HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510226_REGULAR2/26/51 183 C t "UTES OF TRER'EA;UU T%EZCTILG OF THE EDENA., VIuaGE CcefNCIL, HE&B NQ.$JD!iYj EEBRUARY 26, 195i,,A~ 7:~ P.E., AT.THE EDZPJAJILUJGE *. .-__ r- .HAu 7- . -1 Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child ajad Havhhorne, with Child presiding. 7.. * Motion by-Hawthorne, approving Wutes of Meeting 02 February I%, 1951, as suWttsd, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. bliss Forest I. Farmer, 6159 France Avenue, requested permit for four trailer houses on the above named property. . Mi'ss Tamer infomed that trailer camps - are in direct violation of Vhe Village Zoning Ordinance, and that the - trailers must be moved off her "L property.before-March I, or coxnp1a;lnt will issue. Pursuant to 1tAdvertisement for ,BidsuAutornobile,'r published in Suburbw Press, HOpkinSj and-in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on Februaq 15 and 22, 1951, the affidavit of publication for yhich was read bJr Clerk, the follovsing bids for an "automobile suitable for PoXce Squad Cart1 weTe publicly opened andread: - 4. e. *SUBTJRB.A.N k. COO HARTZE;TJ; BGTCR CO. xLUNDERBHZG MCYfORS Aut mobile -. . .. Che-olet I Air Condition 2 Spot Lights Seat Covers Directional Lights SpareTire 1;Jindshjeld Bipers Bumper Guards Air Foam Cushion- Front Seat Arm Rests Htr & Defrosters Heavy Duty Clutch TOT& Less.Fsd. Tax Less Trad-In - BllOr.JanCe?l~@ l!Gi%Te 89.00 €39.00 4B.60 @e60 23 50 23.50 22.00 22000 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid LOO . 6.00 8-00 $SO0 10.00 f0.00 No Bid No Bid $1829-10 .- 73.50 ?r;*ZS l!zEs-a- . . .Hudson ._ 1 67.29 67.29 47.50 47.50 24.00 a.00 22.03 =so3 n/c n/c No Bidc No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid $gsJpT 3- CheUrolet NEl! 3I13 8cio.00 800,oo 610.00 610.00 900.00 900.00 lPzm5- i=Em'$rn $- Ha&hhrne moved that' bid be a;w&ded to Suburban Chek6let Cmpany, for one 1953. Two-Door Chevrolet . Motion secchded by Bredesen .and manimously carried, Village Engineer Olsson presented Tabhation of Bids taken February Sand, Gravel and Rock, reporting low bidders to be as follows: Oscar Roberts Co, 1951, on TORPEDO SAEJIf - $,So per Ton at Plan%; $1.35 6elivered ' BUCHSHOT GRAVEL- Oscar Roberts (To, 1.80 11 . If 11 11 2.30 - n CrZuSEiED EtocK. -" Pfeixf~r-.~onst;~Go. Lag " 'f '1 1' 3432 If ' 3$lUGR&VEL - Oscar Eoberts CO. 1.80 : ? I! 2.30 I1 - (Second-Low Bid)-Ilinn.Sand & Gravel L90 !! lt !I ? (Second Low Bid)-$lacier Sand & Grav: ,70 I' I I1 It 1.20 F 2&0 !' PIT EUN ~~ -Pfeiffer Const, Go. .58 9 z? *87 'I Engineer requested two sources of supply for gravel, e&laining that cost of hauling from Pfeiffert s plant in Hopkins is prohibitive, where eavel is #needed for the South.wstcrn part of Edinar accepted in all cases, and that Coun6iI. authorize Engineer to p&chase from second low bidder if over-all cost of purckiase and-haul is less than same cost would be fromn low bidder, was seconded by Bredesea and carried, Hawthorners motion, that low bids be Engineer Olsson presented Tabdation of Bids taken February Oil and Tar, reporting low. bidders as follows: SC 1,233 *Jay ts," Craig Co, - $.lo per 'Gal. at BE' 1,233 Jay If. Craig Go, - $(i1075 ~f fl tl RoT.4~10 Republic (Treosoting Go. - &65Q per Hot Asphalt Earl Sewall Coo - $4.20 per Ton at * Hot T&l!G Earl SewaU Co, - 84.20 per Ton at Motion by Hawthorne, that bids of 'lmi bidders be accepted, was seconded 6y Bredesen and unar&nously carried. \ po4 i 2/26/51 Zngineer Olsson presented Tabulation of Insurance Bids taken Februq 3.2, 1951, reporting low bidders w follows, and stqting that he had been unable to consult Attorney IJindhorst on this matter to date. , Hawthorne moved that amrd of bids be +de subject to approval of Village Attorney, Tlindhorst. Notion seconded by . Bredesen and carried. ._ EDINA VOIXJRTEZR FIRE; IXPT,-ACCIDl?