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0, lie Droney Bev, Cos
Xd, Phillips 8 Sons Go.
Eidland IJa-bional Bank
Val. Eijornson, Treas, PE3L
i.&-mc Hosp, Service kssn,
Griggs-Coopar, Inc,
* *.I
Child* s notion, authorizing Village Treasurep to secure Novexfwr Tax Settleinent from
Goun%~ Auditor, was seconded by Bredesen and, carriedl,
$Tanager Olsson reported that Davrid Bob.eris, tho had been granted a salaq increase to
$210100 per nonth, should receive additional increase, recorntending total increase to
&25rO0 psr month, CkLild moved that Council follow suggestion of TXLlage Kanager and
grant increase in salary.,of $?S*OO per nonth to Davig Robertss, IIotion seconded by
Danens and cwried,
Application of Joe Carlsin, 5652 Pleasant, kve, Si,, knneapolis," for Edina €'lumber7 s
Ecense, was s!bmL%tedJ . Child moved that, Plumber's License be approved*
seconded by Dams and cwried*
I lrlotion .
' $DINA-VLLLAGE COJ?IC?L, W.SAmAY, EEEiUARX 32 19$I.J 'AT- 2:30., I?&, AT .T&E
*- .. EDINA V'JI@GE,HAL& _.
Pursuant to due call ana notice, 7io&cG-m&-ins'Spe&ial Session on Saturday,
February 3, 3-93, at 2:3 P41. Ewers ansvrerbg Rollcall were Chad, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson, * i&th Bredesen abgent
* *r
Eatte? of'papat of 825,000 in full se&tlement of J.Vi Gleasonrs claim for work
performed for the Village, as per Attorney Endhorstts letter of January 29,1951,
came .to attention of Council. Hawthorne ofgered th9t,follov&g Resolution and
moved"5.t s adoption: I
* YILLAGE OF mmh BY J. V, G&ON . + - ,. .-- .
&3 If RESOLVED by % jl7i&y%b& of Chi+V&&e of Edina that $25,000
be paid br $@&s.flillagB/in f
Village of Edina; this ket-blement having be& reiched on a friendly basis, after
-- considered $iscussion, 'Said settlunen6 recognizes the sincerity and good faith
of both >Ire Gleason and-the Village of Edina their respective positions, These
earnest efforts on both'dides to reach a solu6ion of this matter have not only
ended in an amicable digposition of it .but haGe saved %he 's6bstantial expenses and
se t anent of all claims made by him against said
hazards connected with Grokracted litigation,
Notion f.or adoption of gesolution was
.. %rere four ayes and no nGys, as follows:
and Erickson, aye; and $he Resolukion T&S
a f.
Hawthorn&s motion, tha-6 Hayor and Clerk be authorized to sign Release to J.V,
Applica.ion by Donald E: Kemp for food license at tQont s Cafe, 1' 5348 France Avenue,
was presented. .3iotion-@x Danens that License be &anted subject to regulations, and ghat strict insp-ection of equipnent and prem$es be made, was seconded by Child and
maninously carried.
Gleason, yas seconded b$ Danens and,manimchsl;y carried. -.
Nayor Eri'ckson was authdrized to appoint a cqmnittee to stuw I. the possibility of
suppla fluorine in t&e Village water supply,
.There being no further 6ushess to come b&ore Xeeting, Daae&r *motion for adjourn-
ment was seconded by Cl&d gnd unanjmously carried. '