HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510409_REGULAR4/9/51 .. .-- L- Hplu ., . .- . _-- 4 Members answering Rollcall were Child, Bredesen, Danens; with Child presiding until myor Erickson arrived later as recorded, Hawthorne also came late, as recorded below, Pursuant to “&dvertisaent for SiIds-First Aid Panel Truck,” published In *burban Press, Hopkins, on M&r.ch 29-and April- 3, 1951, Affidavit of Publi- cation for which, was read, the following bids were publicly opened and read: h Hull Dobbs $3, 647 e 5k r Bob Knowles Ford Cor .3,74Q,OO The Woodhead ,Go., . Inca 49 035.50 Boyer-Gilfillg . 4, 070 moo Dahlberg Brothers, kc, 3,9WOO H,J, Ximr Cor 3, 9 50 00 Panas moved that. bids. be rezerred to Tillage Engineer for tabulafiion and report at next meeting. lfotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Village Engineer Olsson preseEtedtabulation of bids taken &rch 12, for Rump Truck, reconmending purchase of International Truck with St+PaulBox, at bid of &,227.16 by International Harvester Go. Banens mved..for award of bid to . International Harvester Company, for Model U.82 bternational Truck,,with St. Paul Box, price &,227,16. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. kn&eer Olssonts tabulation of bids for %%= W. lXP3Ol7EHEM NO, 33, on Woodcrest _Drive, showed Sandstrom & Hafnes - as--low. bidder. Bredesen moved to by Danens and carried. Tabulation of bids for SQNITmY SE%B IMP&OmT NO. 31, on Woodcrest Drive, was reviewedc Danens moved.t&t low bid of PheXps Drake Co*, @ amount of &252.OO,be accepted. e Bredesen seconded motion and it carried* Tabulation of bids received for SmT IMPBmmS 6-10 AND C-I?. showed’ Pfeiffer Sxcavating Company as low_bidder,_-.p combwed bid for both projectsr Qanensf mGtion to awrd Pfeiffer Excavating Company contract at $ll70&0 was 0 seconded by Bredesen asld--carried*. l. .c * I.’ award bid, -in amount of 82,792,Oo .to. Sandstrom & Hafner+ Plotion seconded d 9 b t. A x * 0 + Petition signed by owners of 56 pkrcent of propertr, for Blacktoppbg of Brookview Avenue between 62nd and 64th streets, was presented. recommended that blacktopping be postponed until other improvements are in, Child suggestedaoiTihg at this time. Ivlr, Pauly, 6224wB~okview, was present to support petition. would be better than blacktoppbg at the present time,, Bredesen moved to reject blacktopping petition but to substitute oiling. Danens seconded moti9n and it c carried. .-4 Petition for Blacktopping Chowen Aveme fromFJest 58th to West 59th Street, simed by only 34 percent of property owners,- -was moved bs. -Bredesen to be returned to petitioners for more signatures. Notion seconded by Damns and carried, Engineer Olsson ‘ He advised that grading is not good and perhaps oiling . .* Petition for grading and graveling Fairfax Avenue from K5%h to kL59th Street * 9s presented. Ifit21 Village-owned property hcludcd, there were 62 percent of properties reRresegted, Engineer advised that either a turnaround would have to be provided at the Nor$h end of Fairfax, or %L5@h Street must be cut through. with plans for. turnaround, was seconded by Bredesen and carriedr He recommended a turnaround. Danens’ motion to accept petition, P I Letter from Hennepin County Agriculkural Society, sollciting support for 19% Hennepin County Fair, was read, Action was postponed until more members are present. - Letter from 3.R; Bliss, 6300 Xerxes‘ Avenue, regarding the bad condition of Xerxes Avenue,..was read. Bredesen moved that Engineer Olsson be directed to* contact Wnneapolis to setfile the mattes of who is to maintain Xerxes Avenuer Police Dpartment Reporb for*month of March, 1951, was referred to Public safety Committee, by motion Bredesen, seconded.by Danms and carried. i. b Minneapolis Gas Company letter advising change in rates was read and ordered placed on file+ 3’ 824 4/9/51 Letter A+on GLL, Schuster, 3310 ITest 55th Street, enclosing invoice from Sewell Namfacturing Company for.replacipg lap post in front of his hone, which-post