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* am rcgam I cgvmcn, m. mm~, .
l$BBUAQY.- 12s -1@l, _AT 7:30 ,P.%, AT THE
%.: . .-* - mm VILx&GE HALL. .. . -- . ..- -9- - _. Iknbers aswering .RoUc&l were Child, DGens, Hawthorne and Xrickson+
CMldts motion,-approving Ninutes of Regular Meeting of Januab 22, 1951 and
Special geeting of February 3, 1951, yas seconded by Damns and carried.
<&pr callid Public Hearing on the proposed Grading ad Gravelling of Oiiford Avenue '
between North, Bo~tndary-of Beverly €Ells AdiXtion-and Di3ision Street, purbuafit to
1lNotice of HearingtJ as published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on January 31 and 18, 1951, affidadt of,pubbication for wgch was read by.Clerk; Zngineer's Estimate of .Cost, in total iEmoulzt of $1,010+69, as again& 1,220tassess4ble feet, or $,S3
per-assessable foot, tms readr Mrsr D* C. Kreckow, 4521 Oxford dve., supported
the petition, There were no objections fromthe floor, agd the Clerk had received
, no written .objections' prior to the hearing.
Resolution and moved &Pis adoption:
* * STREEE.L'NO; C-10 . *- *
BE XI.' RESOLm by the Counc$l~f. the..Visage..of .Bd:ina, Einnesot'a, that this Council
heref;ofore,c+used notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve-
ment consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Oxford Avenue between North Boundary
Line 0% Bewrl.. El& Addition arrd Division Stx-ee4-j; +nd at 'the" headng held & the
%he andplace specified iri said notice the gouncil has duly considered the views
of all persons irtterested, an& being fully advised' of t3e pertihent facts does
hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said
improvement is hereby designated w& shall be Pererred to ib subsequent pro-
ceedizzgs as Streek Improvement No, C-IO, and the area to'be spe*cially assessed
therefor shajl include a31 lots and-tracts of land abutting and frontin_ti; upon the
streets in which sad improvment is to be constructid.-
Xotbon fogadoption of Resolut3,on was duly seeonad by Dmens, "and on RollcaU
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and Erbckson, aye;.and the ResoXution re
.(" 11+ "* x-+
%&home offered the folfo&ng' - - r t I
- .?
I. I:' 71 **
Child, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne,
- .... -
c -I.
4 c
Hawthorne's .motion, that the matter of advertising for bids-on" Street Itnprovement
No.4-10 be deferved to Heeting of March 26, 195l., was s6conded:by Danens andl
Pursuant to %otice of Hearing on Proposed Sewer and Water &in Ectensions for
fqoodcrest Dr$ve South of Wa55th Street," published in. jhburban pSess, Hopkins,
ganuary 11 ,and I@, 1951, -&ffidaxj.t of qZblication for ZJhich was_.*ead by Clerk,
&yor Erickson calZed Public Hearing on these proposed pro jectsr Engineer's
Esthte of Cost for the Sani$ary Sewer was read iit $2,137&1 as agahst &7,9
+sewable feet, or $3e30-per assessable foot,
proposed 't.Jater Hain zms read at &,022,39 as against -647,9 assessable feet, or
@6+21. per-assessable foot; aotation being glade that water main vmuld bd constructed
fron existing main on Dever Drive, through easements to Woodcres.t: Drive. &Ire '
'li9erli.n Lee, owner of most of,the assessable footage, reqgested that projects be
delayed-until he has had the opportunity of reviewing plans with Engineer 6lsson.
aawthorne moved that 'Public Hearings be continued to fleeting of March 12, 1951, ,
E.zotion seconded by Dagens and carried.
Pursuant to **Adver%isement for Bids-Road Oil and Tar," published in Suburban l%ss
qd Construction Bnllet.in January 18,.and 25, Affidavits of Publication for mch
were-read by Clerk, the following bids were wblicly opened-.and read:
His Estimate of Gost on the
$ e1385 % ,1485
MC 3-Plant-
MC 1,2,3-Ap@ied . $* .13
RT 4-10-Plant I I%?c 1,2,3zDelivered
'Iv6;ttL-Per Yon
Hot .AsphaltFPlant $4,2O
Hot Tar Mix-plant $4,20
&tion Child, that bids be referred to Village l3ngineer for tabulation and report
at next, regular meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Clerk read 1lAdvertisement for Bkd&Sand,Gravel & Rbck,!! as published in Suburban
Press and Construction Bulletin on January 18 and--25, 1951; and, pursuant to said
advertisement, the following bids were publicly opened and read: GLACIER S'D PFEIE'fER 1ENN.S.AND & OSCAR J. * L.
