HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510326_REGULAR3/26/53. rata * z .M$NUTES OF RJEUlXR 1JIF;ETING' OF THE EDINA pI&LA@ CO@$XL, HE;wl NONDAY, WRCH 26, - 1951, AT -7r30 P.Mc AT. THE EDmA TILL!@3 @E& . c .. ,- - -t Hembers answering RoUcah were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Hawthorne and Zrickson. c. x mnutes of Neeting-of March 12 were deferred to next $egular meeting. Pursuant to Advertisements for Bids, published in Suhr6an Press, Hopkins, and 3 which pub&ications were read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on fixe, - the foUowing sealed bids were mblicly opened and read$ 1. Comb( &vequc from the North wenof Beverly HiUs Addition to Division St,,)and Bid (FOR S!l!BEXP IMP- NO. ,C=lL-(Grading and Gravelling of StJlndreim -. Construction Bulletin, lEnneapolis, on March 15 and 22, &95l., Affidavits for (FOR 23TRFLE l3PBOVEMENT NO. C-10-(Grading and Gravesing of Oxford . ( Aveguq from Southeew Lane _to Lakeview Drive) '-* Pfeiffer Zxcavating*Company - @.,170r80* Don McCleLlan Company $1,389015 Terry Bros+ Excavating Conpany &,497*05 . I 2* FOR SANkARY &"lB lT@RO~-NO* 3&-(Sewer Extension in ;goodcrest Drive* -from.VL. 5-5t+&-Street to_2?7_feet-South-thereof: . Phelps-Drake Company c- - $$1,252*00'- wetti .& betti $133 58*7Q Bart Ca;rlone $1, 361.45 Sandstrom & Hafner $1,522.00 Western Undegground Const, Co. $2,872.00 %chard Ferron $23 996,~ .. f; 3@ FOR IfAT&M.XN XlkRm MO. 33- (Watermain Extension in %loodcrest Drive A _thr-q-t~~.easement-.fram_I)e~er Drive;-th. South. to South Line of IJShady Pines".) - Phelps-Drake Company . g3 0~0.40 -_ Bart Carlone L $3,153935 Western Underground Const. Go+ 85,338.5) - &ametti .& hetti $3, 69~~36 Sandstrom & Bkfner $2,792*00 Richard Ferron 1 $392&30 Xotion by Child, referring bids _to Viuage43ngineer Tor tabulation and report at ~ext meeting, was secoFded by Danens and-carried. Engineer Olsson's recormendation for award to Idn+H* Ziegler Go. for .NH Trac66r and hU Loader, at Net Price after trade-in of old tractor-loader unit. of $4,513.00, was reported.. Danens' motion for award to Ziegler Go. was seconded by ffaythorne and carried. . I Chiid moved that award 68 Dump Truck bids taken Ikch 12th be deferred until Neeting of P-pril 9th. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and Carrie% , Bo Paul Dcnnisonts petition to replat Lot 8, Rolling Green was supported by Attorney Russell Smith, and opposed by-Rolling Green Association. Child moved that matter be deferred until next regular meeting when Attorney Wndhorst can be present, Dr. Ralph Peterson appeared to substmt+iatc his letter agreeing to move his grading eqipment fron his promises at 5700 NormanddLe Road as soon as possible. Child moved that Order to &ope Equipment be held in abewnce until May 1,195I-e Motion seconded b'Jr Ikwthorpe and carried, Nr.' Clarence J, Bove's letter, in answer to Order to Complete Basement Dwelling, was read, of dwelling, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Notion seconded by Hawbhorne and carried. Daqens' motion, thai; Ilk. Bove be given until July 1 to begin-completion Petition signed by eight couples and one individual (all neighbors), compla5ning of Donald J. ElcClellan's non-confomqpce with Zoning Ordinance, was read. Dvorak and sever& others appeared to support petition. Hawthorne's motion, directing Captain of Police to file comp'laint against Donald J. McClellan for non conforming