HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510312_REGULAR2/26/51 At this point, Hawthorne moved that Meeting be recessed for ten minutes. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Upon reconvention of Meeting, with Child, Bredesen and Hawthorne present, Municipal Judge Austin D. Nortonls report of February 26, concerning payment-of parking tags not received by Clark of Court, was.filed; with Deputy Clerk being directed to appoint two members of Village office staff to handle money; and to investigate possibility of Cash Register for office, Building, Inspector ISoebler reported Iir. George Hartzell! s request for permit to move old electric shop from France Avenue to his farm on Highway No. 169, for use as a garage. Hawthorne moved that permit be granted. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 4 Edina Highlands Corporation! s request of the 26th,- for Council! s consideration of future «angular arrangement" of buildings,- -not paralleling front setbacks- -was read. Hawthorne moved that matter,be referred to Planning Commission for study and recommendation to Council. Motion seconded_ by Bredesen and carried. There being no further• business to come before the Meeting, Hawthorne moved for adjournment. Ilotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.m. i.�lage Clerk ' 1fl RYIES OF THE REGULAR HEFTING CP THE 'EDITIA_VIELAGE COUNCIL. HSID MONDAY., . _ AT _ 7.:30. P.M. 2 . AT � THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members dnswering Rol.lcall were Child, Hawthorne and Erickson. Mr, Stuart`l- 9cPherson led a delegation of Richmond Circle residents, including fir. Doyle and fir. and 1lrs. Gerald Smith, objecting to method of plowing Richmond Drive and Richmond Circle. Delegation referred to Public iYorks Foreman Jonas and Patrol Operator Dablgren for.settlenent of difficulties. _ ilinutes 6f Regular fleeting of February 26, were approved as submitted, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Child and carried* Pursuant to 11Notice of Hearing on Proposed Grading and Oiling of Std Andrews Avenue,11 published in- Suburban Press.. Hopkins, on February 15 and 22, Mayor Erickson called Public Hearing on this,-proposed improvement. Affidavit of Publication of Notice was read by. Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file. Engine er1 s :Estimate of Cost for Grading and Gravelling tas 8621.32 as against lA87.40 assessable feet, or � *42 per assessable foot. His Estimate of Cost for Oiling was 8135„00, or 6.09 per assess- able foo�,K A delegation of four St.Andrews residents, with 11r. G.F.Martin as spokesman, favored improvement. There were no objections offered from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the meeting. Child offered the folloidng, Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CRDxM. MG I2-1PR0V&iENNT STREET 12.2MV:ENWT . N0. C-al BE IT RESOLVED by the Council - of . the . V111age of Edina, llinne rota, that this Council heretofore_ caused notice of hearing to* be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of. the Grading and Oiling of St :Andrews Avenue between Lakeview Drive and Southview Lane, and at the hearing held at the time.and place specified in said notice the - Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the corms straction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvemeit No, C -11, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rol.lcall there were three ayes and no flays, as follows: Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was &dopted, ATTEST: ti ✓' Mayor Village Clerk 3/12/51 109 Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptions RESOLUTION APPFOV -UTG PLAT+IM AND SPECIFICATIONS } FOR S. { i T fTROvakmaT _ NO. C•-11, At D - DIRECTING t1ilST"DmT+.'xT,+AAT,'ATR wr%,D vn-D rnim -mm ei7Tm rV011Iki.9 `e 'Mfl T? BE. IT RESOLVED by :the.