%T & m4TH - $3,000- $25.00 Weekly Benefiks; 104 ,Weeks .L- L0r.r Bidder, .Fred L, Gray. Cmpagy, PremiUm kL45.00, Halhhorne moved that * bid be^aw&rded to lmr bidder.- Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried, SN@t FEX$CE - FIRE - $1,000 - Lar Bidder, Cur6 Johnson f-or Lyle L, Brasil Agency- ??hoe- Insurance Company of Jlartford, Premium $10.00. Hawthorne =Ted that-bid be aw&rded to low bidder. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. mciE Hl?f;c E?JDmG & CaWTS7W' - Buildhg $4,800; Contents, $5,000 - Lox Biader, Rydeen Agmqy, Wemiurn $4.6.55. Harhhorne moved that bid be armded to-lovr bidder; &I&ion seconded by Bredesen arid 6arried. IjIZGAGE TOOIXRTSE COhTTENTS-XLRE -,.Building, $ll,OQd; Contents, $5,000 - Low Bidder, Elutual tie neral. Agenq, megun 'I b to 1Qw bidder; notion .seeonded-by Bred!s&i an4 carried. PURFHCKJSES (&) AND COIQTBNTS AND IlATEETC' - Total CoveraFe $&4,95 .Bidder, Nutual @new1 Agency5 pSe&yrn $96.98,. Hawthorne mwed th& bid be awarded to JON bidder, Notion seqonded by' &edes& 'ad carried, GEXEML ILCABIUTY-'?A!lYGRIlORKS,' SFIBl3, =REEX CONST. UQUCB STORE - Coyerage $25/50tofxl- P,L.-&. $5@5,? P .D, _ex% liiquor, Store; Xqyor I Store-$100,000/#200,0~ P.L.-$5/25,000 P.D. Imr Bidder, Da;vid,Agency, Hawbhorne mwed tbzt bid be awarded to-low bidder, .2f&ion seconded bJr Bredesen and carried. (premium based on rates} Premiym -by Bredesm and carried, ,loss ratig, Haybhope moved that bid be,ar.rarded tg loFr bidder, Notion seconded by ,&edesen pd carried. Hprthorne moved that. bid be awarded * CONPREHEHSTVE, FIRE, THEEL' & Ml3lLzsTOBf & IZAE?XLI"!Y. - Bidder, Anderson Agency. $q<j6.18, ~ Hawthorne moved $bat- bid-be aw@ed to. Low. Bidder, Notion seconded %KRKHEX!S COl*mSA!J!Im - La; Bidder, Gdeen Age&, b&um based on diwidend and ' - + f . Y * . k Tbk, Selse%h coinplained of the construction of a basment dwelling at the coger-of Eenton Avenue and Bernard Place. that this home is-still under con&ryction; %hat it is UEioccupied at present, and that he has been aPltempting eo contabt ovmer to hfom him that basement dr.relU.ng is in violation of-Village Zoning Ordinance. NP. Selseth asked to notify Ihehler if owner should attap% to-rnove5nto uncoqleted structure, in order that actionmight be taken, * X l3uildkng Inspector TJoehler explained + Mr* JohwPerson inquired as -bo whether PfeLffer Construction Gmpany has been paid.in fydl for contract for gracking agd gravelling Harrison aiid Ty-ler Avenues, and was informed that papent has been made in full. * .Xr* Person inquired as to the status ofathe purchase of park property from Xessrs. Blackbarn, Strachauer, and one other, in vicinitr of Tnterlachen slvd, He was infomed that the Blackburn deed is on file, as is the Strachauer deed; that . there vies no purchase from Serachauer or the other partx*he mentioned; %hat purchase had been made f rom -Blackburn. sir. Arnold Rangland led a