( At Plant A& .$%mt_ . .At-Plan$. At-Plant At Plant
( Cu.Ydt Ton Cu.Yd, Ton Cu.Yd. Ton Cu.Yd. Ton Cu, Yd, Ton
[ Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered
( Cu,Yd. Ton CuoYd. Ton h.Ydt Ton Cu.Yd. Ton Cu, Yd, ,Ton
.. .. . ..
..1 - 090 w II - U
Torpedo Sand, c 2000 CuaYd, - - a( Ll2 *80 -
t - L .- . .. t 1.45 .-
d ** t [ 1.89 * 1.35 , -* ..-.
Buckshot Gravel,' c( At'Plant
( Delivered
*[ 3u.Yd. Ton
[ 3.22 2.30 Crushed Rock,l-3/&!! '
Dom to 1/2ll .( At Plant
2000 CU*Yd*-- - - ( CzXoYd, Ton
(- *. .
[ 2.52 le80
( Delivered
- -. Pea Gravel
5000 Cu, Yd. - - -( At Plant
[ Delivered (. A' c u Yd
(3.22. z3j Ton
Pit €tun,
hOOO--Cu, Yd. - - -( At Plant
At Plantt
A Cu Yd. Ton
.A. Cu Yd - Ton
0 . .-..
. -. . ..-. .
At Plant
Cu,Yd, Ton
2.07 1.65
A* Cu Yd - Ton
.-. . .-
At Plant
Cu Yd Ton
Cu Yd Ton
A. - -. .-.
A' -
.- . *:- .
At Plant
A6 Plan4 At Plant At Plant
Cu Yd Ton Cu Yd Ton Cu Yd, A* - A* -I,
* .I . .- - 1.90
Delivered Delivered Delivered
Cu Yd Ton Cu Yd Ton Cu Yd, Ton A*- .'-A . .-. " *.-. - - I 2'&0
- . *-
At Plant At Plant At Plant
A* Cu Yd - Ton A. Cu Yd - Ton & Cu Yd, Ton
Delivered Delivered Delivered
.*- .- .. *. - - i.45 1003 - - 2.00
ArTon Cu Yd - Cu,Yd, -- Ton Cu, Yd. Ton
:.- .+ ..- 1.85 1.32 - 2*5O
At Plant At Plant At Plant
Cu Yd Ton Gu,Yd, Ton Cu. Yd. Ton
Delivered Delivered Delivered
Cu.Yd, Ton Cu.Yd. Ton Cu. Yd. Ton
A.- -
v. - 1.90
.-. 2.40
e.. 0."
7 . .-c . . ,.- . LI n -
At Plant At Plant At Plant
( Cu Yd Ton Cu,Yd. Ton Cu.Yd. Ton Cu.Yd, Ton (3u. Yd, Ton .- A*- -
( Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered
( Cu.Yd, Ton Cu.Yd. Ton Cu.Yd. Toh Cu.Yd. Ton Cu. Yd, Ton
( 1.12 ..80 - .-. . .*98* .e70 .e80 .e58 ~ .-.
< le89 le35 ~ 0. ,.-. . izT 1.20 1.20 ..87 ~ - . '*
C&d moved that bids be referred to VkLage E;n&eer for $ab&ati,on' and report at the
ne& regular meeting, 3iotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Pnrsuant td !rAdvertis&ient for Bids-Insurance, published in Subruban Press, Hoptrins,
on Januafy M-and 25, 1951; AffidaTTit of PubliGation for whichpas read'by Clerk, bids
of the folluwhg were publicly opened: stow Co%pany; Curt Johnson; Arthur Rc Rfieen
Agency; Jo'm H, Uordin; Xutua Genere l&encx; Anderson Bgeqcy; David Agenqy; -and
Fred Le Gray Company. Because of det- and complexity of bids they were not publicly
read,,bue, wi.t;h the permission of bidders present, were placed on file for ,public *
for %abulatioq and report at next; regular meeting.- lbtion seconded by Hawthorne and
&, E&, Stow suggested that Vfllage have insurance survey taken, at no cost to Village,
and volunteered services of Anchor Casualty Company consultant. Child moved that &gineer
Olssson consult with Anchor Ca&ty-representative as soon as possible in order to-effect
insurance savings. Wtion seconded by Danens and +carried.
myor called' for bids on Gasolink, pursuant, to 1*Advert$s&en-t for Bids-kasoline,;I. as
pnblished in Suburban Press; Hopkins, on Januky-18 and 25,1951, Affidavit of' Publication
for whickwas-read by Clerk. . The following bids were pblicly opened and read..