was broken off during snow removal by Village, Street Department, was read. Hatter was referred to Bgineer Olsson, for investigation and to be talcen up at nexb meeting, It was reported that easement for IIater &in in Edinbrook Addition should be secured as qui- as possible as contractor plans to commence vrork the latter part of this mnth. for his easement for Water lhin across his property. Kr. Olsson suggested that Village nake him an offer of $200.00 plus one free connection. Bredesen moved that matter be left with Village A%torney to negotiate, Danens seconded 2nd motion carried. a _- E&. .Child reviewed for, Council the meetirg of 4pril 6; 1951, with authorities interested in the paving of France Avenue fromlfest 44th Street to 1,Test 49th Street and from Uest Sst Street to Ires% 54th Street. Further studies VLU have to be made -wd a meeting will be called at are cmpleted, Bredesen moved, Danens seconded, arid motion carried, that the following sign licenses be granted for period April 1, 19% to April 1, 1952: i Nr. Olsson advised that Ilk. Gordon had come .dam to $~50,00 + t later-date.when such studies .I wi LOCATION. .ADvmISm PERKJT NO. Brede, Inca -and Blake Rd. Clar?S;g..Dfugs ~ _. 11. 24 Brede, Inc, Isg, 169 and Blake Rd. Diamond ,T 147 + 1. .I- National Tea Company applicatimsfor CigGette License No. 697 and Food Liceks Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried, The following applications for renewal of Plumbers Liccnsos for period April. 1, 195l. to April 1, 1952, were submitted: . No. 696, for,period April I, 1951 to April 1, 1952, were approved bJr motion rll * I t - Swenson Plbg. & Heating Go., 6225 Xorgan &e. So. Joe Carlson * 5652 Pleasarrt Ave. So. * gorblom Plbg, & vtg, Co. Richfield Plbg, Co. 7620 Qndzle Ave, SO. br 3742 Chiczgo Ave, - Danensf motion, grwting the above licenses, _was seconded by Bredesen and carried. A spectator asked about cost for oiling. Bk. Child advised approximately 10 cents per front foot, b Ers, kndboe, 6128 Brookvie~r, brought Council's attention to fact that water stands in street,,especfd.ly at entrance to their driveway, She said she thought tELs+would have been taken care of by the time that dust coat-was applied, but If anything, it is worse* Ebtter referred,to Village Engineer, Neal Swant, local garagdman, inquired as tb' why the Villa& has so many makes of tqcks, sbting it is necessary for mechanic to have special tools for each different make of machine, He suggested buying a33 trucks alike and keeping some old trucks for spares instead of trading them in, He also recommended periodilc check-Pp on eqdpment instead of Ic.miting until machine is broken down before reapiring it. He recommended that,mechanic be allowed to buy more equipment for garage, Ur. Danens explained that in the future Council plans to buy larger and more uniform sized trucks. I&. Child advised that by law it is necessary for Village to take bids whenever purchasing mything costing over $500.00. Swant was thanked for his suggestions. A group of residents fromthe Wooddale and Ifellogg areas were present, complain- iw that the roads are .impassibl.e. Ek. Olsson an6 Council tried to explain that the condition of the streets is due $0 construction of Sewer and ITa1;er Nains; that work ?.rill be done as soon as weather pelmits, ktotion by Danens approving payment of Village Payroll in amount of $6,166*27 for the period.8pril. I through 15, 19% and Overtime for &rch,l9R, and Liquor Store Payroll in the amount of $1,010.89 for the same period, all as listed,in dete &I payroll jaurnal, was seconded by Bredesen and carnied. &fro Schwarzkopf, 5537 Vooddale, repoked that water is graining into low lot next to,&& home, and then bto his basement, He requested that tho drain across .+ Bfr. * - .- c* 1TooddaI.e near 59th struction of Water iir. schwarzikogg at Street, which must have. beenstopped up at the time of wn- and Sewer Uains, be opened. Nr. Olsson was directed to meet noon,April. 