use of. land, was seconded by Cliild and carried. &,, E,C. Stow requested survey of sanitary sewer for 70th St, and Nomandale projsct. Trustee Child pointed out that Village has never-advanced money to directcdto give rough es$imate of cost of trunk sewer to serve Normandfie , ' finance such extension, Child moved that when Tillage Engineer returris he be , areaq, Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. , .I28 3/26/!jl Elr, and &s. Robert Goad appeared regarding location of house on Lot 24 and all of Lot 25, Block 2, South Harriet Park (5329 1.linnehaha Blvd.), Child's motion, referring matter back to Building mspector Woehler for. settlement by three affected parties, with authority to 'issue peg& providing location satisfactory to all. three parties is agreed upon, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. @. B,C. Ibaers requestedrpersnit to move-the Nylund house at 56th and Nomandale to 64th and Eldred Avenue. Child's motion, requiring written application, legal addrEss, improvements to be made, and study by Building Inspector, was seconded by Bavkhorne and carried. A delegation from Edina Fire Department, including' Chief IEtzel, presented letter rescinGing rewests for all equipment except panel truck for first aid. Hawthorne's motion, directing Village Engineer to work with Fire Department in prepring speci- fications for First Aid Panel Truck, and authorizing advertisemeat for bids for same, Said bids to be opmed April 9th, was seconded by Child and carried* . Ik, Jvnes P. Howell's request for permission to keep trailer house on premises at 5105XiUpond Place until April20th, was read. Childts motion, granting pernission, was secondedr by Danens and carried, I&. Frank I%i?cleyts re*est for permission to keep stunting equipment at 5800 Wooddale avenue until. April 1, was read, moving esuipment to lipril 1, was seconded by Danens and carried. Petition dated February 26th and signed by owners of seventy percent of owners of abutting properKes,* for: Blacktopping of Dever Drive, bas read,. bwthorne's motion, accepting petition, deferring blacktopping until 1952, and authorizing dustcoating this year, was sec0nded.w Ghild and carried. Police Department's letter commending Sireet Department for snow rmod, was read. Hawthorne? s motion referring letter to-Street .Department was seconded by Danens and carried. 4 Hawthorne' s motion cbmmending Police and Public Vorks Departments for snow removal - ? IL - x Child's notion, dending time for t Pt 7 was seconded by Bredwen and carried. .. .. c Hennepin County ZatxPDepartmmtts List 1132342, of February 13,192, of tax for feited lands, was presented, Parcel No. 365Cl+-Ig&-Eesterly &-77/100.acres of that part of lot 1 lying Between Saline of old road alld the North line of the S,10 rods of lotl,Sec+S, BQ. 116, Range 21, was rep4rted. Hawthorne offered the follotzlng Resolution Park,Board*s Tewmmendation for acquisition of 1 and moved its adoption: l.fotion* seconded by Bredesen. -- .RESOLUTION DEC-G TAX DELINQUEXi! 1 pI;f>pEItTIES NON&ONSEBYATION,AND HIE SAIjE + f;:rHEREAs, the Village Councjl. of the Vi&lagc.of Edina, Hewepin County, IEnne- scta,-has received from tho County Auditor of Hermepin County, Hnnesota, a list of lands in said village which became the propertiy of the State of 16.nnesota under the provisions of law declaring the forfeiture of lands to the State for non-payment of taxes, which said list has been designated as List tr323-Cr1,February 13,1951; and fied ..