BROOKSIDE SEWICE SI?&ION, 5200 Tnterlachen+Blvd. - $LO3 per Gallon Discount from
i%kIki'F&E*'O-?L &&$I&, 50th & Halifax
pBfGE.-. - - -- - 5$ 5% PRlCESrn PRIWNET 5i .-. ..--
I Child mvedthat bids be referred to Village Engineer and Village Attorney
e. -
. .- . 1.- prevailing.selliag price - 9.02h per Gallon Discount from .. * -_._ ~ -- - _-_ -f -. prevailing selling price
Child's motion, that bid be awarded to Brookside Service Station, was seconded by Danens,
and carried. *- r
2/12/51 91
public Hearing was called by Mayor Zkckson, on the petition of Mr. Frank NarshalJ.
for permit to add to the dwe-g situated at the back of 5W51~0oddale8 Clerk
read Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing, as published in Suburban
P>ess on January 25, 19R. &rshaU explained his plan, which includes an
addition of ten or twelve feet to the North side of the dwelling, the installation
of sanitav' facilities, a new roof and whife or canary* colored shakes- for the
entire dwellingr Xessrs* Those J. 'IclIadden, 15t;Toodland Road; G,D, Anderson, 20
Ifoodland Road; Don Hanson,. 5805 Kellogg; C.C, Schwarzkopf, 5837 .l?ooddale; and
PJessrs, 5.. Haverly,. 37. Egan, and, Peter Iverson, neighbors, all objected to the
addition.providing owner could be-forced to have building moved, but agreed that
they Would rather have it improved than left in its present state. Ere Earshall
stated that, if he is not allowed to improve the dwelling, he will rent it as is;
if he may hprove it, he will live in it. Child moved that &?8 &Iar8haUts petition
be granted. Iuiotign seconded by Hawthorne and carried* -.
Village Zngineer Olsson reported on bids*taken January 22, 1951, for Sanitary
Sewer Improvement-No. 3Q, and Water Xain Improvement Hoe 32-both for-Edinbrook
Bddition. Tabulations of bids--showed BART CARLQNE to be low bidder on the sewer
project, at, $8,655+30; F. HORETTINI to. be, second .l~w, at $8,78&0!j4. VTater main
tabulation of bids showed P,.NOAWTINI to be low bidder, at $10,633@; BART
CARLONE to be second low, at @0,758*75. I&. Carlone was present at mee%ing, and
stated that -he could begin both projects imnediately after frost is out of ground*
J&r. Olsson stated that he would like to see the same contractor on both jobs, and
recogmended that bids be awarded. to B$RT CmOwEI Child's motion, that bids for
Wader skin Improvenent Noc 32 and Sani$arr-Server Improvement Noe 39, and that
@yor and Clerk be authorized to eqter into-contracts in the name of the Village,
Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
Childrs motion, authorizing the signing of Transfer Checks to P.1.R. ??unci, as
voted..on December 29, 1950; approving payment of Ti-ge Payro&l, +om% $4,948*30
and Liquor Store Payroll, amount &1,047,76, for period February 1 to 15, 1952,
and authoriging pament of the followiTlg Claims, was seconded by Danens and carried:
** .I
5603 Victor Carison & sons, ~nc. 8 220&7
whur If, Petersen -1.25 GJL€iiiXGOUr
-- $ 230,67 mmm FW
-- -_ +, *
5604 C_.B, Rockwell, KD, 10,OO
Y5671 Suburban Hem. Cy, Relief Bd, ii 293.u POOEZ'FUMD -. w298 Griggs-Cooper & 'co,, u299 Sd, Pwlips &.Sons Cos - -.
.. . -. - - $33,94324
li 9- -. Mr. Curtis Bpande asked full rebbursement in amount of $€35.00, for cost of
installing cesspool for 5437 York Ayenue (rather than the $42.50 allowed br the
Council at a previous meeting); stating that he had located his house at a grade
set by the Village, and that sewer is too shallow to serve this dwellingr Child
moved that additional $42.50 be grantedr Hotion seconded by Hawthorne and carriedc
&s,, Virginia Beard reported that a commercial establishment (plumbing shop) is
being -operated at 5501 France Avenue South, in a residential zone. Child maved
that inspection be made,throughout,the Pillage, by Building Inspector and Police,
for infractions of the Zoning Ordinance,. and that report be made at next regular
meeting, Eotion seconded by Danens and carried*
' Petition dated'January €3, ,19~, for the Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue between
WB60.t;h and %6lst Streets, was' read, together with engineerrs notation that
ptition for grading of Kellogg Avenue in this Slock, as well as grading of We
60th Street between Kellogg And UaElawn Avenues, before blacktopping of Kellqgg
could-be successfully accomplished. Danens moved that matter be deferred until
spring, when grade checks can be made-on this street, Hotion seconded by Child
and carriedr
February 3rd report by Rolling Green Association, to effect that agreement had
not yet been had with developer E?lerri&i. Hutchinson, was read and filed without
actionb f
February 3rd conpliment to various Village departments, by l&s* Helen Bohne, 5408
OaHawn Avenue, was read and filed,-with Nayor Erickson volynteering to thank
l$rs* Bohne:
knicipal Judge Philip Nevillets February 3rd request for two-mon&h leave of absence
from Judgship, because of press of duties as RegionalPrice Director, was read.