10, 1951, to try to remedy this matter. I Notion by Bredtsen for payment of the following claims was seconded by Divrens I { and carried: I CWYI NO. TO: 5157 RichrLrd E. Olson 57 56 Jean Link i - 5759 Arthur H, Petersen .c -- 5760 Robert Stewart. 5761 Greydon -Wellman 5762 Dean Korthof 15676 Suburban Bernr Cy, Belief Bod . 6.27 I Griggs, Cooper ii CO; @ 815.59 LIQUOR FUND ,... $. 956.23 - w374 L1375 Ed, Philzips &'Sons Coo , me64 -. C. I- At this' point, Nrr Child. called a recess until one or the other of the absent members of the Council arrived. be present before calling the Public Hearing on the Assessment for Sewer B-1. He suggested that spectators ipquire of Village Engineer, during recess, as to amounts of assessment for theip* properties, Mayor Erfckson arrived, and Meeting was reconvened with Erickson presidings &yor %rickson called Public- Hearing on Proposed Assessment for Sanitary Sewer hprovgnent No, B-l. Ciffidavit of Publication, in Suburban Press, flopklns, on %rch 8 and 15, 1951, of t'Notice of-Hearing on Assessment for Smitary Sewer Jjnprovemqnt No, B-l;n was,approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Bngineer Olsson reported as follows on the assessable cost of said Sewer Imljrovement : . He explained it is necessary for four members to b + Cost of 10" T- Sewer - $57,131.84 - To be assessed against 21,559aU + Cost of Lateral Sewers, - Q5,634& - To be assessed against 6,9k8,66 Cost of Outlet Sewer Assessable Feet, for $2.65 per Assessable foot. Assessable Feet, for $2.25 per Assessable foot, , - $22,813&5 - To be assessed against 1902 Lots, for $E,oO per lot# . Nr, Oisson explained that unpl%tted property assessments for the Outlet Sewer have-been computed on the basis of 35 lots per acre. Letters of objection to assessment, by &st SI K* Strong, and by Mi-, 3?mTam C+ Stueber, 6005 Tracy Avenue, were read; Mh Stuebert s objection being %de on basis that his lots %ill not be benefited by the sewer and it wU.l have no influence on the value of the properties and they therefore cannot legaly be assessed!' 3Tr. Stueber spoke from the floor, objecting on grounds that it is not legal to assess properties for an improvement which they do not abut; and which will not be inmediately served by said improvehen%, He cited several laws to support his obj'ection. V'lage Athrney Windhorst replied to - Stueber, giving the law under wl@ch assessmerzt is-peing mads. I&+ Soderberg, 66th and Nomandale, objected on grounds that some properties which can be benefited are not included in sewer district. Eriuch discussion was had, with Council explaining that comprehensive topographical surveys had been obtained before the establishment of the sewer district, Xr. Larson, I4ansen Road at Hy, 169, objected t,o assessment on grounds that there-are orrly. two bqildhg sites in his property and the sewer will not benefi% the balance of property. The following requested that their properties be elhinated from the Assessment District for the reason that said properties are large, they have cesspools, and they will never have use for lateral sewers if and when they are con- structed: Dr,. Paul Carson, Route #I, Hopkins; &, Larson, Hamon Rd. and Hy. 169; .I& Soderberg, 66th Gd Nomandale; Mrc-Lee Miller, 4701 X._-6&h Str; &S Giebink, 5400 Dundee Road. Mr, Stueber reiterated his legal objections; and in view of said objections, Mkyor Erickson informed audience that Hearing VJOUld ba continued for two weeks, to enable AttorneyWndhorst to offer his written opinion on questions raised by Mk. Stueber. ~" Hawthorne entered the Heeting at this point; Notionby Child, for Adjournment of Public Bearing on Assessment for Sanitary Sewer Smproveaent No,_'B-IuntiL plonday, April 23, 1951, at 7r30 P,M,,-was seconded * ~, 9 4 I ' by Bredesqn and carriedt * -> i c> &sa Those Ifadden presented several petitions for acquisition of the Ilallace proprty for library. Childts motion, accepting petitions and referring them to the Cormnittee of the Tfhole for consideration, was seconded by Danens and carried. 