.&04,70, for period January 16 to 31, Inc,, 1951, vas seoonded by Bredesen and carried, C-hildts motion, for papent of the following Claims, -was. seconded by Bredesen and carried: cLIa.1 HO. 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 '55% 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 5531 5532 5533 553.4- 5535 5536 5537 5538 5555 5558 5 560 5561 5570 5 572 5574 557-7 5578 5581 55% 5583 5586 5567 5533 , 5 534 5575 55w 5590 5 5% 5592 5593 553.4- 5555 5560 55%2 5563 5554 5566 5567 5568 5569 5572 55s 55% 5567 5588 5589 5594 f TO Xichard 0, Iiartin L IZorton Salt Co, ~m. Fire 3%&5%g, Go. . i.araer Hardmre Co. 4 Lyle Sign Go, 3oyce 'Insurzace Go, allia S, i-Ieydt Dr. 2. La Fitch 3chaub Office bkpply Co, Crook & Hailer, Inc, .Corthern Sanitary Supply Go+ &mepin County Eeview II. A; Rogers %dir?a Sand & Gravel Co, Lrtl, imine of Fire Chiefs City Treasurer, City of Lpls, hrroughs Adding Ihchine Go, Eorrell G iJichols, Inc, Edina Hardware Go, . + Petty Cash - Court nT,7.-. Bell Tel, Go* Eorthem 3-tstes Power Co, berican Linen Supply Cor Young Fuel Co, Village of Zdincr Eater Dept. Uke Holn, Sec. of State Xiller-Davis Co John B. Corn, Postmster Tom E Gountzy Hardware Co, Bosenrrald-Cooper, Inc, 31. 13, Ziegler Goa Suburban Press - -8 -. -- -.P. Roosholt cqlip. co, H, h. Bogers Cor 2.35 EdSna Sand G Gravel Co. 9.77 Construction h;tlletin 121So + Suburbm- Press 92*52 R. J, Gibbish 3rcavating Cog 5644. Jay 'Z. Craig Cob 270.00 Pi?elps-Dr&e Co 6684.90 P.1.E. FITID Ssiirrorth & Sons 2979 * 22 &0,615,97. Edina Sad & Gravel 5.09 Edha Hardware 5.49 11.V. 3ell TeL Co. 11.50 Boustead Elec. 0 IXg. Cod h 297.00 Japs4lson Go , ll'7~00 Badger Il'eter IEg* Cor 766 I 50 Berg & Farnhan (50, 4*00 Halla Ilursery 138s31 h, :Zatez%:orks Bssn* 10*00 Eississippi Valley Tank Go. 52*50 " -Young Fuel Go, 64-67 Tom t5 Cowtry Ilardmre 3 *.4-9 ,Arm. Cast Iron Pipe Go. 160. so Suburban Press 4*32 I Delaney Bros, ibrthern States Power Coo First ITatl, Bank. of Kpls. 5 540 5 542 5543 5 544 5545 5546~ 5547 5548 5 549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5556 5557 5560 5 561 5570 - 1 I 5576 5579 5 583 5586 5595 5555 55 59 5561 5571 557b 5 582 5 563 5565 5573 5584 5596 * 5563 5668 5669 5670 Ll.262 L1261 ~1263 ~264 ~126 5 1,1266 13.267 ~1268 .i FUND - II TO: iGiC1UiiTT iilmericm LaE'rance Foamite Corp, ~ *$ 13.84 - Him, Supply co* * 5+70 * * Paper Galmenson Go, U7.96 IJorthvrestern Tire Go . 235.50 Phillips Petroleum Co, 126,oo . Leer &os*, Inc, 1*10 1 Rihn Zbkor Co, 76-66. Dahlberg Eros ,, Inc+ 34 e 62 H, R* Toll Go, . 33.30 General Truck & Squip, Go, 67 a 36 1 3 A9 Suburban Chewolet Co e UtQJ Vagner Electric Goa 13 20 Holt uotor Go, 2004 Riteway Luto r Service le00 Industrial & Truck Parts 15.98 1 * 61, Eo Lab CO, s 9078 Firestone Stores 229.29 t. B,M. Bell Tel. Co, 15.50 Nor]thern States Bower Co, 21*70 limerican Linen Supply Co* 3+00 Gopher State Oil Co. 6,50 Rosenwald Cooper, kc, 78*54 %. 13. Ziegler Go,. z 254eS6 EQUJP, rnlDL1L Reinhard Bros. Co. 132.66 $2,055.24 - M i David Agency 5L22 Edina Hardware 3,81 Patri'cia Tornpkins l4e00 gorthern States Power Go, 128.33 Thompson Lumber Co, 49* 56 Tillage of Edina nater Dept* 25.00 P-aKS FUND Town & Country' Hardware. .- 5.30 $226 .oo Saps-Olson Co, 58a50 Canbridge Brick Co, 15*00 2.12 Northern States Power 'Co, L Eunicipal EquLp. Coo 135*81 SEXEz mla& City Treas., City of Xpls. 3886 * 9'4 _t,$4:309!?*37 - Japs-Olson Cos 1 4; . 5G$50 . *K +* 1 t GARBRcz;4: FUID 1 _. First 2Ja'cl. Bank of 'ffplss City Treas,, City of isijpls. First Hatl. Bank of Hpls. George ibnz Sons, Inc, Distillers Distyibuting Go, Fanous Brands, Inc, Griggs, Gooper & Col The X.M. Lohann Coo I.fcKesson & Robbins, Inc. Xid-tlrest Wine CO~ * Old Peoria Company, Inc, Anheuser-Ris ch, Inc, CaYlqda Dry Ginger Ale, Inc, Clausen.