Hawthorne moved that Eqicipal Judge Philip Neville be-wanted leave of absence
$thou% pay, for months of February ad March, 1951. Hotion seconded by Child
and carried*
2/12/n 98 1
The Edipa F&ements Relief Association FinwciaJ. Report for Year 1950 tms reviewed
and filed, ,Duplicate..having been forwarded to State Commissioner of Insurance.
State Examinerts January 31st transmittal of deed executed larch 23, 1950 by
HeHnann H, and-.Eleanor D, Strachauer, for certain portion of property described
as 35, NE'&, S@_pf Section-29, Township U7, Range 21W, was read, ad deed was
ref Frred-to lT.X!.age-Attomey TTindhorst for regording.:.
Jarmazy 29th report by Liquor itore Hanager Kippley, with regard to camplaint
of 3krk
c -+
&yes, was read ad-filed.
IEpileyts reguest for collection by Village Attorney of Wot Sufficient Fugd"
.and by Business checks by John R. &Queen, 4260 -den Hills 31vd., amount
Bid, in aomt of $77*50, was reportedr. $77& check was referred to Village
attorney, and $&OO check to Police Department for collection,
Police Depar%&nt Report for month of January,1951, was reviewed; and by Hotion
Eawtlmrne, second4,by Child, was filed.
Planning Commission recdmmendations of BebrmarJr 6 were reviewed by Council, but
no action-was taken because of lack of quorum at CornmissLon l.ieetingq
Discussion was had 2s Eo the best method of handlhg funds for Civil Defense.
Child offered the following Resolution andmoved its adoption: .
A c
* r
4 I *c
fzEsOL'oED, that the appointmeat -ofsithe ,foaowing,Xvil Defense and Disaster Relief_C~m&t&ea by the Hayor is hereby ratified and confirmed: t
%. r. _- Roy F, Bodlnnd, a01 TEndsor Avenue S.Theo Olsson-4601 Drexel
r Ghrls Eitzel, f51&5 grove Street - I,Iilhn Kuhlman-51IA Halifax Dr. GJ9. Kelby, - &tgh G.. Ruddy, 463 Casco Avenue t
Thos,H, ffodgson, 5500 I\rormandaltl Road
@chard Furber, 540k Oaklawn Avque
4802 Sunnpide Road
1. BicQard palen, 44.40 Garrison Lane
SO@ IfCGarY, 408 thdison Avenue *rc
RESOLVZD, FURTfiER, that the duties of said Coxnittee shall be of a general
advisoa-natwe ,in. relation to Civil Defense, togetiier with such specific duties
as nay be assigned t~ said Co@ttee b5 the Council from time to time. The
Committee is specifically authorized to soliqit and receive voluntary contributions
to the Village of Xdina for use in connection rvith the Civil Defense program, All
said contributions3sbaU be deposited with the Village Xreasurer and no expenditure
therefrom shall be made by the Committee except. .as hereafter authorized or appropriated
br the Cauneil. -
€Z,%Lv"rJ), mJI1THER, that the sum of $400.00 as heretofore appropriated for the
Commig$g~+--&s co.@.med, and the Committee is authorized to incur obligations and
expend ploney in the total amount not 5,n excess of this appropriation ad such
appropriations as may hereafter be made to said ComitAee,
after~,the--~o~ttee_sh~~ submit to the CQU~C~~ a detailed report as to its ex-
* .+
EESOLVED, FURTHE& that on or before Februa& 1 of 1952 and of each year there-
,penditures $uri.ng the preceding calendar rearo.
r I Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on liollcaXL
there were four ayes and no.pa$s, as follows:
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolntion wip
1 . -.
- L r4ayor-
htes Gf Civil Defense Committee 'Eleetings o$,-January 6th and February 5th were
reviewed and ordered placed on file.