1.k. Paul Dennissonts petition*for replat of Lot 8, Rolling Green, was presented. Village Attorney f.Jindhorstts opinion of April 6, vetten in answer to objections raised by Attorneg: BusseU..Smith on &rch 26, was read, being in effect as follows: t 3.latter of replatting of portion of Rolling Green is-matter of policy for Council to decide; there is no legal question invdlved, General. Authority given by Chapter 505 (Hinn. Statutes) to Council to approve plats includes power to approve-replatting of propqty &ea* platted c Replatting of poperty is a direct procedure contemplated by Zoning Ordinance. Two-thirds vote of Council is not necessary for approval of plat. 1-k, Smith's final objection represents matter of policy; that no legal guestion is involved. .* * I&. Russefi Smith, appearing for Rolling Green Association stated that Rolling Greeg was Bold by developer on the basis of only 40 'homesites in this developent'. 3k. Edward Xeathg and Elk. S&ley Endson also objected. &. Donala Burris, appearing for Dennison, presented a. 1936 llplat" of Rolling Green, shou;ing three houses on Lot 8. &&home moved to deny-Dermison ptition to replat Lot 8, Rolling Green, and to direct Attorney and Planning Commission to imrk with interested parties in preparing replat of Rolling Greed, and that it is the intent. of the Council to issue Dennison pew% April 23, notwithstanding ordinance, Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 4 IIayaXl suggested that Council condemn mushroom cave, in SQline, as an lrattractive Eawthorne's motion, for condemnation of mushroom cave as attractive nuisancel ouisance, and directing Village Attorney to start action for removal, was seconded by Child and carried, 3k. F. 5. Karstenst petition for the rezoning of Lots 1,2 and 3, Block 2, Grand View_Heighix to allow the building of cement block plant, TEZS red, 'Child's motion for referral. to Planning Conrmission'was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. I&. V. J. 9iedler, 3705 Fuller Street, applied for per&% to build garage thre* feet from lot line. Child moved granting permit subject to written approval of neighbor, A Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Er. E. C, St04 inquired about sanitary sewer +survey. estimate of cost of project bi amount of 825,000 to $30,000 for a lift station and $75,000 to $80,000 for trunk line to 74th Street. lk., Richard Palen requested waiver of llFirea&ll Ordinance for a Civilian Defense fat'ner-and-son target practice progyam,tThich rciU,be adequately supervised-by the Rifle Bsso&tion, Hawbhorne's motion, ,approving program in principle, was secorded by Child and carried, Petition for -sanitary sewer and water main extensions in Ilestbrook Lane between 11*48tfi and V+,!+%h Street was read, and was accepted and referred to-the Village &gi.?ieer, by motion Hawthorqe, seconded by Child and carried. Child moved*for postponement of the second reading of the second reading of DB@IrjUTB c;As FifR.HE.I+TrNG, ~~~~IiN~pIElrC, .Up. ~HER.P~OSB..IN THE. VJ&JXG'3 OF 1 c Olsson reported a rough -1 ., OIiDmJGE R-EtDfiG m- OfZDIN&JGE GRBrJTIj!?G TO HINNZ$l?OLB GAS L3cGIpT COI@&T, ITS SzTCCESSO@S ,13M3 ASSIGNS, T@ +RIGHT TO~~$L"ACTUR%, IWORT, -!l"jSPORT, SEX& AND . - EDJlVA,. +PNd TO .US-.W-STFiEETS,. AJ@.NU?3S4 JQJD .ALLEYS TI@EOF_POR THAT PURPOSE - WtiJ Honday9 April 23?. . .&fotion- seconcJed. br Hawthorne _qd -carried.. .. fimthorn'e offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RZSOLUTION FOR E3I-IOVAL OF STOP SIGNS -- €33 IT EESOL9ID by the Vill+gq--Counc&l of mina that the Stop Signs on Brookside Avenue _at. Ilie&on .Street I be removed. Havkherrre, aye; and Zrickson, aye; +and the 1 .. + - + I:lbtion for 'adoption 'of Resolution was seconded by Child; ,and on Rollcall there were five aps and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, axe4 $had, aye; Dyens, aye; Village Clerk Hawthorne moved: fdrtadjournment of Eeeting to 3:OO P.X., Satunday, April 3.4. Child seconded, and motion carried. Neeting Village Clerk I I