d&egation of Naple Road residents interested 5~ Cmcil ac&Lqn-on acquisi&ion of the ihuglas T?d.lace property fof library purposesI Ifelegation vas informed, %ha% Council @lIL take no acti6n until they know such acqui&%io,ion to be of general interest'to citizens throtighout the Villaget and not simply a local project to foresixtll. the rezoning of this property. The matter 'of public subscription was discussed, as *PELS the matter of a conprehensit-e petitiidn for Council inf.omakion, wLth ddegation present volunteering to cir- 3k, Carl 11. Gustafson, 5536 Iferxes Avenue, requested $emit to haul rubbish in Village, stating :he ~muld charge $1.50 per month ik said service, 16th bo cas per Iilonth. Pennit granted, d$hmt charge, BTr. E, Cc StcnJ requested a report as to survey made for sanitary sewer to serve properby he is nmr developing a% Duggan farin. coqlet;e survey cannot be taken wtiz his find plat has been approved and a petition presented for said sewer jmpmvaat * t )r t - cdate "such petition, cr z- L I He was informed by Council that , c t + 4 >be, Gedl-ge IT* Tqler, &36$V'emb1.~j;'&venue, presented a petition by Tbielen and Velhnon Avenqe property nm&S, against the proposed laying of Satw Sewer Biain in Kinnehaha Creek Bed at: khE back of their propertles. Hr. Phil If, Smith, _. St.Louis Park engineer, expla-lned that S%;+Louis Park pmposes io construct nain in such a manner that there will be no inffitra.i;$on franrcp3& *&&, discuss the possibility of la@% the line however, he agreed to meet with delegation to on proper%ies a&iacent to the Greek, c . \ J 1 providing easements for same ca be sec-ned. , 8 . 2/26/51 105 I .. 4 Rewst of Februq 8, 1951, by Mrs, Virginia Beard, 55L6 France Avenue, for damages to tree in boulevard on O&hm Avenue (Lot 18, Block I, Fa&fq Adhc), .tlrhich was alb gedly damaged by: sewer contractor, -was referred to Billage Wineer for investigation and report;. .7 Leag,-:e of Hennepin OoUnty Towns and Nunicipalities! statement in anount of $15.00 for dues for years 1948, 1949, and 1950, was p&sentedo Hawthornefs motion, that Village pay 1950 dues, advising League thgt we were not members in.194f3 and 1949, was seccnded by Bredesen and cargLed, Hemepin County Land Departmentts letter of February U, 1951, enclosing Tax For- feited Land ;I;ist_1*323:Crf of Febxyary 13, was .reviewed, and action deferred mtil receipt - of recmmqn6ation by Park Board, Application for Pbuniber's License,' for period February 26 to Ap& 1, 19511 T~S approved, by motion 'Hawthorne, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Application tvas that of John C, boyle, 3751-4th Ave*.So,, &inneappSis. Petitions for-Water fMn Improvekent &d Grading and Gravelling on Zenith Avenue between W.57th and W.S&h.Streets, signed' by 100% of Owners of abutting properties, were read. Monday, KpriL 23, 1951, at *7:30 P.M.,. was seEonded by Bredesen ahd barried. a Engbieer Olsson reported that Napco wishes opefiations restfictions lifted at their>$< diverted into suitable channelsb Hawthornets motion, accepting Engineer's recommendation, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Building Inspector!'s *report of the 26th, Listing six basement dwellings--at 320 Madison Avenue; 320 Ad.