Chairman Eermann H, Strachauer of Board of Park Commissioners presented his resig?'
nstion, because of new duties as Guards Colonel of Mantry,
Council. defer action on&. Straclpuerts-resignation for the present, un65.l the
exbent of his new assignment-is more clearly defined. Notion seconded by Hawthorne
&nd carried. c
Child moved that
Ifre Strachauer' s letter also contained several rebmendations for administration
o$ p+rksr J3awthorne mved that recommendations be referred to Committee of the
Tfhole, for study. Kotion seconded by Danens and carriedr %
.* +
Claim of John TE Heinrich, 5241 filtinnehaha 316, for $2.17.92 in paptent of
house connection $0 curb line from maia trunk sewer, was presented, with Mr,
Hehrich requesting $l55*94 instead %of $he $117e929 The mtter xof payments
made to Minnehaha Blade residents fon swh house connections was fully reviewed;
and Hawthorne moved that claim k itmount of $117992 be allowed, Motion seconded
by Danens and carried. t
Notice was read of the Annual Plan5 Industry Conference to be held at 9:30 A&,
Friday, February 16. Hawthorne moved that Weed Inspector be authorized.to -attend.
* &tion seconded by Child and carried, ,.
Applicakion of Standard Plumbing and Heating Go., 4l2 If+ Lake Street, 3Enneapolis,
for a Plumber's~Ecense,-was presented+ Child's motion, %hat license be granted,
wits seconded by Hawthorne and carriecb I _I
Engineer Olsson recommended that there be a "No Parkingn zone on the Bast side
of Halifax Avenue from W. BLh Street to the..National Tea Company alley*
Discussion was also had--of speed Wts and the parking problem on Highway
Bor 169-2I.2 at the Grandview Business District, Hawthorne moved that the a
r State Highway Department be requested to insta;ll curb on both sides of Highway
No, 169432 at.Grmdview business center in vicinity of Brookside Avenue; that
the Highway Department be requested to establish a 3O-Xile Speed zone through
this-business center and to install proper business district warning signs;
also, that the Highway Departraent be requested to install proper warning signs
at the interneckion of State HighwayMo. 100 and Southview Lane; and that Village
Eagineer Olsson be authorized.to instal the necessary signs in the 50th and
France business district to %ake care of such situations as that on Haifax
Avenuet Hotion seconded by- Child and carried.
Attorney Windhorst -reported 6n a Bill before the Legislature for an increase in
the maxhyn tax levy for Tillages. of over 5,000 population,
following Resolution and qoved its adoption:
Child offered the
c P-mm ,
%-, the Coune,i3..pf~:this_-~f,lage has found that the demand for
semi.cas_~top,be rendered-by villages to their inhabitants has greatly bcressed
in recent years, and
XHEREAs, it isno longer possible to render these services within the
tax l@itat$ons contained in Einnesota statutes, and
c0unc-Q are-directly responsible to thempeople and inasmuch as all village funds
are derived from the citizens of the village, and
WZREhS, the Council has been advised tliat a bill has been introduced in
the FEeso$a Legislature known as HF 321, which bill, among other things would
increase the maximwn general fund leyy for villages from 20 to 35 mills,
ISOH, T€ERE3OE, BE: I!l! REsOL'tTED That it is the opinion of 'this Council that
the liy&tation_an-.general. funm,le@es by villages should be raised from 20 miL3s
to ,at least 35 mills,
BE IT FURTHEB RESOLW, That .it is the opinion of this Council that village
goveqent c.wt--properlxfunction under a .7imitation of 20 _mibls and the
Council, therefoce, urges the passage of HE' 321 or any other bill4ntended $0,
and di.rected-.to. send_g-coJy of this E9solution to the members of the State Hoyse
of Representatives and the State Senate representing the people of this village*
Hotxoon for adoption of the %esolu<ion was ,seconded by Hawf;horne, and on Rollcall
?;hers were four ayes and no_%nays, as follows% Child, aye; Danens, aye; &w'bhorne,
aye; and Erhkson, aye; and the Resobtian w+s,qdp&e9-
- It is the opinion of the Council that the Members of wery village
accomplish the same result, t -. - i
€E IT FUR'EBR RE:SOLTED That the Clerk of this village is hereby zuthorized
-* ,.---- I
* * 1 %I Ninnesota Railroad and Karehousa Commission's notice of their denial of petition
by Village--for +authority: to establish and maintain a highiva$ railroad grade
cros-sing over right-of-way and tracks of.~eapolispTNorthfield and Southern
Railway as an apprQach to Richmond Hills 2nd Addition,..vras reviewed and filed
Xlr, Child reported that noihing furikier $ad been accomplished toward the
establishment of a library in theaDougl&s~WaELace home*
without action. -* 1'
.. .4
tillage Xhgineer OlssQn presented tabulation of Assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improva-
men$ E-1; total assessable cost being $94,166~~; of vhich the cost of the 101t.Trunk
Line is $58,012&6 to be sprqad,over 22,547~52 assessaUe feet, for a Trunk Line assess-
+me& of $2&8 per assessable foot; $l3,34Oa2l. of which cqst is for later& sewers, to
be spread over 6,950.56 assessqble feet for a Lateral Assessment of a.92 per foot;
and the remaining $22,813.45 of irhich cost represents the Additional Cost of 18-21".