- Vil.14 ge Council ,of the- ;Village of Edina: 1. __The anal specifications for Street Improvanent No, C -11 heretofore prepared, by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved„ 2. The Clerk snail cause .to be published in the Suburban Press and the Con- struction.Bulletin the ;follovn.ng notice for bids for the Grading and Gravelling w portion of said improvement:" ADV RTISEiISENT FOR BIDS FOR GRADING AND QRs1iiELLIWq FOR STEEET IMPR6vasN1 , C -1.1 ' VILLaGE Off" EDtNA The Edina Village- Council will :meet at the Village Hall, 1801 W* 50th �., Street, Minmapolis,_,on' Monday, March 26, 1951, at 7:30 oiclock P.M... to. open and consider „ - sealed bids for- the Grading and Gravelling of Ste ndrews Avenue between Lakeview Drive and Southview- lane. ` The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified, in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of "the Village Clerk* All. -bids must'be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed 'with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and acconpani.ed by a ,cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. BY ORDER OF THE VITLAGE COUNCIL,. _Boyer Hawthome Village Clerk Edina, Minnesota` 3. Each and all of the terms. of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Roll call. there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Chit ,_ ate; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, ATTES '44-�Mayor. i Village Clerk. x Mayor Ericksoni called Public Hearing on proposed Blacktopping of O`akla-vm Avenue between IT- 58th and IT. 59th Streets, pursuant to 'Notice of Hearing,,, 't as published in Suburban Press, Hopkins,. on February 15 and 22, 1951. -,Affidavit of Publication was •read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on filer Engineer's Estimate of Cost for this project was 61,907#93 as against 1196 *96 assessable..feet, or 61 *59 per assessable foot* Mr, Gerald T. Thompson spoke for,the project. There were no objections of from it,he floor.,,, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Child of the` folloiLng Resolution and moved its adoption: NF,SCLUTIOn ORDERING I11PROV.EI -SENT STFMT =10V NT. N0. A-12 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of. the_ Village. of •Edina., .1 -Urine rota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed i provement consisting of the Blacktopping of Oaklawn Avenue between W.58th and TT «59th Streets, and at the hearing held at the,time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly 'considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully_advised og the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the • construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desigriated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No,.. A -13, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting, and fronting upon the streets in which said improve- ment is to be constructed, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Chi.�d- e; Hawthorne, aye; and t tr' ickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted-, ATTEST-. ... Mayor Village Cler Engineer Olsson requested that advertise4ents for proposed Blacktopping projects be delayed until several could be advertised simultaneously, and Child moved that Village Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids for Street Improvement No. A-13 at such time as other advertisements for' same type of project* Motion seconded A. 4 3112/51 by Hawthorne, and carried„ Council condActed Continuation of Public Hearing held February 12, 1951, on the proposed extension of Slater and Sanitary.Sewer-Tiains for 1•Tooderest Drive south of 11.55th Street, Mr. Merlin Lee, ormer of the majority of the benefited properties,- requested that the Council take bids for these projects, and follow the usual assessment procedures. Engineer's Estivates of Cost, as reported at previous Hearing, were $6.21 per Assessable Foot for-.the proposed hater Main from existing main'on Dever Drive through easements to Ifoodcrest Drive and thence South on Woodcrest Drive; and 63.30�per assessable foot for Sanitary Seger on t7ooderest Drive from ti4,55th Street, south. I r. Olsson reported that easements have been received.for water main extension. There yere no objections from the floor to either project, and no written objections had been received prior to the meeting} Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION OFWERING 131PROVEEWT WATER. RAIN M- PROV.E;•IENT N0.33 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of_ the Village. of Edina,- 11i nm sota, that this Council heretofore_ caused notice, of hearing to be duly published on the pro posed improvement consisting of1fater ?Main Extension and Appurtenances from Dever Drive through. Easement on Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 2, Shady Pines Addition, to TToodcrest Drive; thence South on Wooderest Drive for Approximately 26 9 .3 feet.," and at the hearing _held at the time and_ place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised, of