= Avenue; 6000 Hansen Road; 5908 Code Avenue; 5909 Bernard Place; and 6513 France AveGue-as being.in violatlon of Village Building Code, Hawthorne moved that:Bt+Lding Inspector be directed to notify kers and mcupnts of these basement dwellings that Village Ordinance proHibits thefr 6ccupancy; that Ordinance requires construction of complete "houses; and that it will be necessary that completion of said houses be begun by March 15; or *it will be riecessary to start court action to evict. Motion seconded by Bredesen-and carried+ Building Inspector Woehlerrs report of trailer houses at 6Q7 France Avenue and &%h and Josephine yas reviewed. Hawthorne moved that Captain of Police be directed to inform Owners and. occupants that trailers are being occupied in. violation of Village Zoning Ordinance, and that; they must be reamed by $larch 10, or it psi11 be necessary to begin court action, Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Nr. Woehler! s report of the storage of several stunt cars ahd trucks ln the yard at 5@0 Wooddale Avenue, and of the starage of. dirt moving equipment at the properties of Don McCXellaa$oc$A?qr, $301 Peacedale Avenue" and the Dr. Peterson property-at 57th and Romandale Road. that storage of eqyipment in Open Development District is in VioLatiola of Zoning ordinance, and that equipment must .be moved by March 15, or thak it will be necessary to start court action, was seconded by Bredesen and Carried, E4r. Olsson requested permission to advertise for bids for water main in Richmond Hills Second Additionr Matter deferred until Final Plat is approved by Council.. Eartlzorne moved that Gowcil set Public Hearing on &tter of paving France Avenue from North Village Lhits to W.49th Street and from W. 51st to W, 54th Street, for Nonday, April 23, 19!3, at 7:3p P.M., wjth engineer 3.0 prepare estimges of cost with and-without curb7and gutter; and engineer and attorney to have plan for financing project, Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Enginser Olsson reported that it will be necessary to establ-ksh a new sanitary ' sewer district in the .neighborhood of W.60bh Street between France and Xerxes Avenues, with trunk lBne to run on W,6qth Street, Snd on France Avenue from W.6Gth Street to W,58th Street. prepare plans and..specifica%ions for submission to Council March 26, land that Public Hearing be set +for Monday, April 23, at 7:30 "P.M. Bredesen and carried.. r* Bredesen! s motion, 20; payment of Village Paps& in amount of $5%663.d& and Liquor Store Paproll, amount @504.70, for. period February 415 to 28, Inclusive; as recorded in detail iln Payroll Qdger; and for payment of the foIlowing.claims was seconded ), Y Hadhomers motion, that Public Heakirgs on Petitions be set for gravel pit, recommending that this be done for the. reason that water has been I\ i Hawthornefs motion, that owners be notified + Ha&horne--moved that Village Engineer be directed to Notion seconded by * / by Hawthorne and carri-ed: I '. 1 * a301 . 32302 ILL303 L1308 =309 U3lO I2325 3x326 5605 5606 5607 5608 ' 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5620 5621 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5635 . 5656 5658 + 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5670 TO: 3Edlasrd National Bank - Val. Bjornson, Treas. PERA 3Emesota Hospital Seryice Assn. 2.25 George Benz Sons, Inc, 278070 Distillers Distributing Co. 5;5=.97 Fmous Brands, Inc. 1,231.06 Griggs, Cooper & Coo 157c59 XcKesson & Robbins, Inc. ,. 82.00 l-m-T?est Wine Co. . 