-- ths-Bo8rd - of County Cammissioners of Hennepin County, Ninnesota as non- conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners; - E&esoI+ SatUtes for 1945> Section 282,01, that the said classification by said Board of County Commissioners-of each parcel of land described in said list as non- coaservation land be and the same is hereby approved. The question was on the adoption of the resolution and'the roll being called, there Mere five ayes and no nags, as follows: Bredesen, a$kf&ihi, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and-the R du xon was ado ted. AT ,/A= wl . Skyor Vmage Clerk t Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and inoved its adoption: I-, each parcel of land described in, said-list -bas ki'eretofore been classi- NOH, TEEREWE, EE 111: RBSOL;VED, by said Village Council, act5ng pursuant to - , " . i3T I "31/ / TZ&JW 1 I * RIBOLVr~ON FOR ACQUISITION OF TAX DELIN(;!UENT PROPEMTP - IEmesota, @i&e_application to the State of Ibesota, for acquisition of Parcel No. 36504-1943, Hennepin County Auditor' s Non-Conservation Zst r1323-C,11 Fgbmary 13, 19%,otherrrise hown as the Westerly 4-77/100 acres of that- part.of lot-1 _lying between the S.line.of old rosd and the North line of the S,lO rods of lot L, Sec. 9, R.rp. U6, Range BE IT RESOLVED that the Council .of. theeJ$.l$age of Ed*, Henne2in County, I to be used by this Village for park and/or playground purpasese 3/26/% Motion for adoption of th[e Resolution T~S s taken there were five ayes grid no nays, as Damns, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, econded by Bredesen, and the rol.!L 'being follows: Bredeswpye; Child, aye; aye; and+h& /. solution was adopted. r Dr. Boefcnkampts letter conunending Police and Public tliorks Departments was read, an& was referred-to said departments, by motion Rawthorne, seconded by Bredesen and carried, x. L Suburban Chevrolet Companrvs request fo+r remmeration of $36.85 over their. bid price on Village Police Cas, because of increase allowed to manufacturer by Office of Price Stabilization, was reade Hawthornets motion granting request and authorizing payment of addition& $36.85 was seconded by Child and carrged. Claim filed by Mr. and &s. &O. Anderson, ia amounts of $5,000 ad $6,*500 respectively, for damages resulting from &sa Anderson's fall on Village street, was rexiewed. Hawthorne moved referring claim to Village Attorney. Extion seconded bp Bredesen add c'arried,+ Attornay Windhorst f s letter, rigazding collection of $77.9 check issued to Liquor Store by Clarence J. Dron, was reviewed, Liquor Store Manager cohtinue his efforts to collect check, in line with policy qf Council (as shown by 3Ii.nutes of &tting of February 2$,l%9)R;t;hat responsibility for-socebticlg personal checks at the Liquor Store be the sole responsibility of the &hager of the Store.*! &tion-seconded by Bredesen and 74 -+ 1 Hawthorne's motioa, that + 'c carried. * rn -4 4 f Public Utilities Supt. Woehlerts Zist 0.f nine uncollectible water bills,* totalling $65.26,- was presented to Council for action. Child moved that accounts be referred to Village Attorney for collection. Notion seconded by Bredesen and Hr. A, H, Furch's Wch 26th request for permission to ere& a fence on and t landscape the North 1/2' of '5717 Drew Avenue (now Tillage-owned) . Hawthorne( s motion, directing Village Attorney to-prepare a resolution