the pertinent facts does hereby _ detenaine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desigmted and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Water Main Itaprovement No. 33, and the area to be specially assessed therefor -shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in ibich said improvement -is to be emstructeda 4 notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Roll call there were three ayes and no nays,, as follows: Child, ay •,Fiatitf orne., C*aye; and Erickson, ayes►, and the Resolution was adopted. Z//AT1H 1: Mayor Village Clerk Child off- ered the followmg Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1•TATER 114IN IMPROVr�iEA1T V0. 33, .ARID DIRECTING ADVERTISEEEN^1 FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED * by the Village age Council _ of the _Village of ;Edina: It _The _plans and - specifications for ''later Clain Improvenent No. 33 heretofore pre - pared by the Village Engineer and now on file in, the off ice of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the .Con- - struction. Bulletin the folloi -Ang notice for bids for -the construction. of- said improvement: ' ADVERTISMMNT FOR BIDS FOR x ' 11TER NA1.N nn`ROW- MT .NO. - 33 L * VILLAGE OF ED A. ' The Edina Village Council_w ll. meet ,at the Village Hall, 4801 17.5Dth Street, I- Bmmapolis, on Monday, March 26, 1951, at 7:30 otclock P.M.,. to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Water Bain Improveieut -No. 33 in said Village, consisting of Construction of hater ,rain Extension and.Appurtenances from Dever Drive through Easement on Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8� Block 2, Shady Pines Addition, to %Tooderest .Drive; thence .South on 1:1ooderest Drive for approximately 269.3 fget. _ The ,work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the Plans and specif ications f or said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk, All bids mist be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids will_bet considered unless sealed and filed idth the undersigned before the -time, of said - meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the anount of the bid. BY ORDER OF T FZI V=.GE COUNCIL. Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk - Edina, TSinne sota • 3: Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement. Lotion for adoption of the Resoluti on was seco died by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there vrere three ayes and no nays,: as follows: Child, aye -• Hawthome, aye; and Erickson, aye} and the Resolution Bras adopted, = ATTEST* Mayor Village Clerk 3/12/51 �. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING =R0VM0NT SANITARY. SEt• . =OVI TT NO. 31 BE IT IRESOLVED by the Council _of_ the Village .of- .Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore_ caused notice of hearing to be'duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of Construction of Sanitary Sewer Extension and Appurtenances ' in Woodcrest Drive from �Uest 55th Street to Approximately 340 feet South thereof; and at the hearing held at the time -and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construetion of said improvement; that said improvement is` hereby designated'and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 31, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of `land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be con - stru cted4 ' Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as`fol1ows: Child'- ye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopter . -; ATT .Mayor Village Clerk Child offered the following Resolution and moved' its adoption: RESOLUTION iLOPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR _SNIT =tRX. SEidER PT R(JVP7M 4N-31--AND. , _ DIRECTING .ADVER TISMff21T. FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village. Council- of_the "Village. of ,Ed ilia. * - _ 1, _ -.The _ plans and specift cations for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No• 31 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now_. on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. _ 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said_improvement:. ADVERTISM ENT FOR BIDS FOR SANITARY_. SE1,-= ,13,1PR? VEY4ENT NO. 31 VILLAGE . OF EDINA. . The Edina Village CouncUl . will -meet . at the Village Hall, 4801 W* 50th Street, Minneapolis, on Monday, march�26, 1950, at 