& Sons, *Inc, . Coca-Cola Bottling Company Cold Spring Distributing Go * Coriielius Beverage Conpany Gluek Brewing Company Nassolt Bottling Company 1G.nneapolis Brewing Co a IJorris Distributing Coa Pabst Sale? Company Purity Go*, Inc. Rex Distributing Co+ Seven-Up Eot'cling Go, Ifillard Distributing COe Petty Cash F. J. fluinn Paper Go, Borthern States Pomer Co, E, ,W'. Bell Telephone Go, Shell Oil Go, Tillage of Edina herican Linen Supply Cos (Continued Me& Page) 1/2/51 0, lie Droney Bev, Cos Xd, Phillips 8 Sons Go. Eidland IJa-bional Bank Val. Eijornson, Treas, PE3L i.&-mc Hosp, Service kssn, Griggs-Coopar, Inc, * *.I Child* s notion, authorizing Village Treasurep to secure Novexfwr Tax Settleinent from Goun%~ Auditor, was seconded by Bredesen and, carriedl, $Tanager Olsson reported that Davrid Bob.eris, tho had been granted a salaq increase to $210100 per nonth, should receive additional increase, recorntending total increase to &25rO0 pr month, CkLild moved that Council follow suggestion of TEllage Kanager and grant increase in salary.,of $?S*OO per nonth to Davig Robertss, IIotion seconded by Danens and cwried, Application of Joe Carlsin, 5652 Pleasant, kve, Si,, knneapolis," for Edina €'lumber7 s Ecense, was s!bmL%tedJ . Child moved that, Plumber's License be approved* seconded by Da~lens and cwried* 'I I lrlotion . 3llINcfTEs OF THE EElXZiL HEXTING OF THE: ' $DINA-VLLLAGE COJ?IC?L, W.SAmAY, EEEiUARX 32 19$I.J 'AT- 2:30., I?&, AT .T&E *- .. EDINA V'JI@GE,HAL& _. Pursuant to due call ana notice, 7io&cG-m&-ins'Spe&ial Session on Saturday, February 3, 3-93, at 2:3 P41. Ewers ansvrerbg Rollcall were Chad, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson, * i&th Bredesen abgent -." * *r Eatte? of'papat of 825,000 in full se&tlement of J.Vi Gleasonrs claim for work performed for the Village, as per Attorney Endhorstts letter of January 29,1951, came .to attention of Council. Hawthorne ofgered th9t,follov&g Resolution and moved"5.t s adoption: I RESOLUTIONFOR SETTiXXEXT OF CLAZ3S AGAIIkT * YILLAGE OF ED IN^ BY J. V, G&ON . + - ,. .-- . &3 If RESOLVED by % jl7i&y%b& of Chi+V&&e of Edina that $25,000 be paid br $@&s.flillagB/in f Village of Edina; this ket-blement having be& reiched on a friendly basis, after -- considered $iscussion, 'Said settlunen6 recognizes the sincerity and good faith of both >Ire Gleason and-the Village of Edina their respective positions, These earnest efforts on both'dides to reach a solu6ion of this matter have not only ended in an amicable digposition of it .but haGe saved %he 's6bstantial expenses and se t anent of all claims made by him against said hazards connected with Grokracted litigation, Notion f.or adoption of gesolution was .. %rere four ayes and no nGys, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and $he Resolukion T&S - I a f. Hawthorn&s motion, tha-6 Hayor and Clerk be authorized to sign Release to J.V, Applica.ion by Donald E: Kemp for food license at tQont s Cafe, 1' 5348 France Avenue, was presented. .3iotion-@x Danens that License be &anted subject to regulations, and ghat strict insp-ection of equipnent and prem$es be made, was seconded by Child and maninously carried. Gleason, yas seconded b$ Danens and,manimchsl;y carried. -. * Nayor Eri'ckson was authdrized to appoint a cqmnittee to stuw I. the possibility of suppla fluorine in t&e Village water supply, .There being no further 6ushess to come b&ore Xeeting, Daae&r *motion for adjourn- ment I~S seconded by Cl&d gnd unanjmously carried. ' .