322 e37 Old Peoria Campany, Inc, * 615.71 Ed, Phillips & Sons Go. 2,316.68 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc, Clausen.& Sons,. Inc. I Anheper-Busch,~Inco~ 189 070 15@,54 ~ ' 279.80 Coca-Cola Battling Coo 51.40 Cold Spring Distributing Coo 47 .I5 Cornelius Beverage Coo ll2:oo 346 089 0, H. Draey Beverage Co. Gluek Brewing Go. 116.85 Kuether Distributing .Coo 30.30 f 27.96 r.iassolt Bottling coo 1 3Enneapolis Brewing Coo 732.15 Norris Distribubing Coo 87.30 Pabst Sales Coo 204.46 . pllrity-Co., Inc, w.00 peX Distributing Co. - - 88.95 Seven-Up Bottling Coo 49.40 E0 J, &uinn coo 43 022 The National Cash Reg, Coo 99.51 N.Ih Bell Tel. Co, .. 12.35 Shell Oil GO., In~o . 42.26 "herican Linen Supply Coo U.65. Eller-Darris Coo ' 4.8.30 .. Gold NeM Beverage Coo 32.00 Lyle Si- Papr _Calmenson Coo Thompson h&er Co, Eosholt E@ipment Coo City Treas., City of 14plso City Treas., City Hall City Treas., City HaJ.1 '0scar.Roberts Go, . Uorton Salt Coo * Hike Holm, Secy, of State P. Theo. Olsson wins Sand & Gravel Coo 1.riLler:Davis Co. Ed-lfest Gun & Key Coo Bob mesh James XcNeUis Chris 3Iitzel Bldg. Standards Nonthly lJpls. star & Stribune Intl. Assn: of Fire Chiefs; ~icbard 0. &&in Northern Sd- Supply Coo . Astleford-.Equip. Coo . Young FueJ,-Co. H.4. R~gers-Co. Construction -Eh$letin Jorgan H, hderson 3Em. Fire Exting. Coo Amrican liben Supply Coo Town & Ccna@zy Hdwe. borsey,Colmkn,Barker,Scott & Barber E, S. Stiles &Son - Fidelity Sound C& t. ClqCr -D~ug, InC I ;til? 5618 5619 5622 563 4 5660 5666 5668 5631 5632 5633 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 56&3 5644 5645. 5646 5647 56M 5649 5650 5651 5652 5664 5665 5666 5636 5653 . 563 7 5654 5669 5666 ~ 5667 TO:: mger M&er Mfg. Coo Mpls. Water 3forks Dept. John 3.- Campbell. . W. Ma -Stewe Raterous Coo nom CityWelding Co. Young me1 $0. t. Tam &_Country €Idwe; E. S. Stiles i5 Son Gioie MarmfactGily: coo Aagard Sign Cob Suburban Cheyrolet Coo Weste& -V$ndshield Service Co, Phillips Petroleum Go. Sta-Vis Oil Coo mina we Oil Service Go. 6. J. Hoigaard eo4 Harris Bros. Ma$xinery Co. Mpls. Iron Store Brookside S2rvice Station Win. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Lsef. Brc+, Inc. Austin-western Inc. of ~im. Dahlberg Bros., . Inc . Ei & 14 Tire Company Reinhard &os. Go0 HIRo TO=- CO. .. .. First Natl, Bmk of Mpls. Mrs. John Schimer , * M.r& Ral-ph-Fawille JdD. Kenaston .. . * I Northwestern &%le Bank of Hpls. . Dorsey,Colman,Barker, Scott & Barber * -* * x .. John$. Heinrich ," - Northwestern Nati, Bark of Mpls. Dorsey,Coban, Barker,Scott ,gt Barber H.A. Rogers Coo Construction Bulletin Jorgan H. Anderson Dor'sey, Colman, Barker , Scott & Barber ?organ H. Anderson e Town & Camtry Hdwe. Dorsey,Colman,Barker, Scott & Barber - <I * 3.75 3.75 2222 E 1,349.04 , 507.43 7 002 27.20 3.55 801.62 78.25 e71 7.80 FUND( 4 P.I.R.FUND BOND 1950 IHE'R-TS P.I.R, mND .. PARKS FUND .!. $-- - 8.51 Village Enhew Olsson reported-the reluctance of &L Gordon Lo grant easement through his property, unless he is reimbursed in aq-t of $llOO.OO, for water main to serve Edinbrook Xcidition+ Matter referred to Engineer Olsson and Village Attorney Nindhorst for their H. report, -. at next meeting. 2/26/51 .At this point, Hawthorne moved that Neeting be recessed for ten mi;nutes. Hotion Ups reconvention of Neeting, Tdth Child, Bredesen and Hawthorne present, Hmicipal Judge Austin Dm Norbon!s report of Februq 26, concerning payment .of parking tags not received by Clerk ,of Court, was filed; with Deputy Clerk being directed to appoint t7vo members of. Village office staff to handle money; and to investigate possibility oZ C.