7:30 P.r'�., -to open and con- sider sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 31 in said Village, consisting of Construction of Sanitary Sewer Extension and Appurte- nancesk in 11boderest brive from West 55th Street to Approximately 340.6 feet South thereof, x t ` The work on said improvement` must be done as described and s pe cif ie d in the plans and specifications for said improvement on fie in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond,-or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of t he bid, BY ORDER *OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL.' . _ Bower Hawthorne _ - Village Clerk Edina, Kinnesota r 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement* Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on -Rolleall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Child,. aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson aye; and the Resolution was adopted, ATTES yon Village Clerk. X 11r. Shirley D•, Xnudson, Vice President of the Rolling Green Association.,. Incs , presented request that Council pursue its present policy of issuing no Rolling Green Building Permits until such time as Association and developer Merrill Hutchinson can agree on replatti.ng of subdivisio: or Association approves such permits. Association's letter to Mr.. Paul T. Dennison, applicat for permit on part-of-Lot 8,- Rolling Green, refusing_to pass.on his plans at this tine, was read to Council. Hawthorne moved that letterkbe. filed, and that the policy of the Council. remainttthe same as,it has been for the past several. months. Motion ' seconded by Child and carried. i 1-12 3/12/51 Pursuant'to "Advertisement for Bids -Dump Truck,it published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis.,. on March 1 and $, 1951, Affidavit of Publi t.- ation for which was read by Clerk, the following bids were publicly opened and read: MACK MOTOR RM.1 TRUCK, MOTOR PATSEY CORP. do., INTEWATIONAL HARji'.ESTER CO. MOTOR CO* NAVE Mack Liao. To Intl., Intl*. ..Tsit3., _. Inti- Dodge MODEL A 3OH 620H . L-182 L-182 L-184 T} -1$1� B-3 WEIGHT 24.,000# -22.,000# 21.$0001t 21, 00011 21, 5001t 21, 5001t I ELBASE 14611 13011 ry 13011 130" 13011 Ott �3pn RATIO. 6.00- $.7$:1 _ - 6.5- $.86:1 .6.16- $.57:1 ,6.5- 9.04:1 ,6.5- 8.886 -1 { 6.5- 8.3$6:1 PRICE bra -Boll, . = $1611x6t 8x 1 X21 9x,1 $5058.82 84,100.65 $4111.62 a482.12 04403.62 PRICE TaTH 1tST.PAUL.. 8tx61 8tx61 $tx6t 8tx6t 91x61 _BOX" - $4906.65 $4227.15 $4228.12 04398.62 04303 -$7 04350.00 Delivery -- -- One Uk. 30-45 D, 60 -90 D. 60 D, Soon As Posso Child moved that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next regular meeting. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, The following bids were next publicly opened and read, for :Tractor` -L6ad- r, pursuant to Ukdvertisement for Bids - Tractor & Loader Unit," published in.Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis on March 1 and 8: _ THOBI -UN 14 ROSHOLT G0. t1ti.H. ZIMLGIR CO. r Demon- strator .. - New ' New ; Model HY . Payloader All. Loader UTIL iii) }SASE BID 67,098.00 X11,314.00 06,613.00. TRADE-IN ALLOIANCE-1.11.1 Tractor Loader . 2,600.40 2,600,00 .22100.00 U4,498.00 8,714.00 443,513-00 Extra Bucket __. 1-3/4 Yd* 395,00 2 Yd. 515.00 Lotion by Child, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at the next regular meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, A Committee of Volunteer Firemen, headed by Mr. Ernest Hansen; requisitioned purchase of_a First Aid Truck for Fire Department., cost to be about w4,900`,00. Committee was informed that this matter.would be considered in next yearts budget. Mr. John Ii,Grady presented a petition for the grading and gravelling of the alley between Maloney Avenue and Belmore Lane and between Madison and Jefferson Avenues. Petition accepted_by motion Hhild, seconded by Hawthorne and.carried, with Hearing ta.be post- f poned until Public ITorks Committee and_ Engineer Olsson can meet on. grounds to go over this project# - Petitioners cited hazard,to children, because of alleyty filling with water during. spring,, Messrs„ Oscar Forslin, 6000 Hansen Road, and Charles Bennett, 320 Adams Avenue,, asked for extension of time to comply with'order to.complete basement dwellings; Hawthorne- moved that extension of time be given to April 15, 1951. Motion seconded by Child and carried, Urs, Gould and her building contractor, asked special permit to locate house, on Lot 24 and all of Lot 25, Block 2, South Harriet Park (5329 lannehaha Blvd.) ahead of the established building line; explaining that. it trill be necessary.to destroy several trees if usual setback is observed, Child moved that permit be granted onkcondition that house is set no more than ten feet ahead from specified group of three trees on lot. Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried= Mr. D.G.Lind requested permit to move-.old Duoes house from corner of 58th cmd Wooddale to his property described as ' tthat part of NT2 of Wk of SEA lying S. of St.Hy.,,and W. of E*250 ft- thereof, Sec„$; Twp -116; R.211 -T (just ,Testa of junction ofx Cahill Road irlth . Hy. No; 5),= Hawthorne moved that permit be granted. ?Motion seconded by Child and carried, If Ir w t 3/12/51 ? 113 Child moved for payment of Village Payroll, amount $4, 709.73 and Liquor Store Payroll, amount O1,003.50, for period I -larch 1 to 15. Inc., 1951, and Overtime for February, as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for payment of the follow- ing Claims: CLAIM NO. TO: ,AtIOUNT FUND r_ GARBAGE FUND 5683 Arthur K. Petersen U 1,376,25 , Y5673 5674 5675 5676 ;565-1. 5682 5677 5682 _ 5678 5679- 5682 x 5682 Y5674 Suba rban Hennepin County Relief Board William D. CarlsonP Arthur P;. Bailey John R..Coan, Postmaster r NorthernI.States Power-Coo x v Northwesterh Bell Telephone Co. . r r Northern States Power Co.. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. r r Northern States Power Go, Y nneapolis Gas Co. Northern' States Power. Co.. Northwestern' Bell Telephone Co, t r' - Curtis Spande POOR FUND ,I�418 5$ 0 6.00 6.00 135.2!+ 1,845.68 GOAL FUND 61.60 2,054,59 -- 999.83 I-TAM DEPT, 11.50• T1,Q11*33 SMM RMUAL 7.04. . 324.81 r 65.54 a EQUIP. R gTAL 15.50 _ .4054t85 - SMM DIST #13 55,00. . x z L1334 Griggs Cooper & Co. h 3s471.91, L1335 Old Peoria C&pany, Inc. x 22594-56, 11336 Ed. Phillips'& Sons Co, 72742.45 t LIMUOR'FUND L1337 AndersonlAgency_ v 146.40 13,955132. r Motion for payment of Pa�roll.s and Claims seconded by Hawtkome and carried, ' -6 mers of Trailer House dt 6401 France Avenue South asked extemion of time for removal ordered off premises by April 12. They gave as their reason the very heavy snow. Hawthorne moved f6r extension of time for removal, of fifteen days beyond original order. Motion eeconded by Child and carried.. Mr, A.C, Godmard asked C6uncil's opinion regarding mass - production dwellings for the proposed new Ennis -Rohr Subdivision No. 1, which Planning Commission has recommended against.' Hatter _postponed { until next Regular Meeting of Council when full menbership.wily be present., Later in evening, Village Attorney Nind, horst was directed to'as6ertaih methods-of control for said construction. t . W rh". E.G. Stow presented Preliminary-Flat of "Brookview Heights Subdivision," (the old Duggan farm), shdwink 348 Lots. Planning Commission approval of Preliminary Plat.was confirmed 'by review of Minutes of March 6. Hawthorne moved that Pre- liminary Plat of '}Broolvi.ew Heights Subdivision" be approved.. Motion seconded by Child and carried.. ' Planning Commi.ssiontg approval of Final"Plats of Richmond Hills 2nd Addition and Iloodend Subdivision.was reported by Engineer Olsson. Hawthorne moved for approval by Council of Final plats of Richmond hills 2nd Addition and Woodend Subdivi.si.on.. Motion seconded by Child and carried.. , h f w The request of owners of Lots 3 and 41 Limback Addition, for adjustment on Assess-r went for BlacktoppinA, because of the non- blaektopping of Cleveland Avenue, together with report by Office, was read. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptions r RESOLUTION ADJUSTZN.'G ASSESSIMT FOR T x ' BUCKMPPING-STRMT RaMOVE M NO. 55 BE IT RESOLVED that th:i s `Council.grant.,to,- the,_owners .of .Lots.3 and 4, Limback Addition reductions iii Assessments for Street Improvement No,, 55 (Blacktopping Qf 7.48th Street and C16vellnd Avenue) from 8371.14 to $146 «94, and from $'348.94 to 0124.,66_respectively; tbs,t refund be made, for overage in assessment paid in 1950, and that County Auditor be'instructed.to make necessary adjustments for assessments payable in 1951 and,subs6quent years, . r r w h Motion for adoption of Resolution seconded by Child, and- -pn Rolleall there were three ayes and-no nay6,.,e,s follows: Child, aye• H rrie, aye; and Ericlmon, -aye; and the Resolution wad adopted„ i r� ATTEST: Mayor . . Village Clerk -. t . 114 3/12/51 The following Applications for Sign Permits for the Year April 11 1951 to April 1, . 1952, were submitted by the Office, frith reconmendation by Sign Inspector Jonas that said pezmits be allowed:. Child moved that Applications be granted. Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, PA7.1U4WAL OWNER, LOCATION SIZE ADVERTISER N O* General Outdoor Adv. Co. Hy.169 1/2 M. No. of Cy. r Bellesonis Store for Ken- 0 D. Hauschild, Inc.. O.D, Hausebild, Inc, Scott. Stare Gunnar Johnson Mrs* D.E. McGuire Oscar- Roberts Company Oscar Roberts'Company Dale Green Cop - Yipls..Northfield & Southern Sprung Company Spring Company Spring Company X.P. Johnson Sales Co, II.P„ Johnson Sales Co. M P,a Johnson Sales Co. Oscar Roberts Company I~arvin "Oreck &- Assts, Meyers Outdoor Adv. Co. Meyers Outdoor,Adv. Co, Amn. Legion-Edina Post.Mo.471 Pearson Bros*, Natl.Outdoor Display Coo Henry T7, Gregg _ Henry T,�. Gregg Purity Dairy Store Pure Oil Co. Coca -Cola bottling Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Natl,Outdoor Display Co, George L. Trisler Thayer & Storm Hatl.Outdoor Display Co. _ ICE _ GRM . 3912 1-450th Sts 3!x19! ,BUMONtS 5050 France Ave,(E.Side) 301x1'4n O.D.HAUSCHILD 5050 France Ave*jS.Side.) 26tX1Wf ' n 3906 u.5oth St, _ r -SCOTT STORE Hyoowood Rd & Int9Bl4d, 6 t xlO t BEVERLY. Sherwood Rd & Edin,Avei 4'x 61. 116GUIREE 7200 France Ave* Sop Small .• O.ROBERTS CO. 7200 France Ave* Sop Small O «ROBERTS CO. 7601 Hormandale Rd. 10txl2t D, E E'CO CO. On RR Property 4t 41!x11t 611 IMS AY. . Ayrslli.re Blvd. &Hy,169 (1,T) ., ., 6 t x,, 8! EDINA__HGHTIMS 1 1,t It it it (S) 6tx 8t n 11 Hansen Rd &,,Hy#169(Arrotr) 2!x12! n it - 1 Prospect Hills 2cd- I,.l,Bl,2 5tx10tt PROSP HILIS 2 NI•T Cor.Antrim. Rd & 70th. 413itx8t I'T 8 A f E 241 of TTE' 5 7 10 18 26 32 33 41 42 43 45 46 48 50 52 53 54 60 61 62 65 66 69 70 73 74 75 76 77 91 92 94 95 98 102 103 104 105 13. 114 117 118 «Sec.8-- 116-21 Rd. No, 18 12tx421 B.F.NEIs6a Halle Nursery Triangle- Hy.l00,Eden Ave, 3946 U.50th Sti, 75 SgFtf MAVIN__04ECK 137 & ZTillson Rd, 61x 8t HALL, NURSERY Halla Nursery Over Drive -ray, into . - t .. . _ _ 138 Nursery Grounds 20'x I*t HALLA NURSERY Nordquist Sign. Co, Hy.1690 1/2 iii« E. of Cy« 9tx3t., IIISC.ADV. 144 Rd* Not 18, t _ 61x101 POCKRf'INDT LBR. H.R. Burton, Inc. Int.Blvd. & Mirror Lakes Dr «41x 611- POOR LAKES_ Brede, Inc. Int.Blvd. & Hy. 169_ .12tx45 S'MMhAN HOTEL Hartzell Motor Co. 4936 France Ave., 92.Sq.Ft.CHRYS *PLY.. _ Hartzell Rotor Co. 4936 France Ave. 32 Sq «Ft,EDIIdA GARAGE Fanny Farmer Candy Shops, Inc.5000 France Ave„ 18tx2411 FANNY FARIM Fanny,, Farmer . Candy Shops, Inc.5000 France Ave *, 2%! 4 FANNY F.AkiER Brush's Shoes 5004 France Ave. 5!x18! BRUSH SFIOE CO. Knobbyts_Bowling Center 5032 France Ave, So: 5t-.Long EDIM BEG'. GTR. Mier; Jidwe Co, 5344 France Ave., So. 21x26' IIzLi HDITE.. National Tea Company, 391+5 1t,50th St* 3!x361 NATL.FOOD STORE; THAYM & STORM 93 4930 Fran ce Ave. (Bldg.) CUSTA.PIiG.. National Tea Company 3945 IT« 50th St. 2;X371 ITATL. _ _TEA CO. Shell, Oil. Co, 4101 ST« 50th_St. 2811x241! SUM . Shell Oil Cot - 50th & Halifax 16 Sq.Ft.SHFLL STN. Hove Company, Inc. , 3940 1T.. 50th St, (Front) 10txlQt ROVES Hove Company, Inc, f 3940 1T. 50th St. (Rear). lO i xlOt HOVES Brauerls 5041.00 Stores. s, , x241! BRAUERtS Edina,The�tre Corp, , 3911 1450th St, btx 8! FREE PKG. Edina Theatre Corp. 3911 W.50th St. (Overhg«) 301 x31 EDINA.THEATRE Joe t s Berber Shop 3904 i1, 50th St, 6!x 2! BABffr'R. POLE.. Hasty Tasty Shop 3907 T4 50th St. 52 Sq.Ft «HASTY TASTY Berg & Farnham Co. Atop ZThse. at 51st & Eden 41x401 BERG &.FAMMI F.C. Fish Sign Service Lot 2,,Aud.Subd.No« 196 10!x401 , KWZ OIL... . Grandview Direct Service Stnt Int. Blvd, & Hy «169 42!x32! D7RECT.SERVICE, Grandview Direct Service Stn. +Int. Blvd. Hy.169 4!x 8k DIRECT SERVICE Grandview Direct Service Stn. Int. Blvd. & Hy.169 Mx 8! DIRECT SERVICE Country Club Ice Cream Co. - 5036 France Ave, 3!x 9t CQLittRY CLUB , Bellesonis Store for Ken- 0 D. Hauschild, Inc.. O.D, Hausebild, Inc, Scott. Stare Gunnar Johnson Mrs* D.E. McGuire Oscar- Roberts Company Oscar Roberts'Company Dale Green Cop - Yipls..Northfield & Southern Sprung Company Spring Company Spring Company X.P. Johnson Sales Co, II.P„ Johnson Sales Co. M P,a Johnson Sales Co. Oscar Roberts Company I~arvin "Oreck &- Assts, Meyers Outdoor Adv. Co. Meyers Outdoor,Adv. Co, Amn. Legion-Edina Post.Mo.471 Pearson Bros*, Natl.Outdoor Display Coo Henry T7, Gregg _ Henry T,�. Gregg Purity Dairy Store Pure Oil Co. Coca -Cola bottling Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Natl,Outdoor Display Co, George L. Trisler Thayer & Storm Hatl.Outdoor Display Co. _ ICE _ GRM . 3912 1-450th Sts 3!x19! ,BUMONtS 5050 France Ave,(E.Side) 301x1'4n O.D.HAUSCHILD 5050 France Ave*jS.Side.) 26tX1Wf ' n 3906 u.5oth St, _ r -SCOTT STORE Hyoowood Rd & Int9Bl4d, 6 t xlO t BEVERLY. Sherwood Rd & Edin,Avei 4'x 61. 116GUIREE 7200 France Ave* Sop Small .• O.ROBERTS CO. 7200 France Ave* Sop Small O «ROBERTS CO. 7601 Hormandale Rd. 10txl2t D, E E'CO CO. On RR Property 4t 41!x11t 611 IMS AY. . Ayrslli.re Blvd. &Hy,169 (1,T) ., ., 6 t x,, 8! EDINA__HGHTIMS 1 1,t It it it (S) 6tx 8t n 11 Hansen Rd &,,Hy#169(Arrotr) 2!x12! n it - 1 Prospect Hills 2cd- I,.l,Bl,2 5tx10tt PROSP HILIS 2 NI•T Cor.Antrim. Rd & 70th. 413itx8t I'T 8 A f E 241 of TTE' 5 7 10 18 26 32 33 41 42 43 45 46 48 50 52 53 54 60 61 62 65 66 69 70 73 74 75 76 77 91 92 94 95 98 102 103 104 105 13. 114 117 118 «Sec.8-- 116-21 4ffi`-AV PROSP.HILLS 2 124 7200 France Ave, (On Bldg)200 SgFt,1- _O.POBERTS 131 3946 U.50th Sti, 75 SgFtf MAVIN__04ECK 137 6 Iii,Tj ;on Hy,tl69 (R«Vessey Property) 6tx101 =- Y IiATTRESS 138 MT_Cor.Cahill Rd & Hy.5 3!x521 DODGE PLMIOUTH 140 49OQ Eden Ave. -,(Bldg.) 9tx3t., IIISC.ADV. 144 Richmond Hills 2 87xi6t RICHIiOND HILLS 99 4932 France Ave. 61x12! FIb1T -IPd IffZK_ , 31 4954 France Aver So* 8t8gx 3t GREGGS.PHAMIACY 39 4954 France r i v e „ „So. '..2!x101t PRES.coMPOUNDED 40 - 5018 France Ave. So, 4tx 71, PURITY DAIRY • 44 50th & Halifax 6t:Dia. PURE. - - 51 4404 V,View Rd. 4tx5t COCA -COLA 56 4429 V.Viezr Rd, 6!x-6t COCA -CO_LA 57 4429 V.Vieu Rd, 6!xl2t ITAIINT HILL 58 5405 France Ave. 2t2114,! TRISLERS.GROC. 86 3911 TT.50th St* ltxlOt THAYM & STORM 93 4930 Fran ce Ave. (Bldg.) 61, y12t (BI.�) 96 3/12/51 OUTER LOCATION SIZE ADVERTISER N0, Ramus Inv. Cos r BaBuena - Vista 4 Sm. Signs MUS ITS. CO., 109 Rai us Inv, Co. Norm„ & 70th St. Wx8t RMUS INV. CO. 110 Thprpe.Bros*, Inc„ V.view.Rd. & RR Tracks 6txlOt THORPE.Bros, 121 Thorpe Bros., Inc, Hillside Rd# 10trl6t THORPE BROS. 222 Thorpe Bros*, Inc, Crescent Drive 6txlOt THORPE BROS. 123 Henry H. Gregg. 4954 France Ave.(So,) 2t.x10t; PRES,COMPOUNDuD 134 Razmts Investment Co, IaBueana vista 4tx 6! RAMUS INV. CO.- 135 applications for renewal of six Sign Permits, for year 4/1/51 to'4/l/52, were present, with notation that there is,some, irregularity in location of these signs: Child mo „ved that matter of these six renewals be referred to next regular meeting of the Council. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Applications for General Village Licenses and Plumbers Licenses, for the year April 1 1951. to April 1, 1952, were presented? together with notation that all applications are for renewals with exception of one new Pinball Machine at Brown Derby, and an 0% -Sale Beer License for McClellan's Grocery at 3501 W.54th Sty` It.vras reported that.Food.License inspections have been made by Health Officer Campbell, in company with Inspector from State Health Dept; and that Hasty -Tasty Cafe and Edina Recreation Center are the only two establishments in question6. Hawthorne moved for approval of,all License Applications, with those of Hasty -Tasty Cafe and Edina Recreation Ctr. for Food Licenses being subject to approval.by Village Health Officer., Motion seconded by Child and carried: _ } _ License No. License For: Fee k Country Club Ice, Cream Cd:,,,5036 France _ 669- Food 61400 Edina Recreation Center, 5,030 Fragee 670 On Sale Beer 50.00 } x _ 671 Off -Sale Beer 5.00 _ 672 Pinball 50.00 K 673 Cigarette 12*00 674 Food 6.00 , a 675 (16)Bosrl.i.ng Alleys 160.00 Interlachen Country Club,6200 Interlachen Blvd, 676 - _On Sale Liquor 100,00 677 On Sale Beer 50.00 _ 679 Food 6.60 t 680 Cigarette 12,00 Brown Derby Cafe, 3915 11fa50th St. r 6$1 (3) Pinball 150,00 682 _ Food, 6,00 * y 683 Off Sale Beer 5000 ^ x k 6$4 6n Sale Beer 50,00 685 Cigarette 12.00 Grandview Market,500$ Vernon .Avenue. , 701 Food 6.00 702 Cigarette 12:00 Edina Country Club, 47,01 ti: 50th St„ 703 r Food 6 «00 t 704 On Sale Liquor 100,00 x 705 On Sale Beer 50.00 706 x Cigarette 12„00 Clancy brag Co-,3948 W.50th St. 707 Food 6.00 708 Cigarette 12.00 „ ,Hove Co,, Inc., 3940 ,LT.50th St. 709 Food 6,00 710 Cigarette 12.00 Fanny Farmer Candy,Shop,5000 France 711 Food 6.00 Grandview Cafe, 5OQ2 Vernon Avenue 712 Food 6,000 n 713 Cigarette ', 12,00 Haeglets Bakery,,4942 France- 714 x Food 6100 Hasty Tasty Cafe,3907 - 1'1.50th St, 715 Food 6 :00 716 Cigarette , 12,00 Urellts Dairy Store 717 Food 6.00 718 Cigarette 12.00 x 719 Off Sale Beer 5.00 Edina Theatre Corp., 3911 11.50th St„ 720 Theatre '_ 75.00 721 Food 6.00 Zipoy's Grocery,4948 France .Ave. So. 722 Cigarette 12:00 r 723 Food 6.00 Edina Cash Grocery,4920- Brooksi.de,Avenue 724 Food 6*00 725 Off Sale Beer , 5.00 4 „ 726 Cigarette 12.00 Village Inn, 4930 France Ave. So. 727 Off Sale Beer 5,000 728 On Sale Beer 50,00 729 Cigarette 12,00 730 Food 6,00 731 Pinball 50.00 Edina American Legion Post,4900 Eden Ave* 732 'Off Sale Beer 5,00 - 733 On Sale Beer 50*00 Nolants Golf Terrace Cafe,3926 % 50th St, 734 Food 6.00 r 735 Off Sale. Beer 5.00 736 On Sale Beer 50„00 737 Cigarette 12,00 116 3/12/51 _ License No. License For: Fee- Garner Food YSarket,4380 Brookside Ave, _ 738 Food . r f. ; X12 :00 I 739 Cigarette 6,00 Hackenmull.er YSeat Yiarket,4§48 France Ave, So. 740 Food - 6,00 Cahill Grocery, 5432 j4710th�St, 741 Food s 6,00 742 Off Sale Beer 5,00 " 743 Cigarette l2.00 ReClellants Grocery, 3501 17.54th St. 744 Food 6,00 745 Cigarette 12,00 " 746 Off Sale Beer 5,00 Wooddale Grocery,4429 Valley View Road 747 Food 6000 748 Off Sale Beer 5.00 749 Cigarette. 12,00 Brauer's 50- -01.00 Store,3905 %'7 *50th St., 750 Food 6.00 Grandview Reat Rarket,5008 Vernon Avenue r 694 %. Food 6.00 Purity Dairy Store,5018 France Ave,, 691 Off Sale Beer 5,00 692 Cigarette, 12,00. 693 Food 6,00 Tri.sler's Grocery, 5405 Franca-Ave. So* 688 Food 6,,00 _ rt 689 Cigarette 12,00 t 690 Off Sale Beer 5,00 PLIMERS LIGMISES Renewals c 012.00 Each - Year Aril 1,1951-April 1 1952 B jorkman Bros..: Ci?4,_ _ _, _ 712 -10th St.So., Yipls. No. 751 Blaylock Plumbing Co. 7731-4th Alve* So., Tlpls. 752 Boiler & Company 511 E ;Lake St., Xpls. 753 Baltieman 6o.. . 3654 Bryant Ave,So,, Y1pls. 754 Fox Plumbing & Heating Cot 4753.4th Ave* So,, 2ipls, 755 Humboldt Plumbing Co. 1307 Washington Ave. No., Ylpls* 756 Jj1cC1ure__Ke11y & Co. 2601 &vens Ave. So., Npls. 757 London Plumbing Co. 1603 Plymouth Ave. No., YTpls. 758 Clare Nordiral.l Plumbing & Heating Co,* 1715 Chicago Ave., 11p1s* 759 A.M.Olson Plumbing Go* 6048 Pillsbury Ave., Xpls* 760 Sachs & Company 5102 -49th eve,, Robbinsdale 766 . Sarldhoff & Carlson Plumbing Co, 10210 Penn Ave. So., Mpls. 762 gpdtz & Serg Plumbing & Heating Co, 6021 Lyndale Ave. So. 763 Statewide Plumbing & Heating Coo_ 2200 w,66th St., lipls, 764 x,B.Stone Plumbing Coy _ 2101 1-7.67th St., YTpls, 765 Ludi-4g Alf__ 3937 7.6th Ave. So., Mpls. 766 Sara Brozrn Plumbing Co. 323 E,Lake _ Si-., _Yipls. 767 tl.: Carlson Plumbing & Heating Co. 2400 -10th Ave. So., YTpls, 76-8 Grand Plumbing & Heating Co. 3809 Grand_Ave., Mpls, 769 Lur.Greening Co. 4252 Nicollet Ave., RPls* 770 T.q.Gustafson�Coo 3206 Bloomington Ave*, iipls, 771 Harris Bros. Plumbing Co. 217 W#1ake Sty, llpls, 772 Hoglund & Company 6532 W Lake St,, gTpls, 773 Hughes Plumbing & Heating Go, 330 E,Lake St,, lapls. 774 Klingelhuts Plumbing & Heating Go, 5320.Lyndale Ave. So., Ylpl.s. 775 F.S.1amson Co., Inc* _ 1013 Larquette Ave., Upls* 776 LeVahn Bros. 4108 North :.:Lyndale, Rpls. 777 Tom Motzko Company- 4160 Vernon Avet, St,,Louis Park 778 George G. Penny & Sons, inc. 1702 ;Vndale Ave, 1To., Xpls* 779 Ed,'Peters-Plumbing Co, 3036 -31st Ave. So *, Yipls, 780 H.C.Soderlin Plumbing & Heating Co, 3731 Chicago Ave., Mplsa ' 781 Council's attention was called to Traffic Court School to be held Yiarch 22, 23 and24, onlfinnesota Campus, sponsored by League of 1.1i.nnesota iiuni.cipalities. Hawthorn's motion, authorizing 1-kni.cipal Judge, Clerk of Court, and Assistant Village Attorney totattend, with tuition paid, was seconded by Child and carried, Uri Neal Sirant came before Council to advocate that Village road equipment be given more--attention as to needed repairs, and that hand hoists be discarded for power hoists on plows. No action taken. r z Council's attention called to "Senate File #470," a bill for the diversion of 20% of Net 1.2znicipal Liquor Store Profits to County. Hairthorne moved that this Council .go on'"record as opposing..said legislation, and that proper Legislators be- notified of Council's action. YTotion seconded by Child and carried... Y ' Child moved for adjournment. Motion seconded b awthorne d carried. Neeting adjourned at 10:00 P,Yi. � TT/ t 4 / . Village Clerk , _