for-return of this PlannLg Co&ssion Xinubd of Wrch 16th were read and ordered filed* < carried+ -- I' t % +I lot to the State of Flinnesota, was seconded by Ch5ld and carried, -. ). Hawthorne-moved, kstructing Building Inspector to issue no permits in the 66th and France subdivision until plat. is approved, Motion seconaed by Bridesen and carried. - r MP, HOC. Utley appeared, to discuss with Council various means of finan%ing proposed new water tower. ,% ,A List of applications for Plumbers' Licenses was presented, it being noted that two applicants--;Edina P;Lumb$.ng Conpany and Xelvin E, Sagar--are conducting business from their homes in residentid, se-ction, ad-that Gene Cooper, w30 has not yet applied for license, is also conducting his business ffom his home. Hawthorne moved that the following licenses be granted: Notion seconded by Child and carried: 3ing Plurnbing & Heating Company E&. Stiles & Son Hou&&o~ Plbg, & Htgq GO* Beaudry P&wbing & Hea3ing Co. Xerxes P?.umbing Ca.. Eeldon-PQrter Goz 1 Paragon. Plumbing Cor 5 Superior Plbg, S: Htg, Go. Castle P&umbing CQ4 Shoppe Plbg. & Htg. Co. Northside PLbga & Htg, Co. Kooney's Plbg. 8t Htg, Co* wtgyen Plbg, Go, Paulson Plbg. & Htg, COa ' $usman Flbg, &-Htg+ Cor - Xes P1bg.o & Htg,. CO. + Tabaka Plbg. & Htg, Go, Doyle Plbg. & H%g. Cor Connor's Plbg. & Htg, Mpls Plbg, 8~ l€tg, GO. BOZIWXI, Flbg* &. Htg, CO~ ReJo 3hgan Goa I Clarke,Plbg, & Htg, Co. r OeF, Ko~ Cor fUU@.lan Plb& COe A, Dahlberg. - - - Hawthorne's motion, granting Plumbers' licenses to the follo-g, on condition that their businesses be nove_d to conzmerciaL location, or all extarnal sv5dence of plumbing business be removed from premises by April 1, 1953., was seconded by Child and carried: Standard Plbg. & &g, Go. . Edina Plumbing CO~; Melvin E. Sagar; Gene-Cooper 3/26/51 Child's motion, that Council follow Planning Commissionrs recomendaki9n with 120 regard .to plackent of house at ~~angy.lartt .position in Edha Highlands, was seconded Discussion was had as to applications for sign permits, Attorney lJhdhorst*s opidon What it 5s not necessasy for applicants to obtain consene of neighbors each year for sign within 500 feet of dtrelling-that this is only matter of Council practice,*r vas reported. o%Em Geperal Outdoor Adv. Co. bs, Danens and careed. - I-. Xavhhome's motion, granting the following Si- Permits, ws. seconded by Danens and. carried:. . RprnJ& .LQCATION . SIZE. mv. NO. - 6 Praperty 5' Zce Cream 14.5 E, of ,CyeRd,#18 . 10xx201 Pure-kbe 125 Gterbchcn Cy. Club &in Eqt.-fo,Club 381!x60!! Int.Cy.Club It, AdV, GO. Hya.L6~-Vsssey.prPp~ 31x3" I Boyer-Gib .I . .. . fillan 30 Edina Hdwer + 494.4 France Ave. Edina Hdwe. 36 =ad-Xzee Shop 3910 l{est 50th St. ..a!. Klad-Ezee 130 Robe* C. Solberg 5200 at. Blvde- 61x331 r.Edina Groc. 78 qatl. Adv. Corn 1 3Ni..Srl of 50th on *. &* 169 &'A; Ad! b~aJIsord 128 Natl. Adv. do. 2 EEL SW of 50th on .. . HY*l@ 4%' Ganderberg 129 1-- Elgt169 & Olinger Rd, l2$x421 .NicoUet .- . Hotel He-rs Outdoor Adve Co, HySl69-L.3bnes 1 Daw Fresh pure oil Company Hy.169-?./4 lfib .i '1 Correllts Dairy Stare 3907 T;T,54th Sta &'A' Correllt s 47 Eatl. &v. dor State. Hye369 4'xb C. dlernite Luba 127 -6 NatL Adv. Go. State Hy.169 .. .. (Ciskovsky ) K-F l46 Eobert - C., Solberg 5000 ht. Blvd. 2$lx2&'+ PhiUips 66 79 -&tho& moved that the following sign perkts be granted, with notificatioi to owners that permits WXLI not be renemd after April I 1952: General Outdoor Adv. Coo Hy*169 & Eden.Ave.I.2~k2' . Holt Ziotor 59 M.P. Johnson Sales Coq Y.View Rd, & Antrim Rd. ., l. L$-iL2t Prospect His.. 13 &d that the following permit be granted;' with'understanding that it is on year-to-year basSs ow: Cla~y Dag CO, -. .. *- i x Illuminated Sign at .