Tnurk Sewer over Cost of lo** Trunk Sewer, and is to be assessed over 1902 lots at the
-$e of $l2.00 par lot, unplatted property being computed at the rate of 3b lots per
acre, and platted propertrbeing assessed at the rate of one lot per platted lot,
regardless of dimensions.
Cud offered the following Resolution and moved its
~~&S~~Y .mm- wgw:m
NO. B-1 '
El2 IT RESOLJID by the Council .of the Village of Edina, as follows: .-. - -. *_
+ 1. The Clerk and engineer having calculated .the proper amount to 'be specially I assessed for SBrJID@YSEVJEB IEPROVEHEXT NO. B.1 against the respective assessable
lots, pieces qgd.parcels .of lapd,i@i€&n the district affected thereby, and sdd
proposed assessment having been filed with the Clerk, the same is hereby approved,
and said Clerk shall keep the same on file'in his office and open to public inspec-
tion penug hearing thereon as herein provided,
2, This Council sha,ll neet at the tine and place specified in the form
of notice hereinafter contahed to pass.upon s&d proposed assessment, and the
Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said
meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to said
nee%lhg, which notice shall be in .substantially the following form:
NOTICE IS HEREElY GIVEN tha% the CoqcQ.of-the. Village. of Edina will meet at the
Vslage.HaXl-.on Eonday, April p-, 1951, at 7:30 otclock P.K, to hear and pass
upon all objections, if any, to the proposed.assessnent for SANITARY SEIlER Ili.IpRovE
"$EXIT NO. B-1, which is now on file in the office of the Village.Clerk and open .to
public-inspection, Said assessment will be payable in ten equal, consecutive,
annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said
installments to be payable with taxes for the year 1951, collectible in 1952,
with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5s per annum from the date
of the resolution levgingthe assessment to August 15, 1952, To each subsequent
installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on allunpaid
installments. The owner of any property assessed may pay the whole of bis asses-
mnt, or any annual installment, without interest, to the Village Treasurer, on or
before October 10, l9!jl, and may thereafter nake such payaent, with accrued
interest, to the County Treasurer.
The general nature of said improvement is as follows:
Trunk Sewer appro%imately 659.feet West of the intersection of 57th Street and
France-Avenue; the Southwest 800 fez& throtizgh easement to IL 5Efth Street; tho
%est ond?h58th Street to Brookview Avenue; th. South on Bro.oMew Avenue to TJi
59th Street; tho 154 feet. West on I& 59th Street; th, South through easment. .to
t.T,6Oth Street; the IF. on IT.. 60th Street to_St,Johns Avenue; th, North on Ste
Johns Avenue to lh5sh Street; th. Vest on ?.59th Street to Concord Avenue; and
includ@g also S&tary Lateral SevFrs in Wooddale-Avenue from Wo59th Street to
TL60th Street and in Kellogg Aveque from 1?.,59th Street to v.62nd Street,
Construction of a Trunk Sewer from the manhole in the existing 24" Sanitaq
*. - The area to be assessed for the cost of s&d improvaent is as follows: .
land @.thin,the-follc?v$ng howdaries: Camtnenc@g-on.-a point in'the center line of l~.fisth Street midway betwen Park-Place and Brookview Avenue; th, South along
center line of Block 1, Fairfax Addition to center line of IJ.59th Street; th,
West along center line of IT.59th Street to a point midway between Brookview and
0alclZ;wn Avenues; th, South--along center lines of Blocks 15, 18 and. 23, Fairfax
Addi%ion-to center *e of 11,62nd Street; th. 1res.t along center line of ,TL62nd Street and Valley View Road- -to a point 150 feet Tfest of Wooddale Avenue; -%he
'PJarthto center line of tJ,60th Street; th, ISest along center line of TL60th
Street to the center --e of Concord Avenue; th. Rorth along the Center line of
Goacord Avenue to TL5&th Street; th. %st along center line of lT.58th Street to
a pointqidway between Ashcroft and St.Johns Avenues; tk;. South-.along center
line of Block 7, Fairfaxddditionto-South Lot Line of Lot_2, Block 7, Fairfax
Addition; th* East along South Lot Uges of-lot-2, Block 7 andkt 23, Block 6,
Fairfax addition, to center line of-said Block 6; th, South on center line of
Block 6, Fairfax Addition to South Lot Line of kt 4, Block 6; th. East along
South Lot Lbes of Lot 4, Block 6, and Lot 21, Block 5, Fairfax Addition, to
center-line of Block 5, Fairfax Addition; the South on center line of mock 5,
Fairfax Addition, to center line-of TI. 59th Street; tho East'on center line of