&I Begister for offices Building Inspector Wo&ler reported Nr. George Hahzellt s requesk for permit to move old electric shop from France Avenue to his fam on Highway No, 169, for use as a garage. HaT.rth0rn.e moved that permit be granted, Rrtion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Edina Highlands Corpo&tionfs request of the 26ih, for council!^ consideration of future "angular arrangement'! of buildingsr-not paralleling front sekbacks-was read. Hawthorne moved that qtter-be referred to Planping Commission for study and recommendation to Cmnpil. Hotion seconded- by Bredesen and carried, There being no further:business to come befhre the veeting, Hatrthome moved for adjowment, Notion seconded by Bredesen agd carrisd. 149eting adjourned at seconded by Bredesen and carried. . *I * moo p,i.r.I, I V-ge Glerlc , . -. .. _.... . Hmbers &nsw&ing RollhU. were-Child, HaxthoGe &d Erickson, Elr, Stuart'lGcPherson led a delegation of Richmond Cike residents, including $Ere Doyle apd Hr. and I-bs. Gerald Smith, objqcting to methqd of plowing Richmond Drive and Richmond Circle, Delegation referred to Public Xorks Forenan Jonas and . Patrol Operator Dablgren for .settlanent of difficulties. . . knu%es-&f Regular Eeeiiing of Februarg 26, were a&oved as submitted, by motion kwthorne, secoded by-Ch2.d and carried. Pursuant to "Notice of 'Hearing on Proposed Grading and Oiling of Sta hdrms Avenue," published in,Sub.=ban Press, Hopkins, on February 15 and 22, ayor Eriekson called - Public Hearing on this.-proposed impmvementr Affida~t of publication of gotice was read by. Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, &&neerls Estimate of Cost for Gradi;ng and Gravelling as 8621r32 as against l&€Q'+4O assessable feet, or $.42 per asseqsable foot, His Estimate of Cost for Oiling vas $135*00, or 8.09 par assess- able foot,,* A delegation of four St,dndrews resideds, with UP. G.F,IE~T@.~ as spokesman, favored impmvement. There were no objections offered from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the meeting, * 4 Child offered the I following, Resolution and mved its adoption: 4 __ RESOLUTION CRDEECCHG IKl?l3YlE*E~ P SmT l3meTT .NO. GI1 BZ IT IESX,TED by the Council-of the .V'lage .of Edina , Hime sob that this Council heretofore- caused notice of. hearing tq. be duly published on the proposed imppvemnt consisting of. the Grading and Oiling of St.Andrerk Avenue between Lakeview Driva and Southview Lane, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the,Council has duly considered the Views of all persons bterested, and being fuuy advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detedne to proc'ee'd with the con- struction of said itnpravenent; that said improvement is hereby designated and shll be referred to in d.1 subsequent proceedings as Street Impmvem&t No+ C-ll, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include sill lots and tracts of land abutting and fronttng npon the street in trhich said irnpmvment is to %e constructed+ Xotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there yere three ayes imd no hays,. as followst. Child, @e; Hawthorn-e, aye; and Erickson, aye; asd the Xesolution ms adopted. e- /T7 "// I