* .tJ&d of Bldg. 101x5' Clancy Drug 136 Hotion seconded by Child and carri-gl. r. -. Danensl motion, grating &5u&nse to Edina Taxi. Cor to operate 12 &cabs in "%Tina for year April 1, 1952-April 1, 1952, rvas_seconded by Hawthorne+ and carried* Hawtllorne's motion, granting Food License to Scott Store, was seconded by.Cbilsl and carried. - . - Child moved that the matter of proposed l'later >€ab Improvement for Richmond Xlls 2nd Adation be postponed Until Village &@.necrl s returne Secondod-.by Hawthorne aad carried. First readiug was had of AN ORDINANCE &ENDING AI? ORDIlMNCl3 GRAUTING TO HIW%APOlX TW VJL&AGE-QF-. EKWA,. .!jNQ .TO. USEtT€E-STR.I$PS, AT3ENuEs, AND ALLEYS TH@.?@F--FOR, ,+ . THaT PU'@O@. AGTil- Sh, -for its final reading. Motion seconded by Haythorne and+ carried+ Hawbhornets mbtio;, pwLponing Public Hearing on the proposed gaving of France Avenue from AprS 23rd &o Nay a, 195l. Notion seconded by Cfiild and carried. Bwbhorne offered tb follming Resolution and moved it3 a$opt,$on: GAS IJXXiT CONPAIE, ITS SUCCESSORS, &D -ASSIGWS, THE-REW -TO I@"AGTU€B, INPORT, . - =SPORT, ium .DISEUBUQ cl?;s FOR I@~CING, ECE.CCNATI.I~G mm wrn .PURPOSES. m I ' Child moved. %bet ,Ord&na;nce ,ba entered-on. Agenda, for. liesting ,of *. .t * I 4 WOLUTION APPROVING PLANS m SFZC~ICATIWS EOR STF?E&I ~E'ROVEZEXQ',NO. C-10,- &ID ,CpNl?IXWG + ADYEBTLSR4EXt FOR BIDS . -. + Bl3 IT RBOL?BD by $he Village.-Coqcil of ,the Village of Edipa: .c 1, .The pjans ,and Specifications for STREEX RPROVEMEPJ! NO+ C-lo., heretofop prepared by ths Village Engineer and now on. file in. the office of .the VXllage Clerk are hereby approved. I Press and. the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the con- gtructian of said improvement: 2, The action of the Clerk, in causing to be published tkce in the Suburban fiD9BX!3E*EXT FORBIDS FOR Sm. D-~~W~~ NO. I GlO - . .. l7Ilx&E 0F.EDSNA .. . _- -. I-" 3/26/51 ' , $23. The Edina V'i.llage Council will meet at the Tillage Hal1,4801 2f.50th Street, Minneapolis, .on Monday, Earth 26, 1951, at 7:30 otcXock P.M., to open. and consider seged bids for the construction o$ Stseet 'Improvement No. C-10 in said Village,&ansisting of Grading and Gravelling 0% Oxford Avenue between the North Boundary Line of Beverly Hills Addition and'Division Street. The wdrk on said improveslent must be done has .described and specified in the plans and specifications for said. hpravernent on file in the office of the Village Clerk. the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the under- signed before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash.deposit, bid bond, or certifAed check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the apount of the bid. ' i bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for BY ORDF OF THE VIUBGE: COUNCIL. .. . .- - _- ..- *-- .__ .-Bower Hawbhorne -. *-- - Yillage Clerk Edina, ;Minnesota ? 