11. 59th Street to center line of Block 4, F&rfaxAddltfon; tho North along
TO BFI ASSESSED FOR THE COST OF A 10" TRUNK SEifEX: All lots and tracts of
TO BE ASSES= FOR DIWGE IN'COST BET" 21"-18" TE1uNfz. SBfm iwD 10"
x TRUNK.SBER (from intersection of.FL57th Strest and France Avenue to intersection
OF 1% 60th Street and Broolroiew Avenue* All lots and tracts of land rvithin.the. fauowing b<undaries: - Co&n$ncing -at the hersection of France Avenue kith ?{est
@th Street extended east; tho southerly along France Avenue to a point forty (40)
feet north of the north line of %64th Street; tho westerly one hundred forty - - (UO) feet on a line parallel to.fiJ.64th-Street; the northerly sixty (60) feet on
a line parallel to France Avenue; th. westerly two hundred forty (240) feet on a
line parallel to W164th Stieet; th, northerly two hundred ten (210) feet on a
line parallel to France &venue; th, westerly on a line parallel to,Wb64%h Street,
to a point midway-between Peacedale and Brookview Avenues; th, southerly on a
line parallel to Brookview-Avenue, * to 1?*64th Street; tho westerly on t;lr64th
Street extended to a point eighty (80) .feet west of Brookview Avenue; -tho
northerly eight hundred (800) feet-on,a line parallel to Brookview Avenue; th. ,
westerly on a line parallel to W,64th Street to the centerline of StrJohns
Avenue extended south; th, southerly on St,Johns Avenue extended, to a point
forty (40) feet south of W*64th Street exbended east; th, westerly on a line
parallel to Wr64th Street -to a point midway between Virginia and Parnelf
AvGnues; th,.-southerly on a line parallel to Virginia Avenue to If.65th Street;
th, westerly on If* 65th Street to a point midway between Ryan and Shemsood I
Avenues; the southerly on a line parallel to Ryan Avenue, to 21. 66th Street;
th. westerly on %66th Street to a point midway between Wilryqn and Tingdale
Avenues; th, northerly on a line parallel to Wilryan Avenue to IT.65th Strget;
th, westerly on W.65th Street to a point aidway between Tingdale and Rolf
Avenues; tho northerly on a line parallel to Tingdale Avenue to the northwest
corner of Lot Ten (10),Block Eleven (U) Nomandale 2nd Addition; the westerly
on a line' parallel-with kT.65th Street to the southwest corner of Zot 1Tine (9) ,
Block Ten (lo), Nomandale 2nd 4ddition; th, northerly on a line parallel to-
Eolf Avenue to If.64th Street; th. xesterly on W.64th Street to a point midway
between IJWdred and 'LTarqen Avenues; th. noktherly on a line parallel to Hildred
Avenue, to W, 63rd Street;. th, westerly on K63rd' Street, one thousand (1,000)
feet more or less, to the centerline of Hanqen Road extendkd south; themnortherly
on Hansen Road extended, to the centerline of 'd;1,62nd Street extended west; the
West on the centerline of K62nd Street exbended west -to Tracy Avenue; the* north __ -_on Tracy Avenue to Grove Street; th, westerly on Grove Street one hundred fifty (150) feet more or less to a point hue south of the easternmost point on the
shore line of Hawkes Lake; th, north to Hawkes Lake and northwesterly along the
eastern shore line thereof to Trunk Highway No.-169; th, due we& to Olinger
Road extended north; th. northerly on Olinger Road extended north to the north-
west corner of Lot one (1) Block Three (3), Error Lakes Addition; th. due east
to the centerline of HasenRoad extend.ed,north; th. southeriy on Hansen Road
extended north, to a po&t five hundred (500) feet, more or less, south of the
centerline of Trunk Highway No. 169; th. southeasterly on a line at right
angles wi!h the l/Iinneapolis Northfield and Southern Railroad Cornpany right-of-
way, through the 'intersection of the centerline of said right-of-m.y with the
centerline of s.J,56th Street, to apoint seventy (70) feet southeasterly from
s,ai.$ intersection; th. southwesterly on a line parallel to said right-of-way
to a point one hundred forty (l40)' feet east of the centerline of Hansen Road';
tho southerly on a line parallel to Hansen Road, to a point eighty (80) feet
north of 'the centerlbe of Benton Avenue; th, westerly on a line parallel to
Benton Avenue, to a point eighty (80) feet west of Hansen Road; the southerly,
on a line parallel to Hansen Road, to W.6Oth Street ext;ended west; the easterly
on I?.&th Street to a point tyro hundred eighty (280) feet east of the centerline
of Tingdale Avenue; th, southerly on a line parallel to Nomnandale Road, to the
intersection of such line with a line parallel to and two hundred (200) feet