3. Each an$ all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted a? the terns and conditions of the award of the contract for said impr ovment L* and on Rollcall aye; Ha~horne, aye; and Erickson, * ChiLdts motion, approving Village Payroll, amount $5,216.68, -and Lipor Store Payroll, amount $604,70, for period March 16 to 31, Inc., as recorded in detail &n Payroll journ@, and authorizing payment of the foUowing Claims, was seconded by Bredwen an6 carried: * CLAD4 NO, IJ.338 . u.339 U.340 fi3a U-342 =343 a344 n345 U346 u347 U348 I3349 U-350 u3 51, u352 u353 L3-354 32356 u3 57 I3.358 u359 U360 U361 57rc7, 57 50 5756 - TO: f 4wxJiTc ELL Val. BJomson, Treas. PlZiA - I 58a85 Georgq Benz Sons, kc..- __~_ 703*&5 - Distillers Distributing Go, 2,554,Oo F~TUOUS~ Brands, InCe ,. 712.96 Griggs,. Cooper & Co* * 5,542*75 Nid-Vegt -Wine Caqany, Inc. 179rn40 Old Pegria Conpmy, Inc* 923.15 * Ed. Ph;sllips & Sons Goe 2, 587~43 Anl?euspr-Bus ch, _Bc+ - 275.30 Clauseq.& Sons, kc. . 308.10 Ni$lGd National Bank 8. .157070 "r b' &nada,Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. * 83.58 Coca-Cola BotWng Co, 62.00 Cold Springs Distributing Co. T 6.4435 CornelZus Beverage Co. % 7025 * 0.1L Qroney Bev, Cor z 442.35 GLuek Brewing. Cor *l53.05 Gold Eqdal Bev, Go. 35.00 Kuethev Dis%ributing Cor * 17.25 M&SSOlt Bottling CO, - 7 e26.24 ?inneaRolis Brewing Go+ 838.75 Morris pistributing Co, " 87.80 Pabst $ales Coc ., 261.54 pUrity_~Co., @c. ' 5L.m * * Rex Disetributing Cor + * 68.25 Seven-UG Bottling .Cow 1 33r20 F.J. Qqim Paper Cor u. 85 Northem States Power Cor 743.63 *c N.T.J. Bell-Tel. Co, -. 12.25 Shell Ojl Corn 29*30 Petrolqpm Service Co. 79.67 hericap +en Co,- 11.65 Beverage JorrnaL 3.00 David Agency + 22.73 LIQUOR FuIm Automatjc Alarm Corp, x + 25.50 &-6,576*98 - Badger &her IEg. Cor 21375.96 N.It* BeZl Tel-. Co+ . 13.850 - " .# Tow & Country Hdwe* Co. 10.75 George 8. Totten, Jro, Cy. Tress* 342.70 David Agency 32+ 57 XA'JXR FUND ,Addressograph-lfdtigraph Corp, _. h.39253e6fi I + 5736 ken I?. Walker 5737 H.W. Phelps 5689 5690 5691 5692 5693. 569& 5695 5696 5697. 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5715 * 5706 5707 5708 5709 57lO 5,718 5740 574l 5742 5743 5744 5749 5751 5687 57= 57-32 5713 57u fl17 5n9 s=s - 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5729 5740 5743. 5742 5743 5750 5785 5734 573 5 5750 . 5738 5746 57m* 5739 5744 5749 * Clancy Drug $haw-Walker Co &ff Rubber Stam? Coo Americm Amq & Nav Store Earl Sewall * Crook-& Hdey, Inc, Helene F, Nozis t Fred J. -Jonas t Robe& L. Obermeyer Lyle Signs, Inc. Republic Creosoting Go, ?.A, Rogers Corn ~ A,R.--Rydeon Agency &on& rom A&. Rydeen A&n& Zdba Press Fred Li, Grey Co. Constru &ion Bulletin Glenn Johnson Const. Co. A. 7 A, Electric CO. ~ Young-Fuel Go. 3EUer-Davis Co, City Treas, City of Efpls. l@nn.. Hosp. Serv. Assn. John B. Cow, Postmaster Northern Stqtes Power Cor N.TL Bell Telr Coo Astleford Equip, Coo American wen Supply Co. Oscar Robqrts Gc+ - Hem, Cy.. *ague. of Torms & 1.bicipalft ies . mburb-e B~ss, Into t krley=DaGdson Npls . Co . knericzn l+France-Foam$te Cow, Rpls. Gas Po.. Edina Pure, Oil. Service Richarg Lo* Steeqe 'fh. K. Zieglcr Coo, Inc. -- Glenn Johnson Cons t . . Co . LI I 'pipls, Gas-$o. ** C Paper Ca~.&nsoi & COO- '4:Ipls. @on,Store Northwestan Tire Co. Sta-Vis Oil cob Broowide gervice gtation Lecf Bros., kcc Beinhard Byes. Cor Phillips P$roleum Coo Q-A Lubricqt Co,, $IC, Northern St tes Power Co. n I Astleford 3$quipp,, Cos &erica L*en Sugply Co, ,David Agency - 4 ~orthern Stktes Power Cor Greggs P-cy . L David Agency N*I?o Ben-% f 1. Goa %TOE* Lahr C.0, & % r * T c . .. Child moved-'f or ad jour;?ment. Motion secQnded gd jouked- at ll:05 P.IL IC .- . :% I I. I