northwesterly from Valley View Road; tho southwesterly, on a line parallel to
Valley View Road, to TI. 63rd Street; th, East on If? 63rd Street to a point aid-
way between Warren kvqnue and-klildred Avenue; th. .north to a point seventy (70)
feet north of the centerline of ?5;63rd Street; tho northeasterly on a line - -
parallel to Valley View Road,!to-the intersection of such line with a line
parallel to and two hundred fifts; (250) feet west of centerline of Normandale
Road; the southerly six hundred (6QO) feet on a line parallel to Normandale
Road; th, easterly on a line parqllel to 17. 62nd Street to the centerline of
yirginia Avenue extended north; th, southerly on Virginia Avenue extended north,
to I?. 62nd Street; th, easterly on IL 62nd Street, extended east, to a point
mid-yay between St, Johns and Fairfq Avenues; both extkmddd south; th, northerly,
on a line parallel to St,Johns Avenue-extended south, to the intersection of
such line with a line parallel to and one hundred sixby (160) feet southwesterly
from the centerline of Valley Viewaad; th, southeasterly on a line parallel to
VaXley View Road, to a Eoint one hqdred thirty (130) feet south of the centerline
of We 62nd Street; th, east on a line parallel to %-62nd Street, to a point
! ,,I
2/12/52. $01
center line of Block 4, Fairfaxkddition to center line of t105&h Street; th.
East along &enter line of W.58th Street to point of beginnhg,
ab*utting said Lateral Seweysr- - .. - E ___.._ TO BE; ASSESSED FOR GO& OF filiTERBL SmiERS, AU. *lots and tracts of land
midway between OaKLatrn and Brookview Avenues, both extended south; tho northerly
on a line parallel ko Brookpiew Avenue, to t.r,6Oth Street; tho east to the east
line of Brookview Avenue; tho southeasterly*,in a direct line to a point in Park
Place one hundred fifty (150) feetaoPth of the centerline of IL62nd Street; th.
easterly on a line pmallel to ?.I, 62nd Street, to a point one kyndred (100) feet
west of the centerline of France Avenue; th. northerly six hundred (600) feet on
a line parallel to France Averme; -th, west six hundred (600) feet, more,or less,
to a point seventy (70) feet east of the centmline of Peacedde Avenue exkended
north; th, north to the centerline of lT06Ot;h Street extended east; th. eastefly
on IT.6Oth Street extended east, to point of beginning.
Notion for -adoption of the Resolation was secon&ed by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: .Child, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vas
Kbge Oxerk
Ch&rman-Danens of the Public Vorks Committee recommended the purchase of a new
tractor and loader unit-and a newtqck, and standardisbion on tires for Village
equipment. Hawkhorners motion, that Council advertise for one new tractor and
loader unit,. with bids to be taken 3bch 12, was seconded by Child and carried.
Danens' motion, that Village advertise for bids for one new truck for the Publh
Vorks !?epartment, with bids to be taken Narch 12, was seconded by Hawbaorne a,nd
carriedr *
Hawthorne's motion, that Village advertise for one new automobile suitable for
Palice Squad Car, with bidders to submit trade-in value on 19@ Chevralet police
car, and bids'-to be taken February 26, was seconded by Child and carried.
Discussion was had as to rates of pay for members of the Police Deparbnent, with
Hawbhorne recommending an increase' of $€LOO per month per-member,' over the
established police rate schedule. Hotion by Hawthorne, granting each man on
Police Departnent an $8.00 per month tincrease. in salary over established schedule,
y5th such bcrease to. be effective February I, 1951, was seconded by Danens and
carfied, .
Regarding location for pmposed ner.r%Jater Tan& Engineer Olsson reported that Fire
underwriters InspectLon Bureau wLLl approve a &$e between 58th and 60th Streets
and between Concord Avenue and France Avenue, as we13, as the site proposed in
the Village IJaU triz&t.e;'that .cost of supply mains to the Business District and
to the southern part of the Village from a tank in the Village Hall Triangle would
be approxhately $110,000; whereas the extension of cross-t0r.m mains from the
of location with regard to comparat5ve elevations and with regard to protectkon of
residential dtes, and instructed Engineer'Olsson to make elevation survey and
comparative estimate of cost of kqk in each of these proposed locations.
* a
'f .
the soutinern part of the Villitge would be $3'7,000. Council discussed matter
being no further business to come before the Go-imcil, Child moved for adjourn